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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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the, the residential areas in garza and is ready to track again the latest striking, con eunice, near one of the few functioning hospitals, left the grandchild. these any just met towards a palestinian freed up to 21 years. this right the on the clock. this is out 0 life and also come, you know, backing down the scene. a democratic governance unites behind joe biden, staying in the rates. the us presidency and hire can barrow brushes the southern coast of jamaica and stronger storms that hit the island the decades. it's not read the trees and of course deflect
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the site is ready for. is this a bottom to the area and yeah, enough, so hospital and calling you this is how the gaza, at least 45 people are being killed. as a result of the continued is ready bombing of the scripts and still on the house that was headed and con eunice was next to school for displace palestinians into people have been rushing to know. so hospital for treatment is one of the few functioning medical facilities in garza, this is a quarter of a 1000000 people fled parts of southern guns and recent days following is really a tax. and then in fact, to ation or the, the of the sleeva homes and come here and then they boomed us. what is this? if this was the time, then we should have said to know homes and not come here. and they would have bummed us the, what was the point of coming here and being boomed? why do we live like this? what is this injustice that we are subject to to the most hopes?
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my yeah. was my job. i got to get some more to only to be shot by the sound of 2 rockets that destroyed everything. then go down and evacuated, my children and my family. no one was in the house. now people are trying to take a few simple things. we don't have even a house. the house was already destroyed and uninhabitable, and it was destroyed again. but this time it was completely demolished. nothing is left. the low tire cabinet. a zoom is in the above in the gaza strip and has the latest on these raining strikes. here's the tree is up scaling the minute 3 attacks on multiple areas in the gaza strip. but the main focus today wasn't the newest of because of strep, or at least 8 palestinians have to report killed in the latest is when it strikes on that very marginalized parts of the gaza strip, where a number of residential houses being completely targeted. and the dispatcher and then anesthesia unit for his continued offices. and there is what else the patient
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poses where families are still trapped inside that neighborhood without getting into sort of help from the power of city and 70 defense crews. oh, absolutely unable to get to that place due to the intensity of the is very bombardment, while in the pa, south of the parent 3, a 5 is still rebuilding has been completely level to the ground after being targeted with 2 is very strikes. that's how it turns into place into the rustle. suppressing, see, i'm panic among families who have been mosley, and internally displaced, also receiving multiple evacuation. otis by these, but me, so now what is the cause of health ministry? more than settings, how the city is happening? so far, hills due to the it's very ongoing attacks on the strip of a new till till now it ends up for this home govern, gets hacked from the head 3, sorry. could buy the algebra there that i had to sign. my says it's exchanged, i did so with media is on a potential deal for the release of captives as well as looking at the offer and intelligence agency massage says it will respond to the association of families if
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it's rarely prisoners detained in gaza. says if the deal is not accepted, millions of his readings will protest. mass has released the statements on the efforts to put it in to his wells. we're on gas if it's been going on for 99 months . the group says it's politically to smell honey. a made contact with the country and egyptian mediate. just about the idea is to movement is discussing with the aim of reaching an agreement, that puts an end to the brutal aggression against the people. in garza of movements dealt in a positive spirit with the content of the on going to the gratian or are these ready government to spend out 0 from operating as well? so i'm to salute disappointing developments from george's capital. a ma is really official say they're approaching the latest round of ceasefire talks with cautious optimism. most themes that we saw throughout the entirety of these negotiations since the beginning of the year. and in fact, the end of last year, when we saw the 1st and only ceasefire deal,
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let's try to break down exactly what has happened at the end of may. these really is have given mediators what they want it as part of a ceasefire. deal on may 31st to us president joe biden laid out a 3 phase plan that would ultimately see the end of the war. the following month on june 11th hmos had submitted their response to that proposal, but it was later slammed by both the americans and these really use they said that how much had removed key proponents of the deals that would not work for these relays. now, following all of that, these really is that have now released the statement saying that they are considering and looking through how much is latest response to the proposal. and all of this comes as there's been mounting pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu from the families of is really captives who say that if this deal does not happen, millions of his release will take to the streets to once again, protests his leadership. they say that he is neither capable nor willing to come to
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the table to come up with some sort of consensus as to how to bring back the remaining $120.00 captives in gaza. they say that the timing now is critical. i'm the son who was just ego. i'm a a. what is it? 50 policy demand release from israeli jails had spoken throughout the jury about his experience. use of mac dad was in presence in 2002 for being a member of the wing of the palestinian group. if i mean, if i made results not from does use of nothing. dad has expended 21 years in multiple is really jails. now 63, he walks with his grandson, one till earlier this week he had never met. on monday, he was of was released back into the gaza strip. he describes the moment after his very force is removed as a blindfold dropped him off on the dusty streets and told him to start walking. he went ahead to the mark, to the destruction of the little number when i was released. i didn't even see
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people any except this don't to found me in the street in court when i finally was very emotional. when i sold them, i cried because of those who killed and wounded, and those living on the street because they have nothing, including my wife and children. then we don't even have attempted to live in. my house is destroyed, greeted by friends and those who have come to pay their respect. some were not even born. when is really forces took him away more than 2 decades ago. he describes how you conditions of change when the war began and october, the 1st and 2nd day off to the war, started, the prisoners were attacked, and all their belongings were confiscated. televisions radios, close even the money we used to buy food from the can team with the affordable. there was $6.00 to $9.00 people in each. so they started putting 15 people in the same. so use of was meant to be released in november, but it's really,
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authorities told him he had to stand to trial again. no lawyer was made available to him. he was sentenced to another 6 months and a transfer to a different prison. he was there, he met many men who had been detained since the beginning of the war in rome, laudermill they, they were in a miserable condition. they were hand cofton, the bones in their hands were clearly visible out of the skin on their backs appeals away. they cooled on the ground because they was so weak, they had no food. they had no water for washing themselves. they had no clothes. some of them hadn't showered in one of us. at this room was like that they would be 3 times a day. they were forced to say and repeat the worst woods about themselves because that was bad smells. came from a dirty bodies. and one of them that you wouldn't believe it was you wouldn't be the use of daughter was 4 years old when he went to jane. universal her again is the inner goal soon as i was most and especially was enough of prison during
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ramadan. when i was told my daughter of 4 children and her husband had been killed the last time i saw her, she was 4 years old. on the 1st day of age, we will be badly regardless of health conditions will age. we will accumulate at that day deprived of food boots of clothes. and so when the police officer told me that i could go home and i said, i didn't want to be released. she almost why i couldn't get much hold up because the last time they said that they took me to another prison that be cases live. this highly. * i, the reality of life in gaza, palestinians released from is really captivated, are unable to return to the live, the ones new. their homes are no longer a safe haven. their family members a loved ones, lost with only their memories to hold onto honey my mode. vieira from the central part of the guys of palestine. has the law says it's $500.00 rockets from
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11 towards northern israel. the attack was part of about 10 operations on wednesday . targeting is ready military sites. the action photos in his reading strike on the coach area in the liberty cities of tati, which killed c me a has, but a commander is ready. defense minister, you have the loan says the military is ready to take whatever action is needed. 11, including fighting on the ground. this is what is expected to go ahead with the huge lands easy and the occupied westbank. it will bring the total amount taken by the states or reco 12.7 square kilometers this. yeah. settlement tracking organization piece now says they did make it the largest line grabbing most it's 3 decades for test, as opposed to palestine have draped banners off the top of the australian public. demonstrators gained access to the roof of the building and camera. they accuse he is right in the government of committee war crimes against the people of god
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the site, the white house is the gate insisting present. joe biden has no plans to withdraw from november's election bite and met democratic governors at the white house on wednesday. and they pledged the support for his election campaign, makes incomes and made media reports that some democrats in congress, a considering alternatives to take on donald trump by these being on the increased scrutiny since his poor performance and last week's debate gates, donald trump last name jordan has moved from washington dc. it's not an understatement to say that the us president joe biden is struggling to hold onto his spot as the democratic party nominee for president. come november. however, the president met on wednesday evening with about 20 or so democratic governors to of basically hash out what happened 6 days ago at the debate with
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a former president, donald trump, and to figure out the way, ford. this is what the chair of the democratic governors association governor 10 walls of minnesota had to say after that meeting. yes to for office 3 and a half, 3 and a half years of delivering for is going through what we've all been through. none of us are denied thursday night was a bad performance. it was a bad. it was a bad guess if you will on that, but it doesn't impact what i believe is delivering. what we saw in there today was a guy who was the guy that all of us believed in the 1st time. it could be donald trump and did the now, even though the democratic governors say that they are sticking with a man who helped them get through the after effects of the pandemic and the economic downturn here in the united states, there are others. some congress, members of, for example, as well as some of the leading democratic party fund raisers, suggesting that it's time for joe biden to stop for some odd to let the younger
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generation try to leave them champaign into november's election. they say that without joe biden stepping aside, the chances of donald trump winning re election and possibly leading the united states in a very different direction, grow incrementally greater by the hour. russell jordan, which is 0, washington park, and barrel hurts straits. the southern part of jamaica we've category for destructive wins as high as 225 kilometers per hour. it is the most powerful storm to hit the caribbean. so early in the hurricane season, a barrel is left a trail of destruction in the south east of the region. i can at least 6 people. i bet the storm is expected to have the cayman islands. on thursday. mister pal works and need is also management's full. as you make his red cross, she outlines the damage done by hark and barrow were still experiencing the, the onslaught offer, again, burial. but what i can tell you with those far is that we're seeing quite
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a bit of infrastructure damage, including our roadways. there's a lot of flooding cost of flooding. as a result of storm surge is um the airport also received a some damage and a number over emergency shelter as we're also not speared. we haven't had to, in some instances move the show to res, to alternative locations for those specific shut. those that were impacted in that they lost their rules during the passage of, of, of the day, the hurricane dominicans to key to the warnings yesterday. the road was significant and congested. the supermarkets were filled with people trying to, you know, buy food items to stuck open, prepared themselves, storage a whole lot and, and sort of thing. so i think now we're still waiting to see, you know, for the, for the storm or the hurricane to pass and balls to really get
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a full sense of, of the down to the extent of the damage. so head there and out, is there a prediction of electoral disaster in the u. k for one policy with another set to secure the largest majority in multi british history. plus i wrote mcbride in sole south korea with the latest protest in a long running doctor's dispute. this time, having dare say it's the to design replaced the . it's in immediate future. it's still hot in some of the southern states as a warning arabs because of that. but the sudden storms you'll see developing in the midwest and running down through their higher value will keep going sideways. and eventually they'll show themselves a breakout. the southern states don't use the heat rate and returned on the summer thunderstorms in the counter being barrels still going,
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having gone very close to jamaica. it's now losing a little bit of strength next line for, for the year time. and beyond that, the cost probably still us a form terracon hit the coast of mexico somewhere that the cost is subject to some change, the stories that slowly weakening. but of course, it's been a major stuff to the season and unprecedented the seasonal right. and sign off of that is that it's heaviest in west, in columbia. run the panama pacific out then to the pick of a few like 2 showers in the southeast to preserve in paraguay essentials, risen to about $28.00. again, most of option 2 is enjoying the sunshine and savings. true sheila gone all the while. the troublesome night breaks of snow and rain, but if you go down to press the garden here, it's pretty cold down here. even even come a doctor or even dive, you should be warm and 6 degrees, but the winter storm is circulating. now on this side of the compliment, so it will affect the fault of the items as well. the
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african stories from african perspective. 3 short documentary, by african filmmakers, from sound the only democratic republic of congo and kate bird islands. life is actually music of the way people talk. the way we walk is just everything is trusting timing. go tell them on the mountain. friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on. i'll just be around the corner here. are you watching out 0 reminder on the top stories?
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and is there any forces have bombed in area in the last the hospital in telling you this? and so and got the house that was, it was next to a school for this place palestinian. so essentially exchanged ideas with mediations on a potential deal for the release of captives and then enter the war and draws it's right is looking at the alpha. i'm intelligent stages the most. that sense it will respond to democratic governors to pledge that support for joe biden, insisting he should not withdraw from november to us. presidential election has been on the increased scrutiny since his poor performance of announcements traits figgs so people in the u. k. will start costing that votes in just a few of the general election. that opinion polls suggest will kick out the governing conservative party for which items that reports from london on the final day of company. or would it make any difference any more? is there anyone out there who hasn't already made up their minds? opinion polls haven't moved much in months,
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but one day before the u. k. votes. policy lead is within the finishing stretch on the campaign trail, trying to chase down any remaining on this side of duplex. for labels keeps storm a who will most, every poll suggests is on track for a crushing land slide. the biggest worry is complacency. he doesn't want vices to feel labels victories in the bag. no farther to turn out. we have cartoon for every bytes and across the country, the constituencies which will go down to the wire. and therefore, we will continue to fight until 10 o'clock tomorrow night might be the case with change of funds. if you vote for it, the country is tired of the governing conservative record of austerity breaks it and scandal. most conservatives have resigned themselves to defeats even the prime minister seems like he's struggling to maintain a veneer of optimism. tomorrow's vote is an important one for the country other
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lots of people haven't made up that mine. so i just always people, i get frustrations with the pos, but think about what the labor government would mean for your family. for the other policies, the liberal democrats screens and nigel power rogers reform policy. the question is whether they can convert it's often sizable vote shifts into a meeting from number of seats getting millions of bites. we're going to do that on set that getting some seats. i'm certain that if it's a lot more than that, then fantastic. the case based off the post system usually punishes smaller policies with parliamentary relevance. so on friday morning will 14 years of conservative rule of being consigned to the history books will the 1st labor leader since 2010 be walking through that famous front door as prime minister that split devices to the side of course. but the united kingdom appears to be on the costs of an ear, a defining change,
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rory tenants out to 0 london. a few 1000 people are protested in the french capital against the rise before right. the demonstrate is right. and the square of leverage per week in paris as they purchased at the gates result. so the 1st round of the parliamentary elections, which so the national riley, secure the many states. i don't know, i'm feeling a little bit lower. it's because of the 1st the results were concerning and i expect you to have like kind of, uh, defendable country at the end of the, at the end of this election. and this is the best scenario, because like i'm also expecting maybe that's the far right when the selections with the majority. so i don't know, it's so very low in context. somebody with the far right has not governed the national netherland from since level 2. but it does have more regionally experience
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the national front. now the national route, a left behind the demo, dramatic legacy in too long of to be in power of the air in the late 19 ninety's. so fast and reports from the city in southern front. this to law afford safety with a french naval base was meant to be successfully for the fall right in 1995 people elected amir from the national from a party whose leader shaw marie lupin had been convicted for down playing the hold of cause and racism only for decades off of the end of world war to the appointment of the offense partition into no cause to stir in europe. but it wasn't long before the fall rights room started to crumble some bucks out because money was taken from people. and instead of building projects like a tunnel, they just abandon the streets with the t v. as we members how to national front only push projects that benefit the right wing support is the best. so even people are a french origin,
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started to reject the national front because they were left out and people for an origin like us, we're afraid to, in the international research and study in the far right project pain. the picture of mismanagement and corruption in 2001 the mia was voted out of office, leaving behind significant dep is political opponents cleaned up the city. but to law appears to have moved fast. it's negative experience with the fall, right. the national riley one the 1st round of this election and is hoping for a majority in the 2nd round on sunday news. the only thing that we have changed then we will not ready to take up responsibility. but now with alita jordan by della, we have a great team and everyone is ready. they don't have what the national riley is ready. so government, when the pay those for free a to give the party a 2nd chance are attracted by it and to immigration, stands to law is a real case study of a fall right administration at the local level, which many say was catastrophic while the national riley has promised that the test
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loan it's less than some i'm not so sure. left wing candidates. eric obviously is spending time with his family after withdrawing from the election race to give a centralized candidates a better chance of beating the national riley event. that's the same people that still the from when jo movie the pen was running the policy on on, they didn't prove that communications with tick tock, videos and so forth, but behind it and nothing has changed. i don't believe it for a 2nd on your way to re up seals as though it's 1995 all over again with a number of that fall right and a fearful migrants community. this mailbox full of national riley leaflets in hopes of possible fall. right? government is a short lived, as it was baghdad, steadfast and algebra. 2 long friends, 4 or 5 people have been killed in a russian attack on the press. at shopping mal was badly damaged and the hospital was also hitting the something you credit and safety brush it, the nice targeting civilians all civilian infrastructure. haiti's prime minister
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has hailed the deployment of canyon police to help bring order to his country, which is struggling with gang violence. gary canal was speaking. you had security council the week after the 1st group of about 200 offices arrived as part of a you in fact, multi national forests. gabriel amazon day as well. the eighty's newly installed prime minister gary coney took part in a security council briefing. here at un headquarters in new york, coney told security council members think katie is ready to turn a decisive page and it's history, and called on the international community for support. after the meeting, i was able to catch up with him briefly as he was leaving the un. this is what he had to tell me, general amendment to really a comforting 80 through this very difficult process. but also the recognition that it has to include beyond the forces with a commitment to addressing the root causes that sustain this type of instability.
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so i came out extremely avenue and comforted, noted that there will be international. so to directly to this effort, we're at a critical point, and if we all send together, we can be successful. the 1st contingent of kenyan police officers arrived in haiti last month to try to help get control of the security situation. connie told me that a 2nd deployment of canyon police officers would be happening soon, but he would not give me a date. gabriel was on the, i'll just say to do that in nations in new york. a 1000 indigenous people have mas, peacefully and equitable capital, demanding consultation before mining and oil rights are given to that line. and they want the legislation that would require that consent. authorities are often accused of carrying out consultations, which like detail to obtain community. the mother here, mother earth that provides the food that provides the ecosystem that provides the
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jungle. the water sees the mangroves. but because of the greed of human beings in mind, that is her children. at this moment, we are destroying the balance of my the fitness to my patients in south career, a protesting against prolonged talk to strike medical professionals of suspended surgeries and outpatient treatments, and some hospitals. organizations representing patients of cold front end to the collective action. it started in may of 2 governments, not plans to increase medical school admissions. mcbride has more from the demonstration, and so, so this is the light, is the protesting connection with this walk out by itself does image the patients to, to have the say, this is an umbrella organization representing patients groups from across the career and they're angry at, they disrupt that as opposed to medical services would be listening to various features, especially from relatives of patients as well. so think about the impact of that
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this has been having all of this began when junior talk to beth, around 10 percent of the doctors in south korea, doubting protests, a government plans to run to, to drastically increase the number of students, the admissions, the medical colleges allow, according to the junior dumpsters that's going to be causing a big disruption to services. that's why we're taking the action at these protest as have been calling for the national assembly here to pass legislation to ensure that the government continues to provide services regardless of any invest in the same product. it's very divided when it comes to public opinion around 70, possibly 80 percent of people being poles are not sympathetic towards as adults as a part of the problem it seems to be for the shortage of doctors is as many of the junior dropped as being rolled away from the public sector into the fall ball, visit a private sector, especially in budgeting areas such as cosmetic surgery, which is the big boot industry here it says, while there is a lack of sympathy,
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it seems to adopt as the result that would months. these protest as roles are generally in south korea, a lot of a big, high disapproval of the government's handling of this, which is early increased over time, which seems to be a reflection. generally updates on popularity of his current administration. elite is from the shanghai co operation organization between for the i know some of the catholic capital invest on spearheaded by russia and china. the group has been calling the great the economic and security cooperation between members. it's expanded in recent years and represents mold in a 3rd of the world's population and a quarter of the level con of the china or in the european union and discussing plan types on the chinese electric vehicles. the 2 sides agree to negotiate and talk to the you announce levies about to 38 percent to compensate for what it says are on frank government subsidies. if not agreements has reached the g. g 's will come into effect on thursday as katrina. you know, reports from pages in china,
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electric vehicles, o e v, a common site. the country has the largest battery powered comma in the world. the government initiatives that have led to the industries growth and now the focus of intense negotiation between the european union and chinese officials. the you would choose as china of on sally subsidizing the industry and wants to raise tires on inputs. the move has and good badging to only marketing with you to china. it has expressed a resolute opposition to the use of the subsidy in investigation and advocated proper handling of economic and the trade frictions through dialogue and the consultation. the proposed changes will depend on each manufacturer is corporation, but the investigation and would be added to the 10 percent tariff already in place for me.


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