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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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everything's dusting, timing. go. tell them on the mountain. friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on. i'll just be around the the no one, jessica washington. this is the news hours live from to ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. francis fall, right? national rally is in the lead in the 1st round of parliamentary elections. exit polls show presidents microns alliance is in 3rd place in 10 specials between is randy soldiers and palestinian fighters in northern gauze as it should. j, a neighborhood a series of coordinated suicide attacks in northern nigeria kill at
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least 19 people. a wedding funeral and hospital which august. south africa's new cabinet unveiled after elections that so the applicant, national congress lose its majority for the 1st time since the end of the frances fall, right, has come up with its best electrical performance in the post world war 2 era winning the 1st round of the parliamentary vote, national riley leda, marine the pen has urged voters to give her apology. an absolute majority in the 2nd round of voting in a week, voters have largely rejected president emanuel my crowns alliance, reducing it to the place. well, and you left us coalition. the new popular front is 2nd behind the national rally crone coal, the snap elections just 3 weeks ago after the fall rights made big gains in the
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european parliament elections. but his gamble has backfired with both domestic and foreign policies. at stake, suppose it does see those are both the french people have demonstrated that desire to turn the page off to 7 use of contempt just and corrosive power. we will many, thanks the virtues and welcome this result. this 1st step towards the choosing. an alternative is a mock of confidence, which one is remind, obliges us next sunday, if we are given the absolute majority to reform the country, i will be the prime minister of all french people. i will listen to each one of you and respect all position. i will be open to dialogue and i will keep at heart the interest of the nation and be the prime minister of everyday life. well, as the national riley headquarters in paris, there was scenes of jubilation officer. the exit polls were released funded smith was that and sent us the south days
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a parentheses. national riley census pallet is within its garage space. lita. marina pine, as a just support has to go out and vote next sunday to give them an absolute majority . and the national assembly jordan bought out of a man who would be prime minister without absolutely majority as also purchase orders to go out. both of them say he will be present every day french piece, just over 34 percent of the french elected according to exit polls at the national riley's page, they fall on policy promising to the cell phone integration on as well, but also addressing concerns of many french people and baffled promising to the ac on fuel from 20 to 5 percent on reducing the price of electricity and guns. 10 years. the fitness de demonize ation process and find marine the time the top to find that was an option from renaming the expense of a national riley. it's made it this sceptical policy is policies into the main
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stream. and now it's up to all the policies the left in the fall left and the senators to try and work out a plan to see if they can handle the fall, right. but it's how does it run? almost immediately after the results were announced, a protest broke out in non empowers and what you're looking at now on life pictures of these most leak with and t phone right demonstrations has been gathering over the past few minutes to gabriel at the edge voters to keep the national really away from parliament in the 2nd round, dislodging the subject. you see, claire, that'd be sure to have somebody no objective. it's clear you have to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd drums from dominating
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parliament. and therefore, from governing the countries with the nefarious planet has in mind. i say this with all the forces of that the moment, the months of each and every one of our votes has not a single word, must go to the national right. in such circumstances, fonts deserves no hesitation. we must never hesitates. does that mean? oh, correspondent jonah ho has more from that and the far right valley in paris. us all the like of course for the next the rally the far right policy of the 12000000 friends, people who buy to best buy and determination a months back to the rest of the country. and you look at what's happening behind me here in the past. and the risk of leak to get a real sense of the reaction among the n t file rights groupings. there's a riley taking place behind me. i'll step out of salt to say a better look at it. it's not a great move in the job. force is at the far left,
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the united, specifically a head of the sex. no. normally disparate group united in that determination to keep our eyes are holding a riley and the sides over there on the side, closest to us, of the statute or myroom. that symbolizes the ideals and values of difference for public with many here feel would be under threats from a fall right? victory riley has been going on a protest of youth group. life seems pleasant, challenging things like no pitied professors and everybody hates bardello. a reference. the 28 year old jordan by the leader of the not somebody who would say when an outside majority becomes administer alongside the background as president, that would be a historic for us to close the phone right back to me elected to, to power in this country. but then not the yet, this is a round, but i did the week to come. there is going to be an absolutely determined by the forces of the last year. and what remains of the center of the center of politics
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and instruction to try and work together to keep the far right down. you will need to, there is already the beginnings of a part being talked about where in constituencies what 3 candidates will contest to vote next week. that's the place kind of it will fall away for the other one with a better chance of beating stuff. all right, to continue that is a big discuss here. it would make a huge difference to the calculus. what ever happens next sunday, though? it does seem as if process heading towards a period as well. deadlock political deadlock at best of the home problems at west s. s. period, a really deep political instability with a prime minister either of the right to the left, working alongside emanuel macro on this president. here's the rest of census politics that the gun in 2017 sensors power and being away from us. now, you'll continue with presidential 2027, but his ability to govern boss the constrain. earlier jonas spoke to anti
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discrimination active itself. venetia, she said, france has become bull, hostile to minorities during the selection campaign. people really here going in the streets right now because of all of these hate speech studies. tribes by the far rights move. um, we have also seen and we need people to understand that every political decisions, every political speech that has been made on like tv and even the media is having a direct impact on people's behavior. we have seen the lack of inhibition, especially when it comes to hate speech, but also um, verbal assault and physical assault and even sexual assault, which is extreme. so based on race based on that based on race and ethnicity and religious and religion and religions, whole leads, we have seen women being towed on by their whose job i have been side on last week and working in the streets. so which is very concerning,
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especially when the election has not even finished. super son is a union representative of the general confederation of labor, a left leaning policy. he says, the found right has convinced approaches, the old problems facing them, a link to immigration. and this is something, of course that comes up as a surprise because it's been nice thing into making the horn you this very well when you took the decision to, to solve the problem. and it's just a few weeks ago. but it is also the result of the several factors. the 1st one being of course, the very of high rejection us the most policies that is not embodied by this result, mainly, but also verify defiance. but guess all the institutions of the fixed pressure public that has been perceived in wide areas of french society in the northwest of the working people in this. and also the population in general that has been perceived as institutions that are not paying for their needs to not listen even
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when they're asked democratic union referendums. for example, certain questions the results are not respected. so this is a very high defiance, but also, and this is also a very important factor, is that the far right has been missed all the key competing and progressing these past 2 decades. now, a very recently, please in managing to ship anger that is through the ring and spend society in order to direct it's an issue such as immigration, or soliciting the far right has been competing and pumping into that set them into a very topic strategy which has been up 1st and foremost, so you must, we probably know this already, but the far right, for example, the parties are fuels and pushed by, for example, very powerful forces in french society such as, for example, the weight was a major french capitalist, every known one very carpet was living, for example, buying up most of the french media. we'd better be the written press, the separate tv channels, also major radio office, and has the company for the past 10 years, no type of channel,
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only hunger. that is simply the printer. so i d and directing you to simulations under basic and explaining the all the problems you're facing, whether it be the housing prices, wages that do nothing on yourself to live up to the needs to the needs. even patients issue a security, if anything is great bruster on ending to immigrate sions and their project is to basically clean society print society from elements they deem our corner to it. basically, people who are not proceed as white or christine tradition. the at least 43 palestinians have been killed in guns and more than 110 injured in the past day. there's been intense fighting in kansas city. israel's military has been shilling residential neighborhoods. and sure, day of post indians were trapped by a ground offensive now into it's forced a thought of was and reports from data bella in central casa,
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the smoke billowing above the homes of to should. yeah, yeah, neighborhood is a selling of the relentless that so that we use very forces and palestinian scientists below. oh, there's no point single of coats in the crossfire, blah blah. as these really takes advantage. there's lots of shooting. i saw people running for their lives. so i ran home to take my family, but within minutes he's ready times surrounded the area. we couldn't leave. so we will track that for 3 days without access to fluids or medical cap, the civilians in nothing going. so we're not really trapped in the homes. that were targeted to we assume they would not fire on children, removed the cotton set and they would not fire because only women and children were in. but within seconds i found myself buried under the debris. in a blink, i saw nothing. i had my children screens buried under the rubble piping. the
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settlement for the hips and my mother and these really soldiers stormed our homes through gas bones all over the ground floor and stone grenades. they smashed the door and open fire on us. we kept screaming that we are all women and children. hardly. we raised white flags, but no response. these rarely soldiers kept shooting and shouting at us non stop. not safe in the homes. palestinians have the choice of only to stay you and press being killed. or trying to flee with the possibility of the same outcome. we jumped over the ruins of a destroyed home. at the end of the alley, towards south road. we saw a dead bodies torn to pieces all over the road. said we ran towards the main junction on the wave of tank shells i'm but it's not clear yet how many palestinians have been killed in the past 4 days. the hm. but the they have
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taken my wounded mother. she was taken on these really tank. she's badly wounded. i don't know what has become of her or what happened to her head is where the ministry says to the soldiers with kills and fighting on such a day. but it's the tax that on devastating the most fun. russell in garza northern going so it was, well, it's about it began attacks back in october and months ago. the as well as a claim they had taken control of the area of the ring. you had the abutment of intense pointing show that in north going to like it was what and the strip this full is fall for, move a car capacitive algebra there the palestine several is really soldiers have been injured in a drone strike launched from southern 11 on into the occupied golden heights. these rarely ami says one of its troops is in a serious condition. israel and has been i have been exchanging almost daily cross for the fire since the will and goes up again. as a reminder,
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these are in the government has bend over 0 from reporting in israel. that's why honda salute is reporting from jordan the well, the is really military did release a statement saying that 18 soldiers were wounded after a drone was launched from 11 on one of those in serious condition. the army says that in response, they struck several of his bow, a targets in southern lebanon, including the area where the drone was launched from. but all of this comes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a security assessment in israel cell. and one of the main focus points over there was the continued fighting in gaza saying that these really army is going to continue this war until an absolute victory is achieved that according to nathan, yahoo! but it also causes, as the defense minister jo, of the launch was in drop off for a situational assessment on the ground. saying that him, us is quote,
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on able to regroup. but we do know that these really military husband facing stiff resistance by him as fighters in both the north and the south. but the is really army, is maintaining that they are going to continue the war in gaza. and that they are prepared for a war with his vala and a reminder again that he is really government has banned under 0 from operating in israel. and that's why honda was reporting from jordan at least one palestinian has been killed and 5 others injured. and it is rarely as striking the occupied westbank, the a tiny kid and apartment in the nor sons come know, fall from the city. a full cut off. 2 of the injured people are in serious conditions and have been taken to hospital. the is really military has arrested 3 palestinians, including one minor. the rest were made during a raid in the village of also we were south of numbers, need to, abraham has more from ramallah in the occupied westbank since the war started.
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we've seen an escalation in the use of these airstrikes why these really forces against different areas in the occupied west bank. today, we've seen the use of an a batch sheets to conduct the strike we've been seeing for a while. the use of is really the role and strikes against palestinians, but in certain incidents, and indeed since the war. and before we've seen that use of about cheese against palestinians. this time the target to the building had 3 stories at one palestinian had been killed according to local sources in the refugee camp. he's a cousin of a wants to palestinian man, which is yeah, he's the head of the north shops, but totally and, and he is been wanted by these really forces for a while. and we where they are into a subset of huge recap, last april when also these really forces said that they've targeted and killed the head of the, till the battalion was to jack when he later appeared it to be okay. according to
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his colleagues being through each the video saying that he's fine, it seems that we're looking at the same incidents happening today. these really forces say that they've targeted those for how this thing is. and they say that some of them with an accused of killing and his really succulent in being the to the north of the occupied with bank last week. but it seems from the information with getting from inside the nation. sir puget kept that they only succeeded in killing one, but he seems not to be the target that these really forces were after all, to orthodox. jewish is really, as have been protesting in west jerusalem against a mandatory military service. the supreme court ruled unanimously last week. the members of the religious groups should be drafted into the ministry. the court said israel is compulsory service applies to the ultra orthodox like all the citizens, but protest as say, the ruling goes against jewish, religious lo us. we will not go to the reading of state or been fighting with
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the army like the entire state is honestly religious. they are invited to the coordinated suicide bomb attacks in northeast nigeria have killed at least 19 people. female boma is targeted a wedding ceremony. a funeral and hospital raising concern about an escalation by groups targeting civilians and the military. um addresses following developments
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from nigeria is capital of georgia. after several years of calm suicide, balmy's banquet, the streets of the oldest, and these are the latest victims, friends and relatives will gather to celebrate the marriage in the town. of course, when did they even tennessee? it happened. that's around 3 pm of the wedding venue. that we were sitting in when a lady came in building 2 children time and then we have the explosion. and the survivors battery the dead. i know the female on my truck. i kind of goes, imagine the pain of losing 5 people at the time. so this is something i can actually not forget because this has to going to be back to memory lane of 2014. when it goes, i was rated by this terry's group. this is what people have been enjoyed in the course that tax, many of them severely or at the my degree hospital where some of the victims were taken. it's health work, a struggle to save who they can get them is
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a good up i. well, i have nothing to say. my son is unconscious. i pray that god grunts the cd recovery and to the perpetrators of this. he just acted. we didn't make good. go at them to the right policy, alkaline the region. suicide bombers dictated explosives and broker town. close to the border with capital many have been reported killed or injured. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but security forces and any suspect, it's the work of boca her on or off shoot. now i like to i. so then i did. our military has intensified this operation, so that gives the i'm a groups of the last 3 months, made me suspect subsidies attacks. could be the groups response to the heavy casualties each side that a ton of suicide bombers this now course a great concert, not just in the northeast. you see this is going to do so much fish and people and movements. uh, it was a look what was even to set onto the quote numbers repeatedly deployed young
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females to carry out suicide attacks. the 14 year violence has given more than 40000 people and displays to 1000000 people ignited us no least degrees. i would just say to as sedans, power, military rapids for forces say they've captured an important city in the southeast . they claim to have taken over as ginger, which is capital a sonata stage. even move and has more from undermine this throughout that support for us. this fighter is driving around saint john the capital of united states in south eastern sedan, but the parent military group, the control of the city from the denice army, late on saturday, hours of fighting ended with the army withdrawing from its base, which the recess took over along with other government institutions and also the fuser in the rapid support forces were able to liberate the headquarters of the 17th infantry division in the city of cynthia on the west bank of the blue nile.
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and of course, has placed the hands on an abundant stock of military equipment and an important step that will have a least impact given to strategic location and military importance of the division . the army of the parent military forces have been engaged in fierce battles in several states in recent days. in north adar for the 2 sides have been battling each other in the states capital fashion. it's the last army stronghold in the dark for region. the violence is also happening in by the new site in west go to defend state, in the southeast, in pen, not state. the army is involved in intense battle with the rapids support forces, and also in the capital cartoon and its surrounding region. the capture and often get into that state gives the rest of the control over more territory into them. but it also increases the number of those displaced internally. thousands have begun to leave the cities in fact, today, fearing they will be targeted by the iris have, if they remain, even if they have no affiliation to the army. more than 10000000 to the needs have
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been displaced by the conflict since it started last april. and 26000000 have of the population are in need of assistance. some analysts see the recess is trying to gain grounds ahead of the re new season, which will slow military operations. let's also look at the seasons of sedan we do about to enter the rainy season. meaning the very side and thirds of the country will suit tend to much the rapids. the whole forces will just be the support forces . the rainy season may slow military operations, but it will also affect those who have been recently uprooted by the conflict and will lead days to get to safety if they're able to do so. he bum, oregon ultra 0. i'm through man. young kenyans who have been protesting against a controversial bill to raise taxes fund to set these sites on the clarity was an 85 percent of the population is christian. and the church plays
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a central role in the countries political landscape. but as anger grows against president william russo churches with close ties to the government. now rethinking this stones same bus route, the reports from neighbour of president william brutal came to power styling himself a god fearing man of the people that caused him. i us are coming on sunday. he was back in church, hoping to re gain some popularity because of god's grace this country. i am sure these condition he's going to change because we are taking the right steps. we're moving in the right direction. we've taken the right to zip 3, and we are going to make sure that this mission becomes a good nation court can what kind of what a calling all kenyans, his brothers and sisters talking of peace, unity, non violence on preserving life. and attempts to distract from the government's heavy handed deadly response to demonstrations against its textbook. one of the
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main churches in the country is right across the street from kenya's parliament. now the physical proximity of such an important place of worship to the country's legislative body. perfectly illustrates how central a role the church plays in the countries politics. just days ago, protesters and police far right outside its gates. more than 2 dozen people die in the violence. every major institution in the country is now worried. it may become the next target of public rough, even religious ones, with route to attend the church last week, sparked protest outside attacks on m. p. 's. let some churches to as politicians not to come, even the president's wife was asked not to attend the fundraiser for invitation, publicly withdrawn. we as then people because this one
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is going to be out for a while. and sometimes you can see it may be in the truck to do they may be, let's see if that stuff wants to do the the structures. it depends on the government. but i think the judge should be more on the people side because they'll walk is really to draw faith. stomach use the religious establishment of remaining silent when it could be doing some must be a bad thing as because things be good against them. but it's a, it should that have been the, in the past churches in kenya, champions, human rights and the struggle for independence. but after decades of sitting on the political, young kenyan say, now is the time to side with the people. once again, same bus route, the oh to 0, the still ahead on now to 0. fine to find own,
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but polls showed job, right. and is losing support up to his poor showing this week's presidential debate . and i'm lucky way to make a living the risks for people picking up rubbish and india is extreme. the the what does basket quite cold over most foster, this is a funding system. i'm behind it. the at it's coming up, maybe origination of the antarctic, but certainly seen modified since then. but look at these daytime times are in the teams that we are in the thirty's day before. so that's quite a significant change. the line that extends through queens and will bring some rain to brisbin. i'm a, something more significant to new zealand, but south of it all, just generally fine. just on the cold side wanted to share, i was pers maintaining 20, as you can say,
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down to 18 is your writing comes into the next front. brisbin could be a bit more disappointing for cost here for $3.00 days is a couple of wet days, then it wouldn't be one attempt is only slightly rising even then. that would use even a less went day on tuesday and on monday. but the wind up from the science means a bit of smoke for the 9th incentive to, to brought to weather, at least in science. fine and, and they're still big showers. won't figure out. it is an easy, not so much. so the way i see but the southern philippines then the western side of borneo, possibly in western job. i think crew to get in jakarta. and also this, it's not quite as much as it was in, in the china, the main right news for the north night. but it has the course been sticky, very heavy. right. and they're still existing through central china and shanghai and towards south korea. the
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. ringback the french lawyer, 6, just this for a compact tree. it's sentenced to death in the rock for his alleged involvement. and i. so despite the challenges of this controversial case, he's determined to oppose the principles of compassion, to manage the defending french justice. a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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the hello again, you're watching entre 0 for mind to allow top stories this hour. frances follow, right. has had its best electrical performance in decades. exit polls shows a national, rarely winning the 1st round of the parliamentary elections. it's lita marine. the pen has urged voters to give her policy an absolute majority in the 2nd round disposing in a week's time almost immediately onto the results were announced. protest opposing the far right broke out in nuns and paris left us. i'm centrist politicians are urging voters to support the candidates in the strongest position to defeat the far right content is in the 2nd try. at least 43 palestinians have been killed in
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kansas city and more than a 110 injured in the past day. israel's military has been shilling residential areas and mr. diane neighborhoods. south african president, serial when the pose that has announced the cabinet members of his new coalition government. they include the deputy president and key ministerial positions. the appointments comm officer, lengthy negotiations governing african national congress lost its majority in may's elections. it had to form a coalition government with the main opposition party, the democratic alliance with age of the policies. out on the task that has more from johannesburg, the political parties had been arguing over t ministry's to happy new posts at the da party wanted the department of trade. it's an important ministry. one that determines economic policies including black economic in palm and policies and trance formation. compromises were made that did
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not get trade. that went to the amc is have a good day with the minister of trade. what's also interesting is that the da was given agriculture to the advocates who believe or feel that the da is still a part of it represents the interests of what minority may not be happy with disappointment. the da also god homeless is public with basic education environment and communications. president, children, of course, as, as you hopes at this cabinets will help move the country forward. this stablish meant of the government of national unity and it's covered in full. it's unprecedented in the history of democracy with the heads to consider how to form a new government in a manner that advances the nation of interest. that also gives due consideration to the outcome of the election. and that makes use of the respective capabilities
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with it. each of the parties represented the markets, a generally happy, the democratic alliance parties, and the government of national unit seed investors hope that this means there won't be any drastic changes to economic policies. but some part is that the if, if i'm not happy with the cabinet arrangement, the face that either has implied or re keys present sort of a pause of selling out the country by working with a da adam tossed out of their janice. but the recent polls have shown a growing number of us voters, including many democrats, are expressing doubts about president joe buttons candidacy following his poor showing as those days. debates with donald trump political hand has moved from washington, dc, or well, i think it across the board, everyone acknowledges it was a pretty bad debate for president joe biden for those who didn't watch it. there
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were times that he just seemed lost one instance where he just stopped talking and many of his answers just didn't make any sense. so publicly democrats are saying something much different than what they're saying anonymously, privately. uh we, this is a very significant development though. so publicly we've seen people involved the politicians say biden is going to be there. not many he's the president, but just a little while ago representative jamie raskin. he's a very well respected member of the house of representatives. he gave an interview and left open the possibility that joe biden would not be the democratic nominee for president, saying that he could have the keynote speech at the convention and that he would be the figures that able to rally around. but he did admit, and he was really the 1st one to admit it publicly by his day. i like it in person that there tough discussions happening threw out the democratic party right now. but again, as i mentioned publicly, it's a much different story. let's have a listen. joe biden has demonstrated model with 90 minutes,
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but over the last 4 years, the, the character and the metal of the man that he is. and he has demonstrated this both in his public service and in his personal life. joe biden is, are now many joe biden is our leader. and joe biden has earned, and joe biden deserves the confidence, the respect. and frankly, the partnership that we now have to provide to him, the stakes of this res couldn't be higher. and the only democrat who's ever beaten donald trump is joe biden. is our candidate for november, and he has the best shot to beat it. every time is a us political analyst and a former congressional stuff earlier. he told me there's no indication that president fight and would pull out of the presidential race is what is being said internally from leadership within the democratic party. and what is being said
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publicly from the rank and file members of the party, democrats who will actually go to the pose in november and vote what we are saying is that those rank and file every day democrats are actually circling joe biden right now. they are, was literally giving their support to the president in the aftermath of what was an unmitigated disaster in that debate. and i think it's very striking and very different from what we're hearing from, with in the, the party leadership where there are a growing number of anonymous democrats in leadership who are concerned about biden's cognitive ability in his ability to not only continue to serve out the rest of his term, but also to actually be a competitive candidate for november's election. we have heard from joe biden spend that debate is that he is remaining in the race and he's staying in the race. he's not going anywhere. and he plans on accepting the parties nomination at their
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convention in chicago in august. in addition to that, what we are continuing to see is while there is some level of concern, it hasn't actually stopped the momentum that we have seems which has been very striking coming out of the bait. in terms of, of the, the number, the rise and bite has gotten into some posts as well as the record amount of money that he's raised as well. the the 2nd round of campaigning has officially started any run ahead of a presidential run of next week. no candidates secured enough votes to win an outright majority. in friday's vote, the sold reform is to candidate muscle pacifica and came out on top with 42.5 percent of the vote is followed by conservative cya julie, a former chief nuclear, negotiate to slightly less than 40 percent of eligible voters to pause in this
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election, according to the interior ministry, that's a new historic, low turnout since the 1979 revolution. russell sort, there has more from tara, of the presidential candidates in iran are not officially low to start the campaign for the 2nd round of the election next friday on friday there will be 2 presidential otherwise debates. during the debates, the cabinet is, are going to elaborate on the programs that they are going to implement in case if they are elected. and also they are going to try hard to convince the board has to go to the bank of boxes. because in the 1st round of the election, the oval turn off was below 40 percent, which is the lowest turnouts is just obviously republic. these 2 candidates are coming from different backgrounds and they have different approaches. one to come, how to address the problems that you're on is facing the hotline. conservative side generally says that he's going to continue the same policies of the late presence
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of brian bracy, which means improving ties with a non weston companies to put an end to the eyes. the nation that you're on is facing, is also using the term, the resistance economy. as agencies elected, he's going to buy and implement these resistance economy means using the company's resources more efficiently and also deploying more use into the company's workforce . on the other hand, the reform is candidate initial position on the scene. that's the main problem that you're on is facing all the international sections and on the way to remove the sections is to negotiate a new vehicle with the western countries. i'm hoping in you run off to the world to put an end to this as a nation that you don't is suffering from any single. another problem is the level of transparency in the company. and if he's elected, he's going to be the rule of law. so the, the, the, the outcome of the election next,
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right there are going to be impacted by 2 factors. first, whether those people who work at 4 different, i'm a conservative can do this in the 1st round of the election. are now going to work for the sides, it has a united front. and the 2nd factor is whether the of the form is candid dismissal position will be able to further mobilize the record ms. waters to go to develop foxes. this reset that i'll just need to tear off sped on, come by the, is a professor of government at georgetown university in casa. he explained what the low turnout could mean for the rental next week. it's a huge blow to the political system. historically they run in government has enjoyed a measure of alex or legitimacy because the something in the magnitude of 6070 percent of the people would turn out to vote for presidential elections. but 2021
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was the turning point. now what do we have or 2 opposite attempts? the arch conservative tradition, at least ged, or the summit reform is position young and position young would. what he needs to do at this point is to ensure that people who didn't turn out in the 1st from would now vote in the 2nd run. the running and president isn't all powerful when it comes to foreign policy. but the presidency does have some powers. it was the president role in the after all, who signed the nuclear pack? and so i think we would see a very different iran under jedi lead versus position kion one way or another. immigration is one of the major issues in the u. k. ahead of next week's general election for families of international students studying the recent changes to a visa route was may force them to rethink where they can learn and live full rece
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reports from london to be making breakfast for her children. my heart, ryan montalvo, is the post of many daily duties but aisha entails the profit. bread is a taste of home in karachi before a day of work and study in london. her family is, hey, well, i used to take sight master's degree in journalism but she could be one of the last to enjoy the support if i loved ones after the government types and visa rules for dependence of students. and it's just lead to this piece of mind that i have my try with me, especially for women of the south asian does for it. it's not very easy. those who have children or husbands to leave your home country and pursue higher academics in education without having at least your husband. if not your kids with you. i feel like it's really cutting off a huge swath of society. very few are now allowed to bring that dependence with them, as part of government promises to come to immigration. the home office says the 10 to 12 months up to march this year,
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they were more than 111000 visas issued the student dependence. that's 25 percent less than the previous year, but still nearly 7 times more. then in 2019, i used to is one of around 700000 international students in the u. k. accounting for about the quarter universe. these teaching income thing with face of the current government and say political policies contesting the selection. if the got the site just gives people dependency, we want the students who are thinking about maybe studying abroad in 3 or 4 years time to know what the deal is. a better future for her daughter. it was a big pa, devices decision to leave pakistan for the u. k. while husband suck, he brofy has been able to work in the industry on his visa or use it doesn't believe the system is being abused. all that it needed, fixing the image in our imaginations as so exaggerated that it's people's grand loves, and entire lic cohorts of people coming in there is intense documentation. and the
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way that you prove that these are your children and this is your husband. so it's a very controlled process. student dependent visa applications were down 79 percent in the 1st 4 months of this year, following the restriction. unless things change up to the election, the childhood memories of other families will have to be made elsewhere. and some academic dreams, perhaps a bundled pull rece out is there, london. the 2nd phase of a plan to deport african refugees from progress done is set to begin with an $800000.00. as guns could be expelled, if they don't leave voluntarily, they will face arrest and a d for taishan. around 3100000 african refugees are still living and focused on an estimated one point. 7000000 are undocumented, come out of high to has more from the cars on a refugee camp and to show up where us guns have been stay the deadline, part of one ref, you're j as already come through and then 600000. i've gone,
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i've already gone back through the country. now the progress on the government says it reports all illegal aliens and focused on to be expected from bug. it's done. it's, of course it's going to guard your germanic area and problems. well, people who have guard pockets on home for decades, it says read that children were born. they did read that by the good. and they say that they need to be given more time to back up doors to wind up their livelihood. many have made investments in the country, and now they're one more time, so that a but it's to make it in ready to go back in a dignified manner. they complain that there is a knock on the door and the date of the night that are given any time to leave the country. and they've got that going to create a huge amount of dead and dry says, because i've run this on, it's been in our database. and these people don't know what they're going back to.
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the complaint that buckets on should have given them more time. that time, quoted, but the fact that buckets on the they've looked off to them, but they're not happy about the young, dignified way in which they are being now thrown out of the country. their government are focused on the other. i'd say that it 0 dollar and for you legally and offered us page of our tax insights focused on which focused on claims, on indigo alien regard of laws constituted the majority of the population of affording or living in the country. they're now going to build up wrong commodity that is your data at the head on a refugee campaign for shotwell. this vietnam prepared for the arrival of russian president vladimir putin. recently, the government quietly announced that the call, you know, spotty cheese in hanoi was stepping down, is the latest victim of the campaign against corruption. as tony chain reports from
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henry, russian president vladimir putin meeting the general secretary vietnam's communist party when photo. during his recent state visits, it was a red public appearance for going who's been suffering from pull health for several years, and the signal that some balance of return to the top of the communist party, the political instability in getting them right now is become, you know, return to a stable, you can also see that for the 4 p less the center of the country, the president, the permit store, and also to share a man of their national assembly is now in the position already. the most obvious change is the appointment of a new president told them in mid may form a public security administer, he launched a 90 corruption campaign that's for dozens of senior officials to resign. but as one to sit and told me, new rules on ethics could force even more officials out of the policy not known as
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regulation for one full full with dec regulation the property. so typically seen to say 0. it's been busy this throwing it sir. the exposure of a recent banking scandal sent shock waves through vietnam. property tycoon defaulted $27000000000.00 us dollars from state banks. with the help of corrupt officials. she's been sentenced to death and the public trial and disgrace of so many officials assign the problems run to delete the sheep one to clean the fi t to say it's reputation, but i don't think they are going to success the body of human lives and it's mosley, i'm in the center of henry,
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and his audiology is still up the cool vietnam's coming. this policy of the country has changed. it's now unload, marketed economy will probably be unrecognizable. the man who led it to independence. it's the contradiction of the heart of vietnam today. a rigid communist government trying to govern a free wheeling market economy. reminders to those in charge of the principal directive to serve the people. tony chung out is there a noise to my head on out to 0 recipe for hope. we need a 10 year old and going to become a social media hits. despite the horror for the as the world waits to see if the international criminal court will issue a rest. torrence for the lead, as it is right, and how much people in power puts the r c c 's track record on trial. this court
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was created to hold those responsible, accountable prevents such crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c fit for purpose? people in power on al jazeera the latest news for the findings here could be used by the international criminal court, has further pieces of evidence of israel's war crimes and gaza with detailed coverage. most of the 36 hospitals in golf will have been destroyed. so it's a go health cost remaining accessible from the house of the story. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank for violence is really military raids are relentless the
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the hurricane barrel has strengthened into a dangerous storm. as it approaches the south eastern caribbean is urologist say it's the earliest category for and monte car came on record. the storm is expected to make land full on the winful islands on monday. hurricane warnings have been issued to all the parts of the caribbean, including barbados, and sent that to you. flooding and months slides have hit northern is least almost a valley and switzerland. around 200 people were evacuated by helicopter, from the region. another 120 people were rescued from alpine villages in the nearby piedmont regions in the neighboring switzerland. 4 people died and 2 are missing.
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a lodge. wildfire has broken out south of the greek capital athens. it comes just always off to emergency workers contained another fire and a mountainous area. on an island in the agency, dozens of firefighters backed by 1740 carrying at croft were deployed to control the slaves near the capital residence of an urge to leave the 6 areas near athens. to hold a 1000000 people on a living in india by picking through 62000000 tons of rubbish each year. but an unusually hot summer is putting their lives at risk of mohamad reports. it's a risk, not many we'll take. every morning davie comes to this landfill in new delhi to support the family of the sun beats down on the mountain of god at our feet. she goes to us, searching through the waist, looking for anything she can sell. she answered about $2.00
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a day. what if i got there at the land? got them in the sack of garbage becomes too hard to hold. when i unload the garbage, i feel dizzy and my hands shake. i take lemon water with me to work. i drink it to cool myself down and then resume working dick's dream. he and the heavy bags she kindest. when i back, i know the only thing that she faces. the dispute toxic gussie. at least one garbage. pico has died in the heat wave of the bottom about the phone. if i had an alternative that could let me work indoors or in the shade, that would be good, but i have no job. i have to do this work out of necessity. i am not even able to climb the mountain of garbage dump in one go. i have to stop 3 times expect see weeks because like baby walk out both in the heat at taking a heat. so the item one of the most are you will let me loops and highly exposed to
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groups through the heat and also to their pollution the make that occupational health, you know, safety, major as being void. but for davie novice is too great if it means providing for our family. how does and does it of israel's war on gauze arranges on a 10 year old palestinian girl has become a symbol of resilience and hope for not apollo is posting cooking videos on social media to keep in mind of the bombardment honeywell float meta in central casa on this a small table in central dog junior old renada, all of the talent and passion come a life and i have always and then this is why i always loved cooking, but i didn't know i have the skill before the started by the horrors on folding around her read that has found a way to put a smile on both her face and the hundreds of 1000 of followers. now watching her
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i said i'd be a, i'm trying to escape the agony of bring joy to myself and to make others happy to wash away grief and sadness. so far, we know it has more than $520000.00 followers on instagram, where she paused a variety of content including her almost daily cooking recipes. the guys facing severe food and security. and it is a through the nations that re not gets her ingredients. but finding food to cook is not her only problem and the weekends, and they add new phones with plans and versions and no internet a rule obstacles. whenever the internet is back, i keep myself busy with my content and post. i enjoy my cooking recipes and how fun with the clips i create. with every new clip i introduced
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a new dish with my own touch. this makes me happy. renee has gained the support of people all over the world, but it is the support of her family behind the scenes that allows her to keep going down it. i, susanna will kind of tests and i always in time each time, i never thought she would hit social media and have to say when he follow with the will was the fact that the most ferocious children are living and field trip to home. she like many stuff with greatly, we found an opportunity to give her a space to express herself renown resilience and aspiring an entire generation of children and daughter, or traumatized by war, pronounced passion for to there's something that helps her through by the daily life. it's a distraction and from what you have witnessed and a child now why she hopes to one day so will be able to leave with her family for
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a normal life, away from fear and war. this is how many miles more. oh yeah, the are from the central area of the gaza strip. how this time? that right, that's it for this and use our i'm jessica washington. kerry johnson will be here in a moment with warnings. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time, it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create it?
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all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice? age guides, which are truly a tournament. and operating and doing this is the kind of technician who is it already too late. so if corporations has more power, making a bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice safe to book functions as well. as human on al jazeera, turned out of the dangers here, storm. try to sell human activities. the thing is is that by the theme is in tile of prime ministers in 5 years. now,
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polls suggest that voted is one person's conservative out will be u. k. like to change on the labels p, install him, a full give receive to knock another child. stay without a 0. the coverage of the cadillacs the front says the far right national route, a he's in the lead in the 1st round of parliamentary elections exit polls. so the president mccullin's a lot in instead face the for the on carry johnston. this is how is this era life from time? i also coming out to all the adults, jews protest against being drafted into israel's ministry. after the supreme court emptied their exemption, a series of coordinated suicide attacks in northern nigeria kills at least 19
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people, wedding funeral prospect with targeting. and we'll have more from.


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