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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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on, on alex's era, the escalating violence on the left and on israel border has found the targets is very military side foundation of missiles as well continues to strike something 11 on the the put on. and this is algebra and live from dawn. how also coming up and goes with the palestinian desktop hospice? $38000.00. the latest has rarely strikes target residential areas in the north carolina at least $22.00 people. election day in the united kingdom, millions accounts and then balances keeps dom is labor policy looks to on seats. content of services through next can services and hurricane bowels heads. west will
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be live from mexico. when local is a bracing for hi. when some heavy rain the we begin a southern lebanon where hezbollah has 5, a bad roger of 250 missiles and explosive drugs into northern israel. the group is positive, several is randy military positions across the board to multiple fines. phone calls from the occupied golden heights and the regional scale, the, the, the licensed escalation follows the coming of a senior has bullock. i'm on the 11 on wednesday. well, this riley military says it struck multiple hezbollah targets and southern 11 on is really 5 digits of the areas of the media, and who the as a big has moved from mazda june and southern living on there has been an escalation over the last 24 hours now his with safe delivery launched over $250.00. talk to
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him. is there any positions since yesterday, wednesday, following the assess, the nation of the senior is for the command them how much anymore. and not that. they also said that they launched a squadron on drones talking 7 is right in the middle of 3 sites and that we also understand is there any minute preview? because the stuff we have been some interest amongst is reading soldiers. now over the last few of us, what we have seen rockets launching from southern liber on talk to israel. we've also seen is very new strikes hitting the time. okay. um i know to re kitchen for killer. the also reason his will if these re assessment of metal or not, it's not the 1st time they've talked it back or stated hit previously invited me. so it's amy i just really so it isn't today with the seats the smoke rising. we also heard the saw us the size of funding thing. that's when is there any extra break the signed barrier over lebanese s space. but this is an escalation, but is it at the place of will actually no fall from it. we have seen in the past,
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israel terry act assessing nations and his blog respond will voice an escalation, his with law states within the frame that comes in reacting to this assess the nation of the senior colanda. but there is a fear that point it takes is one miscalculation for it to escalate very, very quickly. i started big. i just did a lot of genuine sensitive and i'm to gaza now as well as bombardment has killed at least 22 palestinians in the north since thursday morning. that brings the death, told them more than 38099 months before. one of the lazy strikes at a residential square and gauze, especially, people are trying to rescue those trapped under the rubble. among the wounded a several children has been taken to hospital that speak to a cost fund inside a couple of them. he's joining us live from that all the law and central gaza. and as for people, the topic mock, another grin milestone and official. one of these, as we know was flight from is rarely targets, which included an evacuation center today
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will in fact elizabeth no respite on the ground. these very minute treat them, but make escalates in the north of this trip. a den where they have been targeting a doris neighborhood multiple times earlier today they have talk, you didn't expect to reach him since in the same neighborhood cleaned at least 5 policies. and within the past couple of hours, a residential house was completely destroyed to palestinians have been recovered for months of the day for ease of that destroyed house cubes, while 6 others being haunted. and now they are receiving medical treatment for the degree realities that the fighting is still ongoing. anastasia, you any for who? so those are kind of, some families are still trapped inside that neighborhood. the are on april to sleep due to the intensity of from bottom and past. the dist tools among civilians continue to rise in the font south of the territory in particular in rough or where the civil defense cruise, as they have told us, the managed to get the parts you access inside of the western areas of roughly the
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managed to recover unimproved palestinians who have been killed and they have been right now for that full value while they were describing the destruction to be increasingly devastation and devastating. alongside that, the vast majority of residential houses and civil infrastructure in a rough life being totally destroyed. and they have been saying that you will be shocked by the level of destruction in that area. and we are still working on recovering move bodies that we were unable to recover earlier due to the intensity of upon the prize where we've been hearing from our sources in front of the city. the unimportant casualties have been looking exactly in nasir area where the artillery shooting over that area in the pot. how i did not stop. i somebody said, are absolutely excess crated because of the ongoing, repeated miniature evacuation. fluid is on the, on going from. but means that since day one of the fight didn't seem to be to raise the death to say to $8000.00 palestinians. because so far it is
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a bit you thought it and really striking that the civil defense have told you that you would be shocked by the scale of destruction in the also given how much everyone living and gaza has seen and in june of and 89 months out of time to as always, that was thought it was a live invade on by law, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says he'll send a negotiating team to participate in 2 weeks with a release of captive as held of gaza. once again, that's in yahoo stress of the will, would only end off to achieving all of as well as goals on wednesday. how moss said it showed a plan for a potential c 's filed with category and egypt should mediate as well. there's where the government has band ology or from as well. so honda said who is joining us from jordan's capital? i'm on i'm the notion lot of details yet. but as we've been mentioning, it follows him off saying that they've shed a proposal for overseas 5. so tell us what you're hearing, what you're hearing as well officials within is
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really prime minister benjamin. that's in y'all's dues office say that he will in fact send a delegation to meet with mediators. but it's quite unclear when and where that is going to take place. we previously seen these meetings take place in both go how and in cairo. and this comes after last night's announcement by israel's most sod, in the joint statement with the prime minister's office saying that they are evaluating come us as latest response. it comes after a lot of back and forth in previous months where these talks, where essentially at a standstill they were deadlocks because there were heavy disagreements and sticking points from both sides. these really prime minister is going to speak to you as president joe biden. tonight, according to his really media and that's and yahoo will convene his government tonight at around 8 pm to discuss how messes response to the ceasefire proposal. these rarely as have said, they are committed to reaching some sort of agreement, but nothing yahoo himself has maintained that until all of the goals of the war are
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accomplished. that the fighting is going to continue. even if there is some sort of long pause in the fighting and his really officials speaking anonymously of course have said they're approaching this with cautious optimism. but that the negotiations could still take a lot of time on the thank you for that for now. that has helped us out with joining us live from amman, a small community in the southern hebron hills and the occupied westbank. is it coming from a settler attack of a nice this comes is where the balance has massive new settlement expansion is in the pipeline. pumped into you what and you to express alarm about the countries policies and what all day has moved from the my land occupied westbank of the chart shows of homes bandwidth and us to the night of fear residents of color to the live through a group of as rarely settlers attack the small community in the southern hebron hills, we have panicked. some people pleaded for help on social media. firefighters
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tried to help they to came under attack. this community is one of 12 in the area under threat of complete erasure. they've been funding off, subtler attacks and home demolitions by these really are me for years low. i see the setlist stole the sheep all under the protection of the army that allows them to do what they wants to approve tests. so that's what i'm in the village of beauty and also, and they have run area is rarely forces both those 7 homes leaving nearly 40 people would know where to go. or the head of the village told us presidents have been fighting demolition orders for years. 2 of the homes raised on thursday, we're not even slated for demolition during its war on god's ivy is really government accelerated existing plans to appropriate palestinian land authorized illegal settler up posts and expand existing supplements. it's may 2024. the year
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of the largest is really land grab in over 3 decades. simpler was used to be a little bit old till the portfolio shows on the government. now they are the government. world leaders have repeatedly warned. the antics ation of the occupied west back is a red line. israel must not cross reality on the ground. was a different story that all the address ita. i'm a law palestine. the most is in the u. k. a costing the balance of the general election. prime minister wishes to nak and neighbor need a kiss. donovan should early on thursday as being just 6 weeks and so not cool. the smell collection i was on your diag. oh, is outside of ocean station in wolverhampton. and it doesn't sound like many people of ocean early on thursday, sonia, hows, poland going way you on?
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well, she's hearing about to run out elsewhere. yes. all through us slow start to the day the is a steady stream of people who have been going to the polling station behind me to cost that votes for the policy of that preferred candidates. and in wolverhampton, which is in the hearts of the west midlands. there are 3 seats, which being contested here. now, wolverhampton, itself is an interesting case because it is a hit, a city with a history of industrialization manufacturing. it is predominantly a working class city, but now that has changed some warts and about 3 quarters the people who are employees who are employed in the services sector as well. so it gives you an idea of exactly how that has changed in the city over the decades. but
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also what is interesting about the selection is that if you want to cost your balance, anyone who is eligible to cost the balance, they have to present themselves with their own identification. if they want to get the pilot counted. that is something which has been introduced for the 1st time for this general election. the 1st time there has been a general election allowed with that votes in id. so that is something which marks it out as, as a 1st compared to the of the general elections that have taken place or at sonya. and when can we expect the 1st results to come in as well, will expect to hit some exit poll results when the polls close at $21.00, g m. c. that will likely give the picture of which candidates is out in front. then around 20 to see we will get the fast seats being declared that will likely take
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place in the north east of england. then around about midnight, gmc will start to get a picture of what is happening in scotland and to now from off to that, then you'll start to see the flow rate of results coming in. as the results will be cold out in the accounting sense, is that so then an hour later off to that we should be guessing enough results to determine exactly which policy and which candidates is asked in front. and also, by how much of a margin they will be out in front. now this will continue, that will also be possible recount software alia declarations. but we should see a pretty much a full picture by mid morning on friday. so i'm gonna thank you very much for that for now. that is sonya guy. you go with the latest life from wolverhampton. what fonts is preparing for the 2nd round of it's called them entry elections on sunday
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. the 1st round produced a victory for the fall of life policy is nothing in the pen along with its allies, the national valley, one around 33 percent of the village. then as smith has been speaking to voters and cadillac, unfortunately in northwest and friends, francis townsend village is already belling. more and more people are no longer afraid, not just to use the fall right as a protest vote, but also to see it in pounds just from the beautiful place. there's always this bounce are set that these days. people see the little these process. it's not the 1st to keep tormenting us for supporting the national riley. we have no remark. people not the racist. what's hateful about, the one thing to be friends at home will fit, you know, she'll key key. this is an options that suits us for change. and we must try it. we shouldn't be doing eyes for training something else. that's key on the. we've had enough on the one hand, there's a government that doesn't k, and then we see the program. well,
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there's lift ease. well that leaves me really escape. most people in cadillac did not vote for the national rally, but it shares the vote double to 34 percent compared with the previous parliamentary elections in 2022. this is one of more than 200 constituencies where the 3rd place candidate has withdrawn in the hope the votes will go to the candidate best place to beat the national raleigh. but if there's a high ton a lot that was in the 1st round, then that could help the fall, right? the opinion polls suggest an unusually high turnout of working class voters and those on low on high income's old benefits at the national valley, across france. many rural voters, so they feel like node or football. brittany was historically a strong hold of the left. now a fall, right? your oh skeptic, an empty immigrant party has found the tile territory here. that's yes. what is the reverse of what has changed? is that people, as you have seen or opening up, this is
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a place that's been defendant. there i'm no more public services. no more doctors. hospitals are far away and yes and immigration people don't want to feeling faded. i don't want to say we are overwhelmed here, but everyone wants to avoid just the left and center or again, relying on a republican front asking people to vote for any of the party to stop the fall, right. but as each election passes, that seems to become a hot idea to sell. bernard smith out is there a cadillac friends? still a head on al jazeera to i'm going to take holes in the democratic republic of congo sentences, 25 soldiers to death for a position to investments with the m 23. and john entered in illinois were sciences at hard on national laboratory. are working on a computer, the
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hello, the weather's going pretty quads across southern parts of china. now the may your front. so last pick this why little 7 north which i was the yellow sea. and that's going to just run some west, whether written across the green financial as we go through friday, like what the weather eventually easing up in to know other parts of the city of japan, west in japan saying some west to whether this is i'm next patch of really heavy, right? no, that's going to feed us wayne friday into staff day, riding up towards the northeast of china and north caressing some heavy right south of that. it's going to be pretty sure, but it's going to be pretty nasty day there because moving past the south korea for the i celsius, the install by the end of the day, 35 celsius theft, take care. so lots of hot sunshine around here, and hot sunshine continuing across southern china sunshine and chavez,
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as per usual across a good part of south east asia as a live, the shower is just running it across the gulf of pod and into a in the charter. scattering the showers the across much of the region that it good scattering the showers longest. both of right across a good pop of india of them on so now has encompass old pops up in the us and what to whether just not to feed into northern areas of focused on temperatures into the mit is up towards the daily ad also into the hole and that right, really stretching in for the other planes of israel's war on gossip be coming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for his real in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the
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gold and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on would you say era the, [000:00:00;00] the watching all just bear with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to of on top stories. the solid as bala has 5, a balance of 250 missiles and explosive drones into northern as rentals. that's all for the coming of one of the senior columbus on wednesday is one has launch strikes on 711 on and does really strikes have been continuing. 1000 says a and other locations across the strip can at least 22 pounds finance. that brings
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the desk told more than 38000 and really 9 months of and voters in the u. k. a cost and the balance in the general election prime minister wishes to nak ends may be the case time of watched any on thursday. the 1st was also expected in nature when the day how kind bell has swept across southern jamaica, leaving thousands without pallet. it's left the trail of destruction across the se, calbee and coming at least 8 people. storms now, bearing down on the cayman islands and mexico's, you got on peninsula a tourism hotspots. alexander bias reports a hurricane barrel slammed montego bay as a category for storm. the strong is to hit the island in more than a decade. it puddled communities with intense winds and rain, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of households and flooding,
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roads and buildings. then, just as quickly as it arrived, beryl moved on. i'm trying to keep calm because i have my son, as well as if anyone else in the community or around me needs help. i'm just trying to keep calm, but i, i'm anxious and a bit scared. became an island and mexican, or braced to be next. on grand came in, businesses are closed, and hotels have activated emergency plans. evacuation flights have already ferried more than a 1000 people to safety. barrow is expected to dump $100.00 millimeters of rain on the island. mexico's popular, you could tell me, peninsula is also and it's tough concludes airport filled with taurus, hoping to catch the last lights out. at 1st they said it was a category one, then it was going to take another route and now they saying it's coming and it will . and tomorrow,
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beach resorts and restaurants are boarded up the army air force. a national guard have been placed on standby, and people are stocking up on supplies. even protected sea turtle eggs are being moved to safety. $10000.00 of them have been relocated from can cones, beaches authorities or urging visitors to pay attention to their alerts. what either one of these things, if we say it goes to a shelter, we aren't doing it to be in use since we're doing it to keep people's sites right now, lots of tourists can still reschedule their flights to lease many of them on doing it. the way thing the barrels made history as the most powerful storm to form in the atlantic. this early in the year. maybe urologist say that's because of above average ocean temperatures due to climate change. and there warning of even stronger storms to come in. what's on track to be a record breaking hurricane season? alexandra buyers al jazeera. let's go to julia gaudy. ah,
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she's joining us live from mexico city. and julia, all people taking that evacuation. what is most seriously now that the countries starting to see a, perhaps not the impact of bell? yes, but the, the, the pre coast as of the storm facing that you could time financial a as well. there's definitely an increased sense of urgency today, especially in comparison to what we saw yesterday in the areas of congenital and, and that you can jump into the home. of course, to can cool and one of the best known tourist destinations in mexico and not long ago, the governor of content at oak came out on social media and said that what was expected to be a category one store. and by the time it reached this area has now become a category to a get or is expected to be rather a category 2 by the time it hits mexico. so this is of course course obviously, um, also, you know, given a sense of urgency to the efforts she,
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the governor herself is out in about as we speak in communities all along this area . and asking people to take the back, you ration orders seriously to please go to one of the shelters that the government has set up and to wait out the storm. they're um, they're just telling them they have until about 4 o'clock local time. that's about 6 or 7 hours from now and to and then after that, all services for evacuation will be stopped. all government activity will see. so people have really a finite amount of time at this point. and of course, well can call into the world to the eyes of the world is a big resort city in mexico, of it, in addition to all those hotels and all that taurus infrastructure, there's many small indigenous and often very impoverished communities that are of course, of great concern to the local authorities because they're the most vulnerable. it has been raining non stop in this area of the country for the last few weeks,
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even before this storm had form. so of course, the possibility of getting a torrential rains from a category to storm is incredibly worries, some of them. thank you, juliana, that is the julia diana, with the nations live and mexico city. a military caution temple in the eastern democratic republic of congo has sentenced 25 soldiers to death physician. that what kind of it did for fleeing the front line and disobeying orders during bathrooms with the m $23.00 on group in may, 8. someone just was sentenced to death on some of the charges. commonly soldiers having battling in 235 to for more than 2 years. the group is advancing in the eastern d, i see around 2800000 people have been displaced of north came to the province and on. earlier this week, the m 20 recaptured the town of kenya by on the near the border and began to and wanda was staying in the democratic republic of congo, 6 chinese nationals, and at least 2 soldiers have been killed in an attack by the foods that happened at
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the mining side in the northeast and province of a tory china farm industry. so several of the chinese workers are still missing. following that incident, the mind is owned by a private private chinese company to say each of that going gorgine, china expresses its strong condemnation of the attack and this month painting close communication with the d. r c. to search for the missing chinese citizens. we demanded that the d. r. c comes down to killers as quickly as possible and furnishes them in accordance with the law. we demand that they take practical and effective measures to strengthen the protection of chinese citizens and enterprises in the area down either to more than 1000000 people have been affected by flooding and fond of age of holidays, of want of dangerous flog levels and certain districts in the so hit region in the northeast of the child and he reports from near the city of some head. the 2nd wave of sliding has devastated the not distant region of bangladesh particularly to
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fill in the region please. so 10 districts are inundated, can sick killing me there after killing me there, of small and plays of villages have been under water. the weather forecast say they'll be more raining to knock this thing via that mean upstream water will come into the phillips region and slide the whole hinterland and the floodplains of north is bangladesh. it has been any better in the south as part of bangladesh where there's been torrential trend, devastating the hill tracts region, including the largest ro hang a refugee camp in cox. as by the way at least 2 people died, including a child farm. as we spoke to said they haven't received any kind of aid from the government. this people are substance problem or they rely on government health during this disaster time. but hardly anybody got any. they would take weeks if not months or to years to recover from this floods environmental experts. and this has
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much to do with the climate change and also manmade obstructions. we have seen lot of the rivers there. i have not been dredged for decades. it's got full upset demands and there's a highway built about a 160 kilometer from sled city, which is started to allow me the road that blocked the shotguns valley floodplain, which upstarts the flood water to flow into the river system into the bay of bengal . default of station land grabbing and other main met ops that goes on also cause of the flood. people are wanted, things could get worse before it gets better. so enrich audrey, i'll just say the slipped. the chinese president, she's in thing has called on member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization to guarantee security in the face of what he's called a real threat from the cold war mentality. the 9 member you ration block has been meeting for 2 days and it has expands capital. the group has been cooling for grace at economic and security cooperation between members. the organization represents
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more than 40 percent of the world's population and one 3rd of the global economy. scientists at in the bar tree and the united states have created a powerful new super computer. the creation of the multi $1000000.00 aurora processing system site would open up new possibilities for research and everything from diseases to the future of the climate. and even the origin of the universe itself. it's on hand reports from the ongoing national nevada street in the monk, illinois of this colossal computer is expected to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, answering questions, human kind has pondered since the dawn of time. we see research and almost every major area of science out there. so we are doing research that's looking at the fundamental structure of an atom and those fundamental forces all the way up to looking at the structure of the universe. aurora,
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a super computer at argonne national laboratories in illinois could soon become the world's most powerful computer. once it's fully operational, that's expected to happen later this year. scientists are still connecting computer nodes that increase its power can think of a node as being a computer. this is in many respects your laptop, it's just a very credibly powerful version of your laptop. even it less than full power, the half $1000000000.00 water cooled machine taking up the space of for tennis courts is in comprehensive the fast processing, massive amounts of data at extra flop speed. that's a quintillion 10 with 18 zeros after it tasks per 2nd. and when it comes to using artificial intelligence, it performs it 10 times and that speed, making it the most powerful computer using a i on for, for years computers, it'd be getting smaller and more powerful. each of those silver handles is


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