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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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that has been done before trying to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the screams of despair and goes the ways ready for us is attacked. refugee camps and tense, the displace palestinians have nowhere left to go. at least 40 people have been killed. the carry johnston, this is alex, is here on the from day i will start coming up from land and, and it's very forces pounds that shoot to the neighborhood. east of garza forcing
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at least $60000.00 palestinians to fling around their heads to a presidential run of often reformist, that's my susan possess can an ultra conservative. so each of the fail to secure announcement majority, both of turnouts was the lowest since the reigning resolution. in 1979 plus i'm finished, i wouldn't believe us competent like boss where we spoke to president. we sat a 5th about the 10 5th cool. that happened a year this week and about the challenges. one of your faces today, the well then 40 palestinians were killed and hundreds injured, was just very forces launched. a series of attacks across the gaza strip in the north is ready as strikes, pounded the reach refugee camp as well as gauze. a city in central garza, another refugee camp, has come under attack. in the south is ready. tanks fired on tens for displace
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palestinians in a circle designated safe. so the using a trailer of destruction. michael apple begins coverage and a warning is report contains distressing images. the, this is also a neighborhood of all my y c in the southwest of the gaza strip. it was one of causes, main grade boss gets an agricultural area once teaming with green houses. they now lie in ruins. off these really forces attacked the area 992 year old father. what did they do to him? where is these head screens a woman slump next to these remains? bodies and body parts lies scattered around visible on the tracks of why these really tanks all bulldoze, is believe to have driven over the buddies we run for our lives.
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many civilians were killed. these very soldiers are destroying whatever they kind. many people were torn to pieces. we miraculously survived. in another part of all, milwaukee, an area israel designated a so called safe zone. at least 5000 palestinians have had to flee attacks away. the variables are, all of a sudden these really tanks invaded the area, coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. i saw dead people torn apart. we saw pieces of flesh all over the place. i carried my children and run away for our lives. we don't know where to go. just walking with the crowds, many were killed and injured. this was supposed to be a safe, so i don't know where it's safe at all. the elder range in the central part of the strip, at least 4 children were killed when residential homes above the bodies of the day . the injured were brought to an already oval. well they'll oxo hospital. a search
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for water in the l. sabra area of garza city cost for people including $2.00 children, their lives injuring 8 of his on this. and these riley drones striking. you're a water distribution point destroying a home and a call. there's been 3 days of intense fighting and gaza cities know the neighborhood of shoes. i yeah. both above and below ground you and say is up to 60000 palestinians have been forced to free the bombardment. mike level elgin's era and for 3 straight days is rarely tanks and troops have been pounding the issue to the neighborhood east of gauze. they've been faced clashes of protest in in sciences. this very minute tree says 2 of its soldiers were killed in the fighting. 2 of the soldiers were badly injured, at least 668 is very soldiers have been killed in guns. that since october,
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the 7th started as a reports on the fighting in chicago here. what is happening there right now is a sort of minute truth, direct confrontation with how much fight is on the ground with the is really only we continue to hear military statements from palestinian on group saying that they are dropping. and i'm pushing these very true sites, attacking them with different explosive devices alongside with, onto tech. messiah will continue to show up, generally is very minute, 3 vehicles on from the east, very slightly continue to target residential neighborhoods and attacking how most cooperative for trying even to confront the monitoring cogent of that areas. apparently what we do here is that the east valley is the chaise and commerce remaining battalion, the who are trying to rebuild the minute treat capabilities. and at the same time, families have been subjected to intense funding comes they were dozens of palestinians have been to so far since the beginning of the met it treat
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encouraging for the parts of the strip. so you have mass official, osama home done says they've yet to see a new proposal put forward by the white house for cease fine this you know what i was calling in the whole ledge? we can see that there is no real progress in the scenes fire negotiation so far. so lim, the latest proposal was delivered on june 24th of this year. and this proposal still does must achieve a complete station of aggression, or you will have to pull a full withdrawal of the occupation from gauze. therefore, we have stated clearly, this remains our position without achieving that goal. papers presented on nearly a waste of time, put them on to flight time for these really occupation to continue with genocide against our people and attempted by the american administration to save itself. how would i am then? meanwhile, in israel, an anti government riley has been taking place in tennessee and continues to grow
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as a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is handling of the war on gaza demonstrates is on demanding a cease by do under a tenant is very tempted to health and cancer. anti government protests have spread across several cities as well. in west jerusalem is very forces correct down on for testers. during empty government demonstration, police offices can be seen on t v. think protest is turned into the ground. demonstrates is across the israel are asking for new elections to say, spectrum, yahoo accusing him of presenting the war for political reasons. and one of the fort released is very capt service has published a video address cooling for the rest of those held in gaza to be let free and instead of the mazda service with us q, i want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that there was still 120 hostages, in how most captivity among them is of in
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a town or my partner from whom i was separated at the moment of abduction. although i'm home now we can't forget about the hostages, who are still in home, off cup too busy. and we must do everything possible to bring them by calling me and what can seem to be stuck. and the wife of an is rarely captive in gaza. you're a match guy says that prime minister netanyahu should stop blocking the exchange d o. he will be responsible for the captive. that's the size of which stands between us and our loved ones as benjamin netanyahu. his insistence on not stopping the war as part of the prisoner exchange deal. continuing, the war means that the captives will be killed by the government of israel. the blood is on your hands, time and time again. that's when you know who the rails all deal at the last minute . nothing yahoo must be prevented from blocking the deal next time. is ready. government has banned, alters here from reporting from israel. so home that so hoot census this update
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from the jordanian capital amount of demonstrations in israel taking place across 80 different locations as protestors say that they want elections to be held immediately. and for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign tens of thousands rally didn't tell a view about the weekly demonstration, but we also saw thousands in west jerusalem outside of these really prime ministers house. now police had forcibly removed demonstrators quite violently and detained several in west jerusalem. now new poll conducted by israel channel 12. it says that 2 thirds of respondents wants to see nets and yahoo step down. and we've political life, 66 percent. that was really, voters want to see a change within his rules, governments. these demonstrations have been going on for months and the demands are only seemingly increasing. they want to see a deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. they want nothing yahoo to resign and they want the war to be over. now these demonstrations organizers say
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will continue until their goals are met with nets and yahoo says that until there's an absolute victory. the war is going to continue to send who is just the, the, i'm on the iranians heading it to a presidential run off next week. often the candidates showed enough that it's when an outright majority. let's take a look. now the results from the 1st round, the so a full list of candidates and my suited possess can came out on top with 42.5 percent of the side. followed by side to leave the the hotline format chief nuclear negotiator with 38.6 percent. only about 40 percent of eligible voters took part in the election. according to the interior ministry, that's a new historic, low turnout for presidential elections since the 1979 revolution,
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st. ahold of reports now from the capital turbo. hey rems division stood in the way of a candidates winning enough votes to assume the presidency. the 2nd round of voting is scheduled in less than a week. a contest that will be between a conservative and the reform is neither got the more than 50 percent of votes needed to in the vote also. so a historic low turn out in a possible sign that many iranians may not believe change can come from the ballast box. what i didn't vote neither did any of my family members. and i believe the voter turnout was even less the 40 percent. it will be only the 2nd runoff in a rounds recent history. the 2 candidates who will now be buying for the presidency can be any different performers. plus who possessed skin, who enjoyed a slight lead, wants to improve relations with the west to allow for the lifting of sanctions. his
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reform is credentials appealed to some of those disillusions with the system. but it wasn't, you know, i love you all you, none of the candidates i came home to manage the country. they also didn't, we present the people side to the, the, the other presidential hopeful doesn't represent a break from the past. he wants to follow the look towards the east policy of the late president uber humor. i see and has been criticized for clumping down on civil liberties. i believe that you needed can run the country, but because he has more experience in government, i don't know anything about this issue. and the conservatives were able to rely on their core base 20 percent of the electorate. but they were at a disadvantage without a consensus candidate. the results of friday's the vote. so the internal divisions within the conservative camp that holds power. they also show the reform is a struggle to remain relevant. at least the factions that does not challenge,
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but tries to change from within the system. there's a voter after see here, and the electorate is large. the divided have also been years of economic hardships, largely caused by the sanctions. now with the run of votes set to take place on july, the 5th turn up for once again, play a big role center for their houses. either this done or so said are, is also following the developments from tyrrell and has his report. the 2nd round of the presidential election ended on is going to be held the next friday, and it is going to be a competition between the hard line, conservative side generally, and the report miscounted admitted position. these 2 names have different approaches when it comes to the economy and utilize for relations. so generally says that she is going to favor the ties with a non western countries and also increases the 3 ties with these non western companies to put an end to utilize as a nation from the world is also promising that if he's elected,
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he's going to use the company's resources much more efficiently, although that beautiful miscounted that mr. business can save you on the main problem is the international sections. and the only way to remove these sections is to negotiate a nuclear deal with the western countries and also to open up your on to the world . he's also saying that one of the problems that the company is facing is the level of transparency. and if he is elected, he's going to bring the little slow in the management of the economy in iran. so another more bit of conservative mama, bucket credit buffalo running the 1st run. now saying that he is going to endorsed identity and he's quoting on his supporters towards forced identity. in the 2nd problem, we do not know whether that's going to happen or not part of it. if that happens, it's going to be quite significantly impact the outcome of the 2nd problem. i'm not going to the tournament. in fact, there is going to be whether the reform is counted as mr. business. john won't be able to further mobilize. the reform is what there's or not. there's
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a set of dash which is 0 there wrong. the. so it's a come on else has ever tens of millions of americans living in poverty activists called on pull that sessions to treat it as an agent issue. presidential campaign and can 9 on the crumbs of policy is dave of challenges from the phone rights as fronts votes and parliamentary elections. the hello read off the top. let's talk about storm barrow. it is barely in toward the eastern caribbean. here. we'll continue to track it out, but let's look where it's going. we paint the red line on potentially this could be heading for jamaica over the next few days. so let's go back to the here now focusing on central america, the patch, or whether that was over mexico. so you could tell me peninsula now,
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so i mean into a central mexico, mexico city, 22 degrees that's below average for this time. you're quite a bit of rain in south west columbia. we've seen some land sides as a result, but lot of dry weather to be found right across brazil. south of this has been cool, but those winds are turning around a bit from the argentine pompous to patagonia as so temperature is not as low as they have been. let's go 13 degrees in via blanca. on sunday, it's heating up through california. the valley especially stuck from 10 to 37 degrees for you on sunday. we've also got heat alerts in play for the southern us is temperatures are in the mid to upper thirties. here i've been some violent weather through ohio and west virginia that are to be now across the eastern seaboard. so what day do you see new york and boston? it's dryer in the west, but some chairs to be found in vancouver. 21 degrees for you on sunday. see you later i the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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watching i'll just here are mind to about top stores. this causes health industry says at least 40 palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured across the strip in just 24 hours. is ready for us, is a policy arrange a refugee camp in the north and another central garza is ready tank. so satisfied on tenths for displaced for students and it sounds thousands of people have been for testing in different parts of israel, pressuring the missing yahoo governments have set a ceasefire on the turn is very tempted to tell by whom us iran is headed to a run of votes in less than a week after the candidates failed to secure enough space to win the presidency radians or choosing a successor to preston. racing died in a helicopter crash, a record low number of people voted front, screwed up into a new physical era. that's it votes in parliamentary elections on sunday. the votes
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was triggered by crushing defeats for president the monument crumbs policy at the hands of the far right to the elections, to the european parliament. po, suggest the marine. the pens far right. national radi is leading strongly with 36 percent of the vote, followed by the left wing block and if p with 28.5 percent and logging behind in 3rd place, collins centrist odds on some of the we've just 21 percent. but area we spoke to you, i said, i think he's the head of the committee for justice and exhibits these organizations focusing on human rights. he says the french president about on the chrome is solely responsible for the rise of the far right in front. what in many ways buckled past the enter separately as mo, a couple of years ago, the district listings of their, you know, saving the rice and their capacity to organize as citizens or what the monday reading my quote, even, you know, we bussey's own for, i mean, it is a bit blown,
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or remind the french people that the firewood for the art it'd be here is of the city picked up a famously. some kids are, is a hand in where we see that in many went back who has been fussing their just mission that was directly inspired by money in the business. so bush leticia even declared that, quote unquote, it was a her ideological victory that it might even look like parts of the inside integration the bill of last year. so it might even my call is know the from the responsible for what's taking place today. but the even further disqualified incent from being a statement that the president, when he declared the aftermath of the smithy created by calling this the protections. what to include. again, i have just a pro now and, and things like when they are their feet. let's see how they're dealing with it. that's sold by the situation is with a in front and democratic republic of congo and 23 fights as if kept to the town near the border with uganda. and when they took over atanya,
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they owned on friday evening fighting had intensified between the army and the alms group. in the past 2 weeks, the r c has repeatedly accused for awhile. back in the m 23 fights is the one that has denied supporting the good sound outbreak of cholera has killed dozens of people across nigeria. as number of cases rises, health officials say the country is running no long vaccines. with interest reports the, the resales workers and they goes on the mission. they want to drive him a message on the importance of hire. i did, his largest city is dealing with the color outbreak. the government says campaigns like these are reducing the number of hospital that patients feel for something goes somewhere in the range of 600 because it's difficult to give you an absolute number. because every day we have people coming in to say they develop this
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condition. 2 days ago, but they just presenting now, so our numbers keep changing, but it's in the meantime. know about right now as of today about 650 after several debts of you should say, the outbreak of stipulation we see that this college is kind of reducing. i'm a lots and lots come in. most of the hybrid said, i'm not as bad as the early up to you since last week was lake of state reported the 1st cases of color. i had the end of april with 50 percent fatality rate. since then 29. other states have reported infections and debts from the disease caused by eating or drinking contaminated food on the form. if you had any, had the feedback and was watery did was color. but after running some test, she was told that had dr gene practices. and i wanted to show you why the health workers explained to us that if we keep our surroundings clean, keep our environment clean,
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cover our food and wash our hands regularly. we will be safe from color officers. the color of boxes are running low and orders have been placed for more. it's not set in how soon they will arrive. and that's flashlights continue to contaminate food and water sources that concerns the rex's may arrive too late for some nitrates. how many degrees angelita or the army general? who would that a qu, attempt in bolivia earlier this week has been transferred to a maximum security prison just outside the capital that has a former army chief general one jose. so when you get was sentenced to 6 months free trial detention on wednesday, soldiers occupied the central square over the past and round a door to the presidential palace. so new to us, as he was following orders from the presence of louis honesty, which preston's denies to raise a boat reports from the past. a reset,
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as it was thrust into the global spotlight last wednesday when wrote military units seize the central square over the past. the president immediately denounced mister president, we also the images of military units in the plaza in front of the presidential palace of the military entering the presidential palace of you, confronting a general and telling him that he has to respect the constitution of powers. but many people in the country believe that this was something organized by the government. what would you say to them? because they lived in the most deny the constitution that we had face to face with generals indigo. occurred when he revealed himself. you see how i demand that he comply with the constitution and respect the military command. when i confronted him, he opened the disobeyed me. what doubt can there be about that? answered the subsequent statements which he made seemed to be very carefully calculated. but what are you saying? what went wrong? i mean, was it military intelligence? what failed? well, escaped into the hands of
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a well. the intelligence was in the hands of people who were completely trusted by the general. they never reported what was happening. we assured that this was a plan to data that the planning was done well in advance and that this was triggered in a meetings with the military and the general staff. so, while it is in the middle of economic crises, of a political crisis, with a confrontation within the party between you and former president, if morales, how can you guarantee stability until the election is next year or so that is his efforts in that of morales supporters should reflect the economy has problems that can be solved and that's what we're working on. if prices rose, we took action and those prices went down again. they didn't tell people that, you know, there was a shortage of fuel and now we have a fuel supply. we take measures, we work and we show results, but there's people interested in using all these issues to generate conditions for instability, for a coup of to occur. and in this case, it's clear that the comrades who are on the other side with morales participated in
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generating those conditions. those plodding, took advantage to carry out the screw, not only against the government, but also against the bolivian people and our popular revolution. cities in the us can now enforce bands on homeless people sleeping outside in public places. the supreme court ruling also gave them the ability to clear out the incumbents. acts of this in washington dc. i've been holding are ready to highlight the poverty faced by tens of millions of people provide those reports. in paducah, kentucky, the local church, one food bank has become busier than ever these days as high food prices for more and more people to seek health. steven rogers, who lives with is disabled parents has been coming here for 10 years. they help us want them lots get something to eat when we're starving. according to census data in 2020, to nearly 38000000 people in the us lived below the official poverty level.
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11000000 of them are children. tens of millions more are low income in one crisis away from destitution. and a church in washington dc volunteers are procuring for the annual assembly of the poor people's campaign and coal for moral revival, a movement, religion, the civil rights era of the 19 sixty's. i'm here because i believe that we can eradicate poverty. it doesn't have to be this way. and i believe that with my entire heart river live steel, harris is co chair person across the board. people of all ages, all races, all genders, all religions are experiencing poverty in this rich nation. it doesn't have to be this way that we, we could actually win this war on poverty and, and, and, you know, fight poverty and not the poor. cuz currently that's what's happening in our society. but poverty hasn't been
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a major issue in the us presidential campaign. both candidates focus more on the pressure inflation ports and middle class families. the poor people's campaign aims to mobilize millions of voters to demand a new laws in new spending, priorities, living wages, adequate health care, affordable housing, and high quality education are all at the center of the campaigns agenda. so i believe that we can only win the world that we want by uniting the poor and dispossessed. i believe that if we all get together, we can make real demands and really change the system. in paducah. stephen rogers says the free groceries are a godsend. they're all just blessed. of the grace of god, we have a place to get food. but the food banks director say money needed to feed the poor is running out,
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leaving people like rogers and many more to face hunger. rob reynolds alger 0 south asia, it has seen that severe weather in recent days. that's claimed the lives of thousands of people from floods. and i've got us down to land slides in the pool. the reason has seen widespread destruction. i'll just say, or is it me know fernandez has this report now from a company name it. alessandra is struggling to cool. 5 days ago flood swept through the of the village kid and the bomb young province of asking to stone, killing 8 members of his family. he says it was the 1st such city of flooding. they had seen outage by the law. there was complete chaos, but children were crying and women screaming with fear. the water was about 10 meters high. i tried to pull out some of those stuck but couldn't, and the floods took them. most houses and shops in the remote village were
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destroyed while the raging waters swept to wait cause and mechanical equipment. this school was damaged and its container with old school supplies was washed away . susan, i'm one of the 1st thing we need is shelter. we need clean drinking water, the vin financial support, because we have lost whatever we have worked for and then all of our lives. a nipple, heavy rains to good land slides killing at least 9 people on saturday. then sides, floods and lightning have killed more than 35 people across the he mullen kingdom. in the last 2 weeks, across the border, the indian capital in new delhi, had more than 250 times. it's usually rainfall on friday, causing disruptions. the odds, so book in delhi between 230 and 5 30 am today. the maximum rain full recorded has been 228 millimeters from our soft, our junk observatory, and other observatories of that. we have also reported extremely heavy rain falls,


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