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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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the media don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the residential areas in gaza under is really attack again the latest strike hits in san units near one of the few functioning hospitals left and the strip the you're watching all to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate also ahead from us says it's exchange ideas with mediators and response to a proposal for a cease fire and the release of captives. hurricane barrow brushes, the southern coast of jamaica, the strongest storm to hit the island decades as a fruit of trees and cause major flooding. the white house and says president joe
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biden has no funds to withdraw from the campaign before november's election. the hello is really forces of bombed in the area and you're northside hospital and con eunice and southern gaza. at least 45 people had been killed as a result of the continued is really bombing up the strips and stall on the house that was hidden. fine, eunice was next to a school for displace palestinians injured. people have been rushing to northside hospital for treatment. it's one of the few functioning medical facilities in gauze . all this as a quarter of a 1000000 people fled parts of southern gaza and recent days following is really a tax and an evacuation order. well, the deals the sleeva hands and come here and then they boomed us. what is this?
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if this was the time, then we should have stayed in our homes and not come here and they would have bummed us back. what was the point of coming here and being bombed? why do we live like this? what is this injustice that we have subjected to? the pope my yeah. was why don't i go to get some more to only to be sure like the sound of 2 rockets that destroyed everything. then go down and evacuated, my children and my family. no one was in the house. now people are trying to take a few simple things. we don't have even a house. the house was already destroyed and uninhabitable and it was destroyed again. but this time it was completely demolished. nothing is left to about as soon as in dayton by law hadn't because of strep, and has the latest on the is really strikes the use of the tree is ok scaling the minute 3 attacks on multiple areas in the gaza strip. but the main focus today wasn't the newest of because of strep, or at least a palestinian half the result killed in the latest is when it strikes on got a very marginalized parts of the gaza strip, where
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a number of residential houses being completely targeted. and the dispatch ones that anastasia unit for his continued offices. and there is what else the patient poses where families are still trapped inside that neighborhood without getting any sort of help from the power of city and 70 defense crews. all absolutely unable to get to that place due to the intensity of is very bombardment, while in the pa, south of the parent, 3 of 5 is still rebuilding has been completely level to the ground after being targeted with 2 is very strikes. that's how it turns into place into the rustle. suppressing, see, i'm panic among families who have been multiple times internally displaced also receiving multiple evacuation oldest by these but me, so now what is the cause of health ministry? more than 13 palestinians have been so far hills due to the it's very ongoing of school district have a new so feel now any ends up for this homecoming gets hacked from the head 3, sorry, capacity algebra there that i had to sign after more than
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a week of bombardment, rumor spread, and that she's out of the neighborhood in northern gaza. that is really forces would be withdrawing. so people return to their homes. but then the attacks increased and people flood the area journalist but human highly in a reports from the scene on the, on the, on the things it gives you the dropbox and the flash. i'll show you what i saw about this . how about next year while i'm on the on the la families. ringback on their home, but also solution and then well the gutters and everything is it gives the image.
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an operation is good for genuine and i saw your neighborhood just the the holes information that had been spread in the morning was been killing many civilians. and i saw your neighborhood, thomas says it's exchanged ideas with mediators on a potential deal for the release of captives. and israel is looking at the offer and the intelligence agency, the most sod says it will respond. the association of families if is really prisoners detained in gaza, says that if the deal is not accepted, then millions of his release will protest. well, how much has released the statements on the efforts to put an end to israel's wong gaza that's been going on for nearly 9 months. the group says this is valued honey . i made contact with category, and egyptian mediators about the ideas the movements is discussing. with the aim of reaching an agreement that puts an end to the brutal aggression against our people in gauze up the move in delton, a positive spirit with the content of the ongoing deliberations. well the is really
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government has bound delta 0 from operating in israel. so comes assumption which is following the latest developments from the jordanian capital i'm on. it is really official say they are approaching the latest round of ceasefire talks with cautious optimism. most themes that we saw throughout the entirety of these negotiations since the beginning of the year. and in fact, the end of last year, when we saw the 1st and only cease fire deal, let's try to break down exactly what has happened at the end of may. these relays have given mediators what they want it as part of a ceasefire. deal on may 31st to us president joe biden laid out a 3 phase plan that would ultimately see the end of the war. the following month on june 11th, how miles had submitted their response to that proposal. but it was later slammed by both the americans and these really use they said that how much had removed key proponents of the deals that would not work for these relays. now,
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following all of that, these really that have now released the statement saying that they are considering and looking through how must his latest response to the proposal. and all of this comes as there's been mounting pressure on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu from the families of his really captives who say that if this deal does not happen, millions of his release will take to the streets to once again, protest to leadership. they say, but he is neither capable nor willing to come to the table to come up with some sort of consensus as to how to bring back the remaining $120.00 captives in gaza. they say that the timing now is critical. i'm the son who is your 0. i'm a we can now speak to all my dad who is a political analysts. he's joining us from washington, dc online about the thanks for your time. so for to and that's on yahoo has anything changed any indication that she will enter and respond positively to her masters response or yeah,
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it doesn't seem like much has changed on these really side so far. i mean, we should be clear about the fact that the primary obstacle to any of the cease fire agreement is the fact that the me a who is not interested in ending this war it's, he's made it clear repeatedly that the only cease fire agreement that to me, i was interested in is a temporary one, that least of the release of all hostages, only for him to go back and continue this genocide of war and gaza with the aim of defeating come us middle terribly, which is a delusional. and to begin with. and so we are stuck in the cycle in which this onslaught and gather continues on and definitely simply because it's in the a who does not see a path to victory and yet doesn't see the political advantage to stopping. so he's happy to continue as long as the palestinians are the ones who are dying because it fits into his broader wish for and his words, quote, sending out the population and goes up to a minimum. that is effectively what he's actually carrying out. and it's not clear to me at this point, that there is any reason for optimism about a change in his really posture of this. all right, but here's the thing. i'm not sure if you've seen this report,
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but so it was in the new york times earlier this week saying that the is really military officials are pushing for an end to the war. and guys, like even if it keeps from us in power for the time being believing is that it's only chance to get the hostages back into the escalades with his butler and loving on. just think that this risk between the military and nothing. yeah. who will impact the trajectory of the war? i mean, i should also add an attorney. i will push back on this reporting. he didn't know who the sources were, but that this will not happen according to him. a yeah, no, this is a very, very serious division. between military leaders who are looking at the situation objectively, i'm just realizing that they are stuck with you in a rock and a hard place and that there is no path to a better future for israel out of this entire mass. and it is time to simply end this war. and this year political pressure on it's in the young one, his extreme scroll was and that have absolutely no interest in doing that. that is a real pressure. and the part of that could really shift the balance between these parties in the united states. the us has been all of us leverage over israel against israel. billions of dollars and weapons protects israel diplomatically. and
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if the us really brought down its weight on it to me, i hope to stop this for they are capable of doing it. unfortunately, it seems like the bottom administration likes the backbone to really, but it's money worth it's worth mouth is that even though they're grumbling about the fact that they're tired of this war and want to see it come to an end, they have not stopped the endless supply of weapons to his route, and they have not stopped the gas lighting where nothing yahoo openly said, but he will not agree to any kind of agreement, but as the war permanently. and yet the us administration comes out of waves from us for the failure of peace thoughts as long as the us is participating at this rate. it's difficult to imagine honda to me, i was going to ultimately come under enough pressure to really hold. and the situation only seems to just continue on this contract, you know, have it looked at domestically, i mean, a ceasefire deal in guys up would be seen as an accomplishment for biden, at this point is really battling his own political issues in the yes, in the us that it would be in a few minutes, but admittedly,
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a small one for 2 reasons. one simply having allowed this massacre to continue for 9 months. it's difficult to undo the damage by finally reaching a ceasefire after 40000 palestinians had been slaughtered. um, and the other aspect of it is that indeed he is facing uh, you know, a lot of challenges beyond just this particular issue about his mental competence to be, to continue being president and to run for this re election. and a lot of all that is not clear how significant the victory would be granted to you about these fire. but i certainly don't want to play down too much either. it wouldn't be a step in the right direction. it is a huge source of frustration among young people among voters of color, among political voters and states like michigan that has a very significant ad american community and other key states that are critical for about and actually winning potentially winning this upcoming election and remaining president for another term, those depend on a lot of young voters of voters, of color and different marginalized communities. basically being able to stomach
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the idea avoiding provided a lot of them disliked from sick a lot more, but that might not be enough to turn them out to the polls unless by the net to use the ceasefire that you've been talking about in promising for a very, very long time and yet has yet to actually take meaningful action to make sure that happens. all right, how about the thank you so much for speaking to us from washington dc. a thank you now has ballasa has it's fired a 100 rockets from loving on towards northern israel. the attack was part of about 10 operations on wednesday targeting is really military sites. the action follows and is really strike in the lebanese city of tire which killed a senior has been the command or the is really defense ministry of golan says the military is ready to take whatever action is needed and loving on, including fighting on the grounds and the israel is expected to go ahead with a huge land seizure and they occupied westbank. it'll bring the total amount taken
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by the state to a record 12.7 square kilometers. this year. settlement tracking organization piece now says it would make it the largest land grub in more than 3 decades in that, but he has more from the law and be occupied westbank since the war started. this world has been advancing more supplements units in the lee and his re settlements in the occupied westbank and confiscating lands in 2023. we were talking about a records high number of southern men 2 and it's being promoted. would that number was 812000 now in 2024. we are talking about almost 10000 units being promoted or in the process of being advanced in the occupied westbank, making palestinians say that as well as continuing with its projects of expanding in league. it is really supplements in the occupied to us bank at the expense of the indigenous people. they say that the goal is to push as many palestinians out
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of their lives and replace them with is really such a there's with the expansion of those units with the expansion of the supplements in the occupied with bank. we've been seeing an increase in set to their attacks against palestinian. so all of these plans are being preceded by palestinians here as the another way to consolidate the supplements presence. and the settlers presence here in the occupied, the west bank knew that, but he just need all the occupied westbank palestine the hurricane barrel has scraped the southern part of jamaica with category for destructive winds as high as 225 kilometers per hour. it's the most powerful storm to hit the caribbean. so early in the hurricane season, and barrow has left a trail of destruction in the south east of the region, killing at least 6 people. but the storm is expected to hit the cayman islands into
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thursday. bicycle power works and disaster management for jamaica's, red cross, and she outlines the damage done by hurricane barrel. were still experiencing the, the onslaught of hurricane burial. but what i can tell you with those far is that we're seeing quite a bit of infrastructure damage, including our roadways. there's a lot of flooding cost of flooding. as a result of storm surge is um, the airport also received a, some damage. and a number of our emergency shelter as were also not spared. we have had to, in some instances, move the show to res, to alternative locations for those specific shut. those that were impacted in that they lost their rules during the passage of, of, of the day, the hurricane dominicans to key to the warnings yesterday. the road was significant and congested. the supermarkets were filled with people trying to,
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you know, buy food items to stuff up and prepared themselves. storage a whole lot and, and that sort of thing. so i think now we're still waiting to see, you know, for the, for the storm or the hurricane to pass and balls to really get a full sense of, of the down to the extent of the damage. still ahead on al jazeera, the final push, the 2 candidates lifted it runs presidential run off those rallies ahead of friday's election. terrorist tension sparks between the u. the world's biggest market for electric vehicles. the immediate future, it's still hot and some of the southern states has a warning arabs because of that. but the sudden the storms you'll see developing in the midwest and running down through their higher value will keep going sideways.
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and eventually they'll show themselves a breakout. the southern states don't use the heat rate and returned out of the summer thunderstorms in the caribbean barrel. still going, having gone very close to jamaica, it's not losing a little bit of strength next line for, for the time. and beyond that, the cost probably still us a form terracon hit the coast of mexico somewhere that the cost is subject to some change. the stories are slowly weakening, but of course it's been a major stuff to the season and unprecedented the seasonal. right. and the size of that is that it's heavy east and west in columbia. run the panama pacific out then to the pick of a few like to shows in the southeast to preserve in paraguay since he has risen to about $28.00. you can most of option 2 is enjoying the sunshine and savings. true sheila gone all the while. the troublesome night breaks of snow and rain, but if you go down to profit garden, you is pretty cold down here evening and come without a dive. you should be warm and 6 degrees,
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but the winter storm is circulating. now this size of the complement. so it will affect the photon items as well or the . ringback the, the the
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on the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really for us as a bonding area. and you're not said hospital and find eunice and southern gaza. the house that was, it was next to a school for this place. thomas thomas says it's exchanged ideas with mediators on a potential deal for the release of captives sounds and ends the warrens. also, israel is looking at the offer and the intelligence agency, the most odd size, will respond to the association of families. if there's really prisoners. the change in gaza says if the deal is not accepted, millions of is released with protests. the white house is again insisting president joe biden has no plans to withdraw from november's election. the remarks kind of made media reports that some democrats in congress or considering alternatives to take on donald trump. biden's come under increased scrutiny since his poor debate
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performance last week. our white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it has more for the white house still in damage control mode following president biden's for debate for 4 minutes in that presidential debate. still the white house trying to lay the fears of members of the democratic party, reaching out to members, including the staff members here at the white house, the chief of staff. jeff guy is holding an all staff call saying that the last few days may be challenging, but his time to come together as a team and underscore the importance of executing the mission. the president and the vice president also calling into their campaign with the us president saying, let me be as clear as i possibly can. i'm running. no one's pushing me out. i'm not leaving. i'm in this race to the end and we are going to win. now this is also the message that the us president is sending to governors and lawmakers who are equally
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concert. so even publicly calling for him to step aside, the president will be meeting with them and talking about how they have accomplished a great many accomplishments, threw out his 3 and a half years in the office. whether it's delivering jobs, economic recovery, rebuilding infrastructure, and even the middle class, and now is the time to weather the storm and return to the core issues. even if he may be at advanced age, he says it's time to portray a contrast between him and his rival. for president donald trump as well, there may be still many talking about his performance in that presidential debate. he says he is an energetic, 81 year old who will be continuing to showcase that as he goes to battleground states, including later this week. when he travels to wisconsin. kimberly healthcare al
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jazeera, the white house, the u. k. is opposition labor parties on track 2 in the largest majority of any party in modern history, thursday's election. and that's according to a final you golf projection. were a challenge reports from london on the final day of campaigning. it wouldn't make any difference any more. is there any one out there who hasn't already made up their minds? opinion polls haven't moved much in months, but one day before the u. k. votes, potty elite is we're in the finishing stretch on the campaign trail. trying to chase down any remaining on this side of duplex for labels keeps tom a who will most. every poll suggests he's on track for a crushing land slide. the biggest worries complacency he doesn't want vices to feel labels victories in the bag. i know father to turn out. we have cartoon for every votes across the country, the over constituencies which will go down to the wire. and therefore,
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we will continue to fight until 10 o'clock tomorrow night might be the case with change of funds. if you vote for it, the country is tired if the governing conservative record of austerity breaks it and scandal, most conservatives have resigned themselves to defeats. even the prime minister seems like he's struggling to maintain a veneer of optimism. tomorrow's vote is an important one for the country on a lots of people haven't made up that mind. so i just always people, i get frustrations with the pos, but think about what the labor government would mean for your family. for the other policies, the liberal democrats screens and nigel farrell is reform policy. the question is whether they can convert it's often sizable vote shares into a meeting from number of seats getting millions of bites. we're going to do that on set that getting some seats. i'm certain of it if it's a lot more than that, then fantastic. the case based off the post system usually punishes smaller
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policies with parliamentary irrelevance. so on friday morning, we'll 14 years of conservative rule of being consigned to the history books will the 1st labor leader since 2010 be walking through that famous front door as prime minister. that's for the vices to the side of course. but the united kingdom appears to be on the costs of an erupt. finding change will reach out. and how does the ref london a tom painting has ended in a ron ahead of fits presidential run all vote on friday. and the 2 candidates, the reformers back the muscle would possess john and the ultra conservative side. jenny have been holding their final rallies. we're so sorry to our reports from to home is the last day of the presidential campaign in iran. but for many iranian more important than who is going to be around the next president is what the to know is going to be in around dispute has to additionally enjoy the high to now
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sometimes exceed an 80 percent, but that's the rent has changed. it's $121.00 possession election. it was a tune up of you know, 49 percent. then it's $1.00 to $24.00 parliamentary election. it one floor there will be no below 41 percent done in the 1st round of this last presidential election. the turn up was 39.92. the record low turnout says the establishment will stay as long as it pops is. let me pull up what one talked to people about the reason for these low turner. this is, it is economy cause shifts that there's something you're on has been under the sanctions imposed by the west. some companies these becky and this such as are 3 of them, you need an economy. so there is any nation off or 20 percent higher unemployment. and the prizes are so kind of look at in the what there's have leap of faith that any outcome of the election will bring any positive change. so now,
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the general expectation in iran is that if this demand of low turnout continue, that is going to 1st set perhaps benefit the, the, the cause of their candidates generally. but if the deform is, can do this, mr. to this young can further mobilize this before missed what the base to go to the ballot boxes then says chances of winning the election is going to be high. instead of that, i'll just leave it on the wrong of demonstrators and kenny are calling for more protests to force. president william russo to step down. businesses are worried, after several shops were looted and property was destroyed during protest. over the past week, catherine saw a report from nairobi to the city center is now home following those classes between the police and protested. this is not just happening and i will be with different countries and some of this for to have on file. and in one
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box, so we so a skewed destruction of prophecy of vehicles. well, burn supermarket, one you said, and so on. so there's a lot of worry about that in a lot of kenya is the same going for what, what needs to be done. they say that they want to see how this composition, this dialogue between the young people and the president is going to see out ways you have and you know, it has should be peaceful. but now we are witnessing some people engaging and losing the most of the people who are affected in a tuesday process. our business owners almost and coming out of their uh, by phone saying that they are trying to protect their businesses. some individuals
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have been trying to take advantage of the process has been full. so people here are very worried about how this will play out going forward, especially if it's positive to continue all to 0. haiti's prime minister has hailed the deployment of kenyan police to hell bring order to his country, which is struggling with gang violence. gary coney was speaking of the un security council a week after the 1st group of about 200 officers arrived as a part of a un back multinational force. gabriel is also has more the eighty's newly installed prime minister gary coney took part in a security council. a briefing here at un headquarters in new york, coney told security council members that katie is ready to turn the decisive page in its history and called on the international community for support. after the
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meeting, i was able to catch up with him briefly as he was leaving the un. this is what he had to tell me, general commitment to really accompanying 82, this very difficult process. but also the recognition that it has to include beyond the forces with a commitment to addressing the root causes that sustain this type of instability. so i came out extremely avenue and confident noted that there will be international solidarity to these efforts were at a critical point. and if we all stand together, we can be successful. the 1st contingent of kenyan police officers arrived in haiti last month to try to help get control of the security situation. coney told me that a 2nd deployment of kenyan police officers would be happening soon, but he would not give me a date. gabriel was on jo, i'll just say it, dude, i didn't nation. so new york, china and the european union are discussing planned terrorist on chinese electric
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vehicles. the 2 sides agree to negotiate after the you announced levies of up to 38 percent to compensate for what it says are unfair government subsidies. if no agreements has reached them, duties will come into effect on thursday as good 3 know you reports from beijing in china, electric vehicles, o. e v, a club inside the country has the largest battery powered comma in the world. the government emissions that have led to the industry's growth and now the focus of intense negotiation between the european union and chinese officials. the you would choose as china of on sally subsidizing the industry and wants to raise tires on inputs. the move has and good badging to get in with you to china. it has expressed .


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