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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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bull of the island, we were not part of the conversation the about this and this is the use our life from don't have coming up in the next 60 minutes. how much size is set mediators what it costs. new ideas for holding israel's war on garza israel says it's examining the proposed campaigning. rob felt for presidential candidates in iran who will come out on top of one of votes on friday, falls open across the u. k. after 6 weeks campaign and millions of voting for their
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representatives in parliament, plus under, on entering in illinois were sciences at hard on national laboratory, are working on a computer in the world. the a. we're going to be getting this news all with israel's war on garza how much size it's shared. it's latest plan was mediators about a potential sci fi and a deal for the release that was really captives held in garza, as well as, as examining the offer. fine service intelligence agency ball side will respond an association representing families of the captive says if the deal is not accepted. millions of this really isn't a protest. how much has released the statement on the groups efforts to end the war, which is just days away from entering it's 9 months? it says as well. hi ma'am. how much political leader has made contact with kentucky? and egyptian mediators is put forward for the group calls ideas it's discussing in
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order to reach an agreement that and this is really a tax on palestinians in gaza, hama says ongoing deliberations are being held in a positive spirit. for more than this, we're going to to him to contract because in general, bala in the central guys are far as a hint. of course we've been here before, haven't for you with the possibility of a seems far how were people reacting to that? what are people saying about this? of the 6 people are, has just their frustrates in 3rd grade. they're striving to find food for their children. striving to have a or, or find has the drinkable water policy. news has been displaced from a place to another. and this is not the 1st time they hear about the cease fire agreement or a cease fire deal. but every time they put their hopes, high disagreement fails. so policy news here are hopeless. they believe that this is just like every other deal that has been negotiated in the past couple of months
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. they say that they feel trapped. they feel that this is not going to end, but i as a couple of people, what are your hopes? what are your dreams? an all they say is we want this word to ad policy means are dreaming of the day. they're going to go back to their houses. they're going to go box to meet their beloved ones. we know that there has been a lot of how does that mean families that are separated and also there are a lot of hottest pinions, pin missing, and their beloved ones are searching for them. next, these are the 5 minutes. have benjamin netanyahu has previously said, of course, that the war against gaza, the walgreens homage is in its final stages of the fighting, of course is still continuing. what's happening overnight in gaza? of the, well, it was a very intensive knife in sci yet in the middle of the god was 50,
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where the is brittany brown operations continue for more than 5 days. now, no one is being able to reach the area we're talking about permitted medical teams turned in. there's no one is going at or being able to go and see what's happening there. but we are guessing our news from the surrounding areas where there is, has been intensive artillery, sending an air strikes, complete neighborhoods are being low enough and polishing in families are still trapped where they were unable to evacuate. also, there has been targets in a shaft area in of that is, are you in a sense, the past 24 hours, 50 policy rooms have been killed, including women and children. there were also a couple of gunshots and live immunization in the messiah. that's area by is ready to helicopters, and the artillery setting continues. is that eastern parts of the gaza strip, it's still intensifying and it's still continuing and a mid those as he's far negotiations. and that's why policy means few that these
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talks are very for jobs because despite the negotiations and talks, the air strikes and the ground operations by those really forces continue. nick and thanks very much indeed. hadn't the country talking to us from the about in central does a tunnel cover, which is an associate professor of public policy and doha institute for graduate studies. he's joining us today live from belgrade to good to have you with us. and we're not with the situation part of the is really mandatory, says that it wants to see a ceasefire and gossip because it wants to be able to concentrate on the attacks from has ball in the north. we've seen fractures in the coalition to walk cabinet has been dissolved. are we getting to the point in this for this war may be result by fractures in his way. the politics rather than military action or um, possibly yes, but uh, i mean, i mean, well in this uh, in this situation before when it comes to these uh,
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thoughts um that sort of miserably because of like a house position and exclusions, uh, a position on it i mean its uh, the boxiness book on it should have a part of that. what do i need it? the engage isn't any better, minute ceasefire told the lovely to achieving the goal of this for the before and the but this time i think that the new developments. 1 that yes, in the security establishment in the needs, and that is a growing intention on frustration that i know the united nation, the treatments of the political schools. nothing else has lunch and government. it's almost impossible. i mean, is it possible that it could be very difficult on think about especially with the lack of any vision on that the, to this what and support routing does that ending the call as well? nothing. yeah. there's got some government. i know the situation. i think the
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americans have tried more list to, to lay out some isn't stuff to use for them, but they have not been listening to the americans as well. the best buy. so i think that's a good start. this is for the street and, and this i want to give you the, in this establishment of this as well. the growing tension is happening in this, in this fall. what does the lead to uh, to the success of this problems, negotiations? i mean, i'm, i'm not sure it's, it's, it's, i mean, i love the, i've done that before. and it's, you have to be seen how strong is the condition and how effective it is to some june, these forces, or these voices in the security on our new stuff. and i had us, as we were, reporting has said that it has put forward new ideas. it's more funny, i says that they, he's been in so it's gotta be it's need zips in. negotiate has to put forward more ideas about moving towards the seas far given the circumstances that we're talking about, the changes within these rarely political structure of the military structure. do
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you think that ideas are more likely to be discussed more ultimately now that israel might be more open to at least having some broader negotiations given the pressures that you're talking about right there. one of the largest, the next? yes, they should go this way because i think i think that the, the, the minute to be stablish, the security stuff that supplement it isn't, has realized that they cannot they cannot have tools into problems at the same time . i mean, the guy, the world has exposed this weakness this matter. that is why i don't think on so many products is exhaustive them does. that doesn't happen to pick up the story. but the, because the, the political goals that nothing. yeah, was laid off from the onset of this month. i bought a book that you saw with this realization, i think there's a fee and on the rolling one in the secure service, nothing is left. and if,
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if another whole is open in the mode with living on a home, which would this would be a very dangerous situation for you to that? so i think, i think if, if, if, if, if the, cuz the establish on the lines is on the each to, uh oh, this realization and this convention from listening from the military establishment . we might see a change in position. but i'm not sure. then the, the political establishment, the coordination, is buying these arguments all convinced by these arguments were not very it's so click on factors that growing in front of a pressure also is a conflict affected by the families of hostages. the most ations of positions of, of the vision at all. so the, which is the american pressure. i mean, there might be some interest by the, by the solution for sending me the end of this war. so they can focus on the elections. i don't know sort of where the american stands,
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what's coming when it comes to this with the putting pressure enough pressure or nothing. yeah or not. but it is um, any way that they do something new that not makes no i'm there to see to what extent the, the status of that is. i wouldn't think that the vice of the minutes, that script establishment a um goal so this time and resources these files that these. yeah, i'm guessing some lines as you're talking. they're coming out saying that these really come, the cabinet is going to meet tonight as it does every thursday using but it will hold a limited meeting with benjamin netanyahu. the prime minister before the cabinet meeting to discuss the details of the homeless responds with professional officials . it says, come on, come with, we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed for your time. my pleasure. one of the more than 50 palestinian men released from the start of the jails recently. it has spoken to, i'll just say to about his experience and stuff like that. and it was imprisoned in 2002 for being a member of the ongoing of the polish standing group, fucked up. the reports from guns and use of nothing done has
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extended 21 years in multiple is really jails. now 63, he walks with his grandson, one till earlier this week he had never met on monday use of was released back into the gaza strip. he describes the moment after his very forces removed as a blindfold dropped him off on the dusty street and told him to start walking. where the hedge with the mark should with the model. i shouldn't help seeing the destruction when i was released. i didn't even see people any except this don't to found me in the street in court like family stuff. and i was very emotional when i sold them. i cried because of those who killed and wounded and those living on the street because they have nothing, including my wife and children. and we don't even have a time to live in tablets. look at my house is next door to so you use it as a greeted by friends and those who have come to pay their respect. some were not even born when his reinforces took him away more than 2 decades ago. he describes
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how you conditions a change when the war began and october, the 1st and 2nd day off to the war, started, the prisoners were attacked, and all their belongings were confiscated. televisions radios, clothes, even the money we used to buy food from the canteen with that was before the war. there was $6.00 to $9.00 people in each. so they started putting 15 people in the same. so use of was meant to be released in november, but it's really, authorities told him he had to stand a trial again. no lawyer was made available to him. he was sentenced to another 6 months and a transferred to a different prison. it was there, he met many men who had been detained since the beginning of the war in their home as an invasion. they were in a miserable condition. they were handcuffed and the bones in their hands were clearly visible out of the skin on their backs and peeled away. they cooled on the ground because they was so weak. they have no food. they had no water for washing
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themselves. they had no clothes. some of them hung showered in one of us, that this room was like that they would be 3 times a day. they were forced to say and repeat the worst woods about themselves because that was bad smells, came from the dirty bodies. and when they wouldn't believe, had the single human being, as the use of the daughter was 4 years old when he went to jane universal her again, it shut it down in echo, seen at the most and especially it was enough of prison during ramadan. when i was told my daughter of 4 children and her husband had been killed the last time i saw that she was 4 years old. on the 1st day of age, we will be badly regardless of health conditions. so age, we were accumulated that day deprived of food, water clothes. and so when the police officer told me they'd like to go home and i said i didn't want to be released. she almost why doesn't look like much older because the last time they said that obviously they took me to another prison and
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the cases live. this highlight the reality of life in gaza, palestinians release it from his really captivity are unable to return to the live . the ones knew their homes are no longer a safe haven. their family members a loved ones. last, with only their memories to hold on to honey my mode vieira from the central part of the gaza strip. palestine is where the forces of cabinet are more raids and several times in cities across the occupied west bank. the rest of the beast for palestinians and katia and took them incursions, also took place in october, northeast of nob us as well as the bust. yet in the west, there were reports of on confrontations between these very forces and protest. any reflections in nablus as what was expected to go ahead with a major land seizure in the occupied west bank. it's going to bring the total area
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of palestinian land taken by the is ready government to 12.7 square kilometers this year alone. settlement tracking organization peace. no, says the seizure will be the largest line to go. i've been more than 3 decades. once under is very controlled. palestinians rights to that land are no longer recognized. meanwhile, is ready, forces have demolished a house in big tom village, east of bethlehem, the demolitions invitation for the shooting. the child could administer check pointing occupied. east jerusalem. 2 is very soldiers with guns, diamonds during the sum of all that it says as long as the 100 rockets from 11 on towards northern israel, it was part of about 10 operations carried out on wednesday. targeting is really military sites. defensive follows and is really strike on the lebanese city of tai which killed a c. as about a commander is really defense minister. you've got them says the military is ready to take whatever action is needed and 11 on including fighting on the ground of
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the con paintings ended in a run headed friday's presidential run off for fall. most kind of did most of the peasants crown. i'm the ultra conservative side generally have held the final value is also set as joining us now from the capital at to find a what's the turnover, like 1st of all, because previously it has been fairly low indeed. so the general expectation is that these low turnouts, perhaps he's going to continue. so there is a dawn war to grand, all of the turnouts and app. it's huge among the booth as to where the elections really go over. and that's where i've, i've seen several of the running officials coming right off with each other. i'm calling on people to go to the ballot boxes, including the supreme, the that if i'm on a himself says that the high to and those are the dignity and the pride of the islamic public. so when we talk to people, reason for this to
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a note that will mostly say that it is about the concepts that they are suffering from. and also they have lisa phase that's an election would be about about the change. and one of the fact is now is going to be inflate. is that the addition to the, to the low turn off work in favor of, of the conservatives. but the high turnover mostly fee was the, the for this kind of is and if there's a low turnout then continue using the 2nd phone as well. the chances of winning the election conservative side is going to be higher. we are in an interesting situation where both candidates actually are repeating to was conservative voters within iran. and yet there seem to be splits that are appearing, talk to us about what's going on of the beach. so we have to turn to this one of them before them is one of them,
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preservative. so exhibit one is identity. the 1st of all she competed against cheese of the conservative side, or the kid in parliament. speaker, mom if i could kindly boss and that divide exhibit the chance i could work for for the, for mrs. candidates this week. this is john. so this way to 1st and the 1st phone. but when you look at the total numbers that the present with these cabinets got in the 1st phone is over 50 percent. that was not at the divide between the conservatives. probably one of them will now be the presence of iran. but on the other hand, when we talked about missile position, young quoted, he met before him is she's making it could be that his life, but he's a causality one. and he's going to follow the main principles of the islamic revolution. but she's also seen city would fall before miss porter sees when it comes to the when it comes to this stage, i fear so as of now i'm at the back of the card about the children's part of my speaking. who do i need to 1st? i'm seeing that she's in dorsey,
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deputies campaign and supporting people to vote for him. but i'm a bucket cutty, bob's the companion manager. several of them coming out and seeing that, well, actually they're going to support the deform miscounted that mr. business account. so now we cannot say whether the cause of it is all going to be in the united front with the fortunately the seconds or not, perhaps it's going to be divided. some 4 parts of the conservatives are going to work for the conservative gent decides indeed why the rest is going to work for mr . business. yeah, of the long run of presidential election is one of the most contested and unpredictable into islamic republics history. the 2 candid this represent different sides of the political spectrum in a divided the country side city. the former chief nuclear negotiator is popular among conservatives. he has strong connections in the port the could at least previously serve as a secular threw up the supreme national security council,
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a powerful executive body with influence or what you're on security and for them policies. he's proceed as a staunch lawyer list. yes, i mean we should look at life president abraham re st. then we will fight against sanctions, but also sees new opportunities. we must make our enemies for great imposing sanctions on us. i don't know him generally around for presidency in 2013, losing to her son who honey. so that the 2021. we can say we will see you, but i am raising the federal conservative. who's that? you know how to cope the crushing, make 3 good. these are the election. this time generally may have a better chance of success depending on how the nearly 3500000 people who choose mohammed back up kind of above last week. decide towards this week. however, therefore, miscounted that mr. daniels appeals to conservatives. the guardian council did not approve of possess goes candidacy in the 20132021 presidents awards. to serve as
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health minister from 2001 to 2005 on the you don't suppose to be for them as president, while i'm at 510 minutes. position still enjoys hard to me. support for repairs of housing vermani and for the minister joe city force indoors. he's campaign many believe dc. flesh with beckers could be the key to position deals victory. but he's threatening carefully how i'm sort of the nationalist approach when it comes to foreign policy. hold on for me. foreign policy means the interest of the us wrong and radians the 1st around so record low turn now with the apathy is a major concern for the towards children died of booking and the supreme leader has those people to cast their ballots. you don't look at that as good. i have repeatedly said that people's attendance as a source of dignity and pride for the country. if the election has high turn out and then these law, mac republic will be able to fulfill its goals,
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you said will then be another will turn out, could benefit judy least why the higher turnout could be in position counts failure, especially if he's able to mobilize reformist, let's just say to that, i would just need to add on as one of the pos typos of opened a new case general elections, voters around the country have been lining up at pulling stations to cast their ballots. panos, obviously soon i could call the stop election just 6 weeks ago has voted elections going to determine if he's going to stay in the top job or if labor party leader care summer becomes the next 5 minutes or so here. yeah, it goes outside of voting station. in wolverhampton, i'm sorry, i was reading the parts of what we're hampton have changed times between labor, conservative since 2019. tell us more about where you are. well, what i can tell you is that there are 3 seats in wolverhampton, that are being contested, of course, because of the ongoing restrictions. we're not allowed to speak about any of the
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political methods at hand to, but of course those seats will be faithfully contested. cool. so you have just not on the stand that will the hampton is in the hearts of the west midlands, here on the, on the doorstep, proven area known as the black country, the names given because of, of thousands of on foundries. and the coal seems that will mind to that. how would threatens industrial revolution, but a bit about will of a house in itself. it is predominantly a working class city. it has a history of industry and manufacturing. now, 3 quarters of the, of the cities economies made up with services now, and it has a sizable south asian, i'm power being community as well. and then the city center, of course, a vibrant student community just behind us. here is the posting station where people are going to be gathering to vote in this particular ward. yeah,
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we're looking at some pictures also from london as well. the people going in and out as of a pulling station. there is, of course, fairly earlier in the morning, but the numbers seem fairly fit and help people turn been turning up to vote for you on, as we've hardly seen anyone cutting up but yet, but as you have said, it is still early and of course people have their everyday lives to go to they have the jobs, the e, have students who occurring to the places of education as well, but it will likely pickup during the day. the polls are staying open until 10 pm this evening. that's $21.00, g m t, and this will be the 1st general election. web vote is have to bring an id to prove that identity. it's a fast in the u. k. and it was the cause for some criticism when it was brought in . but that is the new rule now, and that is what voters will have to do if they want vote to count in the selection . so here, thanks very much indeed, we're going to be checking in with you,
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obviously for the next coming hours or so, but outside of public station in wolverhampton, thank you very much. so i have done all the 0 jamaica avoids have direct. it is the strongest out of can and decades. brushes the size close to the island plus the this is it, this i'm denford and must say we're rising. crime has become one of the key issues for voters in parliamentary elections. the of the, the big summer thunderstorms that we've seen towards flooding in the alps and huge hailstones in the balkans is still there. that line that extends from romania up tools west and russia. is it, that's effectively a cold front behind it. the weather is changed back on a month to 2,
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it looks more like spring. then some of the winds are up. the cloud is bringing reading with it all the way of a most the european plane. but something, some of the heading down to was agree, so hit temporarily, the heat being driven away as well. but i think we'll see them disappear. in fact, a good positive west in europe will see an improvement. and from the point of view of summer weather sunshine and rising temperatures during friday, even the winning to the west med will tend to ease down to some degree. it knows it's not true. the northern europe, the british owls the low countries, particularly denmark and, and sweden, it still looks sad. the western, when do temperatures and the 20s, the real heat still pushed along were east. what does return to harden green? for example, should return to spain poacher go it to the and if you'd like to run a good example here, we're not exactly boss getting above average temperatures. we have at least maintained average temperatures, those doctors to a heart, but more interestingly from the big showers the
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with a manual micros policy performing fully french votes as well decide whether to give the fall rights power. pick the results of the run up phone on july 7th of consequences for your loss of coverage of the 2nd round of the french elections. and i'll just say ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spends on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis heavens, have gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence award winning document trees from around
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the corner which is 0. the the to, i just need a reminder about self serve as this, or if you can't find the solution. so next cost his general election bolcko's opened on thursday morning. of all, it's going to determine if you'll stay in the tough job all positionally that your stomach will become. 5 minister thomas says it's shared a further plan for the potential seems 5 of the country. and the junction mediators . it includes a deal for the release of his really captains housing garza. israel says it's studying the proposed con paintings ended in the, on the head of the presidential run off fighting on this kind of the muscle. assess
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game ultraconservative side jelly. how their final bucks into hon. none of the presidential contenders to secure the majority what crime is become a major issue. some voters in fonts is parliamentary elections the far right. national valley has gained rondon traditionally centralized democracy, pledging cautious sentences for minors, convicted of crimes. so every single on food is life for us and the must say in southern funds. so must i usually vote towards the center, but the crime rates seem to be pushing voters towards a tougher stand from the far right. yes, the theme of and security has gained importance and recent years in france, 60 percent of french people say they do not feel safe according to recent polls. and in fact, it's a topic that's been taken out by political parties, especially the far right, including here and must say, a 16 year old jelly is still recovering after he was shot in the leg
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3 months ago. they shot me at home. i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked. the problem is, my mother was that my sister, my little brother. they could have hit them doing more than the moment. he stopped going to school when he was 12 to make around a $100.00 a day. acting as a lookout for drug dealers must nice police say children like julio, often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. all of us hold for violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise. in the past decade, we respond more quickly. when there is a contract, people use a kalashnikov to settle disputes. fine time has made security. one of the biggest issues computers, in most se, helping the rise of the far right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of
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voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher sentences. it also wants minors to be tried as adults, these neighborhoods in the north and must say have 17 times more violent crime than the rest of the country, mostly related to drug trafficking and both the victims and the perpetrators. a younger than ever before. these are also some of the poorest neighborhoods in europe with a quarter of people living in poverty. according to the french observatory of any qualities with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people don't see education as a way out. as many as 139 percent of children have dropped out of school because of us about to mind. this building was very decrepit. for example, when we were on the 1st floor that were wrapped in some passing by our chevy. the hockey buses, mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in he's run down buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities,
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and politicians only pay attention to what goes on in poor neighborhoods at election time, defense, the civil focus on these up, the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution then we must focus on education when we are called upon to respond to the case law, we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is too young to have a say in the election already does illusion by politics. many are discouraged and say their prospects look increasingly bleak. if this i'm getting food, i'll g 0 massey as the far right is increasingly presenting this tough response on crime. in fact, the left is also battling for seats here and they've come up with their own proposal. they want to re introduce community police, then that's a form of police that is imbedded in the communities they serve. and in fact, that existed before in france. but former president knew class,
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of course he took that away. he thought for state should focus on the sanctions rather than prevention. these different approaches to crime will likely be key deciding factors for voters on sunday. it's going to be interesting to watch what's happening in the say is i'm going for, we appreciate it. thank you very much. the white house is once again insisting the presidential biden has no plans to withdraw from november's election. biden's men, democratic governors of the white house on wednesday, where they pledged their support for his campaign. media reports suggest some congressional democrats considering alternative candidates to take on donald trump . biden's been under increased groceries since his poor performance. and last week's televised debate. as you say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to and that's what i can say. and that is the president's
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focus wasn't on jordan has more from washington dc. it's not an understatement to say that the us president joe biden is struggling to hold onto his spot as the democratic party nominee for president. come november. however, the president met on wednesday evening with about 20 or so democratic governors to basically hash out what happened 6 days ago at the debate with a former president, donald trump, and to figure out the way, ford. this is what the chair of the democratic governors association governor to walls of minnesota had to say after that meeting. yes, so for office 3 and a half, 3 and a half years of deliverance. busy is going through what we've all been through. none of us are denied thursday night was a bad performance. it was a bad. it was a bad guess if you will, and that's, but it doesn't impact what i believe is delivering. what we saw in there today was
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a guy who was the guy that all of us believed in the 1st time. we could be donald trump and did the now, even though the democratic governors say that they are sticking with a man who helped them get through the after effects of the pandemic and the economic downturn here in the united states, there are others. some congress, members of, for example, as well as some of the leading democratic party fund raisers, suggesting that it's time for joe biden to stuff aside to let the younger generation try to lead think champaign into november's election. they say that with out joe biden stepping aside the chances of donald trump winning re election and possibly leading the united states in a very different direction. bro. incrementally greater by the hour. russell and jordan elder, 0 washington. the officials from china and the european union have been discussing time, titus on chinese electric vehicles. the 2 sides of agreed to negotiate after the one on levies of up to 38 percent. to compensate for what it says are unfair
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government subsidies. returning your reports from vision in china, electric vehicles, o e v, a common site. the country has the largest battery powered comma in the world, the government to missions that have led to the industry's growth. and now the focus of intense negotiation between the european union and chinese officials, the you would choose as china of on sally subsidizing the industry and wants to raise tires on inputs. the move has and good badging to see about getting to to china has expressed a resolute opposition to the use and the subsidy in investigation, and advocated proper handling of economic and trade frictions through dialogue. and the consultation to propose changes will depend on each manufacturer as corporation, with the investigation and would be added to the 10 percent tariff already in place . for jamaica, b, y d faces, the lowest additional judy of 17.4 percent will say marches would be subject to the
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biggest hug of 38 point one percent. non chinese manufacturers who produce in the country including tesla and b, m. w will also be effected before showing us domestic economy, unemployment. so this is not good news because that means in the next few years, we'll probably see more of an incentive to move my capital and investment overseas. so that's not the jobs created in china. china describes the move as protection is and has defended the rapid growth of its electric vehicle markets as the result of receptive consumers and definitely developed industrial network. there's also been criticism from within the european union, including the lynn, which is one of the white, a trade during the visit to china last month. germany's economic assessments to cold the tire. it's a dangerous development. the exports are in touch with the countries like china and
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germany must work against these tendency, also separated markets. china has already threatened to impose terrorists on european port, opening an anti dumping investigation into inputs in june, katrina alpha 0, aging. the latest and the shanghai corporation organization are meeting for the 2nd day of their annual summit and the cars, like capital, a stano spear handed by russia and china, the groups being calling for greater economic and security cooperation between members. the organization represents more than 40 percent of the world's population and a 3rd of the global economy, the son of bon jovi to is there for us at the summit. he's joining us now live i it's been opened, i think, for our mind iris. so once being the happening and what can we expect for the shooting i corporation organization is moved from a 9 to a 10 member block with bella. russo officially becoming the tents member and as you mentioned, this group represents nearly half of the world's population. so it is interesting
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when they talk about the security economy environment and in to connectivity, because it is going to have an impact on the large part of the world and on the global scan on the economy of the road as well. to discuss it. those impacts and what we expect from the actual meeting we have for this. i mean, they're cust bible from the you're a good agent. innovation is to thank you very much for being with it's described to us. what should be expected is the seal becoming another brakes, another organization which is going to rival what b c that is present in the rest? well, to be honest, personally, i don't think that this organization and the members of education are trying to emulate any other exist organization. i think these pieces were already stated by the member states and the cause of sending side as well in the last 6 months that it has been a chair, 1st of the organization. it has stated that it wants to make this new formal
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corporation that gives maximum positive sides to each member statements organization that has something to do with the with the f c o. when talking about what to expect. i think so just basically by analyzing the work that has been done by the kinds of things like in the last 6 months and overall the initiative that were brought up by a precedent for christ during his visits and his participation in other s c or related events, we can definitely expect questions of regional stability, regional security being raised. and the important thing that we've been hearing is about an investment fund between s c o members. so who's going to fund that? where's the money going to come from? and then wouldn't be another bricks bank, so to speak, with china, it has the largest share. i know the company is just chipping,
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so what is the full not the going forward? because this is the 1st time you seen a few plus big places, beds which has 13 of the men. ready and it is expanding and expanding. well, i think we can expect that the investment fund is not going to have any is not going to be and loss for member states to contribute money to. but it's going to be more on a voluntary spaces on the countries which want to put their funds in it's, it's an important initiative, the investment fund itself because it has to do with the reforming the organization's works. that overall, a lot of critics of the s c or they have been stating that the organization didn't produce any valuable projects or different statements like that. but the investment financially is one of the ways of solving some shortcomings that have been happening is the funds that are going to be brought up are going to be actually use,
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or hopefully they will be used to bring to us all of the documents, all of them that are being sent all of the documents that are being side by all to very quickly. this is the also a, an issue of security and you have countries who also have to reach the issues. you've got this, this, the chinese and the indians. you've got the indians in the park, signings, and so on and so forth. so how crucial is this that this forum can actually bring sites together rather than exploiting those differences? extreme and to show because even the fact that the representatives of these countries, the leaders of these countries, they came to this time and they didn't, they didn't refuse their bridge sufficient. they actually are participating in sitting at the round table to discuss that it serves as an example of the potential that the organization. so the questions of regional security, i think,
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would definitely be focused on countering the 3 forces of evil, terrorism, separatism, and extremism. these issues as well as anti drug initiatives will be set in place. i believe all of these questions this i think this would be the 1st points of a matter of regional corporation. but also we can expect by the announcement that were made prior, that members member states of the organization and other other sides that were invited to participate. they represent other organizations that they will be making some sort of of calls to other countries to the full world. and that's what they announce. so it will be really interesting to see what kind of a message they have for other states that are not in the s c o currently mean expire. thank you very much for that. and in the next few hours,
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we'll hear from these what lead is about the final destination on the actual contents office. and the un secretary general is also going to appeal to this for him to try and have very differences and come together to fight global challenges. including not just security and economy, but the climate change as well as on the thank you very much. indeed a some of things have had an astonished ball. ben godwin is head of a novice, as a prism is a strategic intelligence advisory firm, specializing in central asia. and he's joining us from london. thank you very much . indeed from being with us a few statements that were coming out from chinese presidency engine paying in the run up to they they are, they leased the opening of the, the, the conference he talks about the needs to maintain stability and smoothness of industrial supply chains. he also talks to about resisting external interference and from being firmly in support of one another. to a certain extent, these are all fairly unadorned statements, which one would expect from a leader attending this. what do you think china is actually hoping to get out of this meeting? yeah,
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i think you're absolutely right. i think one of the main issues the showing i cooperation organization is it doesn't really have a clear mandate of what it's supposed to do. because it's such a diverse group just in the room, i just, i just don't have enough di, stop from countries that do have quite significant differences between each other. it is very difficult to have a clear mandate and a strong structural sort of program for the development of the organization. in terms of china. i think china is priority. certainly looking at the statements that are coming out of is maintaining into connectivity across the range and constants. china obviously has to security concerns around the south trying to see these shawnasee and is, is very clear that it wants to build um, transport, colorado. ready was an economic rate for throughout the you raise your costs are getting down to the persian gulf and across to europe as well. so that seems to be the priority certainly for china. and i obviously a, the comics are going to be
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a key key part of this. but obviously as we were just hearing, security is going to be a major issue as well as like me to put in a rush that is going to be attending. this is just coming shortly after vladimir putin has strength and ties in, in north korea. what about russia? what is russia hoping to gain from this? and the rest of it is in quite a difficult position at the moment. um, as of the last few months, we've noticed that the west and sanctions, particularly us sanctions against russia have really targeted brushes. pop was around the world. i'm really inhibited versus trade was with the countries like to achieve united everetts in a china. and so one of the things russia will be keen to do is to try and make sure that these economic relationships remain open to russia as to what the western sanctions tighten around russia. we know the president, she, i'm russian present but i didn't pretend that for 2 hours today and they would have had a lot of discussion, particularly around speaking to like secure. ready t,
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i'm maintaining some kind of t shirts within the shanghai cooperation organization. i sounds sort of buffer against western sanctions on western economic and security insurance across the rise and confidence. yeah, it's going to be interesting to watch over the next few large band god one. we appreciate a thank you. thank you. i'm. i looked at colt's in the democratic republic of congo . sentence 25 soldiers to death for desertion. and they were convicted for freeing the front line and disappearing orders during the fighting with them. 23 on group as fighters are making advances in the eastern d r. c. any of this week, the capture of the time of kenya by own guy near the border. we've gone to and for one day starting the senate to find him a payment has puts the governing labor party after being suspended for supporting a motion on recognizing palestine. last week, payment defied her policy to side with the greens on a motion urging the senate to recognize palestinian statehood prime minister,
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antony albany. z suspended her on sunday time and said she'll retain her seat for western australia as an independent. the scientist for the laboratory in the us of created and powerful new super computer. the multi $1000000.00 aurora opens up new possibilities for research and everything from diseases to the future of climate. i'm even the origin of the universe itself, john 100. unfortunately, i'll go national nevada tree in the mount, illinois. this colossal computer is expected to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, answering questions, human kind has pondered since the dawn of time. we see research and almost every major area of science out there. so we are doing research that's looking at the fundamental structure of an atom and those fundamental forces all the way up to looking at the structure of the universe. aurora, a super computer at argonne national laboratories in illinois could soon become the
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world's most powerful computer. once it's fully operational, that's expected to happen later this year. scientists are still connecting computer nodes that increase its power can think of a node is being the computer. this is in many respects your laptop. it's just a very. ready credibly powerful version of your laptop, even it less than full power, the half $1000000000.00 water cooled machine taking up the space of for tennis courts is in comprehensive really fast processing. massive amounts of data at extra flop speed. that's a quintillion 10 with 18 zeros after it tasks per 2nd. and when it comes to using artificial intelligence, it performs it 10 times that speed, making it the most powerful computer using ai on for, for years computers, it'd be getting smaller and more powerful. each of those silver handles is essentially a computer or a know aurora,
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10624 of them. and that's what gives it it's unfathomable speed and power. it can also solve practical problems modeling in granular detail how cancer cell spread through the blood stream, mapping a mouse brain, and soon human brains and testing billions of possible aircraft part models before building a single play. i can save, it's part of puerto rico. you should be ready to round codo. martha, you is using aurora to develop long term climate models that range from a single building to the entire globe. if i can project, what could be a risk product coastal area for, for, for, for why fi as it will help communities, companies to adapt to this change. anyone in the world can apply for computing time, more than one condition. oliver rowers research must be publicly available that makes auroras impact not just potentially groundbreaking, but global john henry and l g 0. lamont, illinois. the still ahead on,
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i'll just say i wrote mcbride and sole south korea with the latest protest in a long running jump. this dispute this time, having dare say it's put to death. i'm replacing the
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product and those costs the southern part of jamaica bringing with the winds of up to 225 kilometers per hour. and heavy rain is the most powerful storm to hit, the camera being so out of the, in the atlantic hurricane season. airports in jamaica is capital are closed,
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and people have been evacuated from low line areas. bottles left, a trail of destruction across the southeast are being killing at least 6 people of your some motors, the jamaican minister of water, the environment, the climate change. he says, disaster management teams are on standby. the storms of this match up with this sort of storm surge with this sort of weeding that ran as is associated with hurricane barrels. it's never easy for us to be there and it was unexpected at this time of the year. admittedly, the 1st few was this, it didn't cover the sort of in foxtrot. so my projected, but as invariably happens with the starts of storms, it's right behind the i will let you have the greatest intensity. so we're seeing the greatest level of reinstalling the greatest level of wind in southern power. she has no. so we are c impact. so uh, you know, whole for the roof damage. i'm not hearing you have any major damage to much public infrastructure. but what we are,
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we are working through our office of disaster preparedness to coordinate responses from all the 14 municipalities. so early days, um we have not gotten what we could have gotten from this storm. how does midland fall? but we're not yet out of the woods. it's still an incredibly dangerous storm. we're averaging when goes in the, you know, right on the boat and drove category one category to where we do have. and every once in a while, some, some of the southern and traffic are 3 or 4 inch. i'm sure you're gone. they all know has more from mexico city as the category for hurricane battered jamaica, southern coasts for hours, with rains and winds of up to a 140 miles an hour. the wind did cost some structural damage in the capital as well as flooding due to storm searches. the roof of the international airport was destroyed, as well as several emergency shelters, which had to be moved to alternate locations. now the full extent of the damage, we'll have to wait more information on. of course, once the storm has cleared and authorities can assess the damage. next on its path
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is the cayman islands, where residents have been preparing themselves for what's expected to be the strongest storm to hit the island in 15 years. meanwhile evacuations has begun in mexico, as you can tell me, peninsula where the storm is expected to land late thursday. this area of mexico home to some of its best known tourist destinations, such as conclude and to loom is no stranger to hurricane preparedness. still, the government has to play the military and national guard and open more than a 1000 temporary shelters for people to ride out the storm. big hotels and resorts meanwhile, or implementing their own specific protocols for their guests. the storm is expected to lose some of its destructive power. by the time it reaches to mexico. certainly residents in its path or hoping and praying. that's the case. still residents in coastal areas all along mexico know that even if this storm spares and this year is hurricane season is here and then full swing go. yeah, no,
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i'll just sierra mexico city patients and groups representing them in south korea are protesting against a long term doctor strike medical professionals, so suspended, surgeries and outpatient treatment. some some hospitals. protesters have called for an end to the industrial actions. government drives reports from so this is the lights as protests connected with this full month old doctor's dispute. and this time it's the turn of a patients to have that save is, is an umbrella organization representing both patients. so those are patients, relatives, from groups across the south korea. this dispute began in february when june. your doctor's walked out, protesting against government plans to drastically increase the number of students admissions into medical colleges to tackle a projected shortfall in the number of doctors, especially in rural areas and this central fields of medicine and especially given an aging population. now, according to junior adopters,
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this would seriously impact the quality of cab being given. there also impacts that ro, wages, and conditions of employment. it involves around 10 percent of the countries doctors taking action. and that has seen as services being affect the data and also a number of operations being canceled or delayed. what these protest is all calling forward is legislation from the countries national assembly to guarantee that services are still provided by the government regardless of industrial action being taken by doctor. she, your work place for these medical professionals is the hospital and the clients or their patient. why are striking medical professionals holding patients to hostage by going on strike public opinion and south korea tends to be deeply divided over the action being taken by deltas with around 70 percent of people being critical of their actions. but like these protest is also a majority of people being critical of the government's handling of this,
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but very much seems to be a reflection of the deep on popularity of the governments. here at the moment, rob mcbride, i'll just say a rest. so, and i'm gonna be back in a couple of minutes with more than all our stories i'm gonna pass as in the latest news, the reading you at the bottom and an intense pointing show that in north going to like it was what and the strip this will this fall from over with detailed coverage, given the lack of international up for it will be up to a residence, a 5 been to defend their very existence in their line from the heart of the story were not passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life, it's a distraction of from what she has witnessed as the world waves to see if the international criminal court will issue a rest for ins. for the lead, a zip is ready to come up. people in power which the i c, c, 's track record on trial. this court was created to hold those responsible,
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accountable, prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c fit for purpose? people in power on al jazeera, the african stories from african perspectives, 3 short documentary, by african filmmakers from fairly own democratic republic of congo and cape, rhode island. life is actually music of the way people talk,
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the way we walk is just everything. instructing, timing, go. tell them on the mountain. friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on. i'll just be around the sizes, propose new ideas for halting israel's war on god. israel says it's in some of the proposals, the more about this, and this is audra 0 live from to have also coming up con painting wraps up for presidential candidates and a run who's going to come out on top from the vinyl out on friday, the $25.00 soldiers and sentence to death in democratic republic of congo.


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