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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:29pm AST

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0 now the the u. s. supreme court rules in the donald trump case that former presidents do not have immunity from prosecution for unofficial acts. but the supreme court has ordered a lower court to decide how to apply the verdict in trumps. case limits and challenges of trial before the presidential election. trump has caused the decision, a big win for democracy. the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is, i'm just the real live from deluxe. also coming out. they detained me without any charges. storms beaten and tortured in his really detention. the director of guns
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is i'll shoot for hospital speaks about the treatment of palestinians occupying released from prison, businesses homes and caused the town. as angie's syrian bryant's breakout in a truck assist, the u. s. supreme court has ruled that form of presidents are entitled to absolute immunity from prosecution for facial acts, while in office that have no immunity for unofficial x. the decision comes off. the lawyer is for some of presidents, donald trump argued he should know face criminal charges for decisions made while in office trump is facing several charges related to conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election results with a supreme court has off a lower court to decide whether it's but it applies to donald trump's actions,
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says she's just as john roberts roach, that the president enjoys no immunity for his unofficial x and knows everything the president does is official. the president is not above the law, but under all system of separated powers, the president may not be prosecuted for exercising his cool constitutional powers. and he's entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts. that community applies equally to o occupants of the oval office. my kind of has more on the legal implications of that really what the court has said is that to repeat what john roberts said in his decision, uh that the president enjoys no immunity for his official x. now what this means is that the court has said 2 things here. one is that no president is above the rule, but secondly, that he is above the law if what he is doing is in his cool official capacity. now
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the upshot of all of this is that this is going to go back to the judge in the dc district court. tanya shuck and we will have to go through the charges against trump line by line to decide what constitute official actions. and what constitutes private actions, so she's going to have to bear in mind what the court has laid out to distress. so this quote has made the decision in principle, it has not made any comment whatsoever on the actual facts of the case against donald trump says this is something that will go back to the lower court judge who will decide what constitutes an official act. and what doesn't, that being said, once you finish that process, which will take months and a lot of hearings, it's an old likelihood going to come back to this court when it's built in conservative mon majority that it was created by donald trump himself. just as
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sonya, so somebody has written a defense note saying never in the history of our republic as a president had a reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. moving forward, however, over the phone with presidents, when we cloaked in such immunity, if the occupant of that office miss hughes is official pals for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide by will not provide a back stalled with fear for our democracy i just sent for justices am, is failed us. we're gonna be allowed to have somebody the to run for present again, and quite possibly we so, you know, i mean that's, that's as bad as things we get in terms of adjust this. so i'm, my demand is that they try the leader of the coupon now, but that's not going to happen. it's a white house correspondent,
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kimberly how could, has more on the response from president biden's campaign. in reaction to the supreme court ruling, the fighting campaign has issued statements across a range of its social media account, saying that the ruling doesn't change. the facts that donald trump snapped following the 2020 presidential election and encouraged the mob to over throw the results of a free and fair election. he thinks he's about the law and he's willing to do anything to gain and hold power for himself. the campaign goes on to point out that donald trump still faces $34.00 charges of falsified business records for how much money payments he made back in 2016 to an adult film star. and he's due to be sent later this month for those charges. now, we also can point out this, this is in terms of the supreme court ruling, a welcome distraction for president 5. and given the fact that it,
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it really takes away from his own negative headlines, namely the fact that up until now, most people were talking about his disaster as debate performance last thursday. and so this is a bit, a chance for the binding campaign to really play up the fact that since then, president biden has been very energetic. in fact, the campaign is lots to new advert showing just that the campaign is going on the offsets with this advert. but also with the supreme court ruling. kimberly hell kit out a 0 white house, a donald trump supposedly stays done and has begun a full month's prison sentence after the supreme court rejected his last minute appeal. uninstalled to thank support. as outside the federal prison in danbury, connecticut, on monday, he was convicted for defying a summons from the congressional committee that was investigating the january 6 capital attack. as he surrendered to authorities and described himself as
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a political prisoner, the, the, the group of palestinian prisoners from gaza were released by israel have returned to the strip among them as the director of, i'll see for hospital was released off the spending 8 months in detention dr. muhammed of who sent me a, gave a harrowing account of his treatment show. stratford reports $2.00 just saluting is just being released from it is really general more than 6 months. so through his very full, she's detained him that he's her, and the counsel strip surrounded by his family, he struggles to describe his experience. on the strip on monday morning, he's ready, full season either announced the operation was happening know, coordinated at the red cross. the condition of the bodies,
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an indication of what i have been jude showed the brothers detainees have williams power sites in their bodies. do something for them. there's one on the opposite is the brother logo abilities says another job we will lift without so pull go to only one quick boss. if weak among the released menus heads of the ship a hospital mohammed double. so may, a few was detained to november, was 5, all the health workers, will they help you in mission to evacuate patients from the medical facility? did you want to do that? then the headed not only gave me a whim offs up, well, even those who have been detained for more than 10 years had been deprived of their rights. and many were killed under interrogation. any of the medical stuff arrested had been denied food want to animates and these really have no red line,
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or are they deal with detainees like the objects most of human beings, even the is really medics are involved in the do to more of the me, i'm funny, but i didn't. the palestinian prisoner association says the around 10000 palestinians being held in his way to jails. at least 3600 of them. never being charged with a crime will face trouble. israel says it divides by international lawrence treatment of the testimonies physical and emotional straws of these main indicate thoughts. a line chelsea on foot. i'm just here to assume has more on the is there any evacuation orders in eastern hon use? this is the new tactic. is what has been, depending on with an expiration on the ground. they are right now re operating in areas of the managed to recall and to carry out the full destruction to its civil infrastructure. now, we are talking about the eastern areas of con, you in
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a city. now, multiple neighborhoods have being assumed by the as many, many tree as it were published, a met with a coupon code in that places that need to be absolutely evacuated as soon as possible. because these places would be month to be as a dangerous spot. so don't we, how much will protest? and because very many, 3, and at the same time this families that are about to leave con units to have knew what else to go. it seems that they are forced to look for proper alternative places in light of the over whelmed space of the gaza strip. and basically those people have been struggling and living with the remnants of their destroyed houses . so it's on the 2nd of internal displacements until even secular binders, but has no ends in fine. sticky is government has condemned anti series inc, syrian rising in the central part of the country. 67 people were arrested in case of any of the cars were over tons and serial own shops such a blaze. the violence followed allegations that a syrian man sexually harassed
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a 7 year old syrian go 3600000 syrians live into here, with anti refugee sentiments has been rising. and of course you have who has more now from, is done this, and this is not the 1st time that the full, the eyes on the rise and share, especially with the last 3 years as a reference to send some of the specialist targeting syrians. it saying that they are going to be sent back has become the main we're totally and the position part is that's why surface present bridge of safe ards, on a cues. the opposition parties for filling up the sentiments and causing such incidents like what happened in central to see a car say on sunday night as a response to this, as a reaction in northern syria. in fact, the position helps area to, to the street, criticizing the turkish people surfaces. reaction and targeting the syrians live in
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getting through to you. they took to the streets, they attacked the turkish vehicles, and some downsize were exchange. but of course, what's happened in car serial sunday? no, i wasn't also on the reason behind the $0.10 last week purchase and siri and present, present bridget safe hours on end present. shars saw that they are ready to restore size and they are ready to take any initiative to normalize relations between 2 neighbors countries. and that's also then press ration among the syrians for a place to be they have been spiking for more than a decade. the non custodial eldest, the racism was, was stuff is the executive director of the syrian emergency task force. he says that talk of normalizing relations with the syrian regime may have also played a part in the riots. and it is important to also remember that the statements by the turkish president,
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where he mentioned the possibility of normalizing with said and potentially, you know, bring him in his family. look, i understand that sometimes there are some comments for, for domestic consumption. and sometimes these things do not reflect, do not reflect the, the, the policy you can. and i'm hopeful that this will not, you know, turn into a policy shift where they're kia, would normalize that to us said, we mean what happened. and they said, yep, again is a result of what the opposition has been doing for a long time and perhaps to a certain degree, you know, the, the there may be normalization by took the, or with the said. and then we saw this underbelly a patriot. that's been built up for a long time to show itself and case study where these are crimes that happened against innocent civilians. but what's really, really important to remember and excuse me for going on is that turkey has been a major ally of the syrian people and it surface people and government have stood by the serial number of loose and, and it's tall for dignity in democracy and freedom in syria and i don't want to see
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all of that crumbled today, but what's really important, anyone, anyone, whether it's took a couple or united states that normalizes with the said regime is doing something that's literally against humanity. and i'm hopeful that in the coming days, and it's a great step, you know, arresting some of those that committed the crimes in case there. yeah. that there is the reiteration that someone like i said, routine can never be integrated into the international community. a semi head on the 0, a major bridge and so done, linking hot to north with a city of on duty man is damaged. we examine how this impacts the future of the conflicts and frances far right is closer than ever defending and elected government. that opponents hope just struck them through tactical voting in the 2nd round, the of
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the that's been particularly cold with the last couple of nights in the southeast in pato started because he has come up from this house. we've been very sub 0 by day they were up to the low teens, more or less young sure disappointment from new south wales out through queens and bill on usual for this term to year. but it means gray skies and outbreaks of rain . crispin held down to 17 degrees passes by 19 the rain moving slowly through the southern coast of the west australia to san frustrated and on the face fit that was not to keep out on wednesday. that'd be a change i think later in the week. but more of that later and using some of the breeze means is not very warm. and christ church over cost blind to be drizzly. i think same is true. weddington. oakland enjoys the sunshine if it weren't here. and we still got charles where they shouldn't be an engine easier, but of funding recently and stopped off in the navy and possible in year and then the full cost to bring some time to some sort of y c. and the bit beyond should the
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drive to the west and it does do conflicts. ok. as a small rain, yes. again, becoming forceful in me in my through to southern china, the size of that it's just she bit and occasionally shower, which is seasonally correct. but the real heavy rains by taking this course out to the yellow sea towards the korean peninsula, which is once a year. and so the or
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the, [000:00:00;00] the flow again, you're watching out a 0 reminder of our top stories. this, our, the u. s. supreme court has ruled full presidents, a partially mean from prosecution, but only for ex, conducted in unofficial capacity. it comes as former presidents, donald trump, faces charges related to conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results. trump has cold the decision a big with the democracy. in guns or the director of i'll shoot the hospital has been released from industry, the prison officer being detained for each months. dr. muhammed abo,
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suddenly it says he and all that comes to me in prison is with tortured beach and turkey is government has condemned anti sirian biasing. in the central country, 6 to 7 people were arrested. gauzy of the cause were overturned and syrian shot, the syrian own shops sent a place to violence, followed allegations that a serious man, sexually harassed a 7 year old syrian. the gun taliban government is attending is 1st. united nations organized leasing in cost of the 2 day event is focusing on international engagement as well as the economy and the narcotics trade show a whole lot of reports from the as you check the gun to you and political to you was, mary did call to faces some tough choices. this is the 3rd round of what's called the dough half process launch to create an environment that the un hopes will lead
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to an inclusive government and polluted political system that respects women. but the un once to focus more on any kind of mean tatters you, they ask in private sector face is enormous obstacles to its development and growth . which adversely affects the economy and livelihoods. afghanistan also needs support and building on progress made and curbing drug production. phase some of heads up as a task special envoy to the minutes so far enough as his country has been instrumental in convincing the tiny band attend the tools. the group which took over, i've got his son into $1021.00, have repeatedly refused to discuss political reforms of women rights st. those unintended issues the i think this is going to be very, very useful for our upcoming meetings. i'm going to be that way for
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a solid consideration of the needs of the funding people in the future. so how about it? we even go through this process to promote stability, security and finest on an on the holidays you of the international community wanted to have a winded debate, whether taliban and jose and women take part in food. the tools of autonomy band about to put out insisted they are the only due to the to follow the enough guns done the un, how to organize a separate meeting with the activists to national who or vice organizations. they the un of caving in to tell about pressure. afghanistan can not return to the international fold or fully develop economically and socially. if it is deprived of the contributions and potential of half its population. many countries and regional
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institutions joining the tools they, the and impoverished of guns done, could see arms trafficking and fighting spread across the country. the international community hopes engaging bits highly bad, may eventually lead to genuine political reforms. and a change in that stands on goods education, but there's another reason why the western countries are keen on dealing with autonomy bad. the, the china and russia would fill the vacuum caution about the bottle. i'm just so you don't have a major bridge connecting the northern parts of sedans, capital to the country. second largest city has been destroyed. the bridge is one, is only 2 connecting hot to north to until them on the other north and crossing. they've shown that bridge was destroyed in november. the army has accused the power, military rapids for forces of targeting the health by a bridge claims
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d. r. a stuff has denied. even morgan has moved from hudson. the destruction of the health by a bridge which connects the city of i'm doing mine to the city of how to, to north and to them, copies of how to, for the major said back for the to the nice army, this is the same rate and that was used by the signees army just of were a month ago to move its forces from the city of homes in mind. to us the city of hot assume north, which is also known as battery, to reinforce the tubes that and tried to take over territory from the power of military rapids support forces. and this destruction would mean that the army will not be able to reinforce, they prove from the city of on demand anymore, and would have to rely on troops coming from neighboring river, now states to reinforce and we supply their tubes and consume north autobiography. now this happens at this comes as pricing continues between the 2nd, these army and the department of $3.00 rapids support forces elsewhere around the country. especially, especially in the city of say not and be in the states often not which the recessive took over its capital on
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a saturday. no 5 thing is going in to not around given moya. and that's an area along the border, often not state and just need a states most of the hours of to over earlier last week. and the are the army has been trying to regain control of the army says that their forces are still present interesting jet and they are still fighting. department is through rapid support forces. the b r a stuff without the statements on monday that they have taken over to other brigades that used to belong or used to be under the control offices in these army. and the displacements of civilians as fighting continues between the 2 . 5 also continues. thousands have been displaced from saint john and gibbon more over the past few days. many of them trying to make it to safety and 2 refuge, a slicing continues. they say that they are in desperate need of tearing assistance . many of them walking 4 days trying to get to safety away from the fighting. and many of them, not sure if they will be able to make it to safety or if they would be able to get the assistance they need. if they make it to safety or away from the fighting
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people. morgan alda zara hudson, who runs remaining presidential candidates taking part in a televised debate ahead of a ronald's vote on july 5th. the full missed back unless the position and ultra conservative. st gently came out on top in last week's vote, which so a record low turnouts. the snap selection was cold after the death of president, if i'm racing in a helicopter crash to friends with the races on the aisle between marine la pens far right. spotty and the far left coalition lead based on nuclear, shown to win enough boats in the 2nd round to try and form a government presidency. manuel macro now faces the prospect of sharing power with his political opponents for 3 years. during the whole reports from paris, the changing face of france, a political contest now between the extremes of right to left that many c as a bit of choices i'm challenging jointly meant also on to
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a debate manifesto against manifesto. faceoff between both of those who might be a prime minister in a co habitation in a few days. for decades since the founding of the 5th republic, the country has rallied against political extremism of all stripes, centrist president, emanuel mack, chrome portrayed himself as its ultimate defend, within calling the snap election by chrome has opened the gates. i think he gamble, he lost his gamble. prison because lost every political influence he could think of having. because this provoked this crisis and many people in his own comp, resent the decision is made. they don't understand to this day why he took this decision. what happens in the 2nd round next sunday, whether or not the found, right? the reading dependent properties a jordan by de la when an absolute majority could depend on tactical voting. packed
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between my crumbs centrist alliance and the united forces of the left, including the far left fronts about under john luc men and shown, but not surprised, some centrist, say, they're unwilling to pay me less. one says wrong, so about is a danger to the nation. the national riley is a danger to the republican if you don't choose one danger over another manual macro on centrist alliance achieve just 20 percent in the 1st round. with one c, it attracted the n t far right votes. that was built in defense of the republic as well and truly crumbled, and the new deep sleep polarized political landscape from this is difficult times. i had a few of its critics except the pins. national riley has suff indeed said use been touched of racism incentive phobia and many repelled by melon jones perceived brand of anti semitism on the far left. but no one can deny that the 5 rights is now the
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country's largest electoral force in france. the previously i'm think couple has already happened during the whole l g 0 parents. hurricane barrow has made landfill in granada in the caribbean, unusually warm ocean temperatures, so the storm quickly strengthened to a category for hurricane. hurricane barrow is already a record breaking storm dish with strength this early in the season. you recognizes our choosing the us social media company, nasa, of breaching data privacy rules through advertising models on it's platforms. since november, your opinion you use uses on facebook and instagram have been asked to either subscribe or agree to seeing advertising. the use says this model limits free consent by forcing uses to pay for ad free versions. we'll hand over the data which can be used for targeted advertising. at this stage we take the preliminary view
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that's actually meant that has not shown this equivalent alternative to the, to the end user who says no to the personal data combination and, and indeed now now we have sent our preliminary findings. and then the next step is for mesa to reply to these. so have a look at at, it's our file and then uh yeah we, we, we see what the next steps are, but we have until march of next year to, to finalize this investigation. 3 new criminal lawyers, replacing colonial era legislation, a no and effect in india from minutes to a new engine. moody says the lawyers put citizens dignity under justice 1st, but senior legal professionals and human rights activists say the changes have been rushed through and will put life and liberty in danger. no fernandez reports. natasha monroe said she's paying the price to speaking out. she was jail for
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protesting against india citizenship amendment act in 2020. her father died the fluid right. she was in prison and she had to give up a px the studies and prompted for place as a u. k. university. because of the traveler restrictions imposed on her, she says the new criminal laws are ended crushing, defend, you name it. and we have seen either the i tested or various kinds of f i as put on them or various kinds of other orders i put on them so that there is no voice which can question any decision off the synergy, 3 new laws replacing in this pillow poor criminal procedure code and the evidence act or take effect on monday. the hospital seemed to be context of the british tutors and a lot of them will video pieces. so that was the need of that is the reason why it


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