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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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for a 100 years connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere . folks in the region, government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0 . the 5 state and i raised us president joe biden defies. calls for him to step aside and says he plans to beach donald trump in november's election. the hello, this is out g 0. live from to hi. i'm for these bad people also ahead. yvonne tommy's fold soft. res presidential election, being terry ministry says reform is candidate messed with business scan is in the leads no end to the blood. shedding gossip,
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israel says differences remain with my mouse over a sci fi do, but talks will continue next week. and that you case, you need a case time, a gets down to work and a points and new labor cabinet, including the country's 1st e mail finance. the we begin with a us election campaign that's been thrown into timely laughter debate last week that so president joe biden gave a shaky performance by and says, the face off against donald trump was into his best performance. he made the comments at a body in the battleground state of wisconsin. it always supported as he would still be, trump in november's election. i'll just say it was john henry and reports to madison in wisconsin. answering things for him to in his presidential campaign job. i didn't was emphatic
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and unequivocal. he's not going anywhere. so i guess what to try to push me out of the race. well, let me say as good as i can. i've stayed at a res, the room. when you get knocked down, you get back. oh, jeez rambling performance and the 1st presidential debate biding his face, sinking support imposing growing calls for him to see the democratic parties nomination to a younger candidate. in an exclusive interview with abc journalist george stephanopoulos bygone said he performed poorly due to illness. a section was found terrible. matter of fact, the doctor quickly asking pages of cobra test to try to figure out what's wrong. to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus. i didn't just had
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a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, will you stand with offensive? lord almighty comes on several house democrats who have publicly urged by them to exit the race. virginia's mark warner is reportedly assembling his fellow democratic senators to do this thing. we just make sure he's done most of the people we talked you here in the democratic leading town of madison, wisconsin said they support the president and they want him to run. it was wonderful. i thought he is spot on. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that man . fantastic. better than i could have ever expected. and you want them to stay in. absolutely. but even here among those who attended biden's address, there were doubters things to a 100 percent. you know, he, he did pretty wellness speech, but you know, he has, he has moments where you just sit and wonder what he's saying with poll showing.
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most americans agree with that sentiment. bygone might be determined to run with some other democrats or weighing their options. john henry l jr, 0 madison wisconsin, as well as he hurried joe biden is facing serious backlash from within his own party. at least for sitting congressional democrats have broken ranks. connie providing to step down and let someone else run with one saying the president has a responsibility to remove himself is also being opened. discussion within the party about who might replaced by the vice president come to harris's one name and a number of powerful and wealthy democrat. donors have said that pos donations to the party unless binding resigns abigail disney and dive on 1st. and birds are 2 of the biggest names representing millions of dollars in potential last cash. ronnie, a patrice is a democratic party strategy. she says the president's physical and mental fitness cast a shadow on his ability to win against trump. even before the terrible debate,
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the performance on thursday last week, president biden was high, and this is something that we've seen over and over and over. and somebody who often says pulling is not an end all be all, it's a snapshot in time. i believe that, but we're continue with the seeing the snapshots in time that have shown him not just behind but continuing to split as we're facing at true fascism another another uh potential term with donald trump, who is an exec i just central bret cheapest kind of the 3 and the rest of the world . we have to have real conversations and to have conversations that this is, again, it's not about one bad night. we're talking about the future of our democracy. we're talking about the way this uh, the united states viewed in the rest of the world as well. i just think the reality is we cannot have the side by side or donald trump is going to be out having, you know, 3 or 4 rallies a day. whether he's lying or not,
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doesn't matter when our president is talking about needing to get more sleep. and not having events after 8 pm and, you know, and i, i say that's a little bit flippantly, but it's so serious, you know, the, the, the job of the president, the united states is arguably one of the hardest job in the world. it's not a $9.00 to $5.00 job emergencies happen at all hours of the day and night. and we need somebody at the home who we can know and count on to be what they go here and, and not saying that you can't do events after 8 pm. the votes of being counted any. ron's presidential run of the results so far shall reform his candidate. my sort of business gun is leading against his conservative rivals site jelly by over 2000000 bows. i'll just, here's my more adapted whitehead straight for some tear off. the 2nd round of it on
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his italy presidential elections witnessed, hired a booth as to now then the 1st round. before mister candace misheard position in winter to head with conservatives, a jelly as as a skin, a photo mode. if you to speak of parliament says you're on should be more open to the west instead of the other way. i waited for positions in his plans were problems based on my information. i have a box him and considering people and advisors or in his team, i know who will be able to find solutions to our country's problems. who manage the country in a way that it could have relations with the world, including the best. so he, ged utilized for the chief nuclear to negotiate, to wants to continue in the, for the steps of late president, typical him, right? you see above i bought it for july only because i understand that he has a comprehensive plan for all classes of people. and all the problems, not like position can, who only has a plan for
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a specific costs of the country in the for this round, as this can came furnished with 42.5 percent of the votes. and dvd came 2nd with 38.7 percent, but neither candidates across the 50 percent threshold requires to win the race. voters apathy recent to use is it should be due to a struggling the economy caused by sanctions and both of the skepticism that to collections would improve their lives. oh my god, how mobile, how does not be election? was pretty good the by did this of late president pro, humor easy, you know, who to call to the crashing may. bullets are being counted in one of the most contested election need on history. in determining the window, the deciding factor could be which of the candidates convinced it was supposed to take part in that on a votes would have to do, i had to hold off the,
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the wall and gas and now, and he's really strikes across just a straight path gail, at least $27.00 palestinian state targeted areas around the cities of con eunice and rafa in the south. the talking con unit said a group of palestinians were arranging commercial trucks to enter the street. at least 10 people were killed. the injured would take into nasa hospital, the last major medical facilities still operating in southern gas. and many bakeries in guys. i can no longer operate because if you will, shortages endowed by law, palestinians, a queuing 4 hours in the hope of getting great pain to hold every reports in the heart of getting back in front of the big green. one of the bakeries i've been reading using read the news policy news. we are in the where at least 1800000 people are being lie on
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these at bay trees. and the main reason that people are relying on this bread because the price is the same exact price before the war, because the st john provides bakery to ease fuel and everything. but due to the fuel yesterday on the one bakery out of the work, and according to the people that are waiting here, they have been waiting for 2 hours to receive press the bakery minimize and increase their working hours. have been here for almost 4 hours, waiting to take a little from spread to my family. my family consist of 9 members at firewood stairs and very expensive, which means i cannot, they can the oven. i come here every day. its own not only bakery. also hass but those are in which we think severe lack of fuel and they're also being threatened
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of setting down their services. we're talking about the doctor hospital in augusta and income unit and also the hospital in the middle area where every hospital needs at least 4000 tons of news. i met the task, the negotiations, also used choir as long as those kind of thing you do not see any change in the ground. there's nothing positive about this is higher than the data that is better because the policy these really government meanwhile, has agreed to send negotiations negotiators to comp time next week to resume guides, a ceasefire and captive exchange dogs. the head of these really intelligent service has been indo how to discuss the details. finally, listeners now as office says, gaps remain between the parties and their positions on the deal. on thursday, as you knew us official said they had been a breakthrough in negotiations. mazda has released a statement saying we reject any plans of proposals that seek to exceed the policy
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and will regarding the future of the gaza strip. we also reject any plans for foreign forces to enter the strip under any name or justification administration of the gaza strip. is a purely policy and matter to be agreed upon by our policy and people while as those negotiations continue, the relatives of he's really kept his house in guys i have marched through tel aviv they are demanding these really government secure id and with him, us to bring their loved ones homes from and as soon as you know, as being under increasing pressure from these really probably to end the war in gulf a need for now. lisa, really on the not call upon you. benjamin. that's on the house. is the prime minister in the agreement is here it is with being rich. please our heart of mother contact. if any more i'll hearts are in gaza, give us back. our hearts set
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a negotiation too with one instruction to not return without the 3 men to look bad . the u. s. government employee has resigned in protest that over the 5 ministrations guys have policies. my i'm house, i mean had to be in a special assistant at the interior department. she is among a dozen officials or attended the resignation since october the 7th saying they could no longer work for the administration. oh, elliot, we spoke to my impass. i mean, she said a decision to resign was inspired by that student protest in favor of how to sign across the us. i really think that what i and other officials who have resigned have seen is month after month this really blind destructive support of israel and the israeli occupation even after all of the atrocities they have committed, committed and gaza. and really i think that there wasn't necessarily
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one tipping point. it was, it was a combination of things. alternately, i saw an administration that was really not listening to 2 voices like myself and others who are wanting to see freedom and justice for palestinians. i think that the administration has continuously ignored these voices in order to, to fund in or by funding and, and nibbling this genocide and, and gaza. and i think that the, the policies and choices by president biden and the administration have not only hurt palestinians in palestine, but have heard palestinians at home by this plot forming of really d, humanizing troops, uh, that have fueled violent hate crimes against against palestinians in the united states on and really ultimately what uh, what such, uh,
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my decision was solidified. my decision was uh, seeing the student movement come to life and seeing uh, the students who really sacrificed are and are continue to sacrifice a lot in terms of their academic and professional careers in order to fight for, to join the fight for palestinian liberation. and i looked at what, what i can sacrifice and i looked at my responsibility as i is a bite and a point t i to really advocate for for palestinians and for a better approach in alleviating this crisis. still ahead on ouch as 0, we report from the democratic republic of congo on a 2 week tools to allow aid into each scenario as ravaged by conflicts us. i'm going to send human to wear a hurricane barrel has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is expected to pick up again when it enters the gulf of mexico
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. the the colors however, can bell row is continuing to make problems across the camera banding and say, that's the position of a store as we went into the last a pot. so friday, going on into sas, they will link significantly, it'll be a tropical storm as we go on through the coming. alas, as it makes land phone and runs across the company in july, it will bring that very wet weather. the risk of land slides, widespread flooding, certainly a possibility of a storm surge. of course, that certainly makes you can just see another storm just stuff. sure, that's not a problem with them. i've looked at one for the time being as we go on into west acetate, you're thinking about what the weather makes, its way through the confidential into the southwest corner of the gulf of mexico.
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so a lot of wet weather coming through here, i'm afraid more with it coming in to jamaica, coming into cuba. as we go through fast, i found it dry for the sonata is at this stage. it's going into somebody to be a few showers just rolling through here, but using about ranges, but he picks up clears away from jamaica for the kind. manadis runs its way back up across the northern, posit cuba, as best i, central america, sing some lobby down, pause to lobby, down polls while i looking around the legs pushing across into central pos of us making the wife of the east was, but no sign of rain to the west. the hidden insight and community across india is a definitely fine, especially the world's largest importance indeed uses, especially in new product from roosting to call leaving work is with a dangerous one on the east. investigate, especially in just sign in on out,
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is there the government challenges here with the the welcome back and recap and lots of stories on how to 0 u. s. presidential by didn't say as last week's debate against donald trump was a bad episode by new sizes staying in the race because he was sick and feeling terrible, but he's told his orders, he still plans to be trump in november's election. vote counting is on the weight and the ron sprays eventually run off the interior ministry says the reform is candidate mess of business scan is leading and the results so far against the alter
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conservative site. and these really military is attacking heavy populated areas of the gas strength at least $27.00 to me is i've been canons and a series of the strikes areas around the cities of con eunice and bra find the south have been targeted or not to the u k, where prime minister cares tom it has appointed his new cabinet, doctor landslide victory in the general election. the labor party and 14 years of conservative rule. the tories lost $250.00 pound of entries seats. the worst result in the party's history. just as jane space re, for some london greeted by suitcases in the list. so. so you're right in downing street. this is the man who will now run the u . k. kids, selma's labor party one, the largest number of seats in recent history. he's promising a comma more efficient hand on the leaders of government. you have
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a government on foot and fight. don't treat guided only by the determination to serve your interest to define quietly. those who have written country all. you have given us a clear monday and we will use it to deliver change probably minutes the storm up was formally given the job by king charles, who had minutes earlier seemed richly su neck so that he could relinquish the post political transitions in the u. k. a quick and brutal for those leaving office soon act seemed humble and humbled as he left down the street for the last time. i am sorry. i have given this joke, my own. but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the only judgment that matches. i have heard your anger, your disappointment,
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and i take responsibility for this loss. so next conservative party had the worst night ever and its history. 12, its cabinet ministers will vote it out as well as a full. but prime minister this trust is disastrous. 50 day to me in 2022. that would run on the pound for the the rights of center reform policy only got 5 seats despite securing 15 percent of the vote. the scottish national party, meanwhile, has an awful night losing about 3 quarters of it seats, a serious set back for the cause of independence school style. but as he promised his go straight to completing his cabinet as expected, rachel reeves becomes that you case 1st of a female counselor, the exchequer. the finance minister, david law, me is the new foreign secretary early next week. the installment make the 1st overseas trip to the nato summit in washington. the policy on ukraine is unlikely
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to change with strong support still extended to presidents. lensky is government with regard to the war on gaza. labor and its manifesto said it would recognize the state of palestine without something likely to happen until this progress on the 2 state solution. however, the labor policy traditionally is a strong supporter of palestine and with the $400.00 m. p. is there a bound to be some the want tougher action towards israel and then a vap pool, be internal pressure on the prime minister james base, which is 0, london and central and northern england, the neva party, we gained many seats at last in the 2019 generally election sonya go go re force from wolverhampton overlooking the house of the west midlands on the edge of the black country. there was little sign of will hampton's proud industrial post home to more than a quarter of
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a 1000000 people. it has reflected the moods of the nation at the ballot box and help usher in a labor victory. the city is not without its problems. it has some of the highest unemployment rates in the country, especially among young people, due to the most poets to the waning of industry and manufacturing in the region. that frustration is also translated into a lower turnouts, as well as boats for the right twin populous reform policy, which diverting votes away from the conservatives. for mazda be, has her own stool in the central market, yet she has little trust in any of the politicians who make promises to make life better for her and her family. they come to your door knob the door come on voltage, but after they don't, then nothing doing well live up maybe up beats about its decisive victory, but most of the turnouts, and will, by hampton was down. and that reflects on national trends loose. i have to be
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dealing with several challenges. now least the cost of living. the impression is 817 person and the vision rise has been 6.9 percent. so there is a gap there. so you need to increase the wage rise needs to match the inflation and actually go up off of most on people's minds, restoring public services. we do expect some photos of changes from labor regarding that, and it just which was a mis. there's a lot of problem with right across the board, problems right across the board about the face. all those was simply relieved. i'll call you some more that i dollars happy. the versus may have banked on change. the hope is that it will be for the better in a region in need of re generation. sonya guy, yeah. go, i'll just 0. will the hampton, the candidates running in frances 2nd rhonda quantum entry elections have been making their final push for votes. the election will be held on sunday. tensions have been high since the 1st round of voting last month. left wing and centers.
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groups of trying to prevent marine defends right wing national ronnie party from winning an absolute majority. on getting prime minister victor or band has met russian president vladimir pretend to discuss the war in ukraine. european leaders have criticize of trip st or band does not have a mandate to speak on behalf of the accent. same of h reports, a visit billed as peace mission. just phasing to taking, going to rotating presidency of the council of the european union on gary and prime minister victor, oregon has been discussing the conflict in the ukraine with the russian president. vladimir, putting a hobbled level. many steps are needed to bring us closer to ending the war, but we managed to take the 1st important step to restore the dialogue with the right to sure what bugs european leaders are unhappy about or runs visit to most company. president of the european commission or so the funder lane expressed her disapproval and ex, formerly twitter, stating appeasement,
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will not stop put in all the unity and determination will pay of the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting peace and ukraine that several times one of the best known historical examples of appeasement is british foreign policy towards nazi germany in the 90 thirty's negotiating with adult hitler in a bit to stop world war 2. a controversial strategy which didn't achieve its amos and critics have accused hungry of prioritizing its own interest above the use of 80 percent of hungry use. natural gas and 65 percent of its oil come from russia. organ has been a vocal critic of western support for ukraine. since rush just invasion more than 2 years ago or been has repeatedly blocked and delete you efforts to support your crane and sanction moscow. before moscow or by and visited keith. there, he suggested the quick cease fire could be used to speed
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a peace negotiations which grew strong opposition from your officials, who reaffirmed their support for ukraine. president followed the means the landscape did not comment publicly. last month within said russia with and its special military operation. if you crane agree to drop its needle emissions with throw its troops from a russian occupied territory, demands the landscape, dismissed as the 10th the amount to surrender excess. i'm which out is there. the breaking news out of the run now with the interior ministry has declared the winner of the presidential run off. the reform is kind of a mess of business scan has defeated his consecutive rival size. jenny, by nearly 3000000 votes. according to the interior ministry produced scan 154.6 percent of the vote in the 2nd round against release, 45.2 percent. again,
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my so pages scan the form is candidate declared the winner of iran sprays eventually election, which was called after the death of the late president, a brain racy in a helicopter crash in may, will bring you more on this story as information becomes available, if possible, have reaction and analysis to the results. so the ron squared eventually election now to the democratic republic of congo, wake up in forces in the m 23 onto group has begun a 2 week humanitarian tools. it aims to allow access of humanitarian aid to the heart, a peace. hon. hit eastern part of the country. along with connie report simple temple city asked the government and we don't dissolve the us government initiative for the to which do you mind is hold on to so which would be gone despite the nights local time and we'll continue to july 19 the brought to to the call for somebody to enter into the government, sort of just with silas the we points, how do we allow the sounds of distress people and why do you want to go on up to
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the solution. if we decide the variables, what are the conditions of this month? i don't think it was before, but one of the off, the government supplemented himself, so you'll want to see for, to start on we go over. what did they want on phillips? when did the arctic territory? this friday you'll see the size of one week for 5th. again, for one they are calling. they sent us an appointment to decide as to what is going on in the office. already told the professor will stop by the police and the some of the process of what i was after the depth of 25. you started just reading from the enemy by the military caught up with him on wednesday. and not a lot of just open a little bit or yes i do against 25. other sort of this includes in civic buffington for the same 6 year. so hopefully doing the fighting with most of the last 20 years on different folder lines across the country. one of the pool vsoft
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record is not cable. what would be the 1st thing the most active with a video of them? $2350.00, a full that form. you've gone to and then you need to do with the local, minnesota for decal in the country for potential. believe that's the only may be child needs a deep reform allan way, connie, i'll just say, you know what, campbell, the democratic republicans school to you as authorities. a warning that stone barrow could regain strength and hit texas as a category to hurricane barrel was downgraded to a tropical storm after hitting mexico. the sea and human resource hungry residents of gloom, mainly low income indigenous mayans. wait patiently in line, while soldiers prepare a meal of fish to rice and beans, the only food most would have eaten since before hurricane barrels mexico's, you could ton peninsula don't on friday i, in on thursday night the come.


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