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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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is in their land from the hoss of the story, renounced passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life. it's a distraction of, from what she has witnessed. the residential areas in gaza under is really attack again the latest strike and find eunice near one of the few functioning hospitals. lest industry the you want to know the 0 life or my headquarters and don't find any navigate. also coming up from us says let's exchanged ideas and mediators in response to a proposal for a cease fire and the release of the top to the white house and says president joe
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biden has no plans to withdraw from the campaign before november's election. and hurricane fair on russia's, the southern coast of jamaica, the strongest storm to the islands in decades has uprooted trees and causes major flooding. the hello is where the forces of bonds in area near northside hospital and han eunice and southern gaza. at least 45 people had been killed as a result of the continued is really bombing of the strips install on the house. that was hidden. fine. eunice was next to a school for displace palestinians injured. people have been rushing to and also the hospital for treatments. it's one of the few functioning medical facilities in gauze on this as a quarter of a 1000000 people flood parts of southern garza in recent days. following is really a tax and an evacuation order on
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the deals de sleeva homes and come here. and then they boomed us. what is this? if this was the time, then we should have said to know, holmes and not come here and they would have bummed us back. what was the point of coming here and being boomed? why do we live like this? what is this injustice that we have subjected to the pope. why? yeah. well, why don't i go to get some water only to be shot by the sound of 2 rockets but destroyed everything. then go down and evacuated, my children and my family. no one was in the house. now people are trying to take a few simple things. we don't have even a house. the house was already destroyed and uninhabitable and it was destroyed again. but this time it was completely demolished. nothing is left. i told her about zoom is in dayton by law in the gaza strip and how's the latest on the is really strikes the use of the tree is ok scaling the minute 3 attacks on multiple areas in the gaza strip. but the main focus today wasn't the newest of because of
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strep, or at least 8 palestinians have to report killed in the latest is when it strikes on. we've got a very marginalized parts of the gaza strip, where a number of residential houses being completely targeted. and the dispatch on the anesthesia unit for his continued offers his and is what else the patient poses where families are still trapped inside that neighborhood without getting into sort of help from the palestinian civil defense cruise. absolutely unable to get to that place due to the intensity of is very bombardment. while in the pa, south of the cat, 3, a 5, a story building has been completely level to the ground after being targeted with 2 is very strikes. that's how it turns into place into the rustle, suppressing fee. i'm panic among families who have been multiple times internally displaced also receiving multiple evacuation orders by these but me so now what is the gods? is health ministry, more than thirty's, how the city and have the sofa kills due to the it's very ongoing attacks on the strip of a new to fill now and it ends up for this home gun and gets hacked from the head 3,
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sorry, capacitive algebra. there that i had to sign off there more than a week of bombardments room or a spread in the shoes. are your neighborhood in northern garza, that is really forces would be withdrawing. so people return to their homes. but then the attacks increased and people fled the area during the list of the human honey. the reports from the scene on the, on the, on the things it gives you the dropbox. and can i show you what as how about is how about next year while i'm on just being on the yeah, i mean i'm not gonna be on the la families scam back to check on their homes,
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but also solution and get them well, the gutters and everything is it gives the image, an operation is good for genuine and i saw your neighborhood just so the holes information that has been spread in the morning was been feeling many civilians. and i just got your neighborhood. ma says it's exchanged ideas and mediators on a potential deal for the release of captives. israel is looking at the offer and the intelligence agency most side says that will respond. the association of families if is really prisoners, the change in gaza size. if the deal is not accepted, millions of his release will protest. how much has released the statements on the efforts to put an end to israel's wong does or that's been going on for nearly 9 months. the group says it's political leaders, find honey, i made contact with category under chips and mediators about the idea as the movement is discussing. with the aim of reaching an agreement, that puts an end to the brutal aggression against our people in gaza. the movement
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delta in a positive spirit with the content of the ongoing deliberations skip are on this, was that on me? hold a, he's a distinguished public policy fellow with the american university of beverly. joining us from boston. the sound welcome to alta zeroed on me, who do you so what do you think the chances are of potential breakthrough this time around? i think they're better than they have been for the last 34 weeks and i'm talks essentially stopped on some paperwork saying that the, our mediators were leaning on her mouse and a master was thinking of leaving the company. i don't know, there's all kinds of rumors going around the fact that they have exchanged ideas as good as positive. but the fact that they have used both sides of used words and the last 2 days like constructive and positive, talking about their responses or their how to do it. so that's a very good sign as well. the bad news is that they're still stuck on the essential
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points to have been the 2nd points really for the, for some months now, which is the thomas wants an agreement that ends of is really present in guys an end. it is rarely a tax against you guys a completely definitively and then return promises. then i give back all of the hostages and they want the all are many of the palestinian painters in israel really. so those are the critical points of the nature of this is fire, the timing of it. whether all is rarely is, will leave garza and the release of all the time people on both sides. but my guess that is nothing yahoo about money say that it's not on yahoo! that in the past has stopped installed any potential so as far as so for the prime minister, it is anything different this time around. what makes you think that he'll respond positively to how much is response is under intense pressure inside
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israel from many different orders. um he knows that his popularity is down. he knows that his opponents mostly center center. right. really that's the that's left of fail opposition. but his opponents are planning ahead for a general election. they want his years and officer and he's stuck with his right wing, fascist. the members of the cabinet have a 2nd to quit the if he does anything that they don't like like that the accepting a post to me is present as posted in the government and g as after the war ends. so he has many, many pressures on him, and he can forever keep them, keep juggling them all. it has to, at some point, make a decision and i sent you a calculation is the best, the decision release is all of these rarely costs are just
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a few of them are the most of them are in life, right. uh that good many positive things on his knees, hoping that will also help with the, with the american government as well. let me just get your thoughts on and other developments earlier today. and that's the session assassination. if a top has been like a manager and loving on has been the firing a 100 missiles and response, do you expect a bigger response surface well, or was docs response sort of a more for deterrence than an escalation of whether these are the terms so much it was just a tit for tat response on this real pills. somebody 11 and the 11 is a jump. somebody and there's, you know, but one of the advantages i should've mentioned before for nothing. yeah. no, i'm not the only for him, but for all his the generals and the army is leadership. the military is that of his, his army is exhaustive. these really army is overstretched. they've had 3 waves of reserves coming,
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some of them more than once. the economy is in deep trouble because of the war. there's tens of thousands of his religion moved out of the south and the name of the digital. all of these problems would be resolved if there was a ceasefire. and there's really nothing i was especially keeps talking about, we're gonna talk love and then we're going to destroy it as well. and they don't have the capacity to do that. while they're still fighting a war and engaged in a cease fire associates, fire and gas, i would give as well. i wouldn't want to stop. it's fighting with these religion, which is part of it has been a lot of sense, but many times we won't stop attacking. israel of israel stops attacking guys. all right, all right, thank you so much. i'm holding, thanks for your time, and thanks for joining us from boston. now israel is expected to go ahead with a huge land seizure in the occupied west bank, and it will bring the total amount taken by the state to a record 12.7 square kilometers this year. settlement tracking organization peace
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now says it would make it the largest land grab in more than 3 decades. for testers, in support of palestine, have dre banners off the top of the australian parliament. the demonstrators gained access to the roof of thought, building and camera, and they accuse the is really government of committing war crimes against the people in gaza. the so the white house is again insisting presidential biden has no plans to withdraw from november's election by med democratic governors at the white house on wednesday, and they pledged their support for his election campaign. the meeting comes and made media reports that some democrats in congress are considering alternatives to take on donald trump. biden's been under increased scrutiny since his poor
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performance and last week's debates against trump. i would say this in november we've got a clear choice. the president was very clear that he is in this to witness, and the president is going to be president, is our nominee, the president, our part is our party leader. and the president has told us, and he was very clear back there that he is in this, the witness for now gonna speak to the dog and doug banjo, who's a senior fellow with a cato institute, joining us in washington dc. welcome back to alta 0. so publicly these governors say that they backed by them, but behind the scenes, what do you think is really going on here? i'm sure there was an awful lot of money is probably the only 3 of the governors met the press. they only spent a few minutes talking to the press and they said exactly what you would expect in public. they support the president, the president send it to win, but they have to worry about their states. they're worried about races in their states. so this is not, you know,
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the white house is working very hard to shut down any critics, but they cannot explain away his, you know, the president's performance last week. okay, so shutting down critics is one thing, but how does bite in himself actually reassure his party that he can stay in the race? what's it going to do differently now that this is also starting to really show up in the polls? well, the problem, you know, he has, i believe is that many americans, like me, have had elder relatives. and we've seen this, we know that this is a problem. that only gets worse. you know, so we're going to be skeptical of any explanations that he provides. they're going to work very hard to hold public events where he comes across. ok, they're going to do everything they can to keep him rested, to have him active primarily during the day. the problem is it's going to be very hard to prevent this from happening in the future. it's uh, yeah, his condition is going to get worse as a candidate,
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he has to be out in public. it's going to be a very real problem to them. yeah. and he does have a few high profile events in the next few days. but look for that for international audience. i wonder if you can explain what happens if by and isn't able to kind of salvage the situation then. then what happens next, and who are the top contender as perhaps? so everything depends on timing. you know, until the convention, if he decides not to run, he could simply release as delegates. and then the democratic delegates at the democratic convention would choose the next nominee. now that would probably set forth the bitter fight. kamala harris undoubtedly would be in it. she's expected to be as vice presidential nominee, but the delegates don't have to vote for her. there are a lot of potential contenders. the governor of california newsome has been mentioned, the governor of michigan has been mentioned she, in fact,
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you attended one of the be the meeting today. governor of kentucky has been mentioned. there are senators out there has been mentioned warnock of georgia for example. who is what a couple of tough races in a state that's a, a transitional state. so there are a lot of potential contenders. the problem is none of them have a run for president. none of them have national organizations, and none of them are ready for a, for a fight at the convention, it would be a really messy scenario. how unprecedented is the situation? well the only the other time we've essentially had a president who is incapacitated, goes back more than a 100 years. it was president woodrow wilson, who suffered a stroke. his wife basically kept that secret, wouldn't let cabinet members even talk to him. and he had, he had very low functional abilities at that point. other than that,
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we've had presidents who were declining health, not franklin delano roosevelt, and his last term because of a heart condition. the something we killed him, never the less, you know, he was out in public. he was traveling. you know, we, so this is unusual to have a situation where in the middle of a campaign, it's become evident that somebody is not up to the job in that we just haven't had that in the past. all right, thank you so much for joining us. does a still have the knowledge a 0 the final push the 2 candidates less than it runs. presidential one awful rally use out of fridays. the tariff tension sports between the you and the world's biggest make are of electric vehicles. the, the african stories from african perspective was able to know, i mean,
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that rock band, i do have plucking on things too short documentary, by african filmmakers from morocco and kenya. serenade of this kind and canyon society of a new series of africa direct on. i'll just 0. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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challenges here with the the of the on the top stories on alta 0. this hour is really forces have bombed in area near northside hospital and find eunice. and southern is also a house that was, it was next to a school for this place. college says it's exchanged ideas with mediators on a potential deal for the release of captives and then enter the war. and gossip is realize, looking at the offer and the intelligence agency, them a saw says it will respond. democratic governors have pledged their support for joe
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biden. his this thing that he shouldn't withdraw from november's us presidential election fighting has been under increased scrutiny since as for performance. and last week's debate against donald trump. hurricane barrow has scraped the southern part of jamaica with category for destructive winds as high as 225 kilometers per hour. this is the most powerful storm to hit the caribbean. so early in the hurricane season, beryl has left the trail of destruction in the southeast of the region, killing at least 6 people. but the storm is expected to hit the cayman islands into thursday. julia go, yano has more from mexico city to the category for hurricane battered jamaica, southern coast for hours with rains and winds of up to a 140 miles an hour. the wind did cost some structural damage in the capital as well as flooding due to storm searches. the roof of the international airport was
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destroyed, as well as several emergency shelters, which had to be moved to alternate locations. now the full extent of the damage, we'll have to wait more information on. of course, once the storm has cleared and authorities can assess the damage. next on its path is the cayman islands. were residents have been preparing themselves for what's expected to be the strongest storm to hit the island in 15 years. meanwhile, evacuations has begun in mexico as you can peninsula, where the storm is expected to land late thursday. this area of mexico home to some of its best known tourist destinations such as can coon and to loom is no stranger to hurricane preparedness. still, the government has deployed the military and national guard and open more than a 1000 temporary shelters for people to write out. the storm. big hotels and resorts meanwhile, are implementing their own specific protocols for their guests. the storm is expected to lose some of its destructive power. by the time it reaches mexico.
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certainly residents in its path or hoping and praying. that's the case. still residents in coastal areas all along mexico know that even if this storm spares them, this year is hurricane season is here and in full swing. go. yeah, no, i'll just sierra mexico city. china and the european union are discussing planned terrorists on chinese electric vehicles. the 2 sides agree to negotiate off to the you announced levies of up to 38 percent to compensate for what it says are unfair government subsidies. if no agreements has reached the duties will come into effect on thursday. us katrina, you reports from beijing in china, electric vehicles o. e v. a club inside the country has largest battery powered comma in the world. the government's initiatives that have led to the industry's growth. and now the focus of intense negotiation between the european union and chinese officials, the you choose as china of on sally subsidizing the industry and wants to raise
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tires on inputs. the move has and good badging to get in with you to china. it has expressed a resolute opposition to the use of the subsidy in investigation, and advocated proper handling of a good nomic of trade frictions, through dialogue and the consultation. the proposed changes will depend on each manufacturer as corporation, but the investigation and would be added to the 10 percent tariff already in place . for jamaica, b, y d faces, the lowest additional judy of 17.4 percent will say more to is would be subject to the biggest hug of 38 point one percent. non chinese manufacturers who produce in the country including tesla and b, m. w will also be effected before showing us domestic economy, unemployment. so this is not good news because that means in the next few years, we'll probably see more of an incentive to move my capital and investment overseas. so that's not the jobs created in china. china describes the move as
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protectionism and has defended the rapid growth of its electric vehicle markets as the result of receptive consumers and definitely developed industrial network. there's also been criticism from within the european union, including the lynn which has worn white a trade during a visit to china and last month, germany's economic assessments to cold the tire. it's a dangerous development. the exports or intensive countries like china and germany, must work against this tendency. also separated markets. china has already threatened to impose terraced on european port or pending an anti dumping investigation into inputs in june. katrina alpha 0 aging patients in south korea are protesting against the prolonged dr. strike. medical professionals are suspended, surgeries and outpatient treatments and some hospitals. organizations representing
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patients have called for an end to the collective action. it all started in may over plans to increase medical school admissions. rob mcbride is joining us from the protests and sol. so what are the professors calling for wrong? yeah, well this is the light, is the protesting connection with this walk out by adult design. it's the patients to, to have the site visit that umbrella organization representing patients groups from across the career and they're angry at the disruption. this is close to medical services would be listening to various features, especially from relatives of patients as well. to think about the impact that this has been happening, all of us began with junior talk to that's around 10 percent of the dumpsters and south korea, doubting protests. a government plans to provide that to a drastically increase the number of students admissions the medical colleges about according to the junior junctions, that's going to be closing a big disruption to services. that's why we're taking the action. i thought these
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protesters have been calling for the national assembly here to pass legislation to ensure that the government continues to provide services regardless of any invest the same taken. so how is the public opinion and then towards the doctor's walk out in south korea? yeah, it's interesting, it's very divided uh when it comes to public opinion around 70, possibly 80 percent of people being polls are not sympathetic towards the adults as part of the problem. it seems to be for the shortage adult disease. as many of you, junior talked, just being rolled away from the public sector into the fob, i'll do for the private sector, especially in budgeting areas such as cosmetic surgery, which is a big boot industry here. so while there is a lack of sympathy, it seems to adopt as the result that would mind these protests as those are generally in south korea. a lot of a big, high disapproval of the government's handling of this,
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which is only increased over time. it seems to be a reflection, generally updates on popularity of his current administration. okay, thank you. robin. probably thanks for that update from so a 1000 indigenous people who march peacefully in ecuador is capital demands, in consultation before mining and oil rights are given to their lands. and they want legislation that would require their consent. authorities are often accused of carrying out consultations, which lack detail to obtain community permits, a mother or mother earth that provides the food that provides the ecosystem that provides the jungle. the water sees the mangroves, but because of the greed of a human being so much that is her children. at this moment we are destroying the balance of my, the city officials. and molly, say at least 21 people have been killed in an attack by an armed group tongue. provincial authorities say it happened in a central village, which is 240 kilometers northeast that the capital obama code. the case
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opposition labor party is on track to win the largest majority of any party in modern history. a thursday's election that's according to a final uga projection. cure storm is labor is predicted to win $431.00 seats. the prime minister receives 2 nights conservatives expected to win a $102.00. and that will give labor a majority of $212.00 seats, where we challenge reports in london on the final day of campaigning. it wouldn't make any difference any more. is there any one out there who hasn't already made up their minds? opinion polls haven't moved much in months, but one day before the u. k. votes, potty elite is within the finishing stretch on the campaign trail. trying to chase down any remaining on the side. effects for labels keeps tom a who will most. every poll suggests he's on track for a crushing land slide. the biggest worries complacency he doesn't want vices to
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feel labels victories in the bag. no farther to turn out. we have cartoon for every bytes and across the country them over constituencies which will go down to the wire. and therefore, we will continue to fight until 10 o'clock tomorrow night might be the case with change of funds. if you vote for it, the country is tired of the governing conservative record of austerity breaks it tend, scandal. most conservatives have resigned themselves to defeats even the prime minister seems like he's struggling to maintain a veneer of optimism. tomorrow's vote is an important one for the country, other lots of people haven't made up that mind. so i just always, people know, i get frustrations with the pos, but think about what the labor government would mean for your family. for the other policies, the liberal democrat screens and nigel power rogers reform policy. the question is whether they can convert often sizeable worksheets into
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a meeting from number of seats, getting millions of bites. we're going to do that on set of it, getting some seats. i'm certain of it. if it's a lot more than that, then fantastic. the case based off the post system usually punishes smaller policies with parliamentary relevance. so on friday morning will 14 years of conservative rule of being consigned to the history books will the 1st labor leader since 2010 be walking through that famous front door as prime minister that split devices to the side of course. but the united kingdom appears to be on the costs of an ear, a defining change role reach out. and how does the ref london painting has ended in iran ahead if it's presidential run of vote on friday and the 2 candidates, the reform is boxed must or would possess kion and the old trip in service. i generally have been holding their final rallies for sole source, our reports from to her on the last day of the presidential campaign in iran. but
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for many iranian more important than who is going to be around next president is what this to know is going to be any wrong dispute has to additionally enjoy the high to now sometimes exceed an 80 percent, but that's the rent has changed. it's $121.00 possession election. it was a tune up or, you know, 49 percent. then it's $1.00 to $24.00 parliamentary election. it one floor there will be no below 41 percent done in the 1st round of this last presidential election, the turn up was $39.00. the record low turnout says the establishment of the as long as the problem is, when we talk about what talk to people about the reason for these low turner, this is, it is economy cause shifts that there's something wrong you run has been under the sanctions imposed by the west, them companies, this is becky and this such as all 3 of them you need an economy so that.


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