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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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to you to decide if we want to create it. all of this technology roommates, do we still have power of choice aig guys, which actually economists and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the building an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well as human on al jazeera friends is preparing to vote in a snap. the general election is most pools after the fall, lights made big gains in european parliament directions. so once with a pretense of victory by the fog wide, meaningful francis future and how would it shape politics in the rest of europe? this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program of hash him. a bottle of friends has been good by 2 events that are happening in the coming weeks. one is the summer olympic games in paris by the of a. is this not election cold? my president in manuel macro and often bonding depends, followed by national valley, made huge gains in european elections with backgrounds on some of the lions canceling on the edge of collapse. the stakes couldn't be high a as decision to go on and the election has galvanized all sides of the political spectrum has come back. crone centrist visions survive. what is a french republic? on the brink of a significant political shift with got to all guess in a moment, but this report from us has, i'm of which does is wrapping up a contained few. so coming because of a push to be open, shoot this french president in manuel. my crohn shots,
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a nation earlier this month here to solve the national assembly and called a snap election. it was in response to be sent. invite party last at the far right in francis elections across says he acted on voters resentments. he's supposed to give it to me and if i thought i'd done everything right, i wouldn't be standing here today. i wouldn't have dissolved the government and everything would be fine. so yes, i do take some responsibility. opinion polls suggest the far right national rally led by maureen, what pen is leading and slightly points to shake. the french political landscape is the one that we did. we have the possibility of winning these elections and creating a unity government. this will get this country out of a rush. the parties campaign is built on attacks against migraines, most claims, and the you some borders finding concerning sigma and that's home from new list, which one, you know, it's direct and interest citizens with different nationalities. it's not easy to
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live in a country that no longer want sauce threatens awesome tells us we are no longer welcomed while we participate in the french academy. we study to pay taxes in the there had been a lot of changes in the selection cycle. the conservative party is divided about possibly joining forces with the far right and the left wing block including socialist screens and communists have formed an unexpected alliance. francis moment of truth comes in 2 rounds, this sunday and on july 7th. if the far right twins across risk will have failed and it could usher in, francis 1st bought to lose the government, putting his political credit ability and legacy on the line x as i move out to 0 for inside story. the. so let's bring in august in paris, run o genera,
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journalist and to foreign correspondent, a lift, a goal in london, rainbow loretta professor of politics, a queen, mary, university of london, and specialist in front of politics. you must say he a good restaurant associated professor of political theory at the university of nothing come was come to the program. but now why is this consensus now the, this election could perhaps be the most consequential in generations in france. yeah, you know, um when i was young in 74. ready the father of my in the pendulum i, the pin a rug for the presidential. ready section, he forgot the only one percent of the vote. now and the next, the general elections, the polls i giving. let's wait for the results. of course the polls are giving more than 36 percent to her daughter. it's true that the
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daughter is much soft. the father, she is a no uh anti semitism metal uh with her. and she changed her mind that would shut up. and she said that phones should stay within the european union and the, you know, system. uh, but still it is the same kind of party. so it's a huge progress problem. 74, to now, when the pots, who president the amount of weight and my crown has been asking people not to vote for the 5 by voting. and i'm quoting 5 minutes a gabriela task saying that the vote could lease impulses of hate and aggression. is it too late? thank you. what am i just the people? 14 for the 5 are so obviously is not so cool an election so my chrome has already let the cats out to most of the pigeons. i think his motivation was that he saw how
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well they were doing in the polls. and he thought maybe if people actually face the prospect of a fall, right government, that will give them pause for thoughts. it will scare them and it will send them running back to the sense that i think that was his strategy to try and recover. some of his most popular see, i don't think it's worked. he isn't any more popular is the result of cooling this election. he's going to end up with fewer seats and he had before, and people are still looking to the far right. and it's a mixture of pushing po, it's taught me being pushed away from mainstream politics because of the perceived spinning your of all the other policies. and it's partly the pull factor of the far right that they are giving messages that are not doing well at the moment with the french electra to a disappointed bit. everything else and then now ready to try something different. you go those while the you look up all the poles, they suggest that the national valley is heading towards a massive political gauge. we are yet to see whether they are going to have an
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opposite it's majority. but of this phase, can we say that they are definitely going to shape the future of politics? they have friends for many years to come. for sure they are going to shape ended writing, shaping it, as you watch and said, it's important to remember that in science there's, there's 2 references and the 1st time that is tomorrow. and then there's a 2nd rhymes. the week after, so polls suggest indeed that the some of them on us and that, and i ended up benz party led by towards and part of that is around 35 percent. the left wing alliance is a ryan's 28 percent. my costs party on psalms that bind, go be a, that's out as a wrench and 20 percent. so, but the big question is in france with the 2nd round is often there is a, it's a runoff between 2 candidates, perhaps 3 time. and the big presence for coming next week is going to be spaced with a candidate from the hot. some of my sonata walters emmanuel,
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my clothes party, do and want to use the last spring alliance to do. does that happen and lines at the centers party to day agree that whoever is the best place from their candidates, if there was 3 of them, will the 2nd one, this is either or the last thing kind of it or the center is candidates and stays, the hold on and i'll kind of it on their own and therefore perhaps bring those 2 lots of votes together against the far right or not. and i think that's one of the big challenges we're going to see next week. we're now let's try to unpack what is happening, who's who, and why. this is quite delicate, so you have 2 rounds. first round, and the 2nd one. now the national valley is expected to win somehow 36 percent of the votes. if the candidates of the party managed to win, let's say dozens of seats in the 1st round, could it be an indication that they are likely to secure an absolute majority of
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the 2nd round? yes, but it's true that we will not know the behavior. it will be one week of comp, in the behavior of the electorate, of the voters in the 2nd wrong will the prime with the that because it is that this is said they do not oh, they will. so their voters delay. so that a free, but it's true also that if we were in england and about a lot would be or already the prime minister because in england is only one wrong. and in most constitutions is, um, i saw a little more less than i asked them 1st, but defense system is much more complicated. and you can have what we call you the a like triangle elections with like fi candidates. and you can still be a candidate even if you and number 3, if you had
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a more than 12.5 of the registered voters voting for you. and so it's very complicated. so uh nobody, no, it was actually the info. huh. it's v and i some of them on that so that it will have an absolute majority or if they will not have a majority. so we've, we will have a can of assembly very difficult to govern. and maybe the touch of my home would be on the uh to kit could be only a technical government like that. he had the menu that id fart on. um, so this is also a possibility. all right, rainbow, for decades, friends, people waiting to the polls to vote for eve of the main stream. i left all the mainstream. conservatives came 2017 and the decided is going to be a different political landscape. the conservatives and the left indeed voted full
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back from. now it seems to be a new political re alignments. you have the national body, you have a new popping up front, and then you have the on somebody elias. let's talk a little bit about the new pop in a front led by. there's only been on sean. do you see the now we, we are definitely coming. second, i'll be likely to become the king baker in the french politics. they're in a very interesting position. um, they are on the line and that was a little unpredictable because by spawn all the way from the far left on the middle, she'll need to ship all the way through to the west center. one interesting developments is that they've got close all homes for the french president and re joining the alliance and he became, i'm hoping to attend his policy for the coming. so centrist and so we see that they are covering the large spectrum of different policies. we've also got green
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policies in there as well, and that's the strength of that weakness. it's a strength because they are capturing a wide range of the electrodes and they're showing a degree of unity that people didn't think been capable of. but it's a weakness because they actually have a lot of internal disagreements. they are trying to bring together people who died see or to why they've already shown signs of defense on some areas of policy. and on the key question of if they did get into government who would become the prime minister, the cods agree upon that? so it's quite a fragile and audience and they have tried to recapture the voters that moved from the motorists incense, less towards the macro in 2017. they've tried to bring them back under a left wing umbrella. the question is whether they will stay that and stay in the, in the lives that could potentially offer an alternative to the far right. well, with a mac promo try to get the more moderate elements of this new, less reliance to come back on board with him and potentially with the motor, right?
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a ditch the fall. last policies. as an alternative book, the hugo doesn't make it doesn't make sense when you called full stop elections when you train force to be that and my chrome by doing this, he was hoping to see the, the new popular front making massive gains. but they would have to struggle out of that for people who say there's absolutely no way these people with govern and your friends or the a national valley comes to paula. they have the aust telling people that they will make notes of spending in the future. but we know that the fresh does not have enough cash to spend on it for his future projects. and therefore the people would say, ultimately, we should have kept my chrome back. that could be the only option. an alternative for us is that, is that what we was aiming to have? the 2nd part for sure. i think it's not simply the possibility that's the last come on less than on my come to power. but also thought actually having this type of
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campaign would put them under more of a spotlight, and there would be more scrutiny as to what exactly their positions are, as opposed to simply being a protest vote against my call and what kind of candidates. and there would put forth and there has been christ. there's been a couple of the base between the different parties and jordan, father that has come under a lot of pressure concerning some of his policies, specifically and questions of jewel nationality. you have the questionnaire at the beginning at the top of the show, your national deal. what exactly is going to happen with the retirement age? so i think my whole wanted to call the gloves added to that. that was one of the strategies we'll see now whether that's going to work. i think he was surprised on the left side, thoughts that were able to come so quickly to an agreement that they would form and the lines now as, as just being sent towards pensions within the lines. policy wise, the seems to be holding the line for them to repeating questions about what exactly
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the role of francis supports with ukraine would be. but the big question as that just being from point to that is who's going to the party on ecologist as a socialist, to kind of more centralized voters very much do not want to seize on incremental. so the kind of more, less clean, probably just a bit more of a fire brand. they don't want to see him and they being saying a lot, you know, they need to be better off not being and bolts too much in this campaign. so there's real tensions there, and as i think you roll, i can point to that. this is what we'll see next week is whether there's a revenue cost from the maxwell cost to try to bring the center that back in. so how this aligns to the same alliance you out in 2017, but as a say, the center that's voters, those of the sofa, this perhaps so many and ecologist also in there. and i'm so what, what's that center right far to you? why does it do? because that is split at the moment, the vast majority united going to the party, but the likes to,
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to use me. so i've tried to join to have some of my sonata 10 maxwell again, and some of his new tenants is former prime minister, exhausted. he said, you know, we should try the office center kind of central that does not provide alarms. again, perhaps there is the option of detective product government, but perhaps is also the kind of an option of, of a national unity government. this is something that hasn't really done much of individual public boat. we're in a certain times who knows what the future can hold on, so sometimes indeed, renault could it be. now that jordan, but the is the strongest pick to become frances. next, quite minnesota. because obviously you have to pick always the apartment as of from the biggest political party on the state to, to become the biggest funded to go potty. yeah. so it's is summer and it's a free charge by the president who he appoints as a prime minister. and then of course the prime minister proposed to the president
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of ministers to be appointed. um it, it could the reason why i called could choose somebody else that to doubt that to need the support of the parliament of um a majority if you like of 289. uh and these um, but um is quite likely because it would be very difficult even if a look for us to not have a dining room have a, an absolute majority. it would be quite difficult for the president not to a point, georgia and by the law. because after all, he won the elections saying that he wants to become the prime minister. it's a, it's, it's on his boards. you know, it's not such a hidden as on that. so if the electorate board full by the lights would be, would be very difficult in a democracy,
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not to part. so then by the end of for tactical reasons, also maybe it would be good for my quote to have a, an, uh, an actual, uh, sort of a national government because, um, uh, it can be very uh, uh, easily used by a power by existing power distribution is very difficult in front of the treasury is very bad and so on. so it can be the will of a prison back home maybe, and nobody understands it, visits the decision that you took, but maybe his plan is to have a i something nice that we can buy the exercise of power. so in see is when these, the great election, which in front is always a presidential election because you know,
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the talk to you that the elected monarchy then back home, you get up to rodney gave himself by constitution. but you can say, oh ok. he will have prevented the pen to come as a president because by exercising the power, the pass over the amount and actually i would add, been, we can with the electorate. maybe this is the, uh, the way, uh, the president sees the okay. remember, could you explain this to me if you don't mind, you look at the track records of my chrome, this is someone who has made major reforms move since he moved to the office, has been credited appropriating 2000000 jobs, and over 6000000 businesses set up in friends, turn the country into a, an ecosystem which is very friendly to the business community. that oh but, but still people don't seem to like it. is it because of the very nature of liberal
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democracy in the western hemisphere. or he made some mistakes along the way. i is several things. the 1st is his personality. he is seen as aloof and arrogant and out to touch with the people. he has a nickname of jupiter. he likes to see himself as sort of above the french people. a lot of people feel like he is looking down on them and not standing with them. and he's another of his nicknames is the president of the rich he's seen is very much favoring those in more privileged positions at the expense of the common people and all the policies have tried to exploit that, which is why we've seen strength on the populace left in the populace, right? he's introduced a few policies that have not been very popular. for example, he's raised the retirement age and the pension reform. it was economic necessarily, but it was this really opposed and caused major uprisings around the country. he's
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most i presided over some difficult times. we've seen cov age, we've seen the war and ukraine. we've seen the cost of living crisis and all of those things. how the cost for the pick up minutes in charge that makes anyone in charge unpopular. perhaps we will, so just seeing front naturally going back to its left right. meanings that it's not comfortable with a government that seems to be a little uncertain as to where it stands on certain issues and doesn't necessarily please everybody. many of the time i try to please are people don't have the time. hugo, it's very easy politics to offer promises the national radi saying that it wants to read this. most of the decisions made by a, by my, by my crowd when it comes to the fence or before the wealth tax slashing the value of the energy bills. but how can you do it and spend at the same time when france is running a 5 percent annual budget deficit?
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yeah, that's the big challenge. and even somebody can hear it says k might in terms of the pension room for him. as i said, there was this debates earlier in the week, and during this time the pointing as actually what they were saying was the ultimately, some of the pensions would actually increase the 66 years. so that was the whole point was was to try the challenge stuff and the moment as nothing as being true to its roots. it started all if you go all the way back, even before somebody in the band you 1st called and acted as a kind of a to try to use the around to task and to boss. and so they want to really, they want to reduce dot to that. and that's precisely what my goal is trying to point to manage. i think was to say, look, these people say they're, they want to come to power. people are ready to put them in power, but it does, it does, it stands up. does it stuck up? can they do it? and within the context of the transfer of the spines itself, and also it's being as you know. and so, as i said, you know, you're over spending unity, you need to raining and understanding. it's perhaps because of some of those
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measures that have been brought in to try to rein ends standing look at the cause of the christmas up to last year. again, last year my cos party was still leading in the polls just reading the new year by the stars coming down at the house on us and uh stuffs and starts taking over a long without has to do indeed with the cost of living and crisis. and yes, there is a, a, there is another method, you know, the frames, remember that it's a big historical moment and still the front of the nation, the out a king, the kind of now we have an elected king. and then after a few years to chop off his head, so there's a bit of a natural process in full in this. and then indeed perhaps the re establishment of last tried politics after properties of action, the full way and the conversation. let's talk now to cherry miami. he is member of the european parliament for the national body, who joins us from paris. terry, you seem to be confident this time you would have an office who has majority of the
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selection. well, you know, uh, in fact, decent extend is 577 the election because the process, the system is not by the list is by constituency. but honestly, we are very up to the stake. why? because 1st, or the putting opinion, put us in the, from the wrong place, a very far 2nd. because we see the french and excuse me, i've told you that europe and election you, you feel that people are about to change, excuse me, most of the french stuff set up with the president and there was something new. and they want to try and those that but it takes that's why we are a little bit confidence, but we see uh next sunday. okay, terry, you said that you will spend on many projects to make life better, easier for millions of friends, people. but you know, as we know,
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as the international community knows, as a european union knows that you have a budget deficit. so the question is, you need at least dozens of millions of dollars every year to be able to implement some of the promises that you made to the people. where are you going to get that money from? to fax. it to a situation of the depth is a so much get that's perfect. we can set the st. you to mr. maxwell. he's president since a 7 years that's meant, or the french understood that he's the main responsible of the situation. i remember when you arrive as elect the president, everybody said, oh, he's the most out of finance. it fact excuse me, it's not the most out, but finance is at the finance where we would find money we but we want to make somebody couldn't. i mean, the big check because it's just me, we think that there is many function where we can change after that. for example,
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joe, that about the ways the lead, the was money in the, in the selection. and you would be prime minister if we, we, uh, is very clear. we want to make economy, for example, under europe, in participation because france is one of the country will give more money and much more, more than $10000000000.00 small than we received each year. we want to make the economy about software systems because the system is out of the control. i see a point that how well of course and if you don't mind to terry, which is a key element in your campaign was basically the crack down on migration. the porting is lemay batting, the, the veda in public places and introducing border controls with other european countries. why the pacific to be an anti is land and t migraines, a vision by your own policy, and many people. i think this could lead to more instability in your country and in
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europe, how would you respond to that? excuse me, we are not frontier. we are not on tv gratian. we just presently gratian was out of control. i was a new country, excuse me. i think the 1st i notice the good control and so gun you saw you arrived in your country without a visa. i'm not sure if that's you, so i'm much generous or may be so much stupid to give me money to get me to pay or the think about helps assistance. this is the situation in france. doesn't mean if you are illegal immigrants, you have more rights then some french. what we ask, we just want to control immigration. you know, you know, like to be the story upfront. we have but many french who have been struggling with a chevy. alberto, go through this. yeah, was a freak out because there's 3 and the for them if they are in front of their respect zillow, if they are in the company, the really get a situation,
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there is no problem. and i think you might want to stop it going to be gratian. i see a point uh fit anybody. i really appreciate your insights. uh, i would like also to assign the photos you robbins on the right under here, go to the russian. fascinating study, looking forward to see what happens next, full french politics. thank you for watching the program. you can see a side story again, any time by visiting our website. i just see the dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a jane size so you can also join the conversation on x all hands. it is a ga insights. what if i may ask them, how about i am the entire team here? in the bye for now the, in the account of french colonial propaganda. a jew is liberation, army recruited yugoslavia as find this camera man to join the struggle and seize
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control of the narrative. decades later, a trove of unseen archive is uncovered in the great the images of the minds behind the lens. now honored for the contributions to of jerry is independence. single religious a, with this documentary on the colleges here with the
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showcase of the best documentary films from across the new jersey era. the a, i'm sorry, may say down in doral, then look at the headlines here. now to sierra french president, the manual, my cause cost is balance in the 1st round of snap collections, which he called for just 3 weeks ago. my fault is on the lower house of parliament, off the major games by the fall, right? policy in european elections in early june, 2 rounds of voting will determine who will be prime minister and which policy controls the national assembly. jonah, how has more from paris to announce has been risk all morning, 25 percent of turn down here in the 14th. i don't just know powers by mid day that
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is extremely high and precincts around the country over reporting high to not. it is very clear that the french public will.


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