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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the hi to announce in the 1st round of frances parliamentary elections would follow rights and seeking a historic when the time sat. me say them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up 10 spend. busy between is randy salyers and palestinian sciences, northern gauze us to die, a neighborhood at least one palestinian is killed and 5 others injured in his radio striking the occupied westbank at least 18 people are killed in
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a series of suicide attacks. northeast and 9 tyria. dangerous way to make a living, the risk for people picking up rubbish in india 6th street. the now a high to announce is being reported in france when millions of voting in snap parliamentary elections that could bring greyhound sutton, c to the nation, into the continent. for the 1st time, the fall, right, national ran a policy of marine, the pen is, has a chance to become the largest. it's a vote that could see support for presidents, emmanuel microns, centrist block, dwindle the final outcome, often next sundays of the next sunday. second round could lead to political style night stuff. austin begins coverage from these were you weeks ago. nobody in france
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was expecting to go to the polls today. slit, he had a off hosting and a snap election seen as president a manuel. my counts big gamble, nearly 50000000 registered voters will decide if his political center will survive . or if their folks go through the fall right, or to the far left, here in the south of france, a traditional stronghold of the far right. immigration has become the main topic. chicago for probably speaking about nice for me, the main problem, the security. i'm from nice and i no longer feel it's my city and it makes people like me, one to leave and we're friends, but they call us 2nd class citizens because they have to citizenship. and they will say that those were born french meanings, looking at skin, color, religion, etc. and that's what we don't want. that's what put people like us in a comfortable position, costing his foes the president's show was an optimistic face. but she could be the one celebrating marine the plan and her part of j 28 year old jordan butler has
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a chance to become fonts as 1st fall. right? prime minister, the national rally party has tried to soften its image, but opponents say it's strong, anti immigration stands is it? things are 2 french values and turns millions of people into 2nd flaw citizens. it's just the last is new popular from test, from the loose coalition. to come to the far right led by the socialist on both parties strongly show they have campaigned on lowering the pension age and making immigration easier, which would turn back reforms implemented by my call. it's seen as the most close to the election in decades, which could move the country in a very different direction. paula rice moved here in the conservative south. good for the sentiments and the rest of the country, the only author, the 2nd from next sunday, the french will know if and how on certain day political future will be stopped by some oh, to 0. nice, let's,
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let's go to jo. how in paris now join that we're hearing it's sofa, high level of turning out. does that mean? what does that mean? well, policies is that favor the, the fall, right? they taught to know precisely who it favors both the left and right on the extremes of politics here and almost any with tend to turn out more than century do so you could make your your own conclusions from that. but yes, the indications are that it is a high turn of 59 percent. it was about an hour ago with a few hours opposing less. it looks as though it will be well into the 60 to 70 percent. a threshold in that is pretty good for a bottom into the next, as opposed to the presidential election indicating the french people really do have a handle on what is expected, nothing less. some will tell you the values and ideals of the french republics that symbolized by the plus the for the big i'm expecting up for a riley light to buy the font. if it's a context of pete's. as i said,
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both extremes of right to left against one another with a manual macro on pinterest cody some squeezed and read. it is squeezed in between them and the central question in this election. and he posted himself a manual macro. and when he called the snap collection, immediately after a big loss and you were feeling the elections earlier this month, one by 3 la pen spot, right. he wants to collaborate vacation from the french people. do you really want a rock? we government a fall, right? government, well, he will begin to get the answer to his questions a little later this evening. how confident is emanuel my from that he can pull this one off? he goes into an extremely weak, weak, impersonal times he's not well liked in front of the scene as aloof as arrogance is out of touch with the concerns about devices he's part to you and he's synonymous with his body. goes into it week as a say of the back of that defeats in your opinion,
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actions earlier this month. this is a gamble for a manual macro, and he is called the vote has plus, he wants to know whether that european result was a so to protest both is your opinion, actions often off, or whether it is an indication of real political intent, whether the dial has shifted so much in this country towards the fall, right? that the unthinkable becomes thinkable. a fall right government, which will be forced, potentially to co habits with president macro and for the duration of these 10 to 2027, to absolutely implacable opponents, leading to deep instability, hearing frauds, theory, resigns. secondly, european union around the 2nd largest economy. that's jo in the house or us live from paris. the
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at least 43 palestinians have been killed in gaza and another 111 engine in the past 24 hours. intense fighting has been taking place in garza city, but as well as mid trees continued shedding residential neighborhoods into a j, a palestinians of traps by as well as ground defensive. now into its full stay, callaghan reports the smoke billowing above the homes of the issue. julia neighborhood as a sign of the red link was baffled between his riley forces and palestinian, find his belong. but it's those not finding full of holes in the crossfire, the outside of blah, blah. as these really takes advance. there's lots of shooting. i saw people running for their lives, so i ran home to take my family. but within minutes he's ready. time surrounded the area. we couldn't leave, so we will try that for 3 days without access to photo medical care, the civilians in northern garza,
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we don't have any trapped in the homes that were targeted to we assume they would not fire on children, removed the cotton set and they would not fire because they knew women and children were in. within seconds i found myself buried under the debris. in a blink, i saw nothing. i had my children screens buried under the rubble piping. so the total for the head and my mother and these really soldiers stormed our home through gas bones all over the ground floor and stone grenades. they smashed the door, an open fire on us. we kept screaming that we are all women and children. hardly. we raised white flags, but no response. these rarely soldiers kept shooting and shouting at us non stop. not safe in their own homes, palestinians have the choice of eva stain and risk being killed. we are trying to flee with the possibility of the same outcome. we jumped over the ruins of a destroyed home at the end of our alley to
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a shop road. we saw the dead bodies torn to pieces all over the road. we ran towards the main junction on the wave of tank shells on, but it's not clear yet how many palestinians have been killed in the past 4 days to my home. but the they have taken my wounded mother. she was taken on these rarely tang. she's badly wounded. i don't know what has become of her or what happened to her. i use right email address is 2 of its soldiers with hills and fine on said today. but it's there a text that a devastating the most vulnerable and gaza. callahan, elder data, now at least one palestinian is being killed in 5. all those engine is riley as strike in the occupied westbank. the attack has an apartment and the no shipments can not fall from the city of to cut them to the injured people are in serious condition. been taken to hospital. the abraham has more from ramallah be occupied, westbank,
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a sense of the war started. we've seen an escalation and the use of these airstrikes by these really forces against different areas in the occupied westbank. today, we've seen the use of an a batch sheets to conduct the strike we've been seeing for a while. the use of is really role and strikes against palestinians, but in certain incidents, and indeed since the war. and before we've seen that use of about cheese against the palestinians. this time the target to the building had 3 stories at one palestinian had been killed according to local sources in the refugee camp. he's the cousin of a wanted palestinian man, which is yeah, he's the head of the north shoves, but totally and, and he is been wanted by these really forces for a while and we where they are in horsham sir. fugit kept last april when also these really forces said that they've targeted and killed the heads of but till the battalion was a jack. when he later appeared it to be okay according to his colleagues day
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through nice. the video saying that he's fine. it seems that we're looking at the same incidents happening today. these really forces say that they've targeted those for how this thing is. and they say that some of them with an accused of killing and is really succulent in being the, to the north of the occupied with bank last week. but it seems from the information with getting from inside been which i'm strategic. and that they only succeeded in killing one, but he seems not to be the target that these really forces were after. now at least 3 has the law fighters have been killed off during his ready drug and attack in southern lebanon. these ready ministry has been targeting the village of hola for the past 2 days, israel and has beloved been exchanging near daily, cross 4 to 5 since the war and gauze of again, the. yeah, man's hostings have reduced the video of the much and ship damaged in a driver to tax the red sea. last sunday, the around the line to seize of launch repeated drug,
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and miss ald strikes on the ships in the red sea since november. they say the attacks are in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. a series of coordinated bombings in northeast and nigeria is killed at least 18 people, a marriage celebration, a hospital, and a funeral service. among the targets and the town was at least 30 people were injured. now and is taking responsibility as far as the site. several females suicide bombers were behind the bloss. i wouldn't even 50. it happened us around 3 pm at the wedding venue that we were sitting in. when a lady came in holding 2 children's hands and then we have the explosion. avenue address is following developments from 9 serious capital a. bu, just so sorry, if he's, if not saying who's behind it giving any indication of what leads the following.
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but basically, um they haven't said anything yet. of course we have uh we find in the last 2 hours we find reactions from both the president of nigeria who issued a statement saying that the perpetrators of these act what people suggested. they not technicians on the spot condemned the type inside. this is some but a game, the tides via the signature of both our names auction that has all i did stuff would be with i so it's cold. i swap all the stomach state in the temperature was these 2 groups have been categorizing at the northeast of nigeria, not only but real estate, but also i joining the state of iowa. and you'll be states that it would seem a tax and kidnappings, arbitrated by their projects over the past few months or so. uh so right now they haven't claimed responsibility, but the idea is going through one of the most difficult times payments history in terms of what types buy on groups. and then also once we have benefits, but normally the groups normal,
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the groups are approaching him that julia has had kind of a used female suicide. but most of us have some site, but most generally, the types of you named type get so many to target accept the true gospel choir. at its highest swap, offshoots will be finger pointing now directed towards bar. i might need to ask you this. i just simply, i so at the moment that it's been years since we've had suicide, the tax, how is the timing being interpreted? well, i can tell you that over the past few months, which seemed heights and many to present to be some of the countries or teen also operations being scaled up. i had almost daily both 5 minutes and i'm bushes as well as the weights conducted by the military. and i didn't meant for you inside the boat quite out for myself, some beside they've been there. and or i will have to leave it that, that was that me,
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that reece joining us from nigeria. i said i had an al jazeera while trolls that aux dues in west, through some of demonstrating against being drafted into israel's army will have more from sudan on those conflicting or for the time in that feedback. that support forces, if cap, since the capitol of set on states in the southeast, the hello any way you look at it, it's going to be a washout for ne india. let's pick up the weather store. they're great to see by the way. so for our natural protest state's highest level alerts issued for rainfall. here we're going to see a couple 100 millimeters. so that much rain, that fast will certainly trigger some flooding. part of what's going on here is we're bringing up moisture from the bay of bang golf and it's just bringing out
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that moisture over a ne india land sites will be a concern. sure to take you to enter an easier right now, particularly borneo island, west kelly mann times. you're getting straight to us in solid bands of rain and no . yeah, there are severe flight advisories in play for the southern philippines. this includes mid now island, else with rain, of course we're being dallas with rain, with our summer rates across trying to really following through the yangtze river valley, shooting out over the east, trying to see all of this. what weather is pouring into japan? so places like ghosts, talk of this is really going to be a washout dog. the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling. so we mentioned to a socket. let's take a look at the 3 day forecast. i think over 48 hours, you could see a months worth of rain. this injects a lot of moisture into the atmosphere, so the rain stops on wednesday. but incredibly shumate 31. feel in closer to 42 degrees. that's here.
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the african stories from african perspectives simmons and reduce the menus to same se, mailbox and some people to short documentary by african filmmakers from the media. and gonna, knowing that i'm actively contributing to the change. it's really a rewinding feeling, sleeping on water. and the go from a new series of advocate direct on i'll just sierra the the, the watching out just here at the time to recap headlines now. the 1st round of
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snap parliamentary elections is underway in france with the fall rise, expect it to make gains. some imposing stations. voting is now closed and the accounting is resuming. 2 rounds of voting will determine who will be prime minister, which policy controls the national assembly. at least 43 palestinians have been killed in garza, another 111 engine in the past 24 hours. sales metro has been carrying out the ground, defensive industry, jaya, neighborhood, and garza city now and it's full. stay to the 2nd phase of a controversial plan to the pool of task and refugees and pockets. dawn is set to begin. well that a $100000.00 afghans could be expelled. if they don't, they voluntarily, they face arrest and the full patient holding 541000 the forced to leave in the initial phase,
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which began in november around 3100000 african refugees still live in focused on the most an estimated 1700000 undocumented come on, hide to has more from the has on the refugee camp in the shower scans have been living the deadline. part of one refugees has already come through and then 600000. i've gone, i've already gone back to the country. now the progress on the government says it reports all illegal aliens and focused on to be expected from focused on it's of cards and going to guard your germanic area and problems. well, people who have guard pockets on home for decades, it says read that children were born, visit read day by day every day. and they say that they need to be given more time to back up doors go, wind up their livelihood. many have made investments in this country,
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and now there one more time. so that a but it's to make it in ready to go back in a dignified manner. they complain that there is a knock on their door and the date of the night that are given any time to leave the country. and that's up got that. going to create a huge amount of debt. you guys said, because i've run this on, it's been in our database and these people don't know what they are going back to the complaint that buckets on should have given them more time that time for it. but the fact that buckets on is that looked off to them, but they're not happy about the young, dignified ways in which they are being now thrown out of the country. the government of fog is gone on the other hand that they did 0 dollar and $4.00 and legally and offered us page of our tax insights focused on which focused on claims, on indigo alien regard of laws constituted. the majority of the population of pol
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ford and they're living in the country. they're now going to be ended up running gum. i like that i was your did all at the head on a refugee camp. been pretty strong, was all trolls, adults. 2 issues riley's, of protesting in west jerusalem against mandatory military service. the supreme court ruled unanimously last week, members of the religious group should be drafted into the ministry quote size. israel's compulsory service applies to the out for orthodox like other citizens. this is, randy guzman has band, i'll just share a from reporting from as well. so i'm the son co joins us now from jordan's cap to a mine. so 1st of all, let's start with the pro test and this, this is not the 1st one we've seen by the controls that all the top all is the protest movement by them picking up right now. well these protests have actually been going on for years and they've picked up speed within the last year,
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even throughout the war. as the legislation for exemptions for ultra orthodox men to prevent them from serving in the army was due to expire. so once the sol really was kicking into gear, it was around march and april when these really government could not find a solution to replace the wall that was set to expire. now the protests were looking at today includes thousands of ultra orthodox men from the mission of the neighborhood, which is in west jerusalem. and essentially what they're saying is that they would rather serve time in prison, then go and be a conscript in these really military. since that decision, by israel's high court last week with you, nan and mislead, decided that there would no longer be exemptions for ultra orthodox. then there has been pushed back from mentioned y'all, whose government, including the ultra orthodox parties who are coalition partners. but again, the attorney general's office has sent a letter to not only these really military,
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but also the countries finance ministry saying that at least 3000 orthodox men needed to be drafted immediately. and that they were no longer eligible for any sort of government grants. stipend or funds, so the ultra orthodox men say they're going to continue protesting because they say they will not serve in the military. what are the implications then of these intensifying protests full, the unity of the government as well look, this could surely mean the collapse of mentioned y'all whose government is ultra orthodox men, are in fact enlisted into the military and nothing legislation wise can be done to stop it, it's something that these parties were threatening for a long time. the high court decision, netanyahu's late ruling the crude party, had slammed, saying that what they called the temporary ruling by the high court was not actually the way to resolve this problem. but rather something that should be legislated within these really parliament that they're working to pass on the 2nd
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and 3rd readings. but that still hasn't happened so surely. there are a lot of implications for nets and yahoos government. and it could be one thing that could bring it down from the on an issue which isn't often explained to an international audience. just give us an idea of why the entre orthodontics have enjoyed an exemption submitted tree service in the past. this is an issue that has divided is really society for years with is really to do serve in the military saying that it is simply unfair that they are the ones who have to carry the burden when it comes to security and defense. while ultra orthodox men rather study what they are in religious schools known as you, she was all day long and that is their full time jobs. so with this they receive full time grants from these really government stipends funding and exemptions, and that is why they do not serve in the government. there were formerly these exemptions for years,
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but this last earlier this year was set to expire and nothing. yeah. whose government didn't exactly do anything about it to renew it. there was one bill that did make it through these really parliament. the countries attorney general said that it is simply not enough to become law. and if nets and yahoos government did not come up with a solution, then in fact, ultra orthodox man would have to be drafted to these really military. immediately on that is, i'm the san jose, just to remind that she's reporting to us from my mind in jordan because as well as span down to sierra from operating the of more than a 1000000 people living in india by picking through 62000000 tons of rubbish sheets . yeah. unusually hot summer with temperatures. new daddy regularly topping 45 degrees celsius is putting lives at risk. comes of a 100 reports. it's a risk. not many we'll take. every morning davie comes to this landfill in new
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delhi to supposed to have family of the sun beats down on the mountain of garbage of feet. she goes to us, searching through the waist, looking for anything she can sell. she answered, but $2.00 a day. what is the up the man? the sack of garbage becomes to how to hold. when i unload the garbage, i feel dizzy and my hands shake. i take lemon water with me to work. i drink it to cool myself down and then resume working. dick stream, he and the heavy bags she caught his when i back. and the only thing that she faces the dispute toxic gussie. at least when garbage pico has died in the heat wave of the bottom about the phone. if i had an alternative that could let me work indoors or in the shade, that would be good, but i have no job. i have to do this work out of necessity. i am not even able to
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climb the mountain of garbage dump in one go. i have to stop 3 times expect see weeks because like baby walk out both in the heat at taking a heat. so the one of the most are you already loops and highly exposed to goes to the heat and also to their pollution. you make that occupational health, you know, safety may just mean void. but for daddy, not just to great. if it means providing for our family, how does and does it now, sedans, pamphlets, the rapids, the pulled forces, say they've captured an important city in the southeast a kind to have taken over, send you the capitol of central state. the sudanese on me says it's still fine thing though. thousands of people have been forced to flee that home due to the fighting between the army and the recess. the conflict is created, the world's largest displacement crisis. according to a u and bank study,
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then the 26000000 people, half of sedans, population are facing food shortages, 755000 people are on the brink of starvation. let's take a closer look at where fighting has been taking place in recent days. the army in time actually forces engaged in fis baffles in several states in no style full day full for several days in the state capital of sasha fighting, also happening and by the new site in west code of the fun. they are assessed, say they took the state capital then for the 10 days ago and the se, and said i'll state the armies and. busy so the intense bind phones with the rapid support forces and the still fighting in the capital call to and surrounding breach in a large, wild fire is broken out. south of the great capital athens comes just al, is off,
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the emergency work is contained another fire in the mountain. this area on an island in the g and see thousands of 5 fights is backed by 17 volta carrying a croft were deployed to control the flames. near athens, the mass says the 5 damaged houses, houses, and chapels. residents have been uh to leave 6 areas near athens to thousands of people have been evacuated in south west china because of flooding. their heavy rain in. glad jo provinces submerged rows, roads, and houses. some residents had to be rescued from their homes, also being trapped by floods. waters. heavy rain is expected to last until tuesday . as these rails wore on, gauze arranges on 10 year old, palestinian goes become a symbol of resilience and hope for now that's all lies posting cooking videos and social media. now there's
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a pause time and keep in mind they'll send it constant bombardment. honey. my mood went to visit her in central garza, she for pads of home another viable video on this, a small table in central dog, junior old renada. all of the talent and passion come a life, and i have always a man this i always loved cooking, but i didn't know i have this skill before the started by the horrors on folding around here right now. it has found a way to put a smile on both her face and the hundreds of 1000 of followers now watching her last day. ma'am you said i'd be a, i'm trying to escape the agony of bring joy to myself and to make others happy to


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