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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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unity and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. the the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the new salad live from to have coming up in the next 60 minutes. the fall variety is on top in french complimentary elections for the 1st time since the 2nd world war president for crowns alliance is reduced to 3rd place. in 10 special is between is really so just and kind of send in find to is in northern causes shatoya neighborhoods, females suicide bomb is his
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a wedding and a funeral. and a series of attacks in north eastern nigeria and on piece of famous with the latest news england offers of the cult of fine will be your pm championship. as all spain, 3 tom champions beating georgia to fit on the last 8 showdown game coast nation june. the frances fall right has come up with its best electrical performance in the post world war 2 era winning the 1st round just upon the entry vote. national riley leda, marine, the pen has urged voters to give her apology, an absolute majority. in the 2nd round, a voting in a week, voters have largely rejected president emmanuel microns alliance, reducing it to 3rd place while and you left us coalition. the new hope to the front
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is 2nd behind the national rally. background combed the snap elections just 3 weeks ago after the fall, right, made big gains in the european parliament elections, but his gamble has backfired with both domestic and foreign policies at stake. the, the almost immediately after the results were announced, protests broke out in the ninety's and powers. this is as plus the republic with anti finalized demonstrates has had been gathering over the past few because it does see those on both. the french people have demonstrated that desire to turn the page off to 7 use of contempt just and corrosive power. we will many, thanks devices and welcome this result. this 1st step towards choosing an
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alternative is a mock of confidence, which one is remind, obliges us. next sunday, if we are given the absolute majority to reform the country, i will be the prime minister of all french people. i will listen to each one of you and respect, all opposition. i will be open to dialogue and i will keep at heart the interest of the nation and be the prime minister of everyday life. well, as the national valley headquarters in paris, there was scenes of jubilation officer. the exit polls were released and it's smith was that and sent us this update. parentheses. national riley census power is within it's grantsville lead a marine latan has a just supporters to go out and vote next sunday to give them an absolute majority . and the national assembly jordan bought out of the man who would be prime minister without absolute majority as also purchase orders to go out. both of them
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say he will be a president every day french piece, just over 34 percent of the french elected according to exit polls at the national riley's page this fall on policy promising to the cell phone integration on as well . but also addressing the concerns of many french people and baffled promising to the ac on fuel from 20 to 5 percent on reducing the price of electricity and got 10 years. the fitness di demonize ation process and find marine the time the top to find that was an option from renaming the expense of a national riley. it's made it this sceptical policy is policies into the main stream. and now it's up to all the policies the left in the fall left and the senators to try and work out a plan to see if they can handle the fall. right. but it's how does it run past? just moments ago, prime minister gabriel, i tell,
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spoke at this evening officer the polls closed. he urged voters to keep the national rally away from parliament in the 2nd round. the public to see clara. but be sure to have somebody. the objective is clear. you have to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd drum from dominating parliament, and therefore from governing the countries with the nefarious planet has in mind. i say this with all the forces of that the moment, the months of each and every one of our votes has not a single for it to must go to the national right. in such circumstances, fonts deserves no hesitation. we must never hesitates. does that mean the left wing coalition, new popular front, that finished 2nd is urging its support has developed strategically in the 2nd round to limit the winning prospects of fluoride candidates. that will be the choice that will be given during the 2nd round. either the national rally or the popular front and those conditions we have no other options
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or any other reasonable demands. except this one, an absolute majority must be given to the new popular front because it is the only alternative. and that's bringing jonah whole now, who is in paris. jonah talk us through what reactions we're seeing in front. certainly a significant day in french politics. but then i can see a mess around it. if i write the field, a 12000000 friends, people who buy to buy and determination a months back to the rest of the country and you don't need look at what's happening behind me here in the past. so the risk of leak to get a real sense of the reaction among the n t file rights groupings. there's a riley taking place behind me. i'll step out of the salt to say get a lot, a better look at it. it's not a great move in the job. force is at the thought that the united specifically i had
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the best selection of the disparate groups united in that determination to see how they are holding around the site over there on the side, closer to us of the statute or myroom. that symbolizes the ideals and values of different to the public. the study here field would be on the threat from a fall right? victory riley has been going on a protest of youth groups like things, flags, and challenging things like no pity for faxes. and everybody hates bardello, a reference that to the 28 year old jordan. but the leader of the not somebody who would it say when an outside majority becomes 5 minutes up, alongside just about chrome as presidents. that would be a historic 1st across the colorado actually elect to power in this country, but they're not the yet. this is a round. but how did the week to come there is going to be an absolutely determined by the forces of the left here. and what remains the same truck,
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the center of politics in this structure, to try and work together to keep the ball right that you will need to. there is already the beginnings of, of being talked about where in constituencies what 3 candidates will contest about next week. the 3rd place kind of, it will fall away for the other one with a better chance of beating stuff. all right. to continue, that is a fact being discussed here, it would make a huge difference to the calculus. whatever happens next sunday, that is the same as it crosses heading towards a period this well deadlock, political deadlock at best done wrong call them at the worst us as a really deep political instability, with a foreign minister either the right to the left working alongside emanuel macro on this president. he's the rest of census politics, if a gun in 2017 sensors power and being away boss. now, you'll continue as president until 2027. but his ability to govern thoughts the constrain soon as homeless through the next steps. because well, as of course,
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a strong showing for the far right, this is from a done deal is absolutely far from a done deal very far from a done deal. this is a picture of where the parties stand at the moment. there is how the re calibration that takes place before the 2nd round run, next sunday party list. so we'll have to be reformed. candidates who score less than 12 and a half percent of the of us will be we do that strongest policies will go through this. i say some will be a to authorize how those perhaps as many as off of the seats. and then i will come see some testing by candidates from all 3 main groupings here, and it will be a week of intense. see you making practical vain play to try and figure out how the forces are present in the home. the right fax, the parties will be intense, can find more exciting to sell their final messages to the public. jordan by della they filed rights leader who would be prime minister has promised to re unite the
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country, the leaders of the center, and the less at warning of chaos. and it was stephen civil war. all right, thing to jonah for your reporting. that's jonah. how's the fortune from paris? of the at least 43 palestinians have been killed in gaza at another 111 injured in the past 24 hours. there's been intense funding in garza city. but as well as military has been showing residential neighborhoods in chicago, palestinians on trump to buy a ground defensive now into it's 4th day, started us reports from the in central casa, the smoke billowing above the homes of to should. yeah, yeah, neighborhood is a selling of the relentless that so that we know is very forces and palestinian falling to is below. oh there's no point single of coats in the crossfire,
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blah blah. as these really takes advance, there was lots of shooting. i saw people running for their lives, so i ran home to take my family. but within minutes, use ready time surrounded the area. we couldn't leave. so we will track that for 3 days without access to fluids or medical cap. the civilians in northern going, so we're not literally trucks in the homes. what targeted to we assume they would not fire on children. removed the cotton set and they would not fire because only women and children were in. but within seconds i found myself by weed under the debris. in a blink i saw nothing. i had my children screens buried under the rubble piping. so the total for the head and the water and these released soldiers stormed our home through gas bones all over the ground floor and stone grenades. they smashed the
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door and open fire on us. we kept screaming that we are all women and children. hardly. we raised white flags, but no response. these rarely soldiers kept shooting and shouting at us non stop. stop safe in the homes. palestinians have the choice only to stay you and press being killed, or trying to flee with the possibility of the same outcome. and then we jumped over the ruins of a destroyed home at the end of the alley, towards south road. we saw that bodies torn to pieces all over the road that we ran towards the main junction on the wave of tank shells. i'm but it's not clear yet how many palestinians have been killed in the past 4 days. they have taken my wounded mother. she was taken on these really tank. she's badly wounded. i don't know what has become of her or what happened to her head. is where the ministry says 2 of the soldiers were killed and fighting on such
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a day. but it's the tax that on devastating the most vulnerable in garza northern going. so it was what it's about. it began attacks back in october and months ago. the as well as a claim they had taken control of the area of the ring. you had the abutment of intense pointing show that in north, going to like it was what and the strip this will this fall for? move a car, come as a algebra there at the palestine. several israeli soldiers have been injured in a drone strike, launched from southern lebanon into the occupied golden heights. he's really on. he says, one of its troops is in a serious condition, is real and has the law has been exchanging almost daily cross for the fire since the war and goes up again. and to remind to the is really government has banned ultra 0 from operating the so home to salutes joins me now from jordan to talk us through the latest. has there been any reaction to these developers?
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slowly as rarely, military did release a statement saying that 18 soldiers were wounded after a droll was launched from 11 on one of those in serious condition. the army says that in response, they struck several of his bow, a targets in southern lebanon, including the area where the drone was launched from. but all of this comes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a security assessment in israel cells. and one of the main focus points over there was the continued fighting in gaza saying that these really army is going to continue this war until an absolute victory is achieved that according to nathan, yahoo! but it also causes, as the defense minister jo, of the launch was in drop off for a situational assessment on the ground saying, but how much is quote on able to regroup. but we do know that these really military has been facing stiff resistance by him as fighters in both the north and the south
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. but the is really army is maintaining, but they are going to continue the war in gaza and that they are prepared for a war, which is the law. thank you. hum. to end a reminder that the is really government has bend on 0 from reporting in israel. and that's why honda is reporting from jordan at least one palestinian has been killed and 5 all those injured in his rally as strike in the occupied westbank. the attack had an apartment in the notions come, no fall from the city of full, got them. 2 of the injured people are in a serious condition and have been taken to hospital need. abraham has more from ramallah in the occupied west bank. a sense of the war started. we've seen an escalation into use of these airstrikes by these really forces against different areas in the occupied westbank. today we've seen the use of the batch sheets to conduct the strike we've been seeing for a while. the use of is really to roll and strikes against palestinians,
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but in certain incidents, and indeed since the war. and before we've seen that use of about cheese against palestinians. this time the target to the building had 3 stories at one palestinian had been killed according to local sources in the refugee camp. he's the cousin of a wanted palestinian man, which is yeah, he's the head of the north shams battalion, and he is been wanted by these really forces for a while and we where they are in north shutzer. fugit kept last april when also these really forces said that they've targeted and killed the had of but to the battalion was to jack when he later appeared it to be okay. according to his colleagues being through nice the video saying that he's fine. it seems that we're looking at the same incidents happening today. these really forces said that they've targeted those 4, how the students and the say that some of them with an accused of killing and is really suck, let in pm the, to the most of the occupied with bank last week. but it seems from the information
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with getting from inside been which i'm strategic. i'm that they've only succeeded in killing one. but he seems not to be the target that these really forces were after ultra orthodox jewish is release of protesting in west jerusalem against a mandatory military service. the supreme court ruled unanimously last week. the members of the religious group should be drafted into the military. the code said, israel is compulsory service applies to the ultra orthodox like any other citizen. the protest as say the ruling goes against jewish law. we will not go to the reading of states. do not find over be somewhere in the army like the entire a religious they are in
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the least 3. has the finances have been killed, offering is really drone. it's hug installed and living on these really military has been targeting the village of love for the past 2 days is real and has the law has been exchanging new daily cross for the fire. since the war in garza began, humans who fees have released video of the merchant ship damaged in a drone attack in the red sea. last sunday, the ron aligned whose these have launched repeated drone and missile strikes on ships in the red sea since november. they say the attacks are in solidarity with palestinians in garza. the
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coordinated suicide bomb attacks in northeast and nigeria has killed at least 19 people. female volume is targeted a wedding ceremony, a funeral, and a hospital raising concern about an escalation by groups targeting civilians and the military and addresses following developments from nigeria as capital. after several years of com suicide bomb was a back with the streets of the ladies to nigeria. these are the latest victims, friends and relatives who gather to celebrate that marriage in the town. of course, when did they even fancy? it happened that's around 3 pm at the wedding venue that we were sitting in. when a lady came in holding 2 children's hands and then we have the explosion and the survivors bury the dead. another female plumber struck kansas. imagine the pain of losing 5 people at the time. so this is something i can actually not forget because
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this has taken me back to memory lane of 2014. when goes, i was rated by this terry's group. dozens of people have been injured in the course of tax, many of them severely at the my degree hospital where some of the victims were taken. health workers struggled to save who they can get them is the oh my goodness, i have nothing to say. my son is unconscious. i pray that god grunts the speedy recovery and to the perpetrators of his heinous act. if we didn't make gold going them to the right policy, the alkali and the region, suicide bombers dictated explosives, and we'll go down close to the border with capital. many have been reported killed or injured. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but security forces and the suspect it's the work of book or on or off shoot. now i like to i. so then i didn't really treat has intensified is operations that gives the groups in the last 3 months. maybe suspect subsidies or tags could be the group's response to the heavy casualties each side. that
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a ton of suicide bombings this now course a great concert, not just in the northeast. you see this is going to do so much fish and people and movements. uh it was a look what was uh, even decide on this book was repeatedly deployed young females to carry out suicide attacks. the 14 year violence has given more than 40000 people and displays 2000000 people ignited us. ne, i'm a degrees. i would just say, yeah, so don's power military rapids are for forces say they've captured an important city in the southeast. they claim to have taken over cynthia, which is the capital of sent out of state even move and has more from the city of i'm dormant of the vista, rapid support for us. this fighter is driving around saint john the capital of united states in south eastern sedan, the paramilitary group to control of the city from the city news army late on
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saturday. hours of fighting ended with the army withdrawing from its base, which they are assessed, took over, along with other government institutions. and also under the tennessee zip code. in the record, support forces were able to liberate the headquarters of the 17th infantry division and a city of center on the west bank of the blue nile. and our forces placed the hands on an abundant stock of military equipment and an important step that will have a lisa impact given the strategic location and military importance of the division . the army and the parent military forces have been engaged in fierce battles in several states in recent days. in north adar for the 2 sides have been battling each other in the states capital fashion. it's the last army stronghold in the dar 4 region. the violence is also happening in bubble new stuff in west go to defend state in the south east in pen, not state. the army is involved in intense battle with the rapids support forces. and also in the capital cartoon and its surrounding region. the capturing,
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often get into not state gives the rest of control over more territory into them, but it also increases the number of those displaced internally. thousands have begun to leave the cities in fact, today, fearing they will be targeted by the r a stuff if they remain, even if they have no affiliation to the army. more than 10 millions to the needs have been displaced by the conflict since it started last april. and 26000000 have of the population are in need of assistance. some analysts see the reset is trying to gain ground ahead of the re new season, which will slow military operations. let's also look at the seasons of sedan we do about to enter the radius season, meaning that resign and those of the country will suit tend to much the rapids of old forces will just be the support forces. the rainy season may slow military operations, but it will also affect those who have been recently uprooted by the conflict and
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will need days to get to safety if they're able to do so. he bum, oregon ultra 0, i'm through man. hold on, 85 percent of kenya is population is christian, and the church plays a central role and it's political landscape and the off to month of protests. and just in recent weeks, some young canyons have outlined plans to go off to the clergy. next churches with close ties to william bush. oh, william, where does government feel a backlash? same bus route, he has moved from nairobi. president william rudo came to power styling himself a god fearing man of the people that cousin by us are coming on sunday. he was back in church hoping to re gain some popularity because of god's grace this country. i am sure these condition is going to change because we are taking the right steps. we're moving in the right direction. we've taken the right to zip 3, and we are going to make sure that this mission becomes
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a good nation court can what kind of what a calling all kenyans, his brothers and sisters talking of peace, unity, non violence on preserving life. and attempts to distract from the government's heavy handed deadly response to demonstrations against its textbook. one of the main churches in the country is right across the street from kenya's parliament. now the physical proximity of such an important place of worship to the country's legislative body. perfectly illustrates how central a role the church plays in the countries politics. just days ago, protesters and police far right outside its gates. more than 2 dozen people die in the violence. every major institution in the country is now worried. it may become the next target of public rough, even religious ones, with route to attend the church last week,
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sparked protest outside attacks on m. p. 's. let some churches to as politicians not to come, even the president's wife was asked not to attend the fundraiser for invitation, publicly withdrawn. we as then before because this one is going to be out for a while. sometimes you can see it may be me try to do. they may be, let's see if that stuff wants to do the the structures. it depends on the government. but i think the judge should be more on the people side because they'll walk is really to draw faith. stomach use the religious establishment of remaining silent when it could be doing some of the bedding as because the big against them is that they should have the of the, in the past churches and kenya champions,
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human rights and the struggle for independence. but after decades of sitting on the political, 5 young kenyan say, now is the time to side with the people. once again, same bus route, the oh to 0, the still ahead on, i'll just say for the leader of the main or physician pause. he finds a place in south africa's cabinets, as the african national congress enters a new era of coalition government, vowing to fight on. but polls show joe biden is losing support of to his poor showing in this week's presidential debates. okay, also finished the formula one australian grand prix will tell the rules, houses in scores with teachers. the of the
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there is still some damaging dangerous storms wandering around. you're currently going through northern yet through germany, off towards the baltic states, they have a cold, cold flooding, further south, and it's late. and in the step in 24 hours time, they go to reform or the pilot. and the voltage stays on up to finland, tail of the strings down through which the anyhow. so they're not going to work together. i suspect we'll find that they move active, the eastern side of spain hit the valley arts for a time, then reform possibly not. so much on monday, but on tuesday, in the bulk and states pumps of it's in the one small, quite a breeze blowing down through western fronds. and if you follow the line up, they are still just east of the baltic states. so that's a lot of significance, i'm just, i'm just following it in temperature that dropped quite a bit. but ahead of it, it's pretty hard to caress, for example, could top 38. and we did die in fairly quickly to 25 and stopped warm again. by the time we get to the service thing. but it's really impossible. nothing. now do you ever and it still is run about the 50 mile concentra lounge area. and this will be
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a picture for the, for one day about 40 for the airbags, of cost down in west africa. we should be looking for big thunderstorms and we've seen them. but then most the concentrating for the rest, for example, up towards getting and then down towards sierra, baird, the french lawyer, 6. just this for a compact tree. it's sentenced to death in the rock for his alleged involvement. and i, so despite the challenges of this controversial case, he's determined to oppose the principles of compassion to manage the defending french justice. a witness documentary on a jersey to a lot in america is a region of wonder i'm joy tragedy, and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are,
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you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a life. and it's my job defense life on the how and why. the know, again, you're watching out a 0 reminder of our top stories. the salad frances phone right, has come up with his best electronic performance in decades, winning the 1st round of the problem entry vote. that's according to exit polls.
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national rally leda, marine, the pen has urged voters to give a party, an absolute majority in the 2nd week of voting in a week's time. almost immediately after the results were announced. protest. supposing the fall right broke house left us and centrist politicians are urging voters to support the candidates in the strongest position to defeat all rights contenders. in the 2nd round, at least 43 palestinians have been killed in garza and another 111 injured in the past 24 hours. israel's military has been carrying out a ground offensive initial jaya neighborhood in gauze the city. now in its 4th day . i the south african president, serial gonzalez' has officially named the cabinet members of his new coalition government. they include the deputy president and key ministerial positions. the appointments come often lengthy negotiations for positions among cotton is the
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governing african national congress. last lost its majority in elections in may, it had to go into a coalition with the main opposition policy, the democratic alliance, along with age, all the policies to form a new government. however, matessa joins we now live from johannesburg. how does talk me through these developments? the cabinet has been announced. one of the main takeaways were political parties had been arguing of a key ministry is digit being reported that the the da party had to walk to the department of trade. it's an important ministry. one that determines economic policies including black economic empowerment, policies and transformation. compromises has to be made that did not get trades that went and see, but they got the did with the minister of trade. what's interesting also is that the diego to agriculture, so that for kids who feel to believe that the da pox is still represents the interest of, of what minority may not be happy with that appointment. the da also got home,
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it says public works, basic education, environment and communications, important ministries. the markets will be generally happy with the announcement appointment of the cabinet ministers and investors say that they feel that this means that they won't be too many drastic changes to so that because it could not make policies and her with so many political parties in the government of national unity, how likely is it that they will be able to work together effectively as well . there are 11 political parties, the government of a national unit, and so that for games i use 2 different parties working together. it's not a new concept. some of the municipalities like here into habits, but the different political parties are working together in the municipalities. the problem is they always arguing, so is the governments of national unity going to work and the say depends on the issue, depends on the topic. for example,
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let's say land reform. if the amc decided once a foss, direct lender for the da, which has issues of aspects of the land deform policy may push back, which means nothing moved so. so that's what gets ox spacing. a lot of arguments and disagreements to happen in this new capital, the system issues. all right, thank you. hi ruth, that's l correspondent and latasha reporting from johannesburg. the recent polls i've shown that a growing number of us voters, including many democrats, are expressing doubts about president biden's candidacy. following his unsteady debates on thursday or president biden was at camp david's spending time with his family. key democratic figures on major us talk shows a rallied behind his campaign to let's get more on this story with patty go hand in washington dc. but he has been a few days since the bite and trump debate. what does the democrats been saying
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about how the candidate performed? well, i think across the board, everyone acknowledges it was a pretty bad debate for president joe by the, for those who didn't watch it. there were times that he just seemed lost one instance where he just stopped talking and many of his answers just didn't make any sense. so publicly democrats are saying something much different than what they're saying anonymously. privately we, this is a very significant development that was a publicly, we've seen people. busy involved the politicians say biden is going to be there, not many he's the president, but just a little while ago representative jamie raskin. he's a very well respected member of the house of representatives. he gave an interview and left open the possibility that joe biden would not be the democratic nominee for president, saying that he could have the keynote speech at the convention and that he would be the figure that everyone would rally around. but he did admit, and he was really the 1st one to admit it publicly by his day. i like it in person
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that there are tough discussions happening. threw out the democratic party right now. but again, as i mentioned publicly so much different story. what type of listen, joe biden has demonstrated model with 90 minutes, but over the last 4 years the, the character and the metal of the man that he is. and he has demonstrated this both in his public service and in his personal life. joe biden is, are now many joe biden is our leader. and joe biden has ern and joe biden deserves the confidence, the respect. and frankly, the partnership that we now have to provide to him, the stakes of this res couldn't be higher. and the only democrat who's ever beaten donald trump is joe biden, is our candidate for november. and he has the best shot to be to. and patty has that reaction, been universal. how much consensus is that on this issue?
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oh, probably pretty, pretty much a 100 percent privately though we're seeing report after report of anonymous politicians saying that they are in full panic mode that are fighting runs. they're going to lose the white house, the house of representatives, and the senate. and it's important to point out the editorial boards, the column is across the board. i had, don't think i've seen maybe one column to say that by the should stay and these are people who have been very loyal to the president now coming out and saying for the sake of the country, he needs to step aside. now the, the white house says, look, he got a bump in the, in some of the polls and he has one or 2 percentage points within the margin of error. but i think this is very telling, and we're going to have to look to see if this continues with the last couple of weeks cbs news release to polls. the numbers are pretty striking. does bite and have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president. now listen to this number, 72 percent of those assets said the president does not have the mental capacity to
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serve as president. should biden run, ask registered voters 72 percent of registered? voters said no, he shouldn't run. the more alarming number for him is going to be with the democrats. 46 percent of democrats in this poll asked the president should not run for re election. that is up 8 percentage points. but since before. busy the debate, so what's going to really be the white house is going to be really looking at. is it these poll numbers continue? they're going to have to ask themselves if he really does stand a chance of beating donald trump, who he calls that extra central threat to democracy. right. thank you. patchy that's all correspondence, medical hand reporting from washington dc. let's get more on this story. i'm joined now by eric ham, who was a us political analyst and a former congressional stuffer, and he's joining me now live from washington dc. eric, thank you for joining me on the owners here and use our you may have heard patty's reporting just to is there a difference between what is being said publicly this public show of unity of
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standing behind president joe biden? and what is being said privately, in discussions among democrats. i think it's more striking in terms of what is being said internally from leadership within the democratic party. and what is being said publicly from the rank and file members of the party. democrats who will actually go to the polls in november in fault. what we are saying is that those rank and file every day democrats are actually circulating jo, bite and right now they are somewhat seriously giving their support to the president and the aftermath of what was an unmitigated disaster in that debate. and i think it's very striking and very different from what we're hearing from, with in the, the party leadership where there are a growing number of anonymous democrats in leadership who are concerned about biden's cognitive ability in his ability to not only continue to serve out the rest
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of his term, but also to actually be a competitive candidate for november's election for eric, how influential? all those voices that are expressing concern about the president's cognitive ability. might this actually lead to a major change before november in terms of how influential they are meeting? can they actually somehow reshape or change the trajectory of this race? will they actually push joe by then out of this race? i think the, the answer there is that they're not influential at all. what we have heard from joe biden since that debate is that he is remaining in the race and he's staying and the race is not going anywhere. and he plans on accepting the parties nomination at their convention in chicago in august. in addition to that, what we are continuing to see is while there is some level of concern, it hasn't actually stopped the momentum that we have seems which has been very striking coming out of the bait. in terms of the, the number,
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the rise and bite has got and some posts, as well as the record amount of money that he's raised as well. what does the bite and campaign need to do to overcome this idea that joe biden is, is too old to be president again, that he doesn't have the co cognitive capacity because it's not just a question that's come up in the, off the month of this debate. indeed, we've seen it for many months now. these questions posed by media over whether the president is too old to contest the election. a joe, my name's pathway to re election, has just gotten increasingly more difficult in the, in the aftermath of that debate performance. and the reason is because now we're prior to that joe biting was actually running against a single or a singular candidate. and i'll be a slot in donald trump, he now passed to run against the push back from within his party. he also has to
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try to run and stay competitive against donald trump. and so what we're seeing here is this now becomes a tool front more for the present it to continue to do, to try to run head of those lingering questions about age and fitness. want also continuing to try to come back a candidate who also has his own issues, but still remains it very competitive, not only in the election, but also in many of those key battleground states that will determine the outcome of this rates. eric, when we take a look at what patty was mentioning earlier about the new york times, editorial board, all the editorial boards also saying that president joe biden should not contest the election. exactly. how influential. all these voices for american voice both is and to vote has actually care about what the segments of the media have to say. i don't think they have much sway at all on 5 when you look at just the numbers in terms of the debate itself. it was one,
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but it was one of the top 3 least watched debates in american history. only 3 out of 10 americans watch this debate. and so i don't know how much impact it's going to have. and when you have the opinion, editorial pages such as the new york times calling for joe body and to get out of the race again. the paper may be seen as influential in elite media circles in washington and dc. but when we're talking about the voters in nevada, arizona, michigan, or wisconsin, what the new york times is saying is not going to sway those motors in any way at all. right, thank you eric. that's our time live from washington dc, who is a political analyst and former congressional stuff of his vietnam prepared for the arrival of russian president vladimir putin. recently the government to quietly announce to that the communist party chief in hanoi dental was stepping down. is the latest victim of a campaign against corruption,
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but seen a 3rd at the point of view or resign in the past 2 to 2 years. tony chang reports from the vietnamese capital henry russian president vladimir putin meeting the general secretary vietnam's communist party when photo, during his recent state visits coming out of it was a red public appearance for going who's been suffering from pull health for several years. and the signal to get some balance of return to the top of the communist party, the political instability in getting them right now is become, you know, return to a stable. you can also see that 4 to 4 p less the center of the country, the president, the permit store, and also to share a man of their national assembly is now in the position already. the most obvious change is the appointment of a new president told them in mid may form a public security administer, he launched a 90 corruption campaign that's for dozens of senior officials to resign. but as
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one to sit and told me, new rules on ethics could force even more officials as of the policy not known as regulation for one, for full with that regulation. the property. so typically seen to say 0. it's been busy this throwing it sir. the exposure of a recent banking scandals sent shock waves through vietnam. property tycoon, defraud a $27000000000.00 us dollars from state banks. with the help of corrupt officials. she's been sentenced to death and the public trial and disgrace of so many officials assign the problems. renting the sheep, one to clean the property to say it's reputation. but i don't think they are going to success
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the body of human lives and it's mosley. i'm in the center of henry and his audiology is still up the cool vietnam's coming. this policy of the country has changed. it's now unload, marketed economy will probably be unrecognizable. the man who led it to independence. it's the contradiction of the heart of vietnam today. a rigid communist government trying to govern a free wheeling market economy. reminders to those in charge of the principal directive to serve the people. tony chung out, is there a noise or so my head on now to 0. the rest of the of hope, we need a 10 year old and goes to become a social media hits. despite the horror and in sports, back from the brink, england galactic o keeps hope alive for the 3 lines. and the
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what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity, what sort of future society do we want to create and all this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice, age guys, which actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, making a bill in an entire country, the future's going to be good for the i would be nice safe to put functions as well as human on al jazeera. my name is brandon jackson. i'm a 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released for old web to 25 and a half years, have been slee now less than 90 days. after a lifetime of prison, a man is now free to fight against our k grace as low as that belong to the past.
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fault lines, conviction on a jersey to the right. it's time for support. now his patience is a good. thank you very much. i spending island have book best spots in the cold finals of the european championship in germany. the spanish came from behind to be georgia to add one's rodrigo and beds and stubby, another ruiz guessing golds, and the 1st of which nicole williams and betty almo, missing in the 2nd, to secure a full one. when the victory the spain will face this nation to me in the last 8 on friday, spain are looking to win the tournament for
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a full time. the last time coming in 2012 england beach, slovakia, and also it has to come from behind with yvonne. she runs missing in the 1st off, deep into stuff it's to, i'm however, rail madrid, still jude spinning and scrutiny was equalizes the match went to extra time with captain harry payne, getting the when a final school to one to england got south gate c most a switzerland, in the course of finals on saturday. that's alive now it's corresponded to many kane, who's in berlin, so i'm glad stalled with spain. they were impressed with performances continue next up. a block buster cool to final against the host nation. what a fixture that promises to be yeah, that's right,
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that game will be interesting. got. and the spanish friends who are here at the friends own it's sole being cleared up. now they've all gone away. it's quite cold here in berlin today, but they were wounds, by the way, that that team responded to the adversity that was inflicted on them by a georgian team that took the leads. i'm for about 20 minutes. that friends here who are by the senior buyer joyfully perhaps unbelievably believing the seeing that seems ahead of spring. but then of course, what happens, reality reassessed it itself, rodrigo, but equalize and then over the course of the next 15 minutes also of the rest of the game, spain really took hold of the match, scold, full goals, perhaps could have score more and send facts a mock a to only other teams, most especially the germans who on outlying and wakeful them in that game as i say
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in shortcuts and that will pitch the as you was saying the 3 time when is of this competition? i think another 3 time winner of this come competition, both teams have to wait to the expectation on their shoulders and one of them will have to go home. now anyway, so england, age slovakia, they play switzerland who have done very well so far in the quote this with the 1st i've seen anything to worry about as well. the source game, which we saw yesterday was a cool of our efficiency teamwork, taking your chances and putting them away as it were, getting the goals that method and then being tights at the back. in terms of defense, what we saw in the game between england in slovakia. well that was something very different. the slovaks took that chance. one mill lot seems to be going through not sure, getting the expectation both of the english friends and perhaps the football and
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media are as well who had been saying at the start of this tournament to england were favorites. well, they didn't play like that. and yet, as they were about to go out, they was saved by the bailing them go. and then immediately off the extra time started. they were heading, they were headed into the lot. the last, the last 8 is it was by the captain. and so let hyper by the english, well maybe they're starting to pay you that black box. they will certainly play a team in switzerland, the swiss team who they will be playing, excuse me, into some of the off. well, that will be a very different game coming up against players, the play in abundance, the guy who play and sadie i who are used to this level of competition. i'm will be much harder to break down the law 16 continues tomorrow. dominique will speak to you then, the now from europe to the left in the america and even north america. so that
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method, defending champions argentina, i finished top of a group at the top of america with 3 winds from 3 and without conceding a cold, they kept on, you know, messy, says how famous you guys through with the site injury about sort of, maxine is step stuff in his absence the and some land strike of finishing of a lovely plastic needs to give us and seen of the lead early in the 2nd health little champions. what are, what are the penalty for a handful the under of how this. busy was given the on it because it was these fits you say are full for the painting, missed urgency to make sure who when with 4 minutes to go to the martinez school, he's full scope of the tournament to make it to new argentina. had already qualified for the quote of finals and would like the face. it could to mexico dates as well through they all outs to the other gaming group a. so it shouldn't take on canada that you lay inside. defend the gabrielle swallow, same so 27 minutes in for sick and yellow todd. the canadians have the vote in the back of the nation stuff. it's time, but because we saw it. so it's, it's no, no,
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the point was enough to them and they'd be tons canada to finish 2nd in the group and seeing the place in the quarter finals. well, actually it's, it's in the booth stage for the 1st time since 2004 towards russell has delivered a 1st moto, or for me to one grow on pre race. when full mercedes since presented in 2022, russell was the biggest beneficiary of this collision between lando norris and reigning will champion next for stuff and at the all street and go on pretty easy russell meeting to so it's basically the same page. it's a great for you, we set the stuff and finished with felicia every spending spite, each one points and at the motor jeep erase. and the nibbling is it was, it's an instrument chesko button. yeah. who took a victory? this is actually that the coffee right is 23rd could be a victory. it says is the cap on championship need a whole k ma team to finish 2nd. and that's what the school sees for tonight. jessica, thank you. feature. israel is full on guns. the rate is on
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a 10 year old palestinian gale has become a symbol of resilience and hope for not apollo is posting cooking videos on social media to pos time and keep in mind of the new constant bombardment, honeywell would visit her in central garza and she prepared another film for her viral social media content. on this a small table in central dog, junior old ronada at all a talent and passion come a life. and i have always a man, just look at this. i always loved cooking, but i didn't know i have this skill before the started by the horrors on folding around her right now. it has found a way to put a smile on both her face and the hundreds of 1000 of followers. now watching her hi nadia, i'm trying to escape the agony of bring joy to myself and to make others happy to
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wash away grief and sadness. so far, we know it has more than $520000.00 followers on into the ground where she paused a variety of content including her almost daily cooking recipes regardless, facing severe food and security. and it is a through the nations that re now it gets her ingredients. finding food to cook is not her only problem and the weekends and they and you phones will plains and drones and no internet a rule obstacles. whenever the internet is back, i keep myself busy with my content and post. i enjoy my cooking recipes and have fun with the clips i create. with every new clip i introduced a new dish with my own touch. this makes me happy. renee has gained the support of people all over the world, but it is the support of her family behind the scenes that allows her to keep going
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. was the old kind of tests and i always in time each time. i never thought she would hit social media and have so many follow is the what was the fact that the most ferocious children that living in 5th trump to high and she like many stuff with greatly we found an opportunity to give her a space to express herself the pronounced resilience in aspiring an entire generation of children and daughter for traumatized by war, pronounced passion for through the something that helped her through by the daily life. it's a distraction from what you have witnessed. and a child now was she hopes to one day she will be able to leave with her family for a normal life, away from fear and war. this is honey, my mother was just the i from the central area of the gaza strip. how this time. that's it for this news hour. i'm jessica washington. thanks for watching. as more
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information on our website onto 0 dot com be back in a moment with more today's needs the . this is the 1st when they saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. las vegas employees thousands, a huge proportion of them. latino whose work is in the service industry, had taught by carpet the economy, furious about illegal immigration. trump meets the votes and is pushing called for
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the. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values. our core. it's the core of us. if we went nevada, we went the whole thing. donald trump isn't a strong position haven default or right now he has a 5 point lee, the head of joe fight. a lot can happen between now and november. but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada, at least if donald trump gets his way, interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah, think the correct. but so in the international community, upfront, only without disease african stories from african perspectives. 3 short documentary, by african filmmakers from stanley own democratic republic of congo and cape, rhode island. life is actually music of the way people talk. the way we walk is just everything is trusting timing. go tell them on the mountain. friend of the and
1:00 am
mechanics see a new series of africa direct on i'll just 0. the the no one. jessica washington. this is the news hours live from to ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. francis fall right? national rally is in the lead in the 1st round of parliamentary elections. exit polls show presidents microns alliance is in 3rd place. in 10 specials between is randy soldiers and palestinian fighters in northern gauze as it should. j a neighborhood.


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