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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the smell of the power as always is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do. the escalating cross border attacks has been the target is raining military sites with the barge of israel continues to strike cells and live in the hello and jessica washington. this is under the reminder from joe ha. also coming up in gauze of the palestinian death toll pauses. 38000 relations is rarely strikes . targeted residential areas in the north killing at least $22.00 people in james space and down the street in london where in 2 as time we get the 1st indication of who's likely to be britain's next prime minister. and hurricane
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barrow heads. widths will be live from mexico, the locals are bracing for high winds and heavy rain. the . we begin in southern lebanon, where has been law, has fired a barrage of 250 missiles and explosive drones into northern israel. the group has targeted several is rarely military positions across the border. multiple fires broke out in the occupied golan heights and of the region of galilee. this latest escalation follows the killing of a senior and has been on command 11 on on wednesday. these rarely military says it's drunk. multiple hezbollah targets in southern lebanon is rarely 5 to jets. targeted the areas of, from you and la, and with no casualties, reported as a bank has moved from my june in southern lebanon. that has been an escalation over
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the last 24 hours now. his with safe delivery launched over $250.00. talk to him. is there any positions since yesterday, wednesday, following the assess the nation of the senior is for the command them how much anymore enough that they also say that they launched a squadron on drones talking 7 is reading the military sites and that we also understand is there any minute review because the stuff and we have been some interest amongst, is there any soldiers? no, over the last few of us, what we have seen rockets launching from southern liber on talk to israel. we've also seen is very new strikes, pitching the time. okay. um, i know to re kitchen for killer. the also reason his will, if these re assessment of metal or not, it's not the 1st time they've talked it back or stated hit previously. it guided missiles at amy i just really sold isn't today with the seats. the smoke rising, we also heard the size, the size of funding thing. that's when is there any extra break the signed barrier over lebanese s space. but this is an escalation, but is it at the place of will actually no fall from it. we have seen in the past,
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israel terry act assessing nations and his blog respond will voice an escalation, his with law states within the frame that comes in reacting to this assess the nation of the senior colanda. but there is a fear that point it takes is one miscalculation for it to escalate very, very quickly. i started big. i just did a lot of genuine sensitive and as tensions between hezbollah and these really ami grow their refuse the will, may spill over. the florida in the southern village condo survivors have been, we're calling to deadly is around the attacks that took place since 1996. 1 of them saw the killing of more than $100.00 civilians, but they sold refuge. any un peacekeeping compound sentiment that has moved from kinda installed and living on a memorial that stands as witness to a crime. children were among the 28 people killed. and then this way, the strike that brought down a building in southern lebanon, in 2006,
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the design of the 6 year old zane ups life cut short and the last major confrontation between israel and has been law sort of the as a. and i'm, i begun to look for zane and she was sleeping next to her brother. and then i found a small hand. her body was covered with rubble. i kissed her hand just in can look that up was the corner has seen its share of tragedy. 18 years on has below and as well are again at war kind of it is still outside the battle ground is the latest conflict line, some 12 kilometers from the border. that is about the flip side of model. and then if israel is to launch a full blown with lebanon, know like what is happening now? it will stuff heavy blows at the hands of hezbollah. miriam survived what's known here as the 1st condom massacre. she lost the 18 members of her family alley, like marian survived the 1996 is where the bombing that killed more than 100
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civilians taking shelter at a un peacekeeping bass. at the age of 8, he saw images that are attached in his memory. provide me with that kind of, i still remember watching people being then to live in that tent. i remember the voice of the woman who was screaming while she was being burned alive. i remember seeing an infant and without a head to the alley explains how experience is like these create resilience and the will to fight back. this is ready. tank is a reminder of a long conflict between israel and has the law. the lebanese arm group takes credit for ending, as well as a team, your occupation of southern lebanon in the year 2000. there had been several rounds of violence since of the not so distant sound of bombs were. planes breaking sound barriers are all too familiar for the people here. say, oh fit hoff, and then of course there is concern and fear, but we have an ideal lity and it's not easy to force us to leave the homes defiance
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at a time of escalating threats by israel that could change the magnitude of the conflict center. so there i was, was it a condo southern? nothing on turning to gone. so now where israel is, bombardment has killed at least 22 palestinians in the north since thursday morning . that brings the death toll to more than $38000.00. in nearly 9 months of war, one of the latest strikes, he's a residential square in garza city. people are trying to rescue those trapped under the rumble among the wounded several children who have been taken to hospital. abraham kelley o is adrian. let us in garza city. he sent us this report from one of the west head areas. we are here standing in the heart of the bull market, holding gaza city. it has been completely destroyed by the occupation this morning . this is an apartment built down on the market, destroying it completely as you can see. but only because even the so many families
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have lost the livelihoods and daily sustenance, because the market has been destroyed. many shops we hear, and now they are all destroyed until the on the occupation is deliberately bombing the arrow to the place is here. as we have the most behind the goals market target a since the beginning of this war heard the places have been completely demolition, getting gods the city of this home farm. it resulted in getting 5 civilians, an injury many more, and the situation is getting worse and this still, it is this morning heavy air try. so when in down in northern garza specifically i, she's the neighborhood. the golden bold market is located, decides that you die your neighborhood. it was completely destroyed on targeted by the heavy air, shrikes. and the brutality of this era that i assume has more on those is rarely
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strikes from central guns. and it's very military, since the hours of this morning has been up skating the military attacks, of course, multiple areas in district, the north of district. they have been talking thing about pollution census fund, palestinians. that least have been killed. one in the central part of garza, they had been attacking residential houses and in the fall south of the territories attacks on display some of the continued as we have been hearing from civil defense cruise that the managed to recover dozens of bodies today from what's twin size of rough district. i mean, while we've been hearing from medical sources, that the vast majority of the 1st line hospitals are experiencing severe shortage of fuel supplies, which will make it to the impacts and the ability to continue operating on the ground. sorry. how do 0 very by, how to sign the
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poses in the u. k. a costing the balance in the general election, both prime minister richie sooner and later q has done a voted early on thursday. it's been just 6 weeks and soon i quoted the snap election. oh correspondence james bay is joins me now live from downing street in london. james took us through how the night will unfold. of the well, what we're going to have in 2 hours time just on to 2 hours. and that time is the, uh, polls closing. that's still voting for just on the 2 hours across the u. k. across all parts of the u. k. and during this period, well, no voting, we're not allowed to talk very we, we had roles in the u. k, you know, that talk about politics or policies or who might be handle who, who, who's, who's not ahead. that'll change is when the polls close and quite an important development, then we get the exit poll. now the exit publish something is commissioned by the 3 main. you end of the u. k. domestic,
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broad. costas. and it's commission from the research company itself. what they do is they go to a 130 opposing sections across the u. k that they've chosen is representative of the u. k. in those products stations, once people come out to cost that vote cost to put that x on the pallet paper, the research is approach them and have a right click about a paper and say, can you more cut off by the paper? what you just marked on the one inside the posing station that's about 20000 people across the u. k. all of those results are collected all of the experts. so the data analysts look at them, they'd be looking at those results coming all day. so very, very secret, but in, on the, to as time they will publish the results of the exit poll. now the exit polls has had a difficult possibly go back a long way, 1992 or they were quite out on the exit pub in recent years. it's been very, very accurate and it's even more accurate if the, the, but the final vote is those extra family clothes. so it will be very,
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very interesting to see what comes in from that exit polls. then we of course have to see the real results and see if they match that exit polls. the case divided into 650 different. there is different constituencies, voters in each of those constituencies. but for an m p. as each of those m p's belong to a policy slow leo, see the total of, of all of the policies go up. and eventually we'll see which policies on top the party that's on top of the leader of that policy becomes a new prime minister. i'm will be living here. i'm working here and number 10, downing street. thank you, james. sent out diplomatic editor, change things, reporting from london. would you expect those exit calls in coming? alice rawlins is preparing for the 2nd round of its paula missouri elections on sunday. the 1st round produced a major victory for the fluoride party of marine the pen along with its allies, the national rally, one around 33 percent of the vote. but it's smith has been speaking to voters in
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collect, impersonate in northwest and from francis townsend. villages. already selling more and more people are no longer afraid, not just to use the fall right as a protest vote, but also to see you can pound just from the beach. so please don't use this bounce are set these days. people see that little this process. it's not preferred to keep the remaining us for supporting the national riley. we have no remark. people not the racist. what site for the, for the one thing to be friends at home will fit you know chucky key. this is an option that suits us for change and we must try it. we shouldn't be doing ice for trying something else. buskie on that. we've had enough on the one hand, there's a government that doesn't k, and then we see the program. well, there's lift ease. well that leaves me really escape. most people in cadillac did not vote for the national riley, but it shares the vote double to 34 percent compared with the previous parliamentary elections in 2022. this is one of more than 200 constituencies where
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the 3rd place candidate has withdrawn in the hope the votes will go to the candidate best place to beat the national riley. but if there's a high ton out lot that was in the 1st round, then that could help the fall, right? the opinion polls suggests an unusually high turnout of working class voters and those on low on high income's old benefits at the national valley, across france. many rural voters, so they feel like node or football. brittany was historically a strong hold of the left. now a fall, right? your oh skeptic, an empty immigrant party was found the tile territory here. that's yes, this is the reverse of what has changed. is that people, as you have seen or opening up, this is a place that's been defendant. there. i'm no more public services, no more doctors. hospitals are far away and yes and immigration people don't want to feeling faded. i don't want to say we are overwhelmed here, but everyone wants to avoid just the left and center are again relying on
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a republican front asking people to vote for any of the party to stop the fall, right. but as each election passes, that seems to become a hot idea to sell. bernard smith, alger 0, cadillac, friends, the you will have important chinese electric vehicles with extra towers from friday . the duties on provision over the next 4 months. that's as negotiations continue between european and chinese officials. if no agreement is reached by november, the terrace will be applied for 5 years. katrina, you reports from fiji. the china has the largest electric vehicle, e v. market in the world and chinese brands of foss making inroads into europe. they're expected to account for 15 percent of market share by next year. but the use says battery powered cause made in china on fairly subsidized and is imposing additional provisional duties on impulse aging projects. the accusation and is
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continuing to negotiate with you. officials ahead of a final decision which will be made in the event that the phone she don't will vote . china hopes that you will contact comes out of patience with china rationally. and the pragmatically avoid calling and waving measures from having mutually beneficial cooperation and common development up to china. you automobile industry . the provisional changes depend on each manufacturers, corporation, but the investigation in are on top of the 10 percent tariff already in place. also make a b, y, d faces the lowest, the additional gc of 17.4 percent will say motorcycle will be subject to the biggest height of 37.6 percent. non chinese manufacturers who produce in the country including tesla and b, m w. also effective for china as domestic economy, unemployment. so this is not good news because that means in the next few years, we'll probably see more of an incentive to move my capital and the investment
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overseas. so that's not the jobs created in china. aging says it will take full necessary measures to stay. scott, it's interest. it's already a ph retaliates. i don't anti dumping 1st into the import of your team. and randy, the chinese government and affected companies would also challenge the you at the world trade organization or the european just for now. aging says it hopes you officials will heed. voice is critical of the duties, including from the german government and europe's biggest comic of volkswagen, which says the move home the already with demand for electric vehicles in europe. you member states will vote on the mass right in the coming weeks. if they decide to push ahead, the additional tasks will be imposed for 5 years. katrina, you, alda, 0 agent. so my head on noticing meal is re, quote, in the democratic republic of congo sentence sentences,
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25 soldiers to death, possessions during battles with the n 23 on the the hello is the weather remains disappointedly. cool and windy and pretty blustery across the north, west of europe. we are looking up more bands of cloud and rain streaming in. and it was a heavy ice above quite a tiny patch. that's the strength of the wind and the direction coming in from the northwest. always going to be a rather cool one is tucking in behind this cold front, which will slide his wife by the race which as we go through the next few days with some around the weather on that. and then the next feature, if that wasn't enough for the next feature, wasting outs in the atlantic, and that will bring some pretty wet weather in as we go on through the weekend. so this is what we got to look forward to on friday, whatsoever coming into orleans,
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pushing in across well south wells and particular running in across the south, west approaches southern areas of england seeing some probably live the showers along the spells of frame plus be sure i was to and to denmark, norway, and sweden, the won't, but it's looking a little fund or a i, the tools that western side all russia taught to him. they must go at around $31.00 degrees celsius, allows you to walk to the south with that, a few showers that for the key and the link as we go one through satellite. and there is that, what's the weather coming back in on sas di fonts joining the party with some live d down pools where to weather coming in across a good positive jeremy. i couldn't write the football. meanwhile, across north africa is halston dry, which show us the gulf of guinea a french lawyer, 6 just as for a compact trip sentence to death in the rock for his alleged involvement. and i. so despite the challenges of his controversial case,
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he's determined to oppose the principles of compassion, to manage the defending french justice. to witness documentary on a jersey to of the hello again. this is i'm to 0, a reminder of our top stories. the seller has been on, has fired a barrage of 215 this house and explosive drones into northern israel. that's also the killing of one of his senior commanders on wednesday. israel has most strikes on sounds and leg is rarely strikes have been continuing on garza city and other
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locations across the strip killing. at least $22.00 kind of sentience springs the death told to more than $38000.00 nearly 9 months of the as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has told president joe biden, that he will send a delegation to negotiate the release of captives held in garza during a cool with bite and then yahoo reiterated the will will end only after achieving all of israel's goals on wednesday. how much said it should ideas for a potential c spy with guitar, e and egyptian mediators. let's get more information from a white house correspondent to kimberly, how could kimberly, what else have we heard about this call and what was discussed of the so we're getting a little bit more detail about that phone call and know who was in the room were understanding now that it was a call that took place between not only v,
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as really per mr, and the as positive. but also here in the united states in the room was the national security advisor. jake, solve it in the vice president, pamela harris, and also secretary of state and to the blanket. now the purpose of the call is for these. the white house was to really of finalize, the 1st phase of that to re mid. so rather the, the proposal that was put forward by, for us to divide and back in may, that has been endorsed by the us security council, g 7 day sions, and also global nations and, and what we know has been responded to by how boss. and so that is what the 2 leaders were really walking through. how to implement the 1st phase of that, what they believe. but what will be a framework agreement that would ultimately lead to a cease fire. and the release of the remaining tap does that were captured on october 7th. so what we know, according to a us official, is that essentially
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a framework agreement is now the place of what the 2 leaders for talking about is essentially how to implement that and working out those fine details. now in terms of whether or not something is actually going to be announced, the coming days, us official said, no, that's not the case. there's still some work to be done, but they believe there is a significant opening that is about to happen. and so that is why negotiators are now heading to the high in order to try and work and try and make this happen if you will. now what we also know is that in terms of the response that has been reviewed by that, the national security team here in the united states that hamas presented the, the you here in the united states is that it was constructive. but there is still some work to be done on that and happy says that there is hopeful sides of the us presidents and also the is really prime minister has not spoken since may 6th. but what we're hearing is that there is the prospect of
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a face to face meeting when asked if the is really prime minister would in fact meet with the us president when he comes to address a joint session of congress later this month, us official said that he expected that us president would try to find an opportunity. thank you. kimberly, that's our white house correspondent. kimberly hunk is in washington dc. the village record in the timbo in the eastern democratic republic of congo, a sentence 25 soldiers to death for possession. they were convicted for fling the front line and disappearing. otis during battles with the m $23.00 armed group in may, age soldiers was sentenced to death on similar charges. congolese soldiers had been battling and 23 sizes for more than 2 years. the group is advancing in the eastern d. c. about 2800000 people have been displaced in north cave. your province alone.
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early of this week, the m 23 capture the town of tanya by olga and the border with you gun to and for one, just ellen y connie has more from the temple. so this is the underground scene about thousands of kilometers away from them. we're on the dns on these points, we're going to existence in order to store them to the sea level in other locations last week. how's the variables of stick in some areas said no way to move forward here in the toner. the model says that doing the best by all means of the buttery stick with the, with the less logistic capacity. this is how we have standard. recently, i'm using the model cycles in order to spend about 200, but will feel the officials order for something more personal on soul is invisible to as learn this morning. how almost 25 soldiers was that this is different entity by the military court from the 4th line,
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and all of them i choose from running away from the enemy in the 4th line and the pilots on the photos. meanwhile, you mean the single sample here, people are frustrated about all the sufficient funding is going among different conditions as they you really see on by turning it on. i causing more trouble within the community, saying the processing is the city form and the kind of you through the system from this areas. but after the cleaning of it, only 15 people put in 6 sort of just by facing of movement. so for me to delete those, i know calling for water specifically for physically in order to know if this on the population at the low in the security forces to do their job without going into feeling like on the democratic republic of cool. saying in the democratic republic of congo, 6 chinese nationals, and at least 2 soldiers have been killed in an attack by armed groups. it happened as a mining side in the north eastern province of utility. china is foreign ministry says several of the chinese workers are still missing. following the incidents,
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the barrel has swept across just southern jamaica, leaving thousands without power. it's left a trail of destruction across the se, caribbean killing at least 8 people. a storm is headed towards mexico is because on peninsula a tourism hotspot. alexandra bias reports. hurricane barrow slammed montego bay as a category for storm. the strong is to hit the island in more than a decade. it puddled communities with intense wind and rain, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of households and flooding, roads and buildings. then, just as quickly as it arrived, beryl moved on. i'm trying to keep calm because i have my son, as well as if anyone else in the community are around me, needs help. i'm just trying to keep calm, but i am anxious and
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a bit scared. became an island in mexico or braced to be next. on ground came in, businesses are closed, and hotels have activated emergency plans. evacuation flights have already ferried more than a 1000 people to safety. barrow is expected to dump $100.00 millimeters rain on the island. mexico's popular, you could tell me, peninsula is also and it's tough concludes airport filled with taurus, hoping to catch the last lights out. at 1st they said it was a category one, then it was going to take another reach. and now they saying it's coming and it will end tomorrow. beach resorts and restaurants are boarded up the army air force . a national guard have been placed on standby, and people are stocking up on supplies. even protected sea turtle eggs are being moved to safety. $10000.00 of them have been relocated from 10 cones,
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beaches the authorities are urging visitors to pay attention to their alerts. what are the one of these things to see if we say it goes with shelter? we aren't doing it to be in use since we're doing it to keep people on site right now. lots of tourists can still reschedule their flights to leave many of them on doing it the way thing. barrels made history as the most powerful storm to form in the atlantic. this early in the year media raleigh. just say that's because of above average ocean temperatures due to climate change. and there warning of even stronger storms to come in. what's on track to be a record breaking hurricane season? alexandra buyers al jazeera, tonia kelly, i know, has moved from mexico city. and there's definitely an increased sense of urgency in the areas of content at all and that you can time peninsula today, especially in comparison to you yesterday when the weather was very nice and the beaches were perfect. then today as the weather has started to turn,
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there's winds and higher tides. i think it's become more evident that the storm is inside coming. and that, you know, people need to do something about it. the government has, it has been very adam and letting people know that they only have a finite amount of time to evacuate from the most vulnerable areas. in fact, the governor, the governor, herself, has been out and about walking around communities, telling people that they have until 4 o'clock local time on thursday for pm to take advantage of whatever means the government has set up the boats or buses, all free of cost of their, she's telling people to get on them and to go to one of the shelters that the government has set up to receive the storm. and the concern of course, is that despite the fact that coon is in the eyes of the world, this big resort city, there actually are many small indigenous and often very impoverished communities that are of course, much more vulnerable to the impact of a hurricane. in addition,
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these communities have been over the last few weeks, not related to this hurricane receiving torrential rains. so they already find themselves in a very vulnerable position. and of course, you know, the rain's and the winds that can be brought by a category to hurricane, which is what is now expected to hit this area of mexico. good. only worse in that situation and create very dangerous conditions for human life do we ago. yeah, no, i'll just sierra mexico city more than 1000000 people have been affected by flooding in bunker dish authorities of want of dangerous water levels in the northeastern seal head region 10 via challenge rate reports from the of the city of so the 2nd wave of flooding has devastated the not distant region of bangladesh, particularly the phil is region please. certain districts are inundated, can see killing me there after 2.


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