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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the pedal um elizabeth vaughn and this is the new sell and live from doha is coming off in the next 16 minutes. now a country has voted decisively full che, just honestly its officers to utilize the prime minister and the system name, his cabinet officer. and i'm such a connection, victory for the labor costs of the ronnie is cost the balance of the countries next . president conservative side to the end of a fullness to suit possess keion going head to head in
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a runoff clothes. as it strikes continues to target palestinian homes of gaza is one of the mazda professor tubes about potentially ceasefire. and a 1000 sleeve honors between saddam's army and the rapids support as we speak exclusively pseudonyms on the cheek at the stuff that is for the origin seen through to the semi finals the corporate america legal messing, misuse. a penalty in the shoots on when of equitable as his team and she's through to the last the i will begin this new outlet and the united kingdom which he has. tama has made his 1st address as prime minister his labor policy of a quoted, a decisive victory in those days general election. speaking outside downing street impressions nearly to told the nation, i work as urgent and we begin today. the conservatives who had been in charge for
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14 years lost $250.00 parliamentary seats under simmons begins coverage from london. galatians, the keystone, he became labels leader off to one of its worst defeats in history. now in less than 5 years, his policy has his own big majority with his wife victoria. he's greeted in dining street has prime minister from now on. you have a government on birds and 5 doctrine guided only by the determination to sub your interest to define quietly. those who have written country all. i invite you to join the governments of service in the mission of national renew. outlook is urgent. as we get it
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today, thank you very much. donna, had his audience with king chose a short time off to receive sooner. we went on to resign, his conservative party leader. is it being the worst ever the election results of the complaints? i am sorry. i have given this jolts my own, but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. among the high profile, conservative loses was less trust. britton's show to serving prime minister ever her actions that to upon market the collapse instead of does the division within the conservative party with some form, a cabinet of members expressing anger on fed up the performance of politics. i've watched colleagues in the can safety policy, strong poses rights in pharmacy,
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all sites and say stupid things. they know they no have no evidence full. instead of concentrating on doing the job and they were elected to do, how about enough of it? the liberal democrats had the most successful election on record taking many conservative votes. and also taking votes from the conservatives was the right wing populace reform u. k. policy. it's not just disappointment with the conservative policy. there was a massive gap of a sense of right of british politics. my job is to for that we will now be targeting labels with coming from the but being that doubt about that the labor party hit the scottish nationalist polity hauled it last most of it's $43.00 seats . the people who run across the okay, well, it's up to a brand new political landscape, the conservative policy imploded now. labor may have a seismic victory,
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but test on my x to deliver on change. he must deliver quickly. the biggest challenge for him could well be managing expectations. andrew simmons, how much is there a london? well, let's take a look at the latest polling results. little but 2 constituencies announced k as thomas labor party has secured 412 out of 656. the house of commons. that gives it an absolute parliamentary majority. the conservatives of $121.00 seats, her father at west performance, and a move in a century liberal democrats on food with a total of $71.00 seats and module for largest anti immigration policy reform has come away with full seats. let's join james base. he is outside 10 downing street, the official residents of the bushes, prime minister, the deputy problem, and as the number of other positions have just been announced. james, what can we expect this new government to look like? tell us about the makeup the yeah,
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case done was deputy angela rain us deputy of the labor policy is also the deputy prime minister. and i have to say none of these a surprises because that old people who have these roles as the shadow roll shadowing, the conservative cabinet ministers, and they've been given them now for real. but that some important thing is that we need to know to. so i think the new foreign set countries that have problem minister of the u. k. that is, david, allow me, he is going to consult that role among drugs in the labor party, someone who spent quite a bit of time on the trans atlantic or write a relationship to spend time studying how those he is the new phone, the secretary of the united kingdom, right to reeves, she is the finance minister, the chancellor vicks jekka is the title in the u. k. i'm was telling you that she is the 1st female a chance for the exec in the case history. and then we have john stanley. he will
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be the new defense minister and put the cost with the case contribution of the world in ukraine, helping this event. so you jump and he's going to be an important figure on the international stage as well. but all of the top team to be going into the front of a dining street and having meetings with the new prime minister. because business really has started straight away by hitting the ground running. and what is the biggest challenges facing the country, james? as it changes leadership, i mean, there are huge challenges facing the country. they have a slow economy. he wants to try and improve gross people in the u. k. really concerned about the state of the nationalized health system via the national health service. that was one of the big issues in the election and kissed almost done very, very well with over 400 states. but some of those people have voted for him because of the change, some of those people that voted for them because he said he wasn't really going to change anything. he was gonna be very,
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very cautious. so i think it's going to be very hard to please everyone. of course there are challenges as well. on the international stage, i mentioned the war in ukraine, the war on garza, the labor policy. this manifesto said it will recognize a promising new state. we don't think that's going to happen any time soon, but it's worth reminding you that i'm on the late late the membership. it's very pro palestinian and so with over $400.00 labor and peace has to be quite a few. they'll be pushing him to do that. as quickly as possible, and the other big challenge he faces is relations with europe often breaks that. he says he's not gonna make any effort to get back into the european union, but he's going to try and improve the case of relations with his case. his name is james. thank you very much for that. james bay is joining us live from london. sonya by ego isn't, will, will, hampton. i live a stronghold with a phone potty performed surprisingly well the way,
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but may be reflecting on this decisive victory here in wolverhampton box. what is also interesting to note was how well reform also did here in the label stronghold of will thomson se just been a slave of stronghold since 2005 reform came 2nd to labor. and then the other 2 constituencies where the conservatives came 2nd reform pushed down to the place, but it reflects how much of a disrupt to the anti immigration, right? when populus were full policy has been and we spoke to a number of people here with different opinions about how they voted. a more best hopes for the future would be is good to go 14 years of work because the government and now things are changing soon. we do expect some positive changes from labor. uh, regarding that and it just people validates practically to be honest. the ones that it's always as which i like to go in, but they got, well, once the,
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the votes to say this paper, vouch elsewhere, think some proportional representation would be nice. i think the whole electro system nice reexamining. i'm looking at, i'm not sure what political persuasion anyone's from the paper we both and should actually be listening. i don't know the many apologies have happened today. i should come to that, should i? one of the issues here that is optimized on people's minds is a cost, the cost of living, and also unemployment. wolverhampton, has won the highest rates of unemployment in the country, especially amongst young people. that will be much full the incoming labor policy to do if it is going to reverse those opinions. sonya guy eval. i'll just sarah wolverhampton. it's joann napa is a political commentator olsa and full conservative party aid. and she's joining us live from london. thank you very much for your time. so labor $12.00 thirds of the states and parliament,
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but only 3rd of the votes. so is this result as much to do with the conservatives failed to give them any upswing and popularity for day by a very much so i think that's exactly right. it's an extraordinary results and one can't take away from the fact that kinda stuff as the labor leader has dramatically changed the full change of his policy in a very short period of time. but that is very reflective, i think of the extent to which people felt very betrayed and let down by the conservative party, not just people who left the conservative party, the invites in 2019, but also long standing conservative such as myself. he felt that the conservative party, in many ways, had lost his sense of direction and no longer knew what it stood for. and for those, such as yourself, all the conservatives kissed honestly, bet hale put the country 1st because you 2nd emphasis addresses prime minister, you know,
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appealing to the majority of people who didn't vote for labor and divided just a u. k. right? now when i say here's down, it's been very, very sensible and cancel in his use of language. and he has been deliberately opaque because he has used language, which frankly would fits with a conservative leader, potentially. he's told to note about enterprise, he's told about responsibility. and as you say, he's a tried to redraw the believe, apologies being a very petri allstate policy, which traditionally i think it was relevant, lost its way in, in more recent years. but in doing so, i think he very much, it disguises some of the more radical elements of his own agenda. and once they become a parents, he's very keen on constitutional reform. for instance, he wants to introduce votes for 16 year olds. and also,
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there are lots of members of his new cabinet who are very in favor of a lot of progressive social reform. and these a quite divisive and controversial ideas. and i think that it will be quite difficult for him then since maintain this idea that labor will be able to serve the whole country and point the more devices of spec elements in the british policy as amendment will become more apparent. we have seen, of course, the rise of reform, which is taken, which will mutate, a new political party, which is taking the sites to the right to the conservative policy. but they're also sectarian interests that have shown when selves to be vocal in this election. and it's particularly helpful way to the left of labor. so it is going to be a very eventful time to watch as far as the concept. and indeed, as far as the buy to produce political. yeah, absolutely. following such a, such an eventful election, labor for his campaign on
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a manifesto centered around boosting, buquet sluggish economic growth rate. indeed, it is one of the biggest challenges for the new government. how can i do that? what is hard, difficult to know how it can do that, advocating for the sort of policies it's about it is in favor of which will inevitably involve highest taxation. the policy has been extremely careful about making sure that it wasn't kind of raise the sort of regular domestic taxes such as income tax. but it will necessarily have to put more taxes on business, i think. and it talks a lot of background noise, but it's very in favor of regulating more and those um, essentially that there's nothing. it is manifesto that suggests it really trusts private business and private enterprise to do was what it has to do. so i think the idea that it's going to be able to create growth in that kind of environment is,
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is quite hard to understand. oh i that is a join matlab, political commentator, joining us life in london. thank you for your analysis. we appreciate it of the losing and yvonne's presidential runoff election has been extended by 2 hours. iranians are choosing between reform. this candidate must be possessed, kion and conservative sides leading around supreme nita, ayatollah ali, how many it has cost has valid and he is. giovanni is to do the same. the rest will set of dollars reports on pet on nbc b. i to see if i put a solution in order to wrong this phone call, the form is support. these we have suffered from economic hardships in the past years. i think possess shaquille and well managed to solve these problems. i and young iranians,
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both in the country under broad hope things will improve performance candidates, missy position can cause she's worked in the town of goods in the software. so if there are improvements, just hopeful that elected his business, he will be the secretary for mrs. government of the moment. so i think he's in 2005 however, till now is likely to be tax. what's the apathy has increased? is last friday's 1st on. so record low turn now, you know, 40 percent or you don't so complete their cost is what would you read names to do the same? i heard about the people's interviews. you ask them if that is true. it is a policing case. hopefully people will successfully participate in the election and choose the right candid at this stage. people should make more effort to have a president tomorrow. god bless the nation and those who make the other site. in this new part i'm gonna do is we have come out to catch the balance. i think because it, again,
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as we're here to vote for the hispanic republic and we're here to say yes to the supreme lead is quite a lot about him on the town to decide how the subject is so they just want to continue the policies of his fellow to exhibit the late presidency behind the scenes. this one is regarded as one of the most competitive and unpredictable elections in the history also as long as the public, you know, probably more term with both within the country. and originally, whoever wins would have numerous challenges to address this is that there was a 0 doubt off with that been why had this joining us live now from the polling station and it fed on and bushing hours have been extended muscle just like they were. and the election of weeks ago, the, as indeed did the interior ministry, has announced that that is extended the voting get a pdf,
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2 more hours from 6 pm to 8 pm local time, probably to give that chance to both of us to cast their votes as you know, this has been on off it round of the presidential elections after that 1st round last friday. and because neither one of the candidates reached at or received the majority of both suited quiet to a to win the presidency. as you know that today it's delayed either also i can sort of the conservative, candid it's going to head to head again is to you for most candidacy. it's a missile but because it's key on both candidates have their own programs. they have been campaigning over the past week, trying to convince both of us to both for them, but neither one of them has achieved the majority needed for winning get this presidency and what that's what led to this. i don't know at around of voting as you know that it,
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this round of voting and photos also that at the bates and sections that were held between the 2 candidates over the past week and the both candidates have been trying to contain, have been trying to convince the support that was mobilized, the support that has to go through the uh voting centers to guest did maddox and lots of other, any indications that people have listened to them, that the tune up is higher than the low las vegas? well it's, it's, it really relatively, it's relatively high compared to the last round of what we think that is also probably attributed to the, the campaigns made by the candidates. some of them at the we're reaching out to voters to support those in the remote areas in the most provinces,
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and also the caused by the officials on top of them. the supreme leader and the acting get a, a president of how much not. but that been calling on the iranians to go to the opponent stations and to cast their votes. this is also the, the fact that that turned out when it's high, it's, it, it's giving some kind of a credit to the political establishment and also it achieved it, achieve the goal of the political establishment. oh, but it achieving this election a muscle. thank you for that. that is muffled up and why have joining us live from said on the that's doing the goal is on always really forces have killed 5 members of one family in the north of the strip a man, his wife and the 3 children died. when children struck the house and the jamalia
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olive area rights groups and as you and have a choose to, as well as on the of repeatedly targeting civilians that speak to our correspondent static boys. in his joining us live from that all the law in central garza and now the day of death. and now the day of destruction, products, and concerns about the it's very offensive, especially industries, a neighborhood because of a lack of contact with people there of the, as you said, this impacts elizabeth. there is a why the scale disruption being infected by the own government gives very military operations industries. yeah. yeah. in the vast majority of the north of district lot. so are it a great coach ro sounds our committee took place is being targeted due to these very unwilling thing. just caleb techs that had been carried out from land. and stephen, from the is very maneuvering to start continued to them. but i should. yeah, yeah. it neighborhoods were, are talking about the show, you have to know the area has been active, it was open till now. region. is this alone going for more than
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a week right now where the is very poor and happy. demolishing complete residential neighborhoods in that particular part of the chat to be what the confrontations of raging that we come up or protest on these really so just be so different statements of fact, elizabeth from the ministry ring of how much a processing information about how the money, so attack and i'm pissed different military troops that on the ground as it used by the ministry had been depending on the military approach, which is causing a lot to disruption for whole areas. ration typically that's who minutes me right now is not only of rates and she's out of us. what is the operating in a rough a, where is the destruction? there is also beyond imagination, as we've been hearing from medical sources alongside with a civil defense cruise. they have been saying that the casualties have a relative to the top just hospitals do today's when the rates went to palestinians have to report it kills in japan, the refuge account discount that has been collectively destroyed. now, isabel has been attacking the place again. it seems that the support of the
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fighting, the support of the bottom and a bite is, is broken in as, as well to now he's trying to, except most men, a tooth brush up a it's, it's on getting from button and eyes and palestinians are hitting towards doha, what the new rounds of negotiations that we come on as well. but so we're out originally the 8th is continues today where they are trying to preach old the, i mean, as well as how much lower to, to reach to see 5 really specifically also how much resistance of flexibility being provided to the us presence due by some proposal that hasn't been trying to bring a sense of stability on the grounds in order to bring an end for the flight to the people here are probably afraid that this round of negotiations might come tenants or even to, to that, to, to, to, to attend as what happens before it seems to us as this around a bigger issue should might collapse it. it seems that it was going to be more expensive or was if i to give it to reach you to the central areas of the office for
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a product that you very much for that for now. that's taught us otherwise than with overlays just from gaza. he's live in there all along and as topic mentioned to you as president joe biden has pressed his way. the problem is to benjamin netanyahu. nothing you all have to agree to a deal with him off for a says fine and gaza. their report was the head of israel's intelligence. so this has been in costa to discuss the details. a senior us official says there's been a breakthrough negotiations. the officials had him off had made a significant adjustment to its position and the tools would come off has released the statement on his website saying we reject any plans or proposals that seek to exceed the palestinian well regarding the future of the gaza strip. we also reject any plans for foreign forces to enter the strip under any name or justification. the administration of the gaza strip is a purely palestinian matter to be created upon by all palestinian people.
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you'll see by name is the form. is there any minister of justice and he's joining us live from kind of a thank you for your time as debating. they have been so many rounds of negotiations. is there anything different from the as a government perspective, this time on what they're willing to give a little tools? i hope so. a bit of talking on both sides about the changes in the conditions which will put a virus on us. if this is the case, i think that the pressure on these really government to wouldn't be, is it heavier than before? to, to agree to, to, to us is filed, long sees filed a, it can exchange to, for the release of the, the host. it just stays around the hosted, must have been in that pressure that you talk about, you think that it will be great to have, but pressure from where from the bite of administration, from the is rarely a okay,
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from the by that and ministration. you think that they are exercising more pressure, but what, what leverage are they willing to use? do you think with israel that they haven't already when they exit that pressure as well as you begin to to say, yeah, and i interrupted, you did. the other side of that pressure is these rarely public opinion is really public opinion. and it is, is simple. if you've all day to agreement is that you can go with the agreement that we cannot to lose the hostages and put the test the 1st. but you don't need the full way so easily. seems october the 7th. so the government by have 20 rejecting is some of the to conditions in the, in the past the, the, during the day a representing the majority of islam. and they, i believe that it is
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a very clear that this is the view of the majority. and definitely come pressure. i mean the it is, it is not a, i mean it is enough when the guys talking to you and it asks for something he doesn't have to be weird, precious. yeah. but nothing else has other precious to and perhaps even greater pressures that keeping him in his position. there are reports that far right, national security minister at the my bank of the especially leaves the coalition because of nothing yahoo decided to send a delegation to doha without consulting him. is there anything to indicate that nothing you all who can satisfy that 5 ride in his potty while pursuing the seas file for the for the english, those day off is right. it shouldn't be much. a mold, consequential floyd pregnant is the, then he's own political interests, but the other thing is that they, he said there is no a condition majority pay for the. there is no question that danielle,
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we get the majority from the position so he doesn't have to care about the. is this a bolt a full day agreements once he boots eat the on the edge? and of course, he would like to have an ongoing is a hold, a from the opposition and i'm not, i'm not sure that he would get a a, but a majority for the agreement is do you also have a name? thank you very much for your analysis. on this, we appreciate it. thank you. still ahead on use our heavy ones and driving rain. what for mexico is how the intercourse is hurricane val makes landfill. we alive from the use of thompson to ensure that and supports the host's face, the tournaments form team. that's footfall was european championships and he's here with that story.
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the hello. how are compatible is now making its way towards the top and then slide say the system that it is still a may just on this one category to equivalent. so we're looking at the wins of around a 175 kilometers per hour. so maybe fairly quickly, not quite as quickly as it was, making its way further west was that around 25 kilometers per hour and then it will punch its way into the gulf of mexico. so we can see that what's the weather for the remainder of friday? running through probably looking at around 80 maybe 90 millimeters. the frame is that system runs across the region and continues to drift to the general west or north west the direction where the coming back came behind. so we have got the flooding concerns coming back in across the haiti,
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jamaica in particular recall still reeling from the effects of the hurricane and the showers to come here over the next couple of days. we have got to that whatsoever. then as you can see, making his way into the gulf of mexico that will push up towards southern texas. meanwhile, for south america could rush the showers across the north west of south america, where the system here just pushing up to was power required 18 celsius and a sent you in on friday, cooling off a little as we go on its a saturday as the football enjoyed by funds across the world, but it also plays an important role in challenging community read and no tyria ensued on the mission. look, what's the point out, is there a well told the powerful story of how football became more than just to support in the fight against the french and british colonial authorities against the initial
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executive and one thing actually the rebel game out, jerry and so dawn on al jazeera ok foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of set tasks and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis of insect goza through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless. i'm, we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the thought challenges me and that's the problem. and uh huh. i don't mind to of on top
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stories. the salad just sama has replaced wishes to not because okay, prime minister often has latest parties crushing that actual victory. thomas said in the 1st page i work as urgent and again today, david, allow me one to find a secretary invite to readings, becomes the 1st female finance and stuff mostly involves presidential vital selection has been standing by 2 hours of audience choosing between the performance candidates and i said, possess can conservative side to leading around supreme leader, i asked when the economy has cost his balance and he urged iranians to do the same as ready forces have killed 5 members of the family. move in boston, shaun and struck the house and divide you on find out area human rights groups and as you one have repeatedly accused as rarely on need of targeting civilians to
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saddam now the us has more than 130000 people have fled the south vegas talked of attacks by the power ministry back that support forces. more than 9000000 people have been displaced by the 14 month conflict between the army and the group. all just there was mohammed vol, sat down for an exclusive one on one interview with after the fact the hon, the leader of the pseudonyms army. my 1st question is about the military situation at understanding lots of these very fluid now with gains and losses on both sides. could you please give us the details about the latest, particularly in a c, not comfortable mental showed up for i'm gonna have to ask you about the all aspects of all of that. and the current military operations, suffering losses in battle. retreating in a certain situation. does not mean losing the battle itself and doesn't mean to feet. the sued in these people, and the sydney's armed forces will never be defeated. the battles of victory here
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and defeat the but the will of the people and that of the armed forces will prevail . it's been of 14 months plus now since the beginning of this war, what is the explanation of the fact that this, with these hom you hasn't, you have to be able to defeat the beauty in years of the out of pocket support forces. what are the factors behind it? what the, the armed forces achieve daily victories, even if they're invisible, losing some cities or losing some sights doesn't mean of the feats to the armed forces. the enemy is suffering huge losses daily and personnel and equipment. despite the fact that they continue receiving supplies and reinforcements, on the other hand, some people are talking about depriving sedan and its armed forces from means to defend our country. this is a great injustice to our nation, but we as the armed forces have the responsibility of protecting the suit in the state. it has the right to obtain weapons to protect the country from collapse and
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for being preyed upon by some regional countries which have bad intentions to what's to don, that off the progress of the office, both forces to woodson. now, in no time, what is your explanation of the fact that they have been able to push so far from comfortable towards the se? oh, not a lot of the sudden circumstances surrounding the military operations that have enabled them to advance in this direction. but we are able, without determination will and the support of the suit and these people to repel them and expelled them completely from sit on to dungeon. yeah. disney, and you spoke about the fact as not to some policies outside sedan. how being contributing to the situation to buy, probably not supplying, so that almost along so that to get the supplies it needs in terms of what things on so on. could you elaborate on this? come on unless the ice could you the way the military obtains equipment and
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supplies could seem complicated. but still, there are some brotherly and friendly countries who believe that the suit in the state must be the fault and that the suit in these armed forces must remain steadfast. and that also some false allegations and claims that saddam is a band from military aid. and this is not true. there was only a un band on sending weapons to death for the soothing. these armed forces have the rights to get what they want to protect the suit and the state. i want to thank the countries that really understand the situation and don, and the necessity of protecting ourselves. so this is, i mean, this is a time friends can be distinguished from enemies, a whole uh, so dense friends and was with us. and there was philip, who own this war has made it clear to us who is the enemy and who is a friend of the suits and these people and the suit in the state. surely they will come a day when things will be put right. every day, the enemies are killing the suit in these people,
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plundering the land and raping their wives and daughters. many countries remain silent and turn a blind eye to the crimes being committed every day. everyone who remain silent and those who support what the other site is doing daily is definitely the anatomy. everyone who supports the sit in the state and it sits, solutions is a friend. could you give us some names outlier? you don't want me, right? yep. so one day the suit and these people will know and the world will know that they are true brothers who provided support and assistance. perhaps some countries have used the influence to stop age provided to the state and the state. some countries may have used the international and regional mechanisms to stop supporting the armed forces, the suden, these people together with some leaders, are convinced of the importance of moving forward and defeating these groups, which receive support and aid from abroad. let's move now to the humanitarian situation and so then you're to pulse,
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talk about 20000000 people facing hunger and possibly finding incidence or what, what do you have to tell us about the situation? but we're on a monday i've had this, i'm in my god. when we're talking about famine, we must talk about its causes and about that was responsible for it. so don has vast areas of arable land. and so don has a huge numbers of farmers who know how to work these lands. most of the arable land has been cultivated except for the lands where the jungle we terrace groups threatened citizens and prevented them from cultivating in some areas of death. for . there is already a category of sued in these who are in need of support because they are besieged by the rapid support militias. these militias have been stealing money and products and crops. terrace malicious also wants to disrupt the agricultural season to create to famine. in sedan we have shortages in some areas that are under the control of these rebels. but in the rest of the country that all know shortages
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except for areas where people have been displaced. the rest of the sudanese haven't reached the point where we could be talking about the assignment. we must support those in need because many families i've lost the tools, the money, and those who support them. we all know which party is causing all of these tragedies. no one wants to say that it is the rebel rapid support forces. what causing the famine and stopping some areas and thought for and destroying the just 0 scheme. frankly speaking, those who talk about famine must talk about its causes and about the militias responsible for it. and what caused the suit in these to abandon the land and who destroyed the suit in these agricultural infrastructure. so we welcome all support and assistance, but the donors are slow. some brotherly and friendly countries, the world food program, the cutoff charity, king solomon center, and our brothers in egypt. they've sent us humanitarian aid. some voices are repeatedly saying that they want to help us, but we have never actually seen them on the ground. that just absent because of
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some pretext that are not logical. and we have facilitated humanitarian aid access to the country. and we've opened all terminals for this purpose except one. and we've opened all our airports except for maybe one or 2 of those who don't want to help. i'll just finding excuses, probably with some political aspect. some of these voices all supportive to the rebels regarding the peace talks that you've gone to the government is saying that they are preparing for a round of talks and compatible. have you been invited to these talks? well, no, no. we've just heard about that from the media. there is no official invitation. we haven't been invited to any peace talks in any country. a hurricane barrel has made live soil and mexico's, you can tons and then to the, one of the countries most popular tourist areas. it's now a category to storm sustaining winds of a 160 kilometers per hour. mexican authorities of actuated from tours and residents,
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but tens of thousands of people. the main balance has left a trail of destruction across the se. kyle being counted at least 11 people when i latch in america, edited lucy and newman is joining us live from to them and mexico as you get time to mention to. so what's been the impacts of follow caea we're aware that the retain midland fall a few hours ago. you can see behind me the power lines are cut. they're down. this is the same all along this road in riviera. my yeah. as this area is called, an area that's full of tourists, resorts are all around here, and power has been cut, obviously by the hurricane. but the good news is that there are so far, no casualties, human casualties, me as hard to say that about 50 percent of power has still been cut in east by the move. it is about 40 percent in the room. and actually the rain has stopped and the
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wind has pretty much died down. so that is the good news. also, the airports were not significantly damaged. so that means that the nearly 300 or so flights that had been cancelled in the span of thousands and thousands of taurus cheer in this area will probably resume sometime soon. this hurricane has is not over though. it is still moving here inside the new, but then putting into last so it is still able to cause damage. although we heard just a few seconds ago that it has been downgraded now to a category one. but others still concerns for, for the destruction to see if it's not in mexico, but in the region given it may gain strength, the one bushes around mexico. of the yes, absolutely. it is heading right now towards comes to and many that many that is a city. it can still cause a lot of damage. the winds, as i say, and there's a lot of concern about storm searches and mud slides. that can happen. the rivers
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can grow and then it will go into the gulf of mexico and they're in the warm waters, could speed it up again, could make strength. and that, that hurricane as it goes back in to mexico, in the area of the bicycle shap us, it will cause a lot of damage there. and then presumably it will head towards the united states and still too early to tell those exactly what the trajectory will be, but there will still be more rain and there will be more damage. yes, let's see a thank you very much for that. so nation america editor, lucy, and you've been joining us my from film and mexico with a bundle dish. now it's always a warning of dangerous flog levels and the northeast. within 2000000 people are effective. some remote rural communities of stranded, surrounded by volumes and thousands of people in the line area to be moved to temporarily shelters also continuous rain for nearly a month. the thunder chelsea has the something data from sort of guns and the no
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longer the issue that is one of the worst effected regions. a show i'm going to is basically a flood plain. it is a hinterland where flood water is come on, but it doesn't stay is you know, stationary for long. it flows into the magnetic story eventually to the bay of bengal. so for right now, there is an up section about a 140 kilometers from here. the build a high with which is about 30 kilometer long obstructing the water flaw. that is causing a major problem for the water to flow. that means the flood water remains yet, aside from the fact of heavy monsoon, rain and flood water coming from upstream india is not this. that makes the duration much more burnable. many people are still in the shelter as in schools and government, shelter of government is providing some relief, but not to everyone. we spoke during the village of many village. i said, we haven't received anything from the local or the central government except for
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a few few families who did get really most of the people in this region in the, basically in the flood, delta region that depend on farming and fishing. that's the main, you know, means of leaving and they've been badly affected. and it's no better in the southeast of the country, which is also experiencing heavy rain, which is kind of in the chart, the drum hill tracts of agents of devastation and land slide. even the refugee camp for the hanging, as was badly hated for the past several weeks ago. sort of thing and several that it's still a head on the news l. i'm rob mcbride on sat a while in japan that wants to commemorate the legacy of its mines. some asian neighbors. that's a memory to pay for. the pressure builds up and that's about the plan to come to manager having to come in and is full for the engine manager. glenn hotter talks to algebra about as countries chances of winning the 1st european titles.
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the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the as for she has an d. thank you so much. so as of as slow it down, so the last ice of footballs, european championship, the quote, a final between hosts germany and spain is a bounce of kickoff. spain. if one of the matches so fall, well germany will, they have home friends believing they can win that 1st year. it's time to minimize the 2 years. we can expect the close game with 3 of that passed full matches ending in its rule. it's rinaldo versus and by painted lights are on his porch. cool. take on friends has been
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a frustrating tournament. so phone for to this full biggest 1000 bicycles, broke his nose in the open game front. yet to school. somebody from play. ronaldo has failed to school on mr. pennell. c, and the last 16 match against the let's go to a correspondent, dominant cade, who's in berlin for his dominic, his belief, realizing there among home, friends this loads of friends, here are the friends that are not very clear. the place is bouncing tens of thousands german friends. not so many spanish friends, but every time the team lineup. so being right at each player as being treated with a sheet or if that driven, i don't quite so many chairs. if the spanish, they're all sorts of different historical records are the, the facts for the 1st themes of one this tournament 3 times. they want a full one and then we'll have to go are at the end of the game. the other thing to say from the german perspective,
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they haven't lost the same when they were playing at home since 1935. another one is that no host nation that go to a quote, the final has lost the course of final. but that's the records. this is how it will the game will play out between the 2 things. the question being 10 german efficiency and seen the ethics speak spanish flash. we won't have to wait very long to find out. so make it quick. what on, on the day, 2nd game, rinaldo, of course, very upset when he missed not penalties of portugal in the last game of friends likely to upset him again. well that's the great question here is in which french team is going to turn off the one that plays with flat, the one that tries to break down its opponents with attracting football or the one that has play defensive. footfall not considered many goals, not ready. last many games,
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but progress through the phone on against that you have the portuguese theme, playing a se, flash enroll now go to one german newspapers compact to jo, buys it, and today i said the difference being that ronaldo has the jobs still to try and win something who knows what the go button will do, but the newspaper here saying that ronaldo has of shots. but the question has to be at 39, if he doesn't have a good game. and the french get around, but i make use of that, that sold to come. but right now, these friends here concentrated on germany versus things coming up in the next few minutes. great. so thank you so much. dominic came the force in berlin. now full ring with manager glenn hotel says it's time for the team to start playing with a bit of arrogance. huddles, being so can see out these areas are, is small about the unique pressures of being in charge of the england. same is down with the south gate side. prepare for that quarter final. that's coming up on
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saturday against switzerland. yeah. the positives with things and we haven't played well yet a but we're in the quarter finals. we're waiting to reg, no, we're waiting to explode. now that could happen in any, any give them going if there's enough time and endings quote, to actually gone beat somebody 3 now. and then everyone says, when we fancy england, i think england is better when they're just under the radar. and the moment they're playing very much like 4 years ago when the autonomy is 11 the roads done, they weren't the best thing at the beginning, or even right the way through. but i want it. you don't have to be the best thing to win a trophy. when i watched care of southgate in the host press conference is he just feels like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. it's a unique kind of pressure in my managers face. where does that come from? i didn't had that job. i can tell you,
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he has got the world on the shelf it's. that's the job. that's england job probably that. that in brazil, i think over the years is probably the toughest job ever. and it might be one of the reasons why england hasn't been as successful of the many, many told women since 1966 because the pressure builds up and it's about the plans having to cope and the manager having to cope and deal with things. and it does look a bit more pressure on this is the moment that the press and the media sometimes now is that it's an opportunity for them to say what they want it to say many years ago. but they couldn't, because england got to the final in the semi final. and if some reason being well, i think england, they've got some wonderful, wonderful young plas talents, talented players like never before in many ways. and i'm not sure that i feel that i have to, for me, look at people in the tunnel and say, we're as good if not better than you because it's true. but they haven't performed
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that way. i think they have to show some real characters in personality. some americans really a belief that they all bet and then let's go and prove it. how are you insane that remain on close the back to back cover american sontols. they beat equitable on penalties to reach the semi finals, the gang finished in a warm renal messing. this is for kick origin, see the going to win the sheets and 5th straight cup of 74 messy side elements. when i read the 60 cycle so let me pull, you manage it on a slope, says he has no concerns about replacing it. you can quote, cope decided to leave the club at the end of last season after winning every major trophy document slot arise in england after a successful spell. in charge of final you can look at it both ways. you can look at the bits, use the field, which can also look at it in a way that you inherited squats and a team that is as
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a winning culture. and one of the reasons to come here and there was more reasons for this, but one of the reasons is that that i do feel we have a really good team. we would score. and um, i think as a manager, you want to look at a club, what other players with the opportunity to win something. and the past has shown that there is a possibility for difficult to win some trophies. a lot of funding wimbledon champion costs out crowds in 3rd round action against francis t. if are the spaniard will have to go the distance if he wants to win this 129 seats a 5 and some so full may 1. the 1st and 3rd sense the, the from so just the 2nd time of his career, the full set has gone through 8. right? yeah, but this one is a full one is pretty, is growing pretty, didn't go to funds. the full of the drive is, depends. if you center the spinning out early on, it is all because my parents, londoners,
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when quickest with raining will champions find the lead apple max for stuff in full right. that is how useful to is looking for now as you thank you very much for that . finding this bulletin, the japanese government is pushing for the listing of a former mine and complex as a unesco world heritage side, located on sato island, that self depends north west, closed the mines date back hundreds of years bought the mines, use a full slave of from the korean peninsula, as pumps of concern from japan's neighbors. by mcbride reports from sata on and a rollover, sato island, both below ground and above it, is evidence of the intensive mining the carved and shake the landscape once a source of great wealth. the last mines close decades ago, with some being preserved full visits as a record of how the generations of mine is toyota on those other goals on i believe it's important to show not only the positive aspects of the solid on minds,
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but to present all the facets of a complex history to gain a full understanding at one time among the largest gold and silver produces in the world. the importance of these mines to japanese, cultural and industrial history is undeniable. but it's how that legacy is remembered. the cause these problems for many of japan's neighbors, south korea are included. what japan seems to ignore according to activists, representing victims of forced labor and the families of the thousands of koreans who report to work against the will during the last century. when korea was a japanese colonies, other one was $1.00 to $2.00 that you'd have done with met directly with the families of the victims who had taken decide the minds and force to work. they testified that off to returning from sato, they suffered from long diseases for their entire lives. south korea says it will literally support the anesco bid if the history of forced labor is properly recognized,
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pointing to the ongoing control vesee surrounding the listing of hashem island. the sight of extensive undersea coal mining it was given you and ask a world heritage status in 2015, but public exhibits about its history has failed to mention to the use of all time forced labor, as japan was requested to do all his license. this lack of action can be seen as a refusal to fully acknowledge and addressed this part of history, but don't let them by name robert if such history is properly method, i think many koreans would visit sato island. so many campaign is both korean and japanese. a truthful reckoning with often painful events from the past far from opening old wounds could help hilda, rob mcbride. i'll just say era side of the island, japan. well that set for the news out and stay with us via back in just a few minutes. but for the latest updates,
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thank you for watching the to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the when denmark and acts controversial, those targeting communities of known western descendants and reclassifying, the neighborhoods as guesses one young most living rises to defend his hon. speaking out in box on a journey to the cause of power,
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questioning his place in the country of his band and my danish witness documentary on examining the headlines, unflinching journalist sharing personal stories with a global audience explode on abundance of cos program on ours is here the
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safe them even comment as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the now country has voted decisively fold shape keeps telling me it takes off the suitcase a new prime minister and names this cabinet often connection victory for the name of the hello. i'm elizabeth donovan. this is al, just the online. sometimes it's are coming up as a strikes continue to try to find some jobs up as well. and from us professor told


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