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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now, the every debate con, is taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their property and to be able to recover quickly after that. they probably can jamaica bracelets for hurricane valid off to the test through the se caribbean can at least 6 people and causing significant damage and destruction. the ottoman, this is elena 0 life from the hospital. so coming up as of almost as 500 long fits
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to move in as well. following the calendar, one of his senior mom just as trying as well looks set to approve the largest seizure of land and the occupied westbank. and moving 3 decades does u. k. government administer conceit and conservative party is heading for the fees on the 8 of those days general election. the one of the most powerful, hurricanes to hit the caribbean in years is heading towards jamaica. these urologist expects hurricane bell to make land full life on wednesday. the category full storm has already left a trail of destruction in the south east, caribbean and killing. at least 6 people. jamaican problems to andrew homeless joined us already a. he said his government and the nation are prepared for the storm. the government is at its highest level of alert unpreparedness. all the entities that are
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responsible for the state and emergency response are localized. we have 900 show those right across the island. i would say that's about 90 percent of them are mobilized and ready. so from a government perspective, the government is ready. the government also engaged in on intensive information. analyzation comes in without citizens for the last 3 or 4 days. so from a hostile level, the domain kind of households have information about how to protect themselves out to protect their property, and how to respond after the hurricane has passed. my own assessment is that every debate con, is taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their property and to be able to, to recover quickly after they, they are retained. so i think that i log is prepared, we are installed right now. we have started to experience, argue in conditions,
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but not yet severe. so we are still some way i'll maybe 3 or 4 hours out from actually experiencing severe hurricane conditions. and we are expecting that by virtual off the category of this opportunity, which is a project adult to be a category for a ad, but it reaches rebecca, it could potentially go in grades or category 3, still dangerous, sorry can, which would cause storms or it is a heavy rain potential destruction tool will still infrastructure the residential and commercial properties. and um, in the interior we may very well experience a lot of sites. but we do have plans for that and we are prepared. we have identified on the low line areas, and that is essentially on the so eastern cost of jamaica, where we would have potential of significant damage. there are show toes in
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proximity to these areas of high enrolled. and we have implemented on the aisle disaster risk management act. i mean back to me is on the border. once we have made the assessment and we have made some assessments, then we will, i am far as those are those and to assist residents in relocating. but outside of that for the last 3 or 4 days, we have been employing residents and some have responded and have moved voluntarily to living on where hezbollah says it's 500 rockets to with northern as well. often one of his senior come on is was killed in his really strike is rarely false, has targeted and back on in the highest area and the city of the tire is way the
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defense minister. you all get on says the attack proved as well could hit, has bola every day that's bringing on correspondent as a big, he's joining us live from much. are you and in southern lebanon, a lot of activity behind you of the past. our assets tell us about the hezbollah colanda who's been killed and the groups response a well listen to his beloved londo is a senior colonda and he was head of the, of these division. and i'm instead of another non, it's a, it's a split up into different districts. a, he was a commander, i'm one of the units that took charge of one of those districts. now this is very significant. he's a senior colonda. we understand there was a drone strike and a cause i was traveling and hit him and another individual were killed. now his name is my husband's name and also this is a colonda that to his beloved said has been killed. and then last few moments of also released footage of a name on no,
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sir. taking part in operation back in 1999 against. is there any forces that this, this is significant because these are senior, come on, disney bought some grand experience and it comes just under a month after another is the combined of which i was also killed in the aspect again, someone with back to the ground experience and what it shows is that as well as penetrating liberties as space and time got these aspects and don't drones strikes against his beloved forces, as well as his beloved senior come on. does an, as you said, is, will a, has responded to that to assess the nation. they say with over 100, patricia rockets, not just over our goal. we had those rockets taken off from here in southern lebanon. and then you saw them striking positions on the goal was on heights and i could still see in fact, the smoke rising. i'm not sure if you can see the on the camera, but hopefully i will come and right. if i to zoom in to the positions on the go with and heights it is still smoke rising and, and the last hour in also seeing is really full of his pocket,
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a ton of hell. and behind me, as well as his beloved launching rockets from somewhere behind this end is really defensive, trying to intercept those. so it's been a very busy couple of hours. and what's his belie says is that they have responded within the framework. they say of the assessment ation that took place entire of one of their senior commanders. so thank you for that update. as dave, with an agent joining us live from much to you and in southern lebanon. is there any forces involved in the area in the and also hospital in con eunice and southern dasa on their reports of multiple casualties including children. the house that was hits was next to a school for displace palestinians, and injured people have been rushing to nozzler hospital for treatment. that's off to a quarter of a 1000000 people have fled pots of southern gaza in recent days following in his way the evacuation order, including the patients with the european hospital forcing other health facilities
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in the strip under the strain that's bringing our correspondence in gaza. thought a couple of assume he's joining us live from then on the law in central gaza. so thought what are you hearing about the strike on a robin near nozzler hospital in con eunice? just elizabeth this to i couldn't find the test. so this is a 5 story residential building that was apparently empty for me, it's residence part. the effect has been immensely destructive, where they can hire 5 build. the stories have been completely destroyed then level to the ground where 7 palestinians have been so far for pull to india, then those who have been injured, which ones fit to and also hospital in order to get proper medical cap box. the attack has been carried out in a very densely populated area. as it's most vermani thing of view is that thousands of palestinian families are living in the area that has been taught did when the facility of no sort hospital causing a great deal of a frustration or even panic among boost residential are no longer can feel safe.
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especially in light of the repeated controversial mandatory evacuation orders that had been passed to those residents in the past couple of days in order to flee the eastern areas. full con, you just and this isn't usually a tax exempt is about has been recently using, which is pre fighting and re attacking areas that they have been operating in before. but generally we have been observing multiple strikes across the street, special needs the finals of the tax report, at least 8 palestinians have to report it killed in 2 separate strikes. that's how targeted to residential houses where the bus majority of the was victims, where young children losing the palestinian voice, who was absolutely heading towards the place headless due to the attacks that had been closing the trail of destruction to the area that was targeted. as we have been hearing from medical sources come signing for i 0 or that not least would that set to palestinians have been killed so far since done today and over the entire trip on the move. clear of intensification of is very minute treat attacks in sha
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yes, neighborhood where they have been using intensive fi drones to attract people who are moving of any pros alone site that there's 2 families trust in that area being on april to be rescued by the civil defense friends who are expressing their ability to get inside a she's the yeah. in order to who's search, i'm looking for us to buy this. um its a w compartments invest a neighborhood that had been turned to be absolutely a pile of brussels. the course of it is without feeling a tax in that area. elizabeth thought it thank you very much for that data thought it was. and then with the latest on that, a major attack me and also hospital and southern gaza. is there any is expected to go ahead with a massive lance asian from the occupied westbank. if it happens that would bring the total amount of land taken by the state to reco $12.00 square kind of makes us this year and would make it the largest land grab and all the 3 decades. that's
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according to settlement tracking organization peace. now one's on the is ready to control the rights of palestinians to that land and no longer recognize and they can no longer use it. that's bringing my calls upon that me, that abraham, she's joining us live from tamala in the occupied west, back near the tell us about what piece now is saying a piece now is saying that with this 6000 units that are expected to be approved in the meeting that is currently taking place in the negatives where the supplement of that l that we're talking about. $9000.00 and legal is really supplement units being pushed and approved for this year on in 2023. we were talking about 12000 units and more than 12000 units being pushed in advanced in the occupied to us bank. and that number last year was considered a record high number when it comes to the expansion of the league. it is really supplements in the occupied with bank. as you mentioned, they are, we're not only talking about segments units. we are also talking about land grabs,
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which ultimately, even though they are wrapped and taken in confiscates, it's under a different pretext. and that sort of reserves submitted through ease. owens and what have you. in the end, we see them change the purpose of which the land has been taken on allowing only indian is really supplements to be expended at the expense of the indigenous palestinians. let me give you an idea. 60 percent of the occupied westbank plans are designated as area seats, as for the agreements between palestine and israel that were signed in the 19 ninety's. and they're the palestinians who want to expand the construction or building new constructions. have to have is way the prove. those permits are 99 percent of the time never given. so that leaves the palestinians, you know, farming those lands and trying to raise on them to keep them to maintain them. and at the other hand, we see
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a really record amounts of is really units being expanded to the, in the good is really supplements. so that gives you an idea of how the occupying power is acting against the international law and giving lands that belongs to the occupied nations to the suppliers and open the tools and bothers and some would even say bragging it up because this follows a finance minister best at all, smart treasures, comments last week about expanding and legal specimens, and about how the they have plans to give legal approval. they're not legal on the international, but they will be made legal on to is really brought to existing to historic illegal settlements. and that's why we often elizabeth use the words exec eulley rather than legalize because when it comes to the legal is really supplements in the occupied westbank. some of them are just considered out force, which is when is subtler is decide to bring a cut of one or 2 and build on lands that belongs to palestinians and then gets
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read through actively recognized by these really government, although they've given the services. now what we've been seeing in the past few weeks with this car into right wing government is that, that eliminating some of the steps that would be taken to it regulates and allow for more a leak. it is really supplement unit and we've seen also how but tell us what storage some of the properties or let's call it the a. how he is allowed to promote that used to belong to the minister of defense with transferred to bet. so let's look at this and he was given the title of a minister in the ministry of defense and all of these regulations we're put into his hands. and we've seen also how he has been changing the process to allow employees in his own ministry to approve those indicators really supplements faster
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and faster need. thank you very much for that context. that's like all us, one that me that able to him live in my life. and that's all she has. and as well say one soldier has done it off to being stabbed at a shopping mall in the northern city of caught me a police say the attacker has been shot. his father, mother and sister have been arrested. that is where the government has band, which is 0 from the whole thing from as well. so i'm the son who has been reporting on the story from jordan's capital a month. it was really security sources. and officials say that the attacker, a palestinian citizen of israel from the northern town of no. what was the alleged attacker in this incident? they say the 2 people were initially injured one critically and one seriously. but one man has later died a both of those victims in their twenty's now is really, authorities had arrested the family members of this palestinian man, a common tactic of collective punishment. we see carried out by is really police
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and is really forces against palestinians. they accuse of carrying out attacks another form of collective punishment. we see is the demolition of homes of palestinians. these really state has accused of carrying out attacks. it's something they say is necessary to interrogate the family members to bring them in for questioning to see if they have any sort of involvement. but often times the family does not know and the attackers act by their own volition. but now we do not know if these family members have been released, but again, this is a common tactic that is used by is really security forces. and why that is, where the government has band elda 0 from the operating in israel, which is why we have a full chain from neighboring georgia. still ahead on knowledge of the era, china's electric comment because braces terrace is major going to you and gauge and to, to see was a next federal agent trade dispute. the
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on counting the cost us debt continues to balloon should americans and the rest of the will be worried. swift nomics all taylor swift concepts and boosting local economies and races introducing longer office hours, but will a 6 day week. welcome. counting the cost on al jazeera listings in the gaza strip as easily as long thoughts continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing, the best examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to ship fun, they started attacking the machines,
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unflinching john noise. and what message do you think that they were trying to send will come here? and we'll tell you and meet it, sharing personal stories with a global audience it's you will determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on the pundents world. class progress on ours is the or the, [000:00:00;00] the to watching me. and as we put on and don't have a reminder about top stories, the sound, one of the most powerful hurricanes to hit the coward in his heading towards jamaica. these are all the just expect tara can vouch mach landfill nation on wednesday. the category for storm has already left a trail of destruction and the se,
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caribbean kenning. at least 6 people has been less, has it's 500 for kids to what stolen as well. so one of the senior commodities was killed and then as rainy as traffic is ready for photographers back with the highest area in the middle east cities tires. and as we're on, is expected to go ahead with the mass of land seizure in the occupied west bank. this would make to the largest land grab and all the sweet decades that supporting the settlement tracking organizations piece now is the final day of campaigning in the u. k. head of the general election prime minister, where she's soon act from the governing, conservative party and labor, lead a kissed alma, have been these invoices before they cost the balance on thursday. the latest opinion polls suggest to me the policy is set to win a landslide victory and a 14. yeah. as a conservative rule. as tom has now received 8 symbolically important endorsement.
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james base has moved from london. if you look at the polls not much has changed throughout this 6. we can pain labor double digits ahead in the polls. but of course, it's not the polls the count. it's the votes that count the votes with the cost. when the polls open up 15 hours from now, i was telling you about in some ways is a little bit of money. the thing in terms of the big picture, still symbolically important here in the u. k. and that's the some newspaper owned by rupert murdoch. the son, newspaper claims of always chosen the window of the stoplight newspaper in the u. k . elections. the sun is go to a headline. it says it's time for a new manager. and we don't mean sex southgate a reference to the english football manager, garrett southgate. and they are talking about the time for kids, comma to take over. they say that he's moved his policy to the center one the right to govern. so
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a relatively important endorsement and of course not as important newspapers as they used to be decades ago. i remember more than 3 decades ago, the 1992 election when the son of kind it was the one that up that it's one that selection when uh, when a new clinic was defeated by joe major, they famously have the headline. it's the son won't want it on the following day. of the wednesday marks the final day of campaigning ahead of yvonne's presidential bundle float on friday. the 2 candidates have been holding, they find round these conservative sides of the took 38 percent of the 1st round, roughly will most kinds of this message is, possess key on 142 percent and avoid that. so a record low turnout. elections will help early after president a, but i, as he was killed in a helicopter crash in may for testers, have killed one person in the democratic republic of congo as eastern town of
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temple. it's the latest sash attacked by demonstrations. raising the number of people killed to 8 since friday on sunday, protests has attacked the humanitarian con for killing to aid will. cuz the angry of the communist governments response to the m. 23 rebels with fighters have captured the several towns and the north cubic province. in recent days and what county has the latest front of the temple, this is just so you just need to open the damn. well, he already made it very confused and also very fast due to the ongoing fighting between the f part of the seats. and um, 23 sort of just took, you know, mrs. away from this area that you met the other one and make it successful more difficult for the population because of putting people to the body kid on the between the stone of the end of it or where the fighting is going on. even those people were killed 2 days, 3 days passed there by this feeling, the place and all that been. so no one asked if not even the security forces
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because of the facilities which are still going on on the ground. and on the, on the front, the line of the, the re forcing some sort of yes, we have seen the genitals organizing different simself. quite concerned about those sort of just those who are living the 4th line to go back the actual out of the population that they would do. the best reminder to come to the area under this stand for the print, unable spot to this one, and then put you through the making more a move, and that's on another side, the word to the, to, to the last time as knowledge. if i take still going on in the video for 2nd, and we're expecting to know what's going on there about the minutes on here in the see to table. people still questioning whether this is this one will be under the quote total 50 off the on their funding days, a little icon. it will table the democratic part because to kenya. now with demonstrations the court in for more protests to full president william root will have to step down businesses and i'm worried about the future. after several
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shops were looted and property destroyed you in protests over the past week. catherine. so i have a port from nairobi, the city center is now home following those classes between the police and protest . this is not just happening and i really believe and some of, uh, this functions have tons violence um, in one box. uh we, so a cute uh destruction of property vehicles will burn the market uh why you said and so on. so is a lot of worry about that and a lot of cash is the same going for what, what needs to be done. they say that they want to see how this composition, this dialogue between the young people and the president is going to see out
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ways you have to 7 for this news. you know, it has should be peaceful. but now we're witnessing some people engaging and losing most of the people who are affected in a tuesday is process our business owners to some of them coming out. oh yeah. uh, by calling saying that they are trying to protect their businesses. some individuals have been trying to take advantage of the process has been full. so people here are very worried about how this will play out going forward, especially if it's positive to continue casting story all the 0 china and the european union in discussing plan power of song chinese electric vehicles that you announced levies of up to 38 percent to compensate for what it says on fed government subsidies if no agreement is reached, that usually is will come into effect on thursday is katrina, you have
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a pull from badging in china, electric vehicles o e v. a club inside the country has the largest battery powered comma in the world . the government initiatives that have led to the industries growth. and now the focus of intense negotiation between the european union and chinese officials. the you would choose as china of on sally, subsidizing the industry and wants to raise tires on imports. the move has and good badging to get in with you to china. it has expressed a resolute opposition to the use and the subsidy in investigation, and advocated proper handling of a good nomic of trade frictions through dialogue and the consultation. to propose changes will depend on each manufacturer as cooperation, but the investigation and would be added to the 10 percent tariff already in place for to make a b, y, d faces the lowest additional judy of 17.4 percent will say merchant is would be subject to the biggest hug of 38 point one percent,
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non chinese manufacturers who produce in the country including tesla and b, m. w will also be effected for non us domestic economy unemployment. so this is not good news because that means in the next few years, we'll probably see more of an incentive to move my capital and the investment overseas. so that's not the jobs created in china. china describes the move as protection is and has defended the rapid growth of its electric vehicle markets as the result of receptive consumers and definitely developed industrial network. there's also thing criticism from within the european union, including the lynn, which is one of the white a trade during the visit to china last month. germany's economic assessments to cold the tire. it's a dangerous development. the exports are in terms of the countries like china and germany must work against this tendency also separates at markets. china has
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already threatened to impose terraced on european port, opening an anti dumping investigation into imports in june, katrina alpha 0 aging. and that's it for me, elizabeth, put on them for the past. obviously you can always keep up to date on our website and i'll just say i don't can stay with us counting the cost or something that the of the why we should be in the drawing amounts are in the easier that's debatable that a big thunder storms around and they're in the full cost again bonior, java, bali. and so the way you see at the philippines where is rather more normal. and of course you would expect to see them in their china where they have been the seasonal rains in china itself. have moved knowles quite taken, claudser leap actually. so boss is still flooding sides of the yang. see that will
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be alive too slow to go away. and we top of whatever is on the ground to the knolls and stretching across the us. each of the creating plants that which of course recently had really quite a big dime pool. and this will continue during fridays and next, rather on certain wave producing yet more heavy right in this part of china heading towards gina. and eventually taking the same track may be reaching japan size of is it still hurt? i'm not dry. o base is a cost moist. warm southwest flight at the moment so you can fly. so another ride is full cost of me in my in store for thailand. and you'd expected, it's also true, of course, in bangladesh. and the warnings are in the northern plains of india and through northern pakistan. because these don policy send storms a big same is true down the west and gets with the heaviest right pulse with their for the south carolina on the
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ears from i'll just say on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we, the fix on line from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out is 0 new at you think? is it the hello? i'm adrian's son. again, and this is counting the cost on elda 0. your we can look at the world of business, and they couldn't fix this week. us dep continues to grow its own tracks or reach
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more than 50 trillion dollars over the next decade. should americans and the rest of them will be well rich dumps with nomics taylor swift concepts


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