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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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and leave it to you from prosecution for official x whilst of office trump is now set to be sentenced in september rather than this month. it was found guilty may on 34 accounts, falsifying business records with the intent of influencing the 2016 basket and kind of on the government has wrapped up the final day of the u. n. lead meetings and catch all the to day them was focused on international engagement as well as the economy and the narcotics trade. then the human rights, the issue of women's rights of adults running through all the discussions was the deep international concern from special envoys. and for me, about the ongoing and serious restrictions on women and girls, afghanistan cannot return to the international fold or fully develop economically and socially. if it is deprived of the contributions and potential of profits population. we also discussed the need for more inclusive governance and respect
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for the rights of minorities. awesome l bar as more from del v u n's, initial pan was to convince the time event to sit together with members of the guns, civil society, human rights activists. women in particular to discuss why the range of issues such as the cpanel goes education and putting together an inclusive government, few sort of minorities and the future of democracy, enough kind of stuff. that's how they've been said, no, as well as the only legitimate authority. and i've got his dad on this lesson to pull out from the meeting if anyone else was invited to the gathering to the point, whether you and how to stage 2 separate mean meetings, one with a tale about of the other one with members of the civil society, then there was this backlash from the human rights organizations from women. and they've got a sense saying that they have been excluded from a key meeting about the future and the future of the country. what the un is trying
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to achieve by this felt around what caused the don't have pro says, is convincing the tati bands on the need for genuine political reforms. if they have a want to be accepted by the international community. but for the time being, the tati band have been saying that democracy the ban on does education and inclusive government, the rights of minorities are internal issues and would only be debated. and i've got it done by the i've gotten people hush him out by alice's you don't. okay, well that's it for me down jordan, for now more information. of course on websites. i'll just say, oh, don't come there it is. the news continues here. often the bottom line is that you find so much and by the with a manual microns policy performing fully french votes as well decide whether to give
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the fall rights power. pick the results of the rental product on july 7th of consequences for your loss of coverage. the 2nd round of the french elections, and i'll just say the higher and steve clements and i have a question. if the point of the 1st us presidential debate was for each candidate to prove how unfit the other is for office, what's the verdict? let's get to the bottom line. the us president joe biden and former president donald trump had their 1st face to face debate, and it was obvious that the democrats are in some serious trouble. bite and mumbled and stumbled this way through his talking points and lost his train of thought at several moments. by contrast, trump was more energetic and displayed more self control than he did during the 2020 debates. both called each other liars, criminals and the worst presidents in the country's history and their views on america couldn't be more opposite prophecies of failing nation. while biting argues
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that the us is the envy of the world. and the trash talks about golf. now their campaigns are in full swing and they'll be taking their promises straight to the american people. so who has a better chance of winning the white house this november? today we're talking with janelle king, former deputy state director for the georgia republican party and orson porter, political strategist and former white house political director in the clinton administration. or so let me start with you and ask you, we recently saw the democratic and republican debate president trump, and president biden. how do i go for president by a play as well? thanks for having me. and, you know, i think it was a, a tough night for bureaucrats overall. there's really no upside on what happening. and no one expected and regrettably it, was it a debate that the buying team asked for. but what i think you also saw
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was uh how many people are closely watching, what's going to happen with the selection? and i'm sure when you see the viewership numbers, it will be at a fairly high level. unfortunately, i think what you saw last night on both sides is the frustration is that voters have on whether or not they're actually being listened to. and some of the policies that were brought up in during the debate discussion were never fully discussed or get after or answer. and i think you will have boats. deborah trach, what can wait a little bit disappointing with performance, but the border and some of those wednesdays? wondering how will these candidates be able to help me with some of my kitchen table of issues and unfortunately you didn't hear a lot of that. and now, you know, think that republicans out there that you're dealing with are happy with the debate
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performance they saw from donald trump. or, you know, it just depends on who you ask because the party, the republican party as well as the democrat party, is kind of going through an evolution where there are some and do vote or devout. i should say, supporters on both sides. however, i will say that we're the republican party united, even though there are several different factions where we will unite is around the fact that we know that president trump displayed a much better a presentation during the debate. it was very clear that he has the energy, the health in their capability to do the job. and it's unfortunate, but that's where we're standing today. it's unfortunate that there are a lot of people who are feeling as though they have to bypass character in both based on capability. that being said, i do think that president trump is going to win in november as long as a rock president biden is currently in the rates are still in the res. i don't see
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how binding can recover from this because what he displayed is what we have seen and what we have thought of have talked about for the last few months. so i'm interested to see what the democrats do from here or so let me go back to you and, and just ask you structurally, former senator clermont caspell said bite and had one job that was to reassure america. reassure americans said he's fit for office and he failed. so what are your thoughts about this focus on physicality as opposed to policy and once intellectual capabilities? that's a good question. i mean, uh, at the end of the day, the beginning of the day in the middle of the day, americans want their president. and i've seen it firsthand to be as a low presidential. and there's no debate on that. and i think there were points one on the trump side,
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unfortunately for the buying team to that point. but i will say that you're right to say that there is a, you know, i think it's a 129 days before the actual election. so they are going to be moments where uh the each candidate may have an issue uh, uh, tripping over uh, a stage or a pretty uh their wine and a speech. uh and, and in that hasn't changed. you know, over the course of the last 100 years or so in presidential campaigns, but what has change is the speed in which voters are able to view. uh exactly what's happening on the campaign and the speed at which the, the different campaigns are able to use those incidents to benefit their
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candidate. so they're going to ministration the new cycle didn't move as swiftly as it does now. and whatever buying struggles he has will be in real time. uh, the upside of that is the speed with which americans may forget. so what i will say is, it is the middle of the summer. it is right before the 4th for joe holiday and it wouldn't surprise me that the, the, the base vote that has been with them for the last year or so will, will forgive and forget potentially a and give them a 2nd chance to recover. and thank you for that, janelle, i want to, you know, ask you, are you comfortable with many of the claims which, which in a fascinating way cnn didn't knock back. i mean, there were many demonstrative bull mistruths that president trump laid out there. i mean, one that just glared at me, were abortions after birth?
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that technically. uh, that would be murder. when you spoke at the table, freedom con conference recently here in, in georgia. i think it no, i think it was in dc. sorry about that, but we spoke at that conference recently. he made a statement about, you know, abortion, and there were a lot of people there, particularly a lot of hard republicans that believe that we should a federal live abortion defense of demanding that it's no longer a radically to get basically. and so i do think that's something that may touch them. but lastly, the physicality issue. the only reason why we're talking about is the cavity in this particular raises because president trump can't talk about policy. i mean, i'm sorry to present it by then. can't talk about our policy, his policies are failing. so now it leaves us to have to talk about other issues as well. and so when you have bad policy and weak physicality, it basically just shows that he should not be in that position at all. or so let me
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ask you, you understand the nuts and bolts, the dates the calendar is actually possible for joe biden to step down to have an open convention. what are the issues of concern when it comes to the nuts and bolts of the legal apparatus of running a campaign before november 5th? yeah, i think, you know, a couple of key things is, dates matter. so the convention is coming up august 19th through the 22nd. as i mentioned, were a 129 days until the election states are now just starting the process of uh, uh, putting names on ballots probably in mid or late august. uh, so it doesn't give a lot of time for democrats to put a new name on the, on the, on the ballot, but more importantly, before the convention to unify around one candidate. so that's,
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i would start with there's only one person who has a decision to make here in order to even consider making this work or eliminating the discussion entirely. and ask joe, by until we hear of directly from the president buying on what he is thinking, which last like you heard, of course, full response from the vice president. his campaign today has been fairly local about staying in the race. and i was just back at the event in north carolina you we are much of the same. so personally, i don't see he making a decision any time so particularly but. ready for the upcoming holiday, and you'll be sure to make a decision thereafter and decide to withdraw that gives us a few weeks before the upcoming
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e a r d and c convention in chicago. and then as i mentioned, and only a few weeks before these early balance go out. so you know, all that to say is the longer presented by makes and making the decision whether to stay in the race or to drive out the heart of it. it will be, be offered democrats to move forward and the unified front and more importantly, the legally to make certain that his name is on the valid or whomever his name is on the valid as a replacement. and all of these background states you're hearing at least some i had a bunch of unnamed sources. ready but until we the leader of the party space and says what his intentions are, i think, you know, this is all good chatter, but very hard to believe. uh, at this point that he would make a decision to drive with. and then the next 2448 hours. so i live if you uh,
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or says, oh, go ahead, you know, right? yeah, i, i agree on one thing. i do agree that it's a difficult decision. it's going to be really hard to do it. however, i do disagree on the fact that we have to wait for joe biden to determine whether or not it's going to drop out. i'd truly believe that who's going to decide this, or the donors when donors say i'm no longer investing in a candidate that is feeble and that cannot that string to sims's together. that's when the decision is going to be made. i don't think it has anything to do with 5 minutes to be honest. i think they bite and we'll get to that convention. and if they decide that they no longer want to support him and they have someone else in mind, they will put that person up and they will get those delegates to vote for that person. i truly believe that that may happen and i, and it's because it's really the term is, are really based on whether or not the democrat party wants just to be competitive or they want to hand it to president truck. i'm interested orson in your thoughts on how the communities, particularly communities of color, are going to feel calmer. harris isn't the automatic success successor,
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and you actually have an open primary where, you know, someone like california governor, governor newsome or jena right mono, the secretary of commerce or michigan governor gretchen witten or others come in. is there going to be a negative cloud, a dark cloud over this process that i'm not seeing? yeah, i mean i, i think those are all things that uh, present buying i'm sure is considering as he makes his decision, which ultimately i think will be to stay. yeah. but harbor said, if, if you know, you saw a different vice president here's last night and a lot of people were calling me last night say, you know, are of what she oh, why, why was she used more often and who is this person and we need her more than ever, particularly, and some of these based both african american communities,
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if she were to be leapfrog uh through this process, which i don't think will happen then. absolutely, members of in the democratic party, particularly after american women, will feel as though they have been wrong and she's done everything that's been asked up from the party itself for her not to have an opportunity. i think it brings in chaos and chaos right now for democrats after we saw what happened last night is, is not a winning strategy. so i kind of disagree that you know, a, an exciting convention is good for democrats. it may be good for television, but i don't think it's good for votes. fast st. janelle, i'm, you're an entrepreneur and you've been very involved with the economic policy, i think is how we 1st met and talk that there. you know, there was another statement that, that donald trump made last night. i'm just wondering where it stands. so we would watching the numbers of black community, hispanic community and others and,
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and their software for president bite. and then they were 4 years ago. uh, president trump is picking up some support from communities of color, but also cornell, west jill stein and robert f. kennedy junior are picking up some of those votes. but last in the debate, donald trump said he talked about black jobs. he talked about hispanic jobs and i have to tell you that the hackles went up on the back of my neck. it sounded very racist to me. how does that sound to you? and does that impact the recruitment efforts to pick up some of the communities of color out there in america's political equation right now? i feel like it was a bad choice of words. i, i feel like he was trying to make a point in the way in which you went about it was not good, but here's the thing. you're standing on stage for 90 minutes with no notes and. busy so a lot of is really coming off the top of your head. and what i think he meant to say is that jobs that are going to benefit the black community going to benefit the
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hispanic community, whatever those jobs are, i think that's the point he was trying to make. but that being said, the minority community, particularly the black community, it's not leaving the democrat party simply because the president trump, they're leaving a democrat party because president bite and lied to them because president by instead on a zoom call with the in double a c p, and told them that he's done more for black people than the end of the late fee, because he told charlemagne on the breakfast club. and if you don't vote for him, you're not black. and these things started adding up. i can go on and on and on to list of all the disrespectful comments policy and decisions present anybody has made as it relates to the black community. but the black community was trying to hold on straw and continue to vote democrat, because that's what grandma and great grandma has done. and we want to continue that legacy. but now they're realizing, particularly our young black people, that they have been sold a bag of goods and that, and that is nothing but a live and you just be manipulated contempt consistently. so i really do believe
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that president trump is picking up these, but voters because they feel politically homeless, they don't know who is going to put together policies that will benefit all of us. instead of using us as a pon in this little game. so i want us to continue to focus on strong policy, to that point on policy or send, you know, when you do polls, you see people are worried about crime inflation of the southern border and immigration. and i'm, i'm interested in another big issue that has seemed to matter in recent elections in the united states. and that is a board sion and there were major differences of opinion on abortion between president by name president trump last night worse. and, you know, to some degree, we're talking about individuals and how they look and perform, but are there issues like abortion that are so big that they are going to be definitive regardless of who's head of that ticket. so how is abortion going to
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play out? the will play out depending on how the messenger delivers the message. and, and i thought for that, the 2 minutes that i saw the vice president on cnn only today, she gave a, a pretty clear rounding cry on why this is a web gives you more importantly, their platform on what they would do about it. and so protect, etc, but that you know, over the course of the next $129.00 days. if, if, if it is that the president himself, i'm a 100 percent confident that they will find other dignitaries or investigators like the vice president to give a pretty clear routing prize. i mentioned on how this should play out
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of moving forward in the campaign. it is the probably the 3rd biggest issue in some of these wayne state. uh, but it all depends on how people are be, uh, educated on the platform and more importantly motivated by the person or the candidate on what they will do about the issue. and i thought it's a perfect example of how with athletic women or women in general or suburban women that the vice president should be use in and, and, and then given that platform and i wouldn't be surprised that you will see or speak a little bit more loudly on this issue and use more as a speaker box moving for. janelle, let me ask you about abortion once you referenced earlier, and your comments here, but, you know, are the views that are main stream within the g o. p and, and, and they are far more conservative than i would say in the democratic party. does
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the g o p run the risk as it clings to a very tight abortion policy, anti abortion policy of losing this election because of it? i don't think we run the risk of losing the election because of it, and that's because i think the economy is the issue that most people are paying attention to. if you rank what was it impacting voters? um, on a greater level, it's the inability to be able to feed your children. right? that takes more precedence over whether or not you believe in being pro choice of pro life. however, i do think that is something that we've got to get under control because the moment the economy starts to tip in the right direction, we now shift to that 2nd priority item, which probably is the abortion topic. that being said, republicans as republic, we should be winning this argument. the reason why is because we did our job, we did our do deal with a due diligence diligence. we were able to get roby way, overturn. we were able to send it back to the states where it should be. i just
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want as, as conservatives to realize that the government is not church. and while we are very strong with, as it relates to morality and morals, we have to ensure that, that we're keeping a separation, meaning that the church is responsible for taking care of the poor. the church is responsible for initiating opportunities for people to increase in their morality, but that's not what the government is for, so let's not move it from the federal government to send it back to the federal government. let's just stay focused. let's allow the states to handle it, allow our pro life organizations to do what they do on the ground as it relates to getting people on board with our mission, and then we'll move forward. but i do think that it's a topic that we've got to make sure that we have a solid answer on let me just ask you both in real short form and what you would recommend so that we never end up in this situation again with a to very,
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very uh, i should say old of folks that you know when you kind of look at opt other options rather what needs the structurally change in the democratic party and in the g o. p, in our politics in our democracy. so that we come up with better options been doing a rerun of something that happened 4 years ago that nobody wanted orson actually, you know, the, the, the, the biggest thing that you saw on the republican side was the issue of the primaries. and, you know, so many argue that they went through quick to where can you hear me, we should have hung in there. some would argue that maybe by and should have that more challenge opponents to the democratic. pardon me i, i really, truly believe having worked on campaigns and been around them for the last 40 that case is that primaries health candidates get better primaries,
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health motors make a better decision when you nominate candidates without any kind of full inspection or a primary process you end up sometimes with surprises. had there been a more vigorous debate on the democratic side with president by knowing whether or not you should move forward. i think some of the questions that you're getting at might have been answered, janelle, i'm going to give you the last word to. yeah, i, i agree 100 percent. we have to 1st ensure that we have an actual primary process as voters. we need to demand that every single candidate debates is that we don't get to be told what to do. we have to remember that they worked for us. and lastly, i think we also need to focus in on ensure that we're educated or what these major issues are, what these policies are, what they're doing, and then put that before all the candidates are paid junior,
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should have been on that debate stage, chase oliver, should have been on that debate states, this is not by mary, we do have other candidates and the when you start controlling it, it becomes very authoritative for it and it came very authoritarianism. and i believe that we are in a situation where we have the stuff that we've the people we have the power demands to be fascinating and important discussion, political strategist, janelle king and horse and porter. thank you so much for joining us today. thank you for having you. so what's the bottom line? what america and the world sol last week was 2 older candidates who we've all seen before. donald trump, where's his age? well, joe biden has not had the same experience any clearly struggle during the debate. now, many democratic leaders are panicking and they're really panicking. we don't know what it means yet. is there a chance of finding pulls out any opens is party convention this august to a contest among other meetings and younger democrats, that would be exciting and
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a lot of ways, and perhaps be exactly the kind of thing to jumpstart, a real discussion about what america wants to do with its flailing democracy and that's the bottom line. the didn't services can be the difference between life and the tier in gaza. the lives of paramedics are also endangered. the son is one of those who was detained. he says his rescue team was his actuating to inject from the hospitals and they were stopped around balances way intercepted despite coordination with the palestinian with present. they stripped us of how close treated us the limits. terrific way of the war was also proving deadly for those attempting to say it twice. one of the medical workers to lose their lives was had to shut out with a direct hit of i'm getting an emergency. he was killed during
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a strike on the clinic in the cities, the house ministry described him as a solid model of the bosses and determination put the high chips and presumably some like so they have signed the cd would continue working to see colors to use. and list is written by st. unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's hell on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the miller tri, they some of the police over the past 100 years, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 we look at the worlds to please me stories of what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back?
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the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that counting the cost? oh no, just the euro. hearing the facts, we're not going to be determined by 4 and not at this understanding the reality. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against syrians to force them to return to their country with the latest global news. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15 in the insightful documentary, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you place to the house of the story. some go south, challenging place to work from. as a journalist, you're always pushing our boundaries we are the ones traveling the
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extra mile where all the media goals. we go there and we give them a time to tell their story. the park and barrels sweeps through the southeast corner bmw, leaving a train of destruction. and that's part of the 6 people a day. the other ones are in jordan, this is out as a red line from dell instead of coming up feeling the spread of disease and causes the streets of untreated wastewater and watching rubbish, tanya police to a 116 people dying a stampede. a hindus religious gathering and opening the confrontations between.


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