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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the reason i'm doing this kind of divisions. oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice, safe to put functions as well as human on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the . so i'm for the back to bo, this is in use our on algebra live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. francis fall, right? national riley gets the most number of votes in the 1st round of parliamentary elections with president my cause a lions trading in the 3rd the director of guys i'll, she for hospital who was detained by is really forces in november is released is
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a red lead to an international outcry. also this our coordinated suicide attack in northern nigeria, kids at least 19 people, a wedding funeral and a hospital with targeted plus i am rob mcbride in the gone to japan that wants it share of the country's tours and boom, just as other parts of the country are saying enough is it has the thank you for joining us front as far right. has the merge with its best electro performance in the post world war 2, iraq getting the highest number of votes in 1st round in the 1st round of parliamentary election. national riley to many in the band as i told us to give a party an absolute majority in the 2nd. rhonda voting in a week's time. i'll just here as bennett smith begins our conversation from paris
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francis fall right. lita sense is power is within hub policies. grass marine, the pen need to support is to turn out why they never have before to win. next week's 2nd round run of the world are listed at the beginning, the strange in government and drive the reforms that the country needs. we need an absolute majority in order for dunham park that left to be named in 8th days prime minister by him on when mccall 28 year old bardello is the fresh face of the far right national valley. the re branded once politically toxic and national front is now in the main stream to add to the communities, i intend to be the prime minister to everyday life on the one who prioritizes defense of purchasing power, the restoration of law and order and security throughout the country and of course, the resumption of that migration policy hoping to head off the phone, right, is a coalition of policies from the left to fall left. but it's lead as you move melanie shown is a polarizing figure,
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who puts off some potential voters. and prime minister gabriella tells us centrist policy together, the creation of presidency. manual maximum is trailing properly after the 1st round . it to both digital on the far right is that the gates of power never has the national assembly been at risk of being dominated by the fall rights. therefore, our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from having an absolute majority of the government. the country with the disastrous project, which is it, sorry, i could push it and manual my chrome, coal the snap election after his parties defeat to the national riley in your opinion elections. his gamble is that the french people will ultimately shrink from voting the fall right into office. in one week, you'll find out if that gamble paid off jordan bundle that could be the 1st fall upon minister in this country's multi history. his policy has never been closer to power next week. so one of the elections could be the most consequential that
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there's ever been here most bushel. but and it's me, how does it happen visually to a lesson? i'll speak to another of correspondence in front step boston, who is live from the southern city of nice that this is a far rights best selection school in his history. talk to us about the reactions in france 1st this morning. but i think it's fair to say that from se, woke up at the side of the country this morning, people with support at the far right. but also people that been great shock that the far right did so well. and especially here in the south and news, this division is very much filed. we've spoken to some people who said that they couldn't believe that they probably sad to hear that this a national riley party has done so well. some people say they don't feel safe anymore. we've also spoken to come say most of the last block to actually be coming out immediately this morning at 7 o'clock, handing out leaflets spot and come sailing right away for this very crucial. and
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then for 10 seconds round sorta is a very much a polarized feeling here. and it's very hard to predict where this is going. a step very important to point out that this core does not provide a precise forecast of the number of parliamentary seats. each quantity will secure at the end of the election. talk to us about what happens next, the head of the 2nd round on july 7th, the negotiations have already begun. i understand yes, negotiations are in full swing everywhere around the country and hundreds of constituencies. now the opponents of the far right for example, are negotiating, which candidates will drop out of the race to make sure that the auto candidates has a better chance to defeat the fall. right? approximate macro has also called on every want to form what they call this republican front against the file,
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right. and that is this huge question or will this a republican from be as successful this time around as it has to be? as in the past, looking at a full service house on sunday evening that the far right did so well. there are a lot of questions about that. and also looking at the last block were made on shaw is, is considered a possible prime minister. it's a very controversial figure, so there's a lot of questions. what this central my cool supports us will do, will they will, will they be able and be willing to vote for and such a left wing candidates. so there's a lot of horse trading and policy, a political debates going on right now, and we will know more in the next hours and days with these trends. we'll, we'll go to thank you very much step for bringing us in each day from the same 7 friends. let's pick this up now with zach. hold off. who's a senior research fellow at the global policies do think tank is joining us from some my little in normandy friends. thank you. i'm you still on foot for being with us. a try and for the,
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for writing this 1st round. as opposed had predicted in france, president my cross big gamble didn't pay off just how huge of a set back is this for him? first of all, it is a terrible. it's in fact i'll place you on that call when you took a gamble on a denied. so do you ever been addiction thinking that the vote for nursing already in the you or been that extra and let it consequences. strong was just a vote of and maybe i can get, i've seen the voted restriction. what do you as a and you said you wanted to clarify that for the situation. he was hoping that space with the prospect of a national are ready government, go in frauds, people bulk. that'd be oil. that would be probably the damaging volt falls. they would vote with the head or the n word, but it didn't in the, you know, treated eyes my call as real, sketched, with no video to before, you know, treated eyes that the,
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that it was the vote of addition to the let me much and let me, let me ask, let me ask you more about that for international audience who may not be familiar with these parties and find the some of them on us to now the fun life which was formerly of course, the national fun party, a party that was founded by the former members of hitler's assess this vote, your are in 33 percent. is it a vote of protest against my coal? or is it a vote of? does you want is the same french membership acceptance of the far right and it's ideas as both the activity and both as the rejection against my call and just to make it do way. he's actually you can even say bias trauma to do the predictions. but the or so under a so in the depending of the relation in falls of, of
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a bodies sees. and the fact that day. so the people, you know, this, these things, the main concept, photo, french and the bed, and the security for the big to see fighting apology. i need to change you to solve the problem of the complex things from the id. so that's the data of concerns before we see the pose and the rising, the results of what you've ation, the main goal is, was purchasing power. okay, that's the part of the book. so you need to rule voters. people are feeding elect style. who think that we've tried that show running over the policies of mrs. del. maybe let's gave all these thoughts each a child's the idea to do, but that should were fun traveling, so spread throughout the population. so. so both i, as you say, a vote of rejection on my cohen as policies,
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but also the acceptance of the far right. and it is ideas and projects. let's talk about what happens next. yeah, let's talk about what happens next. because as that correspondence step of say, the negotiations have now begun the left, right and center, have a week now to come up with a strategy and form alliances. how do you see this playing out? my call has call for a large what he called launch democratic and republican, a lions to win out in the 2nd round. but are we likely to see some stable correlations for, you know, one thing we're going to be sure is that the country would be very difficult to go through was specific energy, but which most of the other these thing is not on the cause of these national already getting a folder, but generally the most likely outcome would be is screen particular so. so good. we do have about $300.00 sorts agencies in which break on the dates. can you do it
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with uh, i did you vote for this or gone wrong now between now and tomorrow at 6, what i to find out was going to just use a visa of to be declare between now i'm to her of 6. they were me negotiation between especially between the president showed that georgina squeeze, saw excellent outgoing majority of the book and upfront but mr. hold on, let me ask you this again, let me ask you this. what would the sentra scale prefer a far right government over a left wing? what they say isn't enough to an extreme extreme government. so that's the big question. with the rhythm you're going from as the say good with the center of the center. i have no problem with all of the moving box. no problem. just send that no problem with the the with accepting approaching you. there's an actual or a side note to vote for the national. right. but with that, yeah, i have no doubt that most of the of some of the we do vote for the last week of the day to the 2nd wrong. and then the argument that they called to get the majority so
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you can fragile. yeah, they do it by saying, do you have a tax pro? oh, that's a government that said 0 they we'd be very ready. go to luna, but then we'd not go to buy. dement coverage, that's actually something that they were ready to withdraw. so should is cover these degrees, but then we know minute wait another vote for made. i'll show see bolt is. i mean, i'll show is acting as good as a scam troll. and you could see me yesterday was a game that right. take the bodies talking about you guys are and song which he's not but just sent. the result is on the other side of the spectrum, we don't rip it because the days with no decay is like a 0 d with uh, with the involved it. uh, if i was wrong with the many change done. okay. maybe if we move dead there now, should already a direct will be going to cancel about, do they have to decide today? okay, uh, best,
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anything that many republicans would be tempted to join. good find with good of the national already as and then get it. majority in complex and complicated it seems the sort of yeah, some complicated associations lying ahead and set me interesting times in french politics track, hold on. thank you so much for talking to us today from somebody to thank you for your time. okay, thank you. okay, thanks a the, the war on guys and now, and these really military has release a group of palestinians who are detained during raids on, i'll ship a hospital in guys, a city. they're having medical checks out, axa and nasa hospitals. among those release is a direct to allow she for hospital mohammed abu selling via he was detained in november, while taking part in the united nations mission to evacuate patients from the medical complex. i will sign i me, i describe the conditions as tragic because of
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a lack of food and drink and is really presents. we don't give me anywhere on all of the palestinian detained. these are suffering. i left them in a very dire condition. my messages up, their issue must be part of any negotiations until all the palestinian detainees are really al shift hospital will be rebuilt. and it will be once again a beacon of health care for all of the palestinians. not only gosh, i will resume my duties as soon as it is feasible. that springing hand out hold every now lie for us and die blast central guise at hand. the director of our chief a hospital, one of several pod of simians released by israel. can you bring us up to date with what we've heard about the conditions and what led to this release, the circumstances surrounding this release of the well, that's the how much that was to me, it is one of 55 policy and prisoners were released earlier today. we have been seeing all of the prisoners, their faces look different,
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their features look different a lot. * a lot of weight and the diploma that was to me already mentioned that the health situation, the conditions in the prisons are terrifying. they, there's lots of fluids, there's lots, lots of water and there's also lack of medical treatment. for example, the confinement that pursued media was detained, and the scenes here believe that he was kidnapped on the next reading at check points. while he was evacuating from the another in parts of god, the to the south. after the, it's where you force is, is few bills of orders to part to send you to evacuate other policy need to or at least today we're at a rested and these pain in different parts in the another. in parts of garza, i'm sometime in new set. the, those palestinians were kidnapped were kind of sitting families did not know
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anything about those palestinians who were detained and reduced earlier today at, according to the summit that was sent me. and he said that there are hundreds and thousands of other products to me and prisoners that are still in bills. is there any deals there with missing? hire a big uh, berries. terrifying. and theres suffering from the is ready presumes where there is lots of food, water and medicine. and he also mentioned that some palestinians died during the integration and the process. and he and what's the latest on the ground is the, is really a tax continue across the gaza strip and the round invasion of c j. yeah. in kansas city. that district and god city also continues bring this up to speed with what you know is happening right now as well. let's start in the middle area where there was in tens are 10 of the re sending in the eastern parts of that. and by moving to the yet the ground and face and there continues for the 5th consecutive day, we're talking about
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a very densely populated area where some people were able to evacuate. but some people said and were able to leave. and they were trapped in their houses, were talking about people who are injured and medical teams would not read them. there has been no walter, no foods for 5 days, and the intensive bit of the air strikes continue. palestinians surrounding sir, you are reporting that the art editor setting did not stop. the air strikes did not stop and also the is there any forces are blowing up from a complete residential area? it's very at saw. i see this happen again is that you were in the 2014 words, the same exact area, witness the same exact demolish. it abided and this is the continuous cycle of the semantic actions against the palestinian spies. is there any forces? pains? thank you very much for the update that sounded here. i seem to hold you re live
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there in down bloss central gaza. let's discuss these latest developments now with months or show mind who's the policy engine listen. humanitarian who witnessed the war in rafa and con eunice joining us here on the set. thank you. months or for being with us. let's start with a release of the director while she the hospital and several others. 55 pounds assuming is released by is really forces we heard a direct to talk about the conditions that they were in in these these really presents and what they suffered. obviously this is not just a one off incident. the conditions that these palestinian prisoners are faced with even in these, these really presents what more can you tell us? definitely. there are thousands of more like dr. them, how about the send me a? well, i had been detained in the wrong full way over the last few months. as you heard from dr. mohammed, they are going through a very terrible conditions, both mentally and physically. they're not being fed, the proper food or water. they're being tortured and what they're going through is
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how on ad for right now, similar to how the international governments and communities and organizations puts pressure on the is there any government to free, dr. muhammed double send me a record up on them, or fort worth towards reading the thousands of other detainees that are in those detainment sensitive right. now what is the sort of justification for arresting the direct about she for hospital he was arrested during the humanitarian mission with, with the when staff that were in guess how do they justify this arrest? they haven't, i don't think they have released anything official in terms of his statements. but since his detainment in november, we haven't heard back from the government on why they do what they do to the medical staff, to the administrators, to the doctors, the nurses. i'm sure you've heard about the trustees that they have done to hospitals in the north, the central and the following reasons. so, and it seems that there, but they've been given the green light to do whatever they want in the plaza, most to
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a residential commercial and medical facilities. and i just want to point out that in the eyes of the palestinians and the 3 people around the world, they all see looked at him, how much was sent me as a hero on the ground. he could have left a ship for hospital a very long time ago and joined the many and a few gees in the south. but he was determined to stay to stay in the ship false, put that on to continue dialect to work here there. and hopefully that's all so as someone who i have been neighbors with, who lives 500 meters away from me, i know him personally. and i know that for a fact that you would like to, to turn back on the top of his work as soon as possible, the shows you the determination and the resilience of the police team and people in general, especially the leadership and the people who are and will sort of yeah, we talked about with hand via the tax continuing across gaza and there's intense fighting, right, 9 the guys, a city district of c j. yeah. which civilians trap their reportedly. israel has
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said it wants to destroy her mos on tunnels, which are still in she, julia, they say, although this is an area of which they previously declared that they'd eclipse completely. and now they're back. can you tell us more about that? the district of guys in the city is significant and you know, the civilians were attractive. what sort of a situation of in jumping right now? the, i says i a, the translation of it and automate is the neighborhood of the base people. so historically, yesterday it was owned as a place where people who resilience and people who weren't able to remain strong and stay in the line despite any kind of offense against them historically. so i think that's a for many, many decades, that neighborhood has always been a place where there's really forces fear. and i'm also part of many, lots of groups, many of who have families and relatives. and it shows that you, this thing, that the civilian families of the settlement to stay on the line and they do not
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want to leave. they believe that if it's time for them to continue to stay where they are, they don't want to be forced to be refugees. and they don't want that. they've seen what's happened to many thousands of all the people who left that alliance and what's happened to them. and they want to stay where they are. i think that's what they say is assigned to the trying to drive the people out of the north. the trying to push them to the south and then other areas, maybe because they want to control the north in the near future. i'm not sure. but it's, it's, it's been the same. it's been the same clip that we've all seen every time they withdrawal from a residence or an area in north to come back to it. now they've done dr. schiff hospital 3 times. they've gone back to many neighborhoods in the north, many times. a lot of things again happened to us to evaluate our people there. so we hope that the international community with puts pressure on these ladies to stop this as soon as possible and to keep our civilians safe on the grounds, months or show. and thank you very much for talking to us about this. thank you.
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thank. meanwhile, and the occupied westbank is really forces like conducting a raid in the north shines refugee camp, which is in to cram troops. you as bulldozers to destroy several votes in this latest incursion, is really military has also imposed a siege on the camp and its soldiers have raided homes, raged in the occupied westbank have been a nearly night be occurring since his wrathful on guys began last october. house where several is, is really soldiers have been injured in a drone strike launch from 711 on into the occupied golden heights. these are the ami says one of his troops is in serious condition as well. and as while i have been engaged in a cross for the fire since the war on guys i'd be gone. these are the government has gone down to 0 from reporting from there. so i'm to solve, who has more details on this from jordan's capital m on? well, these really military did release a statement saying that 18 soldiers were wounded after
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a drone was launched from 11 on one of those in serious condition. the army says that in response, they struck several of his bow, a targets in southern lebanon, including the area where the drone was launched from. but all of this comes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu held a security assessment in israel cells. and one of the main focus points over there was the continued fighting in gaza saying that these really army is going to continue this war until an absolute victory is achieved that according to nathan, yahoo! but it also causes, as the defense minister jo, of the launch was in drop off for a situational assessment on the ground. saying that him, us is quote, on able to regroup. but we do know that these really military has been facing stiff resistance by him as fighters in both the north and the south. but the is really army is maintaining, but they are going to continue the war in gaza and that they are prepared for a war with his vala to come to. so who would reporting from jordan data? because again,
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these really government has bind dollars here from operating in israel. how many people in southern lebanon have left the towns and villages for safety following the recent fighting, but found the unable to leave, since their livelihoods depend on the land. however, the mere daily exchange of fire is making their lives more hazardous aside bakery force or mount how you are named southern women. all these hands have with the fields for decades. 78 year old daddy husband, as he was conflict, an occupation, but his livelihood has always depended upon the land. okay, we're going to be covered under warranty. we certainly feel afraid, and we don't know what time the bombing will start. the big problem is that we can't collect the crops and therefore we can't get the money for the crowds and these villages and kinds of seen that increase in his rate here. tax. those that depend on the 9th, it's been devastating that they need to get the admin. we have many beekeepers who
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lost their bees because they couldn't reach their b. hi, it was due to the bombing. they lost their livelihood. is where you strikes, hit the time of the this tense has been a focus point for these ready forces and did not fall from advisories radius that too much of the 2 of the because without flight does have hit the settlement several times talk to him is ready to soldiers? the fear is that if it is an escalation, then they could access that farm as do have to the field with or come to a stop permanently affecting their livelihood. is ready position over the cliff in these territory. much on the bottom of the i avoid being in places exposed by bunting, especially since my children come with me. i don't want to put their lives in dangerous. re take sheep. ouch the fields for a short period as a result of the bumping. some of the pregnancy proschetti it's out in the fields,
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workers continue to harvest. they have to work quickly. no one knows when or where the next is ready for move forward. or if this would escalate into an for that tool . i started big data mojdeh you. so i have to live in a slots more head on this sanchez here and use our including wide presidential binds agent fitness for a 2nd term is once again dominating headlines in the united states plus probably more legit and federal probably isn't. but drugs, we need the manpower to help us grow and will examine the reasons behind the neighbors shortages facing the case for me, the 1st one to the use and coordinated suicide bomb attacks in northern east northeast and nigeria have killed at least 19 people female bomb is targeted a wedding ceremony, a funeral and
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a hospital raising concerns about an escalation by on groups targeting civilians and the military. i'll just here is on the dates. race has more from nigeria as capital. i bought you after several years of com, suicide balmy's back with the streets of the oldest, and these are the latest victims, friends and relatives will gather to celebrate that marriage in the town. of course, i wouldn't even fancy it happened. that's around 3 pm at the wedding venue that we were sitting in. when a lady came in building 2 children time and then we have the explosion. and the survivors battery that, that i know the female palmer struck kansas. imagine the pain of losing 5 people at the time. so this is something i kind of 20, not forgetting because this has taken me back to me more the lane of 2014. when goes, i was rated by this terry's group. as a people have been enjoyed in the course that tax,
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many of them severely or at the my degree hospital where some of the victims were taken. health work, a struggle to save for they can get them is a good up. i well, i have nothing to say. my son is unconscious. i pray that god grunts the cd recovery and to the perpetrators of this heinous act. we didn't make a guide them to the right policy, alkaline the region. suicide bombers dictated explosives and broker town. close to the border with capital many have been reported killed or injured. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but security forces and any suspect, it's the work of boca her on or off shoot. now i like to i. so then i did. our military has intensified, is operations that gives the groups in the last 3 months, maybe suspect subsidies or tags could be the groups response to the heavy casualties each side. that a ton of suicide bombers this now course a great concert, not just in the northeast. you see this is going to do so much fish and people and
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movements and good luck with the was a even to set onto the quote numbers repeatedly deployed young females to carry out suicide attacks. the 14 year violence has given more than 40000 people and displays 2000000 people ignited us. ne, i'm a degrees. i would just say to south africa as president serial. where my poster has announced the cabinet members of his new coronation government. the appointments came after next. the negotiation of the governing african national congress lost its majority major election. it had to form a coalition government with the main opposition party. the democratic lines, along with 8 other parties higher with tasha has more from china spike. the political parties had been arguing over key ministries to happy new posts at the da party wanted the department of trade. it's an important ministry. one that determines economic policies including black economic in palm and policies and
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trance formation. compromises were made that did not get trade. that went to the amc is of a d, a good deputy minister of trade. what's also interesting is that the da was given agriculture. so the advocates who believe will feel that the da is still a part of that represents the interests of what minority may not be happy with disappointment. the da also god homeless is public with basic education environment and communications. president, children, of course, as, as you hopes at this cabinets will help move the country forward. this stablish meant of the government of national unity and it's covered in full. it's unprecedented in the history of our democracy. we have a hatch to concede the how to form the new government and amanda, that advances the nation of interest that also gives due consideration to the outcome of the election. and that makes use of the respective capabilities with it
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. each of the parties represented the markets, a generally happy, the democratic alliance parties, and the government of national unity. investors hope that this means they won't be any drastic changes to economic policies, but some parties like the if, if i'm not happy with the cabinet arrangement, the phase 3 that has implied re keys present sort of a pause of selling out the country by working with a da had them tossed out of their janice, but up to the us now where recent polls suggests the growing concerned among voters and some democrats about president joe biden's candidacy. that's after his full performance during 1st days debates with donald trump. but keep them across appeared on major us talk shows. rallying behind his campaign, patty cole, head and reports in washington of unfinished thoughts. many answers the just didn't make sense. a shaky president biden damaged by his debate performance. now the
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question, how damaged for the 1st time, a well respected member of congress, publicly wondering if binding will be his party's nominee? this november, we're having a serious conversation about what to do. one thing i can tell you is that regardless of what president biden decides where our party is going to be unified. ringback in our party also leaves him at the very center of our deliberations in our campaign. and so whether he's the candidate or someone else has the candidate, she is going to be the keynote speaker at our convention. that was different than what the majority of democrats are saying publicly joe biden is. are now many joe biden is our leader. and joe biden has earned, and joe biden deserves the confidence, the respect. and frankly, the partnership that we now have to provide to him. thank you, but a new poll points to trouble for by 72 percent of those asked. don't think he has
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the mental capacity to be president and the same percentage. 72 percent. do not think he should run. including almost half of the democrats asked when they get not founded get back if he stays in the race and will say he will have a tougher time. now, prior to that joe biting was actually running against a single or a singular candidate. and i'll be at slot in donald trump. he now has to run against the push back from within this party. interrupting that report to take your time to kind of give me some central guys i where the directive of she's the hospital mohammed. i was found to be, is holding a used conference after being recently released by israel and that's listed under the conditions on president it since then. 1948 next by the and you know, they are starting to be on this trips and even those who have been detained for more than 10 years,
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they are deprived of the least of the ride. many of the palestinian detainees were killed under interrogation. they were denied food and water and made this in many of the mid to kill us stopping clothing and dr. sanders's. i left them behind as they are still there in the 80 of the prisons. and i'll be back from my mind to the medical staff and look into it. i have none as but as the yeah, they're going to see what appeal then may they stay in peace. these are really cool . patient causes about them live has no regard to any deadlines. they are dealing with the detainees of if they are be, it will not be a better one more company. and i'm a model of all the sake of the solid objects. even the method is really made that kind of stuff and instead of providing help scale the, the better thing and they didn't easements and they are, instead of beating the bad side again, told,
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telling them these rates are based on positive. and so those have no meaningful human values. they are totally settings that kind of thing, and they can use on day lights and denying them the basic necessities uh, mazda them and going over the top computer. but um, if i, if i say that each and every palestinian did any has most of these are $25.00 to $30.00 gives minimum the amount of book even the palestinian did pennies with good on a disease like diabetes and cancer, they are denied medical attendance and we have the internet to the community, the well organizations, the world health organization is do model at the swiftly mod palestinian bethany's will continue to be killed at the hands of there's a provision for this is the message patty. and from that destiny is i left behind. again,
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the issue of the detainees must be part and parcel of any negotiations. they must be brought to posit of any deed, gone as to the conditions of my detention. i was detained in the mid 3, and then i mean was a lie. and a in november was one of our homes. i mean, i was in contact with all the officers hillstone and different hospitals. and when we oh let's the outcomes need by the international red cross, the palestinian red cross. we inform this lady, probation forces that we are taking our patients to the european hospitality. yet on the v is a co pay. some forces then the blind eye to all the internet and the lows and 3 kids. and they detained me without any charges. or even if i was put in 2 or 3 for
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a book dry and i was not given any specific charge, and i was only informed that i am detained. my pin, the notice this means that there's a need to patient both is have been the painting me on no legal ground or would it be is what you need to patient causes, storm and kind of zip hosp that. and they lied the but the pro, but gated phone city pose. they, they found weapons inside the hospital. this proved that my detention was on melissa's basis. i assumed that when, but as you, my duty is as soon as it is possible, we by the grace of god, will rebuild hospitality to be once again a beacon for medical and health care smoke only for the guys, but for all of the palestinian people be on within the coming a few months by the grace of god, we will be back on our feet again,
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fully functioning, i know for 18 while you were detained. what are your following then use about how you this selection close to a tip, a hospital to fund? honestly speaking, i have recently heard about this bad news. there is no doubt this game, very heavy on my heart as if a hospital was a guess. it was a forward to, it was a beacon photo and it's good for the inside of guys that this proves it. that is really cool. patient policies are wilfully and purposefully destroying the mythical . and it's fusions that are polar codes, guys, that no matter how great this is, we will rebuild it. and we will be back on our feet again. i was put to a total, but this my fingers are broken. i was also beaten and battled on my
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head when i was put to torture on daily basis. myself included with other better city and did tvs. we are daily beaten, but the thoughts of, of you is physically and verbally. i have lived this experience very bitterly, and i once again pulled on the internet and up to a minute to do what is needed to put an end to this we have the also big specialist doctor, but some one was also the detained and they leave them as you can see, how many pounds he has lost, he has lost more than 30 kilograms of his way any. why being detained under these? all right, we've been listening that to the director of out she for hospital mohammed bloss,
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somebody who was just recently released by his really forces he was arrested in november and has been detained since then. dr. house on me a talking about the conditions of his detention. he said that palestinian detain, using these really deals at tortured on a daily basis day and night. in fact, he said he said they were denied food, water and medicine. the issue of the paintings, he said, must be part and parcel of all negotiations with his route. he was detained on no legal grounds. he says he will resume his duties as soon as possible and that they will rebuild how she felt hospital. let's listen. once again to dr. boss from the living again, it's me. i was only told that i was detained for the notice i was not a outside or provided with any attorney,
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nor was i approached by any international organization. during my defensive. as i said, there was no specific thoughts live in again as me. i was the pain on my list of space is these are any polls. police reported that v as if i hosted that it was a bass for him. as however, they failed to prove this in reality, i was detained on my list. those pages, uh, it was moved from one that is into another, including gulf or prison. all of which are me, the you, each and every, the simian on that any is living only on one loaf of bread daily. can you imagine many of them odd with chronic disease, diabetic sentences that we look at it. however,
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they are living in very dire if not get that set of conditions. mount, you're not going to be. oh, is there in the mock? would it be good? i can see a say i didn't, but at the edge of the elite occupation forces are verbally and physically at losing us. they are even on leasing, but dogs often iomi on the didn't any them have beaten everyday to me is beaten and bad to me is put in times every single day they are deprived we the they, they, me is where the. 7 i have all the mattresses um covered. we are not gonna even offer the least of our basic rights including food, water and medicine that these, that you need to pay. some costs is have the blind. i too old cruise, lowes or major applicable in such conditions. thank you. i as okay,
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so we've been listening back to the director of guys as i'll she for hospital mohammed. i will send mia who's just been released by is really forces he is among the 55 palestinians. i've been released by israel doctor, i will send me a describing the conditions of his detention and the conditions are out of policy means it means really j. as he said, he was moved from one prison to another, including off of prison, to sit out of simeon. detainees are subjected to torture on a daily basis by israel. they are denied food, water, and medicine. they are beaten on a daily basis. he said there was no legal justification for his detention israel. i was, uh, of course the cleaning that i was chief. i was a base for him off when the lady that hospital and the rest of the hospitals director. let's speak to months or show me on once again, who was a part of sidney, enjoying this, and humanitarian who's here in to have with us. and so you were also arrested in
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2009 in the occupied westbank. so you know, the conditions that the doctor i will send me a talks about in those, these really jails, the beating that attention, the torture that kind of sitting in prison is subjected to on a daily basis. yeah, i mean i, nothing life, i'm sure what they're going through right now. there is no legal representation, no oversight from any international agency. it's just continuous daily, physical and mental abuse. and they are experts in that they know how to drain the prison us, as you saw, some of those that were released last over 30 kilograms. but despite all of that, the thing that's, i'm full. i mean, i think that the whole world now are seeing that despite all of that, look at the resilience of the home. but that has quite exclusively to resume his duties as soon as possible and rebuild the she for hospital look at how photos of the art of the supplies going through over 6 months of, of torture,
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of holding this day to day. um the speeds that are happening. yeah. bye bye bye. the. is there any these against him? so like i said before, the spirit of the palestinians is only getting stronger. that's like about how she for hospital a little bit for of us we may not not know, this is this causes. biggest threats were complex. and during the war in november it was the main hospital where palestinians were being treated. but israel claims that this was also have mazda space, and this is one of the justifications i guess, for arresting duct tablets on the no legal reasons. but the claim that this was how my space talk to us about this hospital in guys. it's important. and why is rarely insist that this is a ma space i they, i think one of the think them claiming that a ship a hospital was a how much space. and then once them going that going inside, i'm not showing any kind of proof of the world. we did see somebody else that they
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claimed where, you know, proof of how mosque being that, but nothing really substantial, nothing substance. so i think that's was a big change in how the, the whole world sold is really all corporation and the lies. and the propaganda that they were playing into, i don't know why they thought a shipment was a how much space. but what i do know is that it's not only an international beacon for hope and health, and the most is about for the whole world. and a shift is not just one or 2 buildings. it's over a 1000 different medical buildings with specializations from all around the world. people who left the, you know, to stay. it's your kind of scenes and decided to go back and live inside the rosa to try to contribute to the scene and calls and to her 2300000. but a scene is continued to live by noah. shift is destroyed, however, they ought to be at the building at the dialysis center. there's no open story. the emergence unit is starting to to, to work again. and i think dr. muhammed,
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we will see him at the top of his work. as soon as i cease why it happens, and then it's setting a people the idea, and then it's setting that is, that is dividing north and south leave uninstall or we can see him back. they have to go to the doctor. it's taking care of our patients. thank you. thank you so much months. so for joining us once again, months we're showing a policy and journalist on the news hour with us and still ahead on the program. the caribbean, braces for the arrival of hurricane barrow. the record breaking storm is expected to cause widespread damage. stay with us. the whole team is in power for prime ministers in 5 years. now, polls suggest that votes is one person's conservative out. we'll use a very for change on the latest test on that will get worse. she soon. economic
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jones stay without just era the coverage of the u. k. election. the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on out just sierra ok. foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence.
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the welcome back voters in the u. k. go to the polls on thursday for a general election. integration will be one of the main issues. both major parties say they want to bring the numbers down, but many industries say this is having an effect. i'll just, there has been granted access to a very fond in the vein of each each. i'm central england. it's run by south asian farm is will say they face severe labor shortages, malayna, vincent of a tree quartz in the garden of england. this very saw stretches some miles across some of the most fast land in the u. k. inside the pace is quick and the fruit plentiful. but what it lacks is enough luck is to take the cross wave work can use to come from eastern europe. and when you go back,
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whatever she called him and didn't let them to coming to the country, a really losing both one and a half a 1000000 off the end of the freedom of movement with the you isn't the only problem competent because i haven't got the stuff, and that is what's happened in the last 3 years. so you can fix it. frequent agreement. you've had coverage, knock on effect, then we had on because you're training and we're, we're trying to staff with the last upfront, strange stuff because of the war. these issues lacking up a perfect storm of labor shortages that the national farm is union says close production to be costs by subs. in some businesses since 2020, and the government introduced a 6 month season of work as visa farm as he is say, it's not enough. the moment, so my industry, we've got 45000 licensees seasonal workers license are coming in. do we need that? yes. do we need double that 400 presented? well, probably more. we're getting better and probably it's getting better grubby. we need the manpower to help us across. but politicians facing offers um,
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dental position, heads out to reduce immigration, not bring more people in the car and conservative government wanted to encourage pharma said, gradually start replacing overseas was with versus ones. but that hasn't happened. and in reality, the majority of people who walk in farms like this one come from abroad. where are you from? philippines? from india is big stuff will get us don't you say have tried to recruit locally here, but without much success. make sure the drop leaf any pull behind and that business model depends on train stuff coming back season after season is scheduled. it takes ages to learn it this friday, but it difficult the cut off the the here, the last 2 or 3 days. if you missed 2 days, the crop is gone. if you don't have the people, we have lost. a steady supply of overseas was may not be will the politicians say they won't,
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but it is what farm is here. say they need me the city know which way to leave some u. k. people in the caribbean, a bracing full hurricane barrel to make land full in the coming hours. unusually warm ocean temperatures, so the storm quickly strengthened to a category for hurricane barbara and go by has the details. power can barrow made of history even before making land for in the southeastern current band meteorologist say, is this category for atlantic's to him on record and one, it will be dangerous. and the 5 major harkins have been recorded in the lab tech before the 1st week of july. we're especially concerned about the jury between st. vincent and the granite deans down to grenada. that's where it's most likely to experience the guy wall or the category for hurricane we get a catastrophic wind damage. storm surge of 6 to 9 feet above normal, high levels with very dangerous breaking waves on top of that. a lots have been
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issued for many parts of a car being including barbados, sent lucia coordinator. and to baker from the moment we thought about it, the hurricane, etc. i mean we, we saw to put the boats island, which is very good. i mean, a lot of fish them on cooperated in the wind this you know, a good group or we get to get us uh, pulling the boat manually. i take the i um vouch prepared but i'm just getting a few more academy terms in terms of the house preparation and things like that. i have my water bottle of water and collected water. i have my extra food stuff. my batteries, so my battery lights on so on, so i'm about to care many cricket friends and now, stranded in barbados after they came to watch the wild comp. i'm asking therefore, my friends that we upset this is going to be
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a long. it isn't the one that we expected, but it is the one that we have. the us national issue i make an atmospheric administration says this expecting 7 hurricanes of categories. 3, the highest this year. expect cibola needing a phenomenon on a climate change, a contributing to the extreme. why? the barbara and grandpa out is era. the flooding and much slides have hit. nobody's lee's house to valley and switzerland. any 200 people have been allocated? have natalie stood by helicopter? from the region another 120 people were rescued from the alpine village is in the nearby of kid mountain region and neighboring switzerland. 4 people were killed and 2 are missing. as the annual timing season is not open of japan's mount fuji, with new restrictions to control, visit a numbers giovanni's enjoying an unprecedented post. pandemic visit a boom, but they all concerns is leading to over tourism. many of the holiday destinations
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are facing a similar challenge. rob mcbride, right? for some tokyo, the famous must see pedestrian crossing. the 2 boys in downtown tokyo tells the story. overseas taurus sel, back in, fools, visitor arrivals of the top. $3000000.00 for the 3rd month running with most people heading to the same well known tourism hotspots for the on the account gets hard for those destinations that the most popular like here to kind of do and okay. now are these regions quickly, this capacity? so we get over to it isn't from the world's most visited cities to the most exotic getaways, local tourism is predicted to return to pre, pun demik levels. before the end of the year, the number of passenger flights is expected to reach a record of nearly 5000000000 back in japan, less well known destinations such as nic got to around the west coast, now have more flight connections, which it hopes to use to attract more visits,
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as just as japan's more famous destinations, seemingly trying to do to some of the local politicians and community leaders. so suggested raising admission prices to control visits a numbers or pushing the daily limits home tourists just as crowds are right now. converging on what is japan's most iconic natural attraction this year, mount fuji is limiting. the number of people who make the klein to its summit to 4000 a day with a compulsory fee you know, make sure things a lot. what we're aiming for is to secure the safety of everyone who visits here. for that purpose, we may have to, as some people not to climb the mountain, regardless of whether they are visiting from home or a broad of those wells most sold off the destinations straining to cope with the seemingly insatiable demands of visitors feeling the night for so long run mcbride,
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i'll just say around tokyo. and that wraps up this and use our own. ouch is here a do stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with more of the data top stories. thank you for watching the on examining the headlines is really the soldiers. when they came to say fox, they started attacking the in that i machines unflinching john noise. and what message do you think that they were trying to send will come here? and we'll tell you a meter sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on abundance. well, costs progress on ours is 0
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the the the the directors guys out she for hospital is released along with several other policy means dr. apples telling me he says he was beaten, solved and tortured. and he's really differential the play. you're watching life from doha with me for the back to go. also coming up, francis fall rights. national riley gets the most number of votes in the 1st find
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a lot of entry elections with president across the lines trailing in 3rd place. tony, bye, and government officials are set to join a you and organize meeting here in comp time for the 1st time. we'll take


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