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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption excellence award, denominator here on now. the holding into ron's presidential election run off is extended for a 3rd time as votes as choose between conservative side neely and reformers missile testers. you can the, on somebody this is all into their life from dela will. so coming up 27 palestinians a did the following is really strikes across the gaza strip as israel and almost prepared for talks over a possible ceasefire deal. grandma,
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what are you as president joe biden says he can be donald trump in november to in o'reilly in the past who ground state of wisconsin, and we speak exclusively. what's it in these ami chief? are those thoughts over hahn about the country civil war that's forced millions from their homes? the beginning, the wrong way of voting was in the presidential want us to election have been extended for us, so time around into choosing between reform is counted as domestic position and conservative. so it's really iran, supremely de la combination cost is valid to use the radiance to do the same. russell said to has the latest from to homes that busy day after. so you need to
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start putting station in the wrong phone call. the form is support beams. we have suffered from economic hardships in the past years. i think position kion will manage to solve these problems. i and young uranium, both in the country under broad hope things will improve. performance candidates missy position can cause she's worked in the town of quotes in the south, west of different improvements. just hopeful that elected his business. he will be . the 2nd of the form is government, often homicide to me in 2005. however, till now is likely to be attacked. what they're advertising, please listen to use. last friday's 1st on. so record low turn now, you know, 40 percent that you don't so complete their cost is what's watching your rankings to do the same. i heard about the people using susie as and if that is true, it is a policing case. hopefully, people will successfully participate in the election and choose the right candid at
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this stage. people should make more effort to have a president tomorrow. god bless the nation and those who make the effort with all their site and most viewed part i'm gonna do is we have come out because the brothers are they because it again as we're here to vote for the hispanic republic . and we're here to say yes to the supreme lead is quite a lot of out of town to decide how the subject is solving. this problem is to continue the policies of his fellow to exhibit the late presidency behind the scenes. this runoff is regarded as one of the most competitive and unpredictable elections in the history off as long as the public, you know, probably more term with both within the country. um, originally whoever wins would have numerous challenges to address this. he said that was a 0 that on hard with the latest, most, most of the head joins us live from the police station into ron. what are we
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looking at in terms of the tow notes at this point? especially compared to the 1st round of voting and have we heard anything yet about wind results we saw coming in the well, the turn i would say is higher than the 1st round of what we can get into this interior minister. yeah, and that is that save you to, to a civil reasons 1st because of the culture from a top officials that especially the supreme needed. it's a lot of how many who has been calling on unions to head to the putting stations and the tests that about as he retreated, that's this voting process is very important for the nation. and it's part of the digging it the over at the last, also the contending, it comes to the conservatives at versus the, the for miss each can, has been at trying get that it's best to mobilize the supporters to push them to go
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to the product restrictions and get that votes when it comes to the conservative. can they have been trying to gather all the camps that will just excuse me, all the boats that were distributed among the conservative candidates in the 1st round and direct them to only one books this round of boating, tuesday idea that a how conservative a how do i know it tended, on the other hand, at ms who is this key on the 80 for most a presidential hopefully has got the backend of photo motor at high profile officials, including former presidents and also including get a photo of a foreign minister. so now the contest is pets. at its highest people are still heading to the pulling stations up to the extension, the times extension to all of us. each that is probably going to take the hold for
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us until midnight local time. and as part of that isn't, as usual, is expected to be, and i also have this 2nd at the, the next day by mid day or by noon, according to the into the administrator. all right, ma hoods of the what he did, thanks very much for the latest from to, from as of voting continues. the medical sources of told ultra 0 that is where the strikes on the gaza strip has killed 27 people. in southern gauze, at least 10 people were killed by his lady, showing on con, unison rasa casualties were rushed to now. so hospital children are among the injured in con eunice, and in the north of the strep is really forces of killed 5 members of one family, a man, his wife and their 3 children died when shutting struck their house in the job.
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aaliyah of ballade area rights groups and the u. n of accused is rosamille repeatedly targeting civilians. as many bakeries and gaza comments operates because of field shortages. and darrow bella, palestinians are doing 4 hours in the hope of getting bred as you and our community reports. for me, in the heart of getting back in front of the big green, one of the bakeries i've been reading using read the news policy news. we are in the where at least 1800000 people are being lie on these at bay trees. and the main reason that people are relying on this bread because the price is the same exact price before the war, because the st john provides bakery to ease fuel and everything. but due to the fuel yesterday on the one bakery out of work,
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and according to the people that are waiting here, they have been leasing for 2 hours to receive the bakery minimize and increase their working hours. i have been here for almost 4 hours, waiting to take the low from spread to my family. my family consist of 9 members, firewood stairs, and very expensive, which means i cannot, they can be of and i come here every day. its own not only bakery. also has but those are in which we think severe lack of fuel and they're also being threatened of setting down their services. we're talking about the roster hospital in augusta and income unit and also the hospital in the middle area where every hospital needs at least 4000 tons of news. i've met this has been negotiations also use fire as long as those kind of thing you do not see any change in the ground. there's
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nothing positive about this entire him that he just data that it was a policy sign to do as president joe biden suppressed is why the prime minister benjamin, it's on the all to agree to cease by a deal to homeless the head of israel's intelligence service. has been cut out to discuss the details, but has reportedly now left. israel says it's agreed to send the go shapes as back to dough on next week. to continue the talks on thursday, a senior us official said there's been a break fluid negotiations. homelessness released a statement saying we would take to any plans or proposals that seek to exceed the palestinian will regarding the future of the gaza strip. we also reject any plans from foreign forces to enter the strip under any name or justification. the administration of the gaza strip is a purely palestinian massa to be agreed upon by our palestinian peoples.
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my little mastery is a professor of media studies with the institute for graduate studies. he says he's not being optimistic about the potential for a ceasefire until now. in this particular case, i think there's more reason for optimism. there's more reason to think that something may well get, get done here in the next uh, you know, a few days. and i think the reason for that if reports are accurate, is that how mass has seemingly been willing to bend on its position on a permanent ceasefire. so they're no longer it appears, requiring a permanent ceasefire during that, that 1st phase that for a 6 week a face. and if that's the case that i think is real would, would probably jump, but jump at that opportunity. israel has maintained that it wants to be able to
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continue the war after the temporary pause. how mass is always maintained, that it wants a permanent and to, to, to fighting the position that's more in line with, with the international community. the us state of wisconsin has played a key role in the last several presidential elections. joe biden flew over to madison to attend a campaign rally there. as democrats grow increasingly worried, following a shake of debates against donald trump last week. but biden's remained adamant that he's staying in the race and can beat trump in november. during the riley, joe biden said he is not going to let 19 minutes of a debate. it weighs what the results of his time in office all the hey father. i also notice a lot of discussion about my age. i know i look 40 i keep seeing all those stories about him being too old. when he says and i was to,
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i want to, i want to over create over 50000000 new jobs. why do you want me to be big for me 1st will never do that lower than 35000000 americans are all right. let's cross to madison with john henry news live for us. now john, president biden is under enormous pressure to show he can do the job of the what was a terrible performance in the 1st debate. what does he have to prove at this event as well, those calls have been increasing. senator mark warner of virginia a democrat, is that he's going to gather a group of democrats to try to persuade biden to get out of the rates
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a couple of days ago. there was a group of democratic governors that went to the white house to meet with the president. they said they did so because he hadn't reached out to them. they wanted to express their concerns and to find out what his plans were for the future. but you heard it today, he was in fact, he said, i am running and i am going to win again. said i'm the nominee of the democratic party because millions of voters like you voted for me. he said they're trying to push me out of the race. he said, i'm staying in the race. i'm going to be donald trump. i'll do it again. so despite those calls he's in fact he's going to stay in the race, but you're absolutely right. he does have something to prove here. he's got to convince people that he is, or he is not too old, that he has a cognitive, physical ability to maintain his role as president for another 4 years. and he's told allies that to needs to get more sleep, that he needs to stop doing events after 8 pm. and that has some people concerned
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about his energy level. and so he's here trying to convince people that he has the fortitude to continue. but he was speaking on a teleprompter. does that well with in strong voice, much stronger than he was in the debate? most of the people who came out afterwards told us they still support joe biden, but one of them said he was a delegate. he said by dis just, you know, also coming up as the president, jo biden's, 1st television interview following that debate. right. and that's well in just a few all was tell us more. that's right, this is an exclusive interview with a b c news. and it's a thing presidents tend to do when they've done badly in a debate for if they've had some other political problem. bill clinton went to 60 minutes on c, b, as in this case, biden is doing that interview to show people he can do the kind of back and forth that he was supposed to have accomplished in that debate. he walked away from there, not persuading a lot of people that he had done
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a very good job here. his job is to show that he's in command, that he can answer spontaneous questions that he's articulate that he knows issues . and then he's really on top of his game, and this is going to be a widely watched interview. we will give you an excerpt from that later on today. all right, john, thanks very much for that. john henry day in madison, wisconsin still head on al jazeera as well. it's urgent that we begin it today. thank you very much. you guys, you prime minister coast, i'm a promise. this change of the sweeping election victory. the high pressure continues to dominate the weather across the australia at the moment,
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but take the down towards the southeast and go to that high that play as guides. light waves that has been allowing for some it's really cold. nice. a cool breaking cold into tasmania. cold enough to into the pots of victoria without hi, which has been spent for some time instead of a blocking feature, which roaring in a state followed, waiting the kind of tardy pack those. i suppose of course, that is the side of australia. so it's money usually when they buy the moisture that's getting fed into this off the feet to here. that's going to produce some outbreaks of rain heavy at times into the interior at a month with the right possible for some over the next couple of days as the largest way down into west southwest. right. a lot of weather coming for you here is load it just edges way further east, which as we go through sunday, went to weather coming into the outback of new south wales into the southwest corner of queensland as well headed lights started to pick up more than little safety direction across the task manager. so hopefully this is really cold for us. do menacing some what type of the next couple of days. so the cases we go into
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monday with what, whether the, into the southeastern corner by that stage is mostly some parts of china, saves and very heavy right. i have of the next style to pushing into those career the interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community, can we also say that bills the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the
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the you're watching else is there a reminder of our top story? is this our voting and it runs presidential elections when extended for a 3rd time to 20? so to gmc iranians, all choosing between a formless candidates most suited, possessed young and conservative sides. and really iran supreme lead. i until i was kind of coming to a us radians to vote, is where the forces have struck multiple areas across the cause of stress. medical sol, so say 27 people have been killed in different attacks in con eunice and refined the cells at least 10 people have been killed. you as president says he will beach donald trump in november's election. joe biden's just finished a riley in the background state of wisconsin. the precious mounting following is
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shaky to base against trump last week. to go to the united kingdom with the new 5 ministers picks to bring change immediately coast on as being naming hayes cabinet off to the labor party, sweeping victory, putting them in government for the 1st time. in 14 years, the conservatives lost 250 parliamentary seats, the worst and its paula into history. james space has moved from london, greeted by suitcases in the list. so. so you're right in downing street. this is the man who will now run the u. k. kids storm is labor party one. the largest number of seats in recent history is promising a comma more efficient hand on believe a zip government. you have a government on foot and fight. don't treat guided only by the determination to serve your interest to define quietly. those who have written country all.
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you have given us a clear monday and we will use it to deliver change. so probably minutes to stall him up was fully given the job by king charles who had minutes earlier seemed rushing su neck so that he could relinquish the post political transitions in the u. k. a quick and brutal for those leaving office soon act seemed humble. i'm humbled as he left down the street for the last time. i am sorry . i have given this jolts my own. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the only judgment that matches. i have heard your anger to your disappointment and i take responsibility for this loss. so next conservative party had the worst night
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ever and its history. 12, its cabinet ministers will vote it out as well as a full, but probably minister is trust is disastrous. 50 day tub in 2022. that would run on the pound for the the rights of center reform policy only got 5 seats despite securing 15 percent of the vote. the scottish national party, meanwhile, has an awful night losing about 3 quarters of it seats, a serious set back for the cause of independence school style mode is the problem is does go straight to completing his cabinet. as expected, right to reeves becomes the you case, 1st of a female counselor, the exchequer. the finance minister, david, allow me, is the new foreign secretary early next week, the installment make the 1st overseas trip to the nato summit in washington. the policy on ukraine is unlikely to change with strong support still extended to presidents. lensky is government with regard to the war on gaza. labor and its
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manifesto said it would recognize the state of palestine, but that's unlikely to happen until this progress on the 2 state solution. however, the labor policy traditionally is a strong supporter of palestine and with the $400.00 m. p. is there a bound to be some the want tougher action towards the israel and then a vap pool, be internal pressure on the prime minister james base, which is 0, london and central and northern england, the labor party. we took many seats of last in the last election, traditionally, a liberal hotline known as the hood, will the region fall back the way this time? so here's a good report from move a hampton overlooking the house of the west midlands on the edge of the black country. there was little sign of will hampton's proud industrial post home to more than a quarter of a 1000000 people. it has reflected the moods of the nation at the ballot box and
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help usher in a labor victory. the city is not without its problems. it has some of the highest unemployment rates in the country, especially among young people, due to the most poets to the waning of industry and manufacturing in the region. that frustration is also translated into a lower turnouts, as well as votes for the right wing populace reform policy, which diverted votes away from the conservatives. for mazda be, has her own stool in the central market, yet she has little trust in any of the politicians who make promises to make life better for her and her family. they come to your door now, they don't come in voltage, but after they don't, then nothing doing well live up maybe up beats about its decisive victory, but most of the turnouts, and will, by hampton was down. and that reflects on national trends loose. i have to be dealing with several challenges. now at least the cost of living. the invasion is
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817 person and the vision rise has been 6.9 percent. so there is a gap there. so you need to increase the wage rise needs to match the inflation and actually go up. i'll put most on people's minds, restoring public services. we do expect some photos, the changes from labor regarding that and it just which was a miss, a lot of problem with right across the board. problems right across the board about the faith. all those was simply relieved. look of this more than our dollars, happy. the versus may have banked on change. the hope is that it will be for the better in a region in need of re generation. sonya guy, yeah. go, i'll just 0. will the hampton to get him prime minister victo bonds met the russian president vladimir putin to discuss peace and ukraine. european leaders have criticized the trip saying he doesn't have amended to speak on behalf of the you. the board appeasement will not stop to to is will hungry. it's just taking over the
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rotating presidency of the council. i'm thinking of opinion ourselves and move it to reports. a visit build as piece mission, just days into taking, going to rotating presidency of the council of the european union on gary and prime minister victor oregon has been discussing the conflict in ukraine with the russian president vladimir putin hobbled level. many steps are needed to bring us closer to ending the war, but we managed to take the 1st important step to restore the dialogue with the right to show a bugs. european leaders are unhappy about oregon's visit to moscow. city, president of the european commission or cilla funder lane, expressed her disapproval and ex, formerly twitter, stating appeasement, will not stop supporting. only unity and determination will pay of the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece in ukraine. it's an eval table. one of the best known historical examples of appeasement is british foreign policy towards nazi germany in the 90 thirty's negotiating with adult hitler in
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a bits to stop world war 2. a controversial strategy which didn't achieve its amos and critics have accused hungry of prioritizing its own interest above the use of 80 percent of hungry use. natural gas and 65 percent of its soil come from russia or been has been a vocal critic of west or support for ukraine. since rush just invasion more than 2 years ago or been has repeatedly blocked and delayed you efforts to support ukraine and sanction moscow or the form of scouts or by and visit of keys there. he suggested the quick ceasefire could be used to speed up peace negotiations, which drew strong opposition from your officials, who reaffirmed their support for ukraine. president followed the means the landscape did not come in publicly last month within said russia with and it's
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special military operation. if you create a 3 to drop, it's anita emissions with throw its troops from a russian occupied territory. demands the landscape dismissed as attempt to mount to surrender access. i'm reaching out to 0. well, to sit on now with the power military rabbits, a full forces has taken control of the city. the one says more than a 150000, people fled the se, off to tax by the all recess monitored vol. set down for an exclusive interview with adult. that's all but home. the lead of the sit in these all me. you begin by asking about the current situation on the ground. i will definitely be able to, i'm in the all aspects of the war on that in the current military operations, suffering losses in a back low retreating and a certain situation does not mean losing the battle itself and doesn't mean the feet. the student needs people and the sydney's armed forces will never be defeated . it's been of 14 months plus now since the beginning of this war,
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what is the explanation of the fact that this with any time you hasn't yet been able to defeat the routine use of the out of pocket support forces? what are the factors behind it? how does that for you to have? you have to look on this as a great injustice to a nation. as the armed forces, we have the responsibility of protecting the suit in a state. it has the rights to obtain weapons to protect the country from collapse and from being preyed upon by some regional countries which have bad intentions to what's done the progress of the office, both forces to woodson. now, in no time, what is your explanation of the fact that they have been able to push sofa from comfortable towards the southeast of the roof? there are certain circumstances surrounding the military operations that have enabled them to advance in this direction. but we are able, with all determination, all will and the support of the suit and these people to repel them and expel them
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completely from so done. so done, jimmy, i'm busy. this is a time friends can be distinguished from enemies who uh, so that's friends and was with us. and that was who said, when do i don't smoke and how's that? many countries remain silent and turn a blind eye to the crimes being committed every day. everyone who remain silent and everyone who supports what the other site is doing on a daily basis is definitely an enemy. everyone who supports the suit in the state and as institutions. because a friend, let's move now to the humanitarian situation. and so then at your to pulse, talk about 20000000 people facing hungry and possibly finding into that what, what do you have to tell us about the situation and how does that mean? yeah, you have an issue and no one wants to say, but this is the rebel rapids support forces. what causing the famine, solving some areas in the for, and destroying the because he had a scheme that says, frankly speaking, those who would talk about famine must not talk about its cause is about the
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militias responsible for it. and what caused the student needs to abandon the land and who destroyed the suit in these agricultural infrastructure. we welcome all support and assistance, but the donors are slow. the democratic republic of congo government troops and m 22 liberal group have begun to 2 week amenities of interest. it aims to allow access of age to the hard hit east and the pulse of the country. united states is in hopes of truce will lead to a permanent seas file. and then we'll call any reports from temple of the government. and we saw several forms that the us government initiative for the to which you might have total control. so which was the gun despite that, not to me, tonight's local time and we'll continue to july 19 that brought to to the conference in many different levels and the government sort of just, we silenced, we pointed out the we lost the sounds of distress people and why do you want to go down on.


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