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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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and jeff, lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the . the us supreme court gifts president sweeping criminal immunity effectively delaying donald trump's election subversion trying for all practical purposes. today's decision almost certainly means. there are virtually no limits. personally can do this a fundamentally new prince. it's a dangerous person, the hello and are enjoying this is out. is there a life coming up on this demands in gaza or on the moon?
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again, not the israel issues and its occupation order and parts of how many rooms a pos of destruction across the caribbean, record breaking hurricane thermal is upgraded to that category. finally, it still is it rules to wants to make an ongoing, eastern democratic republic of congo. residents, fleet, proves making the a lot more routing from the us. supreme court dramatically increases the power of the presidency. it says anything a president does on the unofficial capacity, is immune from criminal prosecution. it'll change the timeline on some of the charges. donald trump faces for attempts to overturn the last election article. hayden has the latest from washington dc. the u. s. supreme court issuing a fundamental change to the long held belief that in the united states, no one is above the law. now really made it the president accident official
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capacity. he is immune on able to be prosecuted for any actions he takes. poland office, the chief justice john roberts writing, the nature of presidential power entitles the former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, for actions within his conclusive and precludes of constitutional authority. and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts, the 3 liberal justice has issued a fierce descent. never in the history of our republic has a president, had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution. if you use the trappings of his office to violate criminal law, moving forward however, all former presidents will be cloaked in such immunity if the occupant of that office misuse is official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a back stop with fear for our democracy i just sent,
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wrote just as sonya started my or you as president joe biden made an unexpected speech about the decision. arguing this raises the stakes for the upcoming election . so now, now the american people have to do with the court should have been willing to do, would, would not of the marriage, we will have to render judgment about donald trump's behavior. the american people must decide whether donald trump's assault on our democracy, on january 6 makes him on fit for public office in the highest of some way. the high court said presidents can be prosecuted for actions taken in a personal capacity and order the judge and trump's trial over his involvement in the january 6 insurrection. to decide what charges can move forward, the speech that he gave on january 6th and which he encouraged everyone to march down to the capital. that was a personal capacity speech. and so on, rebound, it shouldn't be difficult for the lower court to find that he does not have a view of the for the acts of january 6. but the process will take time,
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meaning the trial will likely not take place until after the election for president a much more powerful position now that the supreme court has weight in political have l. g 0. washington bill schneider is a professor of public policy at george mason university. he explained the ramifications of the supreme court ruling. i certainly apologize. court. you have 6 conservative justices appointed by republican presidents, 3 of them by trump route in one direction. and you have the 3 justices appointed by a democratic president who did. yeah. who did not agree with that rolling. so i didn't catch the supreme court like everything else in american politics is deeply unintentionally polarized by party thing called the probably will be passed the presidential election. but it won't matter then. if trump wins, he'll just dismiss the whole case and all the charges. because the president is a party over the justice department,
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which is bringing these charges against him when he was president. so, so we don't have a lot of power if he wins, we actually, if he doesn't with an election, this case could go on. but the debate over presidential immunity will be central, is that the case no matter what happens to gone so now where these randy ministry has issued evacuation notice of pots of hon. eunice, as it continues just from bottom, that the army one residents and displace palestinians to move to the west and bought the city for their own safety. but people say there's no safe place to take refuge, barbara and golf articles. many of these families have been displaced to more than once up to is really speculation. notice they're looking for somewhere else to shelter. israel says it's designated scenario west of con eunice as a humanitarian, same, but palestinian se,
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nowhere is say not the money up. the moments we don't know where to go. we're just heading west to what's on the love seat in front of us. i don't have a specific place to stay, but we hope god release things on us. we are a family of 7. and if we don't find a shelter, we will stay in the streets. we pray for peace and we hope this will will end soon bye. of the doctors have been forced to abandon the cause that you are p in hospital one of the last function and medical facilities. in con eunice is split patients and displaced the palestinians. sheltering fat at the risk. moving the mouse is extraordinarily difficult because access to transport is, is extraordinary expensive, given the process to you with them on to, to, to access issues. but also because of the interest of sustained in the, on a loan to the nature of these injuries, mobilizing is no one impossible in transforming these patients out using ambulance
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. i means it's, it's just impossible as well. those who can crowd onto vehicles as a leave sessions. they don't know what the hell eat, where they'll sleep, as they traveled into the unknown india and set them to palestinians. determined to survive. barbara and go out to 0. was health services in garza campbell. and there's really a tax on the intensify blockade limits the entry of medical supplies. one doctors take it on the task of providing basic health care to people in need. i'm just, you know, it's kind of my mood has had a story from de paula in central gaza. his doctor looked as if preparing care supplies to display the doctor from the north to set up this a small and make 50 clinic and buried behind. central golfing, she started trying to help babies and a pregnant and feeding mothers with that uh, a bit of a cold medicine. the resources are very limited and very minimal. when i sold at
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this time, there was some store, but most of the pharmacies with me serves for children. now we have totally out of these medications, specifically for treating costs. so supplements for mt nutrition because of the needs dr. loving expanding to adults and the elderly, and she began to take the health care of her patients. those with her is married another this year, the 1st year alexia. many of the patient is cannot even go to this initiative is meant to reduce the bed and on the shoulders. so we go to them and attend to um, across the dogs and 3 quarters of old primary health care clinics. how to close down. and even in centers the are open, it is hard to find a doctor. and she'll get medical sense isn't hospitalized flooded with patients. people wait in monkeys before they receive any medical service. many cases the doctor, look man, no. the seats are caused by mountain nutrition. and the lack of access to what
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would normally be standard medical care. this woman's daughter gave birth more than 2 weeks ago. and how to have civil operations from the law for more than 20 days. my daughter has been very ill. i'm also suffering about a 10 days ago. i was hit by a bullet while i was inside the tent. was it removed? yes, thank god. as a product to done on the bullet was removed and told the medical services they offer. here is a free paid for out of dr. loving those pocket policy on dr. setting out the free clinic is a 5 composite response to the their health. the chrysler is across the gaza strip. the benefit is, are quite as soon so for providing much needed medical care for a population already in dire need you to the blockade. the current genocide, an economic suffocation just has had in my hood from the last, within the central area of the god, the threat palestine now is really sold,
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has been killed during a raise near the north shelves. refugee camp in the off by the west, back of this vehicle hit an explosive device in a separate rate until cotton is ready for his tail to palestinians. one of the victims was a 15 year old boy who was shot in the head. rates have been on a daily occurrence since as well as warranted garza again last october. the the oregon barrel has not been upgraded to a category 5 storm was it gets closer to jamaica. it's boat, devastating windham torrential rain to the southeastern caribbean. unusually warm ocean temperatures caused it to intensify. burial is already a wrinkled, breaking storm due to its strength. this early in the season from home and ripples dishes, atlantic. hurricane season started early. i'm big barrels. a sweet name for
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a serious storm is reached the eastern caribbean islands. the message from need is, is simple. this is a major heart game. now the jewel, wherever you have our, do you know that type, major hurricane of this type cars become besides, you know, they live, they lift it up to unload into buildings. you know and tossed the room island does have taken. no, booting up schultz. i can cause with few countries with to sustain winds at a maximum of more than 200 kilometers an hour. lots of rain, it's moving even now and should reach the center of the caribbean and some of its most populous islands. by wednesday. there is a potential for a barrel to remain a hurricane, a powerful hurricane across the caribbean sea. there is also a chance of hurricane force winds extending as far west, where it is the portions of the yucatan peninsula. later this week. eventually it
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will end up buffeting se minutes code before hopefully blowing itself out don't home and out 0. the m 23 on group is making more games and eastern democratic republic of congo as the fight, as advanced residents of a town that appears to be on their route, protesting in hunger image and came to her for the anger in the 10 by the m 23 verbal group appear to be making their way to reach the time, which is the main commercial hub, north keeping proteins that pretty like i know, but under the cuba, we have been informed about the cap. charles, come, you'll be on guard by the rebels, and we all know we cannot accept the situation as tools. the can you found atanya to run 60000 people in most keeping provence is the latest of the rwandan box. m 23 . great. it's less than a 150 kilometers from boot. 10 by and seen is opening up
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a cordele for the rebels. you seem to be heading north report, say there was a 2 week battle between the congolese ami a. m. $23.00 with them $23.00 saying they are progressing towards what they call the liberation of the region into 10 by itself. people have blocked roads and are attacking the houses of politicians who are purchasing here since yesterday evening because we want to know the truth. why our soldiers leaving the front line and coming here to this hotel told rebels are advancing. this is why we're here on the streets. the manage noise soldiers are in the hotel. is or good don't do. did you ever room is have spread across the town, but some suspicious person who was at the hotel and they wanted to check room by room, but they found nothing. this is why we took some strong security measures to stop these room is among the population. kimberly's troops reportedly used like foot against protest is the conflict between the congolese poses a new one. and in fact,
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i'm 23 in the east of democratic republic of congo. re ignited in 2021. the rhonda. the noise, fucking the great deal ceased prime minister as rude. i diplomatic methods and the fighting. instead of waiting for strong action and targeted sanctions. no, by the go see, i think seeking something we're not going to negotiate with those who attack us in the diplomatic way. we have the lawanda agreements, so we can see how the countries that support us in this peace process can force those who are attacking us to stop. meanwhile, the un says the fighting has displaced more than 1500000 people, one of the highest titles, anywhere in the world image and came back out to 0 or no major bridge connecting the northern positive sedans capital into the country. second largest city has been destroyed, is one of the only 2 connecting count, 2 north to i'm doing them on the other northern crossing the sun, but the bridge was destroyed in november. the armies of choose the permanent to
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rapids support forces of targeting the health fire bridge. claims that they are a set of denied under the i was even move and has moved out from concerts. so the destruction of the health by a bridge which connects the city of i'm the man to the city of how to north and to dance capital costume for this major said back for the to the nice army. this is the same rate and that was used by the signees army just of were a month ago to move its forces from the city of on demand to us the city of hot assume north, which is also known as battery, to reinforce the tubes that and tried to take over territory from the power of military rapids support forces. and this destruction would mean that the army will not be able to reinforce, they prove from the city of on demand anymore, and would have to rely on troops coming from neighboring river. now, states to reinforce and we supply their tubes and consume north autobiography. now this happens at this comes as pricing continues between the 2nd these army and the parent military rapids support forces elsewhere around the country. especially
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especially in the city of say not and be in the face of the not which the are a separate took over if capital on late saturday. no 5 thing is going into not around given more. and that's an area along the border of send that state and just need to say most of the hours of to over earlier last week and the are, the army has been trying to regain control of the army says that their forces are still present interesting to and they are still fighting. department is through rapid support forces the are a self without the statement on monday that they have taken over to other brigades that used to belong or used to be under the control offices in these army. and the displacements of civilians as fighting continues between the 2. 5, also continued thousands have been displaced from saint john and gibbon moines over the past few days. many of them trying to make it to safety and to refuge a slice and continued. they say that they are in desperate need of minutes, aaron assistance, many of them walking for days trying to get to safety away from the fighting. and
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many of them, not sure if they will be able to make it to safety or if they would be able to get the assistance they need, if they make it to safety away from the fighting people more. and i'll just narrow hartzell's thought for a short break here, and i'll just here, when we come back, a top investigative journalist becomes the target of a bribery proven proved. he says it's a small account. plus i am rub mcbride in the got to japan that wants it share of the country's tours and boom, just as other parts of the country are saying enough visits has the the, the satellite still confirms this very unusual launch amount of activity. and this part of a mom is picking up a lot of moisture from the water nearby. and despite the fact that the breeze ought
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to be the southware, steam on certain entities, we're getting john thunderstorm generations over the mountains of costs. so our catches the edge of this, it's increasing the caddy and occasionally drizzly that seasonally, as you might expect to be, as indeed all the temperatures. and they're pretty high once again. we've had an unofficial report of 53 in q 8 more typically is 4748, but the forecasts throughout the rock and q i to is on the very high faulty side is cooler to the west society. i'm in the live i'm. it was on the show brace or juice, and about $33.00 i left for about $38.00, something positive took year off of them that tempted by one or 2 shots. or you can see the showers, to be honest. our rarity, as they all throughout tropical africa, even in the ethiopian houses, are off by many of them. but there's the increasing the likelihood on the coast of can you or maybe a bit more in market issue. there right here, i'm sure is welcome. but there's not much really on the way. so this as you don't expect to see much right in this time of the year and it's been very dry recently, but sheriff just did run across south africa and in cape town. yeah. well,
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what's the, when the weather is on its way a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's held on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0, the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back. you're watching now just a real quick reminder about top stories here, this our trip button. this criticize the us supreme court for routing, the former presidents of immunity from prosecution for official acts. while an office is comments come up to the court, gave us decision on donald trump's criminal case. he's charged with conspiring to overtime. trying to turn to election results is randy ministry is continuing its plumbing upon units on this. now issue the documentation orders, pots for the city in southern gaza. allison in sheltering, they say they have no way safe to go and have a 10 barrels. doesn't have an upgraded to that category 5, so long as it gets closer to jamaica. the wrinkled braking storm pro devastating when done torrential rains at the southeast and kind of in usually one ocean temperatures. so it quickly. okay. straight wholesale, that would marino has been sworn in as panama,
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as president during his election campaign. melina pledge, the cub illegal immigration saying migraines, so into through the diary and gap will be deported. sound run pepsi ripples. who do i have your idea as he had promised panama is new president the now so you will crack down on the regular migration as a formally took off? it's a monday and that will have regional and international consequences. no, for them will say, here we come, i'll continue paying for the economic and social costs that must be legal. immigration generates in the country. and this links to international criminal court. does that create and security internationally unforced, hundreds of national board of service, and the name of the last service, eunice, and neglect our security? in other parts of the con, richard panama will no longer be a transit country for illegals. these are more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the jungle class border between columbia and panama last year. what used to be an almost impenetrable forest has become
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a key but treacherous corridor. for migraines hailing from venezuela hate the chain and others on their way to the united states holding a visit that the region last week that their 1st promising to build a wall along the border. he did and now see will seek an agreement with the united states to the port or migrant, expressed to panama. refugees at the border say his plans will not the 3rd and the level of that will be difficult to close the boat out because we want to improve on life. and this is the way 3 for many people. so even if they close this, people will find new ways to pastry because i'm getting president gustavo pay through in the us homeland security secretary at 10 that emailed duration to discuss the plan. but experts say it is likely to fail. anyone who knows that he got less being there, knows that they do over fee is tremendously challenging. and the date is basically
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impossible to close this uh box and trying to do so. can force these migraines, these asylum seekers to choose even more bases. but how does that mean on echo echo lima former security minister stepped into the presidential race when his political boss popular former president. that because of the might be natalie, was disqualified from running after being sentenced to 11 years in prison per money laundering. in addition to migration willingness, promising to revitalized by them, is limping economy and creating new water sources for the panama canal affected by persistent drought. but what he does along the border is likely to define his presidency, at least, and then be at the i just the to prosecute to improve is demanding that are renowned investigative journalist reveal his sources and a high profile corruption case. now gustavo, date is the subject of an investigation into alleged bribery charges he and media groups described as
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a smear campaign by the on assumptions as more now from lead. it's from this news room in the mail, a handful of journalists, exposed to one of the biggest corruption scandals and left in america back in 2014, known as the level jet, the or operation car wash lead by veteran journalist gustavo would lead the online investigate to the new site, ebay letter potatoes and covered corruption ties between former presidents, politicians and businessmen, as well as money laundering and bribery among the top judges and senior government officials esl it. i think though they directly impacted the profit of late, like nothing before. especially those types of autocratic governments, especially the former president, alberto for jury. when we started publishing, they were very powerful and reactive by bringing us where we kept them publishing. i'm not upset them and many others decade later cases are still before the courts.
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the trial against politician kate before him money for her elected involvement in operation car wash now goes on trial. but now go to himself, is the target of a criminal investigation? is this going to be 2nd? the 1st i get to say guard 2 stories are the basis of the case. it is clear they're turning is opinion and investigating the reports into a copse in case that is very serious, that will be totally paid. the investigation is the result of a campaign against go to the d and the 2 leading prosecutors and the operation car wash case. it alleges the journalist swapped media coverage for leaked information from the prosecutors. even the data says a group of paid supporters harass them. one television channel told the jesse to read these reports are politically motivated. what would you like to tell it is one of left in america's most prestigious journalist in 2019,
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his team won the top international award for investigative journalism for the reporting on operation car, washington. among other cases, media rights groups the committee to protect journalists, reporters without borders, and freedom house, as well as many news organizations have protested against what they say. it's a smear campaign and the deliberate attempt to silence building throughout his career. he has been threatened, harassed, and has been kidnapped. a judge will decide if he must reveal his sources. go to the says he will fight to protect them and his constitutional right to freedom of expression. deanna sanchez. i just see the mortality was interior minister says the country is under control following protest from opposition, supporters and the optim off of south res elections. official results are expected to show that the president won re election by a comfortable margin. the opposition lead up, but i'm the updates of the vote was manipulated. and cool when i supporters
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demonstrate piece of ducky has government has condemned onto simon rising in a central part of the country. more than 60 people arrested the innocent saturday on sunday of the cost of attendance, serial and shop set ablaze, balance following allegations of syria non sexually harassing, a 7 year old assuming go with them. 3 and a half 1000000 syrians live in to kia and to record you sentiment is on the rise. the best on telecom government is attending its 1st un let meeting and cuts off the 2 day event is focusing on international engagement as well as the economy and the narcotics trade bar report. as you check the gun to you and political t. rosemary did condo faces, some tough choices. this is the 3rd round of what's called the dough half process launch to create an environment that the un hopes will lead to an inclusive
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government and polluted political system that respects women. but the un once to focus more on any kind of mean tatters you, they ask in private sector face is enormous obstacles to its development and growth . which adversely affects the economy and livelihoods. afghanistan also needs support and building on progress made and curbing drug production. to face some, a heads up as authorized special invoice to the minnesota following up as his country has been instrumental in convincing the tiny band attend the tools, the group which took over i've got his son into 1021, have repeatedly refused to discuss political reforms. of women rights st. those unintended issues the i think this is going to be very, very useful for our upcoming meetings. i'm going to be that way for a solid consideration of the needs of the funding people in the future. so how
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about it? we even go through this process to promote stability security in a finest on and on the whole, each of the international community wanted to have a wind to debate whether taliban and jose and women take part in for the tools of autonomy bands. but to put out insisted the the only did submit the forward enough guns done the un, how to organize a separate meeting with the active as international human rights organizations. they, the un of caving in to tell about pressure. afghanistan cannot return to the international fold or fully develop economically and socially if it is deprived of the contributions and potential of half its population. many countries and regional institutions joining the tools they, the and impoverished of gun is done. good c,
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arms trafficking and fighting spread across the country of the international community. hopes engaging that's highly bad, may eventually lead to genuine political reforms and a change in the stands on goods education. but there's another reason why the western countries are keen on dealing with autonomy bad. the, the china and russia would fill the vacuum caution about about just so you know, how now the, i know, climbing season has begun japan's mount fuji with new restrictions to control visits and numbers. depends enjoying an unprecedented post the problem demik visit a boom. but there are concerns as leading to over tourism. many of the holiday destinations are facing a similar challenge from a variety of bullets from tokyo. the famous must see pedestrian crossing, the 2 boys in downtown tokyo tells the story. overseas taurus sel, back in fools,


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