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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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0 now the american barrel bez down on jamaica off the getting at least 2 people in the trail of destruction in the caribbean. the alarm sammy's a them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up, young and old, the sick i'm dying, forced to flee a quote of a 1000000 palestinians on the move again and gauze us hobbling is right evacuation . notice at least a 116 people killed in a stampede at the head and do with a just gathering in northern india and video from the king size of his to show the minute 3 genta full. simply sending the chains,
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former officials and the activists through the battle field, the one of the most powerful hurricanes to hit the count of b and c. u is, is barrelling towards jamaica as a category. 5 storm that means higher can barrel could pack wins and more than 250 kilometers. and now it's expected to reach jamaica on wednesday and the mexico the day off. the so are the main line full and small island in the south. east of the car, been killing 2 people. i'm bringing floods, downing power lines. on a monday the storm hit the island of st. vincent and the grand the dean's killing. at least one person. second person was killed in grenay, the barrel is already broken records the 1st time a hurricane of this strength has come. so early in the season. john holman,
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has moved from mexico city in the caribbean island of st. vincent. but sancho run the ground, halt for the wide spread. the damage is hurricane, very barreled, through things with wood selves with said the st. vincent in the granite. the prime minister unit island has been in depth. i see the reports that i have received indicated that 90 percent of the houses have been severely damaged or destroyed. several pounded the tiny holiday islands must meet to resume what we will more or less expecting it. because if i meet a wage or expected, but nevertheless, this is the 1st time even during the cycling that we've seen the c as rough as this . it's really the 1st time this has happened in st. louis. thankfully,
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so far there's been relatively few reports of this or injuries. this isn't over. now, the hurricane is hurtling post jamaica, and the moving to 1000000 people living there. later on in the week, it's expected to hit mexico with the state. the cruise is already struggling with tropical storm chris. we didn't expect the level of the river to rise so fast in less than an hour. the rivers little rows are not. the hurricane sits, winds up service south in the country in the you could time peninsula and emergency response crews are on high low john home. and i would just say to of speaking to l just sarah, the prime minister of st. vincent and the grand dean says, communities in the southern parts of the archipelago scene devastated. you really can prepare 40 for a category 5 hurricane and i don't. i don't wish it on anybody to have the hole in
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windsor outside of your window. your doors. um was wondering whether your roof is going to come off or whether they, the winds are going to break 3 of your doors. we have somebody do islands and 9 of them are inhabited and is the southern most islands in the chain that had been def, i station of over 90 percent of the houses being damaged or destroyed and other facilities on the main island option. vincent, we haven't had substantial damage or in those damage, but not to the same extent as the devastation in the southern part of the that the trade. we haven't done the calculation and yet, but it will be hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage on the loss. and how is, is public infrastructure was i haven't facilities . we have 75 shelters established. and the persons who
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haven't been into the shred, it has gone into a friends, homes. we're without electricity. what is in some pads and not to another pads. and we're not going to have normally in the water situation for quite a few days. and electricity perhaps longer than that us president joe biden has proposed new rules in the hope of protecting work is dealing with excessive heat caused by climate change. tens of millions of americans are currently dealing with extreme hate advisories as temperatures, sol, throughout the country. summer has discharged already already tens of millions of americans are under heat warnings from record shattering temperatures. last month
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here in dc temperature $100.00 degrees. in phoenix, arizona, $112.00 degrees in las vegas, a $111.00 degrees above normal temperature is also expected for much of the country july, especially in central and eastern united states. extreme. hey, this is i think you're not surprised. a lot of people, not you all, but extreme heat is a number one, weather related killer in united states. more people die retrieve ethan floods. hurricanes and tornadoes combine. and look right now we're also attracted hurricane bout just passed through the car b. c, earlier as time ever, a dangerous category 5 hurricane. as we may recorded american history, people in practice, the islands and communities are in our prayers. and we stand by to provide assistance. the now the you and says a quarter of
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a 1000000 people have been impacted by these righty armies. latest evacuation order for southern garza, among them hundreds of patients forced to flee the european hospital. they made the perilous journey to another medical facility in west and con eunice. i need to find there are no available beds. jacob brown begins our coverage a hospital board and its equipment abandoned. doctors and patients forced out because of in his riley order to leave the head of a planned attack for moment o by oaks, mother, a cancer patient. that means the options have run out of there or not. and i was just when i was there, we came to now so hospital and unfortunately there are no paid school cancer patients look how cancer patients or 9 the we've walked. yes, they all know ambulances and no means of transportation due to this of via crowd in the latest force displacement of palestinians in southern gaza is the result of in
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his riley, military evacuation order. doctors and patients have had to leave the european hospital in con eunice. palestinians were told to move west for this safety. for many, it's meant a long and dangerous journey by foot to nesa hospital in the hope of seeking medical care. but space has run outs. and for displaced palestinians lucky enough to get to a hospital bed and cabinet stuff are able to offer as minimal situation as disastrous and exhausting for the doctors and the injured themselves due to the lack of medical stuff and equipment for you. many of these families have been forced to move more than once. they say nowhere and kaiser is safe, not even areas be as riley military to class humanitarians zones at the moment. we don't know where to go. we're just heading west to what's on the
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last eastern funding for now. those who can crowd on to vehicles as they leave their homes or temporary shelters. yes, again, traveling into the on knowing with no idea of what they'll eat, where they'll sleep. but in the midst of all the uncertainty, palestinians determined to survive jacket, brown, elder, 0 alike of clean water and sanitation combined with the summer heat, is feuding. this right of infectious disease. putting additional pressure on the few hospital spill able to offer any service thought a couple of assume reports that in about a 100 garza street. so con, units in central goes off loaded with on treated waste water on piles of protein raw fish. months of is very bombardments have closed. extensive damage to see resistance diesel in ation. plants and water supplying networks units to both
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services, ground to holes in the early days of the war, and the heat of summer sustain she is of a power. well the, when these really on the end of defend units, they cause a lot of damage. and the sewage and designs, what do you see here is nothing this, the great of suffering is what our children enjoy at home. and the stink of the suit, you know, even before october, the 7th, how city has been going as a face to shortage. all the clean drinking water relying on various agencies and the on for daily deliveries as well as well has intensified the long run. crisis of the sub smell has caused many diseases for our children. and this ones, because we suffer from the baths mount everything and our children complain of itching from bed bucks. another strange thing becomes sleep at night because of the
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mosquitoes. as you can see, we left the fire here. it's dangerous, but it's the only way to keep the mosquitoes away. oh, i got the on without clean water. every aspect of life is a trask block of water and send it taishan is worse than point of ground and in temporary shelters. i'm 10 caps the world health organization has documented hundreds of thousands of cases of respite wrote 3 ellis's can infections. they are re yeah. especially if you the look fine. hepatitis is spreading among children as well as adults is the results of mound nutrition, and the like a couple of healthy food. in addition to skin diseases such as chicken pox and scales, the spreading. all of this can be attributed to a lack of clean water, like drinking water can pull the causes a visa as easy as academic spreading in the gaza strip. a result of these radio is destruction. infrastructure. bridge of insect to us diseases is increasing the
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pressure on overwhelmed and under resourced health care facilities view and has one's if the to your rates and i'm seeing human living conditions. it says that even if an immediate sci fi is implemented, it will take kids to re pad the dumb as close to the diesel, the nation of plans through the system, and less of water supply. sorry. so this is how does the run there is that i had a sewing the ballast and paid a hey, religious event in india has killed at least a $116.00 people. attendees had gathered in the northern states of ulta for dash to celebrate the in due deity. shiva imaging kim, but has more the, one of the other ambulances bring the dead injured to this hospital in utah, india. after stumpy at a religious event, you know, to per dash
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o d will kind of go to my career. it really tragic accident took place. really just stephen celebrating bullied by what's going on. because those heavy village of pots are destroy around as tim did happen and people have died, dozens of people injured ok. and the desktop is expected to rise. if, if the people started falling on one another, those who were plus died, american people there, pulled them out. the cause of the stumpy isn't clear. some reports suggest it began when people were leaving the side of the crowding may have been in fact, the initial report suggest more than 15000 people were attending the event which had permission for 5000. the states chief minister has ordered an investigation into the incident, and i just sort of got a good day cuz i met for a 1000 and indians prime minister to show the public. the government is offering support in the god of good buddies,
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senior officials of the central bowman died in constant touch with the dish. com and i assure everyone to this house that the victims. so it'd be, haven't been able to be very little. the administration is engaged in relief investigative work under the supervision of the state government. it's not the 1st time a stumpy has happened at a religious event in india. ortiz have increased a police presence that must gatherings and started using drawings for surveillance image and came out to 0. the rounds remaining presidential candidates taking, pausing the final televised debate ahead of a run know photos on july. the 5th form is fax, masoud, position, and audra conservative side. debbie lee came out on self in last week's vote. so i called low turnouts. snap as action was called off to the death of president, of the se, in a helicopter crash. more than $200.00 paula mentioned candidates in france of drops out of the 2nd round of sunday's election,
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centrist. unless this have been pulling out in the bid to pull the votes, the aim to block the fall, right? national riley from making further gains. the policy emerged on top in the 1st round, natasha bought the results from paris. what, what has happened in the 1st round of the election is we have seen far right? candidates leading in a majority of constituencies across sprawls. now since then, what has happened in constituencies where there is a 3 way race between a fluoride can today to can today to present macro all centrist policy as a candidate for the left wing alliance. essentially the policy i'm and that for any lines of be negotiating to withdrawal. one of the candidates in order to try and give the best jones to one of the candidates unplug the fall, right. how does a did not constituency from winning? it's not being an easy task, those 2 sides with century, so like the left to many lines, the left wing and lines. do you know, like the centrist, but there is a feeling amongst many of them. but this is too important that in some way,
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they must stop and prevent the far right from gaining power in frauds. it is something that happens in elections in falls and as president is when there is a far right candidate in the mix. and we've been speaking to people about his, i think it defends the circumstances in which serve inscription, they're doing it and for who they are doing it. so i'm against any extremes. so i think i understand in the context of extremes being leading to the country, to the phone, to the corporate law, sylvester, i can't speak for the whole country, but here in my constituency, it is a good thing that the 3rd candidate with drawers. because the one that is leading was from the fall right in this town has always voted less. we shall see the car to go see is it's empty democratic liberty equality in for tennessee. i'd remove the sun from the town holes and put it in its place to sign that says,
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save yourself. well, the need all of the far right party marine, the pain is certainly not happy about this attempt to stall to fall right. candidates from winning in this election. she's talking about it being some form of crude talk. hundreds off to buy the lease a palace, a faulty j jordan, fall down as you could be for on says 1st of all right, 5 minutes so, so it is, i'm to democratic, what is no, it is legal, it is happened before, but clearly the fall right? on, on top of it because they have said they want to win a majority the need if they win a majority of the selection will bought the become the prime minister across. meanwhile, we haven't heard anything from the french president to bundle micro not being seen in public since sunday. perhaps because of the centers policy did so badly in the 1st round. natasha butler, i'll just say era powers are still ahead on al jazeera. come on either in northern bucket conrad 2 of the might the mountain range and me coming up how the high i did your hydro electric project. it has been focused on,
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you have to overcome that acute energy tri state, the a slow moving line of violent thunder storms. this lot has been moving across europe, taking your way about 10 to 15 degrees of extreme heat. and leaving behind rama disappointing where the in the 4th temperatures in the twenty's, if you're lucky, a lot of cloud at a certain amount of rain. now those funds don't the stair rind in romania, west and ukraine and running up to the eastern side of the baltic. states, so maybe use in that it was during wednesday behind it there was nothing like as bad as violent had, i should say. but the winds are still quite strong dancer, the rug value in finding out you cross cuz i didn't hear. and the answer is just like, it's going to be a windy 3 or 4 days. i suspect that you know, if it's not,
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then you're enjoying the warm sunshine code of us. 41 is a note, for example, big picture. this is says day. now those channels are full in your pocket for the most part. there's 2 notable in west ukraine and they are accompanied unfortunately in the following wind. by rather wet weather. the denmark, sweden, no way poland, disappointing fortune. so let's concentrate on the sunshine shar week. well, that's mostly been pushed out of the way, but where it shines, it's nice and bold, particularly in places like under the sea color. those forecasts. 41 degrees, roberta bites a bit above average average. but dropping of the israel's war on god becoming a forever war. across the united states, why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why, despite the insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza,
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the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on alger 0. the the or go back, you're watching out just to recap on headlines now. jamaica braces so hard, couldn't barrels pallets and storm hips, islands and the southern caribbean. been operated to a category. 5 storm with winds profiting at um 250 kilometers an hour. as well as ami is over to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians to evacuate positive
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southern galls as it continues its tax across the district are also getting reports of heavy fighting between this very forces, some brigades, which i know at least a 116 people have been killed in a stampede during religious gathering and over the india, thousands of people have gathered to celebrate the hindu daisy shiva. states of us for dash videos detains politicians, and civil rights activists submitted for uniform hasn't much duplicate of 5. so rights groups are accusing the minute treat june 3rd of forcibly conscripting critical voices. mazda security situation and the west african country continues to deteriorate. nicholas hawk reports is not soldiers, but voice is critical of breaking up losses military june to in uniform, 71 year old, a blessed a withdrawal go the countries former foreign minister, along with a prominent human rights lawyer and the leading civil society activist. all 3 were
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arrested last year, rights groups say, visits, video published by rotors, news agency, proves the workforce will be sent to the battlefield. having dared to challenge bringing a passage. and we can see if the country has been in a total of war against army groups in the country and in this war, uh, everybody that is not the totally into the side of the government or its or is the government's perfect perspective on the situation. has been uh the risk of being victimized on groups linked to ice. so and i'll try to control 40 percent of a country slightly larger than the united kingdom. in 2023. the gent announced a mass mobilization law calling on any one fits and above the age of 18 to take up arms and fight for the nation. you know, has been use the target in a discriminatory manner. human rights defenders, but also independent voices that have been critical of the government. several international and local news outlet have been taken off air for their reporting on
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the battlefield losses and the growing discontent among commanding officers. rumors if possible, attempted cruise have shaken the agenda. meanwhile, millions mostly children who are being displaced by the ongoing fighting, working a foss, so our humanitarian colleagues say that the countries facing unprecedented humanitarian crisis was 6300000 people in need of humanitarian support and protection. we, along with our partners, are supporting the government's efforts to meet people's immediate needs wounded. but the public broadcaster continues to show apparent successes of the armed forces hoping to encourage those displays to return home the govern and says people are at liberty to express themselves freely. but these videos of forced conscripts serve as a reminder that being 2 outspoken may come at a cost. nicholas hawk,
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l g 0 nigeria is vice president has visited victims of south of a suicide bombings in the northeast and city of may decoding. so the 2 people were killed off, the female boneless targeted a wedding, a hospital and the funeral. it's one of the worst such attacks and no face to nigeria in the years. no group is claimed responsibility for the bloss book a hold on fighters. i've been active in the region. we ask entity bond government says right on top of the final day of the united nations lead meetings and cuts off the 2 day event was focused on international engagements as well as the economy and the narcotics prayed running through all the discussions was the deep international concern from special envoys and for me about the ongoing and serious restrictions on women and girls. afghanistan cannot return to the international fold or fully developed economically and socially. if it is deprived of the
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contributions and potential of half its population. we also discuss the need for more inclusive governance and respect for the rights of minorities. how sure about how the model has more of the tools from delta v you end into chapin was to convince baton event to sit together with members of the guns civil society, human rights activists. women in particular to discuss why the range of issues such as the band goes education and putting together the inclusive government, if use of minorities and the future of democracy. and i've gotten the tied up and said no, as well as the only legitimate authority. and i've got his dad and this was sent to flowers from the meeting. if anyone else was invited to the gathering to the point, whether you and how to stage 2 separate mean meetings, one with a tale about of the other one with members of the civil society. then there was this backlash from the human rights organizations from women, and i've got
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a sense saying that they have been excluded from a key meeting about the future and the future of the country. what do you and is trying to achieve by this? felt around what did cause the don't have pro says, is convincing the tati bands on the need for genuine political reforms. if they ever want to be accepted by the international community. but for the time being, the tati band have been saying that democracy the ban on goes education and inclusive government, the bites of minorities are internal issues and would only be debated. and i've got to stand by the, i've got people push him on by alex as you don't have a buckets, dawn is building one of the world's total is hydro electric, electric dams, in a remote mountainous area, with a price tag of about $14000000000.00. the most expensive projects in the country
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come on high, the reports from the, the army of districts in pakistan. this is down a high up and a malia mountains. is ralph good in and the site for an ambitious, multi $1000000.00 baldwood generation project. a hydro electric don barely by buck is gone. well, care is challenging and fraud with the risk of landslide. and yet, more than $7000.00 construction workers and engineers are busy around the pro. construction is it does seem to stay main stage in the main stages. control of the river and building the obstacle that will allow the formation of the reservoir. and the 2nd stage, they're going to build to power houses to underground power houses. there will be dug out, but the current wars are divergent. one river diversion, water control, and the, the structure for the main reservoir explosives are used to break up hard
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drug that's gathered away by truck located papers. here the project has created jobs. many of it will j as a bit before many people who didn't have jobs. no one was working with being as a team a lot from this project and need enough to support my family by food and type of my younger brothers and sisters beautification a many smaller downs and even a section of the gutter coat them high rate, which link focused on red, china will be something much i know during the deb rooted nearly complete date is focused on the most expensive and ambitious project costing $14000000000.00. when complete, the damaged budget are done with regenerated much needed electricity. and beyond that, it will also limit the effect of damaging flags downstream. the government said will be operated by 2029 and really generated cheap board to help mitigate buckets on energy crisig and improve exporters storage capacity. but the project may be
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additional delays. it focused on is not able to satisfy china and a security concerns. work on major hydro projects, dollar dr. suicide bomb attack in march, getting several trainees engineer working on another dime on the river. and it's not my boxes. it religion offensive against all groups and hopes that implicated beijing gum. i like the data. yeah, i'm here to get a good but this don focused on jose at i was molina is being sworn in this town, the miles president during his election campaign. molina pledge to cub documented immigration saying migrant to enter through the dairy and gaffe will be defaulted. what he knows also value to boost job, but economic growth and the country understands what i'm thing i see explains who do i have your of you as he had promised panama is new president,
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the nancy will crack down on the regular migration as he formerly took office on monday, and that will have regional and international consequences, nor for them. we'll say here we cannot continue paying for the economic and social costs that must be legal immigration generates in the country. and this links to international criminal court doesn't that create and security internationally enforced hundreds of national board assigned to me. the last service you can estimate, collect our security in other parts of the country. panama will no longer be a transit country for illegals, that are more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the jungle class border between columbia and panama last year. what used to be an almost impenetrable forest has become a key but treacherous corps. either for migraines hailing from many.


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