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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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these things come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the arc and barrels sweeps through the se kyra, be leaving destruction in its wake. is the most powerful, the quoted this early in the storm season. the i don't carry johnston, this is how is, is there a lot for me to whole so coming hopeless, jenny, patients flee one hospital in 1000 to find that there are no beds. it's another medical facility. feeling the spread of disease, streets of untreated waste water and rotten rubbish and con, use and write scripts. a new video from the king of fest such says submitted children's at forcibly sending its critics to the bus to fit
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the one of the most powerful storms in years has hit the kind of in our kind of barrow each category. 5 states us at one stage, i can wind speeds of up to 250 kilometers on it since being downgraded to a category full was the 1st time hearken of this trent. this comes so early in the season, jamaica is bracing for its land for wednesday. the cayman islands are also on its part as it proceeds towards mexico. the storm has already passed over audience in the south east of the counter being including mountain econ, st. vincent and the granite danes. i'm going to a to up to 90 percent of homes have been damaged. ariel footage shows the truth, destruction left behind. at least 3 people have been killed. one in canada and the others in st. vincent and the granite deans, a mighty hutchinson is
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a journalist based in grenade. he joins us live, not from saint. david, thanks for being with us. what have you seen an experience so fall? then i've experienced that destruction in some parts of mainland grenada. we have uh, had a house is losing a tooth. i've seen a cultural uh produce. i've seen no meg. i've seen cocoa. i've seen coconut, as i've seen just about everything destroyed up by this top call for catastrophic hurricane category. for burial. i do right for the state it in calgary. come on, piedmont need v r a style and they have experience 90 percent of destruction in terms of the houses there, the government facilities, schools, churches, homes, destroyed by this. how we came. we've lost 2 lives in carrier, and piedmont,
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and ones on the mainland. we need a total of 3. the damage assessment is still being done. released is being brought to carry a coo and piedmont league of it's a tough time for us. we're getting help from, from outside of countries. so despite the devastation, i think that the kirby and the region they are coming together to assist us in that time. i mean, i understand to that most of the islands was without power and that telecommunications were also down. is that right? that's correct. in fact, i'm speaking you speaking to you from a location that you've already have as a really good internet connection. i'm not sure if you've seen it, but that is on spill at this point because the internet connections are just coming back up. they are still some biggest without power. i just came from one of those areas. there's low power, there's no internet in that particular area on the mainland. however, the to the companies, they are promising that they are trying their best to have the electricity and
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mobile data backup as soon as possible and carry a cool. i'm pretty much equipped. there was no communication there or phone, no data, no electricity. and how concerned is the population about this particular harkins sees and when you consider the strength of heart and barrow in terms of what may come next. we are very concerned we've experienced back in 20 or 4 hurricane similar to this one. it was more devastating, but it took down about 90 to 95 percent of our houses. and so it was really hard to build back. and so having experience a hurricane of that magnitude and then it gets to the, again, having to experience a category for hurricane with threats of more to come. it raises the, i'm sorry, i to you of loss because we know that one hurricane is just one too. many, there are so many things that gets suspected when there's a how we can do like the intensity. and once there was
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a hurricane effect. so lucky to fix our tourism sector, which we depend on a lot for our revenue. it also affect will be cultural products and products as well because we depend on agricultural lots so it doesn't matter the magnitude effect, so livelihood to one, we have a mixed. so it is a time that when a anxiety is reeves that because of that uncertainty, of course. so obviously people will be mainly concerned right now to get through this one. but do residents filled up enough is being done across the world to tackle climate change. i don't think so. i don't think so because we have small islands. we have a small voice and we are affected most. i mean we need a carbon emissions. the things that we, the way we do not necessarily affect the, the, the, the climate in any way in any significant way. but we feel the brunt of it by things that the big country so doing, you know,
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they don't seem to care about about climate change because they don't get to feel the fix of it as much as we do. we are losing our beaches. so we, we are losing all of this, we are losing everything that we have. we are not used to how we change of that magnitude back early in the season. i think that's it extensive us want us to come . one can understand all that will make us feel. so i'm, i'm going to use this opportunity to appeal to the bigger countries to please consider us when you do your due, please consider us a small islands will still be impact what the things that you do when it comes to company missions, when it comes to your coming footprint when it comes to how you treat that, the environment body. hutchins tend to be very much appreciate you joining us. thank you. you're welcome. the, the, when it says a quarter of a 1000000 people have been affected by these very armies licensed as actuation
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order for southern gaza. among the hundreds of patients forced to flee the european hospital. they made the perilous journey to another medical facility in western con units. i wanted to find no available beds. jacob brown reports a hospital board and its equipment abandons doctors and patients forced out because of an as riley order to leave a head of a plan to attack the moment. oh, by oaks mother a cancer patient. it means that options have run out of the system and also we came to now so hospital and unfortunately there are no paid school cancer patients. little cancer patients or died. we've worked. yeah. they oh, no ambulances and no means of transportation due to this via crowd in the latest false displacement of palestinians in southern gaza is the result of in his riley, military evacuation order. doctors and patients have had to leave the european
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hospital. in con eunice. palestinians were told to move west for the safety. for many it's meant a long and dangerous journey by foot to nessa hospital in the hope of seeking medical care. but space has run out and just to displace the palestinians lucky enough to get to a hospital bed, the cabinet stuff are able to offer as minimal situation as disastrous and exhausting for the doctors and the injured themselves due to the lack of medical stuff and equipment for you many of these families have been forced to move more than once. they say nowhere and kaiser is safe, not even areas. we is riley miller treat to class humanitarians zones at the moment. we don't know where to go. we're just heading west to what's on the last eastern funding for now. those who can crowd onto vehicles as they leave their
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homes or temporary shelters. yes, again, traveling into the on knowing with no idea of what they'll eat, where they'll sleep. but in the midst of all the uncertainty, palestinians determined to survive. jacob brown, elder, 0, gaza cities that should a neighborhood has been on the receiving end of relentless bombardments by these very ministry. there are reports of heavy fighting between these very forces under cassandra gates, a postilion journalist in gaza has documented the destruction of georgia. yeah. as we are here, just a few meters away from is on your neighborhood. as you can see, the little listing government in the neighborhood neighborhood is subject to extensive air strikes. turn this every morning, cause we're a round forces, intervening neighborhood for multiple directions. forcing civilians to this place
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and situated with means dyer families. still travel is a neighborhood with this. denise, this is as close as we can get into your neighborhood. the meanwhile, the lack of clean water and sanitation combined with the summer heat is fueling the spread of infectious disease is putting additional pressure on the few hospitals. still able to offer services, power, assume ports from the open, the in the cost of the street. so con units in central goes offloaded with on treated waste water and piles of protein. rubbish. months of is very bombardments have closed. extensive damage to see resistance. diesel, a nation pumps and water supply networks, units to both services,
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ground to health in the early days of the war and the heat of summer, stages of, of power. well the, when these really on the end of defend units, they cause a lot of damage. and the sewage and designs. what do you see here is nothing this, the great of suffering is what our children enjoy at home and the stink of the sewage theater. even before october, the 7th, how city has been going as a face, the shortage of the clean drinking water relying on various agencies and the on for daily deliveries as well as well has intensified the long run crisis or the heart of the sub. the smell has caused many diseases for our children and this ones because we suffer from the bad smell everything and our children complain of itching from bed bucks. another strange thing becomes sleep at night because of the mosquitoes. as you can see,
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we left the fire here. it's dangerous, but it's the only way to keep the mosquitoes away. oh, i got the on without clean water, every aspect of life is a trask black of water and send it taishan is worse than point of ground and in temporary shelters. i'm 10 count. the world health organization has documented hundreds of thousands of cases of respite wrote 3 ellis's can infections. they are re yeah. especially if you look fine. hepatitis is spreading among children as well as adults is the results of mound nutrition, and the like a couple of healthy food. in addition to skin diseases such as chicken pox and scales, the spreading. all of this can be attributed to a lack of clean water, like drinking water can pull the causes a visa as easy as academic a spreading and the gaza strip. a result of these radio is destruction. infrastructure spreads of insect to us. diseases is increasing the pressure on
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overwhelmed and under resourced health care facilities view and has one's if the to your rating, i'm seeing human living conditions. it says that even if an immediate sci fi is implemented, it will take keys to repair the damage close to the destination of plans through the system. and that was a water supply. sorry. so this is algebra. there is that i had a son, the video of detained a politician sins and civil rights activists and miniature unit full has the most in looking assessor, writes groups are accusing them of the children to forcibly conscripting critical voices. meanwhile, the security situation in the west african country continues to deteriorate. nicholas hot reports is not soldiers, but voice is critical of breaking up losses military june to in uniform, 71 year old, a blessed a withdrawal go. the countries former foreign minister,
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along with a prominent human rights lawyer and the leading civil society activist, all 3 were arrested last year, writes groups say visits, video published by rotors, news agency, proves they were forced to be sent to the battlefield. having dared to challenge bringing a passage and we can see if the country has been in a total war against army groups in the country and in this war. uh everybody that is not totally into the side of the government or its or is the government's perfect perspective on the situation has been uh the risk of being victimized on groups linked to iso and i'll try to control 40 percent of a country slightly larger than the united kingdom in 2023, the gin to announce a mass mobilization law calling on any one fits and above the age of 18 to take up arms and fight for the nation. you know, has been used to target in a discriminatory manner. human rights defenders,
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but also independent voices that have been critical of the government. several international and local news outlet have been taken off air for their reporting on the battlefield losses and the growing discontent among commanding officers. rumors if possible, attempted cruise have shaken the agenda. meanwhile, millions mostly children who are being displaced by the ongoing fighting, working a foss, so our humanitarian colleagues say that the countries facing unprecedented humanitarian crisis was 6300000 people in need of humanitarian support and protection. we, along with our partners, are supporting the government's efforts to meet people's immediate needs wounded. but the public broadcaster continues to show apparent successes of the armed forces hoping to encourage those displays to return home the govern and says people are at liberty to express themselves freely. but these videos of forced conscripts
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serve as a reminder that being 2 outspoken may come at a cost. nicholas hawk l g 0. so the head, donalds, is era to humanitarian workers that kills the least and democratic republic who clung onto the convoy and was attacked by protest, discount dining pains less than the tourist stuck with these restaurants. if your residence, the 2 pounds of french colonial propaganda. a jew is liberation army recruited yugoslavia as find this camera man to join the struggle and seize control of the narrative. decades later, a trove of unseen archive is uncovered in belgrade. the images of the minds behind the lens now honored for their contributions to jerry is independence, scenic,
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or religious a witness documentary on a test. in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now i don't think so. and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes reach inside story on out jersey era. examining the headlines, unflinching john, those sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance. well cos program on ours is here. the
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the book about her mind about top stores is the most powerful, the quoted hurricane hit the caribbean. so early in the storm season is burning towards the jamaica american barrel. was packing wind speeds of up to 250 kilometers per house was a category 5 store. it since been downgraded to a category for at least 3 people have done it as well as um, it has ordered hundreds of thousands of tons of students to evacuate parts of southern guns as it continues its attacks across the street. and also reports of heavy fighting between any forces because somebody should be in new york judge. and donald trump's hush money case has postponed his sentencing. it's been pushed back following challenges by trump's legal team. as
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a result of the supreme court's ruling on monday, the presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts. why didn't office trump is now set to be sentenced on september, the 18th, instead of july 11th, republican presidential candidates was found guilty in may. on 34 counts of falsifying business records, but the intent of influencing the 2016 election president jordan has more now from washington dc. former us president donald trump was supposed to be sentenced for his $34.00 convictions in the so called hush money case. on july 11th, trump was found guilty of paying an adult film star some $160000.00 or so to keep her silent about their affair right after his wife had given birth to their son. this came about because he didn't want anything to derail his efforts to be elected
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president back in 2016. trump's lawyers have now whilst a new york state judge to do li the sentencing because they want to try to vacate the convictions this in light of the supreme court ruling on monday that trump is immune from prosecution for the so called official acts taken while he is president, but the allegations that lead to the convictions all took place except for a couple of instances before trump was elected in november 2016. the judge in the case has basically said that he will awhile trump's lawyers to try to make the argument to vacate the convictions and vacate the sentencing as well. the prosecutor's office has said it does not object, but the judge has said that if trump's lawyers are unsuccessful, then he's going to schedule the sentencing for september 18th,
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just under 2 months before the presidential election here in the united states. it's some were called is perhaps a hail mary or last ditch effort to evade were legal responsibility for his actions . but one thing is certain pundents say that donald trump has never tried to get away with doing things and trying to get away with being held accountable for his actions. russell and jordan elders 0 washington. john, malcolm is vice president of the institute for constitutional government. he says trump's lawyers are trying to throw out the hush money conviction the painted to miss daniels the point of optics on mattress may have taken place in 2016, but all of the alleged false business entries. and that was he, we, what is what he was convicted of, took place in 2017 when he was in the white house. so what the supreme court did, and it's immunity decision and why it's important is they said that the president
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is absolutely immune for their own special acts that they take while they are in office. they are not of you or they're on official acts, but they are um, you know, official lights. but the court went further and said that yes, a former prize and it isn't you. if his contact is immune because they were official apps, you cannot introduce any evidence pertaining to those official apps to prove that the former president committed a crime with respect to his unofficial acts. and in this case, you ended up having testimony from a presidential advisor pull clips. you had presidential, phone records from the white house being introduced. you had several speeches and social media posts that the supreme court has said might have also been official acts as a president using his bully pulpit. you had government ethics forms be introduced.
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also, the president is going to be able to make, i think, a fairly powerful argument that under the supreme court's ruling, none of that evidence should have been introduced against him in his new york trial . and they are, for the conviction needs to be overtime to communities in the eastern democratic republic of congo, living instead of the m $23.00 alms group advances to more towns. people say the army and the united nations have failed to protect them on sunday. protest is attacked, humanitarian convoy in the town of the 10, but as i'll just say, it was on why connie reports, for the 1st one on the street of people not on the eastern people pockets, but because the couple after the m. 22 young, the group coverage identity up. i told him kind of, i don't know what those, those are the top. do you want it to have a co voice sitting for you to the vague was which are to do to your phones was 84. if it's a pro, you would kill me, hit the button as you go sometimes and goes,
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come to help us. and sometimes they don't have much to say about and use some help us. but others make life difficult for us. but explaining across both capabilities . this is what temple any point on commercial, how many people are frustrated by why this is the failure by the on the end of need to know some people. they've been one of the we're practicing here since yesterday evening because we want to know the truth. why our soldiers leaving the front line and coming here to this hotel weld robles are advancing. this is why we're here on the streets like this it out of fighting between the communities army and the m. 22 groups started in 2022 video to see how to use one of those fucking the fighters on the keys. this one to go to do nice meals, debris, the additional comfortable table, and to see about the areas as people sleep towns comfortable by the fighters to sunday. should things like this shouldn't happen bluff. i'm asking people to stay
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calm. they want to say they vote as a whole new and from their homes is 2 and a half years bringing the total number of people just listening to the office is 6700000. 1 of the height and weight gunning of joe's 0 within the democratic republic of school, the coal to income body has tensions to 10 environmental this to between 6 and 8 years in jail. they were part of an activist group that campaigned against destructive infrastructure projects. and the, let's corruption, the quote charged them with filtering crimes and their activism. 3 of them also convicted for insulting come bodies king. yet to this deny the charges saying that politically motivated so many asian currencies have tumbled in value against the us dollar this year. in japan, the yen hit a new low against the greenback to levels not seen in almost 40 years. public product reports on the facts. this is happening on the cost of living. this junior
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arrivals as visitors take advantage of the cheap un seem to points to boot times for japan. but the reality for most people is economic pay. cheap, but japanese exports of only resulted in a moderate boost of businesses and for residents with the end to spend everything. it seems these more expensive the restaurants. oh no show go. you want to be to has a solution to pricing is all you can eat seafood buffet, the office, japanese residents, a discount of just over 10 percent compared with visiting taurus, what type of business. but i just give a form that we have to set, the price is high, but it's only fair to japanese people to pay less. if they pay the same high prices over drop in these people feel ripped off and they won't come in the end is declined, is mostly the results of the dollars rise because of high interest rates. the u. s . has been raising interest rates, particularly inflation,
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caused by the post pandemic consumer rebound by contrasts. japan is dealing with decades of economic stagnation, a wants to stimulate prices in wages that any interest rate rise here could endanger. similarly, trying to reach, faced with trying to support its currency while also dealing with a troubled economy in the south korea and one has slipped 7 percent against the dollar. the c relo that's prompted to close ranks with its companies may buy that should not have to jo, jo, cool last year. the 2 countries we do products as well and ship the seriousness of rapid financial market, want to penetrate, providing strong support to each other. the while us interest rates remain high. so to do the pressure on economies on this side of the pacific. well, the bride out is era. there's no on our website. i'll just say what the. com, the weather is an expert inside story examines. they start reading on presidential
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immunity of the us supreme court. the state, the the, its, its on the flooding on the ground around the yangtze and to the south is positive. china because the seasonal rates have been very heavy. but just to throw enough away. and this mass of writing is moving through the northeast of china, having gone through the drain peninsula. we'll get some writing heavy stuff in the north of home. sure. but there is a bit of a gap before the next area develops. and that will be a bit further north, allowing the floods to some degree to subside the temperatures to rise above their average by say about 3 degrees in shanghai side. so this, we wouldn't expect to see this many showered at this time of the year in so that way see if i any right into an easier but they all the,
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all the same that coming in going fairly frequently. the heavy rain that you would expect is there in cambodia as of yet. um, some pots of thailand, me in the out of costs is throughout india, the heaviest and the last couple of days has been in good shape that this represents just a buyer's. a month's worth of right. the whole of july is right about the full cost doesn't give you very much more chances of the heavy stuff will be further north mills and kind of in the, in the northeast bangladesh. all the way down the rest. and that's of course, but there's the temperature is no longer any forty's, as the monthly invest in northern pakistan on the time sheets, he will also start to drop back after showers, arrive of the . what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create it? all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice? age guides, which actually a tournament and operating in doing this is the apple kind of position. oh,
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is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before humans as well as human on al jazeera, historic us supreme court ruling on presidential immunity, welcome to by donald trump, but condemned by president joe biden. the judgments franklin's presidential powers too much. so say critics, what's the long term impact of this ruling and it's timing. this is inside store the .


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