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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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so let's think past the the other one, jessica washington, this is the news our life from joe ha. coming out for the next 60 minutes. a new era in british politics exit. polls predict a landslide victory for the opposition leave. the policy ending. the conservatives 14 years in power. i'm james bays outside number 10, downing street in london, which is looking like it will be the new hope avenue. probably minnesota is richie sue. nice conservatives may well face that was election defeat and the policy is history. and as the palestinian desktop goes above the 38000 in garza,
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the u. s. says there's been a breakthrough in negotiations between homos and israel would cease. why it talks due to resume in doha hezbollah targets is really military science with a badge of missiles, as israel continues to strike southern lebanon. and hurricane barrow heads west of the sweeping through the curve in thousands in mexico of bracing for high winds and heavy rain the we begin this new though. in the united kingdom, the exit polls have predicted a landslide victory for the opposition labor policy case. thomas parties projected to secure upon them entering majority of a $170.00 seats and doing 14 years of conservative room. 2 selma's party is projected to secure 410 out of 650 seats in the house of commons. that's an
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absolute parliamentary majority, while the can service is all set to lose power of to 14 years. that predicted to wind just a $131.00 seats, the liberal democrats unpredicted to come foot with a total of $61.00 seats. and the far right reform u. k. policy is set to win the chain since it's the 1st time they will be represented in the u. k. problem. it's so these are a live pictures that you're looking at now. ballots being counted across the u. k. the results will come in through the night. in a moment, we'll hear from melina, this a little bit in bonus, north in london with votes all being counted. but 1st, let's go to 10 downing street and speak to james bay is james. we're talking about these exit polls. this is certainly looking like a big night for labor. the looking like
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a land slide must stress, not a single vote has actually been announced yet none of the 650 constituencies have reported yet. but this is an exit poll, a prediction within recent elections has been extraordinarily accurate. this was the fact that there's such a lot in this slide. if it was close, then maybe you'd have some doubts about an exit poll. but this is not close at all . it's showing that labels are going to have a very large majority of a $170.00. they're going to have $410.00 and peas. and it's such a turnaround from 20192019. and then they would probably have just $202.00 and page that was the worst result since 1935. the conservatives this time, if you believe this exit poll, i'm it, it looks like it's going to be reasonably accurate. a 131. and please note that with the was the result the conservative party of had at any time in. busy history,
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so a very big blow for richie sue neck of the prime minister test. um, looking likely, i think very, very likely to be the next residents here. number 10, downing street the u. k. system. very different, for example, from the us system where you get a vote in november and then the new person takes over on the 20th of january the following year. so you have 3 months of transition and time for the resident to move out. no, this is all going to happen. very false. these results are going to come in. you come in over the coming hours and by tomorrow we think about lunchtime. if she's due next out, you'll have to leave about to take over his belongings. and the stomach will go and see the king, and he will that be the new prime minister if these, if this exit poll is right. and given the scale of it, i can see how it could be wrong. and james, these are, of course, as you say, just exit polls at this stage, but what we're looking at also a few to be some significant results for the small apologies as well. how is they performed? yeah, i mean it's very interesting for us,
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the direction of travel that we have here just seem to be repeating elections and lots of movement towards the right. the main movement in the u. k. seems to be towards the last. we have 14 years of the concept is right in power and that's moving box. you get a little bit more detailed on this. and you see that there are some moving towards the rights as well in parts of the u. k. reform which is more right wing in some ways than the conservative certainly the those are the most in favor of, of breaks it back consequential a decision to leave of the european union and reform predicted under this to get some teen m p's. that puts them more in p's then the s and pay the scottish nation spotty. and if the exit polls is right, that means they are going to lose some c 8 and p is compared with what they got in 2019. so that's
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a big blow for scottish independence of the liberal democrats. that will be the 3rd of force in terms of the house of commons. according to the exit polls, they will get $61.00 seats. interesting, laid out that share according the exit poll, is less than real full showing. i think some of the strange results of the u. k. election system or remind you don't vote here directly for a leader to be the president. it's not a presidential system is a pile of entry system, the u. k. possible down to 650 constituencies and you vote for an m p in each constituency. so if you'll vote is widely spread across the country and not say one place, then you can get lots and lots of bikes and know and peas. and that's the nature of what they call the 1st pos, the post system. thank you, james. that's james bay is reporting from london. let's bring in now malayna vista language, who's at accounting center ends on that. in north london,
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3 constituencies are being counted when malayna is viewed as one of london's biggest battle ground. selena tells us through what's happening behind you is counting begins. indeed, where we are, they will add force museum has the plain right here behind me. so those here is it's from 9 to new, c 8 and a short while ago. lots of other things has thought to have $200.00 and so as you start off with walk through the night to do the counting from the 3 constituencies which all currently conservative, however, is the polls are to be trusted, are likely to swing a by now one of them has had a tori and the for the past 19 years. theresa videos and she is likely to lose that . seed is paul's that to be trusted as she has of i see the majority of just over a 1000 people. now, another one of these constituents is used to be a small group factors. constituency. that too is likely to swing to neva according to paul's really reflection,
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a nationwide picture forwarding to that exit poll. we've had a short while ago, but this feels everything to play for the night is along. the accounting is just underway and we really won't have a clear picture for a few more hours now. nationwide the fast results are expected from the north east of england at about 4 to boston, 11 p. m. local time. that's 40 plus 10, g m t. then we'll have a level of a few hours and things will get interesting. again, at about 4 am local time, which is when we rely on the face of the constituents is all face, which she see next. the conservative leads as well as the test on the neva indeed. and then about 7 am is when we will have a quite extended picture across the country until then there's so many hours to go and about 230 people here in this museum watson very hot through the night in town . all right, thank you. malayna, that's my line of us. a lot of it's reporting from northland to let's take
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a look now at who could be the next prime minister of permission. he has done that has been the leader of the opposition labor parties since the 2020, a distinguished lawyer who served as a chief prosecutor of england and wales from 2008 to 2013. he was a human rights adviser to the northern island for leasing board. and the association of chief police officers, he decided to enter politics in his fifties. selma is vowing to provide political and economic stability to help businesses rejuvenates the country's sluggish economic growth. the policies lead a remarks at the outset of the guns. a war proved controversial in an interview when questioned about a siege and causing off of the water and electricity supplies to garza. he responded that i think israel does have the right. it is an ongoing situation. however, he recently expressed a desire to recognize a palestinian state if he wins, emphasizing that such
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a move would need to occur at the right time in the peace process. shown a whole reports on the man who's on the cost of making history too much of the british public before the election campaigns. the kids stomach wasn't quite the right fit either as labor party leader or as prime minister to don't know radical enough to establishment. my dad works in the factory. he was told my to my mom was in the us, we did have a local public decent as pains to remind the country of he's without house roots named doctor the laker. fancies fest upon them in the lead, a liberal defense lawyer with reforming instincts, late to not keep for his service as chief public prosecutor at the next general. i like jeffrey robinson. 100 stomach is a young human rights lawyer. he interviewed very badly, is that you were a colleague and one of my colleagues said we comp possibly take someone who weighs
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cardigans. it was a role that would bring style, why the claim holding pilot to account on behalf of ordinary people and culminating in his appointment as the director of public prosecutions. he has said that it's really the human rights act that brought him into politics. he saw the link between the getting rights for under privilege, people and politics. and i think that even any political decisions that he would make that he will go and be guided by the principles of human rights. a man on the custom to trumpeting his other treatments. the red lips is what motivates him. yeah. what, what was this thing that if this in injustice or wrong the jump is to fix it, don't just talk about it. and what he feels he wants to achieve,
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having switched from the new or to politics less than 10 years ago. yes. tom or the labor of body style, the campaign to get into number 10, downing street around that promise of change change of to 14 years of conservative government, of course, but also a more fundamental change. putting right what he's wrong, that's thomas says he's driven by the parking lot. will he have the resources to deliver? i have a question for this country towards higher grove and i just back on it's feet secure. borders cheap for bills, safer straits. and i'll put your to, to buy your children. i think there's a big tests for uh, care, summer of the 6 months funds, 5 minutes that which will be can you explain to the british people what has happened? and therefore what that means. so the next 2 years, next 34 years, will you take hold of me, cried will that be sufficient? is also for level government suspend. these are the big things that will decide
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a thing, whether it's not the government will be successful. that and persuading is still skeptical public, the being sensible and a little boring. so it means simply getting the job done during the whole elder 0 number. let's stay on the story i'm joins now by chris hopkins who is a political research director at the polling companies event, comas, and he joins me now live from london. thank you so much for joining us on the options here in yourself. if you could just begin by explaining the process of these exit polls, how exactly do they work? oh, yeah, sorry. exit, polling is really interesting. essentially, a mouse change based on a small, relatively small sample of polling stations are basically people starting outside the body of the boston by the intention, which is well off pulse. i've been doing this for the last 4 years now spoken by a bit about how people, how the exit. i might like to be mind change based on the last time that i did
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thoughts 4 years ago, and then they come to these places inclusion today as well as saying that you'll get some holes of the kind of help in a car that the acura, a particular recently in the last major mess there was at least at least 20, maybe that he is a guy. and so that one would expect this. this results to be pretty accurate. that said, throughout the from the lawsuit, bottles of boxes that you have made pulling the selection in particular project be difficult, including the rise offer we kind of have not registered in the, in the will the, at that previous cost. see that previous inclination, the price updates no standing in the in was haul, disease 2090. of course this much to unpack in the these actual exit polls. the final outcome is still of course, not clear, but it does seem that the conservatives are on track for the worst of a performance. and meanwhile, the labor policy, it's the strongest part, the result that any policy is seen in move in 20 years. yeah,
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this is the i suspect supposed to be believes not one minute with gospel movie, no reason to believe that wouldn't be this is a truly just start election for the united kingdom. yeah, i think, yeah, that is as soon as that price we haven't met was at a results and we're going to leave them with a real period of sol searching in front of the met call. no one to blame but themselves, but public perception of the concepts and policies that would be decided lot, it was not for the bar stones and always trust, henri, she's the doctor and they are legally responsible for the state. the concepts of policy find themselves in. i think for the like and policy your yes, big or drops with the cops lies on this on my, on my house, but the times will travel down the road for them and i that your previous 2nd. so i focused amr and some of the issues that he might face in office particularly may be unable to, to represent an agenda that will satisfy all of his policy. and sometimes it's very difficult when you came politics to get your whole policy on side. and just always going to have a lot of politicians to keep happy to the next 4 or 5 years while he is pregnant
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and stuffs i have before the next election. so yeah, you're, is that definitely going to be so trouble down the road about the same times. nothing to do to give him a test on the opportunity to have 410 days and the majority while over a 150 when he become likely to 4 years ago. i think it is not to handle. and chris does this to speak to the frustration of voters with the conservative policy, or is there also an element of them putting that face into a stone? that is, he, someone that appeals to vote is the i think most of the former guys and the last the last. so it keeps telling me it is the most popular position in the u. k. go into all the dates or the minute, but that is a relative number. i mean, you definitely don't have to julie high bankruptcy writing, but it is considerably lot higher than all of the alternatives. i think this is absolutely if i were against the goodness of this, who is this year? i think we're definitely saying, yeah, not just live above just but like we've done crop of designing data before we kind
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of over to the i've left the concepts off the sped by for, for me, tell you frankly just start off with what i see. there's a lockbox united conception policy, i think because that's the policy now going to go to the roof. it's going to be quite a long period of sol. so jake, what i got into a little bit of solid with discussions, but frankly i think that that is, is not in the way that needs to go full with any start thinking about how to deliver to the purchase people. because, you know, the perception that we get from all of all in all quantity besides just divide that by some of the off of and making promises that i compet, they don't end up keeping about talking about issues on actually important devices and not really doing anything to solve a rising cost of living or repeat immigration, some of those things are really important to boxes. and along with us, that was a real back team of competence and the concepts of policy, at least and you know, as a boat is following policy, gay, i'm following this process, economic policies. and then if you have all of those things together, it's really impossible to say how they, we ended up with anything close to a general election victory. i think that we'd like to play out tonight at least
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based on these types of homes and me. meanwhile, chris and other significant element in this exit poll data appears to be the success that the school apologies appeared to be having the liberal democrats leader at davis welcoming the exit bull results, saying that their own costs for the best results in a century. and meanwhile, a nigel 5 is just policy, gaining 13 seats or yeah, the cross of wrong, that's really interesting. how might especially with some of the stone so that, that lead a through. yeah, i think ultimately, but it was never crossed by the cause of all political system in the 650 constituencies. they have a highly targeted c structure, the kind of hide and they are only gonna cover benefit from the rise that for a whole week. i actually live with our across today that would be inheriting conservative, liberal democrats. mazda knows where you can take the saw that we're talking about, by the way, the conservative policy, which is often dealt more opportunities for live with them across the waiting for
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that. got to go out the do the bell replaced each month again and deepest. the largest policy i have and you can call over ahead of the 7 am indeed an hour for the guides for 40 k, this is the best price as an all right. ready for, for not in fraud. yeah, i think he, i bet there's gonna be lots of tools now about the impacts over for me kind of what impact they might have on the future because that's a coffee. but the fraud at $940.00 k. now he has enough at least to make a real noise impala, and i think he's going to be a real stones. and by the conservative side policy way, in terms of both. so in terms of the, the spice politically or for we types i taught is by an apartment is because of the policy while they go through a series of soul searching. i'm sure he's going to have plenty to say about. yeah, that's what 20 all through these really engage people potentially as revise. we said how many 2nd places like a some positions each night. but i can be around for, for deposit for a long time to comp increased focus or the next steps in terms of when the official
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results will come in. and when would we expect that kids down the would become the prime minister? so yeah, so i think you're, you know, some of the, um, some of the projections and some houses and 5 or perhaps even a lot of the, like the majority, we might well about the result a little bit earlier as it is. i think we're going to get real lots of c, a declarations night between soul 3 and 4. and i'm sure even though it will be some, some things that we can tell from, from the fast these days will be a that generally tends to be psyched, legacy. it's starting to reform e k numbers and motors are going to be really interesting. biotics, bathroom official document, the declaration style of the result will at least later getting the majority brussels between 3 and 4 o'clock. and then, i mean, yeah, yeah, it's going to be um, the, to the, the, the, the like to talk to where the pre signified colors at night and i right palos, it's our results for that. but we might already know the true scale of that factor into the, in our small hours, maybe even so breakfast had television. some aren't away in the u. k. m. but yeah.
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think about the point is going to be very clear. the sky light is bit 3. i think you're on definitely some is that the whole labor, all those pulling up supplement, they also have a sizable, huge urgency in the house of commons. the case moment is going to be the next permanent stuff is all about a scale of about now. and i think if this extra, oh is anything to go by. this is going to be pretty sizable and it's going to be a pretty comfortable next few years of into the light of policy, at least in terms of what we can do all them. thank you, chris, that's chris hopkins who is a political research director at says on to it conference a plenty. morehead on the news hour, including the kids. we look at the violence driving boats in the southern city, as i say, as friends has to the phones, plus the military code and the democratic republic of congo sentences, $25.00 soldiers to death, a physician during battles with the m 23 onto
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the us. presidents joe biden has pressed, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to close a deal with him. us for c spy in garza and captive release. it comes off to a senior us official said they'd been a breakthrough in negotiations even us finding in does that continues the official said, who must have made a significant adjustment to its position, indigo. she ations reports indicate the head of these rarely intelligent service will travel to kasha, to discuss the details in his coal with bite and nothing yahoo reiterated that the will, would only end off to israel achieve its goals. well, the us president joe biden announced the 3 phase plan in last may saying it was brought forward by is ro despite the ceasefire proposal is rarely prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu said that adam and they will eliminate him, us because of based group has made positive statements about the proposal, it wants a complete withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. and plans for rebuilding of the strip to salute is life in amman, jordan. but 1st, let's talk to heidi joe castro in washington dc. heidi tell us more about what has been said by these us officials a jessica as that, and they said that these calls have been encouraging and that progress is being made. in fact, they called this a breakthrough in a significant in past and this negotiations between israel and him off that being how to move from a temporary cease fire phase into a permanent ceasefire. and apparently, due to the response that mosse gave to the latest is really offer. apparently there has been some understanding now that the u. s. official did not call it at
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concession, but it sounded like something like that and acknowledgement. he said that arrangements have to be made in order to move to a permanent ceasefire. now of course, have mazda of starting point on these negotiations has been a complete withdrawal of israeli troops and also a return of power under mos in gaza. now apparently that has been relaxed to some, but again, we don't know the details, the us official refuse to share. but this was discussed in detail in that phone call between us president joe biden. and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu . they said, going over line by line of what the text is of this, of this deal and that much progress as it was made. and in fact, the us official said there is now a framework that has been agreed upon been agreed upon by both, some us and israel. and now it's just those detailed implementation and sequencing
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that have to be worked out. but he did add in javier, to all of the saying that a deal is still elusive until it is actually struck. however, again, they're calling this a significant breakthrough. all right, thank you, heidi. that's heidi joe castro reporting from washington dc. the joins now by hom, desolate who is reporting from jordan's capital. i'm on honda, what's being said in israel because what we've seen from a source in these rarely negotiating team saying, telling media is that there's a real chance of achieving and do is really sources speaking anonymously are saying that there is something tangible to work with for these really isn't after him as just more than 24 hours ago, gave their response to mediators, israel sent their own statements, saying that they are considering what, how much has brought to the table via the mediators now is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu confirming to you as president joe biden,
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that there will be in his really negotiating team headed by the head of the most side, which is israel's external security service. he will be traveling to del, how and will meet with got that as prime minister on friday for an indirect kind of meeting on how they can build on these negotiations. but again, it's really official say they're cautiously optimistic and while they are showing optimism, it's important to know that there has been this feeling before that the ceasefire talks has a built up momentum and then later collapsed. it's been a theme that we've been seeing over the last 6 months. that's why we've only had one ceasefire deal that was back at the end of 2023 at the end of october, early november, a rather at the end of november. but what we're looking at here is cautious optimism from is really officials who say there is something tangible to work with and they're hoping to build on that. thank you. honda, that's how does how much reporting from jordan and a reminder that honda is reporting from jordan because he's really government has
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the end of his ear from reporting that and that's why she was in a ma on the ground in garza, dozens of palestinians had been killed in his rarely strikes across the strip, at least 5 of them were killed in a new set of refugee camp in central casa with these rarely military targeted house . the injured wood taken to the hospital for treatments in central gauze, or at least full palestinians have been killed and several injured officer is ready to showing struck houses. in alda raj neighborhood of kansas city rescue teams had been pulling bodies from under the russell. the injured have been taken to the uh, boxes, hospital, the only functioning hospital in garza city. abraham l. colorado is a journalist in garza city. he sent us this report from the size of one of the was changed areas. we are here standing in the heart of that bull market holding gaza city. it's, it has been completely destroyed by the occupation this morning. this is an
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apartment built down on the market, destroying it completely as you can see. but only because the, the so many families have lost the livelihoods and daily sustenance because the market has been destroyed. many shops we here and now they are all destroyed above and beyond. the occupation is deliberately bombing the arrow to the place is here. as we have the most behind the goals market targeted. since the beginning of this war, heard the places have been completely demolition, getting gods. the city of this phone government resulting in getting 5 civilians, an injury many more and the situation is getting worse and this still it is this morning heavy air try. so when in down in northern garza specifically i, she's the neighborhood, the golden bold market is located, decides that you die your neighborhood. it was completely destroyed on targeted by
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the hebrew air, shrikes, and the brutality of this era back in 11 on has below. it says it fight a barrage of $250.00 missiles and explosive drones into northern israel. the group targeted several is rarely military positions across the border. multiple fires broke out in the occupied golan heights. and in the region of galilee, israel says one of its soldiers was killed in the golan heights. the latest escalation follows the killing of a senior at his blog. come on to 11 on on wednesday fees. really military says it struck multiple hezbollah targets in southern lebanon. 5 digits targeted the areas from ya and hula. they would know reported casualties. a little hot model hawk or something within the tough campaign against 11 on we have set the principal level homes us as a deadline. we're making that to reality in practice. we know that there was a long way to go,
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but we had to time into there was still security to the law phone, unreturned residents securely to their homes. i said thank reports from magic in, in southern lebanon. there has been an escalation over the last 24 hours now is for the safe delivery launched over $250.00 talk to is there any positions since yesterday, wednesday, following the assess the nation of the senior is for the command them how much anymore enough that they also say that they launched a squadron on drones talking 7 is reading the military sites and that we also understand is there any minute review because the stuff and we have been some interest amongst, is there any soldiers? no, over the last few as well. we have seen rockets launching from southern liber on talk to israel. we've also seen is very new strikes hitting the time. okay. um i know to research and tougher killer. the also reason his will, if these really assessments of mental or not, it's not the 1st time they've talked it back or they did hit previously the guided missiles at amy i just really so it isn't today with the seats the smoke rising. we
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also heard the size, the size of funny thing, that's when is there any extra break the signed by with over liberties s base. but this is an escalation, but is it at the place of will actually no fall from it. we have seen in the past, israel terry act assessing nations and his blog respond will voice an escalation, his with law states within the frame that comes in reacting to this assess the nation of the senior colanda. but there is a fear that point it takes is one miscalculation for it to escalate very, very quickly. i started big, i just did a lot of genuine sensitive and i'm still ahead on that. i'll just see when you're on purpose to elect it's next president will have a look at the 2 candidates going head to head in fridays run with photos. the
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color parts of the australian outback could see a bit of a so king as we go on through the next couple of days as a little bit of cloud here. this say to hear this all, but for off that scenario of instability for in the wins in from the east is the moist direction when it bumps in to the actual. we'll see that was a way of talking in, at the moment high pressure being charged. so lossy troy, protect the down towards the southeast and that it's been making for some very for us the most has made you had us comb with a morning in around the 12 years. now we are looking at that high just slipping a little further east, which as we go through the next couple of days. but you see how the on the show brace leading showers in the south wells. and si se, in posit queensland, unless natural from that spring, some really wet weather and across the interior. and it says same as we go one through, snatched a heavy a spouse if right. making the way a little further east with our rent a month with a right likely for something well for news and they, these generates riots, dropped losey settled is that west of weather continued to pushing across. so
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that's the eastern side of both. as we go on into sunday, wet weather across the northeast of china, that will continue to drive its way over towards the yellow sea. it'll set in across the korean peninsula, particularly into north korea. by the time we come to set, stay of the . ringback the examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to ship, they started attacking the machines, unflinching,
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john, those. what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you, i mean, are sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you will determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a funding. well, class progress on ours is news . the hello again. you're watching. oh, just a reminder of our top stories this out. us president joe biden has pressed is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to close a deal with him. us for a c spy in garza and a captive release, a senior us official has said they'd be
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a breakthrough in negotiation tension on the israel 11 on board a is escalating. as the law says, it fight a barrage of $250.00 missiles and exclusive drones into northern israel. the group targeted several is rarely ministry positions across the board, the exit polls, and then you can have predicted a non 5 victory. so the opposition leave with positive vote count is on going to sound this policy is projected to secure a complimentary majority of a 176 ending 14 years is conservative room or if the exit polls proved to be correct to 14 years of conservative party rule are bound to come to an end. well, have a jump just takes a look at what went wrong for the conservatives. when prime minister wishes to next to it outside tim downing street 6 weeks ago and called a snap general election,
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his words were meant to project strings. these on sometimes cool for a clear plan unfold auction to charge the quotes to a secure future. but for many, the optics couldn't have been worse delivered in the pouring rain without an umbrella. the speech left so soon ex, looking defeated, even before a vote, many believe will put an end to 14 years of government by the conservative party. just 5 years ago, under the leadership of forest johnson, of the central right tories were considered unbeatable to him. but a series of scandals, as well as concerns about the economy and criticism of the parties handling of the cobit 19 pandemic sent it's popularity plummeted. then there's the issue of immigration in recent years, the number of i'm documented migrants and refugees arriving on british shores have hit record highs. soon, ack had hoped a controversial law to the fort asylum seekers to rwanda might boost the conservatives political fortunes touting it off and as the cornerstone of
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a strategy to tackle illegal migration enough is enough. no more prevarication, no more delay. noah's no box based lights on going to rolanda. but the plan widely criticized by courts and numerous human rights groups and having already costs hundreds of millions of dollars stalled so far, not one deportation flight is taken off. the conservatives came to power in 2010, under the stewardship of david cameron. his coalition promised to confront the global economic crisis by cutting spending and slashing public services prompting protests. the tested his popularity. in 2015, he began leading his party and country down a dangerous path. as the conservators became increasingly concerned by the growing popularity of the right wing u. k. independence party cameron called for a vote on britain's membership in the european union. the will be a referendum in britain before the end of 2017. that isn't in i'm referendum. thank you. like so many after breaks it narrowly passed,
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cameron do result country nigel for raj, the self styled architect that breaks it, made a last minute decision to run in this election is anti immigration reform, u. k party. i subsequently enjoyed a surgeon support attending many believe any chance. the conservatives had to be extending their 14 years in power. how much enjoy a visit? the campaigning has ended. any ron ahead of friday's presidential run of voters will choose between reformist candidates most suited business. again and conservative st . jalie versus serves that has more from the can on the candidates from tara he runs run of presidential election, is one of the most contested and unpredictable india islamic republics history. the 2 candidates represent different sides of the political spectrum in
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a divided the country side city. the former chief nuclear negotiator is popular among conservatives. he has strong connections in the particularly previously serve as the secret throughout the supreme national security council. a powerful exec, due by the with influence over utah and security and for them policies, he's perceived as a staunch loyalist us. we should look at late president abraham, right. say that we will fight against sanctions, but also sees new opportunities. we must make out enemies for great imposing sanctions on us. i don't mind. didn't move around for presidency in 2013, using to her son who honey. so that the 2021 here we can say we will see you, but i am raising the federal causality of who's that you know how to cope. the crash in may 3 good. these are the election. this time generally may have a better chance of success depending on how the nearly 3500000 people who choose
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mohammed back and kind of above last week decide towards this week. however, therefore, miscounted that mr. daniels appeals to conservatives. the guardian consul did not approve of position cons candidacy in the 20132021 presidents awards to serve as health minister from 2001 to 2005 on the you don't suppose to be for them as president. while i'm at 510 minutes position still enjoys hard to me. support for repairs of housing vermani and for the minister just city falls indoors. he's campaign many believe the flesh of beckers could be the key to business goes victory. but he's threatening carefully how i'm sort of the nationalist approach when it comes to foreign policy. hold on for me to find policy means the interest of the us wrong and radians the 1st around. so every quoted low turn. now, what the apathy is a major concern for the authorities to include the book and the supreme leader has
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those people to cast their ballots. even look at that as good. i have repeatedly said that people's attendance as a source of dignity and pride for the country. if the election has high turn out and then these law, mac for public will be able to fulfill its go inside will then be another will turn out, could benefit judy lee, while a higher turnout could be in position counts failure, especially if he's able to mobilize reformist, this will say to that i would just need to add on francis also preparing for the 2nd round of his problem entry elections on sunday. the 1st round produced a major victory for the phone ride policy of marine the pen along with its allies, the national rally, one around 33 percent of the vote. and smith has been speaking to voters in colored in the north west and from francis townsend villages. already the belly, more and more people are no longer afraid, not just to use the far right is a protest vote, but also to see you can pound just from the beautiful place. there's always this
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bounce our set these days. people see the little these process. it's not the 1st to keep the remaining us for supporting the national riley. we had another mark, people, not the racist. what's hateful for the one thing to be friends at home? well, setting up shortly again. this is an option that suits us for change. and we must try it. we shouldn't be doing eyes for training something else. you know, not that we've had enough on the one hand, there's a government that doesn't k, and then we see the program old. there's lift, ease. well that leaves me really skate. most people in color did not vote for the national riley, but it shares the vote double to 34 percent compared with the previous parliamentary elections in 2022. this is one of more than 200 constituencies. weatherford place candidate has withdrawn in the hope that the votes will go to the candidate best place to beat the national raleigh. but if there's a high ton a lot that was in the 1st round, then that could help the fall, right?
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the opinion polls suggest an unusually high turnout of working class voters and those on low on high income's old benefits at the national valley, across france. many rural voters. so they say like node or football, brittany was historically a strong hold of the left. now a fall, right? your o skeptic, an empty immigrant party has found the tile territory here. that's the actual, the reverse of what has changed is that people, as you have seen, are opening up. this is a place that's been abandoned there. i'm no more public services, no more doctors, hospitals are far away and yes and immigration people don't want to feel and faded . i don't want to say we are overwhelmed here, but everyone wants to avoid just the left and center or again, relying on a republican front asking people to vote for any of the party to stop the fall, right. but as each election passes, that seems to become a hot idea to sell. bernard smith, islanders era, cadillac, friends,
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crime has become an important issue for many folks has in the french election for right national really policy has gained ground in ground in the southern city of most say, it's pledging harshest sentences from mine is convicted of crimes. if to some gain for reports from us, a 16 year old really is still recovering after he was shocked in the leg. 3 months ago. they shopped me at home. i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked. the problem is, my mother was that my sister, my little brother, they could have hit them too much of a moment. he stopped going to school when he was 12, to make around a $100.00 a day, acting as a lookout for drug dealers. this message, please say children leg julio, often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. don't hold on, hold true violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise. in the past decade,
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we respond more quickly. when there is a contract, people use a kalashnikov to settle disputes environment. time has made security. one of the biggest issues, computers in must say, helping the rise of the far right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher sentences. it also wants miners to be tried as adults. these neighborhoods in the north and must say, has 17 times more violent crime than the rest of the country, mostly related to drug trafficking and both the victims and the perpetrators. a younger than ever before. these are also some of the poorest neighborhoods in europe with a quarter of people living in poverty, according to the french observatory, of any call, it is with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people don't
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see education as a way out. as many as 139 percent of children have dropped out of school. so, but you mind this building was very decrepit. for example, when we were on the 1st floor the were referencing passing by our chevy, the hockey buses. mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in these rundown buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities, and politicians only pay attention to what goes on in poor neighborhoods at election time defensive. we have a focus on these up. the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution that we must focus on education. when we are called upon to respond to a case law, we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is to, to young, to have a say in the election already does illusion by politics. many are discouraged and say their prospects look increasingly bleak is i'm getting food. i'll just deal
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with the captain of the french football team, colleen and, but they has called on citizens to come out in large numbers to vote. in the 2nd round of legislative elections are supposed to present things that now more than ever, you need to get to the ballot. it is an urgent situation. we call it our country fall into the hands of these people is pressing. i think we sold the results and it's catastrophic. and we really hope that this is gonna change most. everyone's going to riley together to govern, vote and vote for the right policy when the spelling of market ministry code in the eastern democratic republic of congo has sentenced $25.00 soldiers to death for possession. they were convicted of fleeing the front line and disappearing orders during battles with the m 23 onto group felix now water reports in the eastern democratic republic of congo, fear, and frustration. this is timble,
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unimportant commercial hub. and just days ago, after weeks of fighting, i'm 23 you doubles, entered the nearby roberto town for the 1st time, and also seized the nearby strategic town nearby younger. with many warning that this may provide a gateway to other parts of conflict on not keep a provence still under the control of the army. concern is growing about what's to come in. this situation is now very disturbing because we now sleep all night with fear of what may happen. we don't feel safe. we don't know what is happening on the front line because rebels are advancing towards here. and our soldiers can't even stop them. the latest around the fighting between the commodities. call me on the m 23 group started 2 years ago. the new york c accuses run the backing. the fight is an occupation going to be nice,
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but it's not just m $23.00, the both the presidents in what temple are contending with. it's also a huge militia that's patrolling the area, checking people's identification and lynching anyone. they suspect of being an m $23.00 fight to the army confirms that since sunday, 6 of its soldiers were killed by the group. the what's happening now and with chambliss, very wary and people are leaving in real panic. this is all because of what's going on in the territory of the barrow with rebels are advancing towards al city. but we can't continue to see people killed because of their identity or lack of id will faces without asking any questions. this is too much and must stop in. i live bungle holster located in north cable. come police forces patrols a show force as they prepare for more butters. but with more than
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2700000 people displaced within the province. any escalation and fighting would only deepen on already. dia, security on humanitarian crisis in north people state. next me or i'll just say in the democratic republic of congo, 6 chinese nationals and at least 2 soldiers had been killed in an attack by groups . it happened as a mining side in the north eastern province of a tory china. as foreign ministry says several of the chinese workers are still missing. the mind is overrated. by a private chinese business. a still head on out to 0. i'm drawing entered in illinois, where science visit our national laboratories are working the
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the hurricane barrel has rumbled, paused the cayman islands, residents and businesses in the area had prepared for the worst. it's now a category to hurricane and this heading towards mexico. see present in peninsula the storm has left a trail of destruction across the south east to intervene, killing at least 10 people. julia kell yano has this update from mexico city that there's definitely an increased sense of urgency in the areas of content at all. and that you can time peninsula today, especially in comparison to you yesterday when the weather was very nice and the beaches were perfect. then today, as the weather has started to turn,
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there's winds and higher tides. i think it's become more evident that the storm is in fact coming and that, you know, people need to do something about it. the government has, it had been very adam and letting people know that they only have a finite amount of time to evacuate from the most vulnerable areas. in fact, the governor, the governor, herself, has been out and about walking around communities, telling people that they have until 4 o'clock local time on thursday for pm to take advantage of whatever means the government has set up the boats or buses, all free of cost of their, she's telling people to get on them and to go to one of the shelters that the government has set up to receive the storm. and the concern of course, is that despite the fact that coon is in the eyes of the world, this big resort city, there actually are many small indigenous and often very impoverished communities that are of course, much more vulnerable to the impact of a hurricane. in addition,
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these communities have been over the last few weeks, not related to this hurricane receiving torrential rains. so they already find themselves in a very vulnerable position. and of course, you know, the rain's and the winds that can be brought by a category to hurricane, which is what is now expected to hit this area of mexico could only worsen that situation and create very dangerous conditions for human life. do we ago? yeah, no, i'll just sierra mexico city, a terri. this congress has passed a law introducing a statute of limitations for crimes against humanity committed before 2002. the new law was promoted by the right wing popular force policy led by kiko. if would you model the daughter of former president, 40 moody, it could benefit political figures and retired military personnel, accused of crimes commissions between 198-2000 during an internal armed conflict. right? so organizations have one to the new legislation could towards investigations into
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rights abuses find to assessing the board tree in the united states have created a new, powerful, super computer don't 100 and went to see it at the ongoing national, the board tree in illinois. this, this colossal computer is expected to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, answering questions, human kind has pondered since the dawn of time. we see research and almost every major area of science out there. so we are doing research that's looking at the fundamental structure of an atom and those fundamental forces all the way up to looking at the structure of the universe. aurora, a super computer at argonne national laboratories in illinois could soon become the world's most powerful computer. once it's fully operational, that's expected to happen later this year. scientists are still connecting computer nodes that increase its power can think of a node as being
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a computer. this is in many respects, your laptop. it's just a very credibly powerful version of your laptop. even it less than full power, the half $1000000000.00 water cooled machine taking up the space of for tennis courts is in comprehensive the fast processing, massive amounts of data at extra flop speed. that's a quintillion 10 with 18 zeros after it tasks per 2nd. and when it comes to using artificial intelligence, it performs it 10 times and that speed, making it the most powerful computer using a i on earth. for years, computers have been getting smaller and more powerful. each of those silver handles is essentially a computer or a know aurora, 10624 of them. and that's what gives it it's unfathomable speed and power. it can also solve practical problems modeling in granular detail how cancer cell spread
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through the blood stream. mapping a mouse sprain, and soon human brains and testing billions of possible aircraft part models before building a single plane. i can say if it's part of puerto rico, you should be ready to rel codo. martha use using aurora to develop long term climate models that range from a single building to the entire globe. click on project, what could be at risk? what it costs valerio for our 1st iep for why fi, as it says, health communities, companies to adapt to this change? anyone in the world can apply for computing time. on one condition, all of a rowers research must be publicly available that makes auroras impact and not just potentially groundbreaking, but global john henry and l g 0. lamont, illinois. all right, that's it for me. jessica washington for this is alice cherry johnston. we'll be here in a moment with one of the
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hidden in homes and communities across india is a deadly fiber asbestos. the world's largest import india uses, especially in new products from roosting to call. leaving was with a dangerous one on the east investigate especially a just signing on out there the on the carbon in those trees. if the trees are cut and burned for land clearing, winds up in the atmosphere at the edge to the climate from the there is some of the climate models that show the climate getting not just warmer, but dryer. if it gets dryer. the tropical fars will not be able to survive there. we have to try to focus on keeping the warming a low, whatever that tipping point is with the eco system changes perils. we just make the
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climate change problem for the nature. 9 made catastrophes, and the rate was by severe weather events or resulting an ever was things devastation. the variety of human factors means their intensity and impact is a purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change. as was to fact, if i was supposed to be seen as normal, but if that's something that should have to happen to any one, is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera with the money on my chrome spots you performing poorly, french voters will decide whether to give the fall rights power. pick the results of the run up photo on july, 7th of consequences for your loss of coverage of the 2nd round of the french
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elections. and i'll just say the, the, the neighbor land slide you take, exit, polls predict the big sweep for the opposition leave the parties ending 14 years of conservative party route. i'm james bay's outside number 10 downing street in london, which looks like he's going to be the new hope of a new prime minister as richie so next conservatives face what may be the worst defeats the policy is history. the .


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