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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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on this business uptake this voltage by the 6 bank growth partner of bangladesh before to use the the club. so robin, you want to know just it renews online for my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. 3 is really the injured and a stopping attack of shopping. now in northern israel, police say the attack, it has been killed. you payment is to concede because this labor policy is way ahead in opinion polls ours before the states general election begins violence of the eastern democratic republic of congo local vigilantes trying to protect the city against and 23 sciences downgraded but still dangerous. hurricane
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federal till 6 people in the caribbean, as it heads towards to make the progress as great. when is it the call for america, that soft of fighting for the gold down to go with brazil, you have to settle to 2nd place of the 4th and final to the welcome to the news. we begin with breaking news, coming out of israel with 3 people have been injured in a staffing attack as a shopping now. in the knolls, in northern city of caught him at all forwards, he say that to the people have been taken to hospital in a serious condition. please say that the attack has been neutralized or that are investigating the motive of the attack or corresponding to update joins us now for about the occupied westbank. obviously its breaking news information is sketchy new, but what more do we know about the incident itself?
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yes, so what we do know is the number of those injuries has been adjusted is really police say to people to is really soldiers have been wounded one critically the attack or a palestinian is really citizen from the upper gallery. this happened in a shopping mall in cut a meal, and it seems that the attacker was shot dead by a, a, a, a, a shop or a nearby who happened to be armed in the area. we don't have the full details. we're expecting to hear from these really police shortly on possibly the investigation, maybe even the motivations of such an attack. but that right now it was the, the shopping scenes that we saw from academia is all that we could gather from this breaking story. attention has been rising within israel, of the war on gauze. right. and we'd be the con, discount, the fact that this is going to be connected to that in some sort of way. but the
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reaction from the authorities will the tub. and as you say, who the, who, the perpetrator of this walls. and you did allude to the fact that he, he or she could be a palestinian, is riley. it's absolutely. i don't think i think it's, it's possible to separate what happens inside israel proper, from what happens from the dynamics of occupation here in the occupied westbank or the war in gauze. those tensions have been rising and they've been reaching a boiling point. in fact, is rarely security. the security establishment has been warning that the continued raids, the escalating raise the subtler attacks and the occupied was the bank, the appropriation of land. just today. we saw 13000 square kilometers a palestinian land expropriated by israel to make way for more supplements, expansion. all of that pushes palestinians to a point of, not just despair, but really anger at is really policies that aim to push them out of their land and
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make life unbearable for them. no matter where they are. new obviously will continue to monitor what goes on and all that as well with you from the occupied westbank as the news progresses for the name. and thank you both of all that a week. now the is really military has bombarded the should joining a neighborhood in garza city. they're all sort of holes of heavy fighting between these really forces and the, um, thing of hum us a palestinian gen list as documented the destruction into giant as we are here. just a few meters away from is on your neighborhood. you can see the loop listing here in the neighborhood. neighborhood is subject to extensive air strikes. turn this early morning, cause where a ground forces intervene and never heard from multiple directions. forcing civilians to this place and situated with means dyer families, still travel to your neighborhood destiny.
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this is as close as we can get into your neighborhood. the most conservative honeymoon knew these live in the, in the central gauze. so we had the hub in that report from not just list of these really drones hovering above danger is always immune. and what more do we know about what the is right in the military all doing in that operation is jaya honey. we heard it from one paramedics to try to get inside of your neighborhood and, and save those who made their way through inside the neighborhood as they occurred about the is really withdrawal from limited parts of the, of the neighborhood, the northern part and the southern western part of the seas. yeah. yeah. and we
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know this was a tactical withdrawal and, and pretty much there's really mandatory, reposition, it's time sense not only reported about the casualties that were shot by these very times then the attacker, drones in the area, but also describe the horrific and intimidating scene. and that was spear inside the neighborhood with a drones and surveillance with our surveillance goes right talk is roney clouding the skies of the neighborhood, just making it difficult or for the paramedics, for the civil, the crap. inside the residential building to try to evacuate to safety. just making it very difficult for the number of people are still in the street with no signs of anyone from the paramedics or civil of, of getting inside and remove them. the only few, the word managed to be transferred to any baptist positive, but the number is still high of people who are either killed within the past couple days is still in the streets and those who were critically injured. but inside the
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residential homes and unable to leave the calls that are all these evacuation orders that being given to palestinians in con, you this? i mean, what's the reaction being from that? right? what are you hearing about where the people are moving along? a man? what are the things about these new evacuation orders in under heavy artillery is done and berlin's this near attack. these, these cannot be considered as evacuation order. this is a pretty much an in force displacement when are ready. traumatized population has been on the move for the past 9 months. it's pretty much every month in different part in different areas of the gaza strip. while the skies of, of fine unit is similar to what's going on. and since i am involved in weights or balance of drones and a talk, it was that in making it very difficult for people, the majority of people who left eastern part of time unit ended up in the streets. they are, they are afraid they're concerned to get inside residential buildings that are
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going to be targets of relentless fear strikes and artillery is heavier or killers in foxes or in the hours of this morning because they have pretty much bad experience with the the vac. wishing orders by these really military, the whole narrative has been misleading, contradictory, and vague people who were sharply order to be inside these evacuation though, because they are these really monitor, described them as safe zone, ended up being quite of a death trap for them. people died and were killed you within hours and days of their arrival to the safe zone. so people right now, either they prefer to stay where the inside residential building because there is no safety whatsoever for the driver and stay in the streets. and of course, there's no access to any of the basic needs and supplies and necessities that could help help them combat these difficult living conditions created by the ongoing returns. encouraging honey by mood that for us and data as well. thank you for the update is plenty more had here all the houses. the news are including the find
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a live time painting in the wrong. we take a look at the promises needs by the to presidential contenders. plus, a new video reveals the key to the concert is military calls to be said to get some critics to the thoughtful feels the is the final, the competing, also in the u. k. head of the general election. probably mitsubishi soon act from the governing. conservative party and the labor leader, gustavo, i'd be meeting vote just before they pass that balance on the state, and the opinion polls the suggestively laid, the policy is set to end 14 years of conservative governance. we've now had for 2 years of k, all of the vision and failure of the choice tomorrow is to bring that to an end
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to turn the page and start to rebuild with label will be getting lied to believe that this settled the rich in binding in england, 2nd city, but 1st as costs over to the british capital london. well, diplomatic editor james bass is standing by james. obviously the last day of campaigning as the policy lead has had back to that constituencies to vote tomorrow . but if the polling is accurate, we're going to know about it's on friday morning. yes, absolutely. polls very, very important, but it's only votes that get you seats in the house of commons behind me, the pose of being pretty consistent throughout this a very large lead fillet. but in the polls about 20 pop points consistently throughout the 6 week campaign. in fact, the latest poll from a company called sedation predicts that they'll be $480.00 for labor and piece out of a total number of them. piece of 650. that is a good thing. majority. now,
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one of which is the next closest allies, mill stride. he's currently working pensions set country. he's been doing some interviews this morning. he's admitting that he's unlike me to be the welcome pension set country, and he thinks that his government will no longer be in power that i chose to. they accept the where the polls are. the mainland means that tomorrow is likely to say, the largest labor land slide majority. the largest majority of this country has ever seen monthly big of the 1997 degrees and then the national government to 1931 was there for masters. now is what kind of opposition do we have? what kind of ability to scrutinize government is that within parliament? well, the labor party, a say, yes, that's an extraordinary admission. but they believe the tories are doing something
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by admitting that they're hoping that voters will think it's all a done deal of labor, destiny winning. and that, that means people won't go to the polls one folder to vote. they believe those sort of comments by the concept is over next, but to suppress the vote and keep that losses as low as possible. of course, the vote consists of people from northern ireland, scotland, wales, and england. this is what forms the united kingdom and the potential hopeful so you want to be in peace will sit in the building behind use. a james just for all do is give us a breakdown of how events unfold now from the official end of campaigning to a declared results. since the desperate last battle of campaigning goes on for the next few hours. so then a thursday here in london is posting day 20 hours from now is when the polls will open at 7 am local time. here in the u. k, the post will be open all day and a reasonable lights into,
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into the evening. they close 33 hours from now. that's when we get another poll. but in some ways, this is a very important poll. it's one commission by 3 of the case. main road cost is it's the exit polls. it's the poll that was actually carried out at the constituencies as people voted. that will give us a clearer idea, but clearly not the final accurate idea of i was things gonna look like. then as this is, this is an election where you vote and an individual constituents, either a $650.00 is and each of those constituents and they'll be counts. so you then have to wait a long, long wait, as the results in each of those $650.00 constituencies come in. but if the poles the right, it looks like labor a very, very well it had. it may even be a historic result of deluxe, a victory, the scale of victory that we have never seen before. well, it will be that to analyze what does happen for us set through this period for the by james, based on the diplomats scheduled to thank you. that's cool. sorry,
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but to england's 2nd sitting in bedding of what melana. but some of it shows that waiting for is an interesting city that you'll read and it was locally run by labor and declared bankrupt talia this. yeah, so the votes that will be very interesting as to how people react to the political messages from all of the policies of the that's right. in terms of local politics, may the counselor here is running this city and they're facing claims of up to 6760000000 pounds. so on a co pay, they've also spent about $18000000.00 pounds on a non functioning id system. so for that reason, they have been declared bankrupt and they've had to cut jobs that had to cut off its funding. they've had to even didn't street lights and also increase a council tax that residents here pay. so that's certainly not a great p. all. so the labor party, when it comes to national politics in the general election of the people will be
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very thing in tomorrow, they're actually 12 seats, i call stabbing him and surrounding towns that are going to be elected tomorrow. and traditionally, this place is being a label hotline, but they're having concerns of people they've been hearing here feeling like that mainstream parties, perhaps not really responding to the daily needs. so the picture is still quite muddy, and we simply wouldn't know until tomorrow the day after that we'd be talking about polls for the last 2 weeks midnight. and it seems that they're not the way you go across the united kingdom. the cost of living seems to be the topic of the top of the agenda. i mean, what sort of issues have people been talking to you about that that really concerned the want to addressing what the new government takes? it sinks in parliament the what's the cost of living has being among the top issues, but he is specifically embalming. i mean it's also be nice crime and stabbings. now the area where we're in the west midlands has the biggest rate,
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the highest rate of nice calm offences and the whole of england and wales. and that is really concerning for people and living here. the people we've spoken to the last couple of days telling us that they don't feel that the city is enough. police patrolling that communities, many of them not feeling safe, not feeling that their children have enough youth thoughts to go to for example. so they can stay out of trouble in the streets. so that's been one of the top 2 issues that people here have been talking to us and they feel a lot of them that the mainstream policies are on really responding to the needs. and of course, there's also a sizable muslim community environment i'm in the surroundings and some of them having telling us that they won't be backing late, but because of the commas since k, as tom is initial installed on the gods a ceasefire. so, so the labor contracts, the ground to that verge, the missing vote that has back to them to generations. he is. so it does seem that the smaller part is me, make a dent in a say see like bombing,
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because people all ceiling, many of them quite disillusioned with amazing parties. we'll see what happens hopefully in about 48 hours time. with that result comes in atlanta. we're sending over which imbedding and thank you. well, historically and britain's elections, voters have tended to catch the balance according to class. now, the working class has traditionally voted for labor, while skilled professionals tend to the conservative. the research suggestive age is a bigger, predict, translating patton's really challenge has been to speaking or has been speaking to voters in london. and i'm 70 years old. now, i've been voting since i was 20 or whatever it is. i think we already got some more . you tire value, but i want to make sure you're biting positive as the best thing. maybe and see the country best. i don't think age is the massive fact. so i think it's more of a repeat how you both often and what you, what your full top surrounding. do you think that there is demographic, facing gaston view heavies, are seen any evidence of that? yeah, let's it when you look us up kids as the political research director at the posing
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company. so then to come raz, he's with a sly from london. it's funny how the politicians will do to avoid the topic of breaks it, but it is sort of lingering die with the background. i suppose. course the pull up the poll still gets the impression that the cost of living is top of the agenda or not. seems to really hit every demographic, doesn't matter what age you are, what class you are? oh, what sort of your ethnic background is across the united kingdom? yeah. so the cost of the keys, right. what is the fuse? how is the last, you know, i say yes. or no, i think the get scripts, the best, the best of for the, the, the cost of living ultimately the boss trying to find the way to be tomorrow. i know we might already know the
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police and the positions the remember we i see that was a story assigned to you and your to tomorrow the tires off inside the group for the quickly are not guaranteed. yeah. it's about the strongest political so yeah, lots of things we've got to get through as well before we finish this little try mean lots of analysis over the weeks leading up to this vote about who or what to may swing debate. we talked about the cost of living, young people, web light instead of coming out to folks that dare i say at the brooks that referendum. uh, yeah, the, the 1st group, the complained about the future being taken away from europe. do you think this is going to be an issue for the younger generation in terms of the tool at the moment, which is about that, korea is a job security. i mean, it will into link stuff into quite finely a. yeah,
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i mean the young people to, to go to the boss tomorrow and the guy, but we do only know that all right, and that is because the young people that are really the, all 4 of them are actually leaving them on the from, from the house with you guys to meet the different mall, not the young people with the loss of my fire. i was just, i really listen to all the times really go all the quantities. there is what it is to excise on the journey popular to numbers actually, to us, all the services all know about. no, it's not the deal really is it's about a majority or
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a super majority for the late the pots. i mean, we've great majorities, us, we see with the conservatives come great responsibilities. you have to keep your promises. i mean, labor have the sort of document diving over the issue of tax. and what's the threshold that will be a who's going to pay a bit more and who isn't? yeah, the question so far, what types of the joys have in the car wherever it was the only reason, harrison. i think this is very, very different economic ways to do this and well, let's see. let's see, pre aware, i think now who the we talk to because she's boy because of the desire in order to say that the point is open and that was, i think the choice of the selection for many times isn't that started at all, which long will not talk, you know, we generally managed station
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a little bit better. i think what many boxes the last couple of years to be for this truck on the other side to just find the truck later to do it as a tv the maybe the steering ways. i have the conservatives across the other so that showed us so much more analysis to get through once we get the results and realize how the people of the united kingdom vote is miserably by friday for the baby. but the chris hopkins likes joining us from the british capital. thank you to agree used to protest as have killed one person in eastern debit causing the public of congress. but the time though, this, the latest attacked by the, demonstrates as takes the number of people killed in the town. they located problems to 8. since friday on sunday, protest is a type of humanitarian called void. cling to 8. what? because they're unhappy with the call. these governments response to the m $23.00
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um 3, which is captured several towels. the area. recently. the economy choice is the line from the tempo island kentucky. with us we spoke what day 24 hours ago, talking about the situation of where the rebels and the m $23.00 as well as the be all be what is that ground reality right now. there is a battle between the, between the 2 levels which are trying to get to gain more grounds. we have been just talking with some of the day me. so what is the right to now to turn you to a bustling day against the d. r. c. on the, in the area all 4 of the say good, this is the 1st well, no money that i need to be treated as a default or when them for the 3 a mid 4 that way from kind of i own the do but, and do for this order most,
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if they did, if i to get them into as of right now from where we are here in this, the deal, simple table and this is the future. so now we are to be more efficient among the population. and so because they don't have good news from the, from the front line, and also sort of the keeps coming from, from the swords toward from the 4th line to this area. this is exactly why your feet are in the city of the table. put a different body goods on the roads, which is making more damage and all symbol disability. those we're trying to do to work on these roads that the very good on both of these young people. because they said that 4 to one year old trying to make sure that if you cannot reach the table here, these are the 6 i would suggest a positive, lots of things going on between the dnc. i'm in the i'm 22 tables. indeed, when you have these vigilante groups on the streets of the 10 though, i'm sure it makes the local population very nervous about moving around and getting to do the daily business of
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the this is like such and what is happening right now, even when those popular so normally when the m 20 please come out to see to find out about on the some of them, some of the off of this on the way already out of the area. they made their roads up to a funeral button. done. some of them want it and i wanted to reach the city or whatever, but when the, what is operating a little, even the display as before, the oh blogs right now going back to the where them for the 3 is go totally. and then people from this city or temple different the deals or try to do. but when we draw the people from the front desk, they cannot move it from the table to the area or from the where they are the block . they cannot do reachable temple, right? now, because, because moving at all and checking on it, there's no, even they're cutting out, taking the risk to buy that because if it goes away,
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then the last time that you have found and just because no one which is the prison you have been found, even the bodies of those people killed, the student got stuck in the fall over there. no one kind of go down. not even though it is not even police even sort of give themselves not taking a risk to fix this. you don't dental, it's making this suggest a very complicated and event that there. how do you think this one here? you just tell them how do i tell you that for us said the democratic republic of congo? thank you. so one of the most powerful hurricane to hit the contraband and yes is heading towards jamaica mutual logistics, but target can beveled to make mindful. later on wednesday, there's already left of trailer destruction through the se caribbean can at least 6 people, alexandra bicycles, barrel head in the middle of the night, and left nearly everyone on union island homeless. this is what's left of the tiny island, just 9 square kilometers large part of st. vincent and the grenadines,
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residents did what they could to survive. as homes were torn apart and windows broke around them. they said the pressure was so intense, they could feel it in their years. hardly anything's been left. standing. 90 percent of the hallways is been severely damaged, destroyed. there's devastation in grenada to barrow made land for monday as a category for hurricane. thousands of people are without power and communication systems are down. it is almost, i'm gonna give you a like, almost worth of damage of disruption of all buildings, complete devastation and destruction of agriculture, complete until the destruction of the natural environment. and barrels not done yet . the hurricanes charging towards jamaica emergency preparations are under way. if you live in a low lying area in the area,
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it's hard to call the proteins the loading on line side. or if you live on the bias of a river or a buddy, i implore you to be evacuated to a show top or to see if i grow at one points, barrel reach categories, 5 status with wins of at least 250 kilometers per hour. it's the 1st time a storm this powerful has hit. so early in the season meteorologist say it's due to record breaking heat in the north atlantic and sign to say that all due to global warming. there warning the season is on track to be much worse than usual. alexandra buyers out to 0 spell still has a all the do use out. i'm gum either in the drive of the program where millions of children will be receiving that bully or drop under the watchful eyes of the funding and is full of life all the like, something like this,
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present that you say a ronnie, james, the, the big side of the storms that we've been accustomed to the last week or 2 or more are still around, is this line here. now we're running slowly towards the eastern side of europe. so producing big dime polls in romania and probably west and ukraine. i'm being followed by the disappointment that is not really summary was a family when they often tried in sometime training for most of europe. now it's not true for this as greece took here, and suddenly i bury i should be seeing mostly. so i'm trying to solve it, warm sunshine, and the child themselves are fading away in the south. i think they will show themselves in greece over the next day or so. this is distasteful costs. but look
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what happens if you're in. that's a potent for example, or something sweet and it's just going to rain all the time and it's a fairly strong wind. temperatures are well, they dropped down to round about high teams, even low twenty's. so the real world is ukraine, maybe better, ruth, and russia, and then back united beer. and if you're lucky, i think parts of it to be as well. but here's an exam for you, seville, 41 degrees, and even here we cool down to 31. by the time you get this out today, and that's below average still hoffman most of north africa. but look at the size of these clumps of thunderstorms. we should be seeing them and we are seeing that when they leave the shows of africa, they become americans. this this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive nation sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties than just looks like beaches, historical and cultural tradition,
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bureau velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties. what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want? it creates all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? age guides, which actually a tournament and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the bill and entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before humans as well as human on al jazeera, of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about 2 or 3 of these out a reminder of all the top stories, sweet people have been injured and a stopping attack of the shopping not involved. and as well as the of cut, a man look forward to say to the victims are in serious condition. please have the attack that has been shots of the kills. it's the final day of campaigning in the united kingdom. it has all the general election. the probably been a service soon actively because some of the meeting folks has before they test the pallets on thursday. and the most powerful hurricane to hit the caribbean. so early in the storm season is heading towards jamaica. it's killed at least 6 people and left a trail of destruction in prenatal and some bins into the ground. the things behind stick about no 12 top story and the wolf in guns drawing me now is one. so schumann,
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he's a golf, the residents who lived through the war and rough on con, units before moving to castle. recently kentucky with this i got on the program again, people looking for food and shelter and a desperate search for medicine as always, being told to move again. why would they want to do that when the placing cause of a safe? i think that's part of the psychological waterfront against the scene, and people who are trying to remain steadfast and resilient in finding us in the city in hon. you want us even before this, this onslaught. there was a very bad situation when i was discussing with the different charities on the ground, they are, they were finding it very difficult to provide food and water and shelter to that evidence of kind. you want us and now with tens of thousands of new refugees coming in from the east of hon, you want us into center. and then what's the hind, eunice? this has even escalate to the issues, even sort of the them. so unfortunately, um it's going to be out of the very last few days moving forward and they are
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asking the international community to intervene as soon as possible to put an end to this after over 270 days of genocide attempts. and that has been the appeal from all those palestinians in gauze over over the last 7 to 8 months. you'd be speaking to people in con eunice in the last few hours. what are they being telling you about what's actually left to infrastructure? is that to help them? you know, we often hear this phrase. there's nothing left, there's nothing to go to. the medical facilities are not working. we can't get food and water, which is what you just described then. what are they being telling you in the last few hours? so right now there's only one working and send me work and costs present and also hospital that has some units that are working using solar power generated energy to operate some of the units in the hospital. in addition to that, that has been some farm land, which they were able to get some festivals and foods from the only kind of
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a the dissing coming in right now is the flower bags that are coming in from and from, from the south, from cut them up beside them, other than that they aren't seeing any other kind of food or water or shelter or clothes coming in. and i'm in contact, like i said with different chatted organizations. not only people, so they don't shouting out loud to the world at large that they need as soon as possible for old border crossings to be open. many of them have thousands, thousands of tons of aides at the borders of egypt and even in the northern borders, waiting for it to come in. and just waiting for approval from the is there any authorities, again, that asking about the international committee to the, to intervene until allows them to come in as soon as possible. yeah, i spoke to the wall street program had just a few weeks ago and he said that, you know, this is a very complicated process of trying to get the aide. and of course, there are many obstacles in the way, many of them put up by these ratings, but that's something the obviously is a,
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an appeal that is often repeated by those that need it in gaza. what can they tell you? the people who be speaking to about the fear of attack, whether it be, is riley bobbing or even fighting place. cortez con eunice is, is, is a big city, a big area. and i'm, or i would assume that they can still hear the fighting in the not too distant vicinity. what they tell you about what it's like when the sun goes down. and whether sleep is even possible. i'll be honest with you. people are almost non now to the, to the fighting and the drones in the air. and unfortunately, it's, it's been over 9 months. so people are in this situation where they are like, okay, when is, it's my turn to die or to get injured. when, when i add on all the food together with my family and for them, they don't think about it to the future. they think about
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a day to day because things change every hour in regards to step in find you on us . we've had, we've my, what, my wife 5, unfortunately has lots of loved ones over the last couple of days for president of the east of fran eunice. please note that to many people who refused to even leave these to find you with us, given that they've had to leave and come back so many times. so they're like, you know, watch for going to die. let's down our land in our house, or condolences to your personal lots as well as which room and we'll leave it there . and of course i will continue to speak to you throughout the day. thanks very much. thank you. the the wednesday monks, the final day of campaigning ahead of your all that presidential run of reform is candidates. masoud, especially skin and the conservative side jelly will face off on friday. pacific young 142 percent, and the 1st round voluntarily took 38 percent. right,
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so reco low 10 as the actions will help early after present volume recei was killed in a helicopter crash in may. the 2 taken part in final televised debates ahead of fridays one of sites and both candidates are promising to revive the countries failing economy tripled by western sanctions vessel. so the reports are from tyrone to this bizarre intent on has been one of the wrongs biggest commercial sensors for centuries. but business isn't as profitable as these used to be. luxury to items have been increasing the on affordable and store store goods for lower income buyers. many iranians heavily defeat the distribution with change any time soon for the chance. i'm 10 a few years ago. i could have gone on a trip with little money, but now i can go maybe once every $2.00. yes. elections change, nothing. i didn't vote and i went to attend the next round. this sense of hopelessness led to a record of what they're turned out in the presidential election last week for
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decades. west admissions, heavy and post sections on iran, or what is nuclear development program? leading solid and prizes and high rates of unemployment. but some people are holding out hope that the election might be positive change, but only a small parts of society enjoys good conditions. the rest are facing huge difficulties of the decades. what we need is not slogans by action. just a few people are controlling the power. i don't believe the elections are solution, but still is the only one as you're on is beach, in oil and gas reserves. sanctions have limited access to adverse technologies. for one thing is for them processing it's natural resources for high ability industrial products. as a result, it does crude oil to some nations that size is far below international rates, leading to low revenue. the presidential candidates are trying to win over the waters by promising this rule in greek conservative sides that it doesn't see
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sanctions as a challenge to believe that your own shall seek new markets and partnerships to create more jobs for young people you've often. but they say without having relations with the you ways, we can not increase revenue. but despite sanctions, there are so many opportunities in growth potential. we will have a lead in increasing domestic production with people's participation and the workforce reform is mr. business. downstairs, normalizing international relations with and sanctions, that's correct in west meant an enhanced business opportunities. you know, to each told us that to no government and history is the chief growth and prosperity within a cage. we must 1st interact and exchange with regional countries. and then other countries worldwide to grow and prosper a month or whoever wins the presidency, faces the daunting task of your why being an economy crippled by years of mismanagement and was corruption,
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as well as being excluded from the global financial system. just to say that hope to 0 to have it all. leaders from the shanghai cooperation organization, amazing for their annual, somebody to the style in the catholic capital, spent headed by russia in china. the regional block has been calling for quite that . you cannot make an security cooperation between the members is expended in recent years and represent small the 3rd of the wells population and a quarter of the claim and economy. the indian prime minister under moody is known to be absent sufficient as well. the video detains politicians on civil rights activists and military uniform as now, but some of the key to found. so rights groups are accusing the one to of forcibly conscripting dissenters. and critics of security in west africa deteriorates. because how cripples is not soldiers, but voice is critical of breaking up losses military june, to in uniform, 71 year old, a blessed a withdrawal go the countries former foreign minister, along with a prominent human rights lawyer and the leading civil society activist. all 3 were
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arrested last year, rights groups say, visits, video published by rotors, news agency, proves the workforce will be sent to the battlefield. having dared to challenge bringing a passage. and we can see if the country has been in a total war against army groups in the country and in this war, uh, everybody that is not the totally in the side of the government or its or is the government's perfect perspective on the situation. has been uh the risk of being victimized on groups linked to ice. so and i'll try to control 40 percent of a country slightly larger than the united kingdom. in 2023. the gent announced a mass mobilization law calling on any one fits and above the age of 18 to take up arms and fight for the nation. you know, has been used to target in a discriminatory manner. human rights defenders, but also independent voices that have been critical of the government. several
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international and local news outlet have been taken off air for their reporting on the battlefield losses and the growing discontent among commanding officers. rumors if possible, attempted cruise have shaken the agenda. meanwhile, millions mostly children who are being displaced by the ongoing fighting, working a foss, so our humanitarian colleagues say that the countries facing unprecedented humanitarian crisis was 6300000 people in need of humanitarian support and protection. we, along with our partners, are supporting the government's efforts to meet people's immediate needs wounded. but the public broadcaster continues to show apparent successes of the armed forces hoping to encourage those displays to return home the govern and says people are at liberty to express themselves freely. but these videos of forced conscripts serve as a reminder that being 2 outspoken may come at
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a cost. nicholas hawk. l g 0 colton. come 30, a sentence 10 environment let's do between 6 and 8 years in jail. the opponents of an activist group, the campaigns against destructive infrastructure projects, and alleged corruption. 3 of them were also convicted for insulting come bodies. king. the activists denied the challenges. the bulk hassan has laws de paleo vaccination campaign to immunize 11000000 children younger than 5, against a highly infectious disease. that'd be 6 cases of being recorded this. yeah, but security threats. harassments have medical teams and costs for the news until humphrey assets to investigate the virus. while hydro reports not from swap b districts, it's early morning in the lobby district in northwest and focused on health well, good accompanied by on police offices are going door to adult. as part of a polio immunization campaign, they administer the already rec,
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seem to children younger than 5. and maki chose to keep track of the number, but it may look like a simpler prostate. but the work is risky and a been relatively pull, some head to good and for years. so why ever say they did save only $5.00 a day and no transport or health benefits a component or do do a fully vancho. this is the only job we have to earn a living for our families. administering the drops is not easy. we a and the constant, the rate of being attacked even killed. but we don't have any of the option either we killed in the field. we face economic hardship, the police officers keep a close eye on the game. that's a hard drive for that. they're ready to avoid any attack of the government say at least a 100 and do for your free as well. okay. all fishers and security personnel have been good. 6 of them did see a whole he'll do with the the the providing security to pull you of explanation of
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workers is the most difficult duty we have. it's not the only them hor, under constant truck, we are equally vulnerable. the work is scattered, are predominantly by women in a conservative country where men are not allowed inside houses for you. and we are nice vision and the risk a business and focused on as dozens of for your well good and police run have been targeted over the years, but does, has nor done bring desperate in a bed to come to grips where the why it is that is still and then making a run is done and focused on the prime minister differently did adults sports meeting along with philanthropist? bill gates was foundation is funding the campaign. is committed to routing out the way that we've added almost close to of i think i told you from the face of pakistan. but then suddenly the unfortunate things took
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a negative done. and because again, coming back in certain parts of body style. but that does not mean that via fridge and efforts. however, scientists have gotten the large population crowds, bar, the movement and vaccine hesitancy, challenges to completely and advocating polio gum, all the data. so i'll be district type of bulletin pop robins focused on and come all joins us now from the shock. hi, come out. just bring us up to speed on how that vaccination program is progressing today of the way. uh, just to give you an idea. i did about 3840 a look uh to uh, located and 41 district. so focused on these the higher risk districts. 11 of them
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out in the fiber books on the pop robins. today we have heard that 240 a games have been attacked to policemen, injured some of den cdc, and that is happening yesterday. now the fact that the, despite the efforts by the government, despite overseas funding progress on that not being able to come to grips read this situation because of the cross bar the movement. but also to give you a little bit of context. it worked in 201-2011. when the united states boards hunting fall, been logged in. the central intelligence agency then started a fake immunization program, an average of odd in order to get more evidence about the brendan so or some of been logged in and navigate body. and as of god gave an excuse to i'm zoom fighting against the americans to say that did the immunization programs are funded by the americans for their. busy own purposes, so indeed the,
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that is why these are for little groups of a i become why does it, but they are under constant rich. and because of the situation and i've won, it's done in a porous border between focus on and one is done in the movement of papers. it then becomes very difficult to control. busy and right followed this why it is entirely good. well, thanks very much for the have that come out hard for us in the shower and north west pockets don't as well. police in india have lowest investigations after at least $121.00. people were killed and it's done paid on choose day families avoiding that relative to dollar to religious ceremony and then open stays and go to for dish. or would you say most of the dead, but women and children like for media reporting that the she's in suffocation may have caused people in the over crowded, tends to panic image and came to as well. the one of the other i'm doing says bring the dead injury to this hospital in utah, india,
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after stumpy at a religious event, you know, to per dash o d will kind of go to my career. it really tragic accident took place. really just stephen celebrating bullied baba, what's going on? he does have the village of pots or destroy around as tam did happen and people have died to yeah, it was made, dozens of people were injured. okay. and the desktop is expected to rise. if, if the people started falling on one another, those who were plus died, american people there, pulled them out. the cause of the stumpy isn't clear. some report suggest it began when people were leaving the side of the crowding may have been in fact, a initial report suggest more than 15000 people were attending the event which had permission for 5000. the states chief minister has ordered an investigation into the incident and i just got a got a good day today for the 1000. and indeed as prime minister showed the public,
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the government is offering support in the sort of god again. buddies, senior officials of the center bowman dot in constant touch with the dish common. i assure everyone to this house that the victims will be heard whenever you a little the administration is engaged in relief investigative work under the supervision of the state government. it's not the 1st time it's done, pete has happened at a religious event in india, all sorts of increase the police presence. it must gatherings and started using drawings for surveillance image and came out a 0 in the service both in his. deb, thank you. so how that starts at the corporate america, west columbia fort from a goal down to draw with brazil. it shows the progress of the quarter finals is great. when is a head start payments? you will have to read a controversial very all decision and now face a task to tie. in the next round, david states reports both sides will test in california, knowing that a victory would guarantee top spot increase. the columbia is how much rodriguez was inches away from opening the scoring early on. but it was a free kick from boston management fee. yeah,
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at the other end which broke the federal reserve, the 9 time corporate champions felt like should have been awarded a penalty would been this is junior, was broke down 3 minutes before half time decided otherwise. and instead it was columbia who scored an equal. i said before the break through daniel munos, colombia haven't lost the game since february 2022. and it was then you came closest to getting with the lights in the game. nevertheless, it's now $26.00 games and beaten for columbia who finished top of the group while brazil have to settle the 2nd. frustrated for that penalty. cool for you. this is, are you familiar with the size even because in the stadium, only, maybe the referee and the va team did not see that the penalty existed preserved
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once again to being severely punished by this. we have to be realistic. this is definitely a penalty. you have the game in that group, so cost to recap, a power of y 2. 1. thanks to to quit those in the 1st 7 minutes. and then a stunning, say you from the don't keep a patrick's equator, an injury time. but it was only vain because the draw and the other match method, costa rica finished, stood a point behind brazil. so for both sides, the tournament is now over david stokes, which is 0. so here's how the quarter finals the shape. how about the corporate columbia winning the grievance that such a most favorable class was panama walters. l face a tricky test again, do you regard defending champions argentina are up against at google and venezuela take on canada? so kids go keep up, pulled off many, according one of the greatest saves, and you'll raise history to help send to side and to the quote, to find those. mary, them are outputs up here in front, just 57 seconds into the last 16 months with austria. that's the quickest knockout
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. safe gold in the history of the tournament center, back schooled again. and the 2nd half fits of kids who knew up a coach suddenly enjoyed that one austria poor to go back. 3 substitute me holler. gregory rich. and they pressed for an equalizer and would have got one had not seen some met clinics, incredible sites, the in stone for each time it to see when it finished assessed here into the quotas for the 1st time since 2000. and they didn't do much done, some of the things i couldn't believe my eyes on it was spectacularly safe. maybe one of the best i've seen with my own eyes on the go and much deserves that he's the oldest player on the team. he has always guided us and showed us it upon the way for him. so it made me very happy that he made that saving the game. i. so it was great. benadryl, the celebrations, right? house across many cities in gemini,
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at the final whistle. the country has a large, toughest community, and these are the scenes in central portland, a thousands of took a offense trip to the streets. the gentleman capital will be very busy again on saturday. is that is with the kids course of final takes place and they will face netherlands at dylan pick stadium, a 4th place in the semi finals that speech remain yet 3 now never full occurred to get i opened the scoring with is the goal of this one and let me finish there as well, substitute darnelle moton and then go to light goals as an evidence reach that 1st goal to find that yours in 16 is the final result is always the most important. but the we adults and how long the we have to play. well, we have to play offensive. i think the whole performers most outstanding debts, what we need to have a chance to, to continue in this tournament. if you go down in that level, then we don't to reach the final what a match to kick off the quarter finals on friday, heis,
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germany up against spain. all give me the 2 best side so far this one that, that slide by renado it gives them best buy is portable take on fronts. and on saturday, england place switzerland before netherlands face to face you. meanwhile, george's plaza thing given to harris. welcome back home. thousands of fans packed into the central square of to b. c. to celebrate the team's daily performance of the yours, the highlights a to know when it was portable to reach the knockout. but then they went on to get these buys bang. for the sounds of these items have officially presented that new play a ronnie james, the 19 year old who was james junior on his jersey because he's now on the same team. is his dad. le bron james. you're tons 40 this year. i'm was that to watch the press conference, they all set to be the 1st fall, the sun g o in n b a history. and perhaps not surprisingly, ronnie was off a lot of questions about his dad, who was the o time leading point score in the league. just for sure. the amplified amount of pressure. um, i've already seen it,
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stuff media and stuff on it. and the evidence of talking about i might not deserve an opportunity, but you know, i've been dealing with stuff like this for my life. i. so it's, it's, it's nothing different but it's, it's, it's more amplified for sure, but get through it. and now to yet, and i thought hey, run from baseballs biggest show, hey, it's on a. he smashed his 27th of the season as the la dodgers be the irish and a diamond back 65 is what i'm traveling more than a 130 meters high into the stands. it's all just stadium sending the set out crowd of $53000.00 crazy adult is remain top of the nationally majestic. i mean, that is what you'll support for me for now, but i will be back later, including the latest from wimbleton called us. of course i'm going to consider and actually make them look forward to that chat with thanks. payments fully. we'll go next. have more news to statements here on
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the the, the, the plan of a 3rd through that led to the printing, the manama. we have an end and have a friend to find out the funds have been given my letting, seeing if any of them catching done up a flash back. they were interested in the project and a for you by the shepherdess amazing. the schedule that they should be able to get them for the mornings in oklahoma cuz she got you. the
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the to is really is, are injured. and it's driving a tank at a shopping mall in northern israel. police say the attacker has been shot and is in hospital the play. you're watching, how to 0 live from to high with me for the vegetable. also coming up a week of relentless is really bombing in guys that she, j, a neighborhood in the north of this trip will have the latest on the ground or you


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