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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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and sterilization refreshing to mock their arrival in jail, tattoos are a vital, powerful prison like that it's just as true for these monkeys as they get their id numbers, place the page forever. the, the us supreme court rules and the donald trump case that former presidents have partial immunity from prosecution. on the landmark decision means the federal interference case against donald trump will return to a lower court, letting the chances of a trial before the presidential election, the light from the headquarters in delphi, i'm getting you navigate are also coming up. they detain me without any charges.
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starve, beaten on torture, then is really the attention the director of causes and she felt hospital speaks about the treatment of palestinians after being released from prison. a major bridge ensued. don lincoln comes to north with the city of under mine is damaged and we examine house fis impact the future of the complex and also ahead from so as far right as close serve in efforts is forming an elective governments. but opponents hope to stop them through tactical voting in the 2nd round. the hello, the us supreme court has ruled that former presidents are entitled to absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts while in office. but they have no immunity for unofficial acts. the decision comes after lawyers for former president,
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donald trump argued that he should not face criminal charges for decisions made while in office trumpets facing several charges related to conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election results that the same supreme court has ruled has asked the lower court to decide whether it's for they supplies and donald trump's actions. and that makes it unlikely that trump trial will take place before the presidential elections in november. so the chief justice john roberts rhodes, that the president enjoys no one unity for his unofficial act. and not everything the president does is official. the president is not above the law, but under our system of separated powers, the presidents may not be prosecuted for exercising his hor constitutional powers. and he's entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts. and got immunity applies equally to all occupants of the oval office . well, the supreme court's decision in trump's immunity appeal could have rama could rama
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if occasions for future presidents. prosecutors are presented evidence showing that trump try to pressure election officials to falsely say that he won the 2020 election. and he also rallied his supporters to storm the capital building on january 6th, 2021. as a senate was certifying jo biden's electoral victory trumpet, his defense lawyers had argued that presidents must be entitled to immunity. further official acts will. despite this decision, the time it took to deliver the court judgements will likely mean that trump won't face trial until after november's election. and if he wouldn't stop vote, he can take steps to end his own prosecution. kind of joining us now from washington dc to talk us through all of this mike and tell us whether this is seen as a big win for donald. trump. will certainly donald trump, to do got it as a big wouldn't any is already said that in a post on his social media and support as of donald trump,
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to say that there's been decatur disposition that in the woods, it proves that the last 4 years during which these actions have been taken place, a part of a political campaign being waged by joe biden, and his supporters. so that is the way that the trump camp will be seeing this and active indication. and also that he will be able to go ahead to an election without fear of a trial on these particular charges. but this is essentially a mis reading, intangible mis reading of what the quote is actually said. what the court has said is that to repeat what john roberts said in his decision as that the president enjoys no immunity for his official x. now what this means is that the court has said 2 things here. one is that no president is above the rule, but secondly that he is above the law if what he is doing is in his coal official
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capacity. now the upshot of all of this is that this is going to go back to the judge in the district court. tanya shuck and we will have to go through a be a charges against trump line by line to decide what constitutes official actions and what constitutes private actions. so she's going to have to bear in mind what the court has laid out to distress. so this quote has made the decision in principle, it has not made any comment whatsoever on the actual facts of the case against donald trump. so this is something that will go back to the lower court judge who will decide what constitutes an official act. and what doesn't. that being said, once she's finished that process, which will take months and a lot of hearings, it's an old likelihood going to come back to this quote with it's built in conservative model majority that was created by donald trump himself. okay,
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thank you. my kind of things for reporting from washington d. c. well, the liberal justice sonya sort of mayor has written the sent note saying never in the history of our republic because the president had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he can use the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law moving forward, however, all former presidents will be closed in such immunity if the occupants of that office misuse is official power for personal gain. the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a back stop with fear for our democracy. i the sense we have with those clear finkelstein who is a professor of law and philosophy at the university of pennsylvania in joining us from philadelphia. tell us why you are disappointed with this really. so this is a very significant ruling, and it's really more important for donald trump if he becomes president, that it is, in this particular case, because i think that once it goes back to the federal trial court, tonya shuck,
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can, will preside over a very good re manned and will be able to identify most if not all of the charges that donald trump has been charged with as acts that he committed in his personal capacity since he was seeking re election when he did those acts and that is personal capacity. but the long term significance of this ruling should not be under estimated because what it says instead of donald trump becomes president. again, he can use his official capacity in particular, his 4 constitutional functions to subvert law, to shield himself from criminal liability, to distort justice. in ways that favor himself and that within a certain core constitutional capacity, no one can gain, say what he does not even federal courts. so the irony
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here is the supreme court has actually weakened federal courts with this decision because they have eliminated judicial review for a whole segment of presidential actions. and that has never happened before in the history of presidential power. so it's, so it's very unusual and unprecedented ruling so. so having said that, then what could be the implications for not only former presidents, but future presidents as well as well. so that is the real import of this decision. but imagine a future president who is a 1st term president who wants to stay in office and fierce. he may lose the election. he can violate the law with impunity. he can try to distort the election, or he can interfere with the peach. but proceeding both things that serve as checks
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and balances on our process. and he can do so in ways that violate the criminal law and then claim that he's doing so in his official capacity. and if he's able to do so by using the court constitutional powers of his office, it won't even be reviewable by a court. so for example, the supreme court has said that removal power is part of the court constitutional power of any precedent. and that they are for such decisions, the ability to fire somebody say a special prosecutor would not be reviewable by a court. so let's say that donald trump decides to fire the special prosecutor jack smith. and that he does so to obstruct justice. this decision seems to say that donald trump would be immune to any charge of obstruction of
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justice based on the claim, but he's exercising his for constitutional powers. right. and that is a very serious implication. all right, thank you. so it was clear for and go find thanks for your analysis from philadelphia. thanks for having me. while the former president says re access of the supreme court's ruling on his social media platform to a social, and he's called the, this isn't a big win for the constitution on democracy. and that he's proud to be american. well, there's also been a response from the white house and we'll bring in kimberly house that was running us from there for more reaction from the white house. kimberly yeah, in fact it is coming from the bite and campaign and we have to be careful to separate. the white house is official, a business from the bite and campaign itself. so this dave is actually coming from biden's re election campaign and what they're saying is essentially they 5 this to be devastating. the supreme court ruling. and also that this really underscores the
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high stakes of this election. they're saying that they see this really as what donald trump in terms of this, um, the election is as his attempt to really call this a get out of jail free card or his attempt to avoid the sort of punitive nature of the sentences. and so what this statement is saying is today's decision by the supreme court of set back or democracy to mat dramatically, essentially says that if there is any plausible official explanation for anything or president does, it is not only new from further is have a cry, but it's prevented from evidence of a crime. it's a sweeping and devastating opinion for our separation of powers and our fundamental belief and ocean. no one is above the law as a campaigns. those are the points out that you have to remember. this is the only charge that is a guess, donald trump and the fact that well he may be immune from some of this. it's not all of it is going back to a lower court to determine,
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interpret what he can still be prosecuted for. so with regard to the charges that are still against him up in new york state, he is facing such a thing for those later this month. and that's what the campaign wants to keep on the forefront of the minds of voters that will donald trump, may think he has a when a some of this is still facing enormous number of charges and is facing sentencing this month. okay, thank you so much. kimberly, for that reporting from the white house of the a grove of palestinian prisoners from gaza were released by israel. have returned to the strip and among them as the director of and she felt hospital who was released after spending 8 months in detention. dr. muhammed up a, send me a, give a hiring account office treatments. charles stratford reports $2.00 just saluting
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is just being released permit is really j more than 6 months. so it was really full . she's detained him and he's her nicole strip surrounded by his family. he struggles to describe his experience and what he says, palestinians inside, he's ready to present this continue to we do a lot. i was i wish none of the detainee had to go through and tear geisha, and it is nothing but other torture. total torment may god help those detainees being interrogated by the israel's internal security surface. tortured, battered in our general has beaten verbally and physically abused only god knows. for god's sake, set them free and release them from that. hell. garage describes conditions, excellent jails again, they are unimaginable disease,
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broke out amongst the detaining around 30 are kept in one cell. our bodies are played with abscess is main, gang green. we were given only one cup of rice per day, a piece of tomato and a piece of cucumber, a boy with a small, lo, for bread is the, these are some of the, of the $55.00 to tell you to use who like for all which will release the 2 locations and that this, each gallons of strip on monday morning is ready, full season either announced the operation was happening know, coordinated at the red cross the condition of the bodies. an indication of what i have been jude showed the brothers detainees have williams power sites in their bodies. do something for them . there's one on the upsets is the brother logo abilities says another job we will lift without sofa village. the
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only one quick boss, every week among the released menus, heads of the ship, a hospital in the hama, double so mia? he was detained in november with 5 all the health workers, while they helped you in mission to evacuate patients from the medical facility. did you want to do that? then i had not only gimme a couple more stuff. well, even those who have been detained for more than 10 years had been deprived of their rights, and many were killed under interrogation on so many of the medical stuff arrested and had been denied food want to animates. and these really have no red line. they deal with detain, you know like the objects most of human beings, even the is really medics are involved in the do too much money. but i did. the palestinian prisoner association says the around 10000 palestinians being held in his way to jails. at least $3600.00 of them never being charged with the crime. will face truck is real sensitive,
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binds by international lawrence treatment. although the testimonies physical and emotional straws of these main indicate thoughts alone lie chosen on foot $20.00. or we can also have to talk about someone who's running us from didn't, but also a thought at the, the prisoners that have come out of these, the tense. these is really detention camps are speaking of daily torture by that is really security services. what are we hearing about the face of those who remain in prisons and the detention camps? well very and there are so hundreds of palestinian cap sits inside the studies detention centers and counts and think is there any territories covered subject to similar condition that do solve a city encompasses today were run. these have been given a true weapon, hearing reading, testimonies from news a captive saying that they have been beaten and humiliated on
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a daily basis as the day was being restored by them. this very minute sweet day by day or to read the check stubs beaten for no reason. i'm at the same time to have a few details. it's very jacobs without any cleaning charges or even without any clear reason to have been absolutely and incredibly taken from different areas in regard to certainly have interested some of them like to come up with some media has been arrested on need 3 who results were submitted to you chick, point has been established and at the same time for those kind of send you an account to have been going through a while, i was 11, pull some type, lived to come and visit coat terminal. we are talking about they have a recent that been traumatized at the same time. they have been deployed from enough amount of food in databases which later have blue and contributed to the spreads. all these can diseases among, through spectrum has a problem coming up for me to set it up. there are some kind of put in what patient has been mis different. so what's,
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what i'm to take should do as they have been suffering from day a piece and they have not being given the proper medical cap that they were very desperate needful. so generally what we have here in your notes has many tragic stories on the i've been saying that there are 2 hundreds of promising in prison. this is very day of how big could be more humanitarian supplements. nonsense in the hands of the it's really ministry as well. thank you so much part of a time also reporting from dated but often central top. the still ahead on algebra, 0 time rob mcbride in the got to japan's at once. it share it with the countries, tours and boom, just as other parts of the country all sang enough visits is the
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low most of india. now dealing with monsoon range, they have arrived. so burst of rain pretty much everywhere in the country. sun states like goods, right, for example, highest level alerts issue because you are about to be inundated with rain. st goes too far away from new delhi places like our drive, of course, where the taj mahal is, could see a couple 100 millimeters of rain over the next little bit. and same goes for the northeast. were tugging up moisture from the baseband goal here. just bringing it out over the northeast. so plenty of rain to go here and the potential to see some funny certainly, there has been fighting on borneo island. this is in the young pung, in some of the state, north of the island. here rhodes turned to rivers because of the terrestrial burst of rain. we've seen the same goes for that western size of borneo island. it's been quite a while, but it looks like now most of that rain is shifting into sort of lazy. most of the activity has come from the south china sea dropping further south. that's what's impacted borneo island. also throwing rain toward the southern philippines, mindanao island, where there are a severe flooding. advisories in play or summer reigns in china now stretching from
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the pearl river valley to the eastern yankee river valley out over the yellow sea. all of this, what weather is leaking into the korean peninsula as of driving rain for both young yang and so on tuesday, bye for now. the name is brandon jackson. i'm a 3 point louisiana. i've recently been released for old web to 25 and a half years, have been slee now less than 90 days. after a lifetime of prison, a man is now free to fight against our k grace as low as that belong to the past. fault lines, conviction on a jersey to the
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the, the top stories on how to 0. this, our, the us supreme court has ruled. the former presidents are partially immune from prosecution, but only for acts conducted in an official capacity. that comes as the former president donald trump faces charges related to conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results. trump is called the decision big when for democracy, garza the director of and she also has been released from an is really prison officer being detained for 8 months. dr. how much of a sudden media says other palestinian prisoners weren't sports for stars and and so done, a major bridge connecting them to them on the northern part of the capitol for the 2 has been destroyed. the army has accused the paramilitary rapid support. forces
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of targeting b. cya bridge exclaimed the car assess, has been on so as we were saying, a major bridge connecting the northern part of saddam's capital. so the country 2nd largest city has been destroyed. a not bridge is one of only 2 connecting hard to north to of them on, on the other northern crossing. the sham buffer edge was destroyed in november. the army has accused the parent military rapids support forces of targeting that have fail bridge. these are claims that they are assessed, have denied, have a morgan has more from hard to the destruction of the health by a bridge which connects the city of i'm doing mine to the city of how to, to north and to dance capital costume for the major said back for the to the nice army. this is the same rate is that was used by the signees army just of were a month ago to move its forces from the city of homes in mind. to us the city of hot assume north, which is also known as battery, to reinforce the tubes that and tried to take over territory from the power of
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military rapids support forces. and this destruction would mean that the army will not be able to reinforce, they prove from the city of on demand anymore, and would have to rely on troops coming from neighboring river. now said to reinforce and we supply their tubes and consume north autobiography. now this happens at this comes as pricing continues between the 2nd these army and the parent military rapids support forces elsewhere around the country. especially especially in the city of say not and be in the states often not which the are a separate took over if capital on late saturday. no 5 thing is going in to not around given moya. and that's an area along the border, often not state and dizzy to say most of the hours of to over earlier last week. and the are the army has been trying to regain control of the army says that their forces are still present interesting jet and they are still fighting. department is through rapid support. 4th of the b r. a stuff without the statements on monday
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that they have taken over to other brigades that used to belong or used to be under the control offices in these army. and the displacements of civilians as fighting continues between the 2. 5 also continued thousands have been displaced from saint john and gibbon, more over the past few days. many of them trying to make it to safety, answer refuge, a slicing continues. they say that they are in desperate need of minutes, air and assistance. many of them walking 4 days trying to get to safety away from the fighting. and many of them, not sure if they will be able to make it to safety, or if they would be able to get the assistance they need. if they make it to safety or away from the fighting people. morgan alda zara hudson. in france, the race is now on between marine depends far right party. and the far left coalition led by john luke mendez shown to in enough seats in the 2nd round to try to form a government presidents a manual micro now faces the prospect of sharing power with his political opponents . for 3 years, joan hold reports from paris. the changing face of france
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a political contest now between the extremes of right and left with many c as a bit of choices. i'm challenging, generally mental shown to a debate manifesto against manifesto faceoff between both of those. you might be a prime minister in a cohabitation in a few days. for decades since the founding of the 5th republic, the country has rallied against political extremism, oval stripes, centrist president, emanuel mack, chrome portrayed himself as its ultimate defend. within calling this snap election by chrome has opened the gates. just think he gamble. he lost his gamble. prison because lost every political influence he could think of having because this provoked this crisis and many people in his own comp resent the decision is made. they don't understand. so these days why he took this decision. what happens
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in the 2nd round next sunday, whether or not the found right? and the very independent property j. jordan found de la when an absolute majority could depend on technical voting, packed between my crumbs centrist alliance and the united forces of the left, including the far left front about under john luc mention. but not surprised some centrist, say, they're unwilling to pay me nothing wrong. so about is a danger to the nation. the national riley is a danger to the republican. if you don't choose one danger over another, a manual macro on centrist alliance achieve just 20 percent in the 1st round, where one sees attracted the n p file, right votes that will built in defense of the republic as well and truly crumbled and the new deep sleep polarized political landscape promises difficult times. i have few of its critics except the pins. national riley has suff indeed said has
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been touched of racism incentive phobia and many repelled by melon jones proceed. brands of anti semitism on the far left, but no one can deny that the fall of rights. he is now the country's largest electoral force in france. the previously, i'm thinkable has already happened during the whole l g 0 parents. the off con taliban government is attending its 1st. united nations organized meeting in cats are the tuesday event is focusing on international engagement as well as the economy and the narcotics trade. the un, under sex, through general for political and peace building affairs, is leading that meeting rosemary to carlos as measures to help women and girls are important for global recognition. learning through all the discussions was the deep international concern from special envoys. and for me about the ongoing and serious restrictions on women and girls,
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afghanistan can not return to the international fold or fully develop economically and socially. if it is deprived of the contributions and potential of half of the population. how somebody about a is covering the meeting and says cat heart stress the need for the taliban to attend the talks for the 1st time. this is the 3rd round of the circles they'll have processed, which has been lost by the united nations in a, in march to 1023. and the hope was basically to build bridges with a toddler time. back in march 2023. there was an international alkali over the top of as decision not to a law goes to go to schools on that for the you and said, we don't want to see the thought event represented in the tools. then in february the you and invite to the autonomy bands i thought about it said to be on the full representatives of the of gun people on that for we don't want to see any other entity presented. and therefore,
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they chose to stay away from the tools. this time we do understand that the categories have been instrumental in convincing the taliban to attend these thoughts, which was focused on see international sanctions imposed on the financial sector. as the banking sector, the enough gun is that the guns then on both be conservation and also the need to boost the private sector. i spoke with the taliban, they say they said the conversation was constructive. i spoke with the cuts out as they said, this was a significant step forward and i spoke with you and today of the said, the tools will productive protests have gathered outside a swift cord, which is hearing an appeal of 6 police officers accused of killing. and nigeria, national in 2018 mike ben, peter died while being held in detention. and during the rest, he was pinned down and later suffered a heart attack. official said he refuses a drug test during his custody. last year,
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the criminal court rule that the 6 officers involved could not be convicted of negligent homicide. hurricane beryl has made landfill in granado, lemme caribbean. unusually warm ocean temperatures saw the storm quickly strengthened to the category for hurricane barrel is already a record breaking storm due to with strength. this early in the season, the annual climbing season is now open to japan's mount fuji with new restrictions to control visitor numbers. japan is enjoying an unprecedented post. pandemic visitor. boom. but there are concerns. it's leading to over tourism. many other holiday destinations are facing a similar challenge. rob mcbride reports from tokyo, the famous must see pedestrian crossing. the 2 boys in downtown tokyo tells the story. overseas taurus sel, backing poles, visitor arrivals of top 3000000 for this.


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