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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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i'll just be around the challenges here with the the hello, jessica washington. this is the news. our advice from dough. ha! coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces intensify attacks across garza? at least 41 palestinians have been killed and hold and 60000 have been forced to flee again. and israel no sign of an end to anti government protest against 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu as his handling of the silent moss in front smoking
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the 1st anniversary of the ceiling of 17. you wrote not homeless or who was who shooting by police led to nationwide protests and tens of millions of americans live in poverty after this. call on politicians to treat it as a major issue in the presidential campaign. and then for the shock as the euros as defending champions easily on knocked out by switzerland. the will begin in garza where it is rarely a tax on various parts of the strip have killed at least $41.00 palestinians since the early hours of sand today. they have been sustained and strikes in central garza in the south with tanks fired on displaced people. it is so cold designated safe, so is rarely ground incursions in the neighborhood of oh well i see as also left
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a trail of devastation with several kills michael apple reports and a warning. michael's report contains some distressing images. this is all sure cool. a neighborhood of all my wasi in the southwest of the gaza strip. it was one of causes main bread baskets, an agricultural area, once teeming with green houses. they now lie in ruins. off these really forces attacked the area 992 year old father. what did they do to him? where is these head screams a woman slump next to these remains? bodies and body parts lies scattered around visible on the tracks of why these really tanks all bulldoze, is believe to have driven over the buddies we ran for our lives.
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many civilians were killed. these very soldiers are destroying whatever they kind. many people were torn to pieces. we miraculously survived. in another part of all, milwaukee, and area. israel designated a so called safe zone. at least 5000 palestinians of had to flee attacks away the variables. all of a sudden these really tanks invaded the area, coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. i saw dead people torn apart. we saw pieces of flesh all over the place. i carried my children and runaway for our lives . we don't know where to go. just walking with the crowds, many works as an injury. this was supposed to be a safe, so i don't know where it's safe at all. in elder ridge, in the central part of the strip, at least 4 children were killed when residential homes above the bodies of the day . the injured were brought to an already over whelmed deluxe. so hospital a search for water in the
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o sabra area of garza city cost for people including 2 children they lives in during the 8th of this on this and is really drones striking. you're a water distribution points destroying a home and a call. there's been 3 days of intense fighting and gaza cities know the neighborhood of shoes. i yeah. both above and below ground. you and says, up to 60000 palestinians have been forced to flee the bombardment mike level elgin's era to assume has moved on the fighting inches and what is happening there right now is a fluids of military direct confrontations between our mazda fight is on the ground with the east valley and we continue to hear military statements from palestinian on groups saying that they are dropping and i'm pushing these ready to flight attacking them with different exclusive devices. alongside with onto testing site
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was that continue to show up generally is very minute, 3 vehicles on from the is really slightly continue to target residential neighborhoods and attacking how most cooperative sort, trying even to confront the monitoring cogent of that areas. apparently what we do here is that the east valley is chaise and come us remaining battalion the who are trying to rebuild the ministry capabilities. and at the same time, families have been subjected to intense bombing campaign where dozens of palestinians have been killed. so far since the beginning of the men at 3 encouraging for the parts of the strip and meanwhile in israel and anti government really has been taking place in tel aviv and go is growing of a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is handling a symbol in gaza. protesters are asking for a c spy i do, and the return of his van and captives held by him us there also asking for new elections to replace. netanyahu accusing him of prolonging the will for his personal agenda. government protests have been spread across several cities in
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israel. the reminder these really government has found out a 0 from reporting this. so honda, phillip joins we now live from jordan. honda. these protests have been taking place for months now. what to the demonstrate is think they kind of cheap of these demonstrations the right has been going on for months and the demands of the demonstrators is only increasing. at 1st, we saw them as rallies in what's become known as hostage square calling for the release of the remaining captives in gaza. but they've been turning into more anti government protest calling for an attend yahoo to resign calling for new elections . and additionally, calling for an end to the war, protests organizers say that they're going to continue taking to the streets, turning up the pressure on nothing. yeah. whose government? until there's a change families of captive say that the government is neither capable nor willing to accept a deal that would need the release of the captive. they say that israel is not
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willing to give up concessions as part of that deal and it's something they want to see. change books. take a listen now to one of those family members who spoke earlier, intel of you which stands between us and our loved ones. as benjamin netanyahu, his insistence on not studying the war as part of the present or exchange deal. continuing, the war means that the captives will be killed by the government of israel. the blood is on your hands. time and time again. that's when you know who zeroes all deals at the last minute. nothing yahoo must be prevented from looking to deal next time. tons, or we can certainly get a sense of growing frustration. it seems though that the government is not listening to the demonstrations. what does that banking on, as well, benjamin us in yahoo says that until there's an absolute victory in the war until all of the goals of the conflict are achieved, it's going to continue. but
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a new poll conducted by israel's channel 12 found, the 2 thirds of respondents said that nothing yahoo should step aside and leave political life. that's 66 percent of those who were pull. those is really, voters say that there should be a new liter within israel. these demonstrations have really been putting the pressure on the government, but nothing yahoo and his coalition aren't seemingly swayed by the demonstrations today alone. we saw protests in 80 different locations, some even turned in quite violent in west jerusalem, outside of these really prime ministers house and it's something protest organizers say that is going to continue happening. they say they plan to strike for july 7th . that will be nationwide in order to try and send a message to the government that enough is enough. all right, thank you. honda and a reminder that honda is reporting from jordan because out of here has been banned from over aging in israel as below says,
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one of its fighters has been killed in fighting along lebanon's southern for the has the law has also carried out attacks against israeli forces us a big has this report from the border village of i to show in southern lebanon, the items shop lice and up and on 7 board. and it's a town that's just a few 100 meters away from the united nations beauty lines that to set up in 2000 when he's ready for his withdrew. it's also time that just hit over $300.00 times since the start of this conflict in october last year. it's been hit by strikes, missile strikes, as well as artillery, where you're looking this time along the main street, along the side streets. you see buildings that have been destroyed for others. they've taken considerable damage. we told the back to 90 percent of the people here have left those that remain live under constant fear of is really a tax. but some have taken the opportunity to day to the funeral, taking place of to his beloved members from this time to come and check on the properties and others i do much that they will return and they will rebuild. but
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it's not just outlook shop that's been targeted. it's tons, villages and cities across southern lebanon, being hit by is ready for his. yes, his beloved, or striking back. but there's a real fear now that this could escalate into a full tool. and if that happens, it won't just be $711.00 on that same packet. it will be the entire country. and there's a 5th that through the impact the entire region. i started big, i just data. i push up southern they've been have been protest in solidarity with palestinians across several european cities. the valleys took place in england of denmark and the netherlands cooling for a cease fire in garza, protesters are also demanding the government's impose sanctions on israel and called the with the supply of weapons. in germany, hundreds of demonstrators rallied in the capital berlin, waving palestinian flags. the protest resulted in clashes with the police and the
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rest. german authorities have banned many similar protests in the name of fighting anti semitism or in the occupied westbank. palestinians are alarmed by the east brandon governments plans to expand its illegal settlements. fearing bay communities may be under threats, zoning and construction in neighborhoods known as area be used to be controlled by the palestinian authority. but now israel has taken control. no to day has this report tied to is one of many palestinian towns that will be affected by these really governments decision to officially recognize 5 illegal sceptre outposts and expand existing supplements in the occupied westbank. inside the though people are more concerned about another is really decision that ruling strip the palestinian authority of its civilian powers related to construction and zoning. in a 5th of the occupied westbank, these rarely cabinets says this was done to come back. what it terms illegal
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palestinian construction. hey john. the goal is for us to leave and what we will people go rooted into slant alignment. this down existed before christ and it will continue to exist. god willing, more than half the population of the occupied westbank falls within this area, including all homes inside they are ready. 3 illegal is really supplements and several outposts of sees 14000 square kilometers of pipe reducing the town to a 3rd of its size. shrinking space unto king hope the decision was framed as retaliation for the recognition of palestine by 5 european countries. but experts say this is a cover for a more strategic plan, a little bit below, like if you just look at the number of outposts slated for authorization by the government. the number just in the past 6 months is the equivalent of many years.
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the plan is to take over experts, believe towns like i may be northeast of bethlehem is likely to be effected 1st by israel's decision palestinian homes. here are some of the more than 3000 already slated for demolition. the decisions of these rarely governments will outlive this white wing coalition. and given the lack of international uproar, it will be up to the residence of type, in other towns across the occupied west bank to defend their very existence in their land. with all the data by the palestine, the median vote is on no headed to a run of presidential election on friday known as the candidates secured enough votes to win the presidency outright. and there was a rank or low turnout. snuff election was called to replace president abraham res.
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see who was killed in a helicopter crash last month. didn't hold that report from tara. a rams division stood in the way of a candidate winning enough votes to assume the presidency. a 2nd round of voting is scheduled in less than a week. a contest that will be between a conservative and the reform is neither got the more than 50 percent. the votes needed to win of the vote also. so a historic low turn out in a possible sign that many iranians may not believe change can come from the balance box. what i did them vote neither did any of my family members. and i believe the voter turnout was even less the 40 percent. it will be only the 2nd run off in the rounds recent history. the 2 candidates who will now be buying for the presidency can be any different performers. plus who possess scan, who enjoyed a slight lead, wants to improve relations with the west to allow for the lifting of sanctions. his
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reform is credentials, appeal to some of those, this illusions with the system. but it wasn't, you know, i love your while you, none of the candidates that came to manage the country. they also didn't present the people side to the, the, the other presidential hopeful doesn't represent a break from the past. he wants to follow the look towards the east policy of the late president ibrahim or i see, and has been criticized for clumping down on civil liberties. georgie, i believe that you needed can run the country, but because he has more experience in government, i don't know anything about this issue. and the conservatives were able to rely on their core base 20 percent of the electorate. but they were at a disadvantage without a consensus candidate. the results of friday's the vote. so the internal divisions within the conservative champs that holds power. they also show the reform is struggle to remain relevant. at least the factions that does not challenge,
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but tries to change from within the system. there is a voter apathy here, and the electorate is large. he divided. there have also been years of economic hardships, largely caused by the sanctions. now with a run of quote set to take place on july, the 5th turn up for once again, play a big role center for their houses, the best on a bus. us money is a senior research fellow at the center for middle east strategic studies. he said the low turn out of the presidential elections any wrong was a surprise. the 1st surprise was that the presidential election turned out to get a historic low on the, you know, this was the squad significant. and the 2nd point, nice thing about this thrown out is that normally at a low turnout, the conservatives specifically, those are standing at this extreme side of the faction. they're able to secure
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their victory to be in the office. but surprisingly, i think this was the 2nd surprise that in this, you know, low turned out we saw that the reformers can that, that, you know, leading in the race. and this was quite meaningful for the conservatives. also, i think it'd be for them to stay. they tried their best in order to galvanize their but at the base and in order to encourage their supporters to come to vote. but it seems that they've good enough them was successful on the, you know, many there is pick you late that this could be a, you know, to around election. meaning that this could lead to a run as it has the case had been the case. but the question was that which candidates could proceed to the run up, which is now quite clear that you before missed on a conservative one of the competing on july 5th of so, you know, there are some calculations on the paper which might be in the interest of the
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conservative candidates, but what will happen in the end, i think, will depend on what will happen in the coming days. the confronts demonstrate has had been mocking the 1st anniversary of the killing of a teenager, of african descent by police. the 17 year old was shot dead by police at a traffic stop in western paris. the incident spunk nationwide protests and it's smith reports of the emotions, and still role and non, to 12 on some from 117 year old nile mazda, who was shot dead by police officer as a traffic stop denials. mother mooney, and as it is of course, a personal competing i don't have the aisle anymore. he told the crowd, i just want justice to my son, and that the shooting of nile was all caught on video. the traffic police officer pointing a gun at him on fire and apparently on provoke,
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is working class community where the 17 year old lived is still struggling with the consequences of the killing. we have no mistrust to both sides. police and the population. when someone is stopping it from the from police, we thought about what's happening last time was 9 miles killing sparks nationwide rights presidency manual. my chrome said the teenagers, death was inexplicable and inexcusable. the police officer who killed dial has been charged with murder niles. that's about an hour i took the french police use excessive force and get away with you and commission of human rights to the shooting was a moment for the country to seriously address the issues of racism and racial discrimination in lawrence for the victims of police violence say nothing ever changes us the trial res brother adama,
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died in police custody. his sister says excessive force killed him. a series of autopsies concluded adama died of heat stroke, which probably wouldn't have been fatal if it not been arrested. will accomplish that, please? what we are afraid every day because our brothers can get killed. what my browser like, not, and those to is a present. when we go out into the street. when their identity checks we fee, when we see the pennies run in and ask ourselves why we are afraid, the countries in the state of time, well, because the far right is going to wind power. while in practice it already is in charge. on saturday, the police kept a low profile on the solid side march, past a piece of bonus smith, i'll just era known to western parents. the funds could enter a new political era as it votes impala, mentor elections. on sunday, the vote was triggered by a crushing defeat for president emanuel microns party. at the hands of the far right in the elections to the european parliament. both suggest marine the pens
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fall right. national riley is leading with 36 percent of the vote, followed by the left wing block new popular front at 28.5 percent and lagging behind in 3rd place, crones centrist alliance with just 21 percent, joins now by yeah, so i see who is a political analyst, he's also the head of the committee for justice and liberties and organization focusing on human rights and he joins me now live from paris here. so thank you so much for joining me on the island is here and use our we began no coverage with this anniversary of the 17 year old boy who was shot by police a year wrong. what has changed in front right here, one 1st of the police men who shot a point blank a not a lot became and 1000000 the are the optimize of the uprising? is that the far right? it will be nice to each the networks. the government in place protected the police
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man and the police man became a celebrity. then i called the right to immediately or in the meantime, you have not seen that much change when it comes to police brutality and ration for funding summer. so the government, it's center must pass to multiple piece of legislation using the police from scrutiny, let alone transparency a year on from the beginning of the head. we see the very idea is that the menu in my car has been putting on his agenda supposedly to protect the french average, when he said the stage before the arrival of the far right. and for the divisions between the french and between various and generations. the young girl who bowed supposedly for the letter to india or the friend said, trying to way to cling to me to go to the front, which was supposedly the wife and kept me. yeah. so that brings us to the elections . voting of voting, of course, will, will commence shortly. poll suggesting that the national rally is leading with 36 percent of the vote. what 6 at stake and these elections is one of the stake is
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what it was left, the office democracy in fries. and this has been a movement up to the thought of well, 40 years ago. what does the front literally be coming, you know, and deliberate democracy? if nothing outright. okay, i will keep the word from my set, but you see where i'm going. the conditions and none of the one people are to minimize the extent of the word to the despotic regime. the farmer does not believe in the republic where people idea to a social construct this the far right believes it in the way it's also below that you are french by inherits is not by believing a set of values you had to with the far right. this day, no far there would offer no the protection of minorities or the protection of the 4 and let alone the protection of democracy. we have to keep our audience in mind that the people follow the far right to the, the national righty on it is,
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is for the set of the person up front hasn't been by somebody to pin was founded by for the ration is we're part of the dish it was you and either for my wife in assess, this is how bad things are. but this far too wouldn't have come to the for a photo french politics without the head of ford mystery parties or the 1980s. for example, pos, let me do all the social is president, insisted that there's somebody to pin big even a platform in the public, in the public media. and we see that it might, even by coin says across make sure that he's only opposition would be mind the page in order to dismiss in the left leaning opposition. so yeah, so then are you saying that president emanuel, my crown himself has responsibility for fall right? politics becoming more palatable for french coaches. no one else was when he's own many sort of interiors. yeah. my know debates with money, levin and i choose, i cause r o b quote unquote. soft, not on is that music,
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but on islam these words come from the media, sort of the 0, your step. it shows it by the menu in my quote, what you money, what about hold fast. the answer separately is remote. a couple of years ago, district listings of their, you know, saving arise and their capacity to organize as citizens or what the money reading my cold even, you know, we bussey's own from me. the story is a big bone, or we my, the french be a for. busy the firewood for the art it'd be here is of the city bid the famously she'll kick or is a hand. and where we see that in many ways by call has been busing there just initially that was directly inspire the via my in the pin. so be sure to, she even declared that, quote unquote, it was a her ideological victory that they might even were called boss of the inside integration the bill of next year. so it might even my call is we know the from the responsible for what's taking place today, but the even further disqualified incentive from being a statesman. let the president, when he declared the, often back of
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a smithy created by calling this the protections. what and quote again, i have just a pro now and i'm thing that when they are their feet, let's see how they're dealing with it. that's sold by the situation. he's with a in front. thank you so much. he has a lot t who is a political analyst based in paris. i'm sure we'll be speaking to you as voting commences shortly. thank you. democratic republic of congo, m. 23 fighters have captured a town near the border with you kanza and rolanda. they took over a kind of volume go on friday evening fighting had intensified the between the army and the group in the past 2 weeks, for one that has repeatedly denied accusations that it supports the group. so let's take a closer look at the m $23.00 group which emerged more than a decade ago. it's mainly based in the eastern congolese province of north q, which is rich in natural resources. am 23. lead is on mainly from the towards the
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ethnic group. they say one of them aims is to fight groups founded by who shoes the flight of rwanda off to the 1994 genocide. the m 23 merged with the congress army under 2009 p. still. but in 2012 they said the agreement had not been upheld and broke away. oh, and why connie reports from going to the in the east of the country. don't look going to buy old a cup jug by them. 22 tables on top of these voters throughout the jeep. not only for rebels, but also for the d as the government, as the area was not close on by the ongoing perfect, which erupt of the season last 2 years between the government forces and the rep wasn't updated to go from the training and the most easy since then, the government forces alongside with them for at least one and the regional forces for them. so they commanded a couple of by sonya is from south africa. we have tons on a trying to push above the levels from almost 80 percent of the area under delta tours is new festival them 22 rubles otherwise cool. some emphasis on in different
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areas in the population filtering the buzzing of durable spend a minute sticking. the largest business down of temple, the government of the deal to century fios to negotiate with them. 22 tables accusing them to be boxed by the government of wanda on a teaser shall always rejected by to godaddy that all the means when those people have been away from their homes by the ongoing fighting seasons. i see i'm making this, you want to children and suggest on the verge of judging for women and children, which would need for now to wait before they go back home. and like on any of the 0 goma, the democratic republic of school, a fit to do okay, is a professor of international politics, peace and security of coffee on an international peacekeeping center. he says, the main objective of m 23 examples is to gain full control of a certain parts of the country. we take into consideration the history of am
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trinity 3 and they are alleged stakeholders been yeah. got mentioned to dowdy wonder or downtown. now we see that the m trinity threes activities, which are gast, sorry to find the presence. and i told you in the eastern part of the r, c is something that they want to achieve. you know now outright. now what are we looking at here? we have a broader agenda for the m trinity 3, not only capturing that region file. so if possible ever was to come in by like strong consultation for dig cost less, they'll forget that fast minerals located in the region. what do you take into consideration the group itself and haven't you realized over the years that activities that comes and that comes at the time when there's a coordination. they open up for either of those to come in here. we are notified
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about, i'm going to send us a if wise's isolated the other. i'm just that i've not been even mentioned in over a 100. no say i'm located in the area. so we have to come in and join forces with them. they open up some sort of agreement and then they stick to job gender. not forgetting. yeah, part of the call back is and this house because of quite a security wise. well, the area for the people are large and the region itself. that counseling is underway and more senior people have been voting to elect a new president. then comes into a home at old goes on a is a favorite to win this a 2nd time. but a runoff election is still possible. he's up against 2 main rivals. both are denouncing a one sided election, accusing the electoral commission of corruption because on and came to power in 20 . 19. the still ahead on al jazeera, the cholera outbreak hills,
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dozens of people across nigeria. why has it been so hard to control? foss, migration, lower immigration, this shows the, the immigration, we explore why immigration has become a dominant issue in the u. k. head of 1st is election. the hello good to be with you. read off about, got alert. you to this. i'm pretty steady rounds of rain extend here. thunder storms for a southern sweet, sweet. and eventually this will catch up into southern finland, already heavy rainfall alerts in play for that. all of this activity will drop down into germany. so some pretty good pulses of rain, also striking switzerland as well. but at least in the south, while the heat is really honest, especially for the balkans,
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but it's very over 36 degrees that could be good enough to match or hot is june day on record. last day of the month. no less. of course. monday is july 1st and then eventually the rain in storms catch up to you on tuesday. right instructions, peter and notes across portugal in spain. so temperatures will be coming up here and for the other side of the mediterranean. it's also hot in southern turkey at let's go $37.00 degrees and on talia wall to wall sunshine on top here for west africa. this brains really starting to pep up here. a breeze off the atlantic means it's a little cooler. any rock shot? 32 degrees into south africa, also talking about a wind here through the northern cape province. that means up in 10 is up to 26 degrees. but enjoy, well, you can because by monday, all of the cape providence is will be dealing with some sharks. that's as i've tried to figure whether c a, the full hales the planet, interrogates while i was, think about climate change,
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the way we do this a global issue is abstract, so whatever i do, it doesn't seem to make a dent. alley re reveals how with being and it collated into distancing also from the climate crisis and delaying meaningful action outside the logical reactions has been voice intentionally and unintentionally, quite a few ideas to create confusions. if we're confused with the power of psychology in booking climate action on l. g 0 as the world wait to see if the international criminal court will issue a rest. torrence for the lead, as it is right and how much people in power puts the r c c's track record on trial . this court was created to hold those responsible accountable, prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c fit for purpose? people in power on al jazeera the
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again, this is our reminder of our talk stories they sell. at least $41.00 palestinians have been killed in his rally, strikes across the kansas trip in the last 24 hours. these really military found a residential building and our range refugee can killing full people, including 2 children, antique governments around these have been taking place across several cities in israel. anger is growing over prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his handling of the role in garza to protest as on demanding the government secure a ceasefire to deal with how much to release the captives. iran is headed to
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a ronald's vote in less than a week. often no candidates secured enough boats to win the presidency radians, choosing a successor to president. abraham receipts the died in a helicopter crash in may the election. so a record low turnouts. so so there is following developments from tetra the 2nd round of the presidential election ended on is going to be held the next friday and it is going to be a competition between the hard line. conservative side generally. um the report miscounted admits with a discount. these 2 names have different approaches when it comes to the economy and you're on sport and relations. so generally says that she is going to favor the ties with the non west countries and also increase the 3 ties with these non western companies to put an end to utilize the nation from the world. he's also promising that if he's elected, he's going to use the company's resources much more efficiently on that report. miscounted that mr. business can save you on the main problem is the international sections. and the only way to remove distractions is to negotiate
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a nuclear deal with the western countries and also to open up your on to the world . he's also saying that one of the problems that the company is facing is the lack of transparency. um if he is elected to he's going to bring the little slow in the management of the economy in iran. so another more bit of conservative mama bucket kind of buffalo running the 1st run. now saying that he is going to endorsed identity and he's quoting on his supporters towards forced identity in the 2nd wrong. we do not know whether that's going to happen or not part of it. if that happens, that going to be quite significantly impact the outcome of the 2nd problem. another determine, in fact, there is going to be whether the report was counted as mr. business. john won't be able to further mobilize the reform is what there's or not. there's some sort of dash 0 there, wrong. a color outbreak has killed thousands of people across nigeria as a number of cases rise. health officials say the country is running low on vaccines
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address reports. these hills workers and league goes on the mission. they want to drive home a message on the importance of hire. i do this largest city is dealing with the color outbreak. the government says campaigns like these are reducing the number of hospital the patients. the offers hopefully goes somewhere in the range of 600 because it's difficult to give you an absolute number because every day we have people coming in to say they develop this condition 2 days ago. but they just presenting now. so our numbers keep changing, but it's in the meantime, know about right now as of today, about 650 after several debts of you should say, the outbreak of stipulation we see that this college is kind of reducing on it lots and lots come in most of the hybrid said, i'm not as bad as the early up to you since last week on the lake of state reported
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the 1st cases of color at the end of april with 50 percent fatality rate. since then, 29 other states have reported infections and debts from the disease caused by eating or drinking contaminated food. a lot for me, kathleen has had the fever and was worried because color. but after running some test, she was told that had dr. gene practices and i wanted to know why the health workers explained to us that if we keep our surroundings clean, keep our environment clean, cover our food and wash our hands regularly. we will be safe from color. obviously color of boxes are running low and orders have been placed for more. it's not set in how soon they will arrive and that's flushed. let's continue to contaminate food and water sources that concerns the rex's may arrive too late for some nigerians. how many degrees angelita opinion polls suggest that migration has become one of
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the biggest issues for voters in the u. k. ahead of those days election? it's 2nd only to concerns about the cost of living. but public attitudes vary depending on age where people live and political leanings i'll just do is pull brennan, reports from the southern port town of dover migration, lower immigration, which i think my question migration, migration, this should be the immigration election. the migration matches to british voters in the last 6 years. 120000 people have made the dangerous crossing on small boats from france to present mention migration in this election. and these are the images, the many u. k. voters will visualize. it's kind of a rush as tests these images that we see very much of images of migrants arriving, being arrested by the code. of course, besides the liberal people, the 5 rights and board is what they see there is desperate refugees seeking a place of safety. risking their lives? what size of conservative say is people exploiting a weakness?
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the board and not being secure rose being broken in both cases. these are sincerely how deeply held social values and they mean the reaction to those images is just pilot because it's, it's literally pilot arising in terms of you see the same image, same very different hands. drove up with its famous white clips as long gonna powerful symbol of the you case defenses against on welcome arrivals. it's here in the ports. the. the migraines plucked from the small boats in the channel are brought under those images. which of laws be driven? the debates about migration in the u. k. but the emphasis that folk just puts on migration as an election issue very significantly depending on the policy allegiance. just 3 percent of labor policy versus c migration is the single biggest issue that rises to 27 percent among those who intensive vote for the conservative policy. i'm not rises again to 68 percent for people who intend to vote from nigel
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. $5.00 just reform u. k. policy. the public desired to cub migration is a defining factor in the 2016 bricks. it referendum. yet kevin polling indicates that overall votes as a jew to actually soften possibly because the post wrecks it. labor shortages in key areas. when the u. k. public aust, which like levels of migration to full that is a fair proportion which say yes that they would like migration that goes to full. but then when they are asked about the groups which make up this april vega, so different groups of michael work has such as coworkers, of doctors and nurses or ukrainians or should have all these different groups. most of them people have exponent, say that they would like more of these, these individual groups. so i'm one level they would like overall migration levels to full. but they would like the groups which make up that number to increase if he
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does, that's a contradiction that all the parties are promising to resolve just in different ways. the white clips to the place where the u. k is closest to continental europe . those who land here. so how far apart the 2 still off poll brendan, i'll just say era. dover, several protesters have been arrested in germany during demonstrations outside the fluoride if the policy is convention, police and protest as food in the city of emerson. as the 2 day congress began on saturday, members of the a v are expected to hold a leadership vote off of the recent e u election results. extra police officers have been deployed for the gathering without to $18000.00 protesters expected. a man with a crossbow has wounded a police officer in front of these really embassy in belgrade. he was his in the neck by the arrow. sylvia's interior minister says the officer shows and killed the
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attacker in self defense. the embassy was closed at the time and an investigation is underway. the cities in the u. s. canal enforce ben's on homeless people sleeping outside in public places. the supreme court ruling also gave them the ability to clear out incompetence. activists in washington, dc have held a rally to highlight the policy faced by tens of millions of people, as they say, it's something that isn't being treated as a major issue in this presidential campaign. we're reynolds reports in paducah, kentucky, the local church, one food bank has become busier than ever these days as high food prices for more and more people to seek health. steven rogers, who lives with is disabled parents has been coming here for 10 years. they help us want them lots get something to eat when we're starving. according to census data in 2020, to nearly 38000000 people in the us lived below the official poverty level.
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11000000 of them are children. tens of millions more are low income in one crisis away from destitution and a church in washington dc. volunteers are preparing for the annual assembly of the poor people's campaign and coal for moral revival, a movement, religion, the civil rights era of the 19 sixty's. i'm here because i believe that we can radically poverty. it doesn't have to be this way. and i, i believe that with my entire heart, reverend lives still, heresy is co chair, person across the board. people of all ages, all races, all genders, all religions are experiencing poverty in this rich nation. it doesn't have to be this way that we, we could actually win this war on poverty and, and, and, you know, fight poverty and not the poor. cuz currently that's what's happening in our
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society, but poverty hasn't been a major issue in the us presidential campaign. both candidates focus more on the pressure in place conflicts and middle class families. the poor people's campaign ends to mobilize millions of voters to demand a new laws in new spending, priorities, living wages, adequate health care, affordable housing, and high quality education are all at the center of the campaigns agenda. they believe that we can only win the world that we want by uniting the poor and dispossessed. i believe that if we all get together, we can make real demands and really change the system. in paduka, steven rogers says the free groceries are a godsend. they're all just bless. of the grace of god, we have a place to get food. but the food banks directors say money needed to feed the poor
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is running out. leading people like rogers and many more to face hunger. rob reynolds, l g 0. as mentioned in rome, support dozens of groups and unions have organized to much in washington dc to push for visual wages and anti poverty meshes. alan, fish and fish has moved from the much as well. you can see that there are hundreds of people here. it's very warm day in washington dc, so many people are on the fringes, taking shelter from buildings and also the trees that you can see. the attention is to highlight that the people here do have a vote and could be a significant voice in the presidential election. but one of the things that one of the speakers pointed out is that the 2 men on the stage in atlanta, on size, they spend more time talking about their golf game than they did about high poverty . it's impacting the united states, 30000000 people in poverty, 11000000 people, 11000000 children impacted as well. joining me now is silly bonds who is the policy
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director with the poor people's campaign and the coyote center. show you why you used to be, why have you decided that this is the date to have your voice is full poverty in the richest nation in the world. is the 4th leading cause of death in this country . and this is what is brought out thousands of people today, millions around the country because there are, for a 40 percent of this nation, 140000000 people are either 4 or one emergency away from economic drew in the bad. it's a natural and it's wrong in fact as well as and our economy. and i'm actually standing here with chair upper middle. 7 who lost her father because of poverty, the failure to provide health care and the extreme as politics that have divided this nation and prevented us from making any systemic and meaningful gains on describe the politicians. the fact that very just
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telling you been here for, for a long time, for many years, such as and doesn't seem to be changing. well, this is a situation that's been decades in the mail. and it will take more than one electoral cycle more than one campaign to address. so what we do need are the for millions, tens of millions of people in those countries. those are to recognize that what are facing every day is not okay that we deserve that we deserve to have full and arriving lives. we're, all of our needs are met. and if that is possible, and once we are able to live into that consciousness, we will build the power to change this nation. among the 140000000 for low income people in this country are and 82000000 eligible voters to be allowed to mask the electoral political power among the poor to organize them, we should not just going to change this nation head on out to 0 suffering technical problems and no return data. vanessa in says
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a boeing style line of crew are not stranded in space. and in for one of these categories really is the same house, india, when the teach quincy, cricket, well the the, the time the what do they care, what the best way to come come later is good. i do know how you do. i'm lucky for the on the minutes of uh to the 1000 animals and the measure and how the well the, the cheap throughout issue for the low cost government quite
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a bit. i'm gonna lose it and ask them for that. in addition to a solution that then will research, i'm never shut time, no problem. right? somebody is going to put what they tell me that whole shepherd sent out and nobody was at this in the cut that i've never seen done. so the how to see the progress on know quite a lot of the the to support now india have won the t 20 cricket world cup of beating south africa in the final. and it was largely, thanks to one of the best patches you ever see by through assuming out of, in how it's restrict south africa, who's the 2nd one showed this been misplaced,
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the victory and india's 11 year wage major trophy. now to a shock at the euro's football tournament were defending champions. italy has been knocked out, they were beaten to 0 by switzerland and the opening match of the last 16 memo fella. and reuben vargas, were the goals scores invalid actually go home. well, switzerland go on to play either england, both of us here in the course of fine spring and dominic can, who is in berlin. dominic, it's really knocked out how many people so that coming of the well on the face of it, they were the holders of the championship from 3 years ago between england on penalties at wembley stadium in 2021 fox. the switch team played with an efficiency and with the team ethic and was like,
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is the head of the italian team in terms of possession and what they did with it. the other thing to say is that traditional strong defense of the tally and teens. how funny it wasn't really on show in today's game, and the point of basses was that you have players playing for the switch team. who many of whom play and sadie a i've seen the highest level of the attorney and domestic football leaks, could also play in the premier league. but also here in germany. and what it meant was that when the switch team go that chances 2 goals that they sold to the side of half the time, they were really what punch goals were a microcosm of the problem. but it's really as having the zeros factors that when they have being pushed against the teams, that's all the best. so they have a piece to wilts. and that is what many schools doing this here at least have said about that to the game that the italians like stalls, they lack penetration, relaxed, inability to get through and through school goals. the source didn't lock it,
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they schools they went through and dominic relief for the host gemini, who withdrew officer a pod for when the denmark yeah, here at the front. and so this is the front of the gate that i'm sending. next. it kind of pete the friends, he's not many left now, but this place was quite interesting with tens of thousands of german fans. all of whom would you believe about the goals that were stored as you can hear these funds particularly jubilance about the fact they've gone through. they are going to be in the course of finals. who will they be playing against spain or georgia light in waves? and what you can hear the same judge doesn't have to have one. that means germany has one, but we know that already don't we? but it was the matter of the way that they played goals penalty from ty hobbits. that's the hospital for which he was leading the line. and he took the penalty that gave the germans 1st goal. and then it was
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a go from most i out of the game germany that 2nd go the games in the reassurance because i was a degree of notes. you don't hear enough some of these. finally, i thought they would of us tens of thousands of them. would this? when the things appear to school this place, you could hear a pin, drop the farms, find me who are jubilant. now we're nervous then and that shows that actually germany very confidence spots. they may face a tougher team in the next friday. i'll make you certainly have some stairs at times behind you. thank you. done. still mccain reporting from the island south asia has seen severe weather in recent days. that's killed dozens of people from floods. and i've got us down to land slides in the pool. the region has seen widespread destruction orders here has been, and miller mel fernandez. has this report from colombo name it. alessandra is struggling to cool. 5 days ago,
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flood swept through the of the village kid and the bomb in provence, was asking histone getting 8 members of his family. he says it was the 1st such city of flooding. they had seen outage by the law. there was complete chaos, but children were crying and women screaming with fear. the water was about 10 meters high. i tried to pull out some of those stuck but couldn't, and the floods took them. most houses and shops in the remote village were destroyed while the raging waters slip to wait cause and mechanical equipment. this school was damaged and its container with old school supplies was washed away. susan, i'm one of the 1st thing we need is shelter. we need clean drinking water, the vin financial support, because we have lost whatever we have worked for, and then all of our lives in the heavy rains, pretty good lens lights killing at least 9 people on saturday. then sides, floods and lightning have killed more than 35 people across the he mullen kingdom.
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in the last 2 weeks, across the border, the indian capital in new delhi, had more than 250 times. it's usually rainfall on friday, closing disruptions. the odds, so book in valley between 230 and 5 30 am today. the maximum rain full recorded has been 228 millimeters from our soft, our jungle observatory and other observatories of then you have also reported extremely heavy rain falls of trust that came to a standstill of the city of 20000000 people. as the skies opened up, the down to cause the natural building roof to collapse, disrupted flights close the metro station envelope roads. a lot of meanwhile is expecting maureen's after a short break to months and shows the cause of people around the country. authorities have met to discuss the flooding and colombo and find solutions. extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common and this part of the wood isn't or different. but some scientists say insufficient monitoring of disaster
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management practices is making things worse. jump to put a rise in environments scientists. she to without 0 international treaties must be better managed. a claim on cell fine, but it needs to be converted to action plans. it needs to be brought in distracted cheese. tobacco use has to be money, did both locally good regionally and globally. those details may be too much for elisa, dine, he's surviving somebody who's immediate priority is to find food, shelter and clothing. minute fernandez, i just need a colombo to nasa. astronaut, what's will be extending the mission in space up to boeing's new space comes to develop some problems. the stone line is returned has been delayed because of issues with helium leaks maneuvering thrust. as the propellant valve, the spacecraft took off any of this month and its mission was expected last for 8
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days. well, i'll be back with more news in a moment. thanks for watching the this is the 1st genocide as we see real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered, the the
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the mission of a thing. so she needs to be pushy. this is the sort of female surgery in the week and of course the spirit in the face of it, this is yvonne was to get a can see. and i'm
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a guy. so me the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the news, our life from joe her coming out for the next 60 minutes. the screams of despair in guns. where is there any forces attacked refugee cans and tends for displace palestinians has no when left to go. at least 40 people have


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