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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just leave is very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the has the low loads is a bad raj of rockets and explosive tries from 11 on top. the thing is really military sites. the phillips hold on and what is their life? what headquarters here in the also coming up recovering whatever is less after another wave of his bailey strikes, kills $22.00 palestinians across the concert street prime minister. but she soon can his labor poverty rival keeps thomas cast the votes along with millions of others in the you case general election under on here and in illinois, we're scientist at argonne national laboratory are working on
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a computer the welcome to the pedagogy begin in 11 on what has blogs find a mix of 200 draw kids at explosive trains from the southern level into northern israel. another group is targeted several is really military positions across the board. a. it's the 2nd day that rockets have been launched multiple fines, bro. accounts, if you don't keep, i'd go to the height center in the region of galley. now, this latest escalation follows the killing of a cd. it has the command in southern lebanon on wednesday, is where the falls is of retaliated with rocket saved. it has belong spaces in southern lebanon, but speak to us, i beg, he joins us now from southern lebanon. so what seems to have happened in this latest incident, as well as a result of this assassination of the senior commander. how much the mountain i saw
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it was not who i believe was killed in a drone strike in the city of di, which is about 83 kilometer status of the capital loves that are on a route. now as their response, his with law says that they have launched a number of tax. again, positions is there any soldiers has since wednesday they said the launch $250.00 missiles. they also said that there it is, right? the ministry via because i'm you understand, they haven't been some injuries, a cheese or, and you sold it as a result of them. and they said that they use a supporter and i'm drones to talk. it's 7 is right in the middle. treat positions simple. so in the last few out of the section that i've met to now, and hopefully if i step aside here, i'll kind of run dry. it can zoom in and this still smoke coming from that settlement. now the, is there any is of also carried, i guess, strides and strikes against the lebanese tons of not cool the hit or the said they've been shipping that and there's been considerable across the board to
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strikes. we've heard the a craft overhead, the sunny boom, those aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sight and breaking that sound barrier. and the science has been heard across the room. you've heard rockets being launched from south lebanon, but we've also seen and had these really strikes taken place. hands that they've run, including the town of hill. and so this does seem like an escalation, as a result of that fascination i've got funeral is taking place today. we understand, but his with that has said that this isn't the only response they billed the more. and what they say is this response is within the framework of them responding to the summation of this senior colanda. this, i think, in southern lebanon, thank you. this is sort of follows the developments from davis and there are real concerns that the ongoing confrontations between as well as has the law which have been largely confined to the border, could the expense both sides escalating, their threats, entering and threatening rhetoric of israel,
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saying that this was on se salon or if has been out, does not pull back from the border, has but a saying, it doesn't want more, but it is ready and prepared to fight was imposed on them. at times. israel has struck has been the targets deep inside the country. up to a 100 kilometers has been a on thursday carrying out its for the strike, yet inside is really territory some 35 kilometers in inside israel. so both sides really sending messages. a lot of these messages are about the parents are about discouraging the other side from widening this conflict. this front really is tied to what is happening in gaza as well as saying that this will not tell us the pricing until there is a permanency expire in regards to a now much of the border area of 5 kilometers deep from the border area of neighborhoods. pounds villages they have been destroyed displacing more than 90000
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people. but further north, yes, we've seen surgical strikes is really surgical strikes and thrown attacks happen further north, but people are still in their villages of yes, they are concerned, but they're also defiance memorial that stands as witness to a crime. children were among the 28 people killed. and in this way, the strike that brought down a building in southern lebanon, in 2006, the design of the 6 year old zane ups life cut short and the last major confrontation between as well. and has been law sort of the as a and i'm, i began to look for zane and she was sleeping next to her brother. and then i found a small hand. her body was covered with rubble. i kissed her hand. this includes all to loose, the corner has seen its share of tragedy, 18 years on has below, and as well are, again at war kind of it is still outside the battle ground at the latest conflict
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line, some 12 kilometers from the border. that is the full type of model, and then if israel is to launch a full blown will with lebanon, know like what is happening now? it will stuff heavy blows at the hands of hezbollah. miriam survived what's known here as the 1st condom massacre. she lost 18 members of her family alley, like marian survived the 1996 is where the bombing that kills more than 100 civilians. taking shelter at a un peacekeeping bass. at the age of 8, he saw images that are etched in his memory. provide me with the car. i still remember watching people being then to live in that tent. i remember the voice of the woman who was screaming while she was being burned alive. i remember seeing an infant without a head to the alley explains how experience is like these create resilience and the will to fight back. this is ready. tank is a reminder of a long conflict between israel and has the law. the lebanese arm group takes credit
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for ending, as well as 18 your occupation of southern lebanon in the year 2000. there had been several rounds of violence since the not so distant sound of bombs were. planes breaking sound barriers are all too familiar for the people here. the overhauls and then of course there is concern and fear, but we have an ideology and it's not easy to force us to leave the homes. defiance at a time of escalating threats by israel, that could change the magnitude of the conflict center. who there else was it a condo southern? nothing on. as well as bombardment has killed at least 22 palestinians across causes since thursday morning. they takes the death toll to molten. $38010.00 ninty, 9 months of wool. one of the latest strengths of the residential squadron calls a city where people will find to rescue those trouble. under the rubble of the wounded a several children who have not been taken to hospital who else as it shed, they planned for a potential seaside with autonomy, end addiction,
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mediators. it includes deal full release of is very tempted to holding. garza is wrong science is examining the also this intelligence agency, most sensible, was found that association representing some of these of the captive se if the deal is not accepted. millions of as rainy's will take to the streets in the cold 3 has moved from the in central concept policy. and these are not even whole about this please fire negotiations going on. they believe that this is another attempt of sales negotiation. they're very cautious. they don't want to get optimistic, they're also striving to find food and walter and they're striving to feed their children. we have been talking to a lot of times as seen use here, deluxe, the hospitals, where i am right now. and most of these people are people who are displaced from a place to another. the only wish they have is to go back to the northern parts of the service. they want to go. boxes need their beloved ones,
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and they also want to search for their beloved ones who are missing. and those are the holes that covered up low rates and several times and cities across the occupied westbank. they is arrested at least 10 palestinians in ramallah, have room to kill them then kind of clear incursions, also took place that i could buy southeast of novelist as well as the best to you in the west. meanwhile is ready for us to demolish the house and back to my village . east of bethlehem. the home belonged to the palestinian who was involved of the shooting as a military check pointed on the bodies to reach them in february to his by the soldiers were killed in the attack. australians sent it to the fax of the payment has quit. the company made the party after being suspended for supporting emotional and recognizing palestine. last week, payment defined a policy decides with the greens automation entering the send it to recognize palestinian statehood problem. it is on the days a suspended or on sunday type. it says that she'll retain her seats for west australia as an independent. daniel robinson is in sydney with the latest on the
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political fallout. this is cause waves in parliament and re not had national debates of the strongest position on the will in gossip. send it to the side of the payment has quit, the policy unable to accept its position on a palestinian state. and so i think the prime minister as effective for her decision to god last week, she defied her policy by voting for a grains motion to recognize palestinian statehood. the actions lead to prime minister anthony albany. easy to suspend to indefinitely from the labor. cool. cuz soon as the payment claims that she wasn't terminated by some members, including the prime minister, something he denies in an emotional speech, she announced her resignation from the live a posse. and now she will run as an independent decision. she said was one of principles breaking up on the war and gaza and saying she is no longer believes that she can use her position inside the potty to secure an immediate recognition
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of the state. just tell us on the plots of people in gaza, also fuel demonstrations at parliament house, which protest is unfeeling. pro palestinian band is eventually arrested and charged since the war began. australia has been the size of simple pro palestinian protest including weekly demonstrations and months. long occupations of university campuses, labels position on the wall has stood and now among many communities here with some now becoming a driving force to try and remove labor at the next federal election. well, still had, hey, on al jazeera, 25 soldiers sentenced to death in the democratic republic of congo if it deserves incorporations against. and 23 fights has rule. so we must say why gang violence has become one of the key issues. whole votes is in front of parliamentary elections. the
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of the latest news, the renewed bombardments and intense pointing show that in north goes like it was what and the strip this with this fall from over with detailed coverage given the lack of international up for it would be up to a residence, a 5 been to defend their very existence in their land from the house of the story renown. tasha for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life. it's a distraction and from what she has witnessed. award winning deb investigations, the gift compelling science interview on your toes to from asia and the pacific 101 east. on out just sierra od hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of late, thought provoking, nonsense. the e,
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you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on talk to how does era the the book that came up to you all just bear with me. so he'll rob the reminder of all top stories has blog posts, find a combination of $200.00 rockets and explosive tribes. this is really military positions. now the attack is in response to the killing of the top has block command in southern lebanon on wednesday,
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is the latest escalation in the series of test. the 10th of tax says the war and gone so began says that shed a said the plan for a potential see sign with guitar and education. mediators that includes a deal folder with the use of is very tempted, held in johnson. israel says it's studying the proposal is ready for is that carried out more rates to be able to find westbank. they arrested at least 10 pallets, studies and several cities. most of groups say most of the 9 and a half 1000 palestinians would be interested in some type of assessing votes. as of the united kingdom, accosting the ballots in the general election, they've probably me to service. you see that kind of the labor leader care style. i'm a voted early on thursday. it's being just 6 weeks since they're not cold. the snap collection, the test results are expected. later on 1st day, already 50000000 people across the u. k. all eligible to vote this year. this is what some of them have to say early on polling day in the british capital. i just
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want a kind of economy is what i'm often so, and condra economy kind of government and maybe a little bit most people to be honest. i'm not facing whoever need the i q gotten some numbers stating the number they'll send you like i chose this for move ahead to then central in england. i wonder how many people are escaping the building since on the, the wireless se, uh knows, an awful lot of them are escaping it by going into the polling station behind me here. that has been a small stream of people going in over the course of the day since the station open at 7 o'clock this morning. a box uh there ought to be more expected later on. because of course, people had to be busy during the day and they sent us a page said that when the when they finish was cool and the other and service they might have. that's when you'll see these posting spaces,
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such as the one i'm in front of with a bit more lice to s and more people going into them to cost that by. let's move ahead and we'll have a hampton, it's in the heart of the west midlands, a city of some, 264000 people in the 3 seats here, which are being contested. a 185000 people will, are able to votes to decide who they choose to rep, present them in parliament as well. and of course, this is the 1st general election in the u. k. where it will be required to bring in a form of identification if you want to vote to master here. so it's on the, the voting continues until late on into the evening. just give us an idea now from now in terms of the timeline to when we can expect the results as well. it's not a false false results process it because of course,
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they have to go through the counting process a by hand as well. but with the polls closing at 22, g a 22 local time, that's 21, g m t. we will get some kind of exit poll results at that time. and then of course, the from to counseling begins with the thought of books will be rushed accounting centers and around about $23.00 for the local time. that's 22. so tgm t that will be the declaration of the 5 seat. so that will most likely happen in the north east of england. around about 1 am midnight g m t. we're expecting to get a clearer picture of what the results may come out to look like in scotland. and then an hour later, we're really going to begin to see the rush of those results coming in as well. steadily about 80 seats are expected to be counted that by 4 o'clock, that's
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a 3 g m t. that should be enough of a result to gauge which policy is out in front and most importantly, by how much of a motion. now, that could be delays to some results because of recounts from any of that corporations. but we will be looking at getting some more of a full clear picture by mid morning on friday. well, we'll leave you to a study molded to the voting and the ballot taking as it continues across the u. k for the payment. thank you. so when you guys get of the crime has been reported. so because of unimportant issues. so somebody to the in front says parliamentary elections. the follow, right? national riley has gained ground and the traditionally central, small, se, touching cautious sentences for mine is convicted of crimes. if to some guns as default, so from southern friends, 16 year old julie is still recovering after he was shot in the leg 3 months ago.
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they shot me at home. i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked . the problem is, my mother was that my sister, my little brother, they could have hit them too much of a moment. he stopped going to school when he was 12 to make around a $100.00 a day, acting as a lookout for drug dealers. massey's police say children like julie, you often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. i don't know about the whole truth violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise. in the past decade. we respond more quickly. when there is a contract, people use a collection of cost to settle disputes environment. time has made security. one of the biggest issues, computers in must say, helping the rise of the fall right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher
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sentences. it also wants minors to be tried as adults. these neighborhoods in the north of last say have 17 times more violent crimes than the rest of the country, mostly related to drug trafficking. and both the victims and the perpetrators a younger than ever before. these are also some of the course neighborhoods in europe with a quarter of people living in poverty, according to the french observatory of inequalities with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people don't see it education as a way out. as many as 39 percent of children have dropped out of school is about to about 2000000 of this building was very decrepit. for example, when we were on the 1st floor, the were referencing passing by our chevy, the hockey buses. mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in these rundown buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities, and politicians only pay attention to what goes on in poor neighborhoods at
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election time. they've been to civil focus on these up. the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution that we must focus on education. when we are called upon to respond to a case law, we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is too young to have a stay in the election already disillusioned by politics. many are discouraged and say their prospects look increasingly bleak. is i'm getting food all g 0 massy. campaigning is also i did it wrong with the head of the presidential run off on friday. the reform is kind of the superstitious ken ultra conservative site jalie held that final riley's entire on the non of the presidential contenders secured a majority last week. the ability goals and the debit cards that republic of congo a sentence 25. so just a death possession that were convicted for sling the front line and disappearing old as drawing buckles with the m 23 on group. i'm 23 fine is all making advances.
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eastern deal. see and then leave this week. they come to the town of con, nearby yoga, the, the border with you kind of the one the in may 8 soldiers was sentenced on similar charges. that route was so, has rolled across southern jamaica, leaving thousands without power. they said to try the destruction of calls the southeast of the caribbean. can i get the state people? the soul is not a battery down on the cayman islands on the mexico. so you can tell me peninsula, a tourism hotspot. as alexandra buys, explains the hurricane barrel slammed montego bay as a category for storm. the strong is to hit the island in more than a decade. a puddled communities with intense wind and rain, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of households and flooding. roads and buildings then just as quickly as it arrived,
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beryl moved on. i'm trying to keep calm because i have my son, as well as if anyone else in the community are around me, needs help. i'm just trying to keep calm, but i am anxious and a bit scared. the cayman islands and mexico are braced to be next. on ground came and businesses are closed, and hotels have activated emergency plans. evacuation flights have already ferried more than a 1000 people to safety. barrow is expected to dump $100.00 millimeters rain on the island. mexico's popular yucatan peninsula is also and it's tough. concludes airport filled with taurus, hoping to catch the last lights out. what is the 1st? they said it was a category one, then it was going to take another each and now they saying it's coming and it will . and tomorrow beach resorts and restaurants are boarded up the army air force. a
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national guard had been placed on standby, and people are stocking up on supplies. even protected sea turtle eggs are being moved to safety. $10000.00 of them have been relocated from can cones, beaches, authorities are urging visitors to pay attention to their alerts. what either one of these things, if we say it goes to a shelter, we aren't doing it to be a new since we're doing it to keep people's sites right now, lots of tourists can still reschedule their flights to leave many of them on doing it. the way thing barrels made history as the most powerful storm to form in the atlantic. this early in the year. media raleigh just say that's because of above average ocean temperatures due to climate change. and there warning of even stronger storms to come in. what's on track to be a record breaking hurricane season? alexandra buyers al jazeera to the scientists available in the tree in the united
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states have creates a possible new super computer. they create is all the multi $1000000.00 a role or processing system, saying that today because of the possibilities, the research and everything from diseases to the future of the global climate and even the origin of think universe itself to a 100, the poles the from the was on national a borrower tree. in the moment in illinois, this colossal computer is expected to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, answering questions, human kind has pondered since the dawn of time. we see research and almost every major area of science out there. so we are doing research that's looking at the fundamental structure of an atom and those fundamental forces all the way up to looking at the structure of the universe. aurora, a super computer at argonne national laboratories in illinois could soon become the world's most powerful computer. once it's fully operational, that's expected to happen later this year. scientists are still connecting computer
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nodes that increase its power can think of a node is being a computer. this is in many respects, your laptop, it's just a very credibly powerful version of your laptop. even it less than full power, the half $1000000000.00 water cooled machine taking up the space of for tennis courts is in comprehensive really fast processing. massive amounts of data at extra flop speed. that's a quintillion 10 with 18 zeros after it tasks per 2nd. and when it comes to using artificial intelligence, it performs it 10 times that speed, making it the most powerful computer using ai on for, for years computers, it'd be getting smaller and more powerful. each of those silver handles is essentially a computer or a know aurora. $10624.00 of them, and that's what gives it it's unfathomable speed and power. it can also solve
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practical problems modeling in granular detail how cancer cell spread through the blood stream. mapping a mouse sprain, and soon human brains and testing billions of possible aircraft part models before building a single play. i can save this part of puerto rico. you should be ready to route codo martha use using aurora to develop long term climate models that range from a single building to the entire globe. if i can predict what could be at risk costs valerio for our, for our wi fi as it will help communities, companies to adapt to this change. anyone in the world can apply for computing time . more than one condition, oliver rowers research must be publicly available. that makes auroras impact and not just potentially groundbreaking, but global john henry and l g 0. lamont illinois. and you can follow those stories on the website to thousands of adults cups of texas from dallas prod. we'll have more news and justin to huffines' time. next it's 1212 is there,
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but for me in the team, but it's a good time to complete the the hello, the weather's company quads across southern parts of china. now the met your front . so let's pick this one a little further north would say which was the yellow sea. i'm not going to just run some wester weather written across the korean peninsula as we go through friday, like what the weather eventually easing up into northern parts of the city of japan, west in japan, sing some way to weather this is i'm next patch of really heavy right now, that's going to feed us wayne friday into staff day, riding up towards the north east of china and north caressing some heavy right south of that. it's going to be pretty sure, but it's going to be pretty nasty day there because moving past the south career for the i celsius, the in cell by the end of the day, 35 cells,
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you stuff take care. so lots of hot sunshine around here, and hot sunshine continuing across southern china. so i'm showing in the chavez as per usual across a good part of south east asia. some live the showers, just running it across the gulf of pod and into a in the chart. scattering the showers the across much of the region that it gets got through the shower as long as both of right. it costs a good pop up and the other month. so now has encompass all parts of india. so what to whether just not to feed into northern areas of pakistan, temperatures into the mit is up towards delhi add also into the whole i'm not right . really searching in for the old planes to count the french colonial propaganda. a jew is liberation army are recruited, yugoslavia is find this camera man to join the struggle and seize control of the narrative. decades later, a trove of unseen archive is uncovered. in belgrade,
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the images of the minds behind the lens now honored for the contributions to jerry is independence scenic, a religious, a witness documentary on that? does he the, the, the state of minnesota is home to 11 native american tribes whose connection to the land, including the mississippi river, pre date, european migraines by thousands of years. the twin cities that developed here in the 1800s altered the landscape as well as the diets of native americans. but one restaurant on the rivers banks remains dedicated to a pre colonial, crazy.


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