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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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this business uptake these me to try this exact restaurant. no bundle dash before he is the the balance of a raman. you want to be able, does it renews online from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes? your phone supports on now it says arrive, change for days. now the loan slide waiting for the labor policy in the united kingdom collection keystone with the glass victory and the set to take the reins with a clear parliamentary majority without getting prime minister of issue. so now it
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goes apologize to the nation, saying, i heard your anger. he's on his way to offer his resignation to king charles in other news around supreme needed votes with the nation, the headings, the poles by presidential election rentals. and at least 5 members of one palestinian family have been killed after his violent strikes have beat jabante a refugee camp. pendleton costs more than a 1000000 people have been hit by floods in northeast in bangladesh. and the warnings hauled with more rain is coming on in sport, they did is a hard way, but argentine are through the semi finals of the cobra america. abn ecuador, on penalties, to remain on track from fast fast titles. the welcome to the use of the u. k as a new politic colinda to the labor party won the country's general election by long
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slide style. and what was congratulated by the incumbent. prime minister richie sooner and soon after he can see the defeats. the results are a boot lend to 14 years of conservative government, federal for all, just populous reform policy. one, it's 1st seat splitting the wrong thing, both and contributing to conservative law says pull, brenda begins all the coverage from the british capital. it's 4 years since keeps donald became the policy leader and 14 years since lisa was last in power, it may have been 5 am, but no one the, the labor victory rally was rufus, and jubilant the for the most recent. so we did it. the company board, you pay for it, you voted for. it's a now it was a ride change,
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but this now just boom and celia, the incumbent, prime minister richie soon had bowed to the inevitable and conceded defeat. so you not could held onto his constituency at last of the country. the labor policy has won this general election. and i have called psychiatrist on that to congratulate him on his victory today. power will change hands in a peaceful, an orderly manner with goodwill on all sides. that is something that should give us all confidence in our country's stability and future. oh, when the voting ended a 10 pm on thursday, the official exit poll made grim reading for the government. a projected labor policy majority of $170.00 pounds of entry seats. the west conservative results for more than a century. all hubs and election gatherings. labor supporters with jubilant. this isn't for me to start election for the united kingdom. yeah. i think
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yeah. buttons as soon as i basically had them that was at a result and was gonna leave them with real perio, sol, sightseeing. and frankly, that call no one to blame, but themselves the unofficial race to produce the best results of the night was won by sunderland. south followed minutes late to but live in northumberland. both went to labor. but as labor racked up the victories the other party celebrating with the right wing populous reform, you take policy. the 7 previous unsuccessful attempts of being elected to parliament reforms lead a knowledge of thought. osh has become the m p for the si size constituency of pluck them, and then dozens of other constituencies reform was labors nearest challenge us. we're going to come 2nd in hundreds of constituents is how many seats we're going to win. i don't know what to have done this in such a short space of time says something very fundamental is happening. the election results are grim use for the scottish national policy from the 43 states they have
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at westminster. they may hold onto just a quarter versus 3 and i will remain prime minister until he, how does his resignation to the king later on friday. only then we'll test on assume the button of responsibility and take care of of the office in dining space test on campaigned on the slogan of change. now he has to deliver on that promise, hol, brennan, all dj a 0 central london. as i was getting prime in service, you see that because the spoken at 10 downing street, let's take a listen to what to just have to say. i wish only be saying his majesty the king to offer my resignation as prime minister to the country. i would like to say, 1st and foremost, i am sorry, i have given this jolts mile. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change,
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and yours is the only judgment that matches. i have heard your anger to your disappointment and i take responsibility for this loss to all the conservative candidates and campaign as who worked tirelessly. but without success. i am sorry that we could not deliver what your assets deserves. it pains me to think how many good colleagues to contributions so much to their communities and our country will now no longer sit in the house of commons. i thank them for that hard work. and that's of this. following this result, i will step down this policy, you need to know immediately. but once the form and arrangements for selecting more successive are in place, it is important that all to 14 years in government, conservative policy rebuilds. but it will say that it takes up it's crucial role and opposition professionally and effectively. that's conservative during the whole, who's standing outside the dining street symbolical strategy you with that when the
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prime minister spoke of the loan of hops. lo and lisa in front of that very famous black tool. yes, i mean yeah, i think any gloominess and really for a receipt. so not he wasn't elected to be prime minister by pop in and by that came out to his own party. these parties, membership after a leadership competition with list trust is pretty decent. so me know how that ended, of course, he barely spent 2 years 20 months. in fact, in what a in downing street when he left here off to delivering that speech, she was g by the protest is outside, most of them waiting to welcome t as tom and of course he has. now, i would just sold in the last minute or 2 delivered his resignation to king charles and bucking palace, recommending to the king that he appointed in due course as prime minister kissed
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alma when he arrives there in about an hour's time, and that will be the end of of richie so nice. what would he do next? well, the other thing that came out of that speech outside number 10 behind me was that he resigned as well as potty lead. hardly surprising having led the potty to such a scale of defeat. he will stay on, he says, until the arrangements are made for somebody to take over from him. but he wished to potty well in re foaming himself. now the thing to remember, i think about the conservatives in this election is that some of the opinion polls have predicted an even heavier defeat right down into the double. think of the double digits of the seats. that would be almost, i'm think about an extinction level, the feet they will be able to carry on with that $121.00 seats will be having to rebuild a party. now with heavy winds blowing from the right in the form of knowledge with foreigners and his reform party, immigrant, antique migration based and to repeat. and of course and looking for what mister
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for us talked about as a reverse takeover of the conservative party party. that reforms itself off to richie so not that full is very likely to have a tendency towards the right is it will be interesting to see how they re full because it was an awful lot that the conserves is a lot, some pretty big names in pretty big positions, they lost the justice, defense ministers. they also transport me to sleep in the commons. later. it seems that the only person, one of the very few high profile people that did survive was the, the full, the chancellor a jeremy home. yes, he left standing straight to a number, let them down the speed of course, about hour and a half or so ago with his family getting into a man. and he's all this have just been slashed for his possibility of perhaps becoming leader of the opposition. a conservative party in due course. yes, he retained to seat risky, so that curtain the seat obviously as well coming perilously close to failing to do so. who didn't?
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well, let's trust perhaps the most high profile, figuring that list that you just read out the former prime minister. so next previous assets becoming the 1st, immediately full of a prime minister in a 100 years to lose her seat in a general election. she, of course, infamous for having said the shortest extent in downing street ever having come to power the following bar is johnson. with the package of unfunded tax cuts to the financial markets was simply not persuaded by they went into meltdown with them. at interest rates went through the roof as the bell ring writes the ordinary britons already crippled by cost of living process. already struggling with high inflation . she eventually had to give way to resign. in this grace for the course, symptomatic of a tory party, 14 years impala that many people feel and have voted to such, simply filed the country will try to believe it. but for now, of course, you'll be monitoring what happens at 10 dining street as the incoming prime
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minister may arrive very soon into the maintenance. thank you. let's go say that to sonya a guy, a guy who joins the will behind send in central england. sonya you've been there for a few days now. be able to gauge people's opinions about how they would getting to votes. i mean, the area of itself has changed hands in the i think the 3 seats, they haven't moved the hampton from conservatives to labor. and to other policies for quite some time. what happened on the election night the, in the, when it really was a reflection of the nation, of the national pick show where one of those 3 seats, which was already a label stronghold, had remained that the, the seats of the se wolverhampton, has remained in late behind as well, but interestingly enough, in that particular constituency, this, the process of getting the 2nd largest share of the votes was through a full policy, pushing the conservatives into the place,
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and really confirming the reform party as the great disruptor to the conservative parties. i'm fissions in this region as well as the other 2 seats. so we will have some ne, to move a home to the west. they switch from being conservative to late, but now in 2019, they tons of conservative. when the, some of the policy was under the leadership, paul bar, as johnson who promised to get breakfast, dawn. and this is an area that did vote to leave for quite strongly of 2 exits the european union. so that vote for them was perhaps a vote to get that particular policy under way. however, uh, with that in mind that the conservatives also did come in 2nd in those 2 particular seats. thought again, reform took a sizable chunk of the share of those rights. and we're. ringback speaking here at the people in the market have been dying about that day. the business here and even had a wide range of opinions. some people actually,
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what were actually to help you mentioned that they found the whole thing quite frustrating and that they may have cost of it for one particular policy will be all the. but they reflected really a kind of disbelief in the system and also a frustration with the ongoing politicians. and they've been presented here as well . and interestingly enough to note as well, the, both of the turnouts in this particular part of the u. k. was also doubts again, reflecting a national trends will continue to follow him show the debate as it continues and the full allowance on post election day. so you gotta give that a move of hands and thank you. well, let's take a quick look at the latest polling results. so with nearly all of its counter to solve as policy labor, as a code $412.00 out of the $650.00 seats in the house of commons, that's the lower house of parliament. and that gives it an absolute parliamentary majority. and other conservatives of 1119 seats so far as i was performance in more
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than a century, they will most probably full, the official opposition. now, the liberal democrats, i mean, said we have a total of $71.00 seats, and modules for rogers on to immigration policy reform has come away with fall seats. pca cons editor in chief of open democracy, political commentator and all throughout the book, democracy for sale, joins us now live from love to get to speak to you again. this to guy going to be, we've been talking in the lead up to the election that has to be said, it was really a tale of 2 political parties in the u. k. with some very interesting moves you might say in time, your roles by some of the smaller policies around the election a yeah, it's been a very interesting collection. just just to know actually i don't that is open democracy. my or edison. think of democracy for sales, but very much in the same space looking as democracy in india, k and it has been a very interesting election. one of the big issues as, as i think a lot of your practices and our comments we really touched on was that we were
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expecting this big labor when. so this was kind of priced in. well, we weren't expecting, i think of some of the smaller parties, the success is on the failures. we saw for example, debris and park in the reform party breaking for seats. the brings on the form of norms that stuff is a big unexpected. so thinking that's an extra big new aspect of this we saw for independence presented pro garza independence. suddenly a neighbor seems to paint the patient name or confidence that was unexpected, but also be solved labor winning huge numbers of states, particularly installed on the s and p went from within $48.00 states, the last section to single digits. and a lot of big tories, big bass, the tory part here, gong. so it's been, it's been an incredibly tomorrow to selection many respects, but at the same time because the goals are predicting us for so long as. busy so fee is not that surprising to see labor in power and as, as much as the kind of the photo stories i'm are seeing. i suppose when you look at the statistics and you look at various poles by u. k poll says,
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i think what we have to pops a clarify for international views. it's not so much more or more people are voting for labor valley 2 percent to the added to the voting numbers. it was the case that people bid away from the conservatives not vote was split into various right. wing parties know, so parties like the lived uh, lived ends and the greens it was an election. so the conservatives to lose both of the labor to when would that be? another way of analyzing it to it is very for a way of looking at if you look at 2019 borrow songs, what he called a song humor. darcy, aisy, st. majority, a huge majority in britain. i didn't do that by tying all these different courses together. he actually was going to bring in kind of green both. and so he talked about about the environment. he was good appealing to kind of traditional conservatives or pro breakfast. he was good, it appealing to kind of saw for main vultures who bicycles and live dams, but they're like, didn't want to go for labor. they had this big, broad coalition. the problem for him was as cold as she was very broad,
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but it was very deep when we've gotten selections, been a very small, it was 5 years so we can serve the party, a lot of scandals, all the mismanagement that called it. she just started fracture some of the things that were for some of it went to labor, not as much of a lot of the ones that lived ends on. what you also saw was labor didn't mind is that are both very well and is a lot of tactic and folding. so people are new under britain and systems on britain on like say, a lot of countries in europe. we have a 1st possible system in britain, so each stage tree of the $650.00 states, whoever gets the most votes wins. so people who are say in a seat that were had as a concern to see, but actually the live dentist or the 2nd party, a lot of labor causes my to vote for live. that is one reason they won some of their seats, but vice versa. and the result was the, the conservative party getting squeezed from all sides until they have had a historic defeat interesting times the how they recover from all of this, of the moving piece of guy. again, thanks so much for joining us. the
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so let's turn to another election where the poles by pins in the wrong and very thing is underway in a presidential run of those has a choosing between the reform is candidate and the suit, but just skim and the conservative side jelly. they're all supreme need on a human a has cost his balance. he is the radians to do the same a lot. chuck, who is a luis, it's a good day. this is the day of participating in the election. i heard about the people's enthusiasm. if that is true, that it is a pleasing case, and hopefully we will successfully anticipate the election and choose the right kind of at this stage. people should make more efforts to have a president tomorrow. god bless the nation. and those who make efforts for the low cost by themselves other joins not from the writing capital, receive a lovely, just focus through about the choices that they just have between these 2 candidates . wow. now the what the in for the
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2nd round of the presidential election based upon the weight and get that senior shout gordon station and northern deadline. this is regardless as this support phase for the reforms. so people 6 hours that goes on through the board institutions. i'm guessing the about a so here that you see the people in the queue, they're coming and a beer. i. these are being checked. those who's on file, you are, these are confirmed on the system. are be given the pallets here. so and then the waters are getting the ballots, but that is not the curtain. so thoughts are not being tested behind a curtain. each with those needs to get the skis or heard of ballots, then based on he's or her name on that. also on the line that they did the, the candidate that they are support in mississippi, this young for j at or miss city view. and then the ballot is by being tested in
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the, by the box here. so it is quite a past it, i'm very much unpredictable. the race that's happening between the, the form is kansas. mr. young and the conservative candidates side jenny needs. so the tools so far it seems that this is physicians. yeah, they're for ms. janet, this is vivian oliver. this same pools last week in the 1st problem, they have to have a beep failed. so it is. people have better detail trust in these pools. however, the front in the room is that one of the 2 water turned off. so you, here's the water turned out, have the, at 50, i'm on the waters, has dramatically. and that, of course, is one of the greatest concerns i moved or taught at these because the turn house part of the god just as the primary source of the nation. lucy's seem to come to
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the bestbuy to have see you written reports for officials coming out. i'm calling on people again again and asking them to go to the about of boxes to go to the for these patients and costs they was. must we each so painted either or you're wrong? if somebody said that the, what the casting toward or what spitting the election is the backs on time to dig into 2 of these islamic establishment either come to the bus today or early in the morning when he was casting his water. he didn't use that strong, was not that words, not that that old words rather said that hearing that people are keen to participate in the election. and if that is the key is that is a lazy news for the, as of now, it is quite difficult really, to predict what will be the turnouts have. you're probably going to learn that by midnight, or even after, because to increase the turnouts. so event,
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new visuals usually start extend the 14 period bill. so we have to expect and it to be the case. what the process to speak to you on some of the costs of monitoring the rating and election for us. the, let's go over to how many those golems i had a he's a director of diplomat house, i probably between you and thing time during this whole say from the a rainy and capital get to with us on the program. as a result, we'll actually said that as we've seen historically, 10 can be quite low and it was pretty low last week as well. what do you think the tactics saw now by the candidates to tell the electorate come out and vote, helped validate this result properly? a doing in the past week, the to kind this trying to actually discourage people from voting for the on their side. right. the inquiry is going to work for themselves. so he was the pricing, the other side from the consequences of winning and of the, the, the rival much so far, according to the numbers and figures that we have,
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the things that they turn on times me or something about 35 percent more than uh, staying on time and last week, and so it seems that we have a higher turnouts. uh today. it might be because uh, some activities have been gone for example. and this is all kind of who was actually on the race uh onto in just a few days before the last and weeks election. he went to the west of the country and where is that position you on has actually want the majority. so he had a series of town trips to different cities, a dime, a part of the country to actually increase provides awards for jenny, the who is on the same side that's as kind of used as a concert with on the other side. the reform is trying to encourage the those reform is with the not some words because of the objections that they have. then they are positions that they had and they encouraged them to come to the boxes and
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towards for them. so these turn out seems to be the result of one of these things by the we cannot say, for sure. as i said, actually said that we cannot be sure wind and what the resent needs and what the results is going to be the willing, you know, the us pose at the end of when they think finishes up because of all the candidates all invested by the supreme council and the supreme leader, can any president really make a difference if someone behind the scenes is really putting all the strings? so you know, the, the main policies are a day made by actually already signed to my man. like, for example, the supreme national security council, especially when it comes to security or funding policy. and it's not something that is only the president or only the supreme leader. we have a combination of people. the individual owns a different alternatives, unofficial ends in the account. so and the can the side and mind the priorities that the government makes, the change happens actually. so if he's at the same supreme national security
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council and he's the same leader, but you can see tool totally different policies from present. so on introversion, right, you see actually very close to these, it to run is right now. so it can be very different and different actually went to it who their present is because they put privacy on something that is totally different. and it can make any changes in 2 different parts of the country to the economy of the country or even to the society of the country. okay, we'll see what happens. uh when the results are in the for the moment. how many of us have golems? i had to, thanks for joining us from to her on. thank you very much. the let's go over to cause i was very forces of killed 5 members of one time leading the knolls of the gaza strip. a man and his wife and the 3 children died when shutting struck the house in jamalia in the alley ballade area. the bodies have
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been taken due tomorrow as well. the hospital rights groups on the way and have accused the army of repeatedly targeting civilians to speak to a correspondent. hen include 3 whose internal bala in central dogs, another depressing day when it comes to strikes. we'll talk about those in a moment. but more concerned about the fact that there is very little fuel and this is good to shut down some very important infrastructure. requires some just basic survival of the let me just 1st update you. that house target into a bad yeah. happened a gun in the middle area in the side where uh those are the forces targeted that are women that many in these 2 palestinians have been killed. more injuries are arriving to the civil defense names are trying to rescue more people from under the rebels. and more people are relying on bakeries on the health care system,
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but again, the fuel is running out of casa, where the is really forces are binding up, large quantities up to you to enter the causal scripts. also, the only facilitating hospital announced that a hospital in can you and it's under fire is on the verge of collapsing due to the shortage of fuel, according to the minister of health. also, bakeries are also on the verge of collapsing because there's no guarantee that they will continue to uh, but the have fewer to at there's also no, no way that they're going to continue, have you to produce more read all tasks where it was not cool. we updated that goal, so we'll come back to you in a little while and the occupied westbank is ready for us to have killed. at least 5
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palestinians, eluded several. others in jeanine's, heavy gun vine was heard and the horses thought the area alley on friday. the injured have been taken to hospital. the army has killed at least 12 palestinians in refugee camp in the past week, as well as intends to find the tags across the occupied westbank since the war and gauze began us present, joe biden has pressed his right. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to close the deal with him. us for a see saw in gauze that comes up to a senior us officials have that. that'd be the break for indigo. she ations officials that her mom said made a significant adjustment to this position in the tools that are all reports the head of as well as intelligent service, will travel to council. to discuss the details. it is cool with 5 and that's and you all here with this to the will, whatever the end of the israel, a cheese it's goals, let's bring it in the house and brownie. he's a professor of international affairs that comes out university and joins us now. live from the jordanian capital,
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i'm on this for i can tell you with this. so called this ation with by then that's in yahoo the 1st and months. it saves as a breakthrough of some, some, some thoughts i suppose, but tough talking from washington because they want to know what's going to happen next and the way they would like to see the direction of those negotiations as well. yeah. you're right. so highlight think and then we're kind of using, the administrative sion is fed up with nothing yet has maneuvering and deceptions actually over the last 2 months. and this is true, especially when, how much has agreed and has responded in a positive way to the mark, can guideline on framework so that any artist should be of a speech and for the, for the congress, the american congress. and which he is supposed to say something about that. so mister bi didn't, has alpha is right, everything at 80 degrees and during the war and the bye didn't maybe realize that
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all he came to the conclusion back is really good to claim victory. and then move on to the negotiation and actually the, they both 5 seems to be closer than ever to reaching an agreement that i think that them by then wants to put a lot of prussia in order to keep the momentum. of course uh the push to find a solution involves a ceasefire that was proposed by the us since they've been approved by how about us, but of ways these really green lights and that's where the problem lies. the state because these really minute reset. yes, it is right. the politicians say no of the divided and the divided them between what the ministry needs and what they and the government at once. and also the government. if something's divided by those who are actually for a truce or a package, and those who are the minutes admin fee, opposed to this because it wants to continue the war and they think that they can have good kick and get it to you can't continue to war and they can actually get to,
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we would all the consequences and those people, especially the right when people just want to share as many fear, believe strongly believe that they can, they, they can restore. occupational got that in order to be able to wait for something similar in the west bank. they are expansionist and, but then that's why we see the government is divided and nothing else needs to and probably leave his position as defense, set to, and choose whether he wants to of time, national zionist or he wants to assume that the interest of his right and then goes interest of his re, a choir, the student state, and the players actually some sort of agreement with it, but a scene. and so he can't really deny everything going to be at the end of it to prove that he needs to come to the, to a conclusion at that to meet him to a peace treaty. if he's agreement with the p a, the to presented over that. but a scene is what he's trying to do is to separate that, you know, i think the end, their mind, if the student and, uh, and perceive, etc. can you do it?
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let me be in order to tell everyone around the world that you know, there's no one to talk to. yeah, well words can often be so misleading comp, they wouldn't use radius anyway. let's say we said to get delegation, to dial off the tools that delegation consists of one person who is we think the most of the chief yeah, this is very important to send the most i chief, the, but the question here with there as well is the negotiating in good faith or in bad shape because nothing you will kind of always say that, you know, i would back up 10 might people i want to have a deal with these counsel protect this in the process. we've seen this before. so nathaniel, i think, is, is trying to buy time, especially when it's so clear in the united states that by then have a problem and the election, then probably we end up with trump and november and november election. so i think you want, he wants to buy a time in order to reach that point where he can have it may be a more or a to show a corporation with trump at trump is known as one who's he really didn't pay
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attention to the, to say solution, and he's for a deal to century in which $1.00 which would maybe is capable of seeing that cause and reach and read in an agreement with, with some i will say some key players and, and the reason a, so here is this is a game and i think nothing else, but if, if not pushed enough fee would probably keep this is stored in sceptics. we see what happens that in the coming of all the drink have the has some but all right, thank you. so what you don't use, i guess, still has a all the news offerings value to the heading, the to the poles runoff election, which might result in a historic victory for the fall. right? sounds like it's and bobby versus right now that in the euro is like to find out was not paid, not to say about his opponent in support with finding the
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how is the weather really has ramp top across southern parts if you have lots of fine and sunny weather for the most part, a little bit of cloud down towards the southeast in cold. so we got a little bit of a white weather that just around the tech act was the black sea, but 5, i'm know, if i'm sees will be what? add on, sees will be whether you can see these weather systems arriving for your call from the warm from that just bringing some wet weather. and so when the weather in across southern parts of england through wells and weather coming in to audit as well. blustery showers there, across the gulf end, and that same system will that stretch this way across into the low countries, into scandinavia, some of the showers coming through here. so what, whether that just a, which was that to western side of a russia $31.00 celsius in moscow? things change as we got one into sat stated. that system makes its way through a good through pressure 24 degrees. but that was when the weather up towards the northwest that will continue that policy is way in across a good positive northwest year. it then comes out of south have you shows that just
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looking around. jeremy again, again to the football show, is that just running down the central and southern positive front, down towards that is the side of spying. meanwhile, across north africa, it is generally drive plenty of best settled weather around here. i'm sure it was a rumbling away through west africa, the football enjoyed by funds across the well. but it also plays an important role in challenging colonial rule and no jury and suit on the mission of the muslim clock. what's the point out is there a well tells the powerful story of how football became more than just a sport in the fight against the french and british colonial authorities against the initial looks like the connection, the rebel game out, jerry, and so dawn on al jazeera this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive,
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sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village lives here retains its strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the book about to the opposite when use out a reminder of all told stories. the opposition laid, the policy has been declared, the winner of the u. k. generally much test on his policy is projected to secure
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a pile of entering the germans. the incentives, the 14 years of conservative rule stopping says the people have spoken and that is no time for his policy to deliver the change, the outgoing prime minister of issues. susan, cause apologize to the nation, saying these heard the anger of votes has seen it says that he'll soon see the king too, solely resigned as the prime minister. he has done not in the last year is randy faust is also killed. 5 members of one family in northern gauze are selling struck that house in javala, jamalia and beloved area. right screwed suddenly. you as a tuesday, i'll be repeatedly targeting civilians. to the defense, the critics of writing, national riley paul to have issued a warning had all the 2nd round of everything. and the parliamentary elections on sunday. they say nothing depends potty, it has the blue fall from its racist roots despite we still have it strip and we'll main stream. essentially, butler reports in paris, a site for him was 9 years old when his moroccan father by him drowned in piracies
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re of a sense of to be pushed into waters by group or fall. right supporters in 1995 it all from one. it's very painful for me. it was your i grieved, i never hate any want to and justice was served. but it's still so much hateful that thousands doing the anti racism protests and the city of to brains day. you tack itself taking place on the fringes of the made a rally for the fall, right. national front policy founded by marine, the pens father. the policy is not from the national riley, and could be about to take power in france for the 1st time. but the only so all the people don't realize the gravity of the situation, it scares me for the country. so my children, since we're in the pen to k, the fathers party in 2011, she's trying to populate a distance. it's from its pause. she's given it a new look on the more main stream image. but those of the far right research and
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say the new look isn't pulling anyone. these activists say the national rallies of danger. races, policy that will undermine phones, has values by dividing it society. they're trying to move nice people to the, to miss housing estate in a power suburbs, a difficult task in a place where people say politicians don't care about them. but many things are getting worse in some places. education of health care discrimination. you're in the parish region, they so much well, but it's not being shed review issues. i mean, other shattered by an obsessive is, i'm a phobic never to, i don't know also concerns about what the far right to do to fronts is economy. the policy wants to restrict immigration, but this restaurant illnesses immigrant work is essential for the countries. grace sees the, the rules to regulate migrants are cause a titan will have problems with recruitment of immigration as a topic. sure. but it kind of like migration is essential in restaurants construction to hospitals that you could shift in all sectors. each year side
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returns to where his father was killed for an official commemoration by haines become a symbol in front of the deputy. danger a far right silence. violence that some fear. nice. just beneath the surface election, you could take phones into uncharted waters. it's actually about to, to 0 powers. natasha joins us now from the french capital. hi natasha. it's often said, isn't it that schools and politics should be kept separate, but that hasn't stopped. waterfront is biggest sporting styles from getting involved. yeah, that's rise, kenyon on buffet. the captain of the french football team has a big match later today. he's the problems. this thing for school in the hero, in germany, so that's one by 4 will be fighting, but he's also fighting his needs another baffle against the fall of rights and farms in these elections, getting them back a, in a press conference just before getting into,
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into the dispatch and said that he wants people in foster care out in the funds because he cannot believe well the results. well, also the 1st rounds here in phones with the far right policy, offering the pen, the national riley did say, well, he said it was catastrophic. he said that the situation involves was urgent. this the 1st time you thought about this not fact that he doesn't want to be wearing the from should a doing. that means that he's not representing his values and problems of values. what marine the pen is saying, you don't happy about that. she said she's fed up preparing football is off his act as people that she says make lots of money to live for sending ordinary people what to do. but let's listen to can you them by the most, most of the present things that now move than ever you need to get to the ballot. it is an urgent situation. we call it our country fall into the hands of these people is pressing. i think we sold the results and it's catastrophic. and we
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really hope that this is gonna change. everyone's going to riley together to govern votes and votes for the right policy when the spelling. i'm ok, so it looks like a potential war was that doesn't natasha. i mean, in terms of what were the words that's different to you might say campaign violence that's consenting, not just the general public at large, but politicians across the board. the 5th, uh, election campaign has been show. it's just a few weeks and it's been very tense. in fact, the french and terry and minnesota, gerald solomon, i says that about 50 candidates is experience. i'm so with the finance adults thursday, the government spokes person. well, she was attacked with some of her colleagues when they were out when he places up in the power sup uh, one of her colleagues. stephen had the tools icon and she said she is schedule, say about what's happening and far. she said look, we saying this, the finance, i am the daughter of immigrants. i'm scared about which direction from is going in
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and we know will say that on sunday they're all concerns about what will happen all of the results. if it is a fluoride victory or even the far i do very well. maybe the fall next do very well is concern among so for to use that they could be some sort of findings in the streets. $30000.00 police offices are going to be mobilized by thousands of loans in paris. it does feel very tense. it feels very difficult. you can send people here in front of the schools, a just a shop thing. people are usually getting on a holiday, feeling a little bit lighter at this time of year with the lympics coming up. normally would have been a time to celebrate the can feel the movie. it's a big play me and very on search will continue to follow what happens as the election looms. so place with the tasha. thank you. a cell phone, which is a bug with that solve owning of dangerous length levels and then also used a mold and 2000000 people effected in the select the region of some non government and more of the bozza, some remote true communities, a stranded,
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surrounded by rising water has thousands of people, low lying areas be moved to 10, pretty shelters off to continuous rain. for nearly a month. let's close eva to all corresponding time that child dre. hayes next to the visit should by the senate city, one of the worst affected regions. just tell us what's going on while you are time to on the way what you said behind me is one of the main 2 rivers in the phillip region. this is called shorter, my daughter is could share that connected to the indian, re by block in the northeast, mega ly, and off from states for a lot of that water from those states actually flows through here into the hinterland and floodplain hundreds of kilometer away eventually to the meg mastery and into the bay of bengal. now the situation that you have is quite drive for the last several days, which is a good news. actually the city is spared last run the city. well, they don't data,
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but the flood water for now, i'd say, but the danger cleared remains with the heavy months sooner and continues and up stream water from india keeps coming. but we went to the district, i'm going to rural area, basically the flood plain area where millions of people actually leave off farmland and fisheries. those areas are really inundated with flat and people, houses are still got, you know, water all across. many people are still in the shelter, and schools are close in those areas. farm has been complaining, they didn't get any kind of really for aid from the local or the main government parties. and they wanted that if this flood continues things with getting worse from them, we also want to other parts of the select region. similar stories in the area of this community is isolated. there is not road x as in many pods. so it's very challenging for getting relative to those places without boats our helicopter. now what we know, the weather is calm, there's no rain there, but clearly it is there in the forecast that more rain will prevail. and the
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monsoon put down as also change in within the year due to the climate event. and we also know there's a lot of man made barriers ops that goes into this rebalance, having been ragin decade, heavy association from the mountains, causing this fly down. so there's a particularly dotted road, obstructing and sure my valley. normally the water would fro through, but there is only 900 meter of gap for this. one of to go through. the process is very slow. all this combined putting things much marks worse than it could be in a normal situation that he has known for floods, but nothing like these and decades they have seen when we talk to people, tell us, hoping it stays dr. otherwise, we may see more tar and show range and upstream word, which could make things worse before i get better. we'll continue to add that to that with you. tons of a time to try to do that for us and select in northeast and bangladesh. the still ahead here on the news. i'm rob mcbride on sided while in japan. that wants to come
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member, right, the legacy of its mines. some age and neighbors. that's a memory too painful. and the memories we're building for isn't quite finished. yeah, it's, we'll hear from him after the break. insult with father. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the spoken about type of support of his bar. so health, thank you so much. argentina remain on track for back to back hope america titles after the beat ecuador on penalties to reach the semi finals. little massey was a joke with a hamstring injury,
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but was declared fit in time to the delight of his bands. manchester united defender lasandra martinez gave the world champions delete after 35 minutes. and at a time though, kevin rodriguez headed it in to make it $11.00 and with no extra time in the cover, it went straight to penalties. massey was up 1st but the crowd was done when is attempted to finish. okay, hit the cost bar for that me martinez then saved edwards 1st and 2nd penalties are using a winning student for to a 5th street. hope that somebody for the side are looking to win or record 6 to title. let me know, you know, i think messy was feeling ok. we austin for the last time, 4 minutes before the end. and well, we have reached the sammy's and given a great level of performance, and i think it's a great achievement. this is the nature of football. everyone felt we were one of the top content is for the title. but i think every other team has shown
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a great level argentines penalty shoot at when that means they are the 1st team through to the semi finals and will face the winner between venezuela and canada. the play later on friday and texas it's, it's rinaldo versus bobby later on, friday, portugal space, france and the quarter final. it's been a frustrating tournament so far. for to the sports, the biggest stars france have yet to score from open play awhile. rinaldo has failed to score and missed a pound to get in there. last 16 match against lavinia. bobby spoke of his respect for rinaldo had the match sounding there. it's an on because everyone knows the admiration i have always had for christian for the place. it's all over the time. i have a chance to know him, to speak with him many times and just didn't contact. you always tried to give me advice center for the menus and middle it's nice playing against them isn't on everything he has done and footboard. no matter what happened before, what would happen after he will remain the legend of the game, which of course,
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we hope to win and go to the semi final and fridays other euro is a court, a final, it's spain against house journeys. spain have one, all of their matches so far. a good run a form, have many chatting them as if he were to take the title, but the players know it won't be easy. just been on the steel, we expect a hostile environment. we play against a hosting their country and we are going to see a very hot atmosphere. we will feel the support of all the springs pants that will come to watch us and for them. and for those who are at home, we will give everything in order to win money. it was good there to morrow, quarter finals to look out for on saturday. another team with huge support in germany is turkey a. they faced the netherlands in berlin before it's england against switzerland's. andy varies the last of his time at wimbledon is nearing an end after he lost alongside his brother. in the 1st round of the men's doubles. it was the 1st 1st
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round, doubles match on center court for almost 20 years. is the british public wanted to catch find a glimpse of the to time when moving champions surgery to remove a spinal fist 2 weeks ago, road murray out of a sink out of singles action. but he partnered up with freddy, jamie, for the 1st time in a grand slam, and a match that ended in defeats. the tribute sport in for murray, who became the 1st british man in 77 years when at wimbledon. he does have one more event to play in a long side fellow grand slam champion. m a ride to canada and the mixed doubles. a lot this bore. it's good to me. you know, it's given me uh, it's given me so, so much and taught me loads of lessons over the years i can use and the rest of my life. but yeah, i don't want to stop. so it's hard a time if you have, you know, if i dropped the tied to dig deep to stay in wimbledon job ridge taken to 4 sides by tournament rookie jacob fernley and their 2nd round match some incredible points
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. and this encounter is documents was pushed to the limits by the 22 year old scott making his 1st appearance at a grand slam event. 37 year old johnson, which is back in action after undergoing need surgery for an injury. he fixed off that last months french open a former well, number one is yet to win a title this year. this victory keeps him on track for record extending 25th grand slam titles. and the women strong. well, number one, he has to be on practice through to the 3rd round, the polish star needed just an hour and 20 minutes to be felicia's head for martha edge in straight sets should be on type of face julia. save as has a 7 time form. the one rolls happy lose. hamilton is hoping to roll back the years at his home. a grand prix for a series robber has won the events at silver stone a record 8 times. mercedes will be looking to impress again. after his teammate, george russell won the austrian groan pre last weekend. championship liter max for
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shopping on we finished with dr. collision with lando norris, but he'll be looking to make it back to back, wins out the circuit and extend his overall lead. i don't feel that explanation. i just feel a lot of love there and it's, it's honestly it's, it's absolutely unbelievable. every, every year we go, it's really high warming and it's really massively motivated as well. you know, you get a lot of energy from your smoke. you know, the other interactions you get to have with people. but even like, as i said, you know, when i one races like my 1st race as coming through one corner where that one kept spinning and i kept making you just making it through. then i could see the crowd like standing up in the rain american golf for a hayden spring. your card is a 59, and the 1st round of the john deere class, again, illinois. it's just the 14th sub 60 ram and pga tour history springer also shot the lowest a 9 whole score on the tourist since 2000. with the $27.00 comes just 2 weeks after
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cameron young became the 13th to achieve the seats. for your takes a 2 shot lead heading into fries to okay, that is all your support for now it's back to you. so and so, so you like to know the japanese government is pushing for the listing of an important for the mining complex. as the unesco will pirated sites, though to the cases on saw, the island off depends north west coast. the mines state back hundreds of years. but the mines use a false label or false statement from the korean peninsula was prompted concern from japan's neighbors from abroad to pull stuff from the island. a little over sato island, both below ground and above it is evidence of the intensive mining. the cofton shaped the landscape once a source of great wealth, the lost mines close decades ago, with some being preserved full visits as a record of how the generations of mine is toyota. and also the cause. i believe
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it's important to show not only the positive aspects of the solid on minds, but to present all the facets of a complex history to gain a full understanding. at one time among the largest gold and silver produces in the world. the importance of these mines, 2 japanese, cultural and industrial history is undeniable. but it's how that legacy is remembered. the cause these problems for many of depends neighbors. south korea are included what japan seems to ignore according to activists, representing victims of forced labor and the families of the thousands of koreans who report to work against the will during the last century. when korea was a japanese colonies, how the one was $120.00 that you'd have done. we've met directly with the families of the victims who had taken decide minds and forced to work. they testified that off to returning from sada, they suffered from long diseases for their entire lives. south korea says it will
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literally support the unesco bid if the history of forced labor is properly recognized, pointing to the ongoing control vesee surrounding the listing of hashem island. the sight of extensive undersea coal mining it was given unesco willed heritage status in 2015, but public exhibits about its history has failed to mention to the use of your time . forced labor, as japan was requested to do all his license. this lack of action can be seen as a refusal to fully acknowledge and address this part of history. for the my name is robert, is such history as a properly or man the i think many koreans would visit sato island. so many campaign is both korean and japanese. a truthful reckoning with often painful events from the past fall from opening old wounds could help hilda public pride. i'll just say era side, the island japan. that's it for me for the robot. so we'll have more news on the
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other side of the break from the, from the, the older than use our team here in that home. thanks very much for watching that we'll see in a few minutes the a week. the look at the worlds to please me, stories of what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is indeed back from the markets in economies and small businesses. how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost? oh no jersey or a pod. his i mean to be use is israel and obstacles piece. i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities. you're running? mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take effective use of the present as not that important factor? he had the story on talk to how does era, the millions of people to cherish the american dream of owning a home has slipped out. a breach like price and accountant, and his wife had spent years searching for an affordable home. things are just so priced above what we can actually afford that we're constantly searching for something i feel for those people who are struggling, who need to get out before it's too late. i mean, i would say it's just the money in chicago, like many us cities, former working class holes now cost millions and there's a yawning racial gap in home ownership. the home ownership rates between black and latino households, white households in chicago, and nationally is as much as a 30 percent. yeah. lack of affordable housing. is one of many factors that have
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put americans in a sour mood about the economy. and that's a problem for president joe biden, as he goes head to head with donald trump in november's election. the have given this job actually a signal that the government of the united kingdom and yours is the problem of the sort of issue. so not resigned. jobs to the worst selection defeat by the conservative party in nearly as sent you folks for it. but now it was a wrong change, but the slide winning for the labor party and the u. k. election in coming here storm are declared as victory and set to take the reins with
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a clear parliamentary majority.


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