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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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is no one else can see the vision is clear as you do the voted to evacuate, displace palestinians are on the move again in the south of gaza, often new is riley or just the hello i am dire in jordan, this is on just a rough night from don't also coming up are getting barrels, strengthens into a potentially catastrophic category. 5 storm of the bottles towards the jamaica. donald trump once has criminal conviction to be set aside after the supreme court gifts president sweeping criminal immunity plus come on either in northern bucket conrad 2 of them might the mountains ended meet coming up the high. i did you hydro
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electric project? it has been focused on you to overcome that acute energy crisis. the beginning concept where these really minute tree has issued evacuation orders. the pots of hon. eunice as it continues. it's bombing the army, one residence i'm displaced, palace demands, to move to the western part of the city for their own safety. but people say there's no safe place to go. barbara and gulf are ex boss. many of these families have been displaced to more than once up to is really speculation orders. they're looking for somewhere else to shelter. israel says it's designated in that area west of con eunice as a humanitarian, same, but palestinian se, nowhere is, say the money up the moments we don't know where to go. we're just heading west to what's on the law so you can find us. i don't have
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a specific place to stay, but we hope god release things on us. we are a family of 7. and if we don't find a shelter, we will stay in the streets. we pray for peace, and we hope this will will end soon. the doctors have been forced to abandon the cause of europe and hospital, one of the last function and medical facilities in con eunice is split patients and displaced the palestinians, sheltering fat at the risk. moving the mouse is extraordinarily disapproved because access to transport is, is extraordinary. expensive given the process to what the month to, to, to access issues. but also because of the interest of sustained in the, on a loan, to the nature of these injuries. mobilizing these, no, i own impossible and transforming these patients out using ambulance. i means it's, it's just impossible as well. those who can crowd onto vehicles as
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a leave sessions. they don't know what so eat where they'll sleep as they traveled into the unknown india and set them to palestinians, determined to survive. barbara and get out his era. well, honey must mode his life for some data butler that's in central garza honey. so just bring us up to date then with the latest situation in hon units with people being able to, to move yet again, any of the yes, there and well, the past 24 hours. it'd be quite difficult. road the local residence of eastern part of hon. unit that includes off the side, but it's not on the other suburban areas in eastern part of funding is city i just did. it was under miller. tibby military incursions and the pretty much the full is really controlled for 4 months work. we look at it and tires it, ask you to look, traded in with all of its social services in luminated and destroyed, including the only remaining public health facility that right now is getting back
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on track as a part of re hop. if birds of international organization, but what happens to the past 24 hours in new ways of enforce displacement for local residents of the eastern part, pushing them deeper to the center part of the city and the western part of the city of han noon is the mainland lost the evacuation so that it has been largely on safe and was repeatedly the bond because of the recurrent or persians of these areas. that because it's really military decided that it's going to operate in this part of the city of han, you and it's, but movement has been quite difficult for people to forget. for the past 9 months, people have been herded from one place to another constant, moving constant displacement. it's all over the place. the ongoing closure of the crossing just make it difficult. we thought about lack of a few of which means lack of, of, of, of the cars and lack of the trucks to pick up people from these areas to the center . part of newness down the western part of the city,
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carrying their belongings to what people are doing right now either do walk in these mice. we're referring to more of a mini volts means of transportation man. namely, we're looking at the animals pulling cards to the center part on the western part of the city. it has been quite difficult and this constant movements and this and force displacement is taking its toll on a population that is already trying to tie. or i've been displaced for the past 9 months. yeah. and how many of these really military has been operating and issues at your area now? for a number of days? what's the latest, the honey we're, we're looking at a pretty much similar situations there in here is similar to what's going on and find units out of the blue. and all of the sudden this very military decided that there are infrastructure in facilities to choose our area that is needed to be dismantling and destroys. the incursions took place for seeing many of the residents who were already a traumatized display as been experiencing these difficult living conditions in the
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eastern part of the city, of course, and to internal displacement of the western parts of dogs and cities. some of them made their way to the central area and when we talk to some of them, they describe the horror that the hot to experience with heavy artillery folding on their homes. the error strikes the white captor, the chase them in the roads and the alley, ways of the chairs. are you a neighborhood then the eastern part of the city? this is the 6 the of the current incursions and really there's really military operating, aggressively destroying remaining residential buildings and public facilities. we talk to an eye witness to describe that there is nothing left into your neighborhood. and when the dust settles, people are going to go back to pretty much a waste land. there also families who are unable to leave some of the areas that you guys have pretty much the are trapped with the cubic presence of surveillance of drones and the talk of drones. it's a quite a risk for them to take the street and leave for evacuation to safety. but again,
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there is no safe place. some people prefer to stay where they are because you know, the implications involved with the tungsten displacement and evacuation theory is, you know, the, they get to areas where it is really military ordering them sharpie to go to only to end up being bonds and killed in those areas number of people killed. many of the cars are still in the streets and paramedics, civil dive in school. find it quite difficult because they are also constantly targeted by these really military honeywell who live for 70 at all by in central garza honey. thank you. i mean, all of his really sold has been killed during a raid near the miller shams refugee camp in the occupied westbank office vehicle hit unexposed have device and a separate right into caught him is ready for his kill to palestinians. one of the victims is a 15 year old boy who was shot in the head. raids have been in the daily occurrence since as well as one goes up again. last october. the
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hurricane barrow has not been upgraded to a category 5 as it gets closer to jamaica. it's broad, devastating windham torrential rain to the southeastern caribbean and usually warm ocean temperatures caused it to intensify. quickly. burial is already a wrinkled, breaking storm due to it strength this it, and the in the season on home and ripples issues. atlantic hurricane season started early. i'm big barrels. a sweet name for a serious storm does reach the eastern caribbean islands. the message from lead is, is simple. this is a major hurricane. now the jewel, wherever you have our gene of that type, major heart gain of this type has to be going besides, you know, they lift their lift it up to unload into buildings. you know and toss the room
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island does have taken no. booting up schultz. i can cause with few countries with to sustain winds at a maximum of more than 200 kilometers an hour. lots of rain. it's moving even now and should reach the center of the caribbean and some of its most populous islands by wednesday. there is a potential for a barrel to remain a hurricane, a powerful hurricane across the caribbean sea. there is also a chance of hurricane force winds extending as far west, where it is the portions of the yucatan peninsula. later this week. eventually we'll end up buffeting se mets code before, hopefully blowing itself out, don't home and out 0. now the us supreme court has handed down a routing that increases the power of the presidency. it says anything a president does in an official capacity, isn't even from criminal prosecution. the decision will delay donald trump's try it on charges he can spawn to overturn the last election. president biden, that's criticize the court saying, you know, affairs with the countries democracy ought to go ahead and have the latest on
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washington dc. the us supreme court issuing a fundamental change to the long held belief that in the united states, no one is above the law. now really mid as a president accident official capacity, he is immune unable to be prosecuted for any actions he takes. poland office, the chief justice john roberts writing, the nature of presidential power entitles a former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, for actions within his conclusive and precludes of constitutional authority. and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts, the 3 liberal justice has issued a fierce descent. never in the history of a republic has a president, had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution. if you use the trappings of his office, us to violate criminal law, moving forward however,
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all 4 of our presidents will be cloaked in such a community. if the occupant of that office misuse is official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a back stop with fear for our democracy i just sent, wrote just as sonya started my or you as president joe biden, made an unexpected speech about the decision, arguing this raises the stakes for the upcoming election. so now, now the american people have to do with the court should have been willing to do, would, would not the american rep to render judgment, but don't trust behavior. the american people must decide whether donald trump's assault on our democracy, on january 6 makes him on fit for public office in the highest of some way. the high court said presidents can be prosecuted for actions taken in a personal capacity and order the judge and trump's trial over his involvement in the january 6 insurrection. to decide what charges can move forward, the speech that he gave on january 6th and which he encouraged everyone to march
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down to the capital. that was a personal capacity speech. and so on. re mand, uh, it shouldn't be difficult for the lower court to find that he does not have a view of the for the acts of january 6th. but the process will take time, meaning the trial will likely not take place until after the election for president . a much more powerful position now that the supreme court has weighed in patty calling l g 0 washington. well, early i spoke to the political list every time me explain why this reading could actually help bite and when the election in november. that's what this does for many americans who have seen donald trump as someone who is dangerous someone who is my curio or someone who is simply deep. there are unsure of what this rolling does. it again, it's showcase is donald trump in a very dangerous light, which could actually be a boon for joe biden, particularly in light of how dismal his performance was in that debate. you have
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one candidate for many c as dangerous in donald trump, but you also have another candidate that some believe is in cognitive decline, but nevertheless, is in fact a good man. and so now there are 2 an easy choices. do you go with the one person that's dangerous for the other person who is good or perhaps might not be actually fit to serve an office? no good, easy choices for the electorate. but certainly one might be better than the other. sorry, prosecute to improve is demanding that are renowned investigative journalist reveal his sources in a high profile corruption case. now gustavo d t is the subject of an investigation into alleged bribery charges he and media groups described as a smear campaign, body and assumptions. as more now from the from this news room in lima, a handful of journalists exposed to one of the biggest corruption scandals and nothing america back in 2014, known as the level jet, the or operation car wash. lead by veteran journalist gustavo,
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repeat the online investigative new side ebay letter potatoes and covered corruption ties between former precedents, politicians and businessmen, as well as money laundering and bribery among the top judges and senior government officials esl it. i think though it directly impacted the possibly like nothing before. especially those types of autocratic governments, especially the former president alberto for jury. when we started publishing, they were very powerful and reacted by bullying us where we kept them publishing. i'm not upset them and many others decade later cases are still before the courts. the trial against politician k go for him money for her elected involvement in operations. car wash now goes on trial. but now go to himself, is the target of a criminal investigation? is this going to be 2nd, the 1st 2nd to say, guard 2 stories are the basis of the case. it is clear,
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there turning is opinion and investigating the reports into a corruption case that is very serious. repeat the investigation is the result of a campaign against good review and the 2 leading prosecutors and the operation car wash case. it alleges the journalist swapped media coverage for link information from the prosecutors in the data says, a group of paid supporters harass them. once television channel told the jesse to go read, these reports are politically motivated to solid. would you like to tell? i believe is one of left in america's most prestigious journalist in 2019. his team won the top international award for investigative journalism for the reporting on operation car wash, among other cases, media rights groups, the committee to protect journalists, reporters without borders, and freedom house, as well as many news organizations have protested against what they say. it's
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a smear campaign and the deliberate attempt to silence go to throughout his career . he has been threatened, harassed, but he's been kidnapped. a judge will decide if he must reveal his sources. go to the says he will fight to protect them. and his constitutional right to freedom of expression adiana such as i just see them in time for short break here and i'll just say are when we come back campaigning for ron's presidential. one begins with the 2 remaining candidates, taking part in a ton of eyes device mama states the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now, i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank
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assessments the 5th stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes reach inside story on out jersey era. when i recon katrina hit new orleans in the united states some years ago, not a single ritual middle class. the white american laska lives the we're dealing with one of the largest relief efforts in our nation's history and the federal government court role play are 1st priority of course has the same life . more than 1200 for black people living in the 9th lot of new orleans lost their lights in the richest country in the world. when they saw the hurricane coming, they did not receive the poor people. the
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. the welcome back you watching. i'll just say are a quick reminder about top stories here. this, israel's army has ordered palestinians to evacuate spots of southern gaza as it continues as attacks across the street. it's many patients and doctors have been forced to flee the european hospital. one of the last functioning medical centers in hong units. hurricane barrow has been upgraded to a category 5 storm export, devastating windham torrential rain to the southeastern caribbean. burial is already a wrinkled, breaking storm is the 1st time a hurricane of his strength has come suddenly in the season. and joe biden has criticized the us supreme court for rooting that former presidents of immunity from
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prosecution for official acts. while in office comments come off of the court to give this gave its decision on donald trump's criminal case. his charge of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results. now it runs remaining presidential candidates have taken part in a televised debate ahead of fridays, one of vote. reformers back to my so position an ultra conservative side jelly. they came out on top and last week's vote, which so a record low turn out. i'll just say it was rachel, set out reports from a capital terra to the southern baptists, uranium presidency. abraham visa, las meet, you know, had to go up there. crash net to an early election for 10 to this ran for president in the 1st on the 14 last friday. but none of them secure the not foods. and now to can be this will compete in a run off or they have just base to proceed. voters, they have different reeves on how you rush will deal with the rest of the world.
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will service you can do that side. you to do has phone connections with the public a structure. the previously said, as you runs chief nuclear negotiators during the 10 year or a former president mama, i made an adjuster to says he will follow the foreign policy. principles of the late president received that chance. put that together and be sent restricting a foreign policy to the countries with which we have the biggest disagreements as a mistake. with more than 200 countries in the world, it's a central to capitalize on opportunities where ever i may arise, receive is worth policy soap and runs isolation by reaching out to non western countries. on the, he's administration, you run normalize relations with the regional arrival. so here a be a strength and ties with russia and china and joined both the strong good competition organization and the big group of companies. yes. but despite this, paula sees you wrong economy, you're still in crisis. and just to tell you to listen to what the west have
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contributed to resize the nation from the world did inform us down to dismissal, visit companies. the only solution is to open you run off to the world. george city, if you're honest for them or for the minister, was the architect of the nuclear deal. you suppose this young and he's urging him to revive it or not a funding policies, the art of flexibility. i believe the negotiations to remove the sanctions sanctioned are the main obstacles in front of our people by the name of it, but in the wrong the ultimate decision about foreign policy rest with the supreme leader. and he thinks otherwise, that he has c o c o, bankers, let him know. some politicians who think all the ways of progress passed through the us must know that it is not like that. the one who thinks it is impossible to take steps with all phases from the us will not manage or on well, so then you'll be seeing what city is expected to continue the legacy off the late present raising position. y'all's candidacy offers whole for those to can change, but many iranians believe whoever rims the election would like to have limited
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impact on your ons. visions with the work best. instead of that, i'll just get a hold on for a 10 years. interior minister says the country is under control funding protests from opposition and support as in the optima of south res elections. official results are expected to show that the president has won re election by comfortable lodge and the opposition leader. though durham dot i paid said the vote was manipulated coolant and supporters to demonstrate peacefully. government says security forces have been told decisively against public disorder. a turkey as government has condemned to syrian rising in the central parts of the country. more than 60 people are arrested in k saturday on sunday. of the cost of attendance, serial shop, set a blaze. abundance followed allegations as through a man sexually harassed, a sudden it'll go. within 3 and a half 1000000, the syrians live in turkey were onto wreckage. sentiment has been rising to them, costly on it as more from this done this is not the 1st time that the full,
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the eyes on the rise and share, especially with the last 3 years to represent them as a specially targeting syrians is saying that they are going to be sent back has become the main we're totally can move the position part is that slide surface present bridge of safe? ards, on a cues, the opposition parties for filling up the sentiments and causing such incidents like what happened in central to see a car say on sunday night. as a response to this, as a reaction in northern syria in detroit, his back a position health areas to, to the st. criticizing the turkish people, surfaces, reactions and targeting the syrians living, getting through to you. they took to the streets, they attacked the turkish vehicles, and some downsize were exchange. but of course, what's happened in car serial sunday. now i was also on the reason behind the 10
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cent last week purchase and syrian present, present, bridge, a face present. shari saw that they are ready to restore size and they are ready to take any initiative to normalize relations between 2 neighbors countries. and that's also then press ration among the syrians for a place they have been fighting for more than a decade. the non custodial eldest to raise some, a techie, a is mediating talks between somalia and e. c. o p a. and then attempt to ease a diplomatic dispute. tensions been building off the ethiopian reached amount of time to deal with the break rate. a region of some of the london generate, somebody down says the agreement involves leasing some of its coast, landlocked ethiopia, and exchange for recognition. but somalia considered the deal a violation of itself into protest as on planning new anti government values across country or on tuesday. the following, last month's tax hike demonstrations that demanding an investigation into police
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brutality. during the perfect security forces use live rounds into a gas protest of storm parliament. these $39.00 people were killed during the process focused on building one of the wells to list hydro electric dams, with the price down to the about $14000000000.00 is the country's most expensive project. when complete, it will help ease the energy crisis, but it's construction is facing possible delays because of security concerns. come out of high to reports on the mann district, impact of stuff. this is down a high up and a malia mountains. is ralph good in and the site for an ambitious, multi $1000000.00 baldwood generation project, a hydro electric dime, barely by buckets. dawn work here is challenging and frog with the risk of land slides. and yet, more than $7000.00 construction workers, an engineer is a busier around the clock. construction is it does the interstate main stage of the
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main stages control of the river. and building the obstacle that will allow the formation of the reservoir. and the 2nd stage, they are going to build to power houses to underground power houses. there will be dug out, but the current wars are divergent with river diversion. water control and the, the structure for the main reservoir explosives are used to break up hard drug. that's gathered away by truck located the 1st day of the project is created jobs. many of it will j h a bit before many people who didn't have jobs. no one was working with maintenance between a lot from this project on any enough to support my family by food and 5. my younger brothers and sisters get you cation a many smaller downs and even a section of the gutter coat them high rate. which link focused on regina will be something much. i know during the deb routed nearly complete day is focused on the most expensive and ambitious project costing $14000000000.00. when complete,
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the damaged bush are done with regenerated much needed electricity. and beyond that, it will also limit the effect of damaging flags downstream. the government said will be operated by 2029 and really generated cheap board to help mitigate focused on the energy crisig and improve exporters storage capacity. but the project may be additional delays. if buckets on is not able to satisfy china and a security concerns, work on major hydro projects, dollar dr. suicide bomb attack in march, getting several trainees engineer working on another dime on the river. and it's long about said it religion offensive against all groups and hopes that implicated beijing gum. i like the data. yeah, i'm here to get a good both this dawn focused on well, that's it for me. the weather is next,
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and an inside story examines israel's treatment of colors to me and detainees. that's it, state you can. so watching the the of the satellite still consumes this very unusual launch amount of activity. and this part of a mom is picking up a lot of moisture from the water nearby. and despite the fact that the breeze ought to be the southware, steam on certain entities, we're getting john and thunderstorms generations over the 9th. and of course, allow a catches the edge of this. it's increasing the caddy and occasionally drizzly that seasonally, as you might expect to be, as indeed all the temperatures. and they're pretty high once again. we've had an unofficial report of 53 in q 8 more typically is 4748. but the forecasts are off the rock and q i. it is on the very high faulty side is cooler to the west society
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. i'm in the live i'm. it was on the show brace or juice, and about $33.00 i left by $38.00, something positive to your offices in that type of buy one or 2 shots, or you can save it showers, to be honest. our rarity, as they all throughout tropical africa, even in the if you, if you have is the wrong that many of them. but there's the increasing the likelihood on the coast of can you and maybe a bit more in market issue. there right here i'm sure is welcome, but there's not much really on the way. so this as you don't expect to see much right in this terms a year and it's been very dry recently, but charles just did run across south africa and in cape town. yeah, well what's and when the weather is on its way, the turn out of the dangerous new storm to try to sell human activity. the as
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as of right, the palestinian detainees release from is really prison, say abuse and torture. a widespread emphasis the matter. thousands including children, had been held since the one god began in october. so how does israel treat palestinians in detention? this is inside story. the .


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