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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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for standing, what they are going through here does, is it a we believe everyone has a story worth hearing, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on elizabeth put on them in distance and use our life from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes, escalation, cross border attacks as well. or targets as ready military sites with the badge of missiles, as israel continues to strike 711 on and gauze, or the palestinians death toll passes. 38000. the nations has rarely strikes target residential areas in the north kenning. at least 22 people most set low attacks in the occupied westbank. did you opinion? and did you want to express some on that as well as
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a nation expansion plans and election day in the united kingdom as k, a style has naval policy looks to on 6 prime minister wishes to that conservative is full of 7 san champion of a ciocca which dig state to state in wimbledon joke, in which pacing hung by a jacob finally in full set. stay on track for us when she faced prince from the we begin this news allah in southern lebanon, where hezbollah has filed a badge of 250 missiles and explosive drones and to northern israel. the group has targeted 7 is really military positions across the board. a multiple fives broke off from the occupied golden heights and, and the region of galilee. the licensed escalation follows the killing of a senior has bola colanda and 11 on wednesday. and that is really mid threes, as it struck multiple has been the target since $711.00 on is verify suggests
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targeted the areas of the media and hula. there were no casualties reported as a bank has moved from mazda unit in southern net and on it has been an escalation over the last 24 hours now. his with safe delivery launched over $250.00. talk to him. is there any positions since yesterday, wednesday, following the assess the nation of the senior is for the command them how much anymore enough that they also say that they launched a squadron on drones talking 7 is right in the middle of 3 sites and that we also understand, is there any minute review because the stuff we have been some injuries amongst is ready. the soldiers know over the last few hours what we have seen rockets launching from southern liber on talk to israel. we've also seen is very new strikes hitting the time. okay. um, i know to re kitchen for kilo, but also reason his will if these really assessments of mental or not. it's not the 1st time they've talked it back or stated. so hit previously the guided missiles at
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amy i just really so it isn't today because see the smoke rising. we also heard the size, the size of funny thing. that's when is there any extra break the signed by with over liberties s base. but this is an escalation, but is it at the place of will actually no fall from it? we have seen in the past, israel terry act assessing nations and his blog respond will voice an escalation? has we lost sites within the frame that comes in? reacting to this, assess the nation of the senior colanda, but there is a fear that point it takes is one miscalculation for it to escalate very, very quickly. i started big, i just did a lot of genuine sensitive. and what else tensions between has bella and the is really ami, grow their off. she is the will, may spend all over the border and the southern village of commerce. so why was the veins according to deadly as randy attacks that have taken place since 1996, one of them, so the kind of more than a 100 civilians, while they saw refuge in a un peacekeeping compound zayna for the reports from comma in southern lebanon,
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a memorial that stands as witness to a crime. children were among the 28 people killed. and then this way, the strike that brought down a building in southern lebanon, in 2006, the design of the 6 year old zane ups life cut short and the last major confrontation between israel and has been law sort of the as a. and i began to look for zane and she was sleeping next to her brother. and then i found a small hand. her body was covered with rubble. i kissed her hand just in can look that up was the corner has seen its share of tragedy. 18 years on has below and as well are again at war kind of it is still outside the battle ground at the latest conflict line, some 12 kilometers from the border. that is the full tide of model. and then israel is to launch a full blown will with lebanon. know like what is happening now? it will stuff heavy blows at the hands of hezbollah. miriam survived what's known
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here as the 1st kind of massacre. she lost 18 members of her family alley, like marianne survived the 1996 is where the bombing that kills more than 100 civilians. taking shelter at a un peacekeeping bass. at the age of 8, he saw images that are attached in his memory. provide me with the kind of, i still remember watching people being done to live in that tent. i remember the voice of the woman who was screaming while she was being burned alive. i remember seeing an infant without a head to the alley explains how experience is like these create resilience and the will to fight back. this is ready. tank is a reminder of a long conflict between israel and has the law. the lebanese arm group takes credit for ending, as well as a team, your occupation of southern lebanon in the year 2000. there had been several rounds of violence since on the not so distant sound of bombs were planes breaking sound
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barriers are all too familiar for the people here say oh fit hoff. and then of course, there is concern and fear, but we have an ideal lity and it's not easy to force us to leave the homes. defiance at a time of escalating threats by israel that could change the magnitude of the conflict center. so there i was, was it a condo southern? nothing on it. on a who, it is a distinguished fellow at the american university of babe ruth, and he's joining us live from boston. got to see mr. hoody as always as well. says it doesn't. what with his ball less, so what's a strategy when it kills that senior come onto the since it's always leads to a real escalation, like the one we've seen over the past day as well. elizabeth is the strategy that israel has been using in southern lebanon for the last 1520 years, and has not worked very well, and has not achieve this goal of trying to sort of do i. spa, in fact,
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has done the opposite and partly from what you heard. and the as an, as put those in as a report of the young people say that they get more and invigorated the more determined to fight back against israel. because of what is real does to them. so the strategy is designed to try to deal with a threat from the northern border. fisher, which is just about the wireless rail, is not fully able to deal with this, the small snapshot of southern border which is gasser and nothing else. who is buying a bit of a game, you know, to check and get him chest game or something where he is his trying to move different pieces at the same time, hoping he can then tell me that it has falls in the region and gets his farm support especially the west to a backend more forcefully, but it's not working. it hasn't worked for several decades. and the reason is that
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israel continues to attack and subjugate and killed them. the 10 arabs, i'm loving, i'm in the m sherry. i am in a gas on palestine while at the same time refusing to address the underlying political conflict between palestinians and israelis, which is the underlying cause of the conflict between israelis and which is why his father. i have said that they won't stop these attacks until there is a sci fi and gaza. a mr. 40, we've heard that and we're going to hear more about the phone for between nothing yahoo and bite, and that is expected to have been about the possible sci fi we and negotiations restarting. but when we talk about the us relationship with as well when it comes to what's happening on the never known border, how of helpful on helpful the problem, nashik is the us position on this because it tells as well as, i mean, it says it doesn't want to go on this border,
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but continues to tell as well that it will support as well, regardless of what it does. right. and this really shows that the united states is not fully an impartial mediator has never, has been between israel and the forces or who has been fighting for, for many, many decades. the americans are fully committed to israel and by law the us congress passed away years ago. the us guarantees of israel always the military is militarily stronger than all the combined forces against it. and this is quite an extraordinary situation. so the, the us talks about 2 stage and talks about lowering the temperature, but it doesn't really mean it because if you judge the u. s. by its actions, it's very much supporting the as rarely, genocide and get into the continued expansion. and if it's really cool on now settlements on the west bank as we've seen the announcement yesterday. so there's, there's
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a problem with the us as we have is that in part. and certainly if they have put pressure on as well in regards to his actions with his will on gaza, we haven't seen any results from that pressure. but what about nothing yet how susceptible as nothing yahoo to domestic pressure. the latest has bolo strikes, have the defies, and all that as well to women in northern israel would take into hospital with light injuries. $60000.00 is radius. haven't been able to return to their homes in the north, since the escalation began in october. does a put any domestic pressure on the israeli government to seek peace in the north? a yes or no, it puts pressure certainly on the other one. and then some of his coalition partners, but it doesn't put enough pressure on his own to make some change their policy. so nothing yeah was trying to do is just so many times as coalition government is very french, are found at the same time, cheaper american support,
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which is pretty committed and that's pretty reliable. but what's happening in the us, which troubles not the hours of the forces and the democratic party who are very critical of the american support for these rarely genocide and gather those forces are really giving, making a big problem for by them. if he stays as a candidate or whoever is the, there's a possibility to organize political forces in the us because of the us support for the genocide and gather these forces might cause the democrats to lose the presidential election and lose control of the house and senate when they had it, so this is his problem, you're trying to do 5 or 6 things at the same time and none of them really are working very well. that's why the gather ceasefire was so critical assertion agencies fire. yeah, certainly a lot of pieces on this chessboard as you described it earlier, and obviously what he sent to you is always for your analysis. we appreciate it.
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thanks for adding tunnel to gaza. now it as well as bombardment has killed at least 22 palestinians in the north since thursday morning. and that brings the desk told to more than 58099 months before. one of the laser strikes at a residential square and gauze, the city people are trying to rescue those, trapped on to the rubble along the wounded of several children who are being taken to hospitals. abraham helene as a journalist and god's assessing, and he sent us this report from one of the worst areas. as we are here, standing in the heart of that bold market holding guides the city that it has been completely destroyed by the occupation this morning is down on the market, destroying it completely as you can see. but only because even i know some of the so many families have lost the livelihoods and daily sustenance because the market has been destroyed. many shops were here,
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and now they are all destroyed. above and beyond. the occupation is deliberately balmy. the hero to the place is here, as we have the most behind the goals market targeted. since the beginning of this war, her digit places have been completely demolition, getting gods the city of this phone government resulting and getting 5 civilians. an injury many more. and the situation is getting worse and there's still issues this morning heavy air fry. so when in down in northern garza specifically asked you to your neighborhood, the golden bold market is located, decides that you die your neighborhood. it was completely destroyed and probably good by the heavy air shrikes and the brutality of this era that to speak to our correspondents out of was he's joining us live from then on the line central garza and thought it now the deadly day there. as the official death told
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costs 38000. okay, so it was incredibly very blood today. whether it's very minute, 3 years since the 80 hours of this morning, elizabeth has been up stating their attacks we. we have observed that police edge of attacks in the central areas of the territories, especially in i'm a say rock refugee camp, which had been widely targeted. we're talking about 2 palestinians have been killed one more than 20 of us being wounded and they have been transferred to both of us. but sometimes even on out the hospital is their rights at refuge account house that has been targeted has be hits without any prior warning. and that is the minute treat approach it's been has been using and targeting the vast majority of residential supplies across the street box, which is absolutely wait. is that the is wait a minute? 3 has been attacking evacuation centers intensively today in the north of the gaza . strip were at least 5 out of city and so 5 being killed with dozens of those being moved into. we have been seeing the level of destruction close behind the
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used by the attacks in the neighborhood where the fighting that is, is still ongoing. we come on cooperate test is very ministry who said that they are ongoing and they're still continuing to manage it for ration in that neighborhood until they can many totally dismantled the how much remaining battalion set up in the font, south of gauze of the situation on which it was incredibly grim. why the civil defense police have been giving out just a rough rough suggest one is about what the so in a rough on district, in terms of the wide screen destruction. alongside with bodies being decomposed and even being found killed in our streets of that back to the area that had been set to be a graveyard for palestinians. and in the far south of the church it is a good product. thank you very much for that update. that is thought a couple isn't with the latest live in the blind central gossum as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has held a phone call with the us president of the, in the hotel jose item that he will send
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a delegation to negotiate the release of captives held in gaza, but he reiterated that the will, will end only off to achieving all of israel's goals. when calls to our correspondent in amman, home the cell who is in just a moment. but 1st, let's go live to our white house correspondent company. how good do we have more details about this? cool. kimberly of the yeah, we do. according to the white house, there is a read out. now we know that this phone call was not only taking place between the vice president or rather the president and the as really prime minister. but also the vice president comma la harris said. what we know is that this, as is real, as lots of the costs of a framework agreement. what the purpose of this call, according to warehouse read out, is really to finalize the ongoing efforts to get release of the remaining captives that were captured on october 7th. as well as get a ceasefire deal, so that's what these leaders were talking about. that's the 3rd year of course was
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outlined back by the president joe biden. back in may. it's been endorsed by the un security council, the g 7 nations, and also other global nations. 2 we know is, is the leaders were discussing the response that has been received by him. us ad. what we can tell you is that there has been, according to us media reports, some officials already reacting here in the united states saying that that response has been received and is considered somewhat constructive. but at the same time, the work will have to continue. now, according to the white house read out positive buys it has welcomes the prime minister's decision to authorize this really negotiators to gauge with us, to tarry and egyptian mediators to close the steel. of course we also know that the israel's war and gaza has had tremendous pull on the palestinians in terms of the casualties 38000 in counting. we know that this call comes in advance of
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the 2 leaders. that is the us president and the is really prime minister meeting face to face here in washington. but we should find out the last time they talk was not until last may, may, 6th, and the fact that they will be meeting later this month, face to face. because that is that these really prime minister has been invited to speak to a joint session of congress. that's gonna be happening in just a couple of weeks later. this month's company's, thank you for that. that's all white house correspondent. kimberly how good. well that's where the government has banned on to 0 from as well as a home, the son who is joining us from the jordanian capital online and home, the official and some unofficial information coming out of his round about these negotiations. well let's 1st talk about what these really prime minister himself is saying that he has approved now for this is really delegation to meet with mediators, but still not clear when or where that's going to happen. we know previously they've met in the property capital del, how and in the gyptian capital. * cairo,
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but benjamin netanyahu was maintaining that even if there is a ceasefire deal, it's not going to mean the end of the war. because until all of those goals, israel has set out to achieve our met, the fighting is going to continue. but we are hearing from is really sources speaking anonymously. of course, they say they're approaching this with cautious optimism, but that the response that was given to mediators by him a is something constructive that these really is, can work with. and tonight, benjamin netanyahu has convened his security cabinet to discuss this very issue, saying that that perhaps is something tangible to work with here. but the big still main issue, the sticking points are things that are going to have to be hammered out over time . and it will take longer than perhaps some people are hoping for, but in any case is really officials at this hour say they're cautiously optimistic . i'm the thank you for that home, the sounds we went to the laziness and a reminder that that is where any government has banned algebra from operating in as well. which is why we have
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a boyfriend from neighbor and jordan. a small community in the southern hebron house and the occupied westbank is recovering from a settler tackle of a nice it comes as, as one has announced a mass of new settlement expansion prompting the un and you to express a mom little that has moved from ramallah in the occupied westbank, it's the chart shows of home spend witness to the night of fear, residents of color to the live through a group of israeli settlers attack the small community in the southern hebron hills . we have a panic. some people pleaded for help on social media, firefighters tried to help they to came under attack. this community is one of 12 in the area under threat of complete erasure. they've been funding off, subtler attacks and home demolitions by these really are me for years. as low as you,
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the setlist stole the sheep full under the protection of the army that allows them to do what they wants to approve tests. so most of them in the village of beauty and also in the have run area is rarely forces bold. those 7 homes leaving nearly 40 people would know where to go. and the head of the village told us presidents have been fighting demolition orders for years. 2 of the homes raised on thursday. we're not even slated for demolition during it's more on god's ivy is really government accelerated existing plans to appropriate palestinian land authorized illegal settler up posts and expand existing supplements. it's may 2024. the year of the largest is really land grub in over 3 decades. so used to be a little bit old, doable to what's called a shelves on the government. now the of the government for leaders have repeatedly warned the antics ation of the occupied west back is the red line. israel must not
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cross reality on the ground. was a different story that all the 0. i'm a law palestine. the versions in the u. k. a cost and the balance and the gentleman and action prime minister, but she's soon act and labor the the case dom of all should early on thursday, the spring just 6 weeks. and so that cool the snap election james base is joining us live from downing street in london. so took us through how the night for on phone jane's. well, they are still taking all the way across the u. k. right now, the polls closed in just over 2 and a half hours time from now. and that means we can start talking about politics and policies and who's the head and all of those sort of things. because of all the way it rules in the u. k. on like other countries,
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what you're actually batten's about talking about anything substantial during the periods that people are voting on. the most important thing that happens when the polls close as we get the exit poll. now this is something that is conducted by itself, which is a research organization. it's been arranged and always back to buy the 3 main national boat costs as domestic broad costs. as in the u. k, what happens is they go to a 130 different posing stations around the u. k. they find people who just like to just put the x on that bottle of paper against a, one of the kinds of it. so they have a right click about a paper and they asked them to get in. can you just recreate what you did in the, in the, in, in, in the posting booth and recreate on the, on the right book about a books what you did on the real valuable on the real final paper. and all of those results is about 20000 people across the u. k. that's polled like this up all those results. so then collated the political scientists look at the mole. i'm trying
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what account the picture of what's going to go on. now this exit poll has had a bit of a shaky pos if you go way back in 1992, they go to pretty wrong. uh, but in recent years it's been very, very, very successful. and in fact, when the, when the, when things are closed, obviously it's harder. but when things are clearly divided between the policies, once clearly a head is much, much clear. so i think it's very, very important what we're going to see. and on the 3 hours from now, the exit polls, it will give us a clear idea of who is likely cost is not final, who is likely to be in downing street, then we get the real results that takes us some of them coming in on thursday night, but most of them coming in early friday morning throughout the day on friday, 650 constituencies is how the u. k is divided and what happens is whoever wins, whoever is the n p in each constituency, they then go to the house of commons and whichever party gets the most and peace, they become the government. so clear picture i think will start to emerge mainly by
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about a 300 hours g m t, something like that, a clear picture of who's going to be the next government. and whoever heads the next government because they are going to live here. the building behind me number 10, downing street. james, thank you very much for that. james bay is live from donald street in london. it's francis preparing for the 2nd round of its parliamentary elections on sunday. the 1st round produced a victory for the fall. live party is nothing left then along with its allies, the national valley, one around 33 percent of the vote. and a smith has been speaking to voters and cadillac and personally in north west and france. frances townsend villages over at belling more and more people are no longer afraid, not just to use the fall right as a protest vote, but also to see you didn't pound just on the beach. so please don't do this bounce are set that these days. people see the little these process. it's not preferred to keep the remaining us for supporting the national riley. we have no remark. people not the racist. what site for the,
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for the one thing to be friends at home will fit you know, the shockey key. this is an options that suits us for change and we must try it. we shouldn't be doing ice for trying something else. buskey on that. we've had enough on the one hand, there's a government that doesn't k, and then we see the program. well, there's lift ease. well that leaves me really escape. most people in cadillac did not vote for the national riley, but it shares the vote double to 34 percent compared with the previous parliamentary elections in 2022. this is one of more than 200 constituencies where the 3rd place candidate has withdrawn in the hope the votes will go to the candidate best place to beat the national riley. but if there's a high ton out lot that was in the 1st round, then that could help the fall, right? the opinion polls suggest an unusually high turnout of working class voters and those on low and high incomes. old benefits at the national valley, across france. many rural voters,
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so they feel like node or football. brittany was historically a strong hold of the left. now a fall, right? your oh skeptic, an empty immigrant party has found the tile territory here. that's the actual, the reverse of what has changed is that people, as you have seen, are opening up. this is a place that's been abandoned there. i'm no more public services. no more doctors. hospitals are far away and yes and immigration people don't want to feeling faded. i don't want to say we are overwhelmed here, but everyone wants to avoid just the left and center are again relying on a republican front asking people to vote for any of the party to stop the fall, right. but as each election passes, that seems to become a hot idea to sell. bernard smith, islanders era, cadillac, friends, one crime has become an important issue for some voters in the fund connection. the national riley has gained ground in the tradition, a centrist must say,
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pledging how she sentences for mine is convicted of crimes. some denford reports from last a 16 year old julie is still recovering after he was shot in the leg 3 months ago. they shot me at home. i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked. the problem is, my mother was there, my sister, my little brother. they could have hit them 2 more. so the moment he stopped going to school when he was 12, to make around a $100.00 a day, acting as a lookout for drug dealers. the state's police say children like julio often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. don't hold on, hold for a violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise in the past decade. we respond more quickly. when there is a contract, people use a kalashnikov to settle disputes environment.
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time has made security. one of the biggest issues computers in must say, helping the rise of the fall right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher sentences. it also wants minors to be tried as adults. these neighborhoods in the north and must say have 17 times more violent crimes than the rest of the country, mostly related to drug trafficking and both the victims and the perpetrators. a younger than ever before. these are also some of the poorest neighborhoods in europe with a quarter of people living in poverty. according to the french observatory of a nicole, it is with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people don't see education as a way out. as many as 139 percent of children have dropped out of school is about to about to mind. this building was very decrepit. for example,
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when we were on the 1st floor that were wrapped in some passing by our chevy. the hockey buses, mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in these rundown buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities and politicians only pay attention to what goes on and poor neighborhoods at election time. they've been to civil focus on these up. the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution. then we must focus on education. when we are called upon to respond to a case law, we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is to young to have a say in the election already does illusion by politics. many are discouraged and say the prospects look increasingly bleak is i'm getting food. i'll g 0. nothing. still ahead on the news our china's president cause onregional latest a guarantee security in the face of what he describes as
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a cold roll mentality. the military course in the democratic republic of congo sentences $25.00 soldiers to death. physician joined festivals with the m 23 onto adams, 44. he has some form the one. draw the louis hamilton a see to august a back would extending when at his holland. com, free the colors or quads across the middle east. at the moment of a lively waiting, so just a little bit of lifted, dustin sat around but not too much in the way in any significant count as when should ease off here around the goals as we make our way through last friday and see temperatures at around 3444 celsius the for the honda simulate temperature. as we go on into sat, there's still quite
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a brisk raise running down in once enough and q way back that close to 50 degrees celsius. hit one or 2 shows up towards the black sea, but since and what the weather coming in here for a time. maybe some weather, some showers into good pop up that the guy. but for north africa, hot dry sands, not plenty of showers, rod across the west africa, the live b as once most southern areas have gone to pushing across southern parts of the nigeria into the gulf of guinea, the east of the riff valley, one or 2 showers the, it's eastern parts of the kenya, mont, to southern africa, looking dry, looking quite at 20 celsius the on saturday afternoon in the cape town. system that's going to make his way in west the weather. cool weather. when the weather coming in for the western cape on sunday. temperature, is that in cape town, take right back to around 14 degrees celsius. the
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ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice, emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of set tasks and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis of insect goza through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm, we'll turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the watching else as they are with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to yvonne talk stories. the sound has gone on, has find
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a barrage of 250 missiles and explosive joining something moving from israel. that's all for the coming of one of, of seem to come on this on wednesday as one has long strikes on southern level. one is really strikes have been continuing on ga, setting, and other locations across this trip. cutting at least 22 palestinians that burns the desktop with more than 48000 a 1000009 months of divergence and the u. k. a cost and the balance of the janet election prime minister issue, so neck and may believe the case. dom avoid any on thursday. first results are expected today to on thursday evening. the campaigning has ended in iran ahead of friday's presidential ronald's voters will choose between the foremost candidates missus. possess kiana conservative side. jeanie, that's a set of thought has more on the candidates from fed on your,
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on the run of presidential election is one of the most contested and unpredictable india islamic republics history. the 2 candidates represent different sides of the political spectrum in a divided the country side city. the former chief nuclear negotiator is popular among conservatives. he has strong connections and particularly previously serve as the secret throughout the supreme national security council. a powerful exec, due by the with influence over utah and security and for them policies, he's perceived as a staunch loyalist us. we should look at late president of abraham, right. say that we will fight against sanctions, but also sees new opportunities. we must make out enemies for great imposing sanctions on us. i don't mind. did move around for presidency in 2013, using to her son who honey. so that the 2021. we can say we will see you, but i am raising the federal causality of who's that you know,
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how to cope. the crash in may 3 good. these are the election. this time generally may have a better chance of success depending on how the nearly 3500000 people who choose mohammed back and kind of above last week decide towards this week. however, therefore, miscounted that mr. donald appeared still conservative. the guardian console did not approve of position cons candidacy in the 20132021 presidents awards to serve as health minister from 2001 to 2005 on the you don't suppose to be for them as president. while i'm at, so tammy position still enjoys hard to me. support for repairs of housing, vermani and for the minister, jo, us city force indoors. he's campaign many believe the flesh of beckers could be the key to business goes victory. but he's threatening carefully how i'm sort of the nationalist approach when it comes to foreign policy. hold on for me to find policy means the interest of the,
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of the wrong and radians the 1st around. so every quoted low turn now, with the apathy is a major concern for the authorities to include the book and the supreme leader has those people to cast their ballots. even look at that as good. i have repeatedly said that people's attendance as a source of dignity and pride for the country. if the election has high turnouts, and then these law mac for public will be able to fulfill its go use that will then be another molto. now it could benefit judy lee, while a higher turnout could be in position counts failure, especially if he's able to mobilize reformist, this will say to that, which is 0 to add on. chinese president choosing paying has cooled on the shanghai cooperation organization to guarantee security. that's on the face of what he call was a real threat from the cold war mentality. the 10 nation you asian block has been meeting for 2 days and causing stones capital. the summer been job and reports from us on
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a the most members of the largest regional organization in the world meeting in the cons, a capital with better succession to shanghai corporation organization or a seal is attending the group. the below russian president spoke of a greater range of regions coming 0 english by color lising, a messy leslie exploits from all the countries the west over the sent you off with the straight to the foundation of his well let you go, i cannot make some minutes redone, superior or transfer. you found a declaration focuses on security and economy. the, to the structures of international security are now at risk, posing potential negative consequences for humanity. in this critical time we bet great responsibility to enhance the stability and security effective measures. the to see by working together members can achieve these goals well, me on single visa, so we must respect each other's development and eliminate differences both
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consensus and enhanced mutual trust through strategic communication at the time to go to the most powerful countries present china. investor, i want to steve the block to become larger and more influential. it's pretty viewing me. it was through stewart, you can, we are convinced the shanghai corporation organizations along with bricks are the foundations of the you imagine global or the, you know, a lot do mean to try to find that this was not an empty west alliance. i'm not sure how incorporation does no target any 3rd party, nor have we formed any alliance if we act and the commitment of serving the interests of all peoples. although his country is preparing for the run of presidential election, it didn't stop, you know, on entry president from attending the summit. so it is quite clear that the strategic relationship between us has completely disrupted the global balance of power. and for this reason there is no longer any talking about the unit for the. busy are due while the speaker is focused on opportunities and challenges in the
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united nations. welcome to display of unit that all i found on your strong engagement and supports. we need one global economy, one global markets, one global internet, and one global set of standards for our pc show in tell ages, and by the relevant technologies, we're focused on the future. the country is representing almost 40 percent of the world's population and nearly a 3rd of its economy are hoping that a cooperation mechanism coming from the region is going to be more beneficial as approvals. multilateralism seems to be breaking down some of them and driving down to 0 a fund. the power came down has swept the call southern jamaica, leaving thousands without pallet. this left detroit of destruction across the se, caribbean killing at least 8 people. the stillness now heading towards mexico, so you can tom, financial, a tourism hotspot. alexandra biased reports hurricane
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barrow slammed. montego bay as a category for storm. the strong is to hit the island in more than a decade. it puddled communities with intense winds and rain, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of households and flooding, roads and buildings. then, just as quickly as it arrived, beryl moved on. i'm trying to keep calm because i have my son, as well as if anyone else in the community or around me needs help. i'm just trying to keep calm, but i am anxious and a bit scared. became an island in mexico are braced to be next. on grand came and businesses are closed, and hotels have activated emergency plans. evacuation flights have already ferried more than a 1000 people to safety. barrow is expected to dump $100.00 millimeters of rain on
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the island. mexico's popular yucatan peninsula is also and it's tough concludes airport filled with taurus, hoping to catch the last lights out. at 1st they said it was a category one, then it was going to take another route and now they saying it's coming and it will . and tomorrow beach resorts and restaurants are boarded up the army air force. a national guard had been placed on standby, and people are stalking up on supplies. even protected sea turtle eggs are being moved to safety. $10000.00 of them have been relocated from can cones, beaches, the authorities are urging visitors to pay attention to their alerts. what are the one of these things? if we say it goes with shelter, we aren't doing it to be a new since we're doing it to keep people's sites right now, lots of tourists can still reschedule the flights to leave many of them on, during the wasting. barrels made history as the most powerful storm to form in the
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atlantic. this early in the year. maybe urologist say that's because of above average ocean temperatures due to climate change. and there warning of even stronger storms to come in. what's on track to be a record breaking hurricane season? alexandra buyers al jazeera, as a military court, and the eastern democratic republic of congo has sentenced $25.00 soldiers to death for position. they were convicted of fleeing the front line and disobeying orders during battles with the n 23 foot in may. 8 soldiers was sentenced to death on some of the charges. commonly soldiers have been battling m 23 flights of more than 2 years. the group is advancing in the east and biase around 2800000 people have been displaced in north cuban province alone, around what county has the latest from book templates. remain on the ground in about onwards, of kilometers away from the symbol of the deal on these slides. we are going to
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exist in order to store them to this label in other location since last week. how's the variables? i've taken some areas of that now for you to move forward. here in the town of the us is that doing their best by all means of the buttery stick and they didn't want to deal with the last logistic of hostages. this is how we have seen recently um using the model cycles in order to send the laptops on the bottle field bill for you. so it's also something more personal on soul is invisible to us learn this morning how almost 25 soldiers listed. this is different, not by the minute the quote from the 4th line and all of them i choose from running away from the enemy in the 4th line and the pirates on the photos. meanwhile, you mean the single sample here, people are frustrated about all the sufficient quantities of the population as they you really see on by turning it on. i causing more trouble within the community saying the 450, the city from any kind of you through the system from this in any areas. but after the killing of it,
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only 15 people put in 6 sort of just by physical movement. so for me to leave those, i know calling for water specifically deformed visible, you know, the north, this on the population at the low and the security forces to do their job without interfere with other like on it or does it or did you want context for because cool, more than 1000000 people have been affected by flooding in bond with the issue. apologies of one of dangerous floods. levels in certain districts in the senate region in the northeast on which all data points from near the city of phillips. second wave of flooding has devastated the not distant region of bangladesh, particularly the phil is region. please certain districts are inundated, can see killing me there after killing me there of small and plays a village is i've been under water the weather forecast say they'll be more rain and the knock this thing the that may not spin water will come into the phillip
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region and flooded the whole hinterland and the flood plains of north is bangladesh . it has been any better in the south this part of bangladesh where there's been torrential demand, devastating the hill tracts region, including the largest ro hang a refugee camp in cox. as by the red list, 2 people died including a child farm. as we spoke to said they haven't received any kind of aid from the government. this people are substance problem or they rely on government health during this disaster time. but hardly anybody got any. they'll take weeks if not months or to years to recover from the floods environmental experts. this has much to do with the climate change and also manmade obstructions. we have seen lot of the rivers there. i have not been dredged for decades. it's got full upsetting mans and there's a high web build about a 160 kilometer from sled city, which is starting to allow me to road that block the show i'm going to valley flood plain,
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which i started the flood water to flow into the river. system into the bay of bengal, deforestation, land grabbing and other main met ops that goes on also cause of the floods. people are worried, things could get worse before it gets better. so i'm going to charge a, i'll just say the slipped still ahead on the news of john hendern in illinois, where science is it hard on national laboratory, are working islands force indian credit funds of celebration, the country's 1st global title, and move on to the business like this, this brought to you believe, i guess as i live slowly on, one of your makes modern plates.
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the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads.
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the time to school she is, andy, thank you so much, elizabeth, full 8 time champion of a joke of a chance to dig deep to stay in wimbledon joe coach taking the full sets by tournament rook. see jacob certainly in the 2nd round, much some pretty incredible points, some missing counsellors junk of it. she was pushed to the limit for the 22 year old scouts who's making his 1st appearance at a grand slam events. so he sent me a joke of it. she's back in action of to undergo a nice surgery for an injury. he picks up at last month's front sharpen from a well, number one is yet. so when it's science will vitiate, but this fig tree keeps him on track a record extending 25th grand slam. so i had a really tempted to do today. i was not really comfortable in my own skin,
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particularly the 3rd and 4th with a look. you know, sometimes you have a rough days where maybe you're not seeing your best. and of course, it also depends on the, on the opponent across the next. today, jacob, i thought played on the high level and he, he made me earn this victory. so, you know, all you know was a, it was a winning the end of the day and i'll take it, or one of the women's draw a chin is yours, owns yellow has reached the last to wimbledon, foreigners, but it's still so when a grandson signed for seasons around 3 though after a straight set stick to here, american 4 flat will be mangum. the means doubles is getting a re refuse to me since of course, one moment thanks to the presence the bridge since i'm the murray that sits on the singles champion final and started for the jamie the 1st from us just getting on the way. the 37 year old wasn't fits enough to feature in the singles and what set to be his final wimbledon appearance supposed to be playing in the mixed doubles
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with an erotic purchased by celebrating old accounts. we shall, christiano and elder hasn't expended stay at the last year as of his career, political face friends in the quarter finals on fridays spinning frustrating tournaments the 39 year old. rinaldo, 15 shots were not a go, including, of course, not mist penalty in the round of 16 against sylvania. this game. a reply of the 2016 final which portugal one for me and it was a difficult moment for him. we're all here to help and he was in a bad moment so the team felt that and i think that of course we have to help all the players on that. so let's say that down here. yes, it's for an all those last year old, but i think we've got everything we need to give them one last gift on. i think we're going to do everything we can do that. so while with 3 titles of pace, germany in spain and the most successful science in the tournaments history and the germans will be looking to use home advantage to edge their opponents in stuttgart, germany aiming for that 1st yours time when almost 3 decades. that's why maybe also
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the excitement is so high because um, both teams on a very similar level, you know, on a very similar and high level. they are facing each other. and so i guess there is nothing but so you know, for, for football fan of else a fall play i, you know, then playing or watching these kind of games as well switched under incentive ss as a semi final parents that have made you told them it's switched less to spain on penalties in the last states, the previous your eyes on saturday, i'll be taking on misfiring. when seen in the little thing. lenders quotes, we don't need to speak about the quality or some something else or what else. but i am not close to the team, so don't know what is what is going on or not. um, to be honest, it's also not, not my business or our business. we are just looking for a self. we know ours things. we know the quality. let's have a look at the full quarter final lineup. how is jeremy getting the action on the way against spain? on friday?
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another thing with huge suppose in germany is so kit they faced the netherlands on saturday that came taking place in berlin. now legal mess your minds down for origin, same as corporate america. quote, a final that's against equitable on friday. messy stuff with a hamstring injury against she like missed the defending champions. final group game against peru encouraging song started for the eights on bilingual witnessing. hey, back in training ahead of that match in houston 7, some form of the one will champion lewis hamilton is hoping to roll back the is it his home grown freight. hamilton has been enjoying a role the luxury crews down london river thames ahead of the slightly more high proud action of somebody's race that service than the mercedes drive. it has won the events a record 8 times his teammate george russell. when the austrian groaned pronounced weekend with hamilton coming home in full, and i don't feel that expectation. i just feel a lot of love there. and it's, it's honestly it's, it's absolutely unbelievable. every,
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every year we go. it's really high warming and it's pretty massively motivated as well. you know, you get a lot of energy from your smoke, you know, the other interactions you get to have with people. but even like, as i said, you know, when i one races like my 1st race, as i'm coming through one corner where that one kept spinning, and i kept making you just making it through, then i can see the crowd like standing up in the rain. the hundreds of thousands are pretty friends gathering in the indian city as known by the celebrating that countries title, one of the see 20 well kept same citing the trophy through the city on an open salt bus right in the south africa by 7 runs in last saturdays final ending the nations, the senior whites for global sites. so all right, that as i suppose looking sandy,
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thank you very much for that. now finding this bulletin scientist in the bar tree in the united states have created a passable new suit. the computer is, creates a se, would open up new possibilities for research and everything from diseases to the climate and even the origin of the universe itself. it's on hand and reports on the as on national bar tree in the mount, illinois. this, this colossal computer is expected to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, answering questions, human kind has pondered since the dawn of time. we see research and almost every major area of science out there. so we are doing research that's looking at the fundamental structure of an atom and those fundamental forces all the way up to looking at the structure of the universe. aurora, a super computer at argonne national laboratories in illinois could soon become the world's most powerful computer. once it's fully operational, that's expected to happen later this year. scientists are still connecting computer
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nodes that increase its power can think of a node is being the computer. this is in many respects, your laptop, it's just a very credibly powerful version of your laptop. even it less than full power, the half $1000000000.00 water cooled machine taking up the space of for tennis courts is in comprehensive really fast processing. massive amounts of data at extra flop speed. that's a quintillion 10 with 18 zeros after it tasks per 2nd. and when it comes to using artificial intelligence, it performs it 10 times of that speed, making it the most powerful computer using a guy on earth. for years, computers, it'd be getting smaller and more powerful. each of those silver handles is essentially a computer or a know aurora, 10624 of them. and that's what gives it it's unfathomable speed and power. it can
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also solve practical problems modeling in granular detail how cancer cell spread through the blood stream, mapping a mouse brain, and soon human brains and testing billions of possible aircraft part models before building a single play. i can save, it's part of puerto rico. you should be ready to rout codle. martha use using aurora to develop long term climate models that range from a single building to the entire globe for gun project. what could be a risk for coastal area for, for, for, for why fi is it for the health communities companies to adapt to this change? anyone in the world can apply for computing time, more than one condition. oliver rowers research must be publicly available. that makes auroras impact not just potentially groundbreaking, but global john henry and l g 0. lamont illinois. and that certainly elizabeth put on him to stay with us. jessica washington was here in a moment with all the latest updates. thank you for watching
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the in 1995 more than 8000 the mostly men and boys were mounted by both need and set forces in forever any. so do you see the you in voted to create an annual day commemoration for the victims? join us the live coverage of the 1st day of remember it's for this rep or any such an aside july, the 11th on tuesday,
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around the states, them even come in as an international insight. corruption, excellence award, nominator hero, now pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important effective? he had the story on talk to how does he have a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about
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a given chrisy. so issue the smell of that power as always is 0 correspondence. that's where we strive to do. the escalating cross border attacks has been the target is raining military sites, with the barge of israel continues to strike cells and live in the hello and jessica washington. this is under the reminder from joe ha. also coming up in gauze of the palestinian death toll pauses. $38000.00 relations is rarely


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