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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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on tuesday around the yvonne's reform is candidate meso, fisher scan. when's the presidential runoff defeating is conservative rival by nearly 3000000 volts. iranian celebrate the new president, but voter turnout was under 50 percent. the play you watching l g 0 live from del, how with nissan is back to the also i had 5 state u. s. as in joe biden, defies calls to him to step aside and says he wants to beat donald trump in november's election. no end to the bloodshed in gaza. is ralph his differences
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remain with i'm us over a sci fi deal, but talks will continue next week. i'm gonna send humans to where a hurricane barrel has been downgraded tropical storm fund is expected to pick up again with an interest in the gulf of mexico. the we begin with breaking news out of yvonne. the interior ministry has declared reform is candidate mess with patients scanned the window of the presidential run off election between conservative site jelly. let's take a look at the results. they just scan one with 53.7 percent of the vote. nearly 3000000 ahead of jelly who got 44.3 percent. yvonne's interior ministry says the turn out was 49.8 percent. my supervisor scan will succeed the late president who brought him racism the stairs, and the helicopter fashion may,
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as you scan was the only reform is candidates allowed to run by yvonne's gone to the council are these are the scenes in yvonne early at waste time. i've been celebrating 50 percent of registered voters chose to stay at home in the 2nd round of voting, after record low turn out in the 1st round. and just scan has found to revise the lines economy under stifling western sanctions. as go straight to our correspondent race, so sit down who's live for a st avon. so patients scan supporters have already been celebrating rest, so he won by significant margin nearly 3000000 volts. indeed. so the high turnout has works high turn of compared to the 1st round, of course have worked in his favor and he brought with him a significant victory so often almost 2 decades. now, a seconds before miss president is elected in iran and who's going to form a,
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a government soon. they're not knew exactly the migration time, but you had expected it to happen then usually it because it could have presence is the acting pressed so now poking about roughly around slightly below 50 percent, turned out and said that the norbish know that 50 percent of the writing and steals didn't go to the ballot box and some of them because they do not have faith elections that will bring any change, whether it's conservative or before missed. and the 2nd many iranians would also see a boy equipment. this is a silent protest as well. so now the reform is counted, it got the 50 over 53 percent of the woods where the conservative kind of the got 40. i bowled 44 percent. so the form is definitely the got a decisive victory here. however, it should be noted that at least 15000000 people who would this force identity also seems to be this 5 for the old steve loyal to the system as well. however,
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there are steve challenges ahead of position. yeah. and so he's being criticized or not having a team and mostly is expected to select these, these ministers from the previous government off house on one. ok. so we've, we've talked about the numbers of force. uh, as you said, turn out under 50 percent. talk to us now about what's going to happen in the next few hours as far as the, the, it conf. confirmation of these results. and also the reaction to move on to this victory. we've seen celebrations from some of the pages, scan supporters. what are people saying about this when, what does it mean for you right off on the 12th, still, it's early in, in iran, and people have dos just getting out pointed to where it is or what to do in iran. that has been some celebration by some small group of support as far as this. yeah
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. but the lease hours is to come in hours. more and more people come as the son of a is the form is speaking in the major cities so far the numbers of heavy and why that off from the minister eventually the official and the final results are going to be announced by the god of the call so once it's and those that will be the god as official. and then the integration period process is going to start, as i said, for the migration. there's not a set time as of now yet because this is not elections, a new one and the things quite a bit off in an unexpected way. however, we are expecting the integration to happen sooner than usual. the usual practice a so miss will position. yeah. as being pharmacy in that he's going to open up the around to the world, never. she's with the western countries and to move the sanctions to recover the economy in the comfortable. so he was promised and social justice equal rights and
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did the subjective estimation as well. whether he will be able to leave it on his promises or not, of course, depends on 2 factors internationally. so 11 thing or mr. physically on wanting to remove the sections doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to be doing because he will have to negotiate with powers at each other. and i mean, he's going to phase of resistance. what i'm picking his top is from here on and active officials and the bodies are quite significantly powerful in iran. and we don't consent that approval is going to be quite tough for he. most of the implement the policies regarding the social justice regarding the company on a me regarding clicking on add to the agenda of this commission and also bring in it by the function code for so thank you very much for that will be of course keeping a close eye on all of these out in the side of yvonne a with you results that are in k of on there.
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the other world news now and the us election campaign has been thrown into turmoil after a debate last week. that's so present, joe biden, give a shaky performance by then says the face off against donald trump was in his best performance. he made the com, instead of riley in the battleground state of wisconsin. he told supporters he would still beat trump in november's election. john henry and re forced to madison in wisconsin, or the answering calls for him to in his presidential campaign job. i didn't was emphatic and unequivocal. he's not going anywhere. but guess what? they're trying to push them out of the race. well, let me say as good as i can, i've stayed at a raise to
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learn more. when you get knocked down, you get back all since he's rambling performance in the 1st presidential debate, biding his face, sinking support in poles and growing calls for him to see the democratic party's nomination to a younger candidate. in an exclusive interview with abc journalist george stephanopoulos bygone said he performed poorly due to illness or section, was found terrible. matter of fact, the doctor quickly as they did the cobra test or you're trying to figure out what's wrong to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus. i didn't just had a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, where you stand with the friends of the lord almighty comes on several house democrats who have publicly urged by them to exit the race.
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virginia's mark warner is reportedly assembling his fellow democratic senators to do the same. when this nation was done, most of the people we talked you here in the democratic leading town of madison. wisconsin said they support the president and they want him to run. it was wonderful, i thought he is spot on. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that man. fantastic . better than i could have ever expected and you want them to stay in. absolutely. but even here among those who attended biden's address, there were doubters age 1200 percent. um you know, he did pretty wellness speech. but you know, he has, he has moments where you just sit and wonder what he's saying with poll showing. most americans agree with that sentiment biden might be determined to run with some other democrats or waiting their options. john henry, l. g 0, madison, wisconsin. as you heard, joe biden is facing serious backlash from within his own party, at least for sitting congressional democrats have broken ranks calling for binding
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to step down and let someone else run with one saying the president has a responsibility to remove himself. there's also been open discussion within the party about who might replace fighting. vice president coming to harris is one name and a number of powerful and wealthy democrat donors have said that pos donations to the party in the spite and resigns abigail disney. and diane vaughan 1st and very got 2 of the biggest names representing millions of dollars in potential loss cash. or we spoke to ronnie and patrice of democratic party strategies. she says the president's physical and mental fitness cast a shadow on his ability to win against trump even before the terrible debate the performance on thursday last week, president biden was high, and this is something that we've seen over and over and over, and somebody who often says pulling is not an end all be all it's a snapshot in time. i believe that. but we're continue with the seeing the snapshots in time that have shown him not just behind but continuing to split as
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we're facing at true fascism another. another potential term with donald trump, who is an exact existential threat to this country, 3 and the rest of the world. we have to have real conversations and to have conversations that this is, again, it's not about one bad night. we're talking about the future of our democracy. we're talking about the way this uh, the united states as viewed in the rest of the world as well. and just think the reality is we cannot have the side by side or donald trump is going to be out having, you know, 3 or 4 rallies the day. whether he's lying or not, doesn't matter when our president is talking about needing to get more sleep. and not having events after 8 pm and, you know, and i, i say that's a little bit flippantly, but it's so serious. you know, the do, the job of the president of the united states is arguably one of the hardest job in the world. it's not a $9.00 to $5.00 job emergencies happen at all hours of the day and night. and we
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need somebody at the home who we can know and count on to be what they go here and, and not saying that you can't do events after 8 pm of the war and gas. and now these really strikes across this trip at scale, at least $27.00 palestinians, including 2 gen, unless they targeted areas around the cities of hon. eunice and ross in the south. the attack in hon unit said a group of palestinians who were ranging commercial trucks to enter the street. at least 10 people were killed, the injured would taken to not the hospital, the last major medical facilities. so operating in southern capitalism has more from down block in central gas another flow, the day, whether you spend a minute 3 has been targeting the vast majority of the strip. but the main focus of the tax was absolutely, and the newest of the goal is
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a step where the is really only continue to demolish and pull up complete residential squares. anastasia. yeah. neighborhood for over a week right now. well, here in the central areas of gauze, a tooth honestly is helping people in attack in on the rocks with you to come along . slides that in the pot sounds of detect 3, at least 10 palestinians have been killed. and latest series of strikes that targeted palestinians in post rough and can you and as, as i've been hearing from medical sources on civil defense cruise, they've managed to recover those of bodies to date from roughly districts of to the partial minutes. we withdrawals from that area on the new still no, any sort of list, help them fight thing as this continues, but tell us city as a full, we need a diploma. so in order to end the fighting on the ground tart advising algebra there that i had assign and these are the government has agreed to send negotiators
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to cotton next week to resume guys a ceasefire. and captain exchange talks ahead of the is really intelligent service, has been in the hot to discuss the details from mr. benjamin that y'all's office is gaps remain between the parties and their positions. on the deal on thursday i seen a us official said they had been a breakthrough in negotiations still, i had no knowledge, a 0 that you guys knew, lee, the kids time, i guess down to work and it points a new labor cabinets, including the country's 1st female finance minister, the a. how is the waves have already picked top across the gulf at the moment lost the clear skies across much of the middle lease. then with best, if we met shamal, we are looking at a fair bit of lifted dust and sand for people celsius. here in the 37 into by
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feeling little humid here actually because when it's driving along the gulf, that ones pick up further as we go through sunday, the west of the just pushing a little further south. but she has a temperature as he paid back to around the united celsius. if we can cool that peg back, southern or planning a shell is just around the cool cuz there's some lobby shows. and so that eastern side of the techie as well. but much of the, somebody, these dry and sunny drive, sorry to across the north africa sadie item car right down on recent days. so it's not as widespread across west africa as they should be. but they all, there may be some heavier ones just coming into liberia, into sierra, loud as we go on into west side today. meanwhile, not too many shots because the eastern side of africa, again, a little disappointing here. so what's the weather there up towards? you gone the west deposit can you perhaps, further south, month to southern africa is driving and see what the when the weather coming into the western cape on saturday, 21 in cape town,
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then. but following away over the next few days, the interrogate the narrative is the us has continued support for israel affecting is global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the in the
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welcome back. a recap of all main stories on algae 0, u. s. f. as present, joe biden says, last week's debate against donald trump was a bad episode. fighting who says this thing in the race? he was sick and feeling terrible. is told his opponent he still finds to be trumping november's election. and yvonne's interior ministry has the cad reform is candidate meso pages scanned the window of president will run off connection between ultra conservative site. janita is scan one, was 53.7 percent. nearly 3000000 ahead of kennedy who got 44.3 percent devoted turn out was 49.8 percent. what, let's take a closer look at 2 message pages. scan is easy. cardiac surgeon from west as a by john province. he says, does he really unhealthy minister under president, mom and how to mean early 2000 is critical of many governments policies. the many of the government's policies,
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including the mandatory he job law virus scan was the only reform his candidate clear to run enjoys the support of high profile politicians like former presidents, cassandra, honey, and haven't had any issues. this 3rd bid for the presidency. the guardian council did not approve his candidacy in the 20132021 elections. or for more on these election results. any yvonne, this nonce victim homage, assign me a slimy, sorry, who's that political listen? a research fellow at the university of tehran is joining us from the reading capital. thank you so much for your time. tell us your reaction 1st to this victory . what does the picture scans when main for yvonne? a very simple thank you so much for having me to to discount the president position. can i, i should say i've restoration is a very iconic events in terms of uh, domestic issues and also the international issues for
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a spending group of public appeal on since we didn't have a scheduled presidential election. and what's happened for the past president, mr. ray c had said to situate him for iran to attend the numerous countries will have convictions, indecent, your so your mind has a new president, president because this dion is going to have lots of challenges also in terms of that. so i'm missing issues and also international issues and the international issues i should say. yeah. before we get into those, i've just wanted to ask you about the turn not a figure for us because that seems to be a big story right now. turn out below 50 percent, which is an increase of, of the 1st round and, and the 2021 election but still very low for yvonne which is used to 6070 percent turn out in elections. why has participation? especially amongst conservatives, been so low in the selection. what are the reasons behind this? a,
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a participation from the conservative persons who are in favor of because of the divide does, does not that maturity garden, in comparison with the previous rounds of the presidential election. however, we do have lots of changes in the ring and society. i should mention the generation z, the do are in new commerce in terms of uh, quote, to spacing the elections. i mean, i mean going to the, by the boxes. so they are a new generation they should be do are they are um, i mean dismissing what's happening in the oh, the tools here will be, it's not include baltic and also we, these have lots of problems in depth. and the 2nd term up role on the administration and also this the 1st term of re said respiration in terms of the tests and of the people me because of the social restrictions. so they didn't participation the election is in order to tell
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a message to the government in order to, to, to decent to, to their voices and understand what's happening in, in, behind the scene of this, the side. okay? so no participation to send the message to the leadership, he sent me a picture scan, has had a overwhelming support from yvonne's young generation. there's a great deal of expectation from him now, especially when he comes to the economy. how is the going to ease this economic crisis that many radians are experiencing? one of the main shining just for position for president is gone, is the fine investment in do so many aspects of the writing an industry. i should mention the oil industry project time cutting this me and also we are the industrials of lab in was direct and direct effects on the
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life of the people on tv from is to lift the sanctions. i mean to do us a unit that's on the sanctions and this is the phone up to a most important prompts. us up, lease president crisp is going to pay for this from his spend. i should mention that he had the uh, the previous firm is re fit in and he was the senior. see right now, sir. negotiating negotiator, right at the time of j 6, you a however, the situation, the international situation is me very different with the, with the error off case if you i do have um, yeah, we do, i be the action in the us. we should wait. who's going to be the next best president of the ring? and the new capacity is totally different, i should say best. your one is now a visual look, look at the power of countries. and they did try to show these through the,
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i think, international academic agency, one of the most, one of the other main differences with that's why is because time is the relations between get run. and there are countries, i mean, neighbors are neighbors. mm hm. so yeah, maybe a catcher and you are a at that time the, from the arena and an american point of view. the among means the parts of the crop them. but now they are a part of the solution because because the relations between one and the so we do a review on other countries is not as good now. okay. also, i should say, that's had that, sorry, be, had the m in war we had here. we are war because we didn't have the ukraine war. so the massage therapy is, is going to have my, i'm, i don't say he's going to be the new firm. you're waiting for a minister boss. i think it was be a very key person in terms of the new negotiations for one and p plus plus why?
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very different international context that this new iranian president comes into. thank you so much for speaking to mom. it is, let me click on this, joining us having to stay around. thanks for your time. i, i think as well to the united kingdom now wake here, solomon prime minister care. simon has appointed his new cabinet, doctor landslide victory in the general election. the labor party ended 14 years of conservative rule. the tories lost $255.00 men's receipts and thursday's election. the worst result and is fond of entry, history, change race or for some london greeted by suitcases in the list so. so you're right in downing street, this is the man who will now run the u. k. kids selma's labor party won the largest number of seats in recent history. he's promising a comma more efficient hand on believe a zip government. you have
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a government on birds and 5 doctrine guided only by the determination to sub your interest to define quietly those who have written country all you have given us a clear monday and we will use it to deliver change. probably minutes the storm up was fully given. the job by king charles who had minutes earlier seemed richly su neck so that he could relinquish the post political transitions in the u. k. a quick and brutal for those leaving office soon act seemed humble and humbled as he left down the street for the last time. i am sorry . i have given this jolt smile. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change, and yours is the only judgment that matches. i have heard your anger to your
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disappointment and i take responsibility for this loss. so next conservative party had the worst night ever and its history. 12, its cabinet ministers was voted out as was a former prime minister. this trust is disastrous, 50 day to them in 2022. that would run on the pound for the the rights of center reform policy only got 5 seats despite securing 15 percent of the vote. the scottish national party, meanwhile, has an awful night losing about 3 quarters of it seats, a serious set back for the cause of independence school style mode is the problem is go straight to pointing his cabinet as expected. right to reeves becomes the you case. first of a female counselor, the exchequer. the finance minister, david law, me is the new foreign secretary early next week. the installment make the 1st overseas trip to the nato summit in washington. of the policy on ukraine is
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unlikely to change with strong support still extended to presidents and landscapes government with regard to the war on gaza. labor and its manifesto said it would recognize the state of palestine without something likely to happen until this progress on the 2 state solution. however, the labor policy traditionally is a strong supporter of palestine and with the $400.00 m. p. is there a bound to be some want tougher action towards israel and they may that pool be internal pressure on the prime minister. james base out your 0 london candidates running in francis seconds. rhonda font of entry. elections have been making their final push for votes. election will be on sunday attentions have been high since the 1st round a voting last month. left wing and centralized groups of trying to prevent marine defense, right. we national body party from winning an absolute majority. hungry as prime minister victor old man has met russian president vladimir putin to discuss the war
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in ukraine. but european leaders have criticized the trip since i am of which has more a visit billed as peace mission, just days into taking going to rotating presidency of the council of the european union on gary and prime minister victor oregon has been discussing the conflict in the ukraine with the russian president vladimir putting to hobble as many steps are needed to bring us closer to ending the war. but we managed to take the 1st important step to restore the dialogue with the right to show the bugs. european leaders are unhappy about orleans visit to moscow. the president of the european commission, or cilla funder lane, expressed her disapproval and ex, formerly twitter, stating appeasement, will not stop put in all the unity and determination will pay of the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting peace and ukraine. this and every time one of the best known historical examples of appeasement is british foreign policy towards
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nazi germany in the 90 thirty's. negotiating with adult hitler in a bit to stop world war 2. a controversial strategy which didn't achieve its amos and critics have accused hungry of prioritizing its own interest above the use of 80 percent of hungry use. natural gas and 65 percent of its soil come from russia. organ has been a vocal critic of western support for ukraine. since rush just invasion more than 2 years ago or been has repeatedly blocked and delete you efforts to support your crane and sanction moscow. before moscow or by and visit have keys there. he suggested the quick sees fire could be used to speed up peace negotiations, which grew strong opposition from your officials, who reaffirmed their support for ukraine. president followed the means the landscape did not comment publicly last month with inside russia,
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with and its special military operation. ukraine agreed to drop its needle emissions withdrawal, which troops from a russian occupied territory, demands the landscape, dismissed as the 10th the amount to surrender excess. i'm which out is there. the us authorities of wanting that storm barrow cuz we gain strength and hit texas as a category to hurricane barrel was downgraded to a tropical storm after hitting mexico. lucy in human resource hungry residential bloom, mainly low income indigenous mayans. wait patiently in line, while soldiers prepare a meal of fish do rice and beans. the only food most would have eaten since before hurricane barrels mexico's you could time pinions.


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