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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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miles of drinks that i'll pick up next time is, why do we do nothing? thank you. the election day in france and polls have opened across the nation. the far right and national riley is hoping to make big gains, the color that run this policy attain. this is alger there at life. and also coming to dylan's power, military rapids, the full forces say they've captured the capital of central states and the south things the on either says it is still fighting in the area. and 10 specialist all taken face between is rarely soldiers and palestinian fighters in northern gauze.
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those issues are you in a blue cross? i'm come all i did in for shotwell, we're really involved. and that being repacked created by for the full we begin in front. web hosting is currently underway and it's fast, it's not problem and free elections and need that to use the state so high with the fall, right? hoping to make significant gains. 2 rounds of version will choose $577.00 and piece will then make up the new parliament. most places would be heading back to the ballot boxes for a 2nd round store in a week. hol, let me speak to step vaskins who's covering this election for us and joins us now from nice step. my goal is decision to cool. this took so many by surprise, including many in design policy, senior design, prime minister. there's a huge amount of stake. absolutely.
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just 3 weeks ago, nobody would expect to be followed, taking a today and they are, they are coming in here and quite large numbers. there's a very great excitement to vote today because it is so much at stake it, as you say, a my call is so thinking this huge trends. now it's seen as a very big gamble. many say maybe his so he has over estimated his own popularity and now is even risking to bring the far right to power of the france. could see the 1st fall. right? prime minister ever. so here a nice this is a fall right to a strong hold for quite a long time. the mood is already fairly paula rice and we've been speaking to folders and they have a choice between the center is block of my cross. the last blocks of the left has made a coalition between the communists, socialist, the greens. but then there's also the far right block with the comes of this also involved and the russian national riley party of moving the time. and you can hear
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it just by speaking to photos, how the vide, paula rice. they are because we spoke to run forward. so you said security is the main issue. he feels like a man born in these that he doesn't recognize his own cynthia anymore. talking about the immigration, we've also been speaking to people who actually migrate to, to france a long time ago. and they feel that they might turn into 2nd class citizens just based on the color of their skin. so this is really a move that could also be the mood and the rest of the country coming from the south here. and i do believe we are seeing jordan by della out the on the campaign trail will not know campaigning today because it's, it's versioning day. but he has suddenly allison about with versus this morning potentially about to cost his ballot. jordan by that are obviously the, the head of the national front. so step, this is the 1st round of hosting that is likely to be a 2nd. given that, how soon will the funds know exactly where the country is heading politic and
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well, not soon at all, maybe because uh, tonight at 8 pm, the will be the 1st as to made it resolves which could show you know, the direction of where the parties are going where the central lock is going, the left and the right, but it doesn't say anything yet about how the seats will be divided because not many candidates will get more than 50 percent. so that will be a run out between maybe 2 or 3 even 4 candidates next week. and this could basically shift alliances again. and then even if up the next sunday when the 2nd problems will be how that is, no absolute majority on the far right is kind of that the has already satisfied that a has already said that if there is no absolute majority doesn't want to be the leader of the government, not be the 5 minutes so so there's a lot of other options then could it be like a home parliament? could it be a technocrat to go a government or maybe the same government still in place. so it's very uncertain
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for the french people where the country is heading politically step boss and the withdrawal. the very latest for us will be speaking to a throughout the day. and you literally just watch jordan by the president of the national from the 28 year old leader. i'm about to cost has bothers thanks, pronounced, and a cloud. so don's permanent tree rapids support forces that say they've captured an important city in the southeast. they now came to have taken or of a sense, which is the capital of slaw state, the sudanese army. there it says it's still fighting in that area. meanwhile, thousands of people have been forced to free their hundreds due to the fighting between the army and the ar. assess this conflict has already created the world's largest displacement crisis. according to a new impact study nearly 26000000 people, half of sued on this population, facing acute food in security with 755000 on the brink of starvation for that speak to him a little can. she joins us now from the student use capital call to him as we were saying earlier, the arts of took l food,
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which is the capital of west school to find some 10 days ago. they now say they've taken singe, although the army is disputing, not always seeing, minute treatments and build of the what's we are definitely seeing right now, and that's does. yeah. is that the recess is getting more and more control of territory around sudan, especially towards the south eastern south west, some parts of the country. they already control a large portion of the dark for region, with the exception of a fashion, which is the only remaining city and the army control along with of the on groups. i live to the army. but then when you look at the rest of the country, especially with the south east and the south west and 5, it looks like the, our stuff is getting controlled. what we do know for sure is that they say that this taken control of the army base, the 6th 17th infantry division there in saint john and south eastern. so down the army. the does not dispute that claim, but they do say that their forces are still present in the city and they are still fighting. but what we definitely can confirm is that civilians have what is the
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classes and many of them have positive leaving the city since yesterday. when the fighting took place, i'm more people are leaving the city this morning. as you're speaking. heavy, you talk about people leaving. we're already looking at the world's largest displacement crisis move and 9000000 people. what does this will now mean for the residence of these cities? if they are playing their homes, what are their options? the 1st of all, let's remember that many of the people who are in st job people who will select some of the concept zones. people who fled from cartoon near the capital to send it back to their home towns because they deem that it would be safe for people who have fled from the duffel region. many people already people who have been displaced and they lived in host communities, getting assistance from 8 agencies. now these people are once again forced to flee, in addition to the residents of st. just 50. so we elect us to see the number of people who were displaced from the conflict, which is already the highest in the world. increase even further. their opposite options are limited. they're trying to feed from areas under the,
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our assessment tools into areas that are still under, i'm in control because they see especially those with, with, with spoken to say, the witness would have happened and how to do what just happened in just the other state. when they are a septic over and they don't want that to happen to them. so they're trying to get to areas of the army control allowed best means, but eastern parts of sedan gets a good lot if and for it's done state affords them fifty's. but getting there would take days because they don't have means of transportation and many routes have been closed off by the r a so. so their options are limited and many say that they know when they get to safe areas, they will be in desperate need of minutes here and assistance and already many in the contrary need of that and it's not k. if those who are playing right now will be able to get to safety and will be able to get the assistance they would need a huge humanitarian crisis. have a morgan, they're important for us from the sudanese capital. thank you. have a of the in garza more than 40 palestinians, have been killed,
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a hundreds more injured off to is really forced as launched a series of attacks across the strip as strikes again targeted garza city in the north as well as to refugee comes and central garza including the operators count in the south, is there any time spied on tenants, so displaced of how this thing is on the wasi a so called designated se, so leaving a trail of destruction. michael apple has this report and a warning. it does contain some distressing images. this is also a neighborhood of all my y c in the southwest of the gaza strip. it was one of causes, main grade baskets and agricultural area. once teeming with green houses. they now lie in ruins. off these really forces attacked the area 992 year old father. what did they do to him? where is these head screams
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a woman slump next to these remains. bodies and body parts lies scattered around visible on the tracks of why these really tanks, old bulldoze, is believe to have driven over the buddies we ran for our lives. many civilians were killed. these very soldiers are destroying whatever they kind. many people were torn to pieces. we miraculously survived, or in another part of our milwaukee, an area israel designated a so called safe zone. at least 5000 palestinians have had to flee attacks away. the variables are, all of a sudden these really tanks invaded the area, coupled with helicopter and drone attacks. i saw dead people torn apart. we saw pieces of flesh all over the place. i carried my children and runaway for our lives . we don't know where to go. just walking with the crowds, many works, it was an injury. this was supposed to be safe, so i don't know where it's safe at all. in elder ridge,
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in the central part of the strip, at least 4 children were killed when residential homes above the bodies of the day . the injured were brought to an already over whelmed deluxe. so hospital a search for water in the o sabra area of garza city cost for people including $2.00 children they lives in during 8 of his and his riley drone striking. you're a water distribution point destroying a home and a call. there's been 3 days of intense fighting and gaza cities know the neighborhood of shoes. i yeah. both above and below ground. you and says up to 60000 palestinians have been forced to free the bombardment. mike level, elgin's era. all these really minute truths as to that soldiers were killed and fighting industries a and sauce a day and says,
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one of the men was shots of close range, the other was killed by smite the fire. 2 other soldiers went by the injured, at least 660 a says ready soldiers have been killed in gaza since october the 7th. as the users ran, the attacks continue will palestinians all being buried underneath the rumble, making it difficult for their bodies to be retrieved, includes already, has moved from gerald by and central casa, in their heart, are thousands of policy new still trapped under the robust for months now we have been seeing a lot of some of these telling us that they are still strapped under the robust. they have their beloved ones there. some are evacuated to the south and left their beloved ones in the north just dropped under the rubble. and that's why palestinians are looking forward to go back to their houses, to go back to their beloved ones at this church where it's been their beloved ones, their family members under the robust. but it's not only that,
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it's the civil defense themes who are finding a lot of challenges to rescue those policy needs from under the rubber. they're working with very know at the below equipment because of the times they, they dig with their own bare hands. there has been no and the full fully developed equipments and they have been calling a lot of times for the, our international organizations to provide the medical teams and the civil defense teams with heavy equipment to be able to remove the rubber and to rescue policy. news and also the lack of fuels is a very main reason why those medical teams have a lot of challenges of not being able to be to rescue those policies under the robot. meanwhile, an antique government riley has taken place and tel aviv, and it has been growing against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is handling of the war on gaza demonstrate as
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a demand in the seas. 5 deals and the retirement was rarely captives held in garza . some of the protests have taken place across several cities in israel, in west or east of them. is there any forces the cracks down on demonstrations police officers? as you see here, we're filing to see if these things are tested, throwing them to the ground for just as across israel, on demand, a new elections using this and yahoo of prolonging the wall for his own political reasons. why for them is really captive in gaza? your i'm not. sca says that the prime minister should stop blocking the exchange deal, or he will be responsible for the captive steps which stands between us and our loved ones as benjamin netanyahu. his insistence on not stopping the war as part of the prisoner exchange deal. continuing, the war means that the captives will be killed by the government of israel. the blood is on your hands, time and time again. that's when you know who zeroes all deals at the last minute. nothing yahoo must be prevented from looking to deal next time. senior last
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official, a salam john says his group has yet to see a new proposal put forward by the us for a cease fire and goals. as you know what i was calling in the whole as we can see that there is no real progress in the scenes fire negotiation so far. so lim, the latest proposal was delivered on june 24th of this year. and this proposal still does must achieve a complete station of aggression, or you will have to pull a full withdrawal of the occupation from gall. so therefore, we have stated clearly this remains our position without achieving that goal. papers presented on nearly a waste of time, put them under flight time for these rarely occupation to continue its genocide against our people and attempted by the american administration to save itself. how well his riley drone has target his house in the village of hula and southern leather long. this had cost severe damage as you see. it's not yet to if anyone was
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injured the these randy minute train has but i have been exchanging need daily across the board a fire since the war and gaza began, as well as, as one of its fighters was killed along 11 on the southern border on saturday, i'll still have here on out of here. i'm pretty sure i wouldn't believe yes, capitana love boss where we hope to press it. and we start to say about the attempted. cool. that happened here this week and about the challenges. one of your faces today, the or let's roll with your weather update right off the bat. this is not looking good . this line of showers in store and setting up from southern suite and dropping break down into ne, germany as we're ne, german, the highest level there. it's issue for severe thunderstorms. they could produce, winds up to a 120 kilometers per hour. that could cause some damage and some hail mixed in
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there as well. so most of germany actually will be dealing with these storms. but to the extent of the south of that really dialing up the heat here. i mean, look at some of these places. a romania book arrest coming in at 37 degrees. let's go to turkey. we have a wildfire burning along the western and g and coast here it's been hot, it's been windy and that is set to continue today on sunday. look at that and totally up to $37.00 degrees and for the other end of the mediterranean, the rain starting to peter out here. so temperature is will be climbing still dealing with a few showers. could see more organized rain for valencia. by the time we get to monday, here's how the story goes for africa. our summer rains, really starting to pep up across west africa. here we think copious amounts of rain for nigeria and gone out as well. and as we head toward the south, the warm breeze is pumped up, the temperature in up in 10. but we're going to see some showers slide in here for the k. providence is over the next 24 hours. see you later.
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the israel's war on god. so be coming in forever war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line is investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on outages. era the the
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welcome back to watching older 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound verging is country and the way across from has the nation holds its fast snap complimentary elections and nearly 2 rounds of version will choose a 577 m p. 's far right is hoping to make gains to don's power, military rapids, support forces say they've captured an important cities in the south east. they claim that now in control of the city of some jobs, the capital of several states, the army there, it says it is still fighting in the area. the beast, 40 palestinians have been killed. hundreds more injured across the guards district . in the past 24 hours. is there any forces bombed to refugee camps and central garza well tanks or certified on tenants, housing displaced palestinians, and at least 7 people, including 3 children have been killed in a russian miss. i'll strike convenience in southeast and ukraine. local officials
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say 11 of those will also have badly injured. the missiles had critical infrastructure and several residential buildings. well, the 2nd phase of a controversial times and the pause ask on refugees from pakistan is set to begin. moving 800000 afghans could be expelled, and if they don't, they voluntarily. and they could face arrest and deportation. move in 541000 for forced to leave in the initial phase, which began last, move them around 3100000. ask on refugees that was still living in pakistan. an estimation, 1.7 us then on documented come all high to has more now from the cars on a refugee camp and patrol. i'm at the i can no, no, cuz on as you mentioned, we're just getting home to about 12 to 1300 family. this was the one to of a large gun with thousands of families. and we of course have been talking to the deadlines that they should be given more time because they're spent a lifetime at 4550
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a day and focus on they said that they cannot just leave and approve themselves. abdul, wine, their business is down there. of course, they have made a place for the international community to the united nation and even to the governor, to focus on to give them more time so that they're able to live in a dignified manner, complained that the houses are being rated and the date of the night they're being forced to leave this country and of a miserable condition. so indeed, that is an apprehension. this is a humanitarian crisis. everybody is hoping that they're going bring the fog it's on . we'll give them some facilitate gibson time so that they're able to wrap up. they said they're not afraid to go back. but they said they need more time because it's very different. good. when you have to leave off to spending a lifetime in a country and then you're being forced out. the
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2nd round of campaigning is officially begun and a wrong hand of a presidential run of the next week. no comes. it's secure enough, but it's 2 and an outside majority and fridays. but let's take a look at the results from the fast around the sol, reformist. the candidate must be in possess, scan came out on top with 42.5 percent of the village, and it was followed by conservative sides. lilia full met chase and you can't negotiate with 38.6 percent of the vice. now only 40 percent of eligible voters even took part in the selection, according to the interior ministry. and that's a new historic low turn out since the 1979 revolution. then a called a has more for us from tara. the rams division stood in the way of a candidates winning enough votes to assume the presidency. a 2nd round of voting is scheduled in less than a week. a contest that will be between a conservative and the reform is neither got the more than 50 percent. the votes
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needed to win the vote also, so a historic low turn out in a possible sign that many iranians may not believe change can come from the balance box. what i want. i didn't vote neither did any of my family members. and i believe the voter turnout was even less the 40 percent. it will be only the 2nd runoff in a rance recent history. the 2 candidates who will now be buying for the presidency, can be any different performers. plus, who would cause a skin who enjoyed a slight lead, wants to improve relations with the west to allow for the lifting of sanctions. his reform is credentials, appeal to some of those, this illusions with the system. but it wasn't, you know, i love your while you, none of the candidates that came to manage the country. they also didn't present the people side to the, the, the other presidential hopeful doesn't represent a break from the past. he wants to follow the look towards the east policy of the
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late president uber humor, i see, and has been criticized for clumping down on civil liberties. georgie, i believe that you needed can run the country, but because he has more experience in government, i don't know anything about this issue. and the conservatives were able to rely on their core base 20 percent of the electorate. but they were at a disadvantage without a consensus candidate. the results of friday's the vote. so the internal divisions within the conservative champs that holds power. they also show the reform is struggle to remain relevant. at least the factions that does not challenge, but tries to change from within the system. there is a voter after see here, and the electorate is large. the divided have also been years of economic hardships, largely caused by the sanctions. now with a run of quote set to take place on july, the 5th turn up for once again, play
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a big role center for their houses either based on votes of been counted. and lord cheney is presidential election and the, the incumbent old cars. ronnie is holding an early lead the phone. the ami chief is up against the 2 main rivals and both on denouncing what they say was a one side of the election and having to use the electoral commission of corruption . now is one. it came to power in 2019 of to the 1st democratic transition in the country's history in kenya, and the recent unprecedented protests against the government planned to raise taxes has led president william research to back down those demonstrations were led by young people to organize themselves on social media, not web spoke to some of the young protest isn't nairobi on what's been driving management, or the new one got a was one of the thousands of protesters on the streets of my re be in the last 2 weeks. she's studying lauren data science at university. this is, i think the most successful in explaining the government's controversial plan to
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raise taxes, to have tens of thousands of photos on instagram. then documenting the demonstrations and the police failed attempts to break them up with tear gas and move to count on each process. because in the last demonstrate has entered parliament on tuesday. they said late in corruption, misspending by president william re says government and push them to the limit and say they've rejected the government's finance bill. it's not new and go, it's north and us specifically for the finance boot. it's a long pen top and uh from uh long period of time of frame. yeah. already preventatives to adequately present us. i concede on wednesday retake back down and withdrew the bill. many of the demonstrators were young and educated and seeking jobs. many said they were worried about the features can use economy has brent
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significantly in recent decades on an off, the middle class is grand to but and also communities of benefits. it is much from economic growth and the plan to raise taxes even on essential, such as cooking oil and bread didn't go unnoticed. like people living here could be era. and i wrote these largest some home to nearly a 1000000 people, most of whom live on less than $2.00 a day. selling dma and these friends run a community project here their own and then mid twenty's the same reason weeks they've learned about the government's annual finance bill for the 1st time in their lives, from social media content and says they also took to the streets. we often what's different about this movement, we do not look at the site for the rest. we look at the one a one for the one goal is that to ensure that the government rejects definitely not been. and then we is whether we make sure that the government resides so
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that we can bring you need us on board. take care of us. at least 30 people have been killed, including by security agents who use live gun file on on, on the protest is outside parliament rights group. say dozens of campaign is, has been abducted, go a missing piece of deny that led to lead many others to say which i should resign. nobody knows what will happen next any for when crowds will gather on the streets again. the 1st essence of achieve something that was almost on imaginable, just 2 weeks ago. many say that fear has gone malcolm web out to 0. my baby kenya. the army general who lead reported to attempt in bolivia earlier this week has not been transferred to a maximum security prison just outside the capital of the past. the full in the army chief general one who is a, is an ego,
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was sentenced to 6 months pre trial detention. zuniga says he was just following orders from the present, who is also which the president denies. all zeros to weighs about was in the pals and she sat down for an interview with olivia as president. the reset, as it was thrust into the global spotlight last wednesday, when wrote military units seize the central square over the past. the precedent immediately denounced. mister president, we also the images of military units in the plaza in front of the presidential palace of the military entering the presidential palace of you confronting a general. i'm telling him that he has to respect the constitution of powers, but many people in the country believes that this was something organized by the government. what would you say to them? because they lived in demands. okay. most denita, i kinda kinda caught in a few minutes when you go to see if they've been coma. julie see, hold on black,
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black of to jump on it. the colors feathers are split that amount. i mean that when they, you'll know if i think it maybe this will be this, you'll have, you had a family, give it up, whatever it is scheduled up, whatever it as soon as the crash when it's booked video. and then the last as a little bit of insight by the system we, then i just have a few minutes when you go. but what do you think? what went wrong? i mean, was it in military intelligence? what failed? well, escape did. he has that stuff up in front of the in depth some of the contents of the here i see. no zip or no. i'm searching us get ok. ok. talk about it. what the status that if you go is a 20, if you can see on the survey so expensive to implement the pressure you say that the allies, these are the internet when you get those figures to be, you know, maybe that is being.


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