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tv   i Human  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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a lot of the stories that we capital heidi complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the u. k. exit post predicts and then slides victory for the opposition labor policy. the majority of 176 votes as punished, 5 minutes to which she soon county's conservative party their own cause to suffer the west election to know for a 100 years. the dog carry johnston, this is all just there a lot from the whole set coming up as a protestant in death, toll tops, 38000 and concepts. us says there's been
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a breakthrough in negotiations between a mass and israel, plus thousands of people in mexico's coast grace for the impacts of american federal, the beginning, even not to kingdom, where the exit polls that predict to the non slides victory for the position. david policy ending 14 years of conservative rule cust thomas policies project. it's a set your 410 out of 650 seats in the house of commons. that's an absolute parliamentary majority. the conservatives are predicted to weigh $131.00 seats, the west, every performance in the decades level democrats, sol predicted to come to the edge with a total of $61.00 seats on the far right before that u. k. policy set 2 in 13 seats. these last pictures now of some of the counting that's going on across the u. k. results will continue to come in throughout the
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night. okay. as tom and the man that set to become a pretends new prime minister posted on the social media platform, x as post closed. these aren't everyone who come paying for the but in the election, everyone has voted for and put that trust and will equals a changed neva potty in a moment will have formulating this lend eviction to bonnets in north london with votes of being counted. the 1st. let's head to 10 downing street and speak to l just here is rory challenge. so roy, we, as we've seen, the counting of votes continues in this, but it's looking very much like a label on slide. it is absolutely, and then a few hours time when the morning light comes to downing street, what does it require? a scene of the monument, i think will be a flurry of activity cameras, photographers, jen lists, etc. when kits dom i is very likely to be walking into that famous door behind me,
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the 1st labor leader to walk into 10 downing street as prime minister sits 2010 have 14 years ago. now the results are starting to come in now uh, $10.00 to 10 pm, like what time is when the exit poll came out? so indicating a label on slides. the latest actual results that we have so far that label are on 15 seats at the moment. that's a gay, you know, full from other policies, mostly from the conservatives, that conservatives or any on one seats environment, maybe last 5 of them. i mean mostly to live up, but also to the liberal democrats. now, when you look back at laborers, trajectory over the last 4 or 5 years or so, going back to the 2019 when the policy suffered, its west election defeats since 1935. so go from that to where they are projected
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to be in this an exit poll is a remarkable turnaround for the parts a. how have they done that? well, they have a relatively new lead, a care style of us to, to call you back from jeremy colbin, a pretty unpopular labor leader. and as transforms the labor policy into an election winning force. once again, he's done that with a mixture of pragmatism and internal policy ruthlessness, judging the people who didn't agree with them, putting those resources to factional. so we're looking at a lot label on slide on. paul with tony blair is getting 997. if you're looking at the numbers these games according to this exit poll, it will be the best results that have a but don't mistake this for nation, a nationwide affection for the labor. ok stomach. this is as much about trying to get a tories out as it is. uh, anything in terms of labor. yeah. a lot,
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a lot for the population for labor and that one that ponder on tv is coded a loveless land slide. most people, i think disaffected with politicians, and they just want the 14 years of conservative rule to come to an end items, the peculiarities, the british election system mean when a policy full is out of favor with the population. it gets how much pretty hard and the tories are on track for that west election results, perhaps in the policies history wouldn't date. and rory some significant results for smaller policies to as well as that, tory disaster. yes, and the yeah. one of the other big stories of tonight's is the search in support for the reform policy. now, 4 years ago the reform policy didn't actually exist. it basically came into being
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as a sort of mutation from the policies that had had nigel for the brakes . that campaign a at the helm, and it was our need in the last few weeks that he decided that he was going to step into the fray as the leader of the reform policy spans in the constituency of class and where he's expected. so when there is an argument to be made, the nodule for all just perhaps one of the best political campaign is of his generation. he effectively made breaks. it happened. and he is now taking the reform policy in the space of 4 years to a projection of the theme seats and part of a button that the his supports in the country is much more significant than that. he's probably going to become the 3rd play or a full will be the 3rd placed. come that policy in the country in terms of bo chet . elsewhere in this mode of policies, you have a strong sharing from the liberal democrats that project. it's ok. so i think
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$6016.00 according to the exit polls, the greens who get perhaps to states a terrible nights is looking like it's going to be for the scottish national policy . you might lose up to 3 quarters of the seats in the u. k. parliament. the share in general is projected to be down. so what it looks like, his people moving from supporting the 2 main policies. labor i'm can save, save into an array of the smaller policies, which is a, is a general side of disaffection with politics and general financial res. thank you for that top dates. well, that's bringing the best little bit shoes. that's a counseling center and bonnets in north and on to now 3 constituencies. i've been counting the, it's viewed as one of the capitals key areas sites. but i know you're right. so one of the most important backgrounds in on what's happening there now is really busy. yeah. the uh for the counting as well. and judy underway and yes,
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this is an important area. the 3 constituents is that will decline here. have traditionally being conservative hotline, and one of them has had the same conservancy then we since 2005 series of videos. but it is likely that she will news has ceased to leave. but now another one of those it has has the pool. my, the late prime minister can salvage of 5 minutes to margaret, sat, chosen empty, and the pos, but that seat is also likely to be lost. to conservatives, this time, to liberal democrats, it is really much in that nation wide picture of a conservative wipe out here on a local level. but nick, we've still got a few hours to go to the seats here are not likely to declare until about 4 am local, which is 3 m g m t and the full national picture will probably be live by 7 am here local. so 6 a m g m t, when we will truly know who would be the witness and peace of being savings is
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probably the best benefits. thanks very much for that. let's take a closer look. now the man who looks set to be persons next prime minister just i'm a, has been a leader of the off position. they've a policy since 2020 distinguish noise of this chief prosecute of england and wales from 2008 to 2013. he was a human rights advisor to the move, not into policing for the association of chief police offices and decided to enter politics in his fifty's. a summer is valid to provide that political and economic stability to help business rejuvenates. the country's sluggish economic growth of the policy data is remarks at the onset, so the costs of all approved controversial and an interview and questions about this each and coughing of water and electricity supplies to god. so he responded, i think that as well does have that right. there's an ongoing situation. however, he recently expressed a desire to recognize the palestinian state if he wins,
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emphasizing that such a move would need to look at the right time in the peace process. the. what's the, how the port style on demand, who's on the cost of making history too much of the british public before the election campaigns. the kids stomach wasn't quite the right fit either as labor, party leader or as prime minister to don't know radical enough to establishment. my dad works in the factory. he was a to my, to my mom was in the us. we didn't have a lot of publication as pains to remind the country of his countenance and roots named after the laker, fancies fest, permanency lead, a liberal defense lawyer with reforming instincts, late to no cheap for his service. as chief public prosecutor at the next general, like jeffrey robinson 100 stomach as a young human rights lawyer, he interviewed very badly is that you were
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a colleague and one of my colleagues and we comp possibly take someone who weighs cardigans. it was a role that would bring style, why the claim holding pilot to account on behalf of ordinary people and culminating in his appointment as director of public prosecutions. he has said that it's really the human rights act that brought him into politics. he saw the link between the getting rights for under privilege, people and politics. and i think that even any political decisions that he would make that he will go and be guided by the principles of human rights. a man on the custom to trumpeting his other treatments. the red lips is what motivates him. yeah. what, what was this thing that if this is an injustice or a wrong the job is to fix it. it's not just talk about it. and what he feels he
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wants to achieve, having switched from the law or to politics less than 10 years ago. yes. dom or the labor of body style, the campaign to get into number 10, downing street around that promise of change change of to 14 years of conservative government, of course, but also a more fundamental change. putting right what he's wrong, that's thomas says he's driven by the policy, but will he have the resources to deliver? i have a vision for this country towards higher grove. and i just back on it's feet secure, borders, cheaper bills, safe, a streets at all, put your to, to buy your children. i think that's a big tests for kids. summer last 6 months, funds prime minister, which will be, can you explain to the british people what has happened? and therefore what that means to the next 2 years next 3 or 4 years. will you take
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hold of me cry. will that be sufficient? is also for level government suspend. these are the really big things that will decide whether it's down the government will be successful in that. and persuading is still skeptical public the thing sensible and a little boring. so it means simply getting the job done during the whole l g 0. number. of course hopkins is a political research direct throughout the pony and company. so going to congress, he breaks down how, what the exit home means for lift ends under form, u. k. being delivered down across it wrong, that's really interesting. how might, especially with someone with the stone so that put that lead a through yeah, i think ultimately that it was never crossed by. and you guys, it's because of all political system in the 650 constituencies, they have a highly targeted seat trucks. the come hide and they all, they got a covered benefit from the rise that before we cancel the democrats to diag, i'd be inheriting conservative liberal democrats at mazda,
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those where reform you can type a sizable chunk of the fire away from the conservative policy, which is opens up more opportunities for live with them across the way that they're going to go out the do the bell, replace the once again, the deepest, the largest policy i have and you can call over ahead of the 7 am in dayton hours when the guides are holding k, this is the best case scenario ready for, for non fraud year. i think he said that there's going to be lots of talk now about the impacts over for me kind of what impact they might have on the future because that's a coffee. but there's other fraud in i'm before we can now. he has enough antiques to make a real noise impala, and i think he's going to be a real stones and both live on the conservative side. ultimately in terms of votes him in terms of the spice politically or for the types i taught is by an apartment is because of the policy while they go through a series of soul searching. i'm sure he's going to have plenty to say about. yeah. to put plenty of opportunity to really engage with the rest of the people or potentially revise. we said how many 2nd places they gave some consistencies
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tonight, but that could be a real cost for deposit for a long time to come. the us president joe biden is pressed as ready, 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. to close a deal with him, us for cease phone garza and a captive release. it comes off to senior us official said they'd been a break through negotiations even as fighting and cause a continues. the official says have mass and made a significant adjustments to his position. in indigo associations. reports indicates the head of these ready intelligent service will travel to cut off to discuss the details and is cool with 5 minutes. and you also reiterated that the war with only end of the israel achieves the goals. i want to ask correspondence. kimberly hopkins has the call between the us president and the is really prime minister, took about 30 minutes and was attended by the national security adviser,
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secretary of state and vice president. now, the purpose of the call, according to the white house, was to work out the final details in terms of trying to get the captives that were captured on october 7th, released as well as to finalize cease fire negotiations. so the prime minister president were walking through the draft agreement of the proposal that was put forward by president biden back in may. the framework deal according to us officials, is now in place, but there are still some outstanding issues that need to be overcome. the president and his national security team has been reviewing the response put forward by him us in the last day or so. and so far, the response by the united states has been but as the what has been put forward by
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how moss has been constructive. but there are some issues that still need to be overcome. now of what we do know is that the president is very much uh, welcoming the decision by the is really prime minister to send a delegation to doha, to engage with us to tarry, add egypt, and mediators. they see this as a significant opening to in fact close the deal. this is the 1st time that the is really prime minister and you as president, has spoken since may 6th. but they may have the opportunity to speak face to face. the is really prime minister will be speaking to a joint session of the us congress later this month. and when asked if in fact the 2 will meet face to face, the u. s. official said that he expects that precedent by then. we'll try to find an opportunity. kimberly how his algebra 0. the white house on the ground and
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gaza, dozens of palestinians have been killed and is very strikes across the street. at least 5 of them were killed in this refugee camp in central garza. but these very minutes we targeted a house, the injured were taken to ask the hospital for treatment. and at least for palestinians had been killed and several injured officer is ready. shutting his truck houses in elder raj, neighborhood of gauze. a city rescue teams had been putting bodies from under the rubble of the injured have been taken to the only functioning hospital in gaza. city it for him. i'll tell you. is it your list in garza city? he sent us this report from the side to of one of the worst terriers. we are here standing in the heart of that boat market, holding garza city, that it has been completely destroyed by the occupation this morning. go down on the market, destroying it completely as you can see. what i mean. i know some of the so many
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families have lost the livelihoods and daily sustenance because the market has been destroyed. many shops we can't, and now they are all destroyed. above and beyond. the occupation is deliberately balmy. the hero to the place is here. as we have the most behind the goals market targeted. since the beginning of this war, her digit places have been completely demolition, getting guides, the city of this phone, government resulting and getting 5 civilians, an injury many more and the situation is getting worse and there's still issues this morning heavy air fry. so when in down in northern garza, specifically as to your neighborhood, the golden bold market is located, decides that you die your neighborhood. it was completely destroyed and probably good by the heavy air shrikes and the brutality of this era that's 11 and it has with us,
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says it's 5 barrels of 250 missiles and explosive drugs into northern israel. the group targeted several is rarely minute trip. positions across the board, them multiple fines, breakouts and occupied golden heights. and then the region of gun to the israel says one of its so which is, was killed in the go down heights. and they just escalation follows the killing of a senior has, but i'll come onto 11 and on wednesday, this is very miniature. he says it struck multiple hezbollah targets in southern lebanon fights a jets talking to the air is on from the un who'd up they would know, reported the casualties. the doha model, hucker shop in the top campaign against 11 on we have sent to principal level homes us as of deadline. we are making that to reality and practice. we know that there is a long way to go, but we have determined to restore security to the law phone unreturned residents securely to their homes, such as vague reports now from modul union in the southern 11. or it has been an
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escalation over the last 24 hours, and i said that they would go and show over $250.00 talk to is there any positions since yesterday, wednesday, following the assess, the nation of that senior is for the command them how much the madness that they also say that they launched a squadron on drones talking 7 is a new military sites. and we also understand that is there any minute preview? because it struck and we have been some injuries amongst is there any soldiers know over the last few of us what we have seen rockets launching from southern labor on talk to israel is also saying, is there any strikes hitching the time. okay. um, i know to re kitchen for kilo the also reason his belong if these rating assessment of metal or not, it's not the 1st time they've talked if that or if they did hit previously invited me. so it's amy i just waiting. so it isn't today with the seats, the smoke rising, we also have the sauce the size of funding soon. that's when is there any extra break to sign? 5. yeah, over liberties s base. but this is an escalation,
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but is it at the place i would like to know far from it? we have seen in the past, israel terry act assessing nations and his beloved respond will voice an escalation . his we last sites within the frame that comes in reacting to this, assess the nation of the senior colanda, but there is a fear that point it takes is one miscalculation for it to escalate very, very quickly. i started vague. i just had a lot of genuine, sensitive and well, so that come on, i'll just here a minute, sweet. cool. it's in the democratic republic of congo sentences. 25 soldiers to death for desertion. drink bottles of the m $23.00 onto the of the world. wait to see if the international criminal court will issue arrest warrants for the leadership is right and how much people empower quits. the r c.
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c's track record on trial. this court was created to hold those responsible, accountable, prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c fit for purpose? people in power on al jazeera. here's from al, just on the go. and me tonight out is there is only move i laugh, is that the, this is where we, the sex allies from out is there is move i last available in your favorite types to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. new at using is it the latest news the renewed bombardments and intense pointing show that in north going to like it was what and the strip this with this fall from over with detailed coverage given the lack of international up
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for it would be up to a residence a 5 been to defend their very existence in their line from the heart of the story were not passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life . it's a distraction and from what she has witnessed the the, the, the,
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the, you without. this is a reminder about top stores this our exit polls in the u. k. if we take to the non slides victory for the opposition, neva parties, his tom is policy is projected to secure a parliamentary majority of $170.00 seats. practically ending 14 years of conservative product. cecile being counted across the democrats, the full cost of the $61.00 c monitors form u. k. policy, which is set to win $13600.00 challenging and takes a closer look at what went wrong for the choice. when prime minister wishes to next to an outside, tim downing street 6 weeks ago and called a snap general election, his words were meant to project strings. these on sometimes cool for
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a clear plan unfold anxious to charge the quotes to a secure future. but for many, the optics couldn't have been worse delivered in the pouring rain without an umbrella. the speech left so soon ex, looking defeated, even before a vote, many believe will put an end to 14 years of government by the conservative party. just 5 years ago, under the leadership of forest johnson, of the central right tories were considered unbeatable to him. but a series of scandals, as well as concerns about the economy and criticism of the parties handling of the cobit 19 pandemic sent it's popularity plummeted. then there's the issue of immigration in recent years, the number of i'm documented migrants and refugees arriving on british shores have hit record highs. soon ack had hoped to controversial law to the port asylum seekers to rwanda might boost the conservatives political fortunes touting it off and as the cornerstone of a strategy to tackle illegal migration enough is enough,
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no more prevarication, no more delay. no us no bots. these lights on going to rolanda, but the plan widely criticized by courts and numerous human rights groups and having already costs hundreds of millions of dollars stalled so far, not one deportation flight is taken off. the conservatives came to power in 2010, under the stewardship of david cameron. his coalition promised to confront the global economic crisis by cutting spending and slashing public services prompting protests. the tested his popularity. in 2015, he began leading his party and country down a dangerous path. as the conservators became increasingly concerned by the growing popularity of the right wing u. k. independence party cameron called for a vote on britain's membership in the european union. the will be a referendum in britain before the end of 2017. that isn't in as referenda think it will be right for me. after breaks it narrowly passed, cameron did result country nigel for raj,
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the self styled architect that brings it made a last minute decision. to run in this election is anti immigration reform, u. k party. i subsequently enjoyed a surgeon support attending many believe any chance. the conservatives had to be extending their 14 years in power. how much enjoy a disease? that's what i'm going to show you. some live pictures now we can just see in the distance on the left hand side there, we can see kiss tom, uh, this is the constituency of hoping and sent upon chris in london. he's expected to speak at some point and the going to want to see to clear the window in that constituency. this comes up the bank of costs of, of these exit polls, which are predicted a landslide victory forecast. i'm of the opposition labor party leader, which would basically end 14 years of conservative route. we can see who's surrounded by photographers in the press and no down to these. that is team. there
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it is. projects. it's just a tool around $410.00 out of $650.00 seats in the house of commons. i thought would be an absolute complementary majority. now the concept is have had a terrible nights according to the polls, the predict between just a 131 seats. and that would mean that they would relinquish how up to 14 years, and it defeats the sheets see neck. and they both democrats are set to while they should be coming 3rd with about 61 seats, some reform u. k. the teen seats. okay. storm has been to lead to all of the opposition. they with policy since 2020. he was a barrister. no such served as a chief prosecutor for england and wales from 2008 to
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2013. so we're still waiting for him. and job is that to come to the pages to no, not celebrate. so what looks like very much a labor potty victory. okay, well, but then across now while we wait for that to go reach hollins, who's in 10 downing street to for us? so this looks like it's very much going to be a victory celebration for they to yeah. how many, if you've think back to 1997, if anyone can remember back that far the last time that was a labor landside the last time that the conservatives were kick tabs of power by the labor policy tardy, black. we saw this streets to what a crowd of people waving uni and jacques obviously ad relation. whether on the
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hearts we see things like that in a few as time with kids. tom, a walking up and 3, the, the front door of number 10. i will remains to be seen. there is no massive lot of, i think full case dom up within the country and by no massive lots of related policy that i am despite this projected land slide. well, there is, is a wide spread station dislike, log thing, whatever you want us to cool it, all of the conservative party off to 14 years in power. so the, the constituency counts coming in pretty sick and foss. now the latest i can tell you is that labor have $136.00 seat safe, all that up at 14, as it may take him. 14 seats must be off. the conservatives, the conservative, safe auto body, 12 seats. i never lost a 17 mostly to the labor party, so huge swings of them. i will go in from the conservatives to labour,
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labour as last general election performance in 2090 and was an absolute disaster. it was that was collection at since 1935. so for kids don't want to have tons that's around he's a remarkable achievement. he's done that by a mixture of um, i like to caution. i'm not saying too much on the campaign trail. not promising too much. and ins handle policy ruthlessness. he's injected people who we didn't agree with. he has spam down to what he perceived as factionalism and any loyalty to the last labor lead to jeremy colbin. so the labor is on track for a land slide on par with tiny blast, 9 now to 7. if you look at that, the exit poll m. c, c, the number of states that labor is projected. again,
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it could well be the best results. however, but as i say, this is known especially that this isn't a country that is in love with labor at the moment. it's not in love with kids, tom, but what it wants, most of all is to get the concept is out. so rules and what seems to have gone wrong for the conservatives as we style for 14 years in power, was it very much domestic issues. people were very discontented for awhile. things like in high interest rates and inflation and even even smaller things like difficulty in booking a doctor's appointment. for example, that said this training national health service, was it all these things put together or probably not. how long as you go, there is a huge list of things that are seemingly going arrive in this country over the last 14 years to concepts came in. and 1st of all the and that's who the policy of cost, etc. so that was under cameron. and the coalition government,
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the way that the conservatives were empowered with liberal democrats and they all stare etc. program that was put in place, then scripts, huge amounts of money out of public services. so things like vienna started to degrade and deteriorate the national health services cherished in this country almost as a kind of religion. and then you had said the police service, you had the court system, public services like that. starting to be chips away out with the funding that they could expect from, from the government. and then of course you have breakfast, which is a huge amount was promised for. and i think the country is generally comes to the conclusion that that policy has been a failure of whether or not the anyone agreed with the actual project breakfast. the execution of it has generally been perceived to be
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a disappointment. then you've has numerous conservative scandals. birth johnson being at the help of many of them, the potty gates and then things like that. so i think a general perception in this country the 14 year is a conservative, how conservative ruled is enough and that it is time as the sun newspaper puts its when they came out full case dom and for labor. just yesterday, i think for a new manager to be in charge. having settled that for the general. well, the guy suppose is suggesting is that the vice chair for those 2 main parties, the labor and the conservatives, is down and divide. share for smaller policies is up. so what that suggests is that the sooner the of surgeons reform policy, which is doing particularly well at the moment, the liberal democrat policy, which is doing particularly well at the moment. um,
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people are moving away from the 2 main policies, vice chair, disney or the, the, the, the townhouse in general's and this election looks to be lower than it has in, in past elections. adams, the smaller policies are doing well the 2 main policies, despite the projected labor land slide down on previous by chance. so that suggests that but again, many of these 2 main parties is not particularly popular with the populace at lots of the bible. and they want to shift to that votes from those 2 big parties to the smaller ones and more we, as we continue to look at these, these pictures here of a kiss, thomas surrounded by his supporters and also there can seen in the white there his is wife victoria, based on the overall, what about the, in fighting within the conservative party over the last few years, when you look at the forest johnson and this trusts then richie sort of cool. the, all these changes haven't really gone down well for the public. you
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know, i mean, i haven't gone down well, ways conservative members hasn't gone down well. weighs the policy and pays you have had an extra dis, loss be forced um all of the calls within the conservative policy. one nation conservative. now this is the kind of moderates waiting of the conservative parliamentary, conservative policy a m p. so former employees like royce to it and david cool can, can clock often types in those of the old school conservative policy in 2019. and the whole kind of breaks it soap opera. boris johnson effectively kicked out a large number of those one nation. conservatives taking the pots a ballpark produced more right wing and alienate,
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saying much more moderate conservative voters and people who had been supporting the policy previously in affluence, southern parts of the country to generalize those constituencies. those voters have by large going to what was the live demons now, which is why we are saying the tories losing big chunks of the south and the live demons making lots of games. okay, we're going to keep an eye on those last pictures. but justin algoy, thank you. let's take a look at how the thing on folded in the u. k. with the pull print, the 10 pm chimes, a big fan locks the end of the u. k. election. and if the exit poll is accurate, the end of britain's conservative governments, the exit poll is here, that is predicting a label on slide. a labor majority of 172 labor will have captured 410 seats,
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adding 20911 slides. so in pub send election gatherings, people gas been shared at the prediction was like land slide white pouch and super majority had been widely used in the week leading up to this election with this outcome would be the conservative policies, west election performance for more than a century, this is a truly historic election for the united kingdom. yeah, i think you know, that investors are basically having that was a result. and we're gonna leave them with a real period of soul searching. and frankly, that call no one to blame, but themselves the public perception of the concepts and policies that would be decided lot, it was not for the virus. johnson. i'm with truss henri, she's do dr. merrill equally responsible for the state. the concepts of policy find themselves in counseling more than 30000000 ballot papers nationwide is an army of
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election volunteers working through the night. and each election doesn't unofficial race to be the 1st constituency to complete the counting of amounts which results the selection. it was sunderland south which declared 1st the 1st to be elected to the new parliament, a labor and p, richard elected to said within minutes one the king to label. so one implies within assigned perhaps of things to come in both of those constituencies. the right wing populace policy reform u. k took 2nd place after 7 previous unsuccessful attempts at being elected to parliament reforms lead that knowledge of firearms looks confident as the wind and the seaside constituency of plankton and within 12 other constituencies to this is going to be 6000000. both this pipe in the exit poll is great news for the scottish national party. from the 43 seats they had at westminster to just 10
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seats that predicted to hold. versus too much conservative party is imploding like a 10 can and a vacuum chamber squashed from the 344 and peas that had going into this election to a predicted 131 coming out of it on several of the casualties are expected to be senior government ministers after 14 years as the opposition policy, labor appears to be on the brink of try and pull brennan challenges here. monday. and i'm going to cost to medina. that's what it is. it shows that the accounting sensor in bonnets in north london, 3 constituencies have been counted, the viewed as one of the capitals key areas summit. i know you're right. one of the most important baffle grounds. they haven't. what's happening at the my voice very busy with counting underway here for these 3 constituents is which traditionally have bass has conservative in 5 to one of them is had
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a conservative m p since 2005 to resubmit is that she is set to lose her seat to labor, according to the exit poll, and yet another constituency that will be to the level, if used to be the seat of the lady, british prime minister, margaret thatcher. and that is looking like to me like it will go to the liberal democrats in what is a local view. all the nationwide thieves wipe out of concern can salvage is up and down the country. i mean, there's still a few hours to go here until the results are officially decided about 4 or 5 am local, which is 3 or 4 am gmc. so we'll still have a way to go see what the windows and the do use is across the country. will be however, we have had some news across the country for reform. you kay's the policy of nigel firearm. one of the off he took some rugs and they have one that's fast fundament
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receipts with that m. p. v. anderson, who actually distracted from the conservatives. so he has held onto the seat that he has had when he was a conservative m. p, the birches have decided to go again with him even though he was in a new part of the reform policy that is in sort of the east midland central part of england. and so that will be the fast seed for nigel fraud. and the reform party, which is a significant development here and elsewhere. and now where are the key seats to account for the accounts? this is who of course, looking to hear the neighborly just to cast on his seeds to be led in north london expecting that perhaps sooner than we thought we have seen him mouse and about with his the poor says and his wife. now, of course, we'll be looking forward to hearing the seat of the current apartments to reach you sooner that is meant to be to chat about for a local which is 3 am g m,
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t. but that could be some pretty bad news. so can savages because the number of the cabinet ministers according to the exit polls are set to leave the seeds chief among them. this johnson of the of tech co signs minister jeremy, hans, now he's predicted to leave the seat and that will really be unprecedented. the 1st time that a had a session in his role, the finance minister would it be use up as best of a know also the just the secretary. he's also predicted to these and see how this tool so is that the defense secretary rond shop. so it is nothing like some pretty senior figures from the conservative party, all going to use the seats. now if we go back to the reform policy, of nigel follows no forwarding to the exit polls that could pull some upset from the borrower as well. one of the polls is showing that perhaps as a part of a 17th century, that that key february's, the shadow came secretary for late,
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but might actually get defeated by the reform tend to that in high constituency. but of course, we won't know that until the towns is done that which is still a few hours away. but yeah, it is nothing like a complete conservative of wipe out, often down the country and including here in bonnet in north london, where the 3 previously conservative have sees a look and likely to be lost to them. and i know this one of which thank the front seats preparing for the 2nd round of it, some honda metro elections on sunday. the 1st round produced a major victory for the far right to marine the pen. along with it saw the highs, the national in about a one around 33 percent of the vote. but it smith has been speaking to voters in cadillac in britain, the northwest and from francis townsend villages are rebelling more and more people
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are no longer afraid, not just to use the fall right as a protest vote, but also to see it in pounds just from the beautiful place, there's always this bounce are set these days. people see that little this process . it's not the 1st to keep the main thing us for support. international riley. we had another mark, people, not the racist. what's hateful for the one thing to be friends at home? well, setting up shortly again, this is an option that suits us for change, and we must try it. we shouldn't be doing eyes for training something else. buskie on that. we've had enough on the one hand, there's a government that doesn't k, and then we see the program. well, there's lift ease. well that leaves me really skate. most people in cadillac did not vote for the national riley, but it shares the vote double to 34 percent compared with the previous parliamentary elections in 2022. this is one of more than 200 constituencies where
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the 3rd place candidate has withdrawn in the hope the votes will go to the candidate best place to beat the national raleigh. but if there's a high ton a lot that was in the 1st round, then that could help the fall, right? the opinion polls suggest an unusually high turnout of working class voters and those on low and high incomes. old benefits at the national valley, across france. many rural voters, so they feel like node or football. brittany was historically a strong hold of the left. now a fall, right? your o skeptic, an empty immigrant party has found the tile territory here. that's yes, this is the reverse of what has changed is that people, as you have seen, are opening up. this is a place that's been abandoned there. i'm no more public services. no more doctors. hospitals are far away and yes and immigration. people don't want to feel and faded . i don't want to say we are overwhelmed here, but everyone wants to avoid just the left and center or again, relying on
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a republican front, asking people to vote for any of the party to stop the fall, right? but as each election passes, that seems to become a hot idea to sell. bernard smith out, is there a cadillac? friends? it's a crime has become an important issue for some folks, isn't the french election. the national riley has gained ground and they traditionally centrist must say, pledging hosses sentences for mine is convicted of crimes. that some config reports from us a 16 year old jelly is still recovering after he was shot in the leg 3 months ago. they shopped me at home, i was behind the door and suddenly it happened. i was shocked. the problem is, my mother was that my sister, my little brother. they could have hit them doing more than the moment. he stopped going to school when he was 12 to make around a $100.00 a day, acting as a lookout for drug dealers. must these police say children like julio,
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often targeted to send messages to rival gangs. all of us hold true violence among drug traffickers has been on the rise. in the past decade. we respond more quickly . when there is a contract, people use a collection of calls to settle disputes. time has made security. one of the biggest issues computers in must say, helping the rise of the floor right in the traditionally central city. the national riley came 1st and 5 of the 7 constituencies and must say in the 1st round of voting, the full right party has touted plans to build more prisons and impose harsher sentences. it also wants minors to be tried as adults, these neighborhoods in the north and must say have 17 times more violent crime than the rest of the country, mostly related to drug trafficking and both the victims and the perpetrators. a younger than ever before. these are also some of the poorest neighborhoods in
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europe with a quarter of people living in poverty, according to the french observatory of any qualities with higher unemployment than the national average. many young people don't see education as a way out. as many as 139 for send deaf children have dropped out of school because of us about you mind this building was very decrepit, for example, when we were on the 1st floor that will wrap this in passing by our chevy the hockey buses. mid then mid door is a social worker who counsels some of the teenagers living in these run down buildings. he says the state has under invested in these communities and politicians only pay attention to what goes on in poor neighborhoods at election time. they've been to civil focus on these up. the severe sentences are already applied prisons and must say a full so for me that's not the solution. then we must focus on education. when we are called upon to respond to the case law, we must follow up and help them re integrate into society. this generation is too young to have
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a say in the election already does illusion by politics. many, i discourage and say the prospects look increasingly bleak is i'm getting food. i'll g 0. nothing higher. can. barrel is heading towards mexico's, you can tell me. peninsula, the cats will be 2 stories expect you to make land for early friday morning. it's left a trail of destruction across the se, caribbean kenning, at least 10 people. i'll just, there was latin america edits and the scene in human has moved not from ty, adult comment in mexico. and there's more than a 100 slides, so it cancelled today both within mexico and going an international flights. it's holiday season here regardless. and i think you can see that there's some children play here on the beach that were there. others that have been swimming up into those just a few minutes ago because they're taking this somewhat as an adventure, at least some of them, especially the foreigners. i don't think they are taking this quite as seriously as
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they might. this might not be such a good idea actually, but the others then other parts of this area have been taken to refuges because they were to the airport. they had no way to go after this. the hotels are full, so they're not going to have a very good time while they wait for this going to pass. and in the past, i have seen storms here in this area that you put them up into that particular cold . last for as long as a week. so let's see if there's so excited when it's all over. a minute tree quotes in the east and democratic republic of congo, the sentence 25 soldiers to death fort possession, felix and i want results. in the eastern democratic republic of congo, fear and frustration. this is timble, unimportant commercial hub, or just days ago, after weeks of fighting, i'm 23, you doubles, entered the nearby little town for the 1st time,
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and also seized the nearby strategic town of calling about young guy. with many warning that this may provide a gateway to other parts of conflict on not keep a provence still under the control of the army. concern is growing about what's to come in. this situation is no very disturbing because we now sleep all night with fear of what may happen. we don't feel safe. we don't know what is happening on the front line because rebels are advancing towards here. and our soldiers can't even stop them. the latest around the fighting between the commodities. call me on the m 23 group started 2 years ago. the d or c accuses run the backing. the fight is an occupation going to be nice, but it's not just m $23.00. the both the presidents in would tumble. are contending with. it's also a huge militia that's patrolling the area,
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checking people's identification and lynching anyone. they suspect of being an m $23.00 fight to the army confirms that since sunday, 6 of its soldiers were killed by the group. the what's happening now and with him was very worried and people are leaving in real panic. this is all because of what's going on in the territory of the barrow. we're rebels are advancing towards the city. but we can't continue to see people killed because of their identity or lack of id will faces without asking any questions. this is too much and must stop in i live bungle holes are located in north cable. come police forces patrols a show force as they prepare for more butters. but with more than 2700000 people is placed within the province. any escalation and fighting would only deepen on already, dia, security, and humanitarian crisis. in north people,
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state mix new or ologist era findings, president shame paying as cold on the shanghai corporation organization to guarantee security. that's in the face of what he calls a real threat from the cold woman to take some of the job reports from us to know members of the largest regional organization in the world meeting in the concert capital. we've been reduced a succession to shanghai corporation organization or a seal is a 10 member group. the believe russian president spoke of agree to you, raise your region, coming 0 english by colonizing a mercilessly, exploits of all the countries, the west who really sent you off with the trade to the foundation of it's, well, let's go and i cannot make so i'm going to treat on superior or transfer, you found a declaration focuses on security and economy. the, the structures of international security are now risk posing potential negative
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consequences for humanity. in this critical time we bet great responsibility to enhance the stability and security. effective measures. need to see by working together members can achieve these goals. well, i mean it's and going to be so we must respect each other's development and eliminate differences both consensus and enhanced mutual trust through strategic communication. what time go to the most powerful countries present. china investor, i want to steve the block to become larger and more influential. it's pretty viewing it. it was through stewart, you can, we are convinced the shanghai corporation organizations along with bricks are the foundations of the new even aging global order. you know, but you put a lot do mean to try to find that this was not an empty list alliance. i'm not sure a little cooperation does no target any 3rd party, nor have we formed any alliance. we act and the commitment of serving the interests of all peoples. although his country is preparing for
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a run of presidential election, it didn't stop, you know, on entering president from attending the summit. it is quite clear that the strategic relationship between us has come pick. you disrupted the global balance of power and for this reason there is no longer a need talk on the unit for the word are due. while the speaker is focused on opportunities and challenges in the united nations, welcome to display of unit that all i found on your strong engagement and supports . we need one global economy, one global markets, one global internet, and one global set of standards for the facial intelligence. and the relevant technologies really focused on the future of the countries representing almost 40 percent of the world's population and nearly a 3rd of its economy are hoping that a cooperation mechanism coming from the region is going to be more beneficial as approvals. multilateralism seems to be breaking down solomon drive it down to 0,
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a fund us on a website. i'll just say we're a dot com state the interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process. the one across live now to london with his stomach will here results from his constituency of hope and some increase in london. okay. to have our listening. john quinton,
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k. o t. 75. okay . 2300 seconds. how sprint solution is equal to 2? $61.00 b. my smith, 9 machine robot console. cream party, full 1013. the label t. 18000. the to the constituency. that the you take all them into election on the 4th of july 2024 was
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38602. the total number of papers rejected was 223 and they were rejected for the following reasons. one to official marks the right version close, and one of the hands of a $73.00 right king law by which device it can be identified to a lot to void for on search and see 148. that's all i have. i picked for the kids, so my husband, judy electives. as a member of parliament, the husband type person can state the thank you so it is a citizen to privilege to be re elected to sub.


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