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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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me again. so is the i c, c. fit for purpose. people in power on out there on the the know this is in use our own alger 0. i'm for the bad people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, downgraded but still dangerous. hurricane barrel kills at least 6 people in the caribbean as it hatch towards jamaica. a week of re len place is really vomiting guys as she, j, a neighborhood in the north of this trip. we'll have the latest on the ground. also this our, the final day of campaigning. any ron, we take a look at the promises made by the to presidential contenders. i'm come on
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either end of drivable programs where millions of children really be this. even the one year dropped under the award for life. the thank you for joining us. one of the most powerful hurricanes to hit the caribbean in years is battling towards jamaica hurricane battle reach category 5 status at one stage with winds of at least 250 kilometers per hour. it's left a trail of destruction in the caribbean. it's the 1st time a storm this powerful has hit so early in the hurricane season. barrel has since been downgraded to a category for it's already made landfall on smaller islands in the southeast of the caribbean and is expected to reach jamaica later on wednesday before moving towards mexico on thursday. at least 6 people have died including 3 in granada and one in st. vincent and the granite. dean's aerial footage shows widespread
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destruction. after the hurricane slammed into canada, it brought differential reigns in cost, flash flooding, destroying buildings, and homes, and downing power lines. john holeman has the details. as the scenes of devastation in grenada of the hurricane barrel landed a direct hit on the island of troy, a crew. things were as bad on another small island in the st. vincent and the grand of things archipelago said its prime minister unit iowa has been def. i stated, the reports that i have received indicated that 90 percent of the how is, is a been severely damaged to destroy the it's the 1st time it cuts a 3 foot stool. this food. this'll be in the atlantic hurricane season
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meteorologist say that's due to recuperate some feet in the north atlantic, which in turn fuels big assumes many scientists believe that's who due to global warming, the st. vincent and brenda, dean's prime minister, speak to 120, was angry. the global community, i pay a lot of lip service to the consequences of climate change and then, but they're not taking the issue very seriously. they are causing this guy made change. the other one is what benefited through the emissions and the you cause the problems. and then you leave us on the frontlines. i'm, we pay the price 0 pound that the tiny holiday island must meet to resume what we will more or less expecting it. because 5 meet a wage or expected, but never the less. this is the 1st time even during the cycling that we've seen,
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the c as in ralph, is this. it's really the 1st time this has happened in st. louis. she thankfully, so far there's been relatively few reports of this or injuries. this isn't over. now the heart kings hurtling towards jamaica and the moving to 1000000 people living there later on in the week, it suspect sufficient mexico, the hurricane food costs to hit. you could time peninsula. i do, bo, it's expected to have lost some of it stripped by then the mexican government, so ready organizing buses to evacuate those that it needs to the much. so bring paul who this is, it's just the 1st major store of a hurricane season. the cook promised to have many more john home, and i'll just say to mexico city, imagine c preparations are on the way in jamaica, where the hurricane is expected to make landfall in the coming hours. people in the capital kingston, us talking up on supplies, windows in homes and businesses,
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i bought it up and the prime minister is urging citizens to take shelter. if you live in a low lying area in the area, it's hard to call the proteins the loading on line side. or if you live on the binds of a river or a buddy, i implore you to be evacuated to a shuttle or to see if i grow the for more than a week. now these really military has bombs, guys of cities through j, a neighborhood sterile. so we force of heavy fighting between these really forces and because some brigades, apollo, simeon journalist in gaza, has documented the destruction in jail. we are here just a few meters away from your neighborhood. as you can see, the live listings are missing, the neighborhood neighborhood is subject to extensive air strikes. turn this early
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morning, cause we're a ground forces, intervening, never heard from multiple directions, forcing civilians to this place and situated with means dyer families. still travel is a neighborhood with this. denise. this is as close as we can get into your neighborhood. the let's go now live to on corresponding tiny, my motors in dial blast central guys are forest honey. what's the latest you're hearing about these really military operation into j of the yes, folly. well, within the past half an hour we receive, the report talking about is really military conducting what seem to be a tactical withdrawal or from limited parts of a neighborhood,
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particularly to the northern part of this densely populated neighborhood and the southern, what's been part of it and re positioning itself in much more often areas, but these to me, part number is still under full military control. and do some tactical withdrawal is coupled with heavy presence of the quad copters and surveillance of drones that covering the entire neighborhood, making it very difficult for people to move around or even to try to evacuated from the residential homes that they've been filtering in. or the been trapped inside unable to leave so far. this is almost a week now. 7, stay in the role and non go and get train of devastation and destruction of this particular residential neighborhood. the based in part of, of gaza city where more people are reported skilled with more oswell industry, sod, paramedic civil defense for are able to get inside and remove these bodies from the
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feet. oh yeah. yeah. yeah. neighborhood. yeah. and elsewhere is really a tax continue. of course, what's happening in con eunice, in the south with the latest is really evacuation order that have most people now left that eastern area of con eunice. you have all these really momentary create. it's very intimidating and difficult conditions for the residents of eastern part upon you in a city. these people just were making their way back to the remaining parts of their residential homes. that area, the neighborhood then based in part of the city, after a and of destruction and devastation and, and relentless air is strikes and as soon as they are trying to re settle their these rid about it, they started to carry out this era tax on the eastern part of the city claiming that their, their dismantling the infrastructure and facilities for palestinian resistance and
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policy. and finally moved in the eastern part of the city and doing so, pushing hundreds and hundreds of families already displays the promise 5 more than one time in terms of displacing into the center and the western part of the city. the vast majority of people in the industries of hot new and is not just given their terrible experience in the past in terms of evacuation in terms of the uh, if the safe zone is that there's really in military push harder to make people believe that these be these areas are safe for them to evacuate, do, but we have a documented cases of people as soon as they got these seats don't do a bond and killed inside these. there is particularly a notorious. some of them is a loss evaluation where people were targeted and killed inside their tens of this part. the still more people moving through the center of the city. some other others decided to stay where they have to do is simply no safe place to go to.
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thank you, honey, for the update. that's how does here's honey my mode live there in darrow black. well, that's now speak to months, or schuman about the suzy guys. a resident to live to this war, and the recent is really operations in rafa and con, units before moving to college. i'm on so good to have you with us again on challenges here. it's not with what's happening in the south in communist. it's an area you know very well, israel has issued another evacuation order for con eunice. this is an area that they'd already bombed. they'd been in operation that they left on april 7th. but now they're back. first of all, when they issue the evacuation order to people, what happens, how much time do people have to leave before the actual operation of the gets a few hours? so what's happened in this case is that the us where the people line on the ground 1st full pamphlets were thrown on them from the sky. and then there would be rumors online through different lots of groups that you know, that is really forces are going to enter the eastern part of china. so we need to
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evacuate. and finally, they would see on the official order come to them through speaker phones and through the facebook pages and internet pages of the different areas that they need to evacuate within the next hour or so. so that's, these really is kind of common cause whatever they want to do, this is a never ending scenario. it's happening up within one unit, spots in other cities and locations across causes, threats. and unfortunately, no one is able to put a stop to this. so the people on the ground are suffering. yeah. how do you want us to stop putting on this new? we need to put this into this as soon as possible, as honey, corresponding to us telling us as some people, even not a, with the vacation orders choose to stay because they have no where to go. no way safe. at least they can go to yes and that's all the know we're safe. but there is like you said know where to go. so unfortunately, and even if they are safe, the area that they're, they're going to relocate to has no food or water or shelter for them and their to
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their children and their families. so a lot of people are saying, you know what, if we're going to die, let's start on our homes list. i where we, where we need to be. unfortunately i it's very, it's very sad. that's what i'm watching this happening time and time again to different areas and nothing to be done about. yeah. what does that suggest? the fact that this is happening time and time again in different areas. areas which is israel had said that cleared in the past, likes to j a in, in gaza city. they've been in there like con units. there was an operation in there in april. they said that created and then they go back. what does that suggest to you? about the way they are conducting the war and the type of resistance they're facing from the policy infections. i think it's a genocide, the way of conducting the war. and so we have trying to ex 7, aging the people find to approve them from wherever they have been living for centuries. trying to ensure that civil unrest continues. and it's kind of
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psychological warfare against the ordinary civilian on the ground in order for them not to feel safe. and in order for them to completely submit to any demands made by the idea of moving forward, that any of the, any questions that the facing stiff resistance, it seems from the palestinian factions, whether in con eunice or she jail and not only stiffle escalating. and i think that's one of the things that's as bothering the idea is that the spice, 9 months of, of putting these people through everything gruesome, the escalating violence continues from both sides. and i don't understand why don't the same people in the is really the sides. see this, that the only making that sort of thing is people stronger. and people who are on the neutral site on a nose starts to see that know we need to also fight flights back, right. whether it be through a peaceful or not peaceful means, months are always good to talk to you. thank you so so much for joining us. analogy
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0. i'm unsure, months or schuman i promised to be enjoying this send to him on saturday and on the news hours elsewhere. and he's really drawn in striking scale that be useful palestinians in the occupied westbank. the army said it targeted palestinian fighters. any notions refugee comes after news really, soldier was killed in an explosion there on monday. is there any forces also carried out wage in several areas? including numbers, talk here and out there. let's bring in neural day for the latest on the situation in the occupied westbank, nor is in ramallah. so more raids nor across the occupied westbank bring us up to speed with the latest developments and what's happening specifically at the new shines refuge account. yes, fully at the north fence refugee camp as the sub for men are confirmed that young men in their twenties would belong to the police cut in bit brigade, a faction or a group associated with the palestinian islamic jihad group. these ran, the army alleges that the men were planting and improvised explosive device one.
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the dro uh drones attack happened. we do not have a palestinian confirmation on that, or i witness accounts on that. but this brings to 6. the number of palestinians killed in full cut him over 24 hours, including a woman. and a 15 year old boy. and it brings to more than 560 people killed in the west bank, including on nearly 4 of 140 at children raids overnight on average, about 38 every day in the occupied westbank. we see also home demolitions, as we saw in the village of duma on the outskirts of nablus as well over night. and so that situation continues to escalate that in instability fully. it continues to hans people all over the territory. no, thank you so much for the update nor road a lie for us to enroll my line. the occupied westbank a venti morehead on this is our including one last
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flush. so you case candidates who voters are head of thursday's general election. the kenya is government warrants protests against violence, as they denied the president's steps down the 1st to yvonne where wednesday, march the final day of campaigning ahead of the presidential run off. reform is candidate my suit. as a scan and consecutive side jelly will face off on friday as a scan 142 percent of the vote in the 1st round. while jelly took 38 percent, the 2 men held a final presidential debate on tuesday. the 1st wrong vote, so a record low turnouts. the elections are being held there. any, any ron after president you brain, right?
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you see was killed in a helicopter crash in may. and the 2 candidates have taken part, as i mentioned in the final televised debate, i had a fridays run a photo. his results to dar with our report from tara, this was the entire town, has been one of the rounds biggest commercial sensors for centuries. but business isn't as profitable as these used to be. luxury to items have been increasing the affordable and store store goods for lower income buyers. many iranians heavily the fee distribution with change any time soon for the chance. attend a few years ago. i could have gone on a trip, put little money, but now i can go maybe once every $2.00. yes. elections change, nothing. i didn't vote and i went to attend the next round. this sense of hopelessness led to a record of what they're turning out in the presidential election last week for decades. west admissions, heavy and post sections on iran, or what is nuclear development program?
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leading solid and prizes and high rates of unemployment. but some people are holding out hope that the election might be positive change, but only a small part of society enjoys good conditions. the rest are facing huge difficulties of the decades. what we need is not slogans by action. just a few people are controlling the power. i don't believe the elections are a solution, but still is the only hope you're on is rich in oil and gas reserves. sanctions have limited it onto the access to adverbs, technology for one thing. it's called process, and it's natural resources into high ability industrial products. as a result, it's of crude oil to some nations. our size is far below international rates, leading to low revenue. the presidential candidates are trying to win over the waters by promising a strong agree, conservative sides that it doesn't see sanctions as a challenge. see, believe it should seek new markets and partnerships to create more jobs for young
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people. need golf done, but they say without having relations with the us, we can not increase a ribbon you. but despite sanctions, there are so many opportunities and growth potential. we will have a leap in increasing domestic production with people's participation and the workforce reform is mr. business downstairs, normalizing international relations with and sections that direct investment and enhanced business opportunities. you know, to each told us that to no government and history is achieved growth and prosperity within a cage. we must 1st interact and exchange with the regional countries. and then of the countries worldwide to grow and prosper a month or between whoever wins the presidency faces the daunting task. if you live in an economy crippled by years of mismanagement and others, corruption, as well as being excluded from the global financial system. just to say that i'll just need to tear it off and re,
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sol joins is not alive from tehran. so the final day of campaigning today was what is at stake in this election to this? now this to, candice is boards today in this final date of the day of campaign they are going to be in the city of give them a shot, which is a curtis majority city off iran. and the curtis was or expected to be a determine, in fact, in the outcome of the election. now they're, they're trying to convince them. so here, now, more important than who is going to win the election is what the turnout is going to be. because the seen a dawn war 2 and now within the last couple of the elections you're wrong. and that is a great matter of concerns for the, for the particular establishment here, because the high turnouts to additionally, how being the primary source of the list them is the, for the 4th an establishment. but since 2021, it has changed in 2021 presidential election. the turnout was below 49 percent. and then in 2024 parliamentary election,
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it went below 41 percent. and in the last election, the 1st round of the presidential election, it went even below 40 percent. this is the record, low turnout since the establishment of the as long as you're public. and that is a great concern for the particular establishment. the reason for that when we talk to the people, they say that they have little faith that the elections were being about to change . whether it's sort of for missed or, or conservative candidates, they will not be able to recover the economy to open up the company to the world. and also bring some liberties to the people. the say that the we have power in your run rast with the on the elected officials. and they decide about the policies. so many of them are question and really develop the 2 of the elections. and also whether it's cool, create any different impact or creates a positive change. that's why there is an apathy among people for the time and the elections best. so thank you very much. of course, you'll be asked to see
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a following and covering those elections far as any right. on friday, they so sat, sit our entire it is also the final day of campaigning in the u. k. i had a thursday's general election opinion polls suggest the neighbor party is set to and 14 years of conservative governments as go live to 1000000 of this vessel innovation was in birmingham today joining us from there. so finally of campaigning, melana, what can we expect today? we can set the lead as a whole major parties to go out and about to try to get that back. has to go out and vote on thursday. and that is particularly true just in case tom, a leader of the name of the policy. now, how do you have his party at a significant majority ahead of the conservatives, however, it has made some of his advises lately, worried that it could make labour boxes, maybe, perhaps some which complacent thinking that victory was already at hand. whereas this other opinion putting that shows that as many as one unique people in the u. k . i still undecided and those of the people that sat here. so my will be targeting
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today, telling them they, they won't change from the last 14 years. if conservatives will, then they've got to go out and vote for it. now when it comes to research, the next, the current conservative time is to his message in the last few days, would be more about trying to limit the scale of the defeats. and in some ways rather than trying to gain victory, he's been telling his supporters, they need to vote in order to sort of have a really strong opposition to lee by empowering them. and it's quite a defeatist message that has been criticized by some on his side. but last night his campaign got a bit of a bu. so i think you can say from boys johnson, the pro thoughtful. i'm a prime minister who joined him at a campaign event. it is a device, a ticket that he presented because we must remember that he had to resign in the wake of being found a broken log down rules during covey, by having talked to him dining street. but right sounds though he does remain a very popular figure, but lived there still everything took place or as reach the scene of tweet to the
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other day. it's not over until it's eva indeed. and that's where the big parties. what about a smaller parties 1000000 as well, the liberal democrats on the reform policy. both of those small apologies can actually caused some damage to labor and conservative. now the liberal democrats, a full met, conservative coalition partners from back in 2010 and they are targeting some of the conservative seats in the hotline. some of the values of the 2 parties do overlap. they could cause damage. now you've got the reform party who has been shaving off very just from the base, the conservative. i'm the lead the policy in the last 3 months. in fact, some of the posing has him very closely behind the conservatives, despite the fact that an undercover john is exposed. one of the volunteers is using races, language against the current prime minister, racially scenic. now nigel frauds, the leader of the reform party, has distanced himself on departure from that person, but that stay 9, none. the less remains that they could cause damage both to conservative and the
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labor parties are still 24 hours until we go to the polls. here in the u. k, there is still someone says t. thank you very much for the updates malayna vessel intervention. i 1st day in birmingham, 2 elections in front smile, where a number of left wing and centuries candidates have withdrawn from the elections and a bit to create a broader lines that will challenge the far right. in the 2nd round, i mean, depends national ronnie game, the largest share of the vote in sundays, 1st round election live to natasha butler correspondents in paris. natasha. tell us more about the candidates who've been withdrawing and what impact this will have on the 2nd bundled as well. what you have is more than 2 hundreds candidates from present. emanuel mat crawls sent to rights renee sauls policy the left when the lines withdrawing from this election race in order to troy block fall,
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right kind of dates from winning in constituencies. what it means is that the constituencies in which these candidates of withdrawal, they're now going to be 2 way races as opposed to be 3 way races. it was the one about trying to stop splitting the boat to try and block the far right the negotiations between the left wing lines and macros policy studies a forensic cuz of the last couple of days. not easy. they're all still move the 90 constituencies in which it will be a 3 way race because the 2 side simply couldn't come to an agreement. but for those that did withdrawal, what they're saying is that they felt it was more important that they stepped aside and put aside the interest of the policies in order to stop the far right from possibly gaining power and phones. which for them is something that they simply don't want to conceive happening. so that's the picture that we've seen over the last 48 hours since the 1st round of this snap election. and how is the national routing? tasha responding to these attempts to stop it from gaining
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a majority as well. maureen depends. maxim riley polity is obviously not happy about this by seeing this kind of tactical maneuvering as anti democratic. that's something that some policy officials was saying. they said that they lease a policy is trying to state some sort of illegal crude. i thought locating is constitutional. it is what happens in elections where you have a fall right kinds of days and the constituency, the parties often riley around trying to block that far right candidate because the far right to see as a policy by some simply 1000 and fits with the fridge values with us as the immigration, as the muslim platform, people worried that the far right is going to divide the front door to bought the 28 year old process, a over independence been leading this campaign for the far right. he's been speaking out. he says of we want to have a majority of to the 2nd round. he says,
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so without some majority, he would refuse to be the prime minister. and the reasoning behind that is probably that the fall. i do not want to be in a position where if they don't have a parliamentary majority that faced with having to page a messy coalition, which could tonisha very reputation is a policy in front of the french public in being able to rule because they've never golf and, and frauds, the fall rise doesn't have that many experienced people who have been in politics has been elected in faults. and they know that it will be very tricky indeed. if they do get into a government without a majority. natasha. thank you very much, natasha. but i live there in paris. may you as the new york judge and donald trump's hash money trying us postponed his sentencing. it follows challenges by trumps legal team in the wake of the supreme court landmarks judgment. on monday, the court ruled form of presidents has immunity from prosecution for official acts
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. they committed wiley and office. trump is now set to be sentenced on september the 18th. instead of next week, the republican presidential candidate has been convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records with the intent of influence thing. the 2016 election last name jordan has more from washington, a former us president donald trump was supposed to be sentenced for his 34 convictions in the so called hush money case. on july 11th, trump was found guilty of paying an adult film star some $160000.00 or so to keep her silent about their affair right after his wife had given birth to their son. this came about because he didn't want anything to derail his efforts to be elected president back in 2016. trump's lawyers have now whilst a new york state judge to delay the sentencing because they want to try to vacate the convictions this in light of the supreme court ruling on monday that trump is
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immune from prosecution for so called official acts taken while he is president but the allegations that lead to the convictions all took place except for a couple of instances before trump was elected in november 2016. the judge in the case has basically said that he will awhile trump's lawyers to try to make the argument to vacate the convictions and vacate the sentencing as well. the prosecutor's office has said it does not object, but the judge has said that if trump's lawyers are unsuccessful, then he's going to schedule sentencing for september 18th, just under 2 months before the presidential election here in the united states. it's some were called is perhaps a hail mary or last ditch effort to evade were legal responsibility for his actions
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. but one thing is certain pundits say that donald trump has never tried to get away with doing things and trying to get away with being held accountable for his actions. russell and jordan elders 0 washington state don alger 0 as the russian president isn't as exxon to advance is vision of an option wild order among duration countries. and your video reveals smoking effects of military june test for simply sending its critics to the battlefield. the a slow moving line of violent thunder storms. this lot has been moving across europe, taking your way about 10 to 15 degrees of extreme heat and leaving behind drama.
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disappointing where the in the 4th temperatures in the twenty's. if you're lucky, a lot of cloud and a certain amount of rain. now those funds don't the still around in romania, west and ukraine and running up to the eastern side of the baltic states. so maybe eastern but it was during wednesday behind it there was nothing like as bad as violet had, i should say. but the winds are still quite strong down through the rug valley and finding out through cross coast denny and down through sicily, it's going to be a windy 3 or 4 days. i suspect that you know, if it's not, then you're enjoying the warm sunshine cold of us. 41 is a note, for example, big picture. this is says day. now those channels are full in your pocket for the most part. this 2 notable in west ukraine and they were accompanied unfortunately in the following wind by rather wet weather for denmark, sweden, nowhere, poland, disappointing for june. so let's concentrate on the sunshine char week. well, that's mostly been pushed out of the way, but where it shines, it's nice and bold, particularly in places like under the same color. those full costs. 41 degrees,
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roberta bites a bit above average average. but dropping the the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're awful. looks like so on. heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our just the are hearing the fact we're not going to be determined by 4 in negative understanding. the reality human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country within latest global news. this is probably your policy and
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demonstration number 15. and a lot of the insightful documentary, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you closer to the house of the story, a news the welcome back. you watching the news are on algae 0 reminder about top stories and most powerful hurricane to hit the caribbean. so early in the storm season is battling towards jamaica. it scale that me 6 people and that's behind a train of destruction in granada and st. vincent democratic games and is really joe and strike has killed useful palestinians in the occupied west bank. the army
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set a targeted palestinian fighters in the north shops, refugee camp after one of its soldiers was killed there on monday. and is the final day of campaigning and the u. k. a had a 1st days general election opinion polls suggest the opposition neighbor party is set to end 14 years of conservative governments to kenya. now where the interior ministry has one protestors that violence and on a key must seize at all costs after protest this want with police in the capital. again, the move mindset began with the a mis stopping a tax hike is now demanding the president's resignation. i'll just hear his name is robbie reports, and i will be 2 weeks into protests against the controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of kenya. of the police accused of disproportionate violence, showed no signs of backing down. president william root may have scrapped the
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bill, but protesters demands head of all they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights. the president who should be addressing escalade good money. he doesn't address us like a c p, a trash or we have some people that doesn't exist to decided at least a little bit of respect. really. we stop coming to this street. we chose recent remarks to the media, defending tack sites and police tactics and down playing the desktop have re ignited public anger. our president is very ingler and he has no idea. he has no clue he so out of touch with reality tv. so this is us cleaning up the house. it's very important. it's very mandatory demands now include cuts, the government spending lower salaries for public officials and the dismissal of
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anyone with a criminal record lining up empty coffins on the street. they demand justice for the dead. hold someone accountable for police brutality they say, and they blame their presence. what we're seeing here today is a reflection of the fact that there is still a great deal of anger against the government. protesters here say that they feel their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand why they're coming out and protesting. protesters have pledged to shut down major cities twice a week, for as long as it takes. but public support for the demonstrators may be facing. the shopkeepers fearing looting. turn vigilante on tuesday. the paranoia, a dangerous element to add to the mix in an already volatile situation. zane bus
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route, the old is 0, and i wrote and jimmy is vice president has visited victims of saturday, suicide bombings in the northeastern city of my degree. 32 people were killed after a female bomb is targeted. a wedding, a hospital and a funeral. is one of the worst such a taxi ne and nigeria in yes, no group has claimed responsibility for the glass, but for colorado, fighters are active innovation. video of detain politicians and civil rights activists in military uniform have emerged in volcano fossil rights. groups are accusing the military june dow forcibly constricting critical voices. meanwhile, the security situation in the west african country continues to west nicholas. hot creek was, is not soldiers, but voice is critical of breaking up losses military june to, in uniform, 71 year old, a blessed a withdrawal go the countries former foreign minister, along with a prominent human rights lawyer and the leading civil society activist. all 3 were
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arrested last year, writes groups say this video published by rotors, news agency, proves they were forced to be sent to the battlefield. having dared to challenge bringing a passage. and we can see if the country has been in a total war against army groups in the country and in this war, uh, everybody that is not the totally in the side of the government or its or is the government's perfect perspective on the situation. has been uh the risk of being victimized on groups linked to ice. so and i'll try to control 40 percent of a country slightly larger than the united kingdom. in 2023. the gent announced a mass mobilization law calling on any one fits and above the age of 18 to take up arms and fight for the nation. you know, has been use the target in a discriminatory manner. human rights defenders, but also independent voices that have been critical of the government. several international and local news outlet have been taken off air for their reporting on
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the battlefield losses and the growing discontent among commanding officers. rumors if possible, attempted cruise have shaken the agenda. meanwhile, millions mostly children who are being displaced by the ongoing fighting, working a foss, so our humanitarian colleagues say that the countries facing unprecedented humanitarian crisis was 6300000 people in need of humanitarian support and protection. we, along with our partners, are supporting the government's efforts to meet people's immediate needs wounded. but the public broadcaster continues to show apparent successes of the armed forces hoping to encourage those displays to return home the govern and says people are at liberty to express themselves freely. but these videos of forced conscripts serve as a reminder that being 2 outspoken may come at a cost. nicholas hawk,
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l g 0 liter is from the shanghai corporation organizational meeting for the annual summit and cause exxon spearheaded by russia and china. the regional block has been calling for greater economic and security corporation between members. it's been expanding in recent years, representing more than a 3rd of the world's population and a quarter of the global economy. india is prime minister and the vendor multi is notably absent this year when i speak to is come to, i came by of about this is a foreign policy. i'm listen is joining us from asked on in conflicts on. so this a seal, the strong i cooperation organization was initially any comic for him. of course, a 5 countries at night includes 9 member states including a ron and will soon represent nearly half of the global population. just how significant 1st is the summit in cost, expand in the current geo political context, and how can this organization shape, regional and global dynamics a call center on there much? i think that the timing of the site is very much important. symbolic. so we see
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that the normal practices and complex unable or we do a lot of these, it has been steadily increasing. so i think other big players like russia, china, india, i just federal law and other members, full circle i guess, were given us on our kind of side of the country that has been steadily promoting the diplomatic conflict resolution is very much important. and i think the message that has been being given to the global audience, that those countries, again come together by the some differences, right. is very much in a sense. yeah. looking specifically at china and russia, their relationship is a force that on historic high. but in central asia, which moscow regards as its backyard, the 2 countries are in competition cause exxon for example, high sales, china as a unique economic partner. how is that playing out?
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the fact that china has chipped away at some of the traditional russian she has of influence in the beach. and is there a visible power shift and now they tensions regarding that? well, well, i don't, i cannot stipulate specifically to about the tensions between uh uh, china and russia even now. and if you look at alternatives, but certainly the competition in a way that for the market and i think it's okay. i mean, for the come. but if you're doing business, if you remember meeting for the best deals, i think it's quite a normal to be by holding a central. yep. it's a 5 year and so like, he's not well welcome to the united central. yes. but the same time, it doesn't mean that was out of folding, simple as if i dare not just the russian, but also gives you the best fold up for a country like cars expand, for example, which of the relationships china or russia, which it is
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a more valuable one as well for kind of sort of we are trying to draw this multiple, a troll, multi right here, one mostly so in that case, i'll kind of time to choose all the neighbors. and then secondly, we talk, i'm 39 or look at the world from the compressed visual stance. so for us, all of the vision process such as china and russia are valuable in the winter, is the same time as the big one for us for you work in unions. so, and the country unfortunately the part to the middle east. interestingly, another important leader, india is prime minister and the render mode is keeping the summit. he sent a representative instead. relationships relations between india and china have been strange. just how critical is india is influence within the organization and how other tensions with china it between india and china playing out here.
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i can see that at least and i've done it on the side of the vision holes. countries haven't moved into this kind of the recent bringing some, some of the issues. so i think it's very much beneficial for whole stakeholders to have a communication dollar application platform such as china and to see the differences in hospitals is as easy as useful parties. so again, this was the place very much balancing the population organizations, not just on the main members of let c a c o. as in tom we see as you know, leaks with fox. thank you so much for talking to us about this is kinda i came by a 54 and pharmacy on this. joining us there from us on a task. excellent. thank you. the now defunct hassan, which has launched
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a polio vaccination campaign to immunize 11000000 children under the age of 5, against a highly infectious disease. at least 6 cases have been recorded this year. but security threats, harris meant to have medical teams in cross for the movement are hampering f as the right to get the virus. i'll just say it was come out. hyde reports on swampy district. it's early morning in the lobby district and northwest and focused on health world goods accompanied by on police offices are going door to door. as part of a polio immunization campaign, they administer the order back seen to children younger than 5. and maki chose to keep track of the number, but it may look like a simpler process, but the work is risky and the been relatively paul. so i'm headed to good and for us. so why ever say they did save only $5.00 a day, nor drawn support or health benefits capone or do do fully vancho. this is the only
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job we have to earn a living for our families. administering the drops is not easy. we a and the constant, the rate of being attacked even killed. but we don't have any other option either. we killed in the field. we face economic hardship. the police officers keep a close eye on the game. there's a short drive for that, they're ready to avoid any attack. the government said, at least a 100 and do for your free to a good will fisher's and security personnel have been good. 6 of them this see a whole here do the, the, the providing security to polio vaccination workers is the most difficult duty we have. it's not only done before under constant truck, we are equally vulnerable. the work is scattered out predominantly by women in a conservative country where men are not allowed inside houses. a 40 or
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a very nice vision is risk. a business and focused on as dozens of for your workers and police run have been targeted over the years. but does, has nor done bring the spirit in a bed to come to grips where the white is that is still and then making a run is done and focused on the prime minister differently. jared or does supports meeting along with philanthropist. bill gates with foundation is funding that campaign is committed to routing out the way that we live on was close to of i think i would put you in the face of pakistan. but then suddenly the unfortunate thing stuck up those negative done. and because again, come back and certain thoughts focused on, but that does not mean to be afraid and efforts. however, scientists have got certain the large population grudge, barden movement and racks in hesitancy,
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challenges to completely are advocating for leo come all the data. so i'll be district type of bulletin or province, focused on and come out joins us now live from the shower. come all the vaccination drive is on the way in the shower where you are and re for so ready of a tax on medics. tell us about what's happening where we have reports of at least 2 attacks in the fiber. booked on the pop, proven to police may not be intrinsic any room days. as you saw in the board, they said the risk a job. and the fact that over $3884.00 team grades are now active across oval park district within the country. 11 of those districts i had and the type of programs the the area i'd read, the why it is is the found and are danger, eddie,
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i stole the games of crowds up busy. this is the best such campaign this year alone . it didn't. there is many risk to both the polio walker, the security for the, for the matter. but the government is hopeful that within the next few months, they really be able to do it right. they get deadly wide it. however, there are serious problems because of the fact that they, as you mentioned, that it's across the board to move in unchecked movement. and that i've got this card in even more problems. then there's also another problem in that direction. hesitancy also the fact that many people believe that these drops are not meant to prevent fully or that they're meant for some other purpose. and that's why it's very difficult to convince people are that bart campaigns across the country to try to convince people that they did absolutely important to eradicate. that's why they were just because the state is pregnant and founded in some dangerous area along
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the border and somebody i'd read the infection rates a high. so indeed they didn't then deva that the government is trying to. it's david subjective to drive to control. that's why there's a bug, it's done, and i've run this done as you know, are the only countries where the white is that still prevalent. it's not painted backdated, but the government stated is committed to eradicate this particular why they come all. thank you very, my challenges here is come all high to reporting a life from the shower. the still ahead on al jazeera india in mourning. the death toll from a sound feat at religious gathering rises to at least a 121. the
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police in india have launch investigations after at least a $121.00. people were killed in a stump beat on tuesday, families and warning their relatives who died at a religious ceremony in the northern states of school to for dish. with all the say, most of the dead women and children, local media reporting that heat and supplication may have cost people in an overcrowded tend to panic image, and kimber has more of the what else to the other i'm doing says bring the dead injury. hospitality, utah, india. after stumpy at a religious event, you know, to per dash cpa of o. d will kind of go to my career. it really tragic accident took place. really just stephen celebrating bullied baba, what's going on?
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he does have the village of pots or district attempted happened and people have got to, yeah, it was, maybe those are the people were injured. ok. and the desktop is expected to rise if, if the people started falling on one another. those who were plus died, american people there, pulled them out. the cause of the stumpy isn't clear. some report suggests it began when people were leaving the side of the crowding may have been in fact, a initial report suggest more than 15000 people were attending the event, which had permission for 5000 states. chief minister has ordered an investigation into the incident and i just got a got a good day today for the 1000 and indies. prime minister showed the public. the government is offering support in the field of god. good buddies. senior officials of the center bowman dot in constant touch with the dish common. i assure everyone to this house that the victims will be had been able to be very little bad. ministration is engaged in relief investigative work under the supervision of the
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state government. it's not the 1st time it's done, pete has happened. a religious event in india, all sorts of increase the police presence. it must gatherings and started using drawings for surveillance image and came out a 0 according cambodia has sentenced a group of environmental ways to up to 8 years in jail for drawing against the government and insulting the king. they were part of an activist group campaigning against infrastructure projects and alleged corruption. the active is denied the charges say they're politically motivated. human rights watch has accused the government of trying to muscle criticism. the jailing of the active is, comes, i mean growing concerns about freedom of expression incumbent. yet the communities in eastern democratic republic of congo are living in fear as the m 23 on group advances to more towns. people say the army and the united nations have failed to protect them on sunday. so just as a talk to humanitarian convoy me,
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the time of the campbell, as i'll just here is ireland. what connie reports the suite of people not on the eastern people pockets, but because campbell, after the m 22 young, the group coverage identity up, i told him, kind of, i don't know what those, those are the top. do you want it to have in a co voice setting for you to be vague which are due to your phone, just 84. if it's a pro you would kill me, hit the button as you go sometimes and goes, come to help us. and sometimes they don't, i don't have much to say about and use some help us, but others make life difficult for us. but explaining across both capabilities. this is what temple any point the commercial, how many people are frustrated by why this is the failure by the, on the end of night to know some people they've been one of the we're producing here since yesterday evening because we want to know the truth. why our soldiers
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leaving the front line and coming here to this hotel weld robles are advancing. this is why we're here on the streets. the lot this without the fighting between the communities army and the m. 22 groups started in 2022 video to see how to use is one of those bucking they fight us on the conditional to go to do nice meals. the probably the additional comfortable table and to see about the areas as people sleep towns comfortable by the fighters to sunday should things like this shouldn't happen bluff. i'm asking people to stay calm. they want to say they vote as a whole new and from their homes is 2 and a half years bringing the total number of people just listening to the office is 6700000. 1 of the island, where are you coming out of your 0? the table, the democratic republic of school, and that wraps up this is our own allergies. your affection was always on our website that onto 0 dot com. i'll be back in just a few minutes with more of today's the
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or interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the
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. ringback the and the fee kept kind of, i'm not huge in front of the manufacturer this little for us. well when i, when i, when i was so, but i think it definitely what that was . this is what we wanted to see the as the marie, that's the full russian problem. i remember this one button to fix the,
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[000:00:00;00] the downgraded but still dangerous hurricane barrel kills at least 6 people in the caribbean as it bows towards jamaica. the, you're watching l g 0 live from to how with me for these back. people also ahead one week of relentless, these really palming and gaza. she j a neighborhood in the notes of a straight for half the latest from the ground. a new video reveals working at


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