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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the knowledge is the way the is riley strikes target homes in hon. eunice. and in all sort of hospital, one of calls is due functioning medical facilities. the i'm sammy's a, them, this is out just a live from the hall. so coming up as the law says, it's by the 100 rockets towards northern israel, following the killing of one of it senior commanders in an s strong israel looks set to approve the largest seizure of land in the occupied west bank and more than
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3 decades twice every to bank is taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their property and to be able to recover quickly after the power can barrels grapes, the southern part of the island and tends to mexico and securing 6 people in southeast and carb in the beginning gone so where israel is relentless bombardment has killed at least $45.00 palestinians on wednesday. is ready for us is bomb than area. and then also the hospital in con eunice, in the south. the house that was hit was next to a school for displaced palestinians injured people have been rushed off to the hospital for treatment. that's off to a quote of a 1000000 people fled pots of southern gauze or in recent days following and this riley evacuated,
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can order the deals this to leave a home didn't come here. and then they boomed us. what is this? if this was the time, then we should have said to no homes and not come here and they would have bummed us the. what was the point of coming here and being boomed? why do we live like this? what is this injustice that we have subjected to the quote why? yeah. well, why don't i go to get some water only to be shot by the sound of 2 rockets that destroyed everything. then go down and evacuated, my children and my family. no one was in the house. now people are trying to take a few simple things. we don't have even a house. the house was already destroyed and uninhabitable and it was destroyed again. but this time it was completely demolished. nothing is left. start a couple i zoom has been reporting for us from that and by in gaza. yes. the latest on the strikes. here's the william in a tree is ok scaling the minute 3 attacks on multiple areas in the gaza strip. but
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the main focus today wasn't the newest of because of strep, or at least a palestinian half the revolt killed in the latest is when it strikes on got a very marginalized parts of the gaza strip, where number of residential houses being completely targeted. and the dispatch on that anastasia unit for him to continue that we offer tests and there is what else the patient poses where families are still trapped inside that neighborhood without getting any sort of help from the power of city and 70 defense crews. all absolutely on april to get to that place due to the intensity of is very been bought while in the pot south of the territory of 5 is still rebuilding has been completely leveled to the ground after being targeted with 2 is very strikes. that's how it turns into place into the rustle, suppressing fee and panic among families who have been mosley, and internally displaced. also receiving multiple evacuation oldest by these but um it, so now what is the cause of the health ministry? more than thirty's? how does the names have been so far?
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hills did you to the is very own going attacks on the script avenue to fill now. and it ends up for this home govern, gets hacked when they had 3, sorry, capacity. i'll just be right there with that i how to sign says it's exchanged some ideas with mediators on a potential deal for the release of captives. israel size is now studying the offer and will be giving its response. the association of families of israeli prison is detained in garza, his side is the deal is not accepted. millions of his race will take to the streets . the organization said it will not allow the government to once again obstruct an agreement that would bring his right of captives back home. well, he's ready. government has banned out this era from reporting in israel. so this also joins us now from jordan's capital on mine. so i'm the, does this name the negotiations are not frozen at this point as
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well. anonymous is really source to say they're approaching this with cautious optimism. it's a word we've been hearing throughout the entirety of the negotiations, not just throughout the last 6 months, but in fact, when the 1st cease fire deal came around at the end of october in early november. now let's so try to walk through exactly what has happened to year at the end of may on the 27th. these relays have given their proposal to the bite and ministration and mediators. on the 30. 1st of may, us president joe biden laid out a 3 phase plan that would ultimately end the war. but on june 11th, what, how much gave their response, it was slammed by both these rallies and the americans saying that they had removed key proponents of the deal. and last sunday on june 24th is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu gave an interview to his really media where he essentially said he wasn't committed to that deal. but he was only committed to something partial that would see the release of some captives. but later clarified his remarks after
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they received much push back from families of captives. so now, well, both sides are signaling that there is some sort of positive sign. they're still saying don't them as sources of course. but there are a lot of obstacles to overcome in that 3 phase deal. it says there will be a complete withdrawal of his really forces at some point that is something, these really have been saying they are not willing to give up. and how much this thing, that's something that's absolutely necessary. anonymous sources are also saying that these negotiations could take time while there is a sign that they could be moving. that trajectory could be slow. now i'm the, these write, the statement came from the must side. now i know that the most side is, is part of this negotiation process. why the statements coming now from the must side? why now? it will look you have these really negotiating team which consists of the heads of mission bed and the most on the internal and
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external security agencies. and there has been mounting pressure on nets and yahoo from allies like the united states and from these really public, from the families of is really captive. who said that nothing yahoo was not taking these negotiations seriously, but he has been neither willing nor capable to come to the table. and except to deal with bringing back the captive was not his main priority. and we just heard tonight from the hostage and missing families for him saying that these really government and this and you all who specifically can not fumble this deal, meaning that there will be millions of is really so are protesting if a deal is not reached. so there's been a lot of pressure saying that that's an yahoo is not taking this seriously. and perhaps that other sort of actors would be taking it more seriously. so it could be a sign for all of the families of the campuses, perhaps for international allies of israel, but these really party is taking these negotiations seriously. all right,
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we'll leave it that. thank so much have the solved coaches reporting tonight from a mine in jordan because these re, to government found out just sierra, from operating in israel to lebanon. now, what has the law says? it's $500.00 rock is towards northern israel. the sold posit, around 10 operations on wednesday targeting is really minutes re sites that action follows and is right. the strike on the house area in the lebanese city of fire, which kills a senior, has the law come on as well as defense minutes. they all go on says mid threes, ready to take whatever action is required and up. and then including fighting on the ground. a correspondent, i said, vegas invited to you and in southern lebanon devices. the senior has, with aquanda, killed today, has been named justin. how much new my not certain that he was in charge of the as easy unit. now, south lebanon is separated into 3 divisions or districts, and sees as these unit was responsible for one of those divisions. a long delivered
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on israel border. now it's a significant loss for his blah, he was a senior commander. we have considerable experience. in fact, the produced a video of him taking part in the operation against is ready for us is back in 1999 here in the says of live. and on the, as a result is below, has retired to 10 separate attacks including foreign, $100.00 patricia rockets, the votes to a hit to the occupied goals and heights. in fact, you're on, we heard some of those missiles and rockets taking up some stuff they've done. i mean stalls and hitting the occupied those in height to sort of smoke rising and some of those fires. now what has been law has said that their response is within the framework in terms of responding to the kidding ghost estimation of the senior colanda. but it has been very busy today as well as also being talked and sensitive and on a some fear that this is an escalation of to the king of the senior commander. i start vague, i just data measure you on size. the webinar is where i was expected to go ahead
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with a massive line cesar in the occupied west bank. well, this will bring the total amount of land taken by the state to a rec, hold 12.7 square kilometers this year. we make it the largest line gravity, nova 3 decades, according to solomon, frank and organization peace now knew that abraham has mall from ramallah in the occupied westbank since the war starts. it is, or it has been advancing more supplement units in the lead. and his re supplements in the occupied westbank and confiscating lands in 2023. we were talking about the records, high number of southern men, 2 and it's being promoted with that number was 12000 now in 2024. we are talking about almost 10000 units being promoted or in the process of being advanced in the occupied west bank, making palestinians say that as well as continuing with its projects of expanding
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in league. it is really supplements in the occupied to us bank at the expense of the indigenous people. they say that the goal is to push has many palestinians out of their lives and replace them with is really 2nd, there's with the expansion of those units with the expansion of the supplements in the occupied with bank. we've been seeing an increase in secular attacks against palestinian. so all of these plans are being preceded by palestinians here as the another way to consolidate the supplements presence and the settlers presence here in the occupied wes thing need that, but he just need a few probably the worst thing kind of find a more than 50 palestinian men were released from his right to jails on monday, one of the new system that was imprisoned in 2002 to being a member of the wing of the palestinian group. but he's been talking to all the 0 balance his experience. i mean, my mood or thoughts from garza use of nothing done has extended
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21 years in multiple is really jails. now 63, he walks with his grandson one till earlier this week. he had never met on monday use of was released back into the gaza strip. he describes the moment after his very forces removed, his blindfold dropped him off on a dusty street and told him to start walking with the hedge with the mark. i just had the model actually nothing but destruction. when i was released i didn't even see people any except this don't to found me in the street and called my family was very emotional when i sold them. i cried because of those who killed and wounded and those living on the street because they have nothing, including my wife and children. and we don't even have a time to live in. my house is next door to so you use it as a greeted by friends and those who have come to pay their respect. some were not even born when his really forces took him away more than 2 decades ago. he describes how you conditions a change when the war began and october. what do you want for the 1st and 2nd day
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after the war started, the prisoners were attacked, and all their belongings were confiscated. televisions radios, close even the money we used to buy food from the campaign with the foldable. that was $6.00 to $9.00 people in each. so they started putting 15 people in the same size use of was meant to be released in november. but his randy authorities told him he had to stand to trial again. no lawyer was made available to him. he was sentenced to another 6 months and a transferred to a different prison. he was there, he met many men who had been detained since the beginning of the war in their home . a lot of them and they, they weren't a miserable condition. they were handcuffed and the bones in their hands were clearly visible out of the skin on their backs and peels away. they cooled on the ground because they was so when they had no food, they had no water for washing themselves. they had no clothes. some of them hadn't showered in much at this room, was that they would be 3 times
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a day. they were forced to say and repeat the worst woods about themselves because that was bad smells came from a dirty bodies. and one of them that you wouldn't believe how distinguish you wouldn't be i have to use my daughter was 4 years old when he went to jail universal. her again is out of my down in that go see that i was most and especially it was enough of prison during ramadan. when i was told my daughter, her 4 children and had a husband being killed. the last one i saw that she was 4 years old is that on the 1st day of age, we will be badly regardless of health conditions will age. we will accumulate that day deprived of food will to close. and so when the police officer told me they'd like to go home and i said i didn't want to be released. she almost why i couldn't . i told her because the last time they said that they took me to another prison and to be cases live this hi live the reality of life in gaza. palestinians release
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it from his really captivity are unable to return to the live. the ones knew their homes are no longer a safe haven. their family members a loved ones. last with only their memories to hold onto honey. my mode vieira from the fins road part of the guys of palestine said i had an al jazeera, a major pole in the okay, predicts electra this oscar for the routing conservatives. the labor policy predicted to secure the largest majority in mobile reports which history the unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough. it looks like we're off, it looks like so on heard voices, we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the
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past 100 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land, the strings on out to 0. the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award,
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denominator hero. now the or come back here watching out 0 time to recap the headlines now. is there any full series of bummed in area and then also the hospital in san eunice in the south of garza? the house that was, it was next to a school, so displaced palestinians, and saucer. a closer a 1000000 people fled pots of southern gauze and recent days following in industry . the evacuation order. as the law says, is $500.00 rockets towards northern israel. also one of its seen a come on. this was killed by and this way the strike is right, a forces talk to the village, a vehicle rather in our sherry at 11. a city of,
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for you, is around is points to go ahead with a massive line see showing the occupied westbank would make it the largest line cravett over 3 decades. park and barrow has scraped the southern parts of the island of jamaica with category full destructive wins as high as $225.00 comments as a now it's one of the most powerful harkins to hit the camera being in the years. so that's the trade of destruction in the southeast region, getting at least 6 people with a storm. we'll take a swipe for the cayman islands the 1st day to make him prime minister and all of us towels out to 0. he's government and nation per pet. are going to is at its highest level of alert unpreparedness. all the entities that are responsible for the state and emergency response are localized. we have 900 show those right across the
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island. i would say that's about 90 percent of them are mobilized and ready. so from a government perspective, the government is ready. the government also engaged in on intensive information. analyzation comes in without what citizens for the last 3 or 4 days. so from a hostile level, the domain kind of households have information about how to protect themselves out to protect their property, and how to respond after the hurricane has passed. my own assessment is that every job background is taking the necessary steps to protect themselves and their property and to be able to, to recover quickly after they, they are retained. so i think that i log is prepared, we are installed right now. we have started to experience arguing conditions, but not yet severe. so we are still some way out, maybe 3 or 4 hours out from actually experiencing severe hurricane conditions. or
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we aren't expecting that by virtual us, the category of this opportunity, which is a project adult to be a category for ad, but it reaches the bank or it could potentially go in grades or categor retreat, still dangerous, or we can, which would cause storms or it is a heavy rain potential destruction to or still infrastructure and the residential and commercial properties. and um, in the interior we may very well experience a lot of sites. but we do have plans for that and we are prepared. we have identified on a low low line areas, and that is essentially on the so eastern cost of jamaica, where we would have a $10.00 significant damage. there are shelters getting problem 17 to these areas
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of high enrolled. and we have implemented on the aisle disaster risk management act . i mean back to me is on the border once we have made the assessment and we have made some assessments and we will, i am far as those are those and uh, assist the residents in relocating. but outside of that for the last 3 or 4 days, we have been employing residents. and so i'm have responded and have both body integrity. now hearken, warning is also now and in fact for part of mexico. let's go live now to julia again. yeah, i know she joins us from mexico city. so 1st of all, julia, we know the edges of barrel have given jamaica. lashing wants damage has been done as well. i think to get a real um, assessment of all the damage that the storm will leave behind, will have to wait a bit longer until the storm has fully passed. and authorities in jamaica has been
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able to come out and assess exactly what's been happening. we've been monitoring live cameras in the, in kingston, the capital, and we can see currently the city being hit by very strong rain and winds. however, the extent of all those risks that we just heard, the prime minister mentioned won't really be known uh for a couple of hours until the storm has fully passed. and we can really, you know, authorities to really go out there and see what damage it's cost. to see if it's really been as, as bad as they expected it to be. all right, we're looking for was, we know cayman islands is next on the list the full barrel reaches mexico. how people in the hurricane pos, preparing for it as well in the cayman islands. this is expected to be uh, one of the strongest hurricanes in over a decade. so people, there are, of course, going through the usual routine of these islands. basically every hurricane season, we're talking about an area of the world that's pretty used to this routine. and
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increasingly so in recent years as the storms have become more frequent and more powerful. so we're talking about boarding up their homes, bringing up their boats from the, from the shore, from the sea, of starting up on food, etc. and mexico, specifically, where we are in the yucatan peninsula, which is one of the main tourist centers. and mexico evacuations are already under place. keep in mind however, that by the time the storm hits, mexico is expected to have downgraded to a category one or 2. so of course, the severity and the impact is not expected to be a strong. that's what we've seen in the trail of destruction, that it's less along the caribbean. none, none the less and consign at all, which is the mexican state that's expected to bear the brunt of the storm. like i said, evacuations are already underway. there is a lot of tours in this area and resorts these resorts and have not told tours they have to leave or have not sent them to shelters. they basically just warn them that the story of the storm is coming. but local residents and especially people living
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in low line areas have been provided with like free transportations, whether it be bus buses or boats to go to um, safer areas. uh, the military and the national guard has been deployed to help with any evacuation and any kind of damage that the storm could leave behind. and one thing to mention, which is important is the fact that in this area of mexico, it has for weeks now been raining already. so it's all it's, it's, it's so it's already a pretty bad situation as the storm um, you know, gets closer. so even as a category one or 2, the possibility of a flooding is not insignificant. all right. that's julia getting out of that from mexico city or the. the white house is a getting says thing press the button has no plans to withdrawal from november selections. the remarks come made media reports,
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some democrats or the congress acura on considering alternatives to take on the on from bivens come under increased cruise in a sense is for debate performance. last week what i can say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president, he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. you case opposition? labor policies on trying to win the law. just majority of any policy involved in the history of those days, the election months, according to a final view, golf projection, cuz tom is labor is predicted to in $431.00 states as prime minister issue. so next conservatives expected to wait a $102.00. well, that would give labor a majority of $212.00 seats. brody challenge reports from london and
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the final day of campaigning. it wouldn't make any difference any more. is there anyone out there who hasn't already made up their minds? opinion polls haven't moved much in months, but one day before the u. k. votes, potty elite is we're in the finishing stretch on the campaign trail. trying to chase down any remaining on this on a duplex for labels keeps tom a who will most every poll suggests he's on track for a crushing land slide. the biggest worries complacency he doesn't. one votes has to feel labels victories in the bag. i know father to turn out, we have cartoon for every bytes and across the country, them over constituencies which will go down to the wire. and therefore, we will continue to fight until 10 o'clock tomorrow night. might be the case with change or be enough funds. if you vote for it's, the country has tired of the governing conservatives record of austerity breaks it and scandal. most conservatives have resigned themselves to defeats.
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even the prime minister seems like he's struggling to maintain a veneer of optimism. tomorrow's vote is an important one for the country. either lots of people haven't made up that mind. so i just all the people that i get frustrations with the pos, but think about what the labor government would mean for your family. for the other parties, the liberal democrat screens and nigel power rogers reform policy, the question is whether they can convert often sizable vote shifts into a meeting from number of seats getting millions of bites. we're going to do that. i'm set that getting some seats. i'm set and that if it's a lot more than that, then fantastic. the case based off the post system usually punishes smaller policies with parliamentary relevance. so on friday morning will 14 years of conservative rule of being consigned to the history books will the 1st labor leader since 2010 be walking through that famous front door as prime minister that's for
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the vice has to decide, of course. but the united kingdom appears to be on the costs of an ear read, finding change will reach out. and how does the ref london? that's it for the show. 10 side story now or the the, it remains on the cold side in the southeast australia, the wouldn't having come up from and talk to. and so you go to a couple of days before the sun does much. so we're into the low teams in melbourne . and camera 16 in adelaide, sheriffs are heading your way out of the lines, extends from south australia to tropical queens and full of cloud, dropping a certain amount of rain here and then not a huge amount, admittedly, postings, generally finest as most of western australia and then using the weather is pretty
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much central dana, this is fridays for cross largest breeze, but sunshine, the predominant feature as it should be in indonesia, and yet intern easiest fitting up with big shot. it was a good enough everywhere admittedly, but job board should be dry. next, potentially sundry sort of way, see the same less so see march of be not exactly by dry as the seasonal range should be an all in me in on thailand, vietnam and cambodia. and it should be heavy. you're still in china with a ticket. the so off i think i need to move know, so the line of heavier reading goes up across the tennessee to the crate, but into leaving hot, dry weather to the service. but the still for the on the drying to yeah. the next wave of where the rugs up to shan towards the 2 man. as for india and pakistan, the monsoons broken of all of india now, so its cooler, the
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. ringback the higher couldn't read through the caribbean, causing devastation, but alum to among climate. sorry. it is the fastest and earliest ever atlantic storm. a direct result of global warming x bed say, why it's a storm causing so much concern place. this is inside store the
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a very welcome to the program on the clock storm like know of, that's how her a can barrel is being described. does it boxes.


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