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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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un voted to create an annual days commemoration, so that they can join us for life coverage of the 1st day of our members for this repre need such an aside july, the 11th on tuesday, around the of the colors, the old rom, and you're watching the 70s on line, so my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes has been on launch, is a biologist, rockets and explosive drive and some 11 on targeting is really military sites. recovering whatever is less after another wave of his writings finds pills twins to palestinians across the gauze, and strip prime minister over she soon kind his leave of potty rag. okay. as tom
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but cast a vote along with millions of others. in the case of general electric and john hendern and illinois were science visit are gone, national laboratories are working on a computer. and as far as trying to run all those portable face prompts in the quarter finals on friday, and it might be run all those last zeros, but it will be doing everything to insurance known as last matches the name for the $75.00. the is $1300.00 gmc, we'd be getting the news in lebanon. hezbollah has find a mix of 200 vol kits and explosive drive and some southern lebanon into northern east. while the group has talked at several days, rightly ministry positions across the border. it's the 2nd day that rockets have been lost on multiple fines. protocols, and you'll keep, i'd go look hight sons in the region of gallery. the slightest escalation follows
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the killing of a cd. it has the command in southern lebanon on wednesday. and i was ready for the vitale. i did with rocket scientist, has been all bases in southern lebanon. let's go say that to us a bag. he's a full lie for us in southern level. it obviously developing situation that we've seen these rocket detox heading tools as well. what's the latest on this incident as well, those attacks have continued. now it has been, i've said that the fides over 250 rockets as well since yesterday, since wednesday, often the kidding of the senior commander. but how much the massage um, how about this? i know the issue with this is that that has been taken in violence in those possible districts. since yesterday. we've had sonic booms that space a craft, baker, break and assign battery, overlapping on we've heard explosions. we've heard rockets taking off into the head . they've seen the strikes here 11 on,
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but what i can tell you in the last hour is that the settlement of it to him that has been hit by his for the 4th is that if i step aside, hopefully coming and dry, it can zoom in and show you the smoke coming out of that is really assessment of miss was that not that has been here before by his beloved forces. they've talked it, is there any positions there? now his beloved also said that they were launched a squadron of drones aiming at 7 separate military sites. they've also used a book called miss old uh, richard, basically, missiles known from hidden launches and operated remotely. now this again is their response has been lost as to this destination of the senior colanda and whose funeral is taking place today. and as i said over the last few hours, it has been an increase of strikes across the board here. and so the southern level, so thanks very much for that update. well, as those tensions between has blog and these really all media grabbing that all say
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is, will, may spill over the folder. in the southern village of contents 5 is equal to deputies by the attacks that took place in the past several decades. 106 civilians are killed while they sought refuge in a un peacekeepers compound center quarter. how is this from canada, in southern lebanon? a memorial that stands as witness to a crime. children were among the 28 people killed. and then this way, the strike that brought down a building in southern lebanon, and 2006, the design of the 6 year old zane ups life cut short and the last major confrontation between as well. and has been law sort of the as a and i'm, i began to look for zane and she was sleeping next to her brother. and then i found a small hand. her body was covered with rubble kissed her hand. just below that all was the corner has seen its share of tragedy, 18 years on has below, and as well are,
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again at war kind of it is still outside the battle ground is the latest conflict line, some 12 kilometers from the border. that is about the flip side of model. and then if israel is to launch a full blown, well we've not been on know like what is happening now. it will stuff heavy blows at the hands of hezbollah. mariam survived what's known here as the 1st condom massacre. she lost the 18 members of her family alley, like marian survived. the 1996 is really bumming that kills more than 100 civilians . taking shelter at a un peacekeeping bass at the age of 8, he saw images that are attached in his memory. provide me with the kind of, i still remember watching people being then to live in that tent. i remember the voice of the woman who was screaming while she was being burned alive. i remember seeing an infant and without a head, the alley explains how experience is like these create resilience and the will to fight back. this is ready. tank is a reminder of
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a long conflict between israel and has the law. the lebanese armed group takes credit for ending, as well as a team, your occupation of southern lebanon in the year 2000. there had been several rounds of violence since of the not so distant sound of bombs were planes breaking sound barriers are all too familiar for the people here say oh fit hoff. and then of course, there is concern and fear, but we have an ideal lity and it's not easy to force us to leave the homes. defiance at a time of escalating threats by israel. that could change the magnitude of the conflict center, who there else, was it a condo southern, nothing on the spring and about slimy. he's an associate professor of international size. the lebanese american university enjoys us not from a re mr. so let me could help you with this on the program, the launching of these rockets and bones from southern lab and on is this just retaliation full the death. all that seeing the come out and the killed by is ran
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out of this week. and it always is sort of the build up to the ongoing message to israel from hezbollah, that we're not going to back down on gaza. we're not going to back down if you cannot pass. now we're not going to back down if you threaten be route or let them know there's a whole yes, uh i see said uh, this is a serious escalation, despite uh, what we've been seeing in the past uh few few days in terms of diplomatic affairs to cool down the situation on the side of the motors without the course of the by laws demonstrating once again after the month of this war that it is um for the section. uh, and its a vanity to wage major i back so i guess is your head remains uh, involved remains, uh, capable of inflicting serious damage. i guess. is it
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a military basis and uh, a $1000.00 on us. all a couple of enroll the, its demonstrating that has been low and were not since silence whenever its commanders all sides in ages and targeted. and this is kind of sending clear messages that is right and that is not for you. and i loved enough that, well, i never, it isn't with the headlamp and on the responses are from has but i'm not going to be serious. going to be damaging to, is there any calls and any databases and i get this done and they did it. this is demonstrating from this called the native that are choosing jones and missiles launching more than 250 a missiles and charles and the saying, you know, 2 hours that's capable of can i just jump in there because i'll just jump in that side because it also sends another message just in case it talks about really,
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how much of this is about has belong showing its military capacity as you just touched upon, the intelligence gathering capabilities that it also has. it was only last month when we sold those hezbollah drones in full traces, riley space, and had to hi fi. that's a lot televi tv's, but it also showed us it has blog, is sending a message of look how far we can get. so we can fly under your radar a 100 percent and this is, you know, is keeping it continuously calculating as the popular thing any, all creates a military class for at backend, then raising a why the water and whether or not. so in many ways this is restraining is red trunk back in a more aggressive possessions. i loved on all knowing full and you know, knowing fully that any has the shouldn't going to be extremely caustic. is that any
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minute navy? i thought her game says diane, against his brother in law, well, not really a cheap cl justice, minnesota or checked. it's not game. is there any political stance? but it's got a call this could have caused a bit of a problem, isn't it? and raise concerns for these to you might say warring factions and the allies for israel's perspective, washington is going to be concerned that it doesn't want to see an escalation is trying to de escalate and gaza. it's also got the presidential election that's ongoing. iran, on the other hand, is a supporter of israel. it to has the presidential election. it to doesn't want to see an escalation of these. 2 capitals will be wondering what the next move uh, move is by the you might say allies in the region as a keep a pitching each other with ms. silos, all the bottoms one way or the other. yes, absolutely. i think uh both sides have reached a situation office telling me after
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a month. so i think we need to decide is try uh, is capable of achieving any military gains on that at all. not to, uh, gain, politically. uh, this comes also at the same time, like you mentioned the election going on and on. i early election for the president and you're trying to use a major back to this war. supporting comes by law so uh, i think she doesn't want it. why didn't, you know, this was either because a why the ward from a involves it on and may drag it into a calculated the more that with the high cost also is the, has the same concerns on the, you know, united states like you mentioned, is placing extreme pressure on it and not to be engaged in a wider war than on you're being pressured on israel and not to be engaged at all
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and not why the war not on domestic pressures. you know, we've seen a segmentation and that is the cabinet. there is a split left the, the doc position pulled off on government land to administer. the defense went to an artist, states and heard it from the united states, a administrative sion that in the u. s. is not interested in widening the floor. also not the whole as a plan visitor, united states. i don't think that the ones, the goal in the mid is off american election with a widening of the war that is not really popular among the young people in the united states or among the general public and not united states. so you know, that are significant pressure on both sides and the national vision and domestic not to engage in a why the a lot of, uh, with, you know, pretty much would it be off uh without much calculation. uh,
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be withdrawing. would you say what happens at the, in the coming hours, maybe also have the coming days for the moment to think or to speak to emma telling me that from the lebanese american university and babies. thank you. i know. so it's been bothering, has killed at least $22.00 palestinians, the cost cost since thursday morning. and that takes the death toll to move in 38099 months of war. one of the latest strikes at a residential square in gaza. city people are trying to rescue those trucks into the rubble among the wounded or several children being taken to hospital at school, save it to turn. it covers him who joins us from central garza and darrow, by law monitoring events for us from that just gives us an idea about this ongoing assault in garza city. what we know about this incident of the, just to hell a day by day the is very secure. the is without tax and the gaza strip escalade has the security condition across the strip. really, the 2 rates,
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as these very only has been up stating the military attacks, and specifically in the notes of because of strep, where they have been a very talk at mounting pressure and attacks on evacuation senses in that area. at least 2 evacuation centers, which are originally schools that have been used for educational purposes. but within the displacement and waves, uh, we have tend to be that creation senses have been talking to that least 5 palestinians have been to, we've chosen as of entries have been transferred to the top just hospital in order to get medical treatment. that so helpful as we have been hearing from the homeless, one managed to have health saying that within the past 24 hours at least $58.00 palestinians have been killed so far with more than 179, others being wounded. and we can see how many people are right now have been receiving the treatments and really overwhelmed medical, the sector, and the newly talk to them. now, when the fighting the button and that we continue to heat and then other costs hold
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hundreds that rocked refuge account. we also had from the civil defense cruise that they managed to recover knowing palestinians being killed in the city. and the cost also because of strep weather has been day by the trying to get a condo partial acts as well. the has, but um, it has been intensifying dep abutment in that area. um since october this happens more than that. 2000 palestinians have been killed sofa, which is a fairy admins and shopping number in terms of the victims that they have for them since they want him to fight himself. sorry, thanks very much. the update is cool. so moving situations that will continue to defend with you throughout the day. thank you. to the boss says it has shed a plan for a potential seaside with guitars and addiction mediators. i think there's a deal for the release of his right. he kept his housing garza, but his real size is examining the also and it's intelligence agency. both sides will respond and association representing families of the captive se if the deal is
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not accepted. millions of his writers will take to the streets includes that he has more on this from the in central gaza policy. news are not even hopeful about this. please fire negotiations going on. they believe that this is another attempt of sales negotiation. they're very cautious. they don't want to get optimistic, they're also striving to find food and walter and they're striving to see their children. we have been talking to a lot of times as seen use here, deluxe, the hospitals, where i am right now. and most of these people are people who are displaced from a place to another. the only wish they have is to go back to the northern parts of this, all those trips they want to go box or beloved ones. and they also want to search for their loved ones who are missing israel's warrant gauze that has damaged or destroyed all universities and the strip forcing many students not to pursue the studies, but the best like university and the occupied westbank is offering some also
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students the option to study online, free of charge. no, it was a report. so from the valley, a study is hard for an exam, trying to block out the seemingly endless floor all around her. after being displaced, 4 times the nursing student and her family returned to their damaged told me to have a son east of con eunice, seeking some semblance of normalcy. now, that is continuing her education thanks to an initiative by beauty state university in the occupied westbank. she and more than 3000 others are studying for free. as visiting online students. it's an endeavor that requires determination. w, i must find an internet connection and hope that last for the duration of the lecture or test make it's really easy. so the professor,
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i imagine us modern dozens of business, they've economics and administrators volunteer their time to students from gaza. he says this is an act of defiance and commodity. and it's the least they can do. it's a formidable task in the past 9 months. israel has damaged or completely destroyed . all universities in gaza. 88000 students have lost their path to the future. our role is actually to give the chance for the people to actually imagine in different future or other than that pre decided to sort of by the coordinated power for dahlia studying is about resisting the normalization of war and inspiring others to look to the future. as tuition
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fees and everything study and gives me hope that it tells me it allows me and my family to look past the death and destruction to hold on to hold in gaza is to defy the odds. shortly after our conversation, dalia and her family were forced to flee again. in the dead of night, under is really even barton. now, in attempting the scorching heat of a mile off is june's dahlia holds onto her notes, the only remaining promise of a different destiny. with all the address either. now my la occupied with bank palestine. is there any forces of code that will raise in several towns and cities across the occupied westbank? is there any falls that are covered at low rates in several towns and cities across the area where they've arrested at least 10 palestinians in ramallah. hebron to come in and calculate incursions also took place in acts of the south east of nap.
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let's as well as the best of you in the west. meanwhile is ready for us to demolish the house and that's to my village is the best way in the home belonged to a palestinian who was involved in the shooting as a military check pointed also by the stories of in february, not to his many soldiers that killed him, not the 10th was trying to get a sense of fasting. the payment has quits. the governing laid the policy after being suspended for supposing a motion on recognizing palestine last week. payment defies. have potty to side with the greens automation during the senate to recognize palestinian statehood. and it's down to the albany, easy to spend to there on sunday payments as she will retain her seat for western australia as an independent study overall. but somebody's in sydney with the latest on the political full lives. this is cause wives in parliament and we've not had national device of the strongest position on the role in gossip. send it to the side of the payment has quit, the policy unable to accept its position on
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a palestinian state. and so i think the prime minister as effective for her decision to god last week, she defied her policy by voting for a grains motion to recognize palestinian statehood. the actions lead to prime minister anthony albany. easy to suspend her indefinitely from the labor. cool, cuz send us a payment claims that she was in terminated by some members, including the prime minister, something he denies. in an emotional speech, she announced her resignation from the live a posse, and now she will run as an independent. her decision, she said, was one of principles breaking up on the war in gaza and saying she is no longer believes that she can use her position inside the potty to secure an immediate recognition of the state of palestine. the plots of people in gaza also fuel demonstrations at parliament house, which protest is unfeeling. pro palestinian banners eventually arrested and charged
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. since the war began, australia has been the size of simple pro palestinian protests, including weekly demonstrations and months. long occupations of university campuses, labels position on the wall has stood and now among many communities here with some now becoming a driving force to try and remove labor at the next federal election. the competing has ended ended rhonda head on fridays presidential before was candidate and assumed the picture skin and ultra conservative site jelly of hell. the final riley's, the capital source of the, has more on both candidates from the radium capital to hong of the run of presidential election is one of the most contested and unpredictable into islamic republics history. the 2 candidates represent different sides of the
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political spectrum in a divided the country side city. the former chief nuclear negotiator is popular among conservatives. he has strong connections in the port the could at least previously serve as a secular throughout the supreme national security council. a powerful executive body with influence over utilized security and for them policies. he's proceed as a staunch lawyer last year. we should act look at late president abraham, right. say that we will fight against sanctions, but also sees new opportunities. we must make enemies for great imposing sanctions on us. i don't mind. did we run for presidency in 2013, losing to her son who honey. the 2021 he threw in philadelphia. but i ain't received a federal causality of who's that you know how to cope the crushing, make 3 good. these are the election. this time generally may have a better chance of success depending on how the nearly 3500000 people who choose
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mohammed back up kind of above last week. decide towards this week. however, therefore, miscounted that mr. donald appeared still conservative. the guardian council did not approve of position guns candidacy in the 20132021 presidents awards to serve as health minister from 2001 to 2005 on the you don't suppose to be for them as president. while i'm at 510 minutes position still enjoys hard to me. support for repairs of housing, vermani and for the minister just city falls indoors. he's campaign the many believe these things. why should becker's could be the key to visit skills victory? but he's threatening carefully how i'm sort of the nationalist approach when it comes to foreign policy. hold on for me. foreign policy means the interest of the, of the wrong, and radians the 1st around. so every quoted low turn now with the apathy is a major concern for the towards children died of booking and the supreme leader has
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those people to cast their ballots. you to look at that as good. i have repeatedly said that people's attendance as a source of dignity and pride for the country. if the election has high turnouts, and then these law, mac republic will be able to fulfill its goals, will then be another will turn out, could benefit judy lee. why the higher turnout could be in position counts failure, especially if he's able to mobilize reformist, let's just say to that, i'll just data that on the voters in the united kingdom and testing the ballots in the general election. both the prime minister wishes to that kind of labor, the, the case dominated early on says day it's been to 6 weeks and see that cool. that's not the election. the best results are expected. later in the day, maybe 50000000 people across the u. k. eligible to the ship, this is what some of them have to say early on pulling day from london. i just want a kind of economy is what i'm often and condo economy, kind of government,
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and maybe a little bit. most people to be honest. i'm not facing how many that i keep gotten some number stating the number what kind the government and escaping the don't send someone to what people have been saying to you as like going into the voting station. wolverhampton, sonya, of the, well, there's been a steady trickle of people coming into but, but we've been, it shows that it will be getting busy or later on. and because of course, people are also working or they have other endeavors to go about that day as well. so with that in mind, we're not going to see the great rush of people during the day that that is anticipated, but perhaps they've got to be seeing more later on. now we have, we had move a home some, and that is essentially in the heart of the west midlands, a city which in which 3 constituencies all being contested. it has a proud industrial manufacturing pulse,
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but now about 3 quarters of the economy is in the services sector as well. and of course miss election as well. there is a 1st to, 1st time the vote is all going to have to present the identification if they want the ballots account. so do the polling stations, i'll be there for some time now. so just give us an idea of the timeline from now to when we can expect a clear results as well. voting is going to continue until 10 o'clock this evening. that's 21, g m t. and as soon as the polls close, we're going to be guessing exit poll results. now, without in mind, then the going to be rushed to those votes. so going to be rushed to the nearest counting centers where they going to be switches to be counted around to about 11 for a t p. m. that's 20 to 30 g m t. we're most likely going to see the fast seats declared,
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and that's expected to be in the north east of england, around 1 am midnight g m t. we're going to see the shape which scotland is looking in terms of its voting outcomes as well. we'll get a picture of that then, and then an hour later, then the results. so going to start is beginning august. we're going to see a schools dozens of seats being declared in that time around about 4 to 4 o'clock. that's 3 gmc, this should be enough results to decide which party is ahead and most importantly, by what margin as well. now recounts could of course, delay the outcomes in case certain one's a sudden of a declaration. so having to be recount to the good, but we should have a full picture more or less by mid morning on friday. what was your wait and say it's going to be very long day for you for the by with sonya guy that we will, the hampton centurylink. but thank you, but it's time for the webinar who's ever to the colors all quads across the middle
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east at the moment of a lively wind. so as the little bit of lifted dust and sand, a rabbit, not too much of the way in any significant trap as wind should ease off here around the gulf as we make our way through west friday and c. temperatures at around $3444.00 celsius the fort though. honda, similar to temperature as we go on into sat there still quite a brisk rays running down and whatnot for q way back that close to 50 degrees celsius. hit one or 2 shows up towards the black sea but since and went to weather coming in here for a time. maybe some weather, some showers into good parts of the key. i but for north africa, hot and dry, some did not. plenty, a shower rod across the west africa, the live b as one small southern areas have gone to pushing across the southern parts of the nigeria into the gulf of guineas. an east of the rift valley, one or 2 showers, the its eastern parts of the can you mount to southern africa looking dry looking
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quite at 20 celsius the on saturday afternoon in the cape town system that's going to make his way in west to weather cool. weather when the weather coming in for the western cape on sunday. temperature, is that in cape town, take right back to around 14 degrees celsius. still a head. hey, all the houses it renews us. it owns on me. we come to the district from the power ministry, rapids full force as well. so the one is a significant gain and the 14 month conflict plus this is it to sound good foot and must say we're rising. crime has become one of the key issues for voters in parliamentary elections. this cricket is with them to the welcome 5. so that's all coming up in support with the thought of the a unique perspective. one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however, it is bringing attention to advise that this has nothing rough and looks like we're
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off. it looks like so on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on our to 0 . the latest news, as it breaks far, it is environment. the realtor that spends a lot permitting any more members of the muslim community to enter its territories with detailed coverage. they've done that. the 1st i really gotta please, but um, doesn't say simple people from around the world. this rose warren garza was polarized french society for such an expense. and that could have an impact on what is one of the most consequential elections. those that are being news
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the book about you, what you obviously have as news uh with the so robin in the hall, reminder of all the top stories. how boss says that it shed a set of the plan for potential c spy with autonomy and the gibson mediators. it includes a deal for the release of his by the captive held in garza. israel says it's studying the proposal is ready for is that covered at low rates in the occupied westbank. the rest of these 10 power studies and several cities, most of groups, a mold of 9 and a half 1000 palestinians of interested since october, the 7th of hezbollah. for 5, a combination of 212 kits of explosive tribes is rarely minutes we possess of spare time because in response to the coming of a talk has the command in the southern 11 on the wednesday is the latest escalation of the series of tips. protests of tax since the war in gaza began. leo
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is a full, the director of as well as foreign ministry enjoys from tel aviv them instead of they all could help you with this on the program. how concerned should we be with this sort of escalation or we can see of a tax we've been seeing between israel and has the lot over the past few weeks? and i think it's very upsetting basis because the whole soul's, well, there was a to the house. it is quite the solves, i won't say normalizing by the people are going back to their homes and the not only the people on point to their homes, the situation is getting worse. brian is more real good on destruction. and that's the resolved more pressure on this really good political pressure to
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launch center in order to be able to bring the citizens back to their homes. a. so go see, this is why we can, because paisley may be doing all kinds of this out though it does not want to accomplish is indeed, i mean, these recent hours. if we just look at what's happened on thursday, a showed us how quickly the ground realities can change as a moments notice, how should be we'd, what's happened on thursday is, is this just the retaliation for israel killing that has block amanda? or is, is also another message from has the law being sent to israel, but it's not just miss 1000 drones. we can send, if you remember, last month we had unbound drones that sort of were able to monitor what happens in haifa. that was sent by has blah, i mean the message is quite subtle. yeah. but still there is a system she's by level the, as if i look at the my was
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a of the whole, the 50 to 70 real cause a day off. but we key that the spa, the, the especially problem, okay, that it's jumping to the day. also when it's folded a religious holiday at a level, they're all good. all squatted. so that is the system is a noise mix. what looks that and often use what i mean. all the forces i oh, do you know when would be what these various w keeps my momma. so the amount of damage and destruction, and a, and a saw some social implications of people being my mom, 100 people about how to do this is that it,
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you related to, to something very annoying to the site is right. that it'll be interesting to see what does happen suddenly in the coming days that only allowed the full, the director of israel's foreign ministry. thanks so much for joining us from tele visa. thank you. thank you. the crime has become an important issue for some of the items in fonts is parliamentary elections. the fall right, national raleigh has gained ground in a traditionally centrist ball. se touching cautious sentences for mine is convicted of crimes. if the some guns are full of snow from ball, se a 16 year old julie is still recovering after he was shot in the leg 3 months ago. they shot me at home. i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked . the problem is, my mother was there, my sister, my little brother. they could have hit them doing most of the moment. he stopped
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going to school when he was 12 to make around a $100.00 a day, acting as a lookout for drug dealers. smell stays, police say children like julio, often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. don't hold on, hold for a violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise. in the past decade. we respond more quickly. when there is a contract, people use a kalashnikov to support the speeds environment. time has made security. one of the biggest issues voters in must say, helping the rise of the fall right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher sentences. it also wants miners to be tried as adults. these neighborhoods in the north and must say, have 17 times more violent crimes than the rest of the country,
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mostly related to drug trafficking, and both of the victims and the perpetrators a younger than ever before. these are also some of the poorest neighborhoods in europe with a quarter of people living in poverty. according to the french observatory of a nicole, it is with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people don't see education as a way out. as many as 39 percent of children have dropped out of school is about to about to mind. this building was very decrepit. for example, when we were on the 1st floor that were wrapped in some passing by our chevy, the hockey buses. mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in these rundown buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities and politicians only pay attention to what goes on and poor neighborhoods at election time. they've been to civil focus on these up. the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution. then we must focus on education. when we are called upon to respond to a case law,
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we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is too young to have a say in the election already does illusion by politics. many are discouraged and say their prospects look increasingly bleak is i'm getting food. i'll g 0 massy. so that is being heavy fighting between these are these i'll be on the power minute to wrap it. support forces including the city of the capitol, the of the claims as we captured the doha district on choose. the hipaa morgan has more of an on demand on the street as far as of the latest, the territorial game made by the sudanese army against the crime military rapids support forces. here in the city of from the man we're in the district opened the hot in pools. i'm doing mine the latest district to be recaptured by the signees army from the current military rapids support forces. now this police station here, according to disabilities army is where the rest have had their forces. and was
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there major headquarters here in the district of? and so how would you be able to recapture from the ira staff on tuesday? some of the had a month at the do i have the district of dough has been completely liberated from the enemy, rebel forces who carried at all kinds of violations here. now the special forces on the other forces that have participated have taken over the city, and we will now march to liberate the rest of on demand. then cartoon city and to 0 states, and then dark for people cannot come back to the district. the police are back surfaces are returning. we're now fighting between the to the news army and the print of military rapid support. not just an on demand, but the elsewhere around the country facilities army lost control of the city of thing to the capital enough and not in south west, down to the parent military rapids support forces earlier this week. but here in on demand they were able to make significant gains and do hon is quite significant because it is a major defense line for the parent or the 3 rapids support forces for their forces
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in west of the mind in the district of them. but down, as well as the south west from the mind in the district that's called with the loss of adult districts with the rest of this means that the army would be able to progress further westwards in the city of on demand and south west as well and take over more territory from department, it's very rapid support forces. the army says this is quite significant and helps. who's the more out of the fighters? even if there's a ground elsewhere around the country. he but morgan, i'll just be around on through my ability, quoting the democratic republic of congo has sent as 25 soldiers to death. physician now they were convicted full swing the front line and disappearing orders during baffles with the m $23.00 on the group. i'm perfectly fine to is i'm making advances in easton deal see earlier this week they come to the town of kenya by olga. the both it with you kind of on the inmate 8 soldiers was sentenced to death on similar challenges. patients and groups representing them in south career of
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protesting against a prolonged book to strike medical professionals of suspended surgeries, not patient treatments, and some hospitals, contest as of cold for the end of the industrial action. but mcbride has moved from the south korean capital. this is the lights as protests connected with this full month old doctor's dispute. and this time it's the turn of a patients to have that save is, is an umbrella organization representing both patients. so it also patients, relatives from groups across the south korea. this dispute began in february when june, your doctor's walked out, protesting against government plans to drastically increase the number of students admissions into medical colleges to tackle a projected shortfall in the number of doctors, especially in rural areas and this central fields of medicine. and especially given an aging population now according to junior adopters, this would seriously impact the quality of cad being given that also impact that
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road wages and conditions of employment involves around 10 percent of the countries doctors taking action. and that has seen as services being affect the data and also a number of operations being canceled or delayed. what these protest is all calling forward is legislation from the countries nashville assembly to guarantee that services are still provided by the government, regardless of industrial action being taken by doctor she, your work place for these medical professionals is the hospital and the clients or their patient why are striking medical professionals holding patients to hostage by going on strike public opinion and south korea tends to be deeply divided over the action being taken by deltas with around 70 percent of people being critical of their actions. but like these protest is also a majority of people being critical of the government's handling of this,
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but very much seems to be a reflection of the deep on popularity of the governments. here at the moment, rob mcbride, i'll just say a result. a hurricane barrel has rolled across southern jamaica, leaving thousands without power. is that the trail of destruction across the south, east of the caribbean? can i get the st people? the storm is not a bearing down all the cayman islands and mix cuz you can ton peninsula, a tourism hot spots. as alexandra buys reports, hurricane barrel slammed montego bay as a category for storm. the strong is to hit the island in more than a decade. it puddled communities with intense winds and rain, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of households and flooding, roads and buildings. then, just as quickly as it arrived, beryl moved on. i'm trying to keep calm because i have my son, as well as if anyone else in the community or around me needs help. i'm just trying
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to keep calm, but i am anxious and a bit scared. the cayman islands and mexicans are braced to be next on ground, came in, businesses are closed, and hotels have activated emergency plans. evacuation flights have already ferried more than a 1000 people to safety. barrow is expected to dump $100.00 millimeters of rain on the island. mexico's popular, you could tell me, peninsula is also in it's tough, concludes airport filled with taurus, hoping to catch the last lights out. at 1st they said it was a category one, then it was going to take another reach. and now they're saying it's coming and it will and tomorrow beach resorts and restaurants are boarded up the army air force. a national guard have been placed on standby, and people are stocking up on supplies. even protected sea turtle eggs are being moved to safety. $10000.00 of them have been relocated from can cones,
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beaches the authorities are urging visitors to pay attention to their alerts. what either one of these things, if we say it goes with shelter, we aren't doing it to be in use since we're doing it to keep people's sites right now, lots of tourists can still reschedule their flights to leave many of them on doing it the way thing barrels made history as the most powerful storm to form in the atlantic. this early in the year. maybe urologist say that's because of above average ocean temperatures due to climate change. and there warning of even stronger storms to come in. what's on track to be a record breaking hurricane season? alexandra buyer's al jazeera, a 1000 indigenous people have boss peacefully that good old capital, demanding consultation before mining. all right, so given to that land, they want legislation that would require that consent. those lower fees are often
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the case of counting on consultations which like detail to obtain community permits . it's of these most has abrupt after 4 years of relative calm. it's one of the world's most active volcanoes lava and maxwell have been floating into a new crate to cool bulk of beautiful. a. well, still a head, hey, all the news out. a big updates. somebody got pound every 10 hogs future, but just to get 9 to bots and all of us fault with far coming up next the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about tech support on his part. so thank you so much for charles players say they'll be doing everything they tend to ensure this is not christian or and all those last year as much as they prepare to face france in the quarter finals. it's been frustrating tournament for rinaldo. so far, 15 shots without a goal, including a mis penalty in the round of 16 against lavinia. but they did go on to score and to share a victory, and he'll be back himself to perform against the french. and what is a replay of the 2016 final, which portable one for me, it was a difficult moment for him. we're all here to help. and he was in a bad moment. so the team felt that. and i think that of course we have to help all the players on that. so the down here, yes, it's for an all those last year old, but i think we've got everything we need to give them one last gift. i think we're going to do everything we can do that. i'm so a with a 3, a titles, a piece, germany in spain are the most successful fights in the tournaments history. and the
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germans will up to you is how much manage to patch their opponents and strict guard on friday. they've only one or 2 of their last 11 meetings with spain, butter on beaten, and 8 against them at home. i looked to go one step closer to their 1st heroes title in 28 years. so the couple america, little massey remains a doubt for argentina's quarter, final against ecuador. on friday, massey suffered a hamstring injury against chile and missed the defending champions. final group game against peru, encouraging signs for the a time ballad door winner. i'm seeing here, back in training had of their match in houston. had coach lino kaloni, however, is unsure of he'll be able to play the yeah, the yeah. normally this what she does, you haven't told us about his situation yet because we need to wait until the last moment. so i will talk to him today because it's one day before the game and it's only fair that he takes his time and trains as much as possible. so i'll talk to him and then we'll make the decision. eric town, how i can find
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a new one year contract extension with manchester united. the dash one was widely expected to be sacked at the end of his this past season after the clubs suffered their worst ever, primarily spanish. but they decided to keep him after an extensive review was led by co owner jim ratcliffe's town high. cuz 12 trophies since taking over and 2022, including the ethic up in may. and his contract was set to expire in 2025. but he's now committed to the club for more for 2 more seasons. and he has woke up winning t 20 cricket team and returned to a hero's welcome after sailing. victory in barbados on saturday, founds travel long distances and waited overnight to catch a glimpse of the team who landed in new delhi and the early hours of thursday morning. and it'd be in south africa in a thrilling final when the tournament for the 1st time in 17 years or the united states co hosted that tournament and the new
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t 20 majorly cricket season takes off. on friday in 6 major cities. we spoke to us cricket broadcaster, peter dela pena told us how much cricket has grown in the country. well, one of the things that highlights how far it's come is when we talked back in, we were standing thing on the fields in brooklyn, in new york city in the outer boroughs. and it was a really sparsely populated feel. there might have only been a handful of parents who are there, that's a outside of a home depot, kind of a nondescript field, and then you fast forward 11 years. and instead of playing in a non descript fields on the bell parkway and brooklyn, you've got $34000.00 fans showing up to watch india pakistan. and you had 31000 advance on to watch usa and yet in new york in long island, and add some of the highlights and have a lot in terms of where cricket, his progress in america, in 11 years since then. one of the things that has allowed major the cricket to
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happen is the enhancement in the infrastructure. you have the stadium in grande prairie, texas, which was used for opening night in the t 20 woke up when us, who took on canada and things like that didn't exist in, in 2011, 2012. and you've got a 7200 and c facility outside of dallas, texas. you have the facility that was put up for the roll cap space and taking it down. but you've also got a facility in morrisville, north carolina, which they're going to be using a financially cricket. those things didn't exist and it's allowed not just the domestic players to for us, but the guys like rashid khan and glen maxwell and had come in, sorry to sign these for the league that tells you that the caliber and the proceeds that the leak has been able to accomplish in just a 2nd year to the dentist. man's role number one. yeah. like center is 3 to the 3rd round at wimbledon. after meeting a fellow italian mateo there, a teeny. it was a tough draw for center. coming up against the 2021 fun list and he was dragged into a fight against this country. 13 he showed flashes of brilliance with 28 aces and
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65 winners. but sooner one, all 3 of their type rates to take it in for set. doing it just before the 11th the list of match. no, i think we both loved to do well. it was serving very, very well. and also me, especially the 1st 2 sets. and overall it has been a very good match from from, from both sides and happy to to close it out in uh uh in for and um yeah. let's see what's coming in the next one. uh no. former women's world. number one, naomi. oh saca is out of the tournaments the for time grand slam when or last to american ama navarro. she was 6461 in just under an hour on the center court. navarro will take on rushes. diana schneider. okay, that is all useful for them back to you. so how like sorry, the scientists that the board train united states have created
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a powerful new super computer. the create is of the multi $1000000.00 aurora processing system. so it'll open up new possibilities for research and everything from diseases to the future of the level climate. and even the origin of the universe itself. $1200.00, the poles now from the ongoing national lebow tree in level illinois. as this colossal computer is expected to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, answering questions, human kind has pondered since the dawn of time. we see research and almost every major area of science out there. so we are doing research that's looking at the fundamental structure of an atom and those fundamental forces all the way up to looking at the structure of the universe. aurora, a super computer at argonne national laboratories in illinois could soon become the world's most powerful computer. once it's fully operational,
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that's expected to happen later this year. scientists are still connecting computer nodes that increase its power can think of a node is being the computer. this is in many respects your laptop. it's just a very. ready credibly powerful version of your laptop, even it less than full power, the half $1000000000.00 water cooled machine taking up the space of for tennis courts is in comprehensive really fast processing. massive amounts of data at extra flop speed. that's a quintillion 10 with 18 zeros after it tasks per 2nd. and when it comes to using artificial intelligence, it performs it 10 times that speed, making it the most powerful computer using ai on for, for years computers, it'd be getting smaller and more powerful. each of those silver handles is essentially a computer or a know aurora, 10624 of them. and vast. what is it? it's unfathomable,
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speed and power. it can also solve practical problems modeling in granular detail how cancer cell spread through the blood stream. mapping a mouse sprain, and soon human brains and testing billions of possible aircraft park models before building a single plane. i can save this part of puerto rico. you should be ready to route codo martha. you is using aurora to develop long term climate models that range from a single building to the entire globe. if i can project, what could be at risk? what it costs valerio for our, for heat games, for why fi, as it will help communities, companies to adapt to this change. anyone in the world can apply for computing time more than one condition. oliver rowers research must be publicly available. that makes auroras impact not just potentially groundbreaking, but global john henry and l g 0. lamont, illinois. of course you can follow all of us stories on our website, develops the dot com, please updates it out. perfect. now i'll be back with more news on the other side
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to the right for them to learn from all of the news on seen in debt hops. thanks very much for your time. the . with a manual microns policy performing fully french votes as well decide whether to give the fall rights power. pick the results of the rental product on july, 7th of consequences for your loss of coverage of the 2nd round of the french elections. and i'll just say
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investigate exposure and question the youth and abuse of power around that go on out just there for us is always of inside 50 full, right? the world. people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just do this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the has the low low to say better out of rockets and explosive tries from 11 on top. the thing is really military sites. the whole rahman, what do you all does their lives while headquarters here in the also coming up recovering whatever is less after another wave of his bailey strikes, kills $22.00 palestinians across the columns of strength. prime minister. but she


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