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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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0, the us supreme court decision gives presidents, sweeping, criminal immunization and effectively delays the case against donald trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. no one. no one is above not even the president states, the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a life intel also coming up, a group of palestinians of gauze and released them is ready present, say they will stop beeping and torture on to survey and protests and central turkey homes, businesses and costs are destroyed and how it can barrow brings devastating windham
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storm surge to the southeast, kind of being full cost to say it's extremely dangerous. the alignment routing from the us supreme court dramatically increases the power of the presidency. it says anything a president does on the unofficial capacity, is immune from criminal prosecution. it'll change the timeline on some of the charges, but donald trump faces for attempts to overturn the last election particle hang of the latest from washington dc. the us supreme court issuing a fundamental change to the long held belief that in the united states, no one is above the law. now really admitted a president accident official capacity. he is immune unable to be prosecuted for any actions he takes. poland office, the chief justice john roberts writing, the nature of presidential power entitles
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a former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, for actions within his conclusive and precludes of constitutional authority. and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts, the 3 liberal justice was issued a fierce descent. never in the history of our republic has a president, had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution. if you use the trappings of his office to violate criminal law, moving forward however, all 4 of our presidents will be cloaked in such a munity if the occupant of that office misuse is official power for personal gain . the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a back stop with fear for our democracy i just sent, wrote just to sonya started my or you as president joe biden made an unexpected speech about the decision. arguing this raises the stakes for the upcoming election . so now, now the american people have to do with the court should have been willing to do
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with what not the american rep to render judgment about dom trust behavior. the american people must decide whether donald trump's assault on our democracy, on january 6, makes a much fit for public office and the highest of some land. the high court said presidents can be prosecuted for actions taken in a personal capacity and order the judge and trump trial over his involvement in the january 6 insurrection, to decide what charges can move forward. the speech that he gave on january 6th, which he encouraged everyone to march down to the capital, that was a personal capacity speech, and so on. rebound. it shouldn't be difficult for the lower court to find that he does not have a beauty for the acts of january 6. but the process will take time, meaning the trial will likely not take place until after the election for president a much more powerful position now that the supreme court has weighed in petty calling l g 0. washington. for members of the us,
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supreme court have been accused of violating the impartiality, especially if doing so would benefit conservatives, including former president, trump. i'll just say it was all in jordan and upset with about criticism is valid. and if this is a unique situation and us traditional history, when it comes to the us supreme court experts say the idea of justice existing beyond politics is never been true. and certainly not now liberal critics of the port think it's being motivated more by politics. conservative as we'll say, this is their turns after the warren port, 5060 years ago, issued all these far reaching decisions, expanding constitutional rights for much of the past. some of the years the, any logical make up of the 9 court members was roughly even lee divided with one or 2 justices, acting as swing books,
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for example. and legalizing the patient protection and affordable care act, also known as obamacare in 2012. it made health care affordable for millions of americans. in a few cases, justices crossed those lines to declare public school segregation illegal in 1954 to approve interracial marriage in 1967 and to guarantee women abortion rights in 1973. after president donald trump, so 3 seats on the court and never it's balance shifted in 2022, 63, majority conservative. it struck down on the permit of action and college emissions . and it removed the national guarantee to abortion. rulings that conservative, including 12 celebrate the informal norms that kept the forwarded place have collapsed. um mr. trump didn't do this all by himself,
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but he certainly capitalized on a trend that team report the onto the rulings. there's been criticism of the financial and political ethics of justice is clarence thomas and samuel leto legal experts say the court's ethics. policy does need reform. i don't think there's any reason congress couldn't pass the law enforcing more clear and concrete tangible, ethical standards and the supreme court. and it won't happen because congress is so deeply devised legal scholars say the supreme court does go through liberal and conservative phases, but they can't predict how or when this latest cycle will end. russell and jordan elders era the a group of palestinian prisoners from gaza. whoever despised or elaborate ton to
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the strip among them as the director of i'll ship a hospital. it was released often spending months in detention. doctor mohammed douglas on me, i gave a hiring account of his treatment. charles dropped the vehicle $2.00 just so mooney is just being released from his really general mood and 6 months. so through his ready falls, he's detained him and he's home. and the goal is to strip surrounded by his family . he struggles to describe his experience and what he says, tell us the meetings inside is where the prison is continuing to load i what i wish none of the detainees have to go through interrogation. it is nothing but under torture, total torment may god help those detainees being interrogated by the israel's internal security surface. tortured battered in our general was beaten verbally and physically abused only god knows. for god's sake,
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set them free and release them from that. hell, garage describes conditions so joyous they are unimaginable disease broke out amongst the detaining. around 30 are kept in one cell. our bodies are played with abscess is main, should gain green. we were given only one cup of rice per day, a piece of tomato and a piece of cucumber with a small loaf of bread. or that these are some of the other 55 to tell you to use who like for all which will release the 2 locations and the besieged gallons a strip on monday morning is ready. full season either announced the operation was happening, know, coordinated at the red cross, the condition of the bodies. an indication like even jude
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showed the brothers detainees have williams power sites in their bodies. do something for them. there's one on the upsets is the brother logo bodies says another job we will live without sofa village. the only one quick boss every week among the released menus, heads of the ship, a hospital in the hama, double so mia? he was detained in november with 5 all the health workers, while they helped you in mission to evacuate patients from the medical facility. did you want to do that? then i had not only give me one more step, well, even those who have been detained for more than 10 years had been deprived of their rights, and many were killed under interrogation on so many of the medical stuff arrested had been denied food. want to animates and these radio have no red line. they deal with detain, you know, like the objects most human beings, even the is really medics are involved in the do to mazda miata. funny, but i just,
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the palestinian prisoner association says the around $10000.00 palestinians being held in his way to jails, at least $3600.00 of them never being charged with the crime face strong israel sensitive binds by international lawrence treatment to them. the testimonies, physical, emotional scars of these main indicate thoughts alone. i chose not foot $20.00 mean on and goal is that these randy ministry is continuing its bombing upon you and as soon as now it should evacuation or does the parts of the city earlier is ready for us, has killed 6 palestinians, an injured many, others the armies one residents and despised people in eastern neighborhoods to evacuate to the cities west as well says it's designated that area as a circle, humanitarian zone. but palestinians and the cities say they've nowhere safe to go. is ready, forces have repeatedly attacked areas that have previously been declined
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a safe. so i'll just aristotle assume as moving data by law in central gaza. this is the new tactic as well. it has been depending on within its appraisal on the ground. they are right now re operating in areas of the managed historical and to carry out full destruction to its civil infrastructure. now, we are talking about the eastern areas of con, you, in a city. now, multiple neighborhoods have being assumed by the as many ministry as it were published, a met with a q r code, and that for places that need to be absolutely evacuated as soon as possible because these places would be month to be as a dangerous spot. so don't we, how much will protest and it is very mandatory, and at the same time this families that are about to leave con units, they have knew what else to go. it seems that they are forced to look for appropriate alternative places in light of the over whelmed space of the gaza strip and, and basically those people have been struggling and living with the remnants of their destroyed houses. so it's on the 2nd of internal displacements until even secular
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binders, but has new ends in fine ducky, as government has condemned onto sylvia and rotting in the central part of the country. more than 60 people arrested in cosette. re on sunday of the concert overturned and serial own shop set a blaze volumes follow their locations with a serial man. sexually harassed a 7 year old syrian go more than 3 and a half 1000000 syrians live in, took here onto refugee sentiment has been rising, cost the other as more from stumbled. and this is not the 1st time that the full, the eyes on the rise. and she, she, especially with the last 3 years as a reference to send some of the specially targeting syrians, is saying that they are going to be sent back has become the main. we're totally can. the position part is that's why surface present bridge of safe ards, on accuse the opposition parties for filling up the sentiments and causing such incidents like what happened in central to see
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a car say on sunday night. as a response to this, as a reaction in northern syria in detroit, his back a position health areas to to the st. criticizing the turkish people, surfaces, reactions and targeting the syrians live in getting through to you. they took to the streets, they attacked the turkish vehicles, and some downsize were exchange. but of course, what's happened in car serial sunday. now i was also on the reason behind the $0.10 last week purchase and siri and present, present bridget safe hours on end. president bashar saw that they are ready to restore size and they are ready to take any initiative to normalize relations between 2 neighbors countries. and that's also then press ration among the syrians for a place they have been fighting for more than a decade. the non custodial eldest to raise some type of italy. these i seen
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a fellow at the atlantic council. he says frustration that i took, he has economies partly to blame for the growing and go towards the range. it would seem increased until your refugee ends in a hug sentiment in turkey since the jury yet, i think it cannot. ex, it's in turkey, continues for the last few years. i think more recently it hasn't been increasing because since the new a since the last election and then you formation of government, the turkish government has promised a lot of they cannot make for pretty farms that should have impact economic situations and living conditions. but the average purpose citizen are not seeing the results of those 3 forms, yet that combined with increased strict trip from the political position in turkey against syrians is fueling this rising. and it's all based on acts against specifically syrian communities at foster. if we look in the last few years,
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at some point, inflation in turkey reach at least over 50 percent of the rates is continuing to decrease. now the problem is with the country farms, it's unlikely to see a stabilized inflation rate around 2 percent until 2026 or 2028. so until then there is really in need by the surface, the ermine. but derrick is politically leads to really work on how to translate those reforms. so if it's surface public to reduce the sentiment again, syria is the presence of ceiling. a refugee is a foster, a tougher. so break here and i'll just say when we come back, i'm going to eastern democratic republic of congo residents, free for the lives of troops make gains. and critics of new criminal laws in india say the aims of russian defense on the
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it's still helping the southern states. the us with the biggest challenges are still up in the midwest and, and the great lakes. as you can see, they do come down through the central plains, as you can see through iowa. it'll be some big charles here on the fence and notably, big ones in new mexico recently. and arizona could generate them to this time. the whole lot jensen tends to move started east was a dispersive that'd be reinvigorate. so it's not a typical summer picture. this is the if we go down to us of the eastern caribbean, as you can see, there's something heading your way, which is not usual for early july and informed in late june. it's a hard because as you well know, this one cold barrel, it's all a category 3 or 4. it's very between the 2. therefore, it's the strongest at this time the to hit this part of the kind of being, it looks like it's going straight over the top of granada and we went over $200.00 . can it be split out? that's going to be devastating 20 years ago. how can i even went over but it was in
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september, so this is very early in the ivan was devastating. so prospects are not good to go through fairly quickly. so late on monday and tuesday. is that back in the open bosses of the kind of being which is equally woman that should be on average now it stays over open war for a while. taking of course all the vintage vicious energy with it. but the cost is westwood. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice a more in $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of suck thoughts and emergency donation spends on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates
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with confidence the the welcome back to watching. i'll just say right quick, remind about top stories here. this uh you as president joe biden as criticize the supreme court for routing, presidents of immunity from prosecution for official tax. one and office commons come off and the court gave its verdict of donald trump's case. he's charged with conspiring to overtime. the 2020 election results just really ministry is continuing its bombardment upon eunice and his mouth and shoot evacuation orders to punch in the city in southern gaza, understanding and sheltering their site. they've nowhere safe to go until the key is government has condemned on to syria in writing and the central part of the country on 60 people were arrested on sunday after the concert over ton and simeon
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m shop setup legs. volumes follow, legation is necessary, and man, sexually harassing a sent me a little so we can go now have a can burial has brought devastating winds and provincial rain to the se in caribbean. unusually warm ocean temperatures, so the storm quickly strengthen making it the earliest category for her can bear it is now making its way over the eastern caribbean. the national hurricane center says it's an extremely dangerous storm is due on homeless of the issues atlantic. hurricane season started early. i'm big barrels. a sweet name for a serious storm has reached the eastern caribbean islands. the message from need is, is simple. this is a major hard. you not a jewel. wherever you have our do you know that type, major heart gain of despite cause to become besides you not able to lift it up
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and blow it into buildings you know and tossed our own island does have taken. no, booting up schultz. i can cause with you countries with to sustain winds at a maximum of more than 200 kilometers an hour. lots of rain. it's moving even now and should reach the center of the caribbean and some of its most populous islands by wednesday. there is a potential for a barrel to remain a hurricane, a powerful hurricane across the caribbean sea. there is also a chance of hurricane force winds extending as far west, where it is the portions of the yucatan peninsula. later this week. eventually it will end up buffeting se minutes code before hopefully blowing itself out don't home and out to zeta b. m. 23 on group is making more games in eastern democratic republic of congo as defined as advanced residents of a town that appears to be on the route of protesting and anger. mentioned kim, better for the anger in the 10 by the m.
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23 verbal group appear to be making their way to reach the time, which is the main commercial hub, north tv provings that pretty big. i know. but under the yorba, we have been informed about the capture of coming up a young girl by the rebels. and we all know we cannot accept the situation as tools a. can you found a time over run? $60000.00 people in most cases in provence is the latest thing for the re runs and box m $23.00. great. it's less than a 150 kilometers from be 10 by and seen is opening up a car door for the ripples. you seem to be heading north report say there was a 2 week battle between the company's ami a. m $23.00 with them $23.00 saying they are progressing towards what they call the liberation of the region into 10 by itself. people have blocked roads and are attacking the houses of politicians who we are put this thing here since yesterday
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evening because we want to know the truth. why our soldiers leaving the front line and coming here to this hotel told rebels are advancing. this is why we're here on the streets. the med noise soldiers are in the hotel. is that don't do. did you ever room is have spread across the town, but some suspicious person was at the hotel and they wanted to check room by room. but they found nothing. this is why we took some strong security measures just of these room is among the population. kimberly's troops, reportedly used like foot against protest is the conflict between the categories forces and one is in fact, i'm $23.00 in the east of democratic republic of congo. re ignited in 2021. the rhonda. the noise, fucking, the great deal, cease to administer as rude. i diplomatic methods and the fighting instead, holding a strong action targeted sanctions. now, by the go see, i think seeking is that we're not going to negotiate with those who attack us in
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the diplomatic way. we have the lawanda agreements, so we can see how the countries that support us in this peace process can force those who are attacking us to stop. meanwhile, the un says the fighting has displaced more than 1500000 people, one of the highest titles, anywhere in the world image and came back out to 0 more time is in tier images that says the countries on the control following protests from opposition, supporters in the aftermath of some of these elections, official results are expected to show that president al, guys really has one re election by comfortable margin opposition lead a bit. i'm debates had the boat was manipulated, and cooled in his support is to demonstrate peacefully. the government says security forces up until the act decisively against the public disorder. it was observed that some races, movements known to the antique national unity and opportunism to achieve that despicable objectives. tried to cause disorder was also ignited that suits and
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trouble making opportunists, and manipulated teenagers affiliated to a specific candidate tried throughout the day in certain areas of the capital to disrupt the public order and tranquillity. through x of vandalism, such as burning ties and blocking traffic. and there is some africa as president certain i'm opposed to it hasn't failed. the new coalition government off to his governing amc party last as parliamentary majority inmates elections. the cabinet has 11 political parties in it, raising questions about how stable it will be. harm a task that has moved from janice, but this is cliff town. the oldest township in so it's like many pool areas in south africa. these high unemployment crime and the lack of basic services like water and electricity, moses the human hopes of africa's new cabinet changes. but covered at the inch i, i think this new company will be different from the old one. i have what that this new one, that his, what black and white lead does might handle things do. finally,
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in my opinion, i think that they will be more jobs and they will fix other things. so that because new coalition cabinet has a lot of work to do, deliver big to services, 6 crumbling facilities and create jobs. 11 political parties make up the new government or with different ideologies and policy ideas. that means that could be some tens disagreements but so that because whole partitions can put aside the differences for the good of the country. the amc has 20 out of 32 cabinet posts. the democratic alliance has 66 of the portfolio is shared among smaller potties. i think it will fall apart at some point on the questions that weeks, months or couple of years. the 1st big government of national unity didn't last beyond 1997 when the pen deputy president f w. the clerk pulled out. and i'm that was uh, yeah, about 3 years in and i don't think this one will have that even. that won't jeopardy, because the contradictions are so extreme within this particular arrangement,
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frustration about poverty, corruption, inequality, and unemployment. us some of the reasons why the n c last is majority in may issues the new college and government needs to urgently address hardaman tossed out of their janice bag to phones. now where the races on between 9 let pens fall right potty on the far left. coalition to wind enough seats in the 2nd round, a voting to form a government president emanuel macrophages, the prospect of sharing power with his political opponents for 3 years during the whole reports from the french capital, the changing face of france, a political contest. now between the extremes of right to left the many, c as a bit of choices i'm challenging jointly meant also on to a debate manifesto against manifesto faceoff between both of those who might be a prime minister in a co habitation in a few days. for decades since the founding of the 5th republic, the country has rallied against political extremism, oval stripes,
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centrist president, emanuel mack, chrome portrayed himself as its ultimate defend, within calling the snap election by chrome has opened the gates. i think the gamble, he lost his gamble. prison because lost every political influence he could think of having because this provoked this crisis and many people in his own comp resent the decision is made. they don't understand to this day why he took this decision. what happens in the 2nd round next sunday, whether or not the found, right, the marine dependent properties a jordan. bob de la, when an absolute majority could depend on tactical voting packed between my crumbs centrist alliance and the united forces of the left, including the far left fronts about under john luke men and show him without surprise, some centrist, say, they're unwilling to pay me less cost on the phone so about is
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a danger to the nation. the national riley is a danger to the republican. if you don't choose one danger over another. a manual macro on centrist alliance achieve just 20 percent in the 1st round, where one seats attracted the n t far right votes. that was built in defense of the republic as well and truly crumbled in the new deep sleep polarized political landscape promises difficult times. i have few of its critics except the pins. national riley has self indeed said she's been touched of racism incentive, so it'd be a problem. and many repelled by melon jones perceive brand of anti semitism on the farm left. but no one can deny that the fall of rights. he is now the country's largest electoral force in france. the previously, i'm thinkable has already happened. joe know how else you 0 parents. north korea's find 2 suspected ballistic missiles a day off to criticize the joint minute to drills between the us, south korea and japan. south korea's military says,
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one of them is our launches may have failed. japan's condemned the testing. it's considering its response that the company site and go to north korea has consistently been showing its intention to strengthen its nuclear missile capability. and a series of actions including firing ballistic missiles, is a threat to our country, an international peace and security. we as the japanese government intensive, gather all necessary data and the vigilant stuff free new criminal law was replacing colonial era legislation a now in effect in india, and it's been around promot. he says, the legislation will put citizens on justice 1st. but legal professionals and human rights activist, se, but changes have been rushed through. i'll put life on liberty in danger. and open on this report. natasha named will say she's paying the price to speaking out. she was jail for protesting against india citizenship amendment act in 2020. her father died of fluid while she was in prison and she had to give up
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a px the studies and prompted for place as a u. k. university. because of the travel restrictions imposed on her, she says the new criminal laws are ended crushing, defend your name it. and we have seen either the tested or the various kinds of f i as put on them or various kinds of other orders i put on them so that there is no voice which can question any decision off the synergy, 3 new laws replacing in this pillow pool criminal procedure code and the evidence act all take effect on monday. the hospital seemed the context of the british to those. and a lot of them will video. so that was the need of that is the reason why it was said that a new set of laws governing the penal code as well as the evidence that they must get introduced in this country. the new law is do away with the crime of sedition. but to introduce new crimes of.


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