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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now. the now country has voted decisively fold shape. keeps telling me it takes off the suitcase a new prime minister and names this cabinet as often as a connection victory for the name of the hello on the bottom. and this is algebra live from dog. ha. also coming up as air strikes continue to try the palestinian homes in gaza as well. and from us professor talks about a potential sci fi. do we speak exclusively with students on the cheese?
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often hot about the country, some conflict that sold millions from their homes. and how it came bound makes landfill on mexico's car, being close to bringing heavy rain and drawing thing. when's the beginning of the united kingdom, which he has? tom has made his 1st address of the prime minister of labor policy of a quoted, a decisive victory and thursday's jet and election. speaking outside downing street russians, new data told the nation will cause urgent and we begin it today. the conservatives who had been in charge for 14 years lost $250.00 seats, and the $650.00 st. paul them. and under simmons begins coverage from london, the
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a collection sexiest alma he became labels liter off to one of its worst defeats in history. now in less than 5 years, his policy has his own big majority with his wife victoria. he's greeted in dining street has prime minister from now on. you have a government on foot and fight. don't treat guided only by the determination to sub your interest to define quietly. those who have written country all. i invite you to join the government of service in the mission of national renew. outlook is urgent as we get it today. thank you very much. donna, had his audience with king chose a short time off to receive sooner. who went on to resign as conservative party leader. is it being the worst ever the election results of the complaint?
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it's, i am sorry. i have given this joel smile. but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your hangup to your disappointment. i take responsibility for this loss. among the high profile, conservative loses was less trust britain's shortest subbing prime minister ever. her actions that to upon market the left instead of is the division within the conservative party with some form, a cabinet of members expressing anger on fed up for performance out politics. i've watched a colleagues in the conservative policy, strongly poses rights in pharmacy, all sides and say stupid things they know, they know have no evidence full. instead of concentrating on doing the job, they will like to do. how about enough of it? the liberal democrats have the most successful election on record taking many
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conservative votes and also taking votes from the conservatives was the right wing populace reform u. k. policy. it's not just disappointment with the conservative policy. there was a massive gas, almost sense of right, of british politics. my job is to fit, we will now be targeting labor lives with coming for labor be and no doubt about that. the labor party, the scottish nation, respond to u. haul it last most of it's 43 seats. people who run across the u. k. woke up to a brand new political landscape, the conservative policy imploded. now labor may have a seismic victory, but test on to deliver on change. he must deliver quickly. the biggest challenge for him could well be managing expectations. andrew simmons houses or london
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that's joined james base, who's outside 10 downing street, the official residents of the bushes, prime minister. so the cabinet, including deputies, phone, and defense ministers have been announced. james, what is the new government look like? of the yeah, that no surprises they will the people who are doing the shadow roll. uh, but rachel reeves is the 1st of a female counselor, the district of that's the finance minister in the u. k. david law me is going to be the foreign secretary. he has had good relations. a transatlantic relations in the past spent a lot of time in the us started at harvard. he is going to be the point man around the world for this administration, for the secretary or for minnesota. and john hailey is going to be the defense secretary, obviously important given the u. k. 's role in nato and the u. k. support for elizabeth zalinski government as those are among the key, if it goes still, people coming in and out of dining street right now. pretty much the new
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administration here hitting the ground running, but that's exactly what kids thomas said he was going to do. he said it was going to be a different type of the type of government. it was going to be comma, but it was going to be more efficient the way they're going to run this country. and that making the point that the previous tory government was beset by scandals and gaps even during the election campaign. there was that where she through not going to the day to member ations in normandy, leaving a late and i was doing the campaign. and also the fact that some of these officials were involved in gambling on the outcome of the election labor say it's going to be very different, but trying on day one. so and if you allows the guy that he took office on the day one, the trying to completely change the time. i'm not sure has its challenges for those minutes just to address james, both domestically and on the international front to a huge challenges and very difficult i think of full stomach to deal with all of
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these things. the u. k. has some speech problems and i think it's also difficult, i think, to bring the public along because they said they're going to change things, but in the same time. so i'm gonna try to convince other people, but it's gonna be very cautious. and he wasn't going to do anything radical. well, if you're gonna change things and not be very rather cold, that's quite a difficult situation. they've got to try and improve the economy. cost of living prices trying to get growth going in this country. the health system nationalist health system, is something that everyone in the u. k. talks about the n h s the national health service to try and prove things that have caused some challenges on the international stage as well. i've mentioned ukraine. there's also the war on garza . well, the position, i don't think the movement looks like it's going to be any different from this new labor governments they did in the manifesto, say that they're gonna recognize palestine, but i don't think that's going to happen any time soon as they say that it has to happen in step with process towards a 2 state solution. having said all of that,
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he now has more than $400.00 and peas and we know that opinion in the labor policy itself is very pro palestinian. so i'm sure among those 400 them please let me quite a few who'd like him to be doing more to be tougher on his route. so i think that's going to be interesting and worth watching. yeah, absolutely. james, thank you very much for that. james days with all the nations live in london of the that's to goes on now is there any forces have killed 5 members of $15.00 and the north of the strip? a man, his wife and the 3 children died when children struck the house and the jamalia olive area writes groups and the you and have accused israel's army of repeatedly targeting civilians that speak to a correspondent, products of boys in his joining his life from there all of a lot in central gaza and tonic, we're hearing about the tax on con units in the south. the state it's in the
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central district of the will generally the use when it strikes across the strip continue to go out. we so more strikes on the a separate part of causes, specifically in hon units, whether it's really minutes where you're talking to a group of out of city. and so we're working on secure range of the commercial troops that are getting into the strip from term of a sound of increasing while in the central area of causes. specifically in them is the rock for a few to come. a palace, palestinians have been hit, the number of casualties have been reported as they were looking for was in order to be using it like yourself. this booking purposes, it might have distribution of gas supplies in district. but apparently fighting in the north of district continues as well, you know, show you any for which has been totally active. so what the most military, the wind of the sun for gates has been announced like that they managed to attack, cut them for all is well the troops on the ground as direct line to take control of
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shoes. yeah, yeah, neighborhood. and this is the grim reality that there was 2 families trust the for over a week. right now they're waiting for africa, which coupon? no one can get close to that location. and due to the high intensity of the compartments as the ministry right now was focusing on completely planning golf for residential supplies that are so a day since a boat is with as well. that is for the creation of the office. while they are trying to make a kind of military clearance on the ground in order to guarantee that she's your rooms and things that we sort to express for days when a moving troops on the ground elizabeth product as, as well as attach continue across the strip this real concern for gauze is largest functioning hospital mazda of hospital, which happens to be in con, units with the health industry says the hospital does running out a few good events. he's the good reality not only for loss or hospital in the southern part of funding just but also he locks the
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hospital on the bus mature to feels hospitals that were recently established off to the destruction of the vast majority of hospitals. in a rough i'm district, we clearly understand that the few crisis has basically and back to the ability of the medical workers to continue to provide medical treatments for hundreds of patients. and these hospitals were basically that few crisis has led to serious medical complications for patients and the intensive care unit who are in a very desperate need for us to table and on interrupted a extra electric line in order to keep providing them with a central cat. and basically also premature babies have been widely impacted of that crisis because they are in the very desperate need for oxygen that will be only generated by a power line that can be at any time now dropped or even no longer be available product. thank you very much for that. that's not a of was the overlays as live and then i was a lot and central gaza us president joe biden has pressed,
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is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree to a did with him us for a ceasefire and gaza. their reports, the head of as well as intelligent service, has been in contact to discuss the details. a senior us official says this being a breakthrough and negotiations. the officials that have loss had made a significant adjustment to its position in the to looks. what home offices will use the state with home those websites saying we reject any plans or proposals that seek to exceed the palestinian regarding the future of the gaza strip. we also reject any plans for foreign forces to enter the strip under any name of justification. the administration of the gauze, the strip is a purely palestinian matter to be agreed upon by our palace demand people. it is rarely false as have killed at least 7 palestinians and wounded several others in a raid and janine and the occupied westbank. 14 palestinians have been killed in the past week. mancha lab 4 reports. it's
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a magic gunfire, rings out in the harsh, also the area of jeanine refugee camp in the occupied waste bank is ready. ground forces move in searching for members of our codes brigades. the ongoing of the palestinian islamic jihad good fights is barricaded themselves in a building for several hours from the ground is rarely forces fired rockets before pulling in an a stripe. more confrontations between his riley soldiers and palestinian fighters and the surrounding area killed and injured dozens of people is really forces reportedly destroyed. several vehicles during their operation during its war on gaza is rarely stepped up, the frequency and intensity of its raids and arrests in the occupied. westbank move in 560 palestinians had been killed in the territory since october the 7th. like
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level elders, they're just a don now with the power military rapid support forces has taken control of the city. the un says more than a 130000 people have said, the se offer of attacks by the are says, well, the 9000000 people have been displaced by the 14 month conflict between the army and the problem and the tree group. the home involved sat down for an exclusive one on one interview was up to the father of the con, the leader of the sudanese army. he began by asking about the college situation on the ground. so i will definitely be able to, i, to, i'm of the, all aspects of the war on that in the current military operations, the suffering losses in a battle retreating in a certain situation does not mean losing the battle itself. and doesn't mean the feat the suit and these people and the food in these armed forces will never be defeated. it's been of 14 months plus now since the beginning of this war,
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what is the explanation of the fact that this, with these hom you hasn't, you have to be able to defeat the routine use of the out of pocket support forces. what are the factors behind it was if you'd have to have to look on this as a great injustice to a nation as the armed forces, we have the responsibility of protecting the suit in a state. it has the rights to obtain weapons to protect the country from collapse and from being preyed upon by some regional countries which have bad intentions to what's done so that the progress of the office both forces to what's not in no time. what is your explanation of the fact that they have been able to push sofa from comfortable to with the se? oh, not a lot of the sudden circumstances surrounding the military operations that have enabled them to advance in this direction. but we are able, with all determination, all will, and the support of the student needs people to repel them and expelled them
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completely from so done. so does this mean that this is a time friends can be distinguished from enemies of all so dense friends and was with us. and then we'll proceed with the smoke and hung up. many countries remain silent and turn a blind eye to the crimes being committed every day. everyone who remain silent and everyone who supports what the other site is doing on a daily basis is definitely an enemy. everyone who supports the suit in the state and it's in institutions because a friend, let's move now to the humanitarian situation. and so then you're to pulse talk about 20000000 people facing hunger and positively funny incident. what, what do you have to tell us about the situation? and how does i mean? yeah, you're going to she, you know, i'm and no one wants to say, but this is the rebel rapid support forces while closing the famine and installing some areas in the for and destroying the zeta scheme. and it says, frankly speaking, those who would talk about famine must not talk about its causes and about the
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militias responsible for it. and what caused the student needs to abandon the land and who destroyed the suit in these agricultural infrastructure. we welcome all support and assistance, but the donors are slow. the still ahead on knowledge, a 0 warnings of more rains of ne bond division as more than a 1000000 people, a hit by slots. and rob mcbride on the side or why like japan that wants to come member, right, the legacy of its mines, some asian neighbors. that's a memory to pay for the color. the weather is really going down hill across the northeast in pots of china at the moment. you can see this area cloud here, that's the latest, both the big down pulls on the my, you frontier, split fragment t this you can see,
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but this area of light pressure, i have a slide its way through the yellow. see some big down pulls, coming into the final piece of china, northern parts of the korean peninsula as i move career things and picked down post roster sales or how does that seem to japan? these will clear for, for sunday, wetso, weather tools, the fondles of home. she's frugal, caught it for a time. what, whether continuing, just around the, let's see either side of the yellow sea, but it's going to be northeast some parts of china with that stage thing. the heaviest rain full set of south is see lofty, clear and dry with plenty of sunshine, sunshine, and showers across the southeast asia. some live, the shower is still in place and to indonesia shouldn't be quite as white as this. but those towers still very much in evidence as we go on through sas de, some weather weather possibilities. some flooding to into positive java southern areas of semaphore to possibility of flooding across north east and past of india brought up the northern plains around the foothills of the him of last month. certain rays really have ramp top here. i'm petty a showers,
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but just about any of the full hail the planet interrogates. well, i always think about climate change, the way to do this is a global issue. it's abstract. so whatever i do, it doesn't seem to make a dent. alley re reveals how with being and if you liked it into distancing also from the climate crisis and delaying meaningful action as faculty reactions as being both intentionally and unintentionally quite a few ideas to create confusions. if we're confused with the power of psychology is looking climate action on l g 0 the the,
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you're watching me elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. i have a mind to about told stories. the seller keeps tom a has a pace versus 2 napkins. u k. prime minister also has made apologies, crushing them back to victory. david anatomy has been appointed phone secretary and virtual readings become especially female finance. and this is very serious. as of chose 5 members of one family moving gaza, shot and struck the house in the jabante unbundled area, human rights groups and as you and have repeatedly choose this where the on the targeting civilians and did you want has more than a 130000 people have fled to sit on se optimal attacks by the power latrice rapids forces. so don's army chief is told out of the iris has this insight deliberately closing founded by this point. as a culture, the
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motion of bonds, presidential model for the action has been extended for a 2nd time. iranians are choosing between performance candidates best who possess can conservative side ged by some sort of dye reports from that on that busy day at to see if i put a station in order to around this phone call. the form is support because we have suffered from economic hardships in the past years, i think possess shaquille and well managed to solve these problems. i and young iranians, both in the country under broad hope things will improve performance candidates. missy position can cause she's worked in the town of goods in the software. so if there are improvements, just hopeful that elected his business. he will be the secretary for mrs. government of the moment. so i think he's in 2005. however, to know is likely to be tax. what's their apathy has increased recent years. last
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friday's 1st on. so record low turn now, you know, 40 percent or you don't so complete their cost is what would you read names to do the same? i heard about the people's into easy as and especially is true. it is a policing case. hopefully people will successfully participate in the election and choose the right candid. at this stage, people should make more effort to have a president tomorrow. god bless the nation, and those who make the effort of their site and mislead part i'm gonna do is we have come out to catch the balance. i think because it, again, as we're here to vote for the hispanic republic and we're here to say yes to the supreme lead is quite a lot of out of town to decide how the subject is solving to as well as promised to continue the policies or piece pallets, exhibit the late presidency behind the scenes. this one is regarded as one of the most competitive and unpredictable elections in the history off as long as the
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public, you know, probably more term with both within the country. um, originally whoever wins would have numerous challenges to address this. he said there was a 0 doubt on how can bell has made lance will in mexico's you could thompson mention of that's one of the country's most popular tourist areas. it's now a category one storm sustaining winds of a 160 kilometers an hour mexican authorities. it actually has come to us and residents with tens of thousands of people. the main bell has left a trail of destruction across the se, caribbean kenning, at least 11 people. to see a newman has moved from folsom and mexico. as we are aware that the hurricane made land fall a few hours ago, you can see behind me the power lines are cut. they're down. this is the same all along this road in riviera. my yeah, as this area is called, an area that's full of tourist resorts are all around here and power has been cut
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obviously by the hurricane. but the good news is that there are so far, no casualties, human casualties. the far to say that about 50 percent of power has still being caught in east of the move head is about 40 percent in bloom, and actually the rain has stopped in the windows pretty much died down. so that is the good news. also, the airports were not significantly damaged, so that means that the nearly 300 or so flights that had been cancelled. and that's fine, it's thousands and thousands of tourists here in this area will probably resume sometime soon. this hurricane has is not over though. it is still moving here inside the new baton peninsula, so it is still able to cause damage. although we heard just a few seconds ago that it has been downgraded now to a category one is heading right now towards come, said to and many that many that is a city, it can still cause
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a lot of damage. the winds, as i say, and there is a lot of concern about storm searches and mud slides that can happen, the rivers can grow and then it will go into the gulf of mexico and they're in the warm waters. could speed it up again, could make strength, and that, that hurricane as it goes back in to mexico, in the area of the mass school, shap, us, it will cause a lot of damage there as then, presumably it will head towards the united states and still too early to tell the exactly what the trajectory will be, but there will still be more rain and there will be more damage. pathologies involved the vision warning of dangerous 5 levels of the no faced hungry child that he has this update from southern guns in the north of long division. one of the worst effective regions. a show i'm going to is basically a flood plain. it is a hinterland where flooded water is come on, but it doesn't stay is you know, stationary for long. it flows into the magnetic story eventually to the bay of
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bengal. so for right now, there is an up section about a 140 kilometers from here. the build a high with which is about 30 kilometer long obstructing the water flaw. that is causing a major problem for the water to flow. that means the flood water remains yet, aside from the fact of heavy monsoon, rain and flood water coming from upstream india is not this. that makes the duration much more burning a boat. many people are still in the shelter as in schools and government shelter as a government is providing some relief, but not to everyone. we spoke during the village of many village. i said, we haven't received anything from the local or the federal government. that's except for a few few families who did get really most of the people in this region in the, basically in the flood delta, the region that depend on farming and fishing, that's the main, you know, means of leaving. and they've been badly affected. and it's no better in the
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southeast of the country, which is also experiencing heavy rain, which is kind of in the chart, the drum hill tracts of agents of devastation and land slide. even the refugee camp for the hanging as was badly hated for the past several weeks ago, sort of thing and several that or the national riley heading for a possible election when in fonts on sunday, the left and center have formed 2 lines to count to the 5 potty, as you all know, cuz i don't show on a controversial left as could be an obstacle to any cooperation. set voss and travel to has the pool base and must say in southern france. one seen as a symbol of capitalism in this poor neighborhood in north my side. now what community run the restaurant manager come out get money and his staff occupied the american fast food chain outlets 5 years ago to prevent it from closing and renamed it after am legalized by the city government. the restaurant now stands for social justice and to fight against racism and the file right. we must go and vote. we
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must come together and look at this party so it can no longer exist. can. i'm heard by france resembled his liberty equality and pretended to 40, which only applies to one the social life lesson. for example, we are here. we enrich this country. look at the caching is the clean air, like they all the heroes, the pool working class neighborhoods, in my say, a stronghold of showing the smell of shown the lead of la fonts. it's amazing. friends about social is to run for the presidency 3 times and is this found support of palestine? he wants a redistribution of wealth to lower the pension age. so look mellon sean is a key. the link between the politics and the people among the left wing coalition, and he's the only will link with the work and close days before a crucial 2nd round election. on sunday, she tries to secure more votes for the so called republican from against the national riley of marine lips, and never before as a french last,
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being able to join forces such as irregular elections. now were you in the future for now to try and speak with the quote for the alliance, which disagrees on most things. village waste on no file, right? government. but it's meant to show the most from an seeker of this correlation we see as its weakest link. so i'm call it a choice between the pate. i'm calling around the file right on one side and the hotline populous mental shock with being accused of anti semitism. on the other, it we've tried to create conflict was in your opinion, and they were trying to create a conflict with, with the companies private companies. we practiced with conflict between french people. so despite their reluctance, many like do was still choose to vote for the republican front to block the file, right? lot to deal with them. and i show you some, it also only is fighting for a cause whether we agree or not. we these cause he's not a fascist, and that's what counts would often donating food to hundreds of people every week
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from our only hopes that if the left does well and sundays election, the parties won't forget their promises and put a man to inequality and poverty in france's big cities that find some l g 0 must say the japanese government is pushing for the listing of a full online and complex as the unesco world heritage side of the minds use of full flavor from the korean financial that has prompted concerns from japan's neighbors. on the drive reports from sato island, rollover sato island, both below ground and above it is evidence of the intensive mining. the cofton shaped the landscape once a source of great wealth. the last mines close decades ago, with some being preserved full visits as a record of how the generations of mine is toiled here and also the cause. i believe it's important to show not only the positive aspects of the soda in mines, but to present told us that.


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