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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the downgraded but still dangerous hurricane barrel kills at least 6 people in the caribbean. as it bows towards jamaica. the you're watching l g 0 live from to have with me for the back. people also ahead one week of relentless, these really bombing in gaza. she j, a neighborhood in the north of a straight for half the latest from the ground. a new video reveals working at fossils, military june test for simply sending its critics to the battlefields. plus i'm
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come. 7 in the 5 of the programs where millions of children really be this evening that bully are dropped under the watchful eyes of the blending the one of the most powerful hurricanes to hit the caribbean in years he's battling towards jamaica hurricane battle reach category 5 status at one stage with winds of at least 250 kilometers per hour, it's left to train of destruction in the caribbean. it's the 1st time as soon this possible has hit so early in the hurricane season. beryl has since been downgraded to a category for these you're all just expected to hit jamaica later on wednesday before moving towards mexico on thursday. it's already made landfall on smaller islands in the southeast caribbean. at least 6 people have died including 3 in granada and one in st. vincent in the granite deeds area footage shows widespread destruction. after the hurricane slammed into granada,
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it brought to rental rains and cost flash during destroying buildings and homes, and downing power lines drawn home and has more scenes of devastation in grenada of the hurricane barrel landed a direct hit on the island of croy, a crew. things were as bad on another small island in the st. vincent and the grand things archipelago said its prime minister unit. iowa has been def. i stated, the reports that i have received indicated that 90 percent of the hallways is been severely damaged to destroy the it's the 1st time it cuts a $35.00 school, this boom distorted in the atlantic hurricane season meteorologist say that's due to rest. who break compete in the north atlantics?
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which in turn fuels biggest stones? many scientists believe that soon due to global warming, the st. vincent imprinted the prime minister speed to $120.00 was angry. the global community. i pay a lot of lip service to the consequences of climate change and then, but they're not taking the issue very seriously. they have cause in this climate change. they're the ones who have benefited through the emissions and you caused the problems. and then you leave us on the front lines and we pay the price barrel pound that the tiny holiday island must meet to resume what we were more or less expecting it because $5.00 meet a wage or expected. but nevertheless, this is the 1st time even during the cycling that we've seen the seat of the roof
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is this. it's really the 1st time this has happened in st. louis. thankfully, so far there's been relatively few reports of this or injuries. this isn't over. now the hurricane is hurtling towards jamaica and the moving to 1000000 people living there. later on in the week, it suspected the hit mexico's, the hurricane food costs the hit you could time peninsula. i do, bo, it's expected to have lost some of it strength by then, the mexican government, so ready organizing buses to evacuate those that it needs to the much. so bring paul who this is just the 1st major store of a hurricane season. the crew promised to have many more journey home and out to see the mexico city. i imagine see preparations on the way in jamaica way. the hurricane is expected to make landfall in the coming hours. people in the capital kingston, a stocking up on supplies, windows in homes and businesses afford it up and the prime minister is urging
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citizens to take shelter. if you live in a low lying area in the area, it's hard to call the proteins the loading on line side. or if you live on the bias of a river or a buddy, i implore you to be evacuated to a show top or to see if i grow the for more than a week. now these really military has been bonded, these are j, a neighborhoods in guys a city. they are also reports of heavy fighting between these really forces any armed wing of hamas, a policy and during this has documented the destruction in such a as we are here just a few meters away from the neighborhood. the prelim listings are missing, the neighborhood neighborhood is subject to extensive. there's price changes every
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morning cause we're a ground forces intervening number one for multiple directions, forcing civilians to this place and situated with means dyer families, still travel to your neighborhood destiny. this is as good as we can get into your neighborhood, but it's not speak to our honey. my motors in data blast central guys are for us. honey. what's the latest you're hearing about these really military operation into jail? yes. fall whether it has been confirmed that these really military and what it did, in fact, it conducted a tactical withdrawal from limited part of the neighborhood, the northern part and as well as the southern western part of the neighbor hoas in this has been confirmed with what we just receive,
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within the past half an hour of people were injured by the time that works to station in different parts in different air than they were in the past few days. the fire fire, these things fire chose that group of people who are trying to get box to their residential loc, the residential homes in these 2 areas. there reports of a few of them were injured and were waiting to be transferred to allow me baptist hospital along with the i here we are hillary that been going on for the past a 7 days. and since these really military expanded the incursion of the entire neighborhood, there was a report of people are still trapped in major parts of the neighborhood, simply because they could not find the safest place to evacuate to. or because they, their sense of safety has been shattered. and decided to remain inside the residential home. there was
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a military narrative of safe zone has been largely vague and misleading and what's happening elsewhere in guys and communities. for example, with the, the latest evacuation order. they have full thomason's, we living in the eastern part of, of con, units have most people now left what we're seeing now is the repeated patterns of the practice. there's been a behavior in the run by this very military. the recurring incursions of major parts of the eastern side of the golf has to be including for the past 48 hours. the city of hon unit that includes job design area, but it's jaila and other major neighborhoods of base and positive findings were people under the artillery then relentless air strikes were forced into more internal displacement to the center on the western part of the city. it's important to point out that the vast majority of people who lived eastern part of hon unit
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ended up in the streets of hon. you and as they simply don't want to go inside residential buildings or de evacuations, on the wisdom part of the city, that's of them off the back, which is on because there's no sense of safety left for people to really display for the traumatize. many of the people who went through the valuations don't, or the saves the ones as described by this very military ended up being killed within hours or days of their arrival. so no sense of safety remained. it's completely shattered. but since the permanent displacement is being deepening by the ongoing recurrent incursions of these areas, thank you very much, honey. for the update desktop just here is honey mode, right? 14 day life from there, i elsewhere and use waning drones strike has skills, at least for palestinians. in the occupied westbank, the army said at target a policy and fighters, any notions refugee camp after. and he's really soldier, was killed in an explosion there on monday. is there any forces also carried out raids in several areas, including not this call kia and i'll be right at speak to,
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nor all day about this. just joining us lie from ro, my line the occupied westbank nor some more rates across the occupied westbank. bring us up to speed with what's been happening, especially at the new oceans refugee come well, fully at the notes from refuge account, the funeral procession for those for man has begun. there were 4 other injuries in the incident. these really army alleges that the format associated with the food cut into the gate, which is a for a faction of the palestinian islamic jihad, we're preparing an improvised explosive devices. of course, we have not been able to confirm that allegation from local sources or eye witnesses. there is a general strike in to get to where 6 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, including a woman and a 15 year old boy also. the raids all over the occupied westbank resulted in home
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demolitions for homes in several villages in the eastern parts of the occupied west back have been demolished. we've seen that in duma and yet. and then for saw you in the jordan valley. so the raids tripled right since the, since the war adding to that sense of instability all over the territory. i was going to ask you about that. know what have these daily raids in the occupied best westbank meant for the lives and livelihoods of, of how to sing and to lift well, it really puts everything in flux. you cannot really plan anything if you live in the occupied west by there may be a, you know, there are no raids, no, no air strikes. but anything can happen at any moment. you could be in the middle of the market and there would be a rate of as really forces and then basically how it would break loose. so that sense of instability. now we have the high school matriculation exams, for example, students will need to get to the exam holes,
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have to worry and look whether they can make it to that exam room safely every morning because nothing is guaranteed, nobody knows if they're going to be next. whether it's the home demolition or the, the, the detentions fully which have also dramatically increased over the past 9 months . no, thank you very much for that. no daylight for a say in my line you occupied westbank now is video of detained politicians and civil rights activists. in military uniform has the motion booking of fossil rights groups or accusing the military gentile, forcibly constricting critical voices. as the security situation in the west african country continues to west and nicholas high. frequent is not soldiers, but voice is critical of breaking up. fossils military june to in uniform, 71 year old, a blessed a withdrawal go the countries former foreign minister, along with a prominent human rights lawyer and the leading civil society activist. all 3 were arrested last year, writes groups say visits, video published by rotors,
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news agency proves they were forced, will be sent to the battlefield, having dared to challenge bringing a passage. and we can see if the country has been in a total war against army groups in the country and in this war, uh, everybody that is not totally into the side of the government or its or is the government's perfect perspective on the situation. has been uh the risk of being victimized on groups linked to ice. so and i'll try to control 40 percent of a country slightly larger than the united kingdom. in 2023. the gent announced a mass mobilization law calling on any one fits and above the age of 18 to take up arms and fight for the nation. you know, has been use the target in a discriminatory manner. human rights defenders, but also independent voices that have been critical of the government. several international and local news outlet have been taken off air for their reporting on
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the battlefield losses and the growing discontent among commanding officers. rumors if possible, attempted cruise have shaken the agenda. meanwhile, millions mostly children who are being displaced by the ongoing fighting or can a fuss. so our humanitarian colleagues say that the countries facing unprecedented humanitarian crisis was 6300000 people in need of humanitarian support and protection. we, along with our partners, are supporting the government's efforts to meet people's immediate needs wounded. but the public broadcaster continues to show apparent successes of the armed forces hoping to encourage those displays to return home the govern and says people are at liberty to express themselves freely. but these videos of forced conscripts serve as a reminder that being 2 outspoken may come at a cost. nicholas hawk l g 0. i see a head on algae 0, the final day of campaigning and yvonne, we take
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a look at the promises made by the 2 presidential contenders. plus county is government warrants, protestors against finance as they demand presidents. and then the, the big side of the storms that we've been accustomed to of the last week or 2 or more are still around. is this line here. now running slowly towards the eastern side of europe, still producing big dime polls in romania and probably west and ukraine. i'm being followed by the disappointment that is not really summary was a fairly when the often tried in sometime training for most of europe. now it's not true for this as greece took here, and suddenly i bury i should be seeing mostly sunshine,
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suddenly warm sunshine and the shouts themselves fading away in the south. i think they will show themselves in greece over the next day or so. this is distasteful costs, but look what happens if you're in. that's a potent, for example, or something sweet and it's just going to rain over time and it's a fairly strong wind. temperatures are well they dropped down to round about high teams, even low twenty's. so the real world is ukraine, maybe by the roost, and russia, and then back united beer. and if you're lucky, i think parts of it to be as well. but here's an exam for you, seville, 41 degrees, and even here we cool down to 31. by the time you get this out today and that's below average still hoffman most of north africa. but look at the size of these clumps of thunder. still, we should be seeing them and we are seeing them when they leave the shows of africa . they become americans as african stories from african perspectives. 3 short documentary,
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by african filmmakers from stanley only democratic republic of congo and cape bird islands. life. it's actually music of the way people talk. the way we walk is just everything is trusting timing. go tell them on the mountain. friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on, i'll just 0, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching, hodges 0 reminder about top stories, the most powerful hurricane to hit the caribbean. so early in the storm season is
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barreling towards the jamaica, its scale at least 6 people and left behind a train of destruction in canada. and st. vincent democratic is really heavy comp to have targeted residential buildings and got us into j, a neighborhood. the united nations has more than 60000 palestinians, displaced in the neighborhood pod space in the neighborhood. the following is ras basis offensive in the area. and then is there any jones try can scale that nice full policy means in the occupied westbank. y'all, new city targeted out of some fighters and the newer shops, refugee camp after one of its soldiers was skilled there on monday. hey, now don't use this the final day of campaigning in the u. k. ahead of the upcoming generally election front of the server issues so not from the bullying, consecutive party and labor leader kids summer have been meeting voters before they cast their ballots on thursday. opinion polls suggest the labor party is set and 14 years of conservative governance as speak to our correspondence, villanova salinas. h was life. i'm betting him for us. i mean,
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not more bad news today for the tories on, on the, for the next will. the tone is that campaigning in the last few days has been quite defeated. as done this morning. one of receipts the next cabinet ministers mel stride. he's the welcome pension secretary did sort of say on the bbc that it is likely that late, but will when the largest majority any party has ever achieve. but this also, it could be seen as a strategy by the concession is to galvanize the supporters to get out and vote on says de receiving and has been telling his back is 22 supported him in order to avoid a really huge lady. but line slide, he was saying, what this country need is a strong opposition in parliament, but he does mean that his tone has be quite pessimistic, however, as the resist anything so tweeted yesterday. it's not over until it's a the last night. it was a late addition to come painting in the pool of the former prime minister boys
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johnson. now he is still very popular. i'm in a mit fulsome conservative, a supportive but he's also very divisive big. he had to resign a low down policies that were held in number 10 downing street during kind of it during his time in office. so it's still unclear that trying to say to the back of come out and vote. they could also be a strategy to have even more people than the polls is suggesting. come out and vote for the conservatives. and then on the other hand, you got nate, but they are leading in the polls significantly. in today's case, some of the late in the day is going to scotland, england, and wales, to campaign on the last day. but what touring his advises is, perhaps that there may be some complacency among laid the support of thinking these already in hon. so perhaps they may not come out and vote in the numbers that they need to victory. so he's telling people if you want change from the past 14 years, a conservancy vote you actually have to go out and vote sometimes
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a minute. now what about the smaller parties, what is the strategy? and what is more about this? kids still do some damage to various conservative and the labor party. now because the liberal democrats, they were in a coalition with the conservatives back in 2010, some of the values among the 2 parties of alaska and the liberal democrats are targeting some seats that heavy, institutionally conservative hotlines. and then on the other hand, you go the reform party now reform policy has he would up a lot of the conservative back is to have been disappointed in the tories because that which is not bringing down immigration, which was one of the election promises. and this is despite the an undercover investigation that has revealed one of the reform policy for them to is a saying racial to allows against prime is to receive, seen it. now the policy and it's lead to nigel fires have distanced themselves from that. there's been
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a number of kinds of over the phone policy kind of this as well. they have dropped out of the race or distracted to the tories or the climate as they said of me such a new stake and races atmosphere in the policy. but none the less this party is still trailing, the conservative in the polls that could really do them damage and cumulative for the update 1000000 of ascending of each by force. the in birmingham wednesday also marks the final day of campaigning ahead of your ons presidential run off. reform is candidate my supervisor, scan and consecutive site. jenny will face off on friday as a scan 142 percent in the 1st round. while trinity took 58 percent of the vote, so a record low turnout. elections were held early after president the brain receiver scales in the helicopter crash in may. the 2 candidates have taken part in the final to revise the beta head of friday's rental. for sol, said diary for some tear on as the this bizarre in town has been one of the loans
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biggest commercial sensors for centuries. but business isn't as profitable as these used to be. luxury to items have been increasing the on affordable and store store goods for lower income buyers. many iranians heavily the fee distribution with change any time soon for the chance. i'm 10, a few years ago. i could have gone on a trip, put little money, but now i can go maybe once every $2.00. yes. elections change, nothing. i didn't search and i went to attend the next round. this sense of hopelessness led to a record of what they're turning out in the presidential election last week. for decades, west admissions, heavy and post sections on iran, or what is nuclear development program? leading solid and prizes and high res, so unemployment. but some people are holding out hope that the election might be positive change, but only a small parts of society enjoys good conditions. the rest are facing huge
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difficulties of to decades. what we need is not slogans by action. just a few people are controlling the power. i don't believe the elections are solution, but still is the only hug as you're on is beach in oil and gas reserves. sanctions have limited access to adverse technologies. for one thing is for them processing it's natural resources into high ability industrial products. as a result, it says crude oil to some nations that size is far below international rates, leading to low revenue. the presidential candidates are trying to win over the waters by promising this rule in greek conservative sides that it doesn't see sanctions as a challenge to believe that your own shall seek new markets and partnerships to create more jobs for young people you've often. but they say without having relations with the you ways, we can not increase a ribbon you. but despite sanctions, there are so many opportunities in growth potential. we will have a lead in increasing domestic production with people's participation. and the
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workforce reform is mr. business. downstairs, normalizing international relations with and sanctions, that's correct in west meant an enhanced business opportunities, you know, to each told us that to no government and history is a chief growth and prosperity within a cage. we must 1st interact and exchange with regional countries. and then other countries worldwide to grow and prosper a month or whoever wins the presidency, faces the daunting task of your why being an economy crippled by years of mismanagement and was corruption, as well as being excluded from the global financial system. just to say that hope to 0 to have it on a neal judge and donald trump's hash money try has postponed his sentencing. it follows changes by trump's legal team in the wake of the supreme court landmark document. on monday, the court ruled former presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts . they committed, wiley and office. trump is now set to be sentence. on september,
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the 18th, instead of next week, he was convicted on 34 counts of force assigned business records, with the intent of influence thing. the 2016 election to canyon. now with the interior ministry has one protesters that violence and don as miss must seize at all costs. after protest is fault with police in the capital. again, the movement of that began with the most stopping of tax hike is now demanding the president's resignation. seemed as obviously for some novelty, 2 weeks into protests against the controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of kenya. of the police accused of disproportionate violence, showed no signs of backing down the president william root may have scrapped the
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bill. but protesters demands head of all they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to canyons exercising their constitutional rights of the president. you should be addressing as still a good one that doesn't address us like a c p, a trash, or we have some people that doesn't exist to the slide. at least a little bit of respect, luis, luis, stop coming to this street. we chose recent remarks to the media, defending tax sites and police tactics and down playing the desktop have re ignited public anger. our president is very ignorant. he has no idea. he has no clue. he's so out of touch with reality. so this invest, cleaning up that house, it's very important. it's very mandatory demands now include cuts, the government spending lower salaries for public officials and the dismissal of anyone with
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a criminal record lining up empty coffins on the street. they demand justice for the dead. hold someone accountable for police brutality they say, and they blame their presence. what we're seeing here today is a reflection of the fact that there is still a great deal of anger against the government. protesters here say that they feel their voices are still not heard. and the government still doesn't understand why they're coming out and protesting. protesters have pledged to shut down major cities twice a week, for as long as it takes. but public support for the demonstrators may be facing. the shopkeepers fearing looting. turn vigilante on tuesday. the paranoia, a dangerous element to add to the mix and then already voted tile situation. zane bus route the old is 0 and i wrote eco team. cambodia has sent ins. 10
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environmental is to between 6 and 8 years in jail. they were part of an activist group that campaigned against destructive infrastructure projects and the ledge corruption. 3 of them were also convicted for insulting cambodia skiing the active as deny the charges. the police in india have launch investigations after at least a $121.00. people were killed gonna some feed on tuesday from these a morning, their relatives who died at a religious ceremony in the northern states of to for dash 40 say most of the dead women and children to pakistan now, which has launched a polio vaccination campaign to immunize 11000000 children under the age of 5 against the highly infectious disease. at least 6 cases have been recorded this year. but security spreads power spent of medical teams in cross border movement, or hampering efforts to eradicate the virus. alger 0 is come on, hide every forest from the swaby district. it's early morning in the lobby district
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and northwest and focused on as well good, accompanied by on police offices are going door to door. as part of a polio immunization campaign, they administer the order like seem to children younger than 5 and maki chose to keep track of the number, but it may look like a simpler process. but the work is the risk in the been relatively pull. so i'm headed to good and for years. so why ever say they did save only $5.00 a day and no transport or health benefits a company or do do a fully vancho. this is the only job we have to earn a living for our families. administering the drops is not easy. we a and the constant, the rate of being attacked even killed. but we don't have any of the option either


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