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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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the the the director of guys as our chief a hospital is released along with out of a palestinian stopped the apple sign of me says they were beaten, stopped and tortured in these really detach the . i'm for the back to boy, you're watching colleges here at live from don't i also coming up? francis fall rights. national riley gets the most number of votes in the 1st round of parliamentary elections with president. my call is a lions trading in 3rd place. we're probably more, we're getting better and probably getting better grubby. we need the month i would help us close. also ahead will examine the reason is behind the labor shortages facing that you case?
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farming communities fund. i'm rob mcbride in the got to japan that wants it share around the country's tours and boom, just as other parts of the country are saying enough visits has the these really military has released a group of palestinians from prison. they're having medical checks that i'll access the hospital and not the hospital as well along those release. is there extra about she for hospital, dr. muhammed both side of mia. he was detained in november while taking part in the united nations nation to evacuate patients from the medical complex. both side of me says, these really forces detained him with no legal grounds. while his release has now tre, get a dispute within these really cabinets. the prime minister's office has ordered an investigation into it, or the is a good place on false is 10 the blind i to all the internet and the lows and 3 kids
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. and they detained me without any charges. or even if i was put in 2 or 3 for a book dry and i was not given any specific charge, and i was only informed that i am detained. my pin, the, the notice this means that there's really to patient poses, have been the painting me on no legal ground or would as while israel's foreign minister, by any means searching out was office again, has orders any investigation into the release of our chief a hospitals director, let's speak to him to who to re who's live in dial by about this. she's in central guy, and what more do we know about the circumstances of this release and the conditions under which are these policy? and this will help the quote, 1st of all, it's very obvious that some of the ministers did not like the foss. how about this
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to me uh, the director of us default hospital along with other palestinians for the 3rd year today, there has been here an accusation circulating online. we have been talking to a lot of those palestinian prisoners and they describe in human conditions. they were living and at, during this, a rough dealt with him, how much it was to me. it was arrested on his way from the northern gauze was true too, that it safe evacuation zone in the middle area where he was arrested on an is ready check for him in the middle of the year. we saw that a doesn't have much, has lost a lot of weight, and it's not only dealt with him how much a lot of other productivity visitors that were released today. we're just about 55 . the pulse was, the story is about the other families that came to ask us about their, their website. and mindy members and friends that are still arrested in is there
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any jobs are asking if other visitors, if they saw them, they know anything about them. and it shows the psychological war is written, has been also at putting on the palestinians where there are a lot of policy missing. there are lot of how they can use that word. huge not from different areas across the street and their families know nothing about them. thank you very much and for the update that sounds as here as end of whatever you lived there and blah central guy saw elsewhere is really forces are conducting of rate any notions refugee camp which is in tucker. i mean, the occupied westbank troops used photos, us to destroy several rows in this latest incursion. these really military is also impose a siege on the camp and his soldiers have rated homes, rates and the occupied westbank have been a need might be occurring since, as well. as well on guys i began last october. the
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news frances for rights has the match with its best electrical performance in his history, getting the high share of voice in the 1st round of upon entry election. national rodney, the domain, the pen as h voltage to give her a party, an absolute majority in the 2nd round next week. bennet smith has this report from paris francis fall right. lita sense is power is within her policies. grass marine the pen need to support has to turn out why they never have the full to win. next week's 2nd round run of the world are listed at the beginning, the strange in government and drive the reforms that the country needs. we need an absolute majority in order for john berg, the left to be named in 8th days, prime minister by him on when mccall a 28 year old model. it is a fresh face of the fall, right? national riley, the rebranding. ones. politically toxic national front is now in the main stream to
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the communities. i intend to be the prime minister for everyday life. one, the one who prioritizes defense of purchasing power, the restoration of law and order and security throughout the country. and of course, the resumption of the migration policy hoping to head off the far right is a coalition of policies from the left to fall left. but it's lee, there's only mellum shown is a polarizing figure, who puts off some potential voters and prime minister gabriella towels, a centrist party together, the creation of president emanuel mack. chrome is trailing popularly after the 1st round it to pulse digital. so far, right is that the gates of power never has the national assembly been at risk of being dominated by the fall rights. therefore, our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from having an absolute majority to govern the country with the disastrous project, which is it started to be, i think, the project and money $1.00 micron called the snap election after his parties
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defeat to the national riley in your opinion, elections, his gamble, is it, the french people will ultimately shrink from voting the fall right into office. in one week, you'll find out if that gamble paid off jordan bondo left, could be the 1st fall upon minister in this country. and while the history, his policy has never been closer to a pallet next week, some of the elections could be the most consequential. but this ever being his most bushel book and it's may, i'll just say i'm gonna delete it and then it joins us now. live from paris, so, but we're in a trance, in uncharted territory. really what indications as of old give us about what will happen after next sunday. second round will fully off 34 percent share of the vote for the fall, right? national riley, the largest they've ever done, they will most double that share of the vote based on the legislative elections in 2022. and while the percentage share is sort of
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a general good idea of the power of balance between the policies, it's very hard to indicate from lots how many seats they'll get in the national assembly next sunday, because it's a constituency by constituency system, in from. so you have 75 seats, one out right on sunday. that's where the candidate in each. so you've got over 50 percent, but you've got $537.00 individual races less. a more that now depends on is once they known. all right. ok. so we'll do the center of my crumbs together a line and then the fall less and less we know lines part is, is what they advise that vote has to do what we will have is a bit of jump king and holes trading going on in the next couple of days where for example, one place where there's 3 candidates, well. busy impact you might withdrawal or a candidate to make it to whole of the race so that they try and get a vote. is that vote is to co a less behind
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a known file rights policy. so that's what the known fire file right policies will be doing is going to be a challenge though, because of this. uh, they'll try and look for this republican from to try and stop the fall rocks and bouncing. but that's been crumbling really over the last few years because of this successful normalization. if you like, at the far right by maureen, is present, mcfall printed regretting this gamble he made by calling the snap collections. the whole indications were that his hope was that that would be this republican from i've just mentioned that would stop the fall right. advancing. it didn't really work in this 1st round. it, it could all change this week which, but whichever way it goes you could say that sort of area of math chrome is over because the prime minister would have a prime minister points whether it's from the fall right or from the left coalition . it will not be a prime minister of his choosing. his current prime minister gabrielle
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a child is very unlikely to be the prime minister again after the elections next week. so the lines of these very difficult periods, co habitation, friends, it doesn't happen very often. that is why you have a president from one policy on a prime minister from another. it could lead to political deadlock with to the, with those 2 individuals of the microns policies on the policy, the forms of government having very different priorities. and the idea is whether those prices are far less for the priorities of the file rights for him. he's, he's really not going to be leading funds anymore, not political sense. and he's very difficult for him to forward his own agenda. foley bennett, thank you very much. that's furnace smith, a lie for us to in paris. let's just remind you not all those french election results. the national body lead strongly with 33 percent of the vote. followed by the left wing blocks the new popular front at 28 percent. while my cross centrist, the lines on samba trails, with 21 percent, when i speak to his only,
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you've come to you about this. he's a research director at the same time zone. july's foundation and his life from paris may still come to you. thank you. so much for being with us on friends, the highest election turned out since the 1980s in front. the best performance as we heard by the far right. and it's history, the vote for the i some of them on i. so now the far right, is it a vote of protests against my call or a vote of acceptance at these humans they say and fights for the far right? or is those the bottom for a section of my coast policies and the political system including of right actually know, be considered a broad like the town you have to write it regular nights and the rotors, those are those for the national writing. and i have an agenda, ends a believe be no issue, i don't know is a go sings at all like, uh,
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extending your gigs any direction. mm hm. of those things away. the you with around the losing sending more troops and, and the nation do it to be ukrainian or a oregon's, uh, russian. uh and uh, also uh, changing decisions from liberal democracy to, nor rex or random average that random from the, from the bottom. uh enabling and p. ready to the on the whole basis and also on a national basis, including a southern standards in order to change the constitution. and so saying switch nowadays, right now to the future. here we go to united today. interesting. uh and i want to ask you more about the implications of the photon a fall right when after the 2nd run for the rest of the world. just wanted to find out 1st about what has led to this search and,
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and who is leading this right wing search and sizes. it young people. it is not on the young people. he was act the, the union that can be national already game. so are know both sites then something function with already be 18 to 24 years old and 29 percent of wage. uh, those are 12 the policies, uh, retirees in jesus and something very new people they, they need that rule areas and uh, on most of the go from the home. lots of josh uh, age and probation. is that something you'd be goes about to use to be strong, that we'd be working gas, ending it already, trash, but 8 still making beginning rose into the category of education. people. people read the university degree and they keep getting urging during the afternoon as well. interesting, so the national rodney now looks very likely to be the largest force in the lower
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house, but not necessarily with an absolute majority. what options are we looking at here with the 2nd round coming? what will the far right you think be able to form a government even if a minority one, even though it's all done by the said, he will not form a government unless he has a governing majority. that is the national already does not get there. another organ, the drawers each as $289.00, the t. c t meeting the assembly. it would priority, trying toyota on some accounts over the them to each palm. do they have to pretty gun and the mainstream income. so the policy uh, the only difference is that if he needs to find 9 of them. mm hm. 10 of them, you would probably be fine if it needs to find 30 of them, it would be natural, difficult. tell me the so that we're seeing wouldn't be decided by the number of scenes the national already gets next sunday. and the code to the other over the majority is a really okay, now frances, in no doubt
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a non chandra territory needs to come in. what are the implications for the rest of the world of a fall, right, victory and friends in you know, a week or so if it happens a fall, right? administrator? possibly in finance. like in the us it seems like francis facing nationalist forces . will this and do will be on do francis international commitments. i also would like to and do most of the immigration policy, which when mean a very difficult relations ways be midrange. com for each end communities as a projection just those ads is something during both ends. in terms of the economy policy, say we try to change your roles or the you from was in with the allies for mentioned to you from anger. right. and the raise know we are eating the union bossing smiles, and they will also try doing those. terry, stung on even bowls. this is because you have what they charge them. they also want
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to opt out of the new age or a command of natives. they do not want to opt out of nato. the j seems that'd be french on falls or should not be an opportunity to do any kind of commitment during done ridge intervention and under review, as facts. so as a, basically you are wrong for us to opt out of the immunity during a man just to understand a 100 or decided not just as far as academy. thank you so much for your insight. thank you for talking to as john you've come to is research director at b as long as your eyes foundation joining us they have from power. thank you. the still ahead on now to 0. why president jo? biden's, age and fitness for a 2nd time is once again dominating headlines in the united states. the the latest news as it breaks far, it is environment. that's a realtor that spends of not permitting any more members of the muslim community to
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enter it stutter theory. with detailed coverage, they've done that. the 1st i really gotta reflect um, southern facebook of all from around the world. this rose war and garza was polarized french society for such an extent and that could have an impact on what is one of the most consequential elections that, that will be a pod. his aim interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running, mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that you assigned him a present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to al jazeera, interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states has
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effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes, they look the correct, but so is the international community upfront, only without the the brought them back a recap of our top stories on how to 0. these really military has release a group of palestinians from prison, including the director of the she for hospital dr. muhammed, on both side of the spanish 2 means of being tortured, beaten, and stopped. is there any forces that conducting of raging the north shops, refugee camp, which is in to cramming the occupied westbank. shops use photos us to destroy several lows in this latest incursion. and francis fall, right,
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has the marriage with its best to next. your performance ever getting the highest share of boats in the 1st round of parliamentary elections, national, i need the money to pay and as i told photos to give her party an absolute majority in the 2nd round of 14, in a week's time. and voters in the u. k. will have to the pose this week for a general election in which immigration has become one of the main issues. both major parties say they want to bring the number of immigrants down, but many industries say this will affects them. we report from a barry farm in central england way. owners tell us they need workers, malayna facilities has more. this is the garden of england. this very saw stretches some miles across some of the most fat of land in the u. k. inside the pace is quick and the fruit plentiful, but what it lacks is enough luck has to take the call. we might want to use to come
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from eastern europe. and when you go back, whatever she called him and didn't get them to come into the country, really losing both one and a half a 1000000 off. the end of the freedom of movement with you isn't the only problem. i complicate because i haven't got the stuff and that is what's happened in the last 3 years. so you find, fix it, frequent agreement. you've had coverage, knock on effect, then we had on because ukraine and what we're trying to staff is last upfront. strange stuff because of the war. these issues lacking of a perfect storm of labor shortages. the national farm is union says close production to be costs by subs. in some businesses since 2020. and the government introduced a 6 month season of was visa, thomas, he is say it's not enough. the moment so my industry was about 45000 licensed the seasonal workers license are come in. do we need that? yes. do we need double that or 100 percent? new though, well, probably more,
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we're getting better and probably isn't getting better grovee. we need the manpower to help us grow. but politicians facing offers on dental position have vowed to reduce immigration, not bring more people in the car, and the conservative government wanted to encourage pharma said, garage really start replacing overseas was with versus ones. but that hasn't happened. and in reality, the majority of people who walk in farms like this one come from abroad. where are you from the philippines from india is makes them, we'll get you a stone you say, have tried to recruit locally here, but without much success. make sure the drop leaf any pulled behind, and that business model depends on train stuff coming back season after season. this goes off, it takes exits to learn. it is friday, but it difficult the cut off the the here, the last 2 or 3 days. if you missed 2 days, the crop is gone. if you don't have the people,
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we have lost. a steady supply of overseas was may not be, will the politicians say they won't, but it is what farmers here say they need me then that i said either which way leave some u. k. south africa as president 7 run up also has announced the cabinet members of his new coalition government. the appointments came after lengthy negotiations. the governing african national congress lost its majority major election. it had to form a coalition government with the main opposition party, the democratic lines, along with 8 of the parties. in the us, recent poll suggests a growing concerned among voters and some democrats about presidential by this candidacy. as after his full performance during 1st days debates with donald trump, but he, democrats appeared on major us talk shows a rallying behind this campaign. how to go ahead and wait for us in washington dc. unfinished thoughts, many answers, the just didn't make sense. a shaky president biden damaged by his debate
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performance. now the question, how damaged for the 1st time, a well respected member of congress, publicly wondering if biting will be his party's nominee? this november, we're having a serious conversation about what to do. one thing i can tell you is that regardless of what president biden decides, what our party is going to be unified in our hardy also leaves him at the very center of our deliberations in our campaign. and so whether he's the candidate or someone else has the candidate, she is going to be the keynote speaker at our convention. that was different than what the majority of democrats are saying publicly joe biden is. are now many joe biden, is our leader, and joe biden has earn, and joe biden deserves the confidence, the respect. and frankly, the partnership that we now have to provide to him. thank you. but a new poll points to trouble for binding 72 percent of those asked,
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don't think he has the mental capacity to be president and the same percentage, 72 percent. do not think he should run. including almost half of the democrats asked when they get not founded get back. if he stays in the race analyst day, he will have a tougher time. now. prior to that, joe biting was actually running against a single or a singular candidate. and i'll be at slot in donald trump. he now has to run against the pushback from within this party. it was always believed the race for president was going to be close. the president now only adding to is up hill climb patio. he, elda 0, washington. the firefighters have been biling several why fi is near the greek capital. athens emergency work has contained another fire. any mountainous area on an island in the j and c. people has been asked to leave. at least 6 areas may,
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athens flooding and most lives have hidden within each of these. alas, the valley and switzerland nearly $200.00 people had to be. and if did by heavy comp to from the region. now the 120 people rescued from alpine village is in the nearby kid mount region and neighboring switzerland. 4 people were killed and 2 are missing. hurricane barrel has strengthened as it approaches the se in caribbean, whether experts say it is the earliest set in atlantic hurricane has reached a category for strength. hurricane warnings have been issued for parts of the caribbean, including granada, jamaica in saint lucia. and the annual climbing season is not open at japan's mount fuji, with new restrictions to control visit numbers. to find is enjoying an unprecedented post. pandemic visit a booth, but they all concerns is leading to over torres and many other holiday destinations
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are facing a similar challenge. rob mcbride report, some talk you are the same as must see pedestrian crossing, the 2 boys in downtown tokyo tells the story overseas. taurus sel, back in fools, visitor arrivals of top 3000000 for this the months running with most people heading to the same well known tourism hotspots, do on the account, gets hard for those destinations that the most popular. like here to hook, i don't. okay, now are these regions quickly is capacity, so we get over to, it isn't from the world's most visited cities to the most exotic getaways logo tourism is predicted to return to pre pandemic levels. before the end of the year, the number of passenger flights is expected to reach a record of nearly 5000000000 back in japan, less well known destinations such as nic got to around the west coast, now have more flight connections, which it hopes to use to attract more visits,
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as just as japan's more famous destinations, seemingly trying to the, to some of them. local politicians and community leaders have suggested raising good mission prizes to control visits, a numbers or pushing a daily limits on tourists. just as crowds are right now. converging on watts is japan's most iconic natural attraction. this year, mount fuji is limiting. the number of people who make the klein to its summit to 4000 a day with a compulsory fee. you know, make sure things a lot. what we're aiming for is to secure the safety of everyone who visits here. for that purpose, we may have to, as some people not to climb the mountain, regardless of whether they are visiting from home or abroad. the world's most sold off the destinations straining to cope with the seemingly insatiable demands of visitors feeling the night for so long. rub mcbride, i'll just say around tokyo. well that's it for me for the bad to go for now. i'll
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just, there is some easy done. we'll have and use our for you in 15 minutes, right? i have to talk to andrea sierra, stay with the the hello it's white sand. the west end is let's dive into those details right now for us straightly a disturbed weather coming into purse, outbreaks of showers, 19 degrees for you. and same goes for the east coast here for brisbin at the gold coast, as well as some charge to be expected. and with this breeze off to see that's going to give a shower is up and down the coast of new south wales state. quite the storm system . we had over new zealand. it's found a part of mostly the south side, lynn, but we're tapping into these cool breeze here. so that means pictures into the single digits for the next several days. christ church just 9 degrees for you on tuesday. there has been some flooding in the north of borneo island to your copious
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amounts of rain have been falling to rachel, downpours relief for the north and the west of the island. that is set to continue on to stay. some drivers spells though to be found across introducing is main island of java. lot of activity has been in the south china sea that's been what's impacting borneo island and some pretty good solid bands of rain to come for me to now. island in the southern philippines or summer rains in china, pretty registration for the pearl river valley eastern side of the yangtze, river valley. all of this, what weather is pouring into the korean peninsula? we're looking at a couple 100 millimeters of rain here over the next 24 hours or so. see you later. the heartfelt letters written by l. julian resistance fighters of the 1950s. many remains on seen until now. our moral is high. now the brothers die every day a to the right country. 0 to 0 world reveals the long plus personal testimonies
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from the men and women who fought for all julian independence and variety to not knowing if this would be my last letter. letters of love, letters or for analogies 0 the, the state of minnesota is home to 11 native american tribes whose connection to the land, including the mississippi river, pre date, european migraines, by thousands of years. the twin cities that developed here in the 1800s altered the landscape as well as the diets of native americans. but one restaurant on the rivers banks remains dedicated to a pre colonial, crazy.


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