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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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i have been slee, now less than 90 days. after a lifetime of the prison, a man is now free to fight against r k. grace as low as that belong to the past. fault lines, conviction on a jersey to the of the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this is the news out live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. the french president costs his ballots in the 1st round of parliament, free elections fall right? national riley hoping to make big game in 10 spot falls between is riley soldiers and palestinian sciences in southern gaza. scrooge and neighborhood sedans permit,
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and for the rapids, the pool forces say they've kept to the capital of central site, the se, beyond the size, it's still fighting the cloths. i'm afraid if i wouldn't, but maybe it's competent left box where was posted for us. and we started the 5th of all the term zip codes that happened here this week and about the challenges one of your faces today. i'm devin asked with full sized argentina, maintaining the 100 percent reco to the corporate america. the defending champion speak korean, just finished the february with 3 wins from 3 the it's 1300 g n t. and we saw the news out in front of millions of people have been voting and that parliamentary elections that could bring great uncertainty to the nation. and to europe, or for the 1st time, the fall arrived national riley policy of marine,
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the pen has a chance to become the largest and the vote that could see support for president emanuel my from centrist block to handle the final outcome of the next sunday. second round could lead to a political style night. we have to correspondence covering the election for us, and the moment we'll go live to join the how in paris. step boston is a nice begins our coverage with this report. a few weeks ago, nobody in france was expecting to go to the faults to day, but he had a off voting and a snap election seen as president emmanuel, my comments big gamble, nearly 50000000 registered photos will decide if his political center will survive . or if their folks go to the far right or to the far left, here in the south of france, a traditional stronghold of the far right. immigration has become the main topic. chicago for probably speaking about nice for me. the main problem is security. i'm
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from niece and i no longer feel it's my city and it makes people like me, one to leave and we're friends, but they call us 2nd class citizens because we have to citizenship. and they will say that those were born french meanings, looking at skin, color, religion, etc. and that's what we don't want. that's what put people like us in a comfortable position, costing his foes the president's show was an optimistic face. but she could be the one celebrating marine the plan and her part of j 28 year old jordan, but the law has a chance to become fonts as 1st fall. right. prime minister, the national riley party has tried to soften its image, but opponents say it's strong. anti immigration stands is a danger to french values and turns millions of people into 2nd class citizens. it's just the last is new popular from test, from the loose coalition to come to the far right led by the socialist on. both parties strongly show they have campaigned on lowering the pension age and making immigration easier,
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which were turned back. reforms implemented by my call. it's seen as the most close to the election in decades, which could move the country in a very different direction. paula rice moved here in the conservative south. good for the sentiments and the rest of the country. the only officer checked them from next sunday. the french will know if and how uncertain they political future will be stopped by some nice to its head over to joe in the hall. now he's joining us from the capital powers. john, let's start with the important question. of how to amount is looking now what that tells us but it really is an important question in this election. certainly because turnout is extremely high at this moment in power state to and i figure is looking at something like 25.8 percent at this time students normal parliamentary elections. it would be far lower. in fact, this is the highest speed since 1991 more than double the average for upon entry
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election at this point. so there's a clear sign here. the french people call to aware of what is at stake, the significance of the snap complimentary election. a choice, a step was outlining it there, essentially between the 2 extremes of french politics on the left and right with emanuel microns, centrist aligns, squeezed into the middle, the president himself. he's out of the re election of course, but himself already unpopular because if he's perceived arrogance aloofness even is governance, some people see him as old as autocratic. something else in touch with the good sense of ordinary people. so the choices between the national riley of marine the pen page, perhaps of it, it's hardest fascist routes, but still able to fuel and capitalize on public and around things like immigration and the cost of living. and then on the left is unusual spectacle of a united left usually disparate parties, of course the socialists, the greens, the communists, and showing the balance on the front about altogether in one blog threatening
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market. chaos with plans potentially to raise public spending. unload the retirement age. jonah analyst have been ringing the alarm bells. how confident is my chrome that he can pull it off as well? i mean, he goes into this election in a position of weakness. there's no doubt about that noticed personal weakness, but he's central a lot of interest alliance. we can because of a very poor showing in new york in palm tree lectures earlier this month that caused him to call this snap election. they want just tossed the number of folks that were reading depends national riley one. why did he do it? well, he said, mr. mack holmes, that he wanted to clarify. the cation from french vote is essentially courting the bluff. he wanted to put to them in this election, a simple question, do you really want to be governed by a file, right? policy and all that that entails a part of that doesn't do,
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but do the ideals and values of the republic of the for decades at policies that be trying to keep out of power. well, he will get, he's on so soon enough. it would come to not only the 1st shades of that pick to would emerge in the 1st round of voting the 2nd row next sunday, the we'll provide it for the picture. all right, that's fine. don't how that. but let's head over now to the south of france. nice. that's west boston is joining us from your right. the in the south of france, take us through how the divisiveness of the message of the far right. how it actually manifests itself where you are. yes. so very polarized the mode here in the south of france. so this is indeed the sort of the harp lands of the far right of the national rally party of marine lupin . and they have been writing this. so this popular wave on this sentiment of anti immigration sent a phobic and also is slumber phobia. what you are hearing here,
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if you talk to people, they're looking for what they say security, and that means for them that there should be less emigration. this is something that the narrative that the far right has been selling here very well. and on the other hand, this is a large, my friends community here, a nice and they are afraid. they see that the rules and a new regulations at the far right wants to impose that, who definitely put them into a 2nd class to say that since those thought is this, sorry device if mood. and it's also interesting to see a test case here because we just saw the leader of the republican party, eric chucky. he has been voted here at the polling station. and he is basically breaking with the tradition of the conservative party, where it's been very popular here in this region to join forces with the national riley party. it's been very much criticized by his own party for doing so. and it's going to be very interesting to see how this will play out later tonight if we see
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the result. is it a, that's the conservatives of food. now a is, are they ready to vote for the national rally party for the for right, this is something that we will see here in this soon enough, and it's all to you will know if you get so no fault. so this is an interesting test case for the rest of funds to watch here in these steps, how closely is not only the nation but the continent watching this election well, trust me and brussels spare holding their breath. so today and not only today the next few weeks, because we've heard from the national rally party for much on but, but the who could be the next prime minister that they want to send it to get a sense or less money to the european union. they want to cut that part just significantly, which of course would have a huge consequences. also looking at support for ukraine. and they have set the
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national riley policy that they will continue to support ukraine. but we have to see what a, to what extent one thing that he said is will definitely be sent no troops to ukraine, something that my call had suggested. so, and we've heard also from the german chancellor, olaf shows earlier that he has said that he was very concerned about the outcome of the funds french election. because he said to these warning for the far right. and you could see, of course, his position in germany has also been weak. and since the european elections, if the position of my call is also weakened here as well, because he has to work to together in this go happy taishan, which for example, the far right then that definitely could affect the politics in europe quite significantly. all right, so we'll leave that step boston from nice. the
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to now is least 43 palestinians have been killed in garza and available 111 in june and just the past 24 hours. intense fighting has been taking place in the northern gauze. the city that's why as well as mid trees continuing to shell residential neighborhoods in church. i. yeah. palestinians attracts by as well as ground defensive now into it's full stay kind of kind of a 100 reports. smoke billowing above the homes of the issue, julia neighborhood as a sign of the relentless battle between his riley forces and palestinian, find his belong. but it's those not finding cold in the crossfire. i guess i wouldn't, i just noticed the outside of love as these really takes advance. there was lots of shooting. i saw people running for their lives. so i ran home to take my family. but within minutes, use ready time surrounded the area. we couldn't leave. so we will track that for 3 days without access to food or medical care, the civilians in northern garza,
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we don't have the trapped in the homes that were targeted to we assume they would not fire on children, removed the cotton set and they would not fire because only women and children were in, but within seconds i found myself buried under the debris. in a blink, i saw nothing. i had my children screens buried under the rubble piping. the settlement for the head and my mother and these really soldiers stormed our homes through gas bones all over the ground floor and stone grenades. they smashed a door and opened fire on us. we kept screaming that we are all women and children . hardly. we raised white flags, but no response. these rarely soldiers kept shooting and shouting at us non stop. not safe in their own homes, palestinians have the choice of eva stain and risk being killed for trying to sleep with the possibility of the same outcome. we jumped over the ruins of
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a destroyed home at the end of the alley, towards south road. we saw that bodies torn to pieces all over the road that we ran towards the main junction on the wave of tank shells i'm but it's not clear yet how many palestinians have been killed in the past 4 days. they have taken my wounded mother. she was taken on these really tank. she's badly wounded. i don't know what has become of her or what happened to her head is riley miller. tracy is 2 of its soldiers withheld and finding on saturday. but it's there a text that a devastating the most vulnerable and gaza. callahan, how's the data as i speak now? so thought a couple, i assume he joins us from data about i so the picture, it's all like a gall. so under attack from the nose to the south, where is that leaving civilians? well civilians are generally tracked time of the ongoing disability from bonham to
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mentioned attacks. of course, this trip sammy, whether civilians have been extremely running shorts and tens of ports of food that essential humanitarian supplies the same time. there's no any thoughts respite regarding these very attacks on this trip. now in the news, the past couple, yvonne was that been recording to palestinians have been killed after they have been hit with a not to the re show. and they have talent and also because a strip and at the same time these, what, oh, me, scale up the minute treat the scales up the minute you a tech on the shoes. yeah. yeah. i mean for who are talking about to palestinians initially have been killed by these valuable abutment that have been transferred to the baptist hospital or the latest to get prepared for burial boxes. i witnessed it as we have spoken to them, have been describing the situation to be incredibly dramatic, drastic in that area. they are talking about full destruction of residential neighborhoods. us pointing that we come us or protests because very soon on the
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ground day by day intense upon and now its interest is full. can still get to say whether it's very minute tree before the storm. that area upon the level of destruction that defines imagination. show you is a very small space of the very tiny neighborhood that is being plus a point by the use. wait a minute, treat to be one of the strongest, a strong hold of how much movement in goes up the same time. it's a home for thousands of palestinians who have been right now. absolutely show it to us. and they are trying to look for alternative places in order to take it as a refuge while in the southern parts of dollars of operation in a rough estimate on govern. uh they have been multiple, the attacks have been recorded dental besides in a mossy area, we're up please an upper palestinians, half the report of a directed you to that ongoing on, on a supplemental draft tax for garza's health. mercury has been saying that at least 4 to 3 palestinians, what groups will fall by 111 of us being wounded, sammy and father of what are you hearing about is radio operations to call
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about a buffer zone from garza. so what we do know is that the minute tree since day one of the fighting has taught at the military and kitchen in which they manage to destroy the vast majority of adjacent neighborhoods and even towns that are so close to that gives very poor dis. now this initial destruction has been late, so just to fight to be as a process of the minute to encourage and that will help the ground. so is this of the rates freely on the ground, but we have been discovering that it has been a firm says to create a pop up. so that will extend and we're also demonstrating dos of space by 32 percent of this is absolutely domestic because of the consequences of this kind of deduction and siege of land will bring to the gaza strip to are talking about all the eastern areas of gauze have been possible to be the food pos good for the entire trip and now with a huge way to control over that to area and with the long term planning to met,
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it's highly console. it seems that the gaza strip will deprive from the vast majority of it agriculture land that will link them directly to depend on those kinds of humanitarian aid that will be allowed to get into a district. so that is what is what it's doing. now pull destruction of neighborhoods in the eastern areas of garza in order to create for the so called to be the popular method trees them. that's called a composite them from data by or residential areas in giovanni as being hit by his right of the strikes destroying homes in killing those inside. and especially for reports. c the minute is really airstrikes continue to pound residential areas, ruthlessly destroying homes and killing innocent civilians. is really were plans fired a wave of missiles on this residential area. civilians were killed and injured when
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a number of homes were leveled, including this one which belongs to the jarboe household. this home was packed with women and children, in addition to others from the neighborhood. residents are using their bare hands, trying to search for victims or survivors. some paramedics and civil defense members with very little resources and simple tools, are taking part in the search and rescue. we can hear screams of children from under the rubble. the noun wrapping in. there's an unsuspecting defense isn't. civilians were killed in broad daylight. these really will plains flattened homes over their heads. those innocent civilians didn't no wrong or commit any crime, but being palestinians. mister the summons in a residential building filled with women and children in the center of the densely populated refugee camp was flattened by the is riley, wall plains. we pulled out a number of injured survivors, many would killed. there are others missing under debris. some children passing by were also killed and buried under the rubble. we don't have the equipment to reach
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them on that, that will come have admins. then we're next to you. that means that off my, under the debris lies a cancer patients. neighbors are still searching for her. she was on this live support device, which is still blanket that you the residents are using their bare hands to search for the victim and have gotten them on a saw. sure how to 0. by the far right is right. administer, it's a model been given and has issued a social media post cooling for the exit queue showing of how most members currently held in this, right? the jails, right? it's already valid, but there might be in recent days, i have dealt with questions. if the most fighters have fruit baskets or if they don't have it, and i say the terrorist must be killed if i'm shot in the head of the law of executing prisoners will be tough. on the 3rd reading and the conduct said, we will give them little to live on and nothing more on us based one, palestinian has been killed and 5 others injures and is right. the striking the
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occupied westbank, the attack hitting the apartments and the north shops camp. not far from the city of phillips, caught them. 2 of the injured people are in serious condition and have been taken to hospital at least 3 heads, while all sizes are being killed. ultimate is ready, drug and attack in southern lebanon is right. ministry has been targeting the village of ho left for the past 2 days as well, and has beloved been exchanging the daily cross for the fire. since the war and gauze have begun, said, bay has more on the cross board of fighting from monitored. are you in southern lebanon that we've just had from his block confirming that 2 of its members have been killed in the town of who are the along the southern border? now it seems like that time has been targeted. but there yesterday, and today that's twice. oh use is there a need to use a drone? we also understand the is there any is have release some drone footage of that. note along the border tense, this constant fighting going on,
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and even when you manage to get access, you actually get to assess some of the damage that's being done yesterday. we were in a, at the shop, a camera along the border. and every way we looked, the buildings had either been destroyed or damaged. and this is significant because there is a fear that there is an escalation that slowly this conflict has been going on since october has been simmering and slowly it's escalating and that's the real fear. but here's what i've also said that they've not, they say that they've tried, that's under time missiles, stuff that you sent me so that the sentiments of, of the i'm and meant to the, to live just not far from where i'm standing can in fact, we can see it up on this hill now, they've also said that they've hit a soldier's buyer in bid kit, rush out along the border. now this, this escalation also comes us countries, a warning best citizens against travel to let run of the latest one. to save you a rapier urging its citizens to leave living on
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the sedans power a minute to rapid support forces say they've captured an impulse and city in the southeast. they claim to have taken over send you the capitol of central state. the sudanese army says it's still fighting in the area of thousands of people being forced to flee that homes to the fighting between the army and our assess. the conflicts has created the world's largest displacement crisis. according to a u. n. bank study nearly 26000000 people, half of so dense population facing food shortages, 755000 are on the brink of salvation. so let's take a closer look at where the fighting has been taking place in recent days beyond me in time. and actually forces are engaged in fish by holds in several states in no style full of a fault for several days in the state capital as fast you fighting is also taking
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place in front of both sides westcove the funds state, the r s. s site. they took the state capital and for the 10 days ago in the southeast and sent all the states the i'm is involved in, in 10 specialist with the rapid support forces to the still fighting in the capital . how to and the surrounding region. so have a move in has the latest on the 5 thing phone calls to the take over of the power military rapids support forces of thing to the capital. often not states comes days after the receptive over given moya, also in this, in our states as well. as taking over at full at 10 days ago in west go to the fine and it looks like the iris stuff is getting more and more territories as the fighting continues between it's and this is denise army. now the army says that it's still has post a spicing. i'm thinking against apparently the 2 rabbits support forces with surface on the ground confirmed. so i'll just be right back. the rest of it in
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control of the 73 division. that's the military base. that is present in saint john and that was the charge of the entirety of not space. many of the to the news on 4th is that were there and the division help was going just a nice that the as the fighting as a security between it and the permanent through rapid support forces on saturday evening. i mean the early hours of sunday morning, the just released by the archive showed his presence in the 17th infantry division . now civilians have been forced to plead their home after the receptive over the 17th century division, but they have been playing since slicing sausage between the city, these army and the permanent through rapid support forces in the late hours of saturday evening. many of them have already been displaced repeatedly, some of them came from 2 others came from dizzy to say which they are receptive over in december. and so for many of them just a verification of things that they're familiar with now. and there are options for freeing are limited. they're trying to escape areas under the control of the permanent 3 rapid support forces. so many of them will be trying to head eastward
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towards read the state, the body, state and government of states into them. but their mode of transportation are also limited for the journey will 6 days for some already for them has the highest number of displaced people as a result of the fighting between the to the news army and the parent military rapids support forces more than 26000000 are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance, but many people are not getting those assisted and as a result of the restriction of a, a by the violence. so they all can sense by both being seen to at the moment that even if they do get to a safe location, they will not be able to get the humanitarian assistance they need. he but morgan, alta 0, talk to him about should. adriece is a human rights activist and independent panelist on sedan joins us live from call this via skype good to have you with us. so 1st of all, is the ami effectively on the back foot now?
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well essentially what happened to you is this marks the 7 states capital that has forwarded to the hands of the rapids support for assistance. this thought of this for just 10 days ago, it was a, for the, in this instance, the come onto the commander in chief of disability on sources of that for the headboard on was actually 60 columbus the way from those in just in the city of some way he was having breakfast, the troops after the heavy fighting that we've seen the past few days in de moines and in the sugar factory. and essentially what we see here is uh i'll flanking tactic. and the news i used by the rapid support forces to travel through the agriculture plains offset not to launch it to launch a surprise attack against the stage capital in a single. now unfortunately, because of this, there's a lot of questions on the competency of the army and the legitimacy of its leadership, especially who was as just mentioned just next door. and yet the stage of
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the fell through the hands of the rapid support forces. the questions, as i showed, if i could jump it out with the, the finding that has been going on for months. why are we seeing the recess suddenly now being able to make so many gains as well. it's due to the new tactics that they using, and that is basically to run the tactics of entering cities, causing mess, panic and displacement and room is spreading, especially with internet blackouts, a very often but information troubles fast, but it cannot be verified. and as such, it's very easy to send a unit of, of just about say, 10 vehicles into an area cause mass panic. and, and that is essentially what the roof is support for 6 months. and that is being pushed forward by its fuel to come on. this old beach. okay, cool. however, that's also look at the seasons of sedan we do about to enter the radius season,
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meeting the very side. and those of the country well suited to much the rapids support forces will just be the support forces and they won't be able to maneuver, assess specific forces. always seeing the recess. i mean, they created they taking pockets along the south of the, the country. are they trying to create a belt? they would control in the south right from the eastern border to the west and border as well. it wouldn't expense for them essentially because that would be controlling the agricultural hot and then so sit down and no country runs on an empty stomach. and essentially the recept wants to have that power. uh, roll out the whole of sit on it needs to control the food production of the country . that's why we've seen the tax and the invasion in december just last year on what's meant any, consider the agricultural capital of sit on. that's why we see that tax incident ongoing following the miles and attacking task. however,
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also because of its strategic location in, in a single, a rough example, forces can move down south to the blue now state to devising. they can move to the west where they can go to white nile states or they can move the east and try to get to the volume. so clearly what we see is a, is a very important stronghold that allows them to make much more maneuvers. and this week shows incompetent, see the cities on sources, which is a message, but i is, it's, uh, we've seen pictures and videos of large displacements from citizens moving south towards the united states as the rest of a center. it's remaining here is uh, currently under attack. um however, in the bigger picture of things, it seems as if the rocket support forces does want to create its own government. as we've uh, the previous requests mentioned was happening in of sasha. as such,
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it was just the last of the, the state capitals in buffalo that is not on the rocket support for his hands once it falls, or if it falls interrupted, simple forces hands. essentially, doris f would try to claim an independent government. they're similar to how has the has done in libya, which with the end of the interests of the regional powers, b, u, a e, within this context. all right, good to get your thoughts and analysis on the advice of the race and independent analysts. a thank you. the eastern caribbean is bracing for the 1st hard kind of the season. is jeff, it's who's most at risk. and so let's get you an update on our storm here. this one's really cooking up. in fact, the forecast is by monday this will become a major hurricane. so categories 3, on a scale of 5. let's paint the red line on and look for the storm is going, looking like it's gonna pass rate between barbados and granada,
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and then head out toward the central caribbean over the next few days. so check back with us for the latest on that. that's where across central america, this batch of whether running into the east coast of mexico. it's bringing down the temperature is in places like mexico city. so 22 degrees for you today on sunday. wow. it's really heating up through california is valley here. so sacramento is $39.00 degrees. this is going to be about a week long heat wave, and temperatures will continue to rise over the next little bit. also heat alerts in play for the southern states, extending through the carolinas, up through delaware, pretty well, new jersey as well. just stopping short of new york city at 31 and bursa brain to go for the eastern seaboard. here the prairies are fine, few showers coming over the rocky mountains. that's going to straight calgary with some showers into south america. we go, spill rain coming out you for that southwest corner of columbia and still a cool wind for patagonia. so best i can do today and come a go to reboot that via 8 degrees for you. and so i see you soon. i, i said i had an al jazeera, the u. k, titans visa rules,
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what it could name for international students and their families. plus i'm come on either end or shower, where millions of off of on that being a bad created by for and then scroll to indian cricket size, make big announcement to the world. the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that you're signing a present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to alexandra
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shemaker also is for the love of the game. big discount starts at 50 percent and drop one percent every day. or a freebie inbox. subscribe down to what you a for a year right? 20. 24. more the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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welcome back. you're watching out to 0 time to recap the headlines now. french fries and do you mind you? my clause cost is balance. and the 1st round of snack collections, which you called for just 3 weeks ago. 2 rounds of voting will determine who will be prime, minnesota, and which policy controls the national assembly. at least 43 palestinians have been killed in garza and another 111 injured in the past 24 hours is transmitted to me as being carrying off the ground offensive. and should jaya neighborhood have gone to the city now in its full stay? sedans, permanent to rapids, the pool full, so say they've kept it and, and pulled and sitting in the southeast. they kind of in control of the city of san joe, the council of san all states. you all me says 8, still fighting in the area and immigration is one of the major issues ahead of next week's general election in the u. k. for families of overseas students
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studying the recent changes to these rules may force them to re thing where they can learn and live full rece reports from london to be making breakfast for her children. how to write on on the montage is the post of many daily duties for aisha entails the profit bread is a taste of home in karachi before a day of work and study in london. her family is, hey, well, i used to take sight master's degree in journalism but she could be one of the last to enjoy the support if i loved ones after the government types and visa rules for dependence of students. and it's just led to this piece of mind that i have my tribes with me, especially for women of the south asian does for it. it's not very easy. those who have children or husbands to leave your home country and pursue higher academics in education without having at least your husband, if not your kids with you. i feel like it's really cutting off a huge. so lots of society of very few are now allowed to bring that dependence
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with them as part of government promises to come to immigration. the hiring office says the 10 to 12 months up to march this year, they were more than 111000 visas issued to students dependence. that's 25 percent less than the previous year, but still nearly 7 times more. then in 2019 aisha is one of around 700000 international students in the u. k. accounting for about the quote to universe these teaching and come thing that we're saying face of the current government and say political policies contesting the selection. if the good site just give people stability, we want the students who are thinking about maybe studying abroad in 3 or 4 years time to know what the deal is. a better future for her daughter. it was a big part devices, decision to leave pakistan for the u. k. well, husband sucky brofy has been able to work in the k industry on his visa. or you said doesn't believe the system is being abused. all that, that needed fixing the image in our imaginations as so exaggerated that it's
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people's grand loves an entire like cohorts of people coming in. there's intense documentation and the way that you prove that these are your children and this is your husband. so it's a very controlled process, student dependent visa applications, what down 79 percent in the 1st 4 months of this year, following the restriction, unless things change up to the election, the childhood memories of other families will have to be made elsewhere. and some academic dreams, perhaps abundant. pull race out is there, london. so let's take a closer look at the integration situations. the u. k. high levels of integration have been a major political issue in the u. k. for more than a decade. in 2023. net migration, the difference between the number of people arriving and the number of people leaving, reach 685000 more than 3 times higher. and during the last election, well, to reduce those numbers, the government has almost doubled the minimum salary required to qualify for
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a visa. net migration drops slightly last year. the issue still a major back from ground one the upcoming election. the conservative say that introduce an annual limits on the number of migrants, labor suggesting visa restrictions and training u. k workers. so companies don't have to hi from overseas. the guy again, is a political commentator and also of the book democracy for sale. he says, any future labor government looks likely to prolong many current policies on integrations of the current government. conservative government has, has made a lot of changes other than 2023. there was a bite to shy of 700000 people at migration. so u. k. which is, is, are kind of a rapport, heights and the government has been trying to, desperately try and reduce the numbers of people to come to the u. k. b, it has their, i think, is their pocket shows. well, this is, this is some of these have been trying for a long time in terms of actually trying to attract people to come see, okay. so there was a, there was a strategy of bad time to get more international students of ours that was looking
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to bring their problems with them. so there's been a lot of like very rapid volt sauces on policy. i'm speaking with big kind of policy trying of the doctors to conserve the parchment of other parties to similarly we had the rolanda scheme which hasn't even got off the ground. yes. i think the likelihood is us, the incoming neighbor government has a husband echoing some of the conservatives talking with ration. they've said immigration is too high. but without really talking company about what they do about us are lots of problems with the system or, and they're basically been kind of saying that the problems that the they have or to do with the can service running the migration system bodily. and then they will do a better job, but it's not quite clear exactly what that means. and we've had the kind of policy that came in in january of this year around around blocking families, coming with the student pieces, which are actually already having a huge impact on various universities and talk to somebody knows he's going both. so there's actually a lot of potential outcomes beyond just reducing number of people who come to the u
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. k. and so far understand reduction, actually, none of the parties have really dropped as of the the the 2nd round of campaigning has officially started in around the head of the presidential ramos next week. no candidates secured enough boats to win and outright majority and fridays vote. these are the results from the 1st round, solver fullness candidates. so as a scan came out on top, with 42.5 percent of the vote. it was followed by conservative site deli lee, a full, my chief nuclear. i negotiated with 38.6 percent of the vote, slightly less than 40 percent of eligible voters took pos in v election. according to the interior ministry. that's a new historic low to an out since the 1979 revolution. a suicide of the has more
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from the header on for the presidential candidates in iran are not officially allowed to start the campaign for the 2nd round of the election next friday on friday. there will be 2 presidential otherwise debates during the debates. the can do this are going to elaborate on their programs that they are going to implement in case if they are elected. then also they're going to try hard to convince the voters to go to the amount of boxes. because in the 1st amount of the election, oval turned out was, you know, 40 percent, which is the lowest turnouts is just obviously republic. these 2 candidates are coming from different backgrounds and they have different approaches. one's come, how to address the problems that you're on is facing. the honda inclusive at the side generally says that she's going to continue the same policies of the late presence of brian bracy, which means improving ties with a non weston companies to put an end to elation that you're on is facing. is also using the term, the resistance economy. this agency is elected,
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he's going to buy and implement these resistance economy means using the company's resources more efficiently and also deploying more use into the company's workforce . on the other hand, the reform is candidate for this guy on the scene. that's the main problem that you're on is facing all the international sections and on the way to remove the sections is to negotiate a nuclear deal with the western countries. i'm opening you run off to the world to put an end to the installation that you're on is suffering from any sales. another problem is the level of transparency in the company. and if he's elected, he's going to be the rule of law. so the, the, the, the outcome of the election next, right there are going to be impacted by 2 factors. first, whether those people who work at 4 different acquisitions they've can do this in the 1st round of the election, are now going towards 4 sides as
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a united front. and the 2nd factor is whether the of the board miscounted dismissal position will be able to further mobilize. the reform is what has to go to develop foxes. this is said that i'll just need to tear off as a 2nd phase of a controversial plan to the full that scanned refugees from pucks don. this set to begin more than a 100000. that scans could be expelled, fidelity voluntarily face arrest and the pool taishan was in 541000 before surveys and the initial phase, which began last november around 3100000 african refugees are still living and focused on an estimated 1700000 on documented from out of high that has more from the has on the refugee camp in the shower or atkins, have been staying the deadline. part of one refugees has already come through and then 600000. i've gone,
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i've already gone back through the country. now the pockets on the government says it reports all illegal aliens and focused on to be expected from focused on. it's of course and bring to guard your german italian problems. well, people who have guard focused on home for decades, it says read children were born, visit, read as by the editor. and they say that they need to be given more time to back up doors go, wind up their livelihood. many have made investments in this country, and now there one more time. so that a but to make it in ready to go back in a dignified manner. they complain that there is a knock on the door and the date of the night, then are given any time to leave the country. and that's of god's in going to create a huge amount of debt in great, good because of honest on it's been not that big. and these people don't know what they are going back to. the complaint that focused on should have given them more
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time that time forward, but the fact that buckets on need, they've looked off to them, but they're not happy about the young, dignified way in which they are being now thrown out of the country. the government are focused on the other and said that 0 dollar and for you legally. and after the spirit of our tax insights focused on which focused on claims, on indigo alien regard, the constituent, the majority of the population of affording their living in the country. they're now going to build up wrong gum i like that i was your did all at the head on a refugee camp bed for sure. all right, let's find out what's happening in football with gemma now. thank you so many defending champions. argentina have finished top of that for you for the corporate america with 3 winds from the street. and without conceding a goal, the captain legal messy stuff out that much. he gets free with a fine injury. that's all right, martinez steps up in his absence. the inter milan strike is finishing with
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a lovely policy means to give out just to you, to the needs of the in the 2nd half the champions within awarded a penalty for humble boundaries, right? as just given the offices, it was this the 1st day, but unfortunately for him, the best i can to the nature of the wind is 4 minutes to go. once he does scoring his full so the told him to make it to now, i continue to have him ready for the fight for the quarter finals and would like king size echo to mexico next while 3 are out the other game and group a. so kind of that take on chilly should we have defend the gabrielle, to also sense of just 27 minutes in for secondary todd. kind of that has the bowl in the back of the neck and stuff. it's time for the goal was to move out for a flight as it's finished goals, the appointment was enough for the one of the day becomes kind of that to finish the 2nd of the week and still a place in the close of finals. well, actually exit in the group, say to the best on since 2004 down to see all that score again for germany as the highest speed denmark to reach the quarter finals of the yours. it could have gone
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either way and goldman by deadlock, felt like that from the scoring. and the 2nd talk to you, it's him, anderson, thoughts, vo spaces offsite and the build up and it has moved out straight southwards. jeremy played the ball forward and they all got involved again. this time discussing a humble in the box by anderson a penalty was awarded at also those cry habits put johnny in front. and then we'll see all that security geminus plus when and imagine no cups tournament, no co games, and the 2016 has the joint top score outdoors with 3 goals. i wrote the see bar, i have the photo here. it was one, send somebody to off site, and this is not the way we're supposed to be using v a r. and that's for the penalty. i'm so tired of the ridiculous humble rolling. i'll tell you what's running normally. we cannot demand that you runs with his arms behind his back. big congratulations to germany. they have a great team. but in my opinion,
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this is not how football is supposed to be. defending champions. it's me all out say, well, well, base and by switzerland it's, you know, a regular for la and ribbons august goals in berlin in switzerland assess whenever it's lisa. the c one is for the fed, you'll raise running the whole does it going out in the last 16 off before school in 2021 on spain. 2066. and i do have england also back here in the quarter finals. both sides play the last 16 much on sunday, while john will take on the window of spain, georgia that much kicks off in clayton at 19 at gmc so it is england, slovakia. fast up on sunday. the your 2020 run is up top to that group, but every school, twice in the 3 games that have come under heavy screws today, so that performances manager girls, southgate says he's doing his best to to bill caps. the criticism team is never quite as poor as people might think, and never quite as good as people might think. therefore,
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you've got to be very careful not to throw everything out the window and lose things that you're doing well and lose continuously. and the confidence that comes from plays, playing together and the understanding that comes from those moments. and you have to ignore external advice and, and, and be assured in what you're doing. and let's go live now to a correspondence dominate. kane, he's invalid dominic's. we'll get to england's environment that fast the heist on the, into the courses as an aide to, to him in the 1st time in a while. well, it's been the reaction that see that when they the demo the into it's, you fauria relief relief. that's what might have being that you were describing. that hots must go out to the danish, where anderson who for high school to go and they are really the apps. and so he hadn't been handled the board in his own area. and the said that he has, and that, that sense of what happened with the, he's in the news media here,
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people saying it's stand the less so that sort of thing can happen. they don't wanna wait in that way. and yeah, they are obviously very glad indeed. the gemini has one that penalty from off of sky hobbits. let's see. all that stuff. thing the seal on that to little victory. compton. play thing. cool. so final against what of games. 2 games, georgia, oregon, spain, the german media, the german friends know who they would prefer to be playing against for their all. so 1st things 1st talk to me about what happens and trying to build that vibe that feel good back to this country has when it team performs well. cuz remember germany has traditionally been that told them its team a team that gets back so as it gets through the rounds of tournaments like this and like the world cup. remember all so this country is one full world cups and 3 european championships. what's the found on fire by winning this far as full sundays action in england as we mentioned up against slovakia lights and. and we're
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looking for a big performance soft or pretty underwhelming your a so far it has to be said well, they won't the key players to take the key rolls to unlock list the key in defense, they want harry k. let's be clear. harry king was what they called the best goal score. in june bonus the getting the season just gone. he was given a cannon for that's a cheese months fence from his perspective. this is a trophy european championship, but still available this season. it's available in germany. he plays in germany, so it's time for him to step up as well and take the key role. but there are other places to kind of sako from off know, can he reproduced the form he showed for his club, for his country and then others to those that come royce again from us. but there are other players who needs to play the sort of role that can do to slovakia. watch the heights about england. that suggested may be the case. but then from the slovak,
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in perspective, perspective, we see that england has played in fits and starts, will not happen again. can they concentrate on what they can send it to be the elements of being and seeing that on necessarily having such a good tone. and that's will find best house in the course of the next hour or so 2 hours. we will indeed dominic and we will also catch up with you again a little bit later. but thank you for now in india captain, right, his chum, as we're at cody both ended the international t 20 to raise on a high off to india one the walcott involved 8 us. katie smashed is $76.00 runs and the final again, south africa helping india face to face with a $176.00, which was the highest school in the seas once he woke up final. so that's what that looks on track to get that, but they will hold it in the track by a 6 have to catch on the boundary by so you can like get out really and stuff they sell at 71. sure to what is the necessary woke up. sorry, so it ended in his 11 year wait for major tracy,
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another 1st team to go through the whole tournament on beach. i have enjoyed since that time i started playing this walmart and nothing but at a time to say goodbye to this walmart. i loved every moment off of this. i started in mind that he had bleeding this walmart, and this is what i wanted. i wanted to in the top and say no surprise to see celebrations back came in india, but cricket is the number one sports before this victory. they say that same is fight straight finals across or 4 months is the 2nd time they won, the team 20 woke up off during the normal edition, back in 2007 with one round to go out. the real kids movie, it's classic in detroit is still the same to play as tight at the top to actually, but to you, an hour and ride by study, that's an ultimate holes to move to 17 on the fall. but that is just one shot clear of the failed heading into the final day. and also something that is becoming a regular feature in our support as well as it is a high run by show, hey, it's on
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a, this is 26th of the season. and a healthy low assembly, so to speak, to san francisco joins 4 to 7 villages itself with the national request will see the slider how it just i'm right there in the i'm finally keep your eye on the left of the screen. it's horrible was taken by toronto, his go, keep it in the last year. you could go around, it didn't see it, lances democracy already behind him. he's total as school the when the in the 97 minutes out there that is always support for now. that piece that will have more lice us on me. thanks so much jim. now the army general who led to a report as a coup attempt in bolivia earlier this week has been transferred to a maximum security prison just outside the capital of bonds. the former ami chief general fund jose zuniga was sentenced to 6 months free trial detention. so when the guy says he was following orders from president luis out of say,
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president denies that the, i'll just say it is that as a ball is in the past, sat down for an interview with the president reset as it was thrust into the global spotlight last wednesday when wrote military units seize the central square over the past, the president immediately denounced mister president, we also the images of military units in the plaza in front of the presidential palace of the military entering the presidential palace of you, confronting a general and telling him that he has to respect the constitutional powers, but many people in the country believe that this was something organized by the government. what would you say to them? because they lived in the most denise, i kinda kinda caught in a few minutes when you go to see if they has been comma, don't exceed hope. the old plan that goes to jump on it the colors feathers, but that among them instead, when they don't know if they think and maybe this will be,
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they feel ivy at them and give it up whatever it is scheduled up with them. and it does sound like the crash when this book video and then the last hopefully building. so you can by the next time we then i just have a few minutes when you go. but what do you think? what went wrong? i mean, was it military intelligence? what failed? well, escape that he is here. is that in men of the in depth some of the comparisons are here. i see no zip of new cars and such and those get ok. ok. all right. and what the status that if you go is a 22 question survey. so go by front of the apartment to the pressure you say got the as the is the internet when you get closer to your studio. that is being startled by your lives in the middle of economic crises, of a political crisis with a confrontation within the party. between you and former president, if morales, how can you guarantee stability until the election is next year or so? that is his inflection,
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that was companion of the eviction process. where there's, there's already and this was done with double him. he's done was under as far as that price. you know, there's a solution that a for limits. no. does he have a special yellow specialist? the one that is a special have to be someone for him to tell him any, must give us a thought. any of you have this, i suppose he meant to go with it and it was how much does he meant to go with him? she told me the 5th or last and says same, what does this with them? so that i can see that it hadn't been looked. i thought i should go on. the ceiling is better post. i mean, let's go on the ceiling. this bucket ring, i took the point, i see pressure, and if you missed the cash, is that the company of this thing i looked around the corner and the reason i see the cheapest they can is going to show in this case. then i'll probably turn the risk of getting letters or not on, i mean, we have like, well, and again, i, mr. setup initially, i didn't want to, you know, if there's
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a lot of soon and we'll try to keep up with that said from me for this news out, but i'm back in a couple of minutes with another full show. so to stay with us, the african stories from african perspectives, the music it is the menus to say mass email works from phone people to short documentary use by african filmmakers from the media. and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water and the go from the new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra, i think it's this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is
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a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on scene until now. our moral is high. now brothers die every day to the trade. our country of to 0 world reveals the long lost personal testimonies from the men and women who fought for all julian independence. i'm writing to you,
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not knowing if this will be my last letter, letters of love letters or for analogies 0 the showcase of the best documentary towns from across the name on the 0. the, as the french president cost his ballots in the 1st round of the parliamentary election far right. and national riley hoping to make big games. the site may say that this is al, just, there are live from dell hall. so coming up intense baffles between is ray,
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the soldiers and palestinian sciences and northern gaza strip jaya,


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