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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the knowledge is with the . ready ready ready the we begin with breaking news from washington, dc for a senior us official says there's been a breakthrough in negotiations between homos and israel for cx. 5 deal, and the release of is ran and captives. the official says, mazda has made a significant adjustment to its position in the negotiations. reports indicates that the head of these really intelligence most of, is heading to the guitar and capital doha. on friday, the next step in talks us president joe, right. an earlier held
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a cool with these really prime minister discussing those tools. let's bring in heidi jo, customer now correspondents in washington, dc. heidi this is of course a developing situation. what we've heard from the officials in the us. we've had a breakthrough. that's what was said on that conference call. what else do we know? that's right, this is information coming from an unnamed top us official. and while they did say that this was a significant opening, and these talks, they also cautioned that this doesn't mean that a deal may come through the next few days. however, this is significant. again, saying that this is a pretty significant opening here. more information wish at also on this talk between president biden and benjamin netanyahu, which lasted about half an hour today. and in it they did discuss the recent response from her last to the latest is really a ceasefire and hostage proposal. and though there were not specific details given
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on how those talks, when or what those discussions were, the read out of this talk between of the call between the 2 liter. so that they reviewed the response from, from us and talked about just the logistics which seems to be now the biggest hurdle and how to implement this deal. but again, while this is certainly something that the us as hoping for, and there seems to be more energy between behind these talks. now, these officials are still cautioning that it doesn't mean that we're expecting to see a deal in just the next few days. is still something that may take weeks if it happens at all. and heidi as you note the and mentioned that a suppose we shouldn't expect a deal in, in days or even weeks. but there was a note from that on named official that president biden was encouraged that prime minister netanyahu was reauthorizing has told me to re engage in the talks. what,
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what can we glean from that? it absolutely. which is forward motion as opposed to the stagnation of those talks into high in the recent weeks. and certainly by and has been a driving force trying to speak with that. and yeah. who with israel's, one of the us as strongest allies to accept the terms of this deal, which again by and has always emphasized, originated from these really government itself. and by then we'll have an opportunity to further try to gain world wide support and encouraging israel to take this deals. that will be next week when he's expected to talk about the terms of the steel at the nato summit here in washington. and heidi, of course, if we put this in the context of what we knew earlier about president joe biden speaking to prime minister netanyahu on the phone, what else did we hear that those 2 latest discussed? well the read out as a call was very uh, non detailed but we know again that they talked about the cease fire and we talked
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that they talked about the mos response which came on wednesday deliver to guitar and injection mediators to the latest development in those talks exactly what the responses we have still yet to learn. all right, thank you. that's the heidi joe customer reporting from washington dc. and we'll just recap that we are following this situation. this is a breaking news situation that we are observing and we're waiting for information. but what we have heard is from a senior on named us officials saying that there's been a breakthrough in these negotiations between homos and israel. let's bring in now correspondent homes at honda solo to is reporting from jordan. and the reminder that honda is reporting from jordan because the israeli government has banned out 0 from operating the honda. let's talk through what's been discussed already what we've heard from a source in these rarely negotiating team as reported by royces. there's a real chance of achieving
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a deal with some us on the release of the captives. how significant is this as well and all of his sources speaking to his really media are saying that there could be a breakthrough here because the response how much has given is something that is quite tangible for the use barely to work with. and that was really media also confirming that the head of israel's most god will meet with god the prime minister tomorrow on friday, for an informal talk on how they can build on deceased fire is really officials has been saying though, for the last 24 hours that they are cautiously optimistic about how this is all going to go down, because there are still pretty heavy sticking points from both sides. but according to these weeks from is really official. they're saying that perhaps there is going to be some give and take from both sides. something for these rallies to work with that they will be happy with and something from him as his and that they would be willing to concede and that they would also be happy with. so there's still a lot of information that is circulating that we are not able to verify ourselves.
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of course, a lot of this is from these weeks that come from is really media. but negotiators are saying at this hour, they're optimistic and it's coming even from officials, like the defense minister, you'll walk a lot of people who've been in the government formerly as part of this. and y'all, who's emergency coalition guy, the eyes in co, a former member of israel's work cabin, is who said that perhaps they actually are going to be closer to something than they were previously. but still these officials are saying that there's a lot of work to be done, but that this is in fact a good place to start. and honda, it seems consistent with what with what we're hearing out of the us at the moment. gentle. just read a segment of that for our audience as senior us administration, official and unnamed official, of course, expressing hope that there's been a breakthrough and adding that of course, they're all still as you said, l standing issues to be discussed. but are we reading too much into this to be perhaps, can we is that we as close to a cease by a deal as perhaps we,
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we might have ever been, or is it too soon to say? but it's certainly too soon to say you also have to remember that how much the visuals have been speaking to media as well, both anonymously and on anonymously saying that they do not trust benjamin. that's and young. they do not trust the united states, that they are willing to work with mediator. but if that a deal doesn't happen, that's the way they're going to go. but if a deal were to happen, they say that would be great. there are still huge outstanding issues here. remember that we have been talking about these negotiations for months and they have failed consistently since the last and only cease fire deal we saw because there were major problems with both sides with that hand. this wanted to see an end to the war, and these rarely said that's not going to happen. and in fact, benjamin netanyahu reiterated that point when speaking to the us president tonight saying that even if there is this causing the fighting until israel's goals of the war are met, that the conflict would have to continue. and that israel feels strongly about that
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. it's been the position since the beginning. so even though it seems that we are interesting, closer to a deal, it's still too early to say exactly when that might happen. but all of the signs are pointing to these negotiations, perhaps having some sort of fruitfulness to the meaning that there's a good starting point for both sides. after just less than 24 hours ago, how may i submitted a response to mediator saying that this is something they would be willing to work with them? the is really quite a strong response saying that they're studying it. and they're going to even send a delegation to discuss it. so certainly a good place to start, but definitely to soon to tell and tell them to if we put this in the broader context, we have seen pressure of building on prime minister netanyahu in israel. we seen every saturday you and i discuss those demonstrations that occur in television indeed and all the cities as well. have we had any response from the families if the kept us to this? of course this news is just breaking now, but have we heard anything from them as well?
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certainly there have been protests in jerusalem just tonight outside of these rarely prime ministers help thing that the really prime minister cannot fumble this deal. and that there must be some sort of negotiation that the prime minister in his government content to that would wait until the release of the some $120.00 captive 2 are still being held in gaza. these demonstrators have also been saying that if nothing, yahoo fails to secure a deal if the government fails to secure something. when there is a start to these negotiations. but millions of people are going to take to the street. they're not going to allow this government to not secure a deal. and remember how far we are into this war in just 3 months. it will be one year to the day, but israel's more on gaza peak yet. so the families of captive, they're saying they're ready to continue protesting. they've been calling for election. the protests are only getting louder. the demands are getting much angry or from demonstrators. and we've seen that time and time again. we've been covering
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these protests even far before the war began, and people were dissatisfied with benjamin. that's in, you know, whose leadership. but now they're saying, if they are unable to secure a deal after all that has been going on after how mass has submitted a response. and after these really have been unwilling to concede on any sort of concessions. but they are certainly going to be protesting with a much greater force. all right, thank you. how does that sound correspondent, honda submitted reporting from jordan and a reminder that honda is reporting from jordan because the is really government has banned, oversee or from operating in israel as well on the ground in gaza. israel is bombardment has killed at least 22 palestinians in the north since thursday morning. that brings the death toll to move in 38000. in nearly 9 months before, one of the latest strikes had a residential square in garza city. people are trying to rescue those trumped under
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the rubble among the wounded on several children who have been taken to hospital abraham l. kelly is a journalist in kansas city. he sent us this report from one of the worst he had to areas. we are here standing in the heart of the boat market, holding guides, a city that it has been completely destroyed by the occupation this morning is down on the market, destroying it completely as you can see. but only because the, the so many families have lost the livelihoods and daily sustenance, because the market has been destroyed. many shops weekend and now they are all destroyed. above and beyond. the occupation is deliberately balmy. the hero to the place is here. as we have the most behind the goals market targeted since the beginning of this war, her digit places have been completely demolition, getting guys the city of this phone farm it result in and getting 5 divisions. an
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injury many more. and the situation is getting worse and this still, it is. is this debbie morning? heavy air try so. when in down in northern garza, specifically i see the neighborhood, the golden, the gold market is located. decide that you die your neighborhood. it was completely destroyed and probably good by the, he'd be fair shrikes, and the brutality of this era that's to southern lebanon now, where has below his find a barrage of $250.00 missiles and explosive drones into northern israel. the group has targeted several is rarely military positions across the border. multiple fires broke out in the occupied golden heights and in the region of galilee. this latest escalation follows the killing of a senior has blood combined to 11 on on wednesday. these rarely military says it's drunk, multiple has a lot of targets in southern lebanon, is really fine to judge. target to the areas are from mia and tula. there were no
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casualties reported as a bank has more from nigeria. and in southern level, it has been an escalation over the last 24 hours and i will say that they would go into over $250.00 talk to is there any positions since yesterday, wednesday, following the assess, the nation of that senior is without commend them how much they might enough that they also say that they launched a squadron on drones talking 7. is there any minute 3 sites and that we also understand, is there any minute preview? because a struck and they have been some injuries amongst is there any soldiers know over the last few of us what we have seen rockets launching from southern labor and targeting is relative also seen is very new strikes, hitching the time. okay. um, i know to re kitchen for kilo the also reason his belong if these race estimate of metal or not, it's not the 1st time they've talked if that or if it did hit previously. it guided missiles at amy i just really so it isn't today we can see the smoke rising. we
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also have the sauce the size of funding soon. that's when is there any extra break the signed barrier over liberty's s space. but this is an escalation, but is it at the place of with actual, no fall from it? we have seen in the past, israel terry act assessing nations and his blog respond will voice an escalation. his with law states within the frame that comes in reacting to this, assess the nation of the senior colanda, but there is a fear that point it takes is one miscalculation for it to escalate very, very quickly. i started vague, i just did a lot of genuine sensitive and i'm a small community in the southern hebron hills in the occupied. westbank is recovering from a settler tank overnight. this comes as israel has announced a massive new settlement expansion, prompting the un and you to express alarm. not all day has moved from ramallah in the occupied west bank. the chart shows of home stand with us to the night of fear residents of color to the live through
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a group of as rarely settlers attack the small community in the southern have drawn hills. we have to the panics. some people pleaded for help on social media, firefighters tried to help they to came under attack. this community is one of 12 in the area under stress of complete erasure. they've been funding off, subtler attacks and home demolitions by these really are me for years. as low as you, the setlist stole the sheep all under the protection of the army that allows them to do what they want to approve tests is also going to in the village of beauty. and also in the have run area is really forces build those 7 homes. leaving nearly 40 people would know where to go. and the head of the village told us presidents have been fighting demolition orders for years. 2 of the homes raised on thursday. we're not even slated for demolition during it's more on god's ivy is really government accelerated existing plans to appropriate palestinian land authorized
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illegal settler out posts and expand existing supplements. it's may 2024. the year of the largest is really land grab, you know, over 3 decades systems used to be low, big old, global to what shows on the government. now the of the government for the leaders have repeatedly warned the annexation of the occupied west back is the red line. israel must not cross reality on the ground. was a different story that all the address ita, rama la palestine, where we were time now to uh, breaking news. the seller us officials says there's been a breakthrough in the negotiations between homos and israel for cease via do. and the release of is ran a captive of corresponding with how much i'm doing joins you know, in the studio. thank you so much moment for joining me. let's begin with the basics of what we know. this is of course, a breaking new situation. but what we've heard from
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a senior official in the us that there's been a breakthrough on critical matches in the israel, whom us talks. and if we can, just as so jessica, this seems on his face to be rather significant. the fact that there is all of a sudden this burst of what appears to be momentum when so many times in the past, we've heard that things might be close, but the tones have been much more measured when it came to the sort of level of cautious optimism right now, we seem to be hearing from the us that they do believe that they could be on the precipice of a major breakthrough. but we have to one. we have been close to this point before many times in the last several months where it seemed as though perhaps both sides had bridge to one of the main sticking points. now right now, what we know was happening is that there is going to be in his really delegation coming to cost over to be discussing the proposal that they've gotten from how much with the mediators also were told that the u. s. is going to be sending a delegation as well to cut that to be involved in these negotiations. that all is
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very encouraging and what seems to it spurred all of this is the fact that how much gave a new proposal in the past 24 hours to these rarely. so it has been studied. what we're seeing from across the is really media landscape as it seems that there are a lot of this really officials the believe that how much is being more flexible than they had been in the past. and so right now people are encouraged, but again, we're not at the point yet where we can say that there is a big major breakthrough as of yet. and if we talk about what is being said from the is rarely negotiating team according according to sources that have spoken with media, the proposal put forward by him us includes a very significant breakthrough that's according to that source. what might that breakthrough be? well, this is going to be key to find out what exactly it is, because the reports in israel are indicating or suggesting, rather that perhaps how much has softened their stance. perhaps they have made the language in their proposal and proposal more amenable to the is really side. that's
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going to be interesting to see what exactly is in the proposal. what we will hear from how much going forward. because in the past, the main sticking point has been the language about if there is going to be a permanent cease fire or not, because these really is, have maintained that they are not going to enter into any kind of permanent sci fi that they are going to continue to prosecute the war until how mass is completely destroyed, whereas how mazda said that they will not enter into any kind of temporary cease fire unless that actually leads to a permanent ceasefire. the americans in the past couple of months have continued to say that they have tried to reach a kind of a language in this proposal that would satisfy both sides. it's just going to be interesting to see what perhaps they have reached at this point when. but one of the more difficult things is going to be is even if this is acceptable to is really negotiate or is it going to be acceptable to these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has often times in the past, i felt a lot of pressure from his far right wing flank from
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a far right wing ministers like up it's more been give you are the national security minister as a little smaller. trish the finance minister who have continued to say that if israel worked into into any kind of a permanency, if i were to end of the war, then that would mean that they would withdraw from government and that would collapse coalition. that would mean the israel would be heading to elections and many people in israel believe i've been there many times in the past year before we were banned from reporting. there. many in israel believe that netanyahu is not willing to completely end the war because he believes that that is what his political survival relies upon going forward. right. thank you so much for joining me in the studio. i'm sure will be speaking to you about this breaking news situation as well. moving on now those is in the u. k. a causing the balance in the general election, but it's prime minister originally, so nag and label. anita can still move over to the early on thursday. it's been just 6 weeks since and i called the snap election joins now by our correspondent
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james bay who is live from downing street in london. james, how to expect the night will unfold? well um the posing is still going on, people are still voting. they've got now says he know i move many is across the u. k. if they want to get that last minute votes in the ballot box and there are rules in the u. k that we don't really loud still come to little about politics or policies or how it may be going on. what's going on in the vote. that old change is in for us, you know, in minutes because then everyone will have finished voting and they published the exit poll. this is very significant. indeed. when this poll is published, because it's commissioned by 3 of the domestic build cost is in the u. k. and it is a very, very detailed a fat. they go to constituencies in the u. k. a 130 different polling stations. they go to people as just as they cost the vote in the funding stations.
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they have a, a rec, click a balance, and they say, all know about that paper, can you mark what you just voted on the wheel by the paper they compatible is results and they've been getting those results for the whole day. and when that result comes in, in just type of off and as time we will get a pretty clear picture because these exit polls have been pretty accurate in recent years. they've been going for a long time and having problems in the past are 111992. that was a problem, but normally that pretty accurate. so i think it's a really important indication coming up of who's going to be the next probably minutes of the u. k. of course the, the actual votes coming throughout the night, some of them on thursday, then into friday morning. then throughout the day on friday in the way, what x in the u. k. a is a parliamentary democracy. so you have the u. k divided into 650 arrows. cool constituencies. in each areas you both for your m p. each of those and piece belong to a policy as each of those constituents, the results come in. we build up the picture to see who is which party is going to
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have the most number then pays. and the, the policy that has the most number of and pays that lead to becomes the next prime minister based here in number 10 downing street. so it's a long process, but very, very soon we get a pretty good indication, i think of where things are going. thank you, james cents. and james batten's reporting from london. you had imported chinese electric vehicles with extra towers from friday. the duties on provisional for the next 4 months. that's as negotiations continue between european and chinese officials. if no agreement is reached by november, the terrace will be applied for 5 years. katrina, you reports from fiji. the china has the largest electric vehicle, e v market in the world. and chinese brands of foss, making inroads into europe. they're expected to account for 15 percent of market share by next year. but the use says battery powered calls made in china on fairly
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subsidized and is imposing additional provisional juicy is an impulse aging projects the accusation and is continuing to negotiate with you. officials ahead of a final decision which will be made in november before she won't move out. china hopes that you will contact comes out. patients with china rationally on the pragmatically avoid calling and waving measures from having mutually beneficial cooperation and common development of the china. you automobile industry, the provisional changes depend on each manufacturers corporation, but the investigation in are on top of the 10 percent tariff already in place. ocean, they could be white faces, the lowest additional gc of 17.4 percent will say commercial will be subject to the biggest height of 37.6 percent. non chinese manufacturers who produce in the country including tesla and bmw w. r, also effective for china as domestic economy, unemployment. so this is not good news because that means in the next few years,
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we'll probably see more of an incentive to move my capital and the investment overseas. so that's not the jobs created in china aging. says it will take full necessary measures to stay. scott, it's interest. it's already a peer to retaliate by the anti dumping parts into the import of your team and branding the chinese government and affected call. companies would also challenge the you at the world trade organization or the european just for now. aging says it hopes you officials will heat. voice is critical of the duties, including from the german government and europe's biggest comic of volkswagen, which says the move home, the overdue with demand for electric vehicles in europe. you member states will vote on the massa in the coming weeks if they decide to push ahead. the additional tariffs will be imposed for 5 years. katrina, you alda, 0 agent?
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i mean, this, recall was in for timbo in the eastern democratic republic of congo. a sentence to 25 soldiers to death for desertion. they were convicted for fleeing the front line and disappearing. otis during battles with the m 23 armed group in may. h. soldiers was sentenced to death on similar charges. kimberly soldiers had been battling in 23 sizes for more than 2 years. the group is advancing in the eastern d. c. about 2800000 people have been displaced in north keeping provence alone. earlier this week, the m 23 captured the town is kind of i younger in the border with uganda and rolanda island y connie has latest from tumble remain on the ground in about thousands of kilometers away from the symbol of the deal on these slides. we're going to exist in order to store them to this label in other location since last week, because i've taken some key areas now for you to move forward. we are in the tone
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of within the us. is that doing the best? by all means of the buttery stick, he didn't want to deal with the less logistics capacity. this is how we understand the recently i'm using the model cycles in order to spend about 200 bucks. so feel free to is also something more personal on soul is invisible to us. learn this morning how almost 25. so it is listed as the different entity by the military quote from the 4th of life. and all of them i choose from running away from the enemy in the 4th line, and the pirates on the photos why you mean the single single here people are frustrated about all the success. and finally, it keeps growing and won't get popular. so i was able to really see on by turning it on, i causing more trouble within the community, saying the 450 this to form any kind of this assessment from this in any areas. but after the cleaning of it, only 15 people put in 6 sort of just by physical movement there for me to delete those. i know calling for water specifically deformed, visible in order to know if this one it won't allow me to enter security for
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disability. i drove without interfere with, like on it, or does it or did you want critics political school? staying in the democratic republic of congo, 6 chinese nationals, and at least 2 soldiers have been killed in an attack by armed groups. it happened at a mining side in the north eastern province of $83.00. china is foreign ministry says several of the chinese workers are still missing. following that incident, the mine is owned by a private chinese business. hurricane barrel has swept across southern jamaica, leaving thousands without power. it's left a trail of destruction across the se, caribbean killing at least age people. this room is now heading towards mexico's, you could on peninsula a tourism hotspots. julia got ayano, has moved from mexico city. and there's definitely an increased sense of urgency in the areas of content at all. and the you could time peninsula today,
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especially in comparison to yesterday when the weather was very nice and the beaches were perfect. and today, as the weather has started to turn, there's winds and higher tides. i think it's become more evident that the storm is inside coming. and that, you know, people need to do something about it. the government has, it has been very adam and letting people know that they only have a finite amount of time to evacuate from the most vulnerable areas. in fact, the governor, the governor, herself, has been out and about walking around communities, telling people that they have until 4 o'clock local time on thursday for pm to take advantage of whatever means the government has set up the boats or buses, all 3 of costs there she's telling people to get on them and to go to one of the shelters that the government has set up to receive the storm. and the concern of course, is that despite the fact that can cone is in the eyes of the world, this big resort city, there actually are many small indigenous and often very impoverished communities
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that are of course, much more vulnerable to the impact of a hurricane. in addition, these communities have been over the last few weeks, not related to this hurricane proceeding to rental rain, so they already find themselves in a very vulnerable position. and of course, you know, the rain's and the winds that can be brought by a category to hurricane, which is what is now expected to hit this area of mexico could only worse in that situation and create very dangerous conditions for human life. julia golly and i'll just 0 mexico city a sold and 1000000 people have been affected by flooding, inbound. good dish authorities of want of dangerous flood levels. in 13 districts in the still had region in the northeast time get charged re reports from near the city of so have 2nd wave of flooding as devastated the not distant
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region of bangladesh, particularly the city of the region. please, certain districts are inundated, can st. killing me there after killing me there.


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