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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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send you out from al jazeera news at using. is it the he's rouse, prison service release is video of the so where the director of guys is i'll shoot for hospital was being the take the while you're watching how to 0 life and also ahead young people in kenya take to the street over the government's response to fine answering demonstrations against the tax wise is at least $39.00 people call. so com is on tie. syrian vide sprayed out of concept a key. it will have a life, right? and opponents of frances national ronnie step up their faith to block the far right
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party from taking the thank you for joining us. israel's prison service has released video of the jail cell where the director of guys is largest hospital was detained for 8 months. they've been multiple reports of torture and abuse inside the facility, dr. muhammed, beside me, i was among thousands of palestinians. israel released on monday and returned to casa for treatment. video of the south shows a number of palestinian prisoners on the ground and beds without mattresses or blankets. for me it says he and other prisoners were put to severe torture on doctor mom in front of me. a give a hiring account of these treatments charged back for $32.00, just so moody is just being released from his religion more than 6 months. so through his very full, she's detained him. he's close and the goal is to strip surrounded by his
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family. he struggles to describe his experience. and what he says, tell us to be an inside is where the prison is continued to. we do a lot. i want to have them. i wish none of the detainees had to go through an interrogation. it is nothing but other torture, total torment may god help those detainees being interrogated by the israel's internal security surface. tortured battered in our general, that was beaten verbally and physically abused only god knows. for god's sake, set them free and release them from that. hell, garage describes conditions. so i chose the, they are unimaginable disease, broke out amongst the detaining around 30 are kept in one cell. our bodies are
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played with abscess is main, should gain green. we were given only one cup of rice per day, a piece of tomato and a piece of cucumber with a small, lo, for bread. these are some of the other 55 to tell you to use who like for lunch, will release the 2 locations and the besieged gallons of strip on monday morning is ready. full season either announced the operation was happening, know, coordinated at the red cross, the condition of the bodies. an indication like even jude showed the brothers detainees have williams power sites in the bodies. do something for says one man. the ups is the brother logo, a bodies says another job we will lift without sofa will to only one quick box if week among the released menus
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heads of the ship, a hospital mohammed double sole mia. he was detained in november with 5 all the health workers. will they help you in mission to evacuate patients from the medical facility? did you want to do that? then the headed not only gave me a whim offs up, well, even those who have been detained for more than 10 years had been deprived of their rights. and many were killed under interrogation on so many of the medical stuff arrested had been denied food water and the mates. and these rays have no rate line as long as they deal with detain, you know, like the objects most of human beings, even the is really medics are involved in the do to mazda miata. even the promise to be in prison of association says the around $10000.00 palestinians being held in his way to jails. at least $3600.00 of them never being charged with a crime. will face strong israel sensitive binds by international lawrence treatments of the testimonies. physical,
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emotional scars of these main indicate thoughts alone. i chose not to. i'm to 0. i mean, one is really a tax continue across the gaza strip. is really force is afforded evacuation of eastern, con eunice in the south. and many people who sought refuge there are on the move once again and health services in gaza. accompanying under the cost of these really attacks and intensify bookcase limits, the entry of medical supplies. one doctor has taken it upon herself to provide basic health care to people in need of a 0 is honey. my mode has a story from dell, blah. the doctor looked as if preparing her supplies a display doctor from the north to set up this a small make 50 clinic and there is bella and central golf. she started trying to help babies and a pregnant and feeding mothers with that. uh a lot better. a cold medicine,
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the resources are very limited and very minimal. what i sold at this time there was some store, most of the pharmacies with the name you service for children. now we have totally out of these medications, specifically for treating costs. so supplements the amount, nutrition because of the needs dr. look to expand it, to adults and the elderly. and she began to take the health care of her patients. those with her is and there is another issue. the lexia, many of the patients cannot even go to this initiative is meant to reduce the bed and on the shoulders. so we go to them and i tend to, um, because the dogs are 3 quarters of old primary health care clinics, how to close down. and even in centers that are open, it is hard to find a doctor because especially yeah. then she'll get medical sense isn't hospitalized or flooded with patients. people wait in monkeys before they receive any medical service. many cases, the doctor looking at another seats are caused by mounting nutrition and the lack
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of access to what would normally be standard medical care. this woman's daughter gave birth more than 2 weeks ago and how to have civil operations from the law for more than 20 days. my daughter has been very ill. i'm also suffering about a 10 days ago. i was hit by a bullet while as inside the tent, was it removed? yes, thank god, as a prey to done and the bullet was removed and all the medical services they offer here is a free, paid for out of dr. loving those pocket policy on dr. setting out the free clinic is a vital and composite response to their health. the chrysler is across the guy as a threat. the then a ship is, are quite as soon so for providing much needed medical care for a population already in dire need of due to the blockade. the current genocide, an economic suffocation just has had in my hood from the last, within the central area of the gaza strip palestine. this to canyon where human
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rights groups and relatives of people who died in anti tax protests have accused a police of using excessive force. up to 59, people were killed dozens more, a 40 to have been abducted or are missing, and many more have been injured. among them was a 12 year old boy, which is here as has i'll just here is catherine. so it has a story from a root cause me to be my child was only 12 years old. what did he know about the protest stucco? this seemed to all young go off. she shows us some of fred's drawings. she was compiling a scrapbook for his artwork. his desire was to get a scholarship and eventually sound these words. he will start doing port test in a neighborhood on the outskirts of narrow b. u and the idea of act was these pressure and that's what drove him. you'd often tell us that to fall in to take him to the us. what were the best out schools are? he would also say, so one day he would get us out of poverty,
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but he's dug on detox protests started peacefully but quickly escalated, police use t a guess what the tenant in life would that be the use of putting these firing up on a noun for test as westside elated wides online. the last incident happened right outside parliament. when the demonstrate has over in the building, i don't want protests in other parts of the country as well. edwin alma is recovering from a gunshot wound into swimming in west and tanya, he says that this will not be tar. he's resolve me a day and when i get better, i will still go back to the streets because they haven't dealt with the high cost of living. they steal a huge presence of security forces in this city center and other neighborhoods. many canyon say the police must be held accountable for what happened and the
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victims must get justice being picked. rights activists are compiling sacha students to file a case to the police oversight commission. they say the evidence, you refutable, we can definitely say without any shred of a doubt that that was the excessive use of force by the police, and no just excessive use that actually fatal uh, full size. but back at one youngest home, all these other ones is to won't have son body he on there, please. and how the police officer who shot him put in jail. kathy saw you all to 0 . nairobi and more protests are expected in kenya this tuesday. let's spring insane . bas robbie, who is a neighbor will be for is the demonstrations. zane have gone from being about the tax failed to removing president router, but today it will be about the way the authorities have responded to the protests and the police brutality. talk to us about what we can expect and
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that is correct with the protesters are demanding, has evolved the last 2 weeks. today is 2 weeks since the demonstrations began and it's cost of living in the tax bill. now with protests is a really angry about, is how they were treated, drink demonstrations, they want justice. let me show you what's going on right here behind. it will just zoom in on the action here. we've moved a few blocks away from parliament where there is a heavy police presence. where here the central business district sense when i robi in this street has been a point of the latest action this picked up in the last hour or so. we seen here gas fired up and down the street, arrived police that are now coming towards us. being heckled by the demonstrators. they've been patrolling up and down large units of ride police. dozens on the street on foot and dozens in vehicles patrolling, moving around, trying to contain bee. this for various small groups of protesters that are forming . this is a common way. these protests come together in the early hours. small groups of
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dozens keep coming closer and closer together at different cross street all around the central nairobi, heading their met with police desperately trying to keep them from becoming a large crowd, but of previous experiences. anything to go by the previous demonstrations or anything to go by then this crowd, the numbers probably in a 100 to hundreds now is likely to grow and become much larger. once again, there's still very much a great deal of anger with regards to what has happened in recent weeks. now after the demonstrations, there was some concern over all the death. once the funerals were done, people, so lots of things would calm down. but for us, the router's public appearances and recent days, discounting the number of debt discounts in protests or demands, continuing to speak in favor of his own tax bill. really, people see this as a tone deaf government isn't listening to what they're upset about and what young people say is that they see what the government this done and not route those double speak as a kind of a guy city that they would use their own security,
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ready to attack the people and then deny that they did anything wrong and young people are upset about that. yeah, and we're hearing the sound of a t gas behind you there in the background on the number of people who were killed in the previous demonstration was seen. defendant human rights commission of kenya has come with a come up with updated figures. said not just on the number of people, but also on those one missing people who've just simply disappeared. of the absolutely. it's the heavy handedness that writes for workers union professional associations of all this broad as absolutely disproportionate use of force against large we peaceful protests, isn't you just saw the vehicle hurrying through the crowd. it's a miracle that no one was hit by it and this is a kind of heavy handed police response that protesters and activists and organizers . and now more and more public institutions are just trying. they're saying that
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the government is reaching that this is completely unacceptable. but as you can see, to meet the large crowds of protesters and meet the anger that heavy police presence and those aggressive tactics seem to carry on the canyon. human rights commission says it was 39. people have been killed for the 600 arrested and released the process more than 300 people injured during these demonstrations. but it is the 32 organizers that have been disappeared, who were about to completely unknown that are truly scary. and people say that those kinds of tactics cannot carry on. zane, thank you very much. we're gonna keep a close eye on the situation and i will be with you, of course, as that it's starting to become a bit tense again this tuesday as protest is a once again taken to the streets. this time, not just protesting about the tax bill and, and president, but also about the way the canyon authorities have handle these demonstrations of research and 9 people killed. according to the canyon human rights commission,
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and many others were still missing. their whereabouts not known will keep a close eye on the developing situation in kenya and bringing the latest there with as a bus robbie throughout the day. here on out just here. the enter key riots against the syrian immigrants living in the country has spread to several cities now with shops and buildings set on fire. in the southern province, i pay protestors burned a syrian grocery store while cars were overturned in case siri, the vine installed was on occasions that a syrian man sexually harassing a 7 year old girl. more than 3 and a half 1000000 syrians lived in turkey, where a refugee on ty refugee sentiment has been on the rise, as speak to seen him for sale do about this is our correspondent denise. some bull shit in turkey hoss, the largest number of syrian refugees in the region. why are these events happening now of the well solar? this is not the 1st time that these kinds of savannah full daycare full tests are
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just saying the syrians has a, has happened in 2 kias, especially within the last 3 years as the ruling dog party and present the ad on it started to move to the popularity and the economic conditions it began to as saw or in the country. and as in many places, uh, people turned their faces to the syrian refugees. but of course, i have sort of mind that when the syrian war is civil war started, syrians arrived in 2 kids and not as vestiges, but under, as for a cold. yes, this is what the turkish officials told turkish nation. they said there was a war in their country, they are here for a temporary, a period of time, and they will be going back and we help to help our neighbors who are also our black brothers and sisters. but of course, in time show, the difference for civil war lasted much longer than it was expected. and it, because of the economic situation and a chest saw it. and the rising and national,
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the sentiments in the country we, we started to see these tons of reactions button when you look what's happening on the ground these days. there's also another reason believe which is last week the syrian present by show results and circus present. so just type add on separately. and what else to the others said that they are open to restore ties of must see or actually it to hear and syria started to normalize relations for the ministers came together under the mediation of iran in russia. and eh, a couple of months ago, iraq said that they would also be willing to maybe between 2 neighbors. it was time for bashar saw them presence as on it to hold that meeting up to so many years. and after so many a backlash was against each other, it didn't happen. and now we'll hang. that's a hearing that they all ready for any kind of initiative to restore size and presence are done. who has a twos which are sad for killing its own. people said that there was no set code
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for going back to the relations as far as we were seeing each other as family. so this is also another reason why the syrians started to protest against me yesterday on monday in the purchase pack up position house areas. that's why all those sentiments from both sides are mixed up together right now. thank you. sin and we'll leave with the simplicity of the life for a scene. nice stumble and still ahead on algae 0 neighbor look to reclaim us from a strong hole seat ahead of the caves. elections, why the bottles of brand name might be more challenging than expected. the i know it should not be the writing season indonesia, but the sheriff's keep returning this call to our wide area now the potential
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backend. so the way see possibly in java as well. certainly throughout born year and once again, southern sumatra should be driving. this is tom, the focus should be further in all across into china or in china itself, and indeed is still went the nape. you draw, for example, in me, in my house, got 3 days of thunder storms. sometimes it's breezy. sometimes it's northeast full way. she but this is a seasonally correct. right. dropping dime, do you have a hemisphere? and the season coming in winter has been a cold stop after many, many degrees below average, particularly in the capital in victoria. but by day now we're up to low teams. we've got rather grey weather all the way across. new south wales and queensland, bring a bit of rain passes back out to 19 varieties rather than the circulation in the by the but not much to it, but your brain for possibly west australia and the size of this line, extending from queens and down towards south australia mont, given that break for 2 of lights, each rate nothing particularly significant. just yet. aston, easier than that of
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a cold breeze for you. christ church, a great and cold day on wednesday and slightly better on thursday. the the
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and watching l g 0, every capital on top stories video has the nature of these really jail where the directive guys is largest hospital as she found was detained for 8 months. they have been multiple, the force of torture and abuse inside the facility. dr. muhammed apple sent me, i was among thousands of pod of simeon street israel released on monday and return to casa for treatments. there is a heavy police presence on the streets of kenya's capital manual beach. i mean, is of on type common protests. the police has been accused of using excessive force in previous demonstrations against vines, in taxes, up to 59 people with you guys. since 422 has been infected or missing. and many are injured. and riots against syrian immigrants leading into ki, have spread to several central and southern cities. shops and buildings had been
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set on fire. defining scholars allegations that a syrian man section, we have ross, a 7 year old not a friends with candidates faced a deadline on tuesday to register for the front on the front of high stakes parliamentary elections up to sundays. first round of voting as many as 306 of the 577 seats in the national assembly could be decided in 3 way races. present value, my call centers comp and i left wing alliances crumbling to prevent the fall right from taking power. net springing natasha butler live from paris. natasha. tell us more about this. campbell among some parties to try and block the far right from winning a lot. the said bear off the 1st round of this is not selection. what we have is a picture of frauds where a majority of constituencies has a full right? national riley kinds of days in the leads. good news,
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a full system full just the fall, right? both of those things do not support the far right for phone and for that policy, they are worried. they all concerned, particularly the less i'm particularly my new of my calls center. so what was saying, and some of those constituencies where there is a 3 way race between the far right. less the lines and michael center is, is a centrist and the left of getting together. they are negotiating about trying to decide whether or not they withdrawal candidates in order not to split the vote in that constituency. i know it's a basic, he pays the way for that for right candidates. and that constituency to with look is no easy though, because you're looking at 2 sides of the front of the spectrum. the left of the center is that all have been in the post pressed the enemies, the left are very much and t maxwell. the center is so worried about the hard left elements and the left is the lines. so it's only easy, but they will sort of saying some of them to say, look, this is for the great to good. whatever happens is we cannot let to fall right?
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when, meanwhile, of pulls the far right, so i'll send the pricing for they all same as being part of the power tools. and by the 28 year old process, j o marie and the pennies been leading this campaign positively for all this 1st floor, right? prime minister if they also win this election race or key is say, move this tactical voting by the center is and the left is lives tactical negotiating. i should say, he's cooling that on democratic and he's quoting on his support is to go out and vote and even grace of numbers. and natasha. we heard from present, mcfall since the 1st round for what is interesting. we haven't seen presence emanuel mac, raul since he voted on sunday, nevada, unusual outfit, caustic aside as usual, navy blue suit and tie for less a jackets and a base full cap. emanuel michael not heard a peep from him since then. now somebody say that is because it's renee sole centers party did say badly in the selection trading fall behind the fall rides on
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the left is a line. so maybe that is why he's laying low. we know that he has spoken to some of his ministers. he is advised some of his ministers in policy to withdrawing some of these constituencies where there is a 3 way run off, but he hasn't said you should say laughter. we should faith this policy. but he certainly saying that you must do to his vote, as you must support a candidate with republican values. but emmanuel michael and look a lot of anger against him because of this, not the election in the 1st place. and also a sense for these policies of the policy is a few the rise of the far right. i possibly open the door to them taking power off to the next votes. natasha. thank you very much. natasha button. i lived there in paris in the u. k. the town of burn, the northern england has become a key battleground, the head of the upcoming general election in 2019 residents elected the 1st conservative member of parliament. after decades of being a navy,
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a strong hold laborer is now confident they can win back the seat. but as malayna this elite of h reports, the past to victory may be more difficult than expected. here in badly a small swinging votes could make a big difference. the people of this town elected a conservative for the 1st time in a century in 2019. but that chalk victory came with a very slim majority. and now the need is one of labor's main targets. in the next general election. we need to get more work in cost equally well. depaula take the political battle though can feel removed from the problems of those. the thank yes you look at young people to come get on the i as in law they're, they seems to be shop. so the board adult life is when i was young guy. it was driving. we had a monkey that was very busy for the 1st time in my life. i am in the political world and us, and i don't know why even if i will be bolton made the hoops to convince people
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like anthony and reinstate the dominance. the policy had in the north west of england for generations. but the support of the size of the muslim community, we traditionally faxed them here in question will be very disappointed, especially with the water in palestine. i think a lot of the muslim communities are sort of feeling that they know they boys is not getting you know, we want to as a stop to the water. i think a lot of the public are disappointed and the main parties on the i was gonna look for an alternative which i, myself is looking for an alternative, this international issue adding to local problems that still persist since the last election for some people in the style in the last 5 years didn't bring that kind of change and improvement to the lives they had to hope for. and now they say they feel for gossen left behind by national politics and just bring the healing church jesus. and it's those most vulnerable who tend to pause to make his charity on
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the scale of the need. he says, can feel as a welding we have a really good community or a faithful bottle for each of the child from a to office. go home with this office, go diction, office go. so we sides of the scale, mental health scale. these are the things, the kinds a life threatening and they know being invested in a tough message for all those vines. the power to reflect on, in this form a middletown new load can be taken for granted me then of a city of reach out to 0, then the you k. north korea has 52 suspected ballistic miss size a day after i'd criticized joint military trails between the us, south korea and japan. south korea's military says, one of the mis sign launches may have failed. japan has condemned the test saying it's considering a response to the customer side and go to north korea has consistently been showing
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its intention to strengthen its nuclear missile capability. and a series of actions including firing ballistic missiles, is a threat to our country and international peace and security. we as the japanese government intensive, gather all necessary data and be vigilant or not the docusign, which is building one of the wells, thomas hydro, electric dams that will help ease its energy prices for the price target, about $14000000000.00. it's the country's most expensive project, but it's construction is facing possible delays because of security concerns. come on, hide every force from the jeremy districts. they said them a high up and a malia mountains. is ralph good and, and the site for an ambitious, multi $1000000.00 baldwood generation project. a hydro, electric danbury by buckets dawn work here is challenging and frog with the risk of landslide. and yet, more than 7000 construction workers and engineers are busy around the clock
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construction is it does seem to stay main stage in the main stages, control of the river and building the obstacle that will allow the formation of the reservoir. and the 2nd stage, they are going to build to power houses to underground power houses. there will be dug out, but the current wars are divergent. what river diversion water control and the, the structure for the main reservoir explosives are used to break up hard drugs. that's gathered away by trucks located the 1st day of the project that created jobs. many of it, oh, j h a bit before many people who didn't have jobs. no one was working with been as a team a lot from this project on anything and not just pull up my family by food and 5, my younger brothers and sisters get to cation many smaller down there. and even a section of the gutter caught them high rate, which link bucket under china will be something much.


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