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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the system even come in as an international intake or ups and excellence award. nominate your hero. now, the 5 state and the race us present. so bottom defies. close to him to step aside. it says he tends to beat donald trump independent selection. the carry, johnson, this is i will just hear a lot from day. oh, so coming up around how these voted. sausage presidential election. interior ministry says reform is kind of it's a suit. possess can is in the late no end to the bloodshed in gaza. israel says
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different says remains to match cyber c spot to the tops will continue next week. plus, i'm gonna spend human to wear hurricane barrels has been downgraded to a tropical storm fund is expected to pick up again with an interest the gulf of mexico. the, to begin with the us selection campaign that's being thrown into tumble off to debate last week that saw president chose bite and give a shaky performance button says the face off against donald trump wasn't his best performance. he made the come inside to rally in the battleground states of wisconsin. he also promised he'd still beat trump in november's election from hinge and reports from the wisconsin popular medicine. answering phones for him in his presidential campaign job,
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i didn't was emphatic and unequivocal. he's not going anywhere, but guess what? they're trying to push them out of the race. well, let me say as good as i can. i've stayed at a raise the to lou. when you get not down, you get back. i think he's rambling performance in the 1st presidential debate, biding his face, sinking support in poles and growing calls for him to see the democratic party's nomination to a younger candidate in an exclusive interview with abc journalist george stephanopoulos bygone said he performed poorly due to illness in a section was shown terrible. matter of fact, the docks quickly as they did the cobra test, we were trying to figure out what's wrong to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus, i didn't just had
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a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, will you stand with the friends of the lord almighty confront several house democrats who have publicly urged biden to exit the race. virginia's mark warner is reportedly assembling his fellow democratic senators to do the same when your space was done, most of the people we talked you here in the democratic leading town of madison. wisconsin said they support the president and they want him to run. it was wonderful, i thought he is spot on. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that man. fantastic . better than i could have ever expected. and you want them to stay in. absolutely . but even here among those who attended biden's address, there were doubters things to a 100 percent. you know, he, he did pretty wellness speech. but you know, he has,
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he has moments where you just sit and wonder what he's saying with poll showing. most americans agree with that sentiment. bygone might be determined to run with some other democrats or waiting their options. john henry l jr, 0 madison, wisconsin. as we mentioned, a button is facing serious backlash from within his own policy, or at least for sitting congressional democrats of broken rags. quoting for him to step down and let someone else wrong with one saying the president has a responsibility to remove himself. there's also been open discussion within the policy about who might replaced by vice president comment of hers is one name. and the number of powerful and wealthy democrat done is to set the pause donations to the party unless by the resigns abigail disney. and on, on the 1st of the got 2 of the biggest names representing millions of dollars in potential last cash. sonya patrice, his democratic party strategist, she says, the president's physical and mental fitness costs
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a shadow of his ability to win against trump. that even before the terrible debate the performance on thursday last week, president biden was high. and this is something that we've seen over and over and over and somebody who often says pulling is not an end all be all, it's a snapshot in time. i believe that. but we're continue with the seeing the snapshots in time that have shown him not just behind but continuing to split as we're facing at true fascism another another uh potential term with donald trump, who is an exec, i just central brett, cheapest kind of the 3 and the rest of the world, we have to have real conversations and to have conversations that this is, again, it's not about one bad night. we're talking about the future of our democracy. we're talking about the way this uh, the united states viewed in the rest of the world as well. and just think the reality is we cannot have the side by side or donald trump is going to be out having, you know, 3 or 4 rallies a day. whether he's lying or not,
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doesn't matter when our president is talking about needing to get more sleep. and not having events after 8 pm and, you know, and i, i say that's a little bit flippantly, but it's so serious, you know, the, the, the job of the president, the united states is arguably one of the hardest job in the world. it's not a $9.00 to $5.00 job emergencies happen at all hours of the day and night. and we need somebody at the home who we can know and count on to be what they go here and, and not saying that you can't do events after 8 pm on the boat. so being counted in the runs the presidential runoff election is out. so foster with form is kind of it my suit possess can, is leaning against is conservative, right? both sides and legally, over 2000000 volts. a fluid otherwise reports out from terra the
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2nd round of it on the italy presidential elections. witness to hire to both as to now the 1st round before mr. candidate ms. who does it can when ted to head with conservatives, a jelly as, as a skin, a photo mode. if you to speak of parliament says you're on should be more open to the west instead of the other way. i waited for positions in his plans were problems based on my information. i have a box him and considering people and advisors court in this team, i know who will be able to find solutions to our country's problems. who manage the country in a way that it could have relations with the world, including the best. so he, ged utilized for the chief nuclear to negotiate, to wants to continue in the footsteps of late president, typical him, right? you see above i bought it for july only because i understand that he has a comprehensive plan for all classes of people. and all the problems,
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not like position can, who only has a plan for a specific costs of the country in the for this round, as this can came furnished with 42.5 percent of the votes. and dvd came 2nd with 38.7 percent, but neither candidates across the 50 percent threshold requires to win the race. voters apathy recent to use is it should be due to a struggling the economy caused by sanctions and both of the skepticism that to collections would improve their lives. oh, but then how mobile, how does not be election was pretty good divided this of late to president, to pro humor easy, you know, who to call to the crashing may. bullets are being counted in one of the most contested election need on history. in determining the window, the deciding factor could be which of the candidates convinced it was supposed to take part in that on a votes would have to do. i had to revise this,
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the direct to the wrong project that the international cost is good. it gives more detail from the 2 candidates looking to become around next president. so they provide very, very different views in terms of foreign or domestic policy. mister jetty, the author right candidate believes that the ronnie regime has not gone far enough in imposing sofa restrictions and in confronting the west. and does not believe in negotiations and lifting the sanctions that have affected the running economy. uh, very, very deeply missed a position beyond the reform. this candidate believes in engagement with the outside world. the reason the value of lifting sanctions and does believe that the system has gone too far in imposing sofa restrictions. and i think after 3 years of living under conservative rule, present, crazy,
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they running and people knew that the far right coming to the power was only x through to exacerbate their situation. and that's why a higher percentage came to the polls the, to the war in gaza and is ready as strikes across the strength of killed at least 22nd palestinians. they target areas around the city, so can you, this and referee in the south? it talk in calling you and this type of group of palestinians who are arranging commercial trucks to enter the street. and these 10 people were killed. the injured would take it the nasa hospital, the last major medical facilities still operating in southern cause. public assume reports now from the overlying central guns another day, whether you spend a minute 3 has been targeting the vast majority of the street. but the main focus of the tax was absolutely, and the newest, the, because a step where the is really only continue to demolish and pull off complete
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residential squares. anastasia, your neighborhood for over a week right now. well, here in the central areas of gauze at to thomas audience have been killed in attack in under the rocks, with huge account of along side that in the pot sounds of the tech treats at least 10 palestinians have been killed and latest series of strikes. but talking to palestinians in post rough and can you and as, as we've been hearing from medical sources on civil defense cruise, they've managed to recover those of bodies to date from roughly districts of to the partial minute 3 withdrawals from that area. um its new till now, any sort of laptop and fight thing as this whole continues. but tell us city as a full way, all the diplomatic efforts in order to end the fighting on the ground tart advise in algebra. there is, but i try to sign these where the government has agreed to send, negotiate as the cattle and next week to resume garza cease fire and captive exchange talks. the head of the is very intelligent service,
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has been in the hall to discuss the details for minister benjamin netanyahu. his office says a gaps remain between the parties and their physicians. on the deal, or 1st day, a senior us official said that had been a break through negotiations to the united kingdom. now, where prime minister gustavo has appointed his new cabinets after done slide between the general election like the party ended 14 years, a conservative route. the tories lost 250 palm entry seats. the west result in the parties history. james base reports now from london greeted by suitcases in the list so so you arrived in downing street. this is the man who will now run the u. k. kids storm is labor party one, the largest number of seats in recent history is promising a comma more efficient hand on the leave of government. you have
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a government on foot and fight, don't prison. guided only by the determination to sub your interest, to define quietly those who have written country all. as you have given us a clear monday. and we will use it to deliver change. probably minutes the stall him up was fully given the job by king charles who had been it so the seemed really su neck so that he could relinquish the post political transitions in the u. k. a quick and brutal for those leaving office soon act seemed humble. and humbled as he left down the street for the last time. i am sorry . i have given this jolt smile. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the only judgment that matters. i have heard your anger, your disappointment,
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and i take responsibility for this loss. soon ex conservative party had the worst night ever and its history. 12, it's cabinet ministers will vote it out, as well as a full. but prime minister this trust is disastrous. 50 day to them in 2022. that would run on the pound for the the right to the center reform policy usually got 5 seats despite securing 15 percent of the vote, said the scottish national party, meanwhile, has an awful night losing about 3 quarters of it seats, a serious set back for the cause of independence. school style mode is the problem is does go straight to completing his cabinet, is expected. rachel reeves becomes the you case. first of a female counselor, the exchequer. the finance minister, david law, me is the new foreign secretary early next week. the installment make the 1st overseas trip to the nato, somebody to in washington. the policy on ukraine is unlikely to change with strong
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support still extended to presidents. lensky is government with regard to the war on gaza. labor and its manifesto said it would recognize the state of palestine, but that's unlikely to happen until this progress on the 2 state solution. however, the labor policy traditionally is a strong supporter of palestine and with the $400.00 m. p. is there a bound to be some the want tougher action towards the israel and then a vap pool, be internal pressure on the prime minister james base, which is 0. london. candidates running in front says 2nd round of parliamentary elections have been making the final push for that. it's fronts votes on sunday. pensions have been high since the 1st round, the voting last month, left wing and centrist group. so trying to prevent reading the pens of right wing national, not a party for winning an absolute majority. so to come here analysis here an
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exclusive interview and sit down on each of those thoughts out of a 100 about the civil war that supports millions from the homes and pushed opinions most wrinkled from it. the color of the weather is really going down hill across the northeast in pots of china. at the moment you can see the area cloud here, that's the latest pulse of big down poles on the my, you frontier split fragment into this. you can see, but this area of light pressure, i have a slide its way through the yellow see some big down pulls, coming into the final face of john northern parts of the green financial less i move career seeing some big down post roster sales or how does that seem to japan? these will clear for full sunday width of weather towards the fondest of home. she's frugal, caught it for a time. what weather continuing,
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just around the ice see either side of the yellow sea but is going to be ne, composite china. with that stage, the seeing the heaviest rain full for the south is see logics. they've been try with plenty of sunshine, sunshine, and showers across the southeast asia. some larvae, showers still in place into indonesia shouldn't be quite as well as this. but the shot was still very much in evidence as we go on through sas day, some weather, weather possibilities, some flooding to into positive java southern areas of semaphore to possibility of flooding across the northeast and pops up in the rod at the northern plains around the foothills of the him of last month, certain res really have ramp top here. i'm petty a shower has but just about any the outcast foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the come back to you without does it remind me of a headlines. you as president joe biden says last week's debates against donald trump was a bad episode by the who says he's staying in the race. says he was sick and feeling terrible. but he's told us support since he's still speech donald trump
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defends is election. but counting is on the way in around the presidential. ronald interior ministry says the reform is kind of its sweet pacific, yet leading in themselves says paul gets the ultra concept site is what a minute trees. a talking heavily populated areas of the guns, a strip. these 27 protestant incipient killed in a series of s trucks, areas around the citizen congress, investor in the south for me to get to sit on where more than 25000000 people are struggling with severe hunger. according to the wealth food program. about 8000000 people across the 14 of the 18 states. so sit on and now facing food shortages, a could result in a tooth malnutrition, in depth. around 750000 risk of immediate starvation. a permanent sri rapid support forces of taking control of the south eastern speed you've been to the u. n says more than 130000 people have slept the area. well,
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the 9000000 people have been displaced by the 14 month conflict between the recess and the army. and both sat down for an exclusive interview with joe thought to all the hon. the leader of the suit. and he's only if you can buy or asking about the current situation on the ground. and i'll be able to, i'm of the all aspects of the war on that in the current military operations, suffering losses in a battle retreating in a certain situation does not mean losing the battle itself and doesn't mean the feet. the student needs people and the student needs armed forces will never be defeated. it's been of 14 months plus now since the beginning of this war, what is the explanation of the fact that this, with these hom, you hasn't yet to be able to defeat the videos of the out of pocket support forces . what are the factors behind it? how's that for you to have them?
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this is a great injustice to a nation. as the armed forces, we have the responsibility of protecting the suit in a state. it has the rights to obtain weapons to protect the country from collapse and from being preyed upon by some regional countries which have bad intentions to what's done without the progress of the office. both forces to woodson. now, in no time, what is your explanation of the fact that they have been able to push so far from coming home towards the southeast of the roof. there are certain circumstances surrounding the military operations that have enabled them to advance in this direction. but we are able, with all determination, all will and the support of the suit and these people to repel them and expel them completely from so done. so this, this is a time friends can be distinguished from enemies and also dense friends and was with us and that was on the ceiling. do it out of the smoke and how many countries remain silent and turn
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a blind eye to the crimes being committed every day. everyone who remain silent and everyone who supports what the other site is doing on a daily basis is definitely an enemy. everyone who supports the suit in the state and as institutions because a friend, let's move now to the humanitarian situation. and so then you would have pulse, talk about 20000000 people facing hunger and possibly funding in. so that what, what do you have to tell us about the situation and how does i'm like, yeah, you've been to she and no one wants to say, but this is the rebel wrap it support forces while closing the famine, solving some areas and the for, and destroying the because he had a scheme, some frankly speaking, those who would talk about them and must not talk about its causes and about the militias responsible for it. and what caused the student needs to abandon the land and who destroyed the suit in these agricultural infrastructure. we welcome all support and assistance, but the donors are slow. kennedy as president as an out sweeping spending cuts
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following font protests against proposed tax hikes. what am route, so how to argue that tax rises were necessary to reduce public debt, which is forced to back to x 2 to public protests, which 10 bonded at least 30 non people were killed in the demonstrations. the canyon the the says, the austerity measures with fog hoff of a 2700000000 us donahoe in the countries finances. the project of new motor vehicles by the government is suspended for 12 months except for security agencies. while a new policy on transport for public office us would be developed or non essential or troubles by state and public office us is here by suspended of jails, customary politician. the sake of the receipt was taken is this as an indian that parliament, they'll make a quotes in new jersey approved receipts, custody pro,
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to attend the swearing in ceremony. now the president of the titian is seeking regular bail to participate in parliamentary proceedings to meet them at the anchor reports. for a small victory, gordon and prisons, customary politicians, the residence of shooting. i got an indian administrative kashmir erupt in jubilation. after a quote in new delhi granted shake abdul rashid also known as engineer issued a 2 hour parole to be sworn in as an indian empty. a lone game indeed faced as a wind for democracy. this is no waiting for me, a line of with thoughtful the people of north kashmir as well who voted for rashid? it's a moments of happiness for all of us. jacob to rashid, one elections to india, is parliament from the northern kashmir constituency of. but i moved up, but he's been in jail since 2019 arrested on charges of terror funding. there are several laws in place in indian administered the kashmir that the government says
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unnecessary to maintain peace and security. the authorities are planning to read and invoke the enemy agents ordinance an old law, the mandates, life imprisonment or the death penalty for assisting the rebels. another customary politician caching could, as she knows this law well in 1971, he was accused of hijacking an indian airlines flights to the heart of the southern jail time and practiced on he was eventually brought back to india, where his case has dragged on for 24 years with no verdict. so while i'm facing mental physical and financial problems, one doesn't know what the courts will decide or how does the judgments become accused individuals cannot hire a lawyer without permission and there's no appeal process. legal experts say it's violating human rights. there's no mechanism about spending mechanism in place so that she can to push them to fix it. and just kind of use of how does that work,
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that what is being considered or what is being suspected that that is hard from reality. but the government says the law is needed to deal with rising violence, dropped. it's up there as long as you do know and the ecosystem of terrorism. those who shelton help will guide terrace cannot be dealt with strictly not. it's not possible to end tires and be back in st. a. guy rashid sons, gonna say they remain, determine the dollar amount. you're going to keep our 1st priority was to fight for the refund to teaching. and now we'll apply for bio so that he can be out of jail and represent the people you know might need that goal. they say is to support those who like their father have had the human rights violated to meet them at the didn't go out to 0 relief efforts continue from millions of people who have been caught off by floating in ne banquet. this authorities have one of dangerous support levels in several districts from the charging port staff from the so head
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region. widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas of not distant bung with dash, tens of thousands of still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. ali who was saying a poultry farmer has 5 family members to support. he sighs, he has not received any help from doctor is yet still in shock is not sure how you will code that i yeah, in the flood has badly damaged most of my home. many of items were washed away by the water and we are bad. he making intimate, i have not seen floods like this in my lifetime. they for some just finding a green pasture for the live stock has become a major challenge. the 1st josie, whatever's jazz, we are facing much hardship due to this flood and a viewing. i have to look for gus all day for the few nights still that i have left
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bad weather is also impacted bangladesh, a southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a camp where heavy rains and the land slides have been causing loss of life and where to beg them last 21 year old son and the land slide. my son got stuck onto the mountain the lawn slide my to turn to a night and try to rescue him in the dark as it was too late. india is not distant state of mega ly, enough, some bothering bung with dash. i've also experienced heavy rains and flooding and whizzing weeks the philip rage and i've enough is bangladesh already devastated by last month. daily is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon, rain and upstream water from india worsening the situation. so i'm environmental. experts believe that the rhetoric rainfall is linked to climate change river bed. so taishan, river encroachment and the recently constructed 8 major moine highway in the flat
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plane region may have also worse than the effects of the floods. you tell me if you don't want to know the new highway is a barrier for water flows of the water that comes from india is by rock river. 35 percent flows through the sooner river and the rest through the cushy river, which is directly connected to the mits, mani floodplain at once the flags received for the router and farmers. we have lost everything. it will take months if not years to rebuild their homes. they need all that system they can get, but for many help is the up to come from good job. the. i'll just say, i'll still a, not this bangladesh. us officials a warning that storm barrel could we gain strength and hit texas as a category to hurricane barrel was downgraded to a tropical storm off the hitting mexico as you could tongue. and instead of pots of the riviera maya us do without power. mexican officials say the storm could still
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cost the flooding. that's in america, added to lucy, a newman reports now from the city of to the hungry residents of gloom, mainly low income indigenous mayans. wait patiently, in line with us soldiers prepare a meal of fish to rice and beans. the only food most would have eaten since before hurricane barrels mexico's, you could ton peninsula don't. on friday i, in on thursday night the cut off electricity. now there's no way to cook and we're all hungry. power lines are still down and telecommunication shoddy at best aftermath of the category to storm is obvious to the i put these families live hand to miles. having something in their stomachs is a good start on the road to recovery the storm damage some.


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