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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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and jeff, lack of affordable housing is one of many factors that have put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the we did a label on slide in the u. k. k is done to declare as victory is set to take the hold of mentioned, there is much to learn and reflect on and only take responsibility for the most prominent service you see not concedes defeats the legacy, the in victories 14 years. and to have done this in such a short space of time says something very fundamental is happening at the anti immigration reform party wins at least 4 seats,
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including one for parts of champion module for the and on the clock. this is out 0 line from the how with continuing coverage of the election. also coming up around 2 guys to the polls or presidential election run off between the reform is confident. my super skin and conservative side chile warnings of more rains to come in ne bank with the ashes with villages, with more than a 1000000 people buy floods the so the labor policy has won the u. k. general election by lands like fates has still been counted in thousands of constituencies, but the incumbents, prime minister, wishes to not cause already conceded the faint labor policy lead us the care stomach will be buttons, new, lead, pull breton,
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and reports from london. it's 4 years since keeps dom and became the policy leader and 14 years since libra was lost in power, it may have been 5 am but no one the the labor victory rally was root cause and jubilance with amazing research. so we did it, the new company board, you pay for it. you voted for, it's a now, it was a ride change, but this now just movements elliot, the incumbent prime minister, wishes to neck, had bowed to the inevitable and conceded defeat. so that could held onto his constituency at last of the country. the labor policy has won this general election . and i have coolants. okay, so on that to congratulate him on his victory as today, power will change hands in
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a peaceful, an orderly manner with goodwill on all sides. that is something that should give us all confidence in our country, stupidity and future. oh, when the voting ended a 10 pm on thursday, the official exit poll made grim reading for the government. a projected labor policy majority of $170.00 pounds of entry seats. the west conservative results for more than a century. all hubs and election gatherings. labor supporters with jubilant. this isn't for me to start election for the united kingdom. yeah, i think, yeah, that is as soon as i basically have them that was at a result. and we're gonna leave them with real perio, sol sightseeing, and frankly that call no one to blame, but themselves the unofficial race to produce the best results of the night was won by sunderland south followed minutes late to it, but live in northumberland. both went to labor,
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but his labour racked up the victories, the other party celebrating with the right wing populous reform. you take policy. the 7 previous unsuccessful attempts of being elected to parliament reforms lead a knowledge of thought. osh has become the m p for the seaside constituency of pluck them, and then dozens of other constituencies reform was labors nearest challenge us. we're going to come 2nd in hundreds of constituents is how many things we're going to win. i don't know what to have done this in such a short space of time says something very fundamental is happening. the election results are grim use for the scottish national policy from the 43 states they have at westminster. they may hold onto just a quarter versus 3 and i will remain prime minister until he hums his resignation to the king. later on friday, only then we'll kiss selma assume the button of responsibility and take care of of the office in downing street. this alma campaigned on the slogan of change. now he
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has to deliver on that promise whole brennan alj, a 0 central london. so let's go now to join the hole, who's in down the street for more and join us at some point. so universities do not will move out of the problem is residents behind you and at kids stomach will take residents, its exist on the that yes, they will be that exchange hackney. during the course of the day, we understand the last off our service versus who not in the he took off from the side of full pallets and tablets and even yorkshire having one he seats that has been great concert and supposed to be, mike has become the 1st, ever sitting prime minister to fail to do so small, really send for research to the next. he will arrive here downing street at briefly before setting up to see the king invite the palace to find out what an extraordinary night it has the next door to the labor 5 to secure stop
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winning. and some days they have done the 3 figures. majority of whites, the final figures, of course projects 370, that made 6 down ever so slightly. mathias thomas becoming the 1st health physician leader to lead these policies into governments. the labor party government 27 years in 1997. he does so having restored the 14 cities bobby's body and just 5 is for the 2009. so you pretty much on the left to go on the far left bridges on the journey over these move this much closer to the center with a vision or progressive deliberate is in that 3. see, 3 fig get majority rather will allow him and even had to do pretty much what he was and he has a long to do list the money that is number one,
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them to 17. outlining that a seat count projected a 131 that may take up slightly. it was fair to say higher than the opinion polls. typically some of the double digits already below the conservative since the late 19th century is the faces of the party in no position suffice for them to be able to rebuild. not as bad as they are from to see to be his stomach for speaking to parting faithfully. you have not done have lighting the specifics of what will happen next. but outlining something these vision. we see the time for chat and she said, enjoy the fine. no one can say you have to pay for it, which sees what unity looks and feels like. he said, 100 changed labor 5. he talks about the return of government to public services,
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a return of politics to being forced for 2 reasons. the state of politics off the 14 years of conservative governments, something dreadful day for the jury is driven not victorious, i should say, including significant heads rolling all over the place. for instance, let's trust the full, the prime minister's very big. the just learned that in the last few minutes, these trust prime minister, in scenes specifically holding government facilities, time taking things from far as your own solutions. the power steering costs rises that are planned possibly as being paid for the financial markets. when is the interest rates shopped out as the following cost on has leased huge fight and already paying the electric feeling of living problems as they have
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been the singles fuller to resign? a she has, as you say, last south west milford procedures who have come for news, trusted us by 600 by the lady, but making things even worse, the form of 5 minutes. that becoming the 1st form of 5 minutes to to lose a sign in a century that she said to have left the account without speaking to support this or the media. she is joining which is on the list. seen the cabinet members sitting, administer seem to have done so. julian keegan, the educator, some secretary as alex phillip with just a 2nd 3 run shops out of defense spending more than tab whose comments lead to say with both tip to possibly take over the past 2 months. how strong support secretary does it say that same price? originally so not, but he actually happened to the wi fi. tory taught to be
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a big list, specially the government senior members auditory to which the public, from the point, the most vociferous. they could say this would have been in 14 and they've done it . thanks for that to general the dining streets where we will hear from kissed on a little bit later. let's go to bonnets, malayna, pennsylvania, which is right there at accounting center in atlanta. i want to told you about the share of the vote because it's interesting to somebody like any one point. 8 percent. there is any 1.8 percent increase on labor shares, but compared to 2019 where they, when they were heavily defeated and old in the share. the reform policy has gained a lot. yes. to have been several seats in the north east of england when the reform policy was the 2nd largest party in that constituency, off to labor, and in some cases way ahead of the conservative. so really gaining quite
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a lot of actual votes. but because of russians fast pulse the post system, those, those don't always translate into parliamentary gains and seeds, but they did full knowledge of garage the vessel and policy lead um, who has now his 8th attempt being selected for a seat in parliament. and he's not the only ones are 3 more candidates from the reform policy who will also be taking out the seats. and paul amended has been a huge success when i, to, for ross, who i really need 4 weeks ago announced that he will be standing in this res. but he is an exceptionally competent political communicator. and he has really played on the issue all immigration him to have certain communities that feel that that way of life might be impinged on. that is the message that nigel thrush has doubled down on in this general election. and yes, there have been seats in, you know,
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tori and eva hotlines, where the reform policy vote has been exceptionally high. and nigel for us has actually about to give neighbor trouble in the mountains and years ahead. as he takes up his seats, empowerment a focus through. what's happened in scotland overnight because the pro independence s and p is seen as well as results and well, 2010. this is been already shock resolves, so the s and p in scotland, the policy was really the domain and for the scottish politics, for at least a decade during the last general election in 2019, they $148.00 seats out of the 59th court and seats this time around the predicted to get just about 10 seats. now the policy has the minds and a lot of controversy as the last couple of years. they have had open disagreements over things like gender, identity, dentist, politics. they've also, i've had
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a police investigation into policy finances that has really damage the credibility, so they knew that this would be bad, but the habits they didn't know it would be as bad as this. and really, that decline has been offset by neighbors ascend in scotland. now, during the last general election day one need, once each now they're on track to winning sachi 7 seats in scotland becoming the largest policy that now when he comes to conservatism, scotland, i mean, that take to that really reflects, nationwide declined that they have experience and this election that lead us the source has enough to see if he's brought into the starkly bad night for the conservatives. and that is also reflected here where i am at the bonnet, count the 3 constituencies that will come to here as an ideal or conservative. 2 of
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them have been now passed on to leave as a sad one is being still counted here, but it does reflect this nationwide picture of conservative decline that we've been seeing all night long document. and if it's within which accounting center in bonnet, thanks man. i said i had to run out to the thousands people on mexico's coast breaks for the impact of country 3 parking back the or in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump? now, i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selected justice or weapon is ation of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on al jazeera is hidden in
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homes and communities across india is a deadly fiber, especially the world's largest imports. india uses, especially a new product from roosting to call. leaving walk is with a dangerous one. on the east. investigate, especially in just sign in on out is there. examining the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to shift, they started attacking the machines unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send will come here? and we'll tell you and meet or sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a pundents. well, class progress on ours is 0 the
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the of the game you're watching out 0 reminder about top stores in the office. it shouldn't labor policy has been declared the with the u. k. journal election guest on his policy subjected to secure appointments from new jersey in practically in 14 years is considered the rule. something says that people have spoken, and that has now time for his party to deliberate change. british prime minister issues soon uh, cuz being re elected in his local electricity. okay. general election that is conceded to the labor of public exams. full cost to comes the $6016.00, followed by an entrepreneur to inform you. k. projected to teach the to another election though impulsively in a room where voting is underway in the presidential rental status. choosing between
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the full, most confident, masoud pressure, skin, and conservative side jelly iran. supremely de la, how many acosta is valid in the pasta? judging. are radians to do the se. it sounds a lot. tuesday includes east, it's a good day. this is the day of participating in the election. i heard about the people's enthusiasm. if that is true, that is a pleasing case and hopefully we will successfully anticipate the election and choose the right kind of at this stage, people should make more efforts to have a president tomorrow, god bless the nation and those who make efforts for the english that i get okay lets the customers on said joins live now from toronto. sir russell, tell us a watson state between these 2 continents. it was quite a contest to stay now with in your mind, just roughly around 2 hours ago that started. people are coming to this point in
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stations like this in the shop. there are a 1000 for this one is different across the country. is one of them see me is i've had the most of the around. so for more here, coming to the amount of boxes cost in the more so it's quite and that can act race . conservative candidates, i generally enter the for miss this position. full size or quite sure that they are going to be the winning patch at the end of the dates of the pools. the reason pools that has been conducted by the problems mr. center is saying that mr. position is the, the what is expected to be 553 percent. why the conservative candidates is expected to main around 44 percent. but having said that last week in the 1st round of the election, that's pools terribly failed. so today also that could be an out of a surprise. here. the major concern is actually the turnouts. russell,
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just tell us about the, the biggest issues that whoever wins this is gonna have to take on here for many people. many randy and more important guy who's going to emerge as they've been there tonight is to now is, is going to cause the turnout in iran is the, is the sort of these established since 2021. the turn of the lower and lower end of that is the 1st round of possession and action must be it was likely those was the 1st time that was the who was the establishment for his mom. so 2 days period is that time is 4 or 6 pack the next 10 to 6 hours. and until these russell packed with you as the day goes
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on, the original settlement are all. thank you. we look forward to you soon. bye me that shield warning of dangerous floods. levels in the northeast. more than 2000000 people have been affected in the soviet and then send them guns, districts thousands more being evacuated to a temporary shelters of to continue with reading for nearly a month. 10 bit child dre has this update from soon i'm guns in the north west. most effort to regions of the flooding. the waters from the india is not phase, which is also experiencing heavy monsoon rain and flood rolls down to this area, which is one of the largest flood plains in bangladesh known as shut. i'm going valley, which goes right into the meg nash dirty rivers. and then goes into the bab buying and all that place has been obstructed with a major highway constructed in 2020. it's a particular me that highway that's a protecting that flood plain with the only 900 meter gap that is causing
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a lot of the problem and that's been saved by a lot of high drain juniors. and finally, the experts aside from the fact we know that the warmer climate during the recent years, particularly 111 the air from the bay of bengal and mixing with the northeast. and this is causing lot of moisture and that's causing more frequent monsoon. that means more frequent flight in this region. this is a 3rd way more applied in just within 3 months. the same thing happened in 2022, and that's effecting nearly 20000000 people in this region that depends on farming and fishing. so it is a challenging time. the parking barrel is heading towards mex, cuz you can time peninsula one of the country's most popular tourist, there is a category 3 storm is expected to make a landfill on friday is left the trail of destruction right across the se. in the caribbean, kelly, at least 10 people. i'll just here as latin america editor, let's see in human reports now from plot to a common in mexico. hurricane barrel is barreling towards the
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10 peninsula leading destruction in its wake and the caribbean. residents have voted of homes and shops or waiting to worse to get them up or to go. yes, we always need to prepare because they may be radical change. that's why we must be prepared. authorities of even evacuated turtle legs to say for ground. nearly 300 domestic and international flights have been cancelled, leaving thousands of tourists stranded some tourists to never experienced a hurricane. like steve and his son, jacob, from canada, see it as an adventure. you're excited to see it. as long as everything's ok, while the hurricane has been downgraded from a category 5 to a 2, it could still be deadly. you could tell me peninsula is already drenched from
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heavy storms a week ago and a slow moving hurricane put at least devastating floods and lance lights. as the waves of growing bigger and according to authorities, hurricane barrels should be making land falls in about 4 or 5 hours in bloom. that is a very, very popular tourist area. and also a home to one of mexico's most important mayan ruins. all of that has now been put under red alerts early afternoon to speak to an empty people or to stay at home and away from their windows. but a beautiful voskus was still open, hoping to sell as many tacos, as he quoted before, boarding up. he knows he won't be making any money for a while. yes, i'm scared. but the family comes 1st. i have to support them. me do your all it just say beryl has not only gathered strength unusually fast, but also formed earlier in the season than any other on record in the caribbean.
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the because, according to the full cost of across the, you could turn peninsula into the gulf of mexico and then move in the direction of northern term or the bus. that means mexico will be hit by this hurricane, not once, but twice in the next 48 hours. the sea and human algebra lie, or they've got them in mexico. a brazilian police have recommended criminal charges against for my father, right. president job both in r for embezzlement. the case of those luxury gifts with millions of dollars believe to receive from saudi arabia during his time in office is accused of having to watch is a sofa cache. is this both in our 2nd indictment since leaving the office in 2022. the 3rd is congress is passed. the law introducing a statute of limitations for crimes against humanity committed before 2002. the new law was promoted by the right wing popular force policy. it could benefit political
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figures and retired military pass, no accused of crimes committed during an internal conflict. right? so organizations have won the new legislation, could afford investigations into rights and pieces a ton of different swear critics of right wing national ready policy. you have issued a warning against the head of the 2nd run event to you. then upon mature elections on sunday, i say the marine depends bounty by the me file for me is races rich, despite recent efforts to pay more mainstream session. but the results from parents a site for i'm was 9 years old when he's moroccan father by he's drowned in piracies. we have a sense of to being pushed into this voltage by group assault, right? supporters in 1995 to do the whole problem one, it's very painful for me. it was your i grieved, i didn't hate any want to and justice was served a lot, but it's still so much hate out that thousands during the anti racism protest and
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the city of to brain's day, you tack itself taking place on the fringes of the made a rally for the fall, right? national fund policy, founded by marine, the pens, father. the policy is not from the national rally and could be about to take power in from, for the 1st time. the only so all the people don't realize the gravity of the situation, it scares me for the country. so my children, since we're in the pen to k, the father's party in 2011, she's trying to popular distances from its paws. she's giving it a new look and the more main stream image. but those are the far right research and say the new look isn't pulling anyone. these activists say the natural rallies of danger. races, policy that will undermine phones as values by dividing it society, trying to move the nice people to the tennis housing estate in a power sub, a difficult task in a place where people say limitations, don't care about them. some additional things are getting worse in some places,
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education of health care discrimination over here in the parish region. there's so much wealth, but it's not being shared with you. issues of being overshadowed by an obsessive is i'm a 3rd big i never to, i don't know. so concerns about what the far right to do to francis economy. the policy wants to restrict immigration, but this restaurant illnesses immigrant work is all essential for the countries grace. the, the rules to regulate migrants are cause a titan will have problems with the recruitment of immigration. is a topic. sure. but it kind of a migration is essential in restaurants construction hospitals, and you could shifts and all sectors. each year side were tons to where his father was killed for an official commemoration by haines, become a symbol in front of the deputy. danger for right violence violence that some fear . nice. just beneath the surface election, you could take phones into uncharted waters. it's actually about to, to 0 power. so that's it. for this program, you can find plenty more, of course,
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and website outage or they'll come inside story will then examine if your advisor will step aside as a democratic candidates, and you can replace them to take on donald trump in the us presidential election. i'll see you soon. the the colors all quads across the middle east at the moment of a lively waiting. so just a little bit of lifted dustin, the sand around, but not too much in the way in any significant trap as when should ease off here around the gulf as we make our way through last friday and see temperatures at around $3444.00 celsius the for the honda simulate temperature. as we go on into sat, there's still quite a brisk raise running down in once enough and q way back that close to 50 degrees
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celsius. hit one or 2 shows up to was the black sea but sense of what the weather coming in here for a time. maybe some weather, some showers into good pop up that the i but for north africa, hot, dry sands, not plenty of showers, rod across the west africa, the live. this one's most southern areas have gone to pushing across some parts of the nigeria into the gulf of communities, an east of the refining one or 2 showers, the it's eastern parts of the can. you month to southern africa looking dry looking quad at 20 celsius. the on saturday afternoon in the cape town system that's going to make his way in west the weather. cool weather. when the weather coming in for the western cape on sunday, temperature, is that in cape town, take right back to around 14 degrees celsius of the
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the us democratic party in disarray, overt joe biden future as its presidential nominees after his debates performance on warranty, and out of the race for the president is digging his heels, so will he stay or will these goals and who could replace fight? and if he were to step aside, this is inside the .


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