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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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as, as with 1st, as long as from around the world, the local politicians have suggested raising admission prices to control visits and numbers of pushing the daily limits on tourist. the the hello i'm about this and this has been use are like from jo. hop coming up in the next 60 minutes, everyone's performed this kind of muscle position with the presidential one on defeating is conception. viable for nearly 3000000 volts. more is really a tax across the gaza strip of efforts once again to reach assist by deals between israel and thomas also has 5 states
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you as president. busy by means this is more than capable of taking on donald something november's election. i'm to enrich rodney, i'll bring you the latest update on the floods situation in the bangladesh as not this region. on an sport from spain or through to the semi finals of the european championships, spring knocked out house durham the wall. a ton is a penalty shoot out soft france progress against portugal. the so it's time g m t, that's 1 30 pm in the run for reform is kind of it must have possessed ground, has won the presidential run off. he's beaten is conservative, right? both sides, jelly and fridays voted. we're going to take a look at the results possession. got 53.7 percent of the vote. that's nearly 3000000 that had those really received 44.3 percent arrives. interior
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administrative says turn. i was at 49.8 percent. my sup possession is going to succeed. the late president abraham, why you see it was killed and they had to call to crush and make the skin was the only reform this candidate allowed to run by a runs guardian. can some variance have been speaking about their expectations of their new president? and we are very happy that mister position one, we really need a little bit president to solve the economic problems of the people. i don't have any feelings. one does not know whether the situation is going to get better or worse. i didn't vote, and i don't have any feelings whether mister possession or anyone else one. but i am very happy that at least a better candidate was chosen. i think he is more suitable as others. joining us not a lie from tech, from the turn not was never the less, relatively low and position has made
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a point of trying to reach out to those who didn't vote to follow him. particularly in his 1st speech as well as those who did to be more than half of the rent. and what adage about what didn't go through the ballot boxes, some of them because they do not have faith in the elections that they were bringing about any change. some have more cortez the elections. however, the, those who have voted for cause this young or having high expectations, i was talking to people, the street owners, the shop and shop owner this the seller share india square, the penalties square in north and to run and they're quiet, optimistic. they seem to have trust in him. m g is a man off his words, he's going to be able to deliver it on his own. he's promised us. but on the other hand, people are quite cautious as well. they are well aware of the, the civics, the limits of a positive in the country both domestically and internationally. because mr.
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position down to our cheese presidential campaign quite has, has a reason that the state and he was promised in social justice equal rights. putting an end to the agenda discrimination you open to move on to the world of the connecting with the west. increasing the transmission with the will, that's the one i'm on that are really big challenges, both from domestic dynamics and also internationally. so she was expected to have a progressive in ours industry right off the phone that off the topic i have left for many spots in the last minute. that has been announcement that the the process is canceled because of unknown reasons. however, foster being elected as the grounds president think she's 1st pause on social media . she said she is going to be the president or for your audience, for those who support the team and those who didn't. who would for him, that is quite important because in one society is deeply divided along the
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political lines of the form is and use and the, the conservatives and 12 cheese election campaign during the possession of debates . this position by be there before this port additions p again and again repeated statements, often loyalty to these law make system here to the funding principles of the islamic revolution. and also g was emphasizing then again and again that she's going to follow the guidelines, the guidelines that our staff by the stuff team leader. and when you asked the task force here. but the reason behind these statements repeat the statements of below. you have to say that she's quite concerned that she's going to be seen as a draft by the particular establishment. but by releasing such statements, she's trying to avoid that risk with the power for particular establishment specialist on talking to us and to our front. russell, thank you very much. indeed. on the incoming president issued
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a statement on x saying the election is over and this is just the beginning of our partnership. the difficult pos ahead will not be paved except with your companionship, empathy and trust. i extend my hand to you and i swear on my own, but i will not leave you alone in this past. i stand with you. stand with me. most of all costs are some, a professor that costs me. they need a faculty and is a journalist is joining us live now from tech problem. thank you very much indeed for being with us. all the candidates, of course for this election, we're vetted by the so called guardian cancel, which is made up of politicians and leadership and clerics of course. uh, we really like for you to see any surprises. now the push that skin is actually and in charge a picture of him again. um, you know, the godaddy account council is comprised of jurisprudence, the choir, geez, uh, 676 uh,
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law man of law law experts. so its not comprised of policy issues. they review the standards and protocols and fed up in mentioned, and the costs are changing a lot for long as you become the president. and that's the verification process. actually, when you go to the question, well they're all, they're all going to the changes business, but this driver g, as me, is there should be on a said i'll will remain along the guidelines of the ring. this community there as well as the entire stablish. then andy's mom recover lucian, but he will definitely have all changes, any tactics where there's all 3 economy, your society, foreign policy, and in every aspect of that's why he received the roles that that's, that's what he believes position has said that he wants to revive airlines economy that's going to be a priority for them. but of course, as we know, many of our arms, economic programs are linked to the sanctions over its nuclear program. how quickly
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do you think? we'll see any movement if any, on those nuclear talks a problem that that's a very good and big question. $1000000.00 question because the rest of us can they said that they all made. they're made plans using the sanctions like exciting and expanding the north south east, west cory, the expanding relations with latham and the with the asia. russia of china regional countries neighboring countries, especially continuing their approach small on with the countries like all the review as well as bad writing and others in order to enhance the erie and economy. and the you know, to this, to the society that this is the way as relate, president lazy was moving along the same line. but what we hear in front of missed the position the, we're doing the campaign was more reliant and removing sanctions rather than using the sanctions back to the difficult path. in clo hands especially, comes to your,
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in the us uh, you know, approach towards the cock spins and the parks are starting to actually make a to go. they've never been out there or resolving the conflict, but they, they were out there containing your last power in different areas, not just the nuclear industry, with the silent industries in the region and i'll swear. so they need this action and they will keep this anxious, and he will have a motorcycle job ahead. if you can see there that donald trump has proved the, you know, convincing part you're all superiority over your body. so and we have the experience, wonderful hunting was in the office and was thinking tall and present. donald trump was an office, nothing changed actually. and this aspect and he took are the just the few away. i mean, donald strategies asked, uh so you will have a difficult job ahead and he was asking repeatedly by his opponents like jelly
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during the, you know, of the base the rates or what else has he on the jack and what, what other players he has on the on the play and he says he has several more options, but he never elaborated on those options. so it's, it's a big question that we are facing now. and we wait until his press conference and started his administration to see what his other options and play as far though he never said that he will be using the sanctions. uh to uh, the passed away that was opened up by the late president, raising the right address on side on corresponded with just mentioning that press conference that everybody's been waiting for is being canceled. we can only wait to see what's going to happen if there's another one that's put in his place, most of our conversation. we appreciate it. so thank you very much. indeed. thank you for the
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that are more is really strikes in guys getting at least 27 palestinians in the last 24 hours. 6 people were killed in strikes and a home and an on the warehouse close to the more because the refugee camp in central garza hospital officials say 2 children and 2 u. n. workers are among the dead. now that attack killed a woman and 3 children in the boyish refugee camp and 2 other palestinians have been killed in a separate strike in general, bottom, honeywell, who would reports from dental bonnet and central garza for palestinians have been gathering to more than their as what you see behind me is a good crowd of people here. these are remaining family members and relatives who are here just performed to find out prayers for the bodies of their family members and relatives who were killed in the past. 12 hours so far were looking at at least 9 people have been brought to the morgue of the hospital this uh for the past 12 hours. then what we're seeing here is the crowd. it's not the ones that has,
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that will see the number of people that are killed in there, either residential homes or as the the case of last night was to auto. workers were killed inside a warehouse of it's a food distribution point on the west side with the time that of the fire talk are being held or being giving much concentration. this is unfortunately becoming the, the daily normal, the daily routine for palestinians, every single day for the past 9 months, more people are dying of the record number and what was your so here? have you repeating itself over and over for the past month? is there any government sending negotiate, has to come to next week to resume guys and see as far talks the head of the as really intelligent services being and don't have to discuss the details. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office says gaps remain between the policies. on thursday,
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a senior us official said there has been a break. so we negotiations with thomas thomas has released a stipend, saying we reject any plans or proposals, but seek to exceed the palestinian. well, regarding the future of the gaza strip, we also reject any plans for foreign forces to enter the strip under any name or justification the administration of the gaza strip is a palestinian matter to be agreed upon by our palestinian people. or israel's war on guys is damaged or destroyed all universities and the strep, forcing many students not to pursue the studies, but because they do university and the occupied westbank is offering. sung garza students the option to study online free of charge, not reports from them on dahlia studies. hard for an exam, trying to block out the seemingly endless floor all around her. after being displaced, 4 times the nursing student and her family returned to their damage told me to have
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a son east of con eunice, seeking some semblance of normalcy. now, that is continuing her education thanks to an initiative by beauty that university in the occupied westbank. she and more than 3000 others are studying for free. as visiting online students, it's an endeavor that requires determination. value. i must find an internet connection and hope that last for the duration of the lecture or test. so i want to professor, imagine us motor and dozens of business that that could then mix in administrators volunteer their time to students from gaza. he says this is an act of defiance and commodity. and it's the least they can do. it's
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a formidable task. in the past 9 months, israel has damaged or completely destroyed. all universities in gaza or 88000 students have lost their path to the future. our role is actually to give the chance for the people to actually imagine in different future or other than that pre decided to serve by the coordinated power for dahlia studying is about resisting the normalization of war and inspiring others to look to the future as tuition fees and everything studying gives me hope that tells me it allows me and my family to look past the death and destruction for to hold on to hope in gaza is to defy the odds. shortly after our conversation,
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dalia and her family were forced to sleep again. in the dead of night, under is really the environment. now in attempting the scorching heat, the losses june's dahlia holds onto her notes, the only remaining promise of a different destiny that all the address either some of the occupied with bank palestine auto bring in months or show when he's a journalist and political analyst from jobs but he's also lives through the water in dropbox. i find you this month. so it's not in talk. yeah. he's joining us from assemble. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. i'm going to ask you, 1st of all about your personal experience about being in gaza at the time when these really attacks were happening. we've had so many stories, i'd be very interested to hear what your impression was when you were there. and i used to live in the cities in the best scary, a 500 meters decided to ship a hospital that the 1st thing that happened in our area was the local mosque was on
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the ground. and white horse flight forced for us was that also spread throughout our neighborhoods. um we have to see the, the, the north and we stayed and i ship a hospital before that for a couple of days before going to the south to kind of want us on the roof. um, by the means in lots of hospitals from mid october until march, trying to cover the news as much as possible as a citizen during the list and as a social media influencer. you know, this is doing a lot of china to work on the grounds. my company left on november the 1st given that they were canadian citizens. however, i decided to stay in order to cover the news there. um, the situation on the ground was very difficult. and um, that's many times we were very close to this final many loved ones. and there was always a lack of fluid, walter, shelter, security. um,
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it was very difficult, but there is really in spend the steps hospice, the scene, and on the grounds. i haven't seen anything like it ever in the world. i've traveled to a lot of countries and any society after over 9 months. so going through this should have been disbanded a long time ago. however, the society in the us still strong, given their stomach values and comedy traditions. can you tell me what people are feeling in gaza towards hom, us given that we are now 9 months into this conflict. and which was started by the how much lead incursion into a southern israel after that, that of course, of course has been the ongoing conflict vintage between these really military and how most fighters people in gaza are being caught up in the middle of this does homicide still retain the support of the majority of people in gaza. as i think before this genocide started, a lot of people did not like how,
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how nice was the only thing that as a script and were disagreeing with them. however, after this genocide started, people have no choice rather than just stayed together and to try to work together towards doing what is best for their own people. whether you have minus or any other holding party on the district. unity is very important and i believe that on a students think that the distance then unit t and the remaining steps fast and does it in is the way forwards and is how they would make history for us buying a hold of the free world. so this is before october, the 7th. i think about, as teens right now are running behind time, us and the resistance forces. i want to ask you in your, your job as a political analyst, i want to ask you about your opinions about the deceased. find a goal, she agents that are going on, we understand that hamas has put forward new ideas which are being considered as
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part of that the negotiation process. however, how much has made it very clear that the 2 of the considerations through the fundamentals are that they want israel's military to leave garza. the 2nd one is they do not want any quotes foreign forces in gaza at the day after. if you like in order to be able to main, some sort of mutual control over gaza should to conflict. and if having out of are, is lot make linked forces in gaza is the only way to be able to strike some sort of seas 5 deal. do you think that people engaged or would be open to that? you do not think they will be um the uh the the how much movements sent the statements even though they are saying that they went to the got any kind of forces, not a senior, uncomfortable hester would be looked at us for and we'll keep buying forces the senior people i think, in general, and also share that she had a document oddity. i spent a my understanding that's not the, the, the,
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the intention of the american propose. and the intention of the american proposal is that you, we have like a face face process. and during the 1st phase they are asking for, for the ceasefire. not to be permanent, to be temporary. and then to negotiate a permanency spot or something. the 2nd phase of the proposal, the ceasefire. so the ocean um, again, the statement from us about is not how not allowing forwarded forces to come in whether they are auto bought. his stomach has been said before it's, it's not something new, and it is shared by the other students, people on the grounds by so showing we appreciate your talking to us and i'll just say this or thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. the us president joe biden says last week's debate against donald trump,
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wasn't his best performance. he made the comments that are valid in the battleground state of wisconsin is also promised he'd still beach trump in november's election. john henson reports from the city of madison, the answering phones for him to in his presidential campaign. joe biden was emphatic and unequivocal. he's not going anywhere, but guess what? they're trying to push me out of the race. well, let me say the stories i can. i've stayed a raise to lou, when you get not down, you get back. i think he's rambling performance in the 1st presidential debate, biding his face, sinking support imposing rolling calls for him to see the democratic parties
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nomination to a younger candidate. in an exclusive interview with abc journalist george stephanopoulos biking said he performed poorly due to illness. a section was found terrible matter of fact, the docs quickly i asked him very difficult with test to try and figure out what's wrong. to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus. i didn't just had a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump. will you stand with some friends of the lord americans on something that i might do. several house democrats who publicly urged by them to exit the race. virginia's mark warner's reportedly assembling his fellow democratic senators to do the same when your speech was done, most of the people we talked you here in the democratic leading town of madison. wisconsin said they support the president and they want him to write. it was wonderful. i thought he is spot on. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that man
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. fantastic. better than i could have ever expected. and you want them to stay. absolutely. but even here among those who attended biden's address, there were doubters based 100 percent. you know, he did pretty wellness speech. but you know, he has, he has moments where you just sit and wonder what he's saying with poll showing. most americans agree with that sentiment. bygone might be determined to run with some other democrats or weighing their options. john hendrick, elders, era, madison, wisconsin kind of is running in front of the 2nd drawing. depaula entry elections will be making their final push for votes. voters are heading to the polls on sunday. pensions have been higher since the 1st time voting last month, in which the far right maybe huge games last spring, essentially, scripts are trying to prevent. smile really depends national valley politics from winning an absolute majority by this new strong as lives not from powers telling us
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about what happened last week. the could effect this 2nd running valid of the rob. so the far right national riley goes into the 2nd round, hoping about school in upstate the wind up states to have an absolute majority in front of these national assembly. they were the top party in the 1st round, last sunday. behind them was they left to fall a coalition of policies out in the place, the manual microns mull century screw. so before the elections, the 2nd round on sunday, about more than 200 candidates, so withdrawn in an estimate to try and crate this sort of to how holes race between the bar and national rally. and another policy, whether that be of these left to fall at coalition or my crumbs centrist. now, the font on national raleigh national right will make history if they were in an absolute majority on sunday. but it's best left to follow up coalition on the, on the center standing in the way, who have a waiting. that is the fall,
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right. and the money will not chrome will be forced to call on them to a point of prime minister. it will be jo, them join on bardello 28 years old. if they don't have an absolute majority in the far, i say they're not going to try and make a governments, but they don't top this obviously a majority of the national assembly. then they'll be efforts to try and cult together some sort of coalition with us with the far right. another part is a whether is with the centrist and the last or will be debated in the days and weeks after the election room burner. thanks very much. any bonus missed talking to us from powers there. well, many migrants and refugees living in front of worried about their future if the far right wins the vote. the national ronnie party has focused as campaign on immigration, calling it a stretch to french culture and values. we've just been going for the report from the se in southern france. there's some leslie left in the assembly.
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this is a refuge for homeless migrants in refugees in my say, 8 live in this cramped space. many were teenagers when they risk the dangerous mediterranean crossing to europe in search of a better future. but after business, we spent days at sea bank. god risk us kim. it was because we lost this save the leasing it with support from the mayor. this charity helps migrants and refugees find housing and to enroll in schools under french law, unaccompanied miners are entitled to free shelter and education no matter where they're from. but with the rising and t mcglatian sentiment in france, charities worry places like this could soon shut down couple months even if it's in foster care, it's becomes harder and harder, more and more shelters of being evacuated, enclosed. they'll always young people sleeping in the train station or just on the streets, the friends host, few or migrants in refugees than germany or spain. but immigration is one of the
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most debated issues here. proposals to shut the borders prevent undocumented. my rents from getting legal status and increase the port stations are becoming more popular is on by just what i need guess on political because they base all the problems of migrants, but it's not the case. well, the construction work that is done here is done by foreigners. the hard work is done by following up with can security deacons up one survey suggests 65 percent of french citizens think the country has welcomed many people from abroad and shouldn't taken any more. while another finds more than 60 percent, believe immigrants contribute positively to cultural diversity, you know, may not say to. there are a lot of migrants in most se, so i think people were pushed to focus on this. but after role, who isn't migrant and from i me come from of this week, the south winters, the biggest supporters club for the popular football team or not been domestic, said that waves of immigration has made the city the customer, call it and place it is today. now an opportunity or a problem,
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the outcome of sunday's vote will indicate which vision voters and breaks if to some good food. alda 0 must say, is that the whole is a professor of political fairly at the university of nursing. and he's joining us from propose in funds. thank you very much indeed for being with us campaigning for the snap elections being described as rush. do you think the french voters have been given enough time to be able to make informed decisions? a yes. well that was part of my comes done, but it wasn't, it was a close stop and actually after the floor, european, the results for his party. but the idea was to put the nice and now which is claiming united instead of inc further into european policy. it also came 1st into for us trying to put them in front of the face. so are they ready to actually assume power or not? and it looks like, you know, there are products that are starting to show the, the polls, the latest pose suggesting that actually has come on us and,
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and it's on, there's will be quite far from an absolute majority, which is $289.00 in the french national assembly to be closer to $2210.00. so and then you have the last thing alliance and then like most own part to you who are both done by was all parties coming back up. so that was my 1st got it. if you one was the say, look, people are instead of just the question of integration, i think another important element integration is always being far wide concern. what's the, the bond is the cost of living prices. and so there's been a lot of present been built up around for my home, wanted to put the french people in front of this idea. are you ready job on something that's not covered? yes or no. and although there's going to be clearly the strongest force in the front of somebody, it doesn't look like they'll be able to form a government. i've seen video reports describing the selection is a choice between funds has 1st far right,
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the government and political deadlock. i mean, how realistic do you think that assessment is it certainly phone charged the territory, especially considering the history of the french and future helping, which as we know, when we set up, i saw the goal and his very top down. it's very presidential. but if you look to the history, not since the price of the for, for public, but it's better for the coalition building was very much part of its own dna. and if you brought that up in more, in terms of your, we have always the coalitions track, whether it's germany and other than this thing. so it's on charted waters for french presidential french system and the french residential system. and it will be interesting to see what happens if it's the case. indeed the us now the trojan bar that doesn't have an absolute majority, as was said by your journalist, you doesn't have enough suited majority sites and will not become communist or. so
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where are we going to see some kind of graham's coalition from center that center, right? which ironically was the kind of coalition that pro maxima power in the 1st vase in 2017, just likely to be brought back to lives. and how was france going to try to negotiate that in something they have that for a long time. but how do obviously exist in its history and exist? strikes european history to just very briefly, our reports are just, i'm going for was reporting for my science thing. the talking about the, the increase tensions that migrants in must say, particularly are, are facing in the run up to the selection. how great do you think of the concerns that frustration of the outcome of whatever the outcome is of the election on, on sunday, could actually spill over into violence, particularly in parts of funds. we do have large levels of migrant. that's a very good point in stock. this presidential discharge as legislative action is already being marked by finance. and just being all biased was not at the number of
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the deputies who being company either on the, on the center or the last or even the right. so there's ratcheting by the findings, there has been a number of police forces that have there's been an increase police force in preparation for sundays result, the know. so i got there is the, there was a, in the side for friends actually to was a grocery like a g 3. that was the, those some of the fire because it has a name of brands working there. so, but yes, it seems that this election and the awesome, well that's you're not as me. so in other events, trip well with breakfast. and it seems that a lot of the kind of seeing a whole big and racist language has being given free course. that means that there has been more harness already. there's a possibility that there's going to be more violence in the future. right? so just to go back to my 1st point, which is the, i think my calls gone bit was to say ok. they have to wind the far right, that's
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a winnings behind or sales. the moment i have another in my car has another 3 years on his presidency. let's see if he can burse dr. do now, even though it's causing all these types of problems that seem to converse with now . so that in 2027, when the next presidential election happens, mine good then does not come to pass the game. let's see if it works already on sunday. the home is professor political fairly at the university of nothing and we appreciate you being with us. so thank you very much. indeed the still ahead on i'll just say that we're going to have more from london as here. some of the you guys new to the faces, 1st cabinet with a record number of one. the spectacular events when a golden coupon medicare but wasn't enough for victory. that's coming up into sports with fun. the
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hollow summit remains on hold across the good parts of northern europe. we have cut my legit streams a little further south and it should be disappointed the way when the weather continues to stream its way through. next day of your flight pressure that's running across the north saying that will continue to fade some pretty wet weather into scandinavia. following the hot, cold north, north, west, the wind coming back in across the north west of europe. and this call from that extends on his way further south was a new drive that went to web a down of course, a good pots of france into west switzerland. northern basically pushing across the good parts of jeremy that will be some shared with around feel the football here then later? probably a shower sir. what's the weather and with the weather, what time the pack twice deposit on that system is it makes its way across the north sea and feed for the east was just a teen celsius in london. the woman sunshine is by the race will also the to one
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degree celsius is cool for really muska no to sit around the 23 degrees, some of that value as we go on into a sunday cooler. what's the weather makes its way across power and by that state will. so $25.00 degrees, not rain, continue to drive this way further southwards, and this was for the mad it's losey font and dry here. that's the place to be found in probably by the 2 across and all the parts of africa and a good rest, your shell is now across west africa. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now, i don't think so and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes inside story on out jersey era.
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as the world waits to see if the international criminal court will issue a rest, torrence for the lead as it is right and come up. people in power which the are ccs track record on trial. this court was created to hold those responsible accountable . prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c fit for purpose? people in power on out to 0 the the board you know, to 0 reminder of our top stores. this runs reform. this candidate must have
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possessed can, has won the presidential runoff between conservative side jelly possession and got 53.7 percent of the vote. that's 33000000 ahead of jimmy got 44.3 percent. turn out, who's just under 50 percent of these $27.00 tyler studies are being killed. and the latest is really strikes on garza including 5 john on those 2 u. n. workers have died in the bombing of on, on the one where 100 was close to the magazine. refugee accounts in central jobs. candidates running in front of the 2nd run to find them entry elections will be making their final push for votes. the headphones on sunday. tensions have been high since the 1st time the most last month, in which the far wife moved to james a. what do you guys do probably met his i. q stallman who's holding his 1st cabinet meeting is labor policy one, a landslide victory on thursday, ending 14 years of conservative rule. it's thomas new cabinet, includes a record number of 11 women,
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mitchell reeves as brandon's 1st female john. so that arguably the 2nd most popular position in the government, if at cooper is home secretary, a david lama has been named as far as the secretary it was the all the privilege of my life to be invitees private kate and his majesty the scene yesterday to form a government as a full, the labor government of 2024. and that we hold off last couple of leasing. so i welcome you to it. we have a huge amount of work to do. so now we get on with one of the challenges. joining us live not from westminster in london. i really wanna start off with this might seem like a small procedural point, but cabinets being held on a saturday and that is very unusual in the u. k. one other thing was the thinking behind that of the quote i think are important to democracies, much of a, everything is about image and it's about hope to sense case tom is about to start
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with immediately he wants to show you that he's pitching the ground, running let's face it, it wouldn't look particularly good, would it? if softer, 14, he is in opposition. gurani's thing about everything that the conservatives were guessing wrong. so then spend the 1st weekend in power off of winning that election bus one of the off and going to the laundry, or region kwansa or marine the loan. so he has said there is a huge amount for is government to get on with doing, but things are actually moving in the background for quite some time. i've been speaking to people who work in the civil service. please say that the heads of departments have a meeting with the latest because for the last few weeks or so to prepare the machinery of states for was an incoming labor government would be wanting to get on with right away. yeah, let's talk about what they are going to be getting on with because there's
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a law for a lot of crimes to cover. there's so many areas that one's the point to which needs to be regarded as a priority. talk us through what the challenges are ahead of the while you perhaps of the biggest task close to right. so reeves that the new chunk of the ex jack of the finance minister of the k. now she has a huge on our shoulders, which is to try and extract growth from the case pretty unproductive economy so that this labor, governments can funds the things that it wants to get done because keeps telling me i made many pleasures before the election that he wasn't going to be significantly raising taxes, so money is going to be have to found from somewhere. but they're also buttons being placed on west street. thing is a new health secretary. the n h s is famously on his knees preaching off of many, many years of on the funding. he has said that the n h. s is broken,
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he's going to have to try and fix that and also tackle a ongoing delta strikes. then you have the home secretary, is that coupon who's going to have to deal with immigration. going to have to get rid of the conservatives rolanda policy, which the labor upset that they will do. and also tackle the small bites crisis, which is immigrants coming across the channel and small bites. those aspects, those things are cool, nice on many, many vices. mine's really thank you very much, really challenge in westminster in london. it really does immunizations as a non a bucket of also a new shadow to hold the 1st joint summit. they say this is going to be used to strengthen military and economic cooperation. the so called alliance of saw how states is a new economic and security blog created by the military governments of the 3 countries. it was set up last year with the 3 nations agreeing to help each other in cases of armed rebellion or external aggression. molly, bucket of fossil india,
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of all have military crews in recent years, the launch or regional block echo was suspended the nations in response to their crews. it's also imposed sanctions, a new job on molly. in january, the 3 countries and answer withdraw from america was also cut ties with friends on the us. and they've turned to russia for security support. gonna go to a correspondent, i'm address, he's joining us now from a booster. so they said that the main topics of conversation are going to be economic and military. do we have any more details about what they're actually trying to achieve for this meeting? what basically the city leaders are trying to form a unified position in the face of a confrontation with become a community of west africa states. although we've seen the confrontational stands of that cause disappearing over time, especially in the last few months. now they're talking about trying to bring back these 3 countries into the, for the echo as these countries know,
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that no matter what i agreement was reached by equis going back into the organization will not be as good as before. so basically, there would be some limitation, soto, diplomatic, anita, probably even stopping the ministry leadership from attending a course time. it's like the one coming up to model in a bu, just now basically these countries, i've tried to form a unified position to deal with the issues most especially countries like working and possible and money or seem but cannot possibly, you know, not shopping for you for military hardware and force cost corruption into the army to chuckle, the security challenges. money on the other hand, had support from dr. not the messenger withdrew from russia, which has been doing which has been supporting its ministry to deal with a political situation in georgia situation in the north of the country, especially what the country is that is most isolated ended having to do with a major problem. it's made out of pocket, a pop from the voters with money and look at
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a fossil wow. i'm groups actually. it also has problems in the electric region. can we just like, do you find the rest and pressure by boat? quite. i'm fight isn't a book on units i live with a, it's not make state or i've so they've been a couple sort of a, talking those areas in parts of new jersey and in the last few weeks. but seeing how does this apply to is what killed and many others have been missing from a ministry about x of type back these groups in lake todd region, auditors and a booster. i'm and thank you very much. i are still ahead and i'll just say the word number one and unix center is going to be difficult to stop. and remember that as latest richardson, the hard hitting intervenes, is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his
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government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up as an, as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to al jazeera, the latest news, the renew at the bottom. it's an intense pointing show that in north going to like it was what and the strip this will this fall from over with detailed coverage, given the lack of international up for it will be up to a residence, a 5 been to defend their very existence in their land from the hoss of the story were not passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life . it's a distraction of, from what she has witness the, the
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driver's board, his father. rob, thank you so much. spain are 3 to the semifinals of the heroes. they beat 3 time champions and host germany and a 10th last 8 encounter. spain will now face france for a spot in the finals. thomas iceland reports break, so the host lation for spain. let's see, one defeats and extra time for germany brings and then to the tournaments, and to, to any crisis career in my life. that really is my last game. and i'm proud of our team. we've really taking a step forward. if you look into the last 6 months, how the team was then and how it is now fighting against the best, the team has
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a great future. we have great players because we all see them on tv uh upon when you come volume age, it sort of incident. henry was full of sofa early with an injury and stuck on the, his replacement made all the difference. donnie oma, with the openness in the 2nd hall floor inverts was no stranger to light goals for his invincible side by a labor costs and last season. he did this again to force it to extra time. but it's spain who remain on clothes for wrinkled, full furies twice to be killed. marino's head a deep into extra time, sending them through to the semi finals. yes, we don't, she didn't go into the evening. i just heard an amazing silence and i didn't know what was going on. it took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was a go. and then i celebrated it like crazy. a new at school and we were about to when i'm so happy for everyone, because this is a team, a family, and this is how it show as auto, but it gets doesn't the,
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it's also the last time we'll see we're now the, the euro's the tournament so assigned to a go score of his hand to the carrying onto the will cop the particles penalty sheets of defeat the front means it's the end of the road here. ok, losing pain. you mean we deserve to win, but we're talking about the best tournaments in europe and the best play is in europe. it's a sad moment offensive to feel joy. but i think our plays gave everything, and we need to be very proud. while i give you a girl, a stroll means front of failed to school from a from playing the tournament, but it needn't matters so far. shall felix missed his penalty to another scaling and by play then looks on the steel and that is converted. his sparking celebrations from plays and finds a lot less. it is the most i feel moved. i am really happy. it's going to be very hard to repeat that
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performance. we will try to recover and slowly prepare for our match against spain, france and spain playing music on tuesday, with the window going through to next week's fine, inputting thompson's out to 0. anyone will take on switzerland and saturdays 1st quarter. final england had arrived in germany as one of the favorites and take the title they had into this match under pressure of their barely scraping through their previous match against the back. yeah, switzerland will be there. toughest opponents yet, but manager garrett's southgate says his team is ready for the challenge. yeah, there's been a lot of expectation on, on the team in the already part of the tournament, especially. so i feel that the team, even in training now look in a different placement, so they, they look more fluid and i'm expecting us to play well to we spoke to former england manager, glen huddle about the unique pressures of being in charge of
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a national team didn't had that job, i can tell you it has got the world on the shelf that's that's the job. that's england. job. probably the top that in brazil i think over the years is probably the toughest job ever. and it might be one of the reasons why england hasn't been as successful as the many, many told them. and since 1966, because the pressure builds up and it's about the plans having to cope and the manager having to cope and deal with things. and it does look a bit more pressure wise. this is the moment that the press and the media sometimes now that it's an opportunity for them to say what they want it to say many years ago. but they couldn't because england got through a fine on a semi final and the some reason be, well, i think england, they've got some wonderful, wonderful young players, talents, talented players like never before in many ways. and i'm not sure that i feel that i have to, for me, look at people in the tunnel and say,
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we're as good if not better than you because it's true. but they haven't performed that way. i think they have to show some real characters in personality. some arrogance really a belief that they all that and then then let's go and prove it. so the 1st 70 final is decided there are 2 more spots up for grabs in one place. switzerland, before the netherlands, take onto her. she a couple of america deputies hans canada beat venezuela. to reach the semi finals. canada you came into the event is the lowest ranked and their group scored 1st through jacob shuffle berg to solomon rando is a long range goal. and the 2nd half me to 11 to send the game to penalties alphonso davis. and it's my own point, a were on target for canada who went 343. the canadians will face the world, have winners argentina in the last 4 who already beat them in the group earlier.
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but you can see that this team is building and i think now in the back of 2 really strong performances, we have an incredible task at the somebody funnel to play against the best team in the world. so we're excited but you know, again i said of this before we're, we're excited but not satisfied. so it's argentina against canada. and the 1st time a final 2 quarter final still to come later on saturday, columbia phase panama, before brazil, take on york. why as well, number one janik centers, 3 to the 4th round at wimbledon with a straight sets victory over near american mountain bitch center has reached the last 16 for the 3rd year in a row. after breezing past the serbian in just over an hour and a half. yes, really. up and champion dropped just 6 points on his 1st serve. he'll now face the winner between dennis chipotle love and shelton. i'm glad to to finish it off and yeah, now some, some good recovery and let's see what's coming in the next round. a very, very special place. it's not the most special place to to play then is, and i,
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and i love that we'll see or hear. so in all this, all combine in the women's draw fan were us open champion m a right a candle, looks to be heading form in our home grand slam the bridge player b to greet 9. see me is a car in the street sense to move into ground floor. i'm clarence lando norris continues to put the pressure on championship liter max for stop in north point. we can sing both of fridays practice session 3 of the british brown pri compare, collided during the last race and austria qualifying was coming up later on saturday. and this definitely a contender for catch of the major league baseball season in houston. astros joey loved the feed. i made an unbelievable w past with which was almost filled out. last years went onto the minnesota twins 13 to 12. the ball hit the wall after 12. i don't think. okay, that is all used for for now. back to you, robert, and thank you very much indeed. not relief efforts along the way for me. and so
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people have been shut off by flooding in northeastern bangladesh. authorities of one of dangerous floods levels in several districts. i'll just say this type of charge has this update from so that widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas of not distant bung with dash, tens of thousands of still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. as a legal sign, a poultry farmer has 5 family members to support. he sighs, he has not received any help from the authorities yet. stealing shock is not sure how he will co that i yeah, in the flood, has badly damaged most of my home. many of items were washed away by the water and we are bad. the making ends meet. i have not seen floods like this in my lifetime in for so i'm just finding a green pasture for the live stock has become a major challenge. the 1st jersey, whatever says we are facing much hardship due to this flood and
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a viewing. i have to look for gus all day for the few life stuff that i have left. bad weather is also impacted burn the dish to solve this region. many drawing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a camp where heavy rains and the land slides have been causing loss of life. and where to beg them last, a 21 year old son and the land slide. my son got stuck on to the mountain, the loan slide my to turn to a night and try to rescue him in the darkness that it was too late. the india is not this then state of mega lion now some bothering bung with dash. i've also experienced heavy rains in flooding and whizzing weeks the philip rage and i've enough is bangladesh already devastated by last month's daily is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon. rain, an upstream water from india worsening the situation. so i'm environmental experts
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believe that they retrograde fall is linked to climate change river bed. so taishan river encroachment and the recently constructed 8 meter moines highway in the flat plane region may have also worse than the effects of the floods. the gemini, bob, you don't want that to know the new highway is a barrier for water flows of the water that comes from india is by rock river. 35 percent flows through the sooner river and the rest through the cushy river, which is directly connected to the mits, mani floodplain. once the floods received for the river and farmers, we have lost everything. it will take months if not years to rebuild their homes. they need all the system they can get, but for many help is you have to come from the job the, i'll just say, i'll still have not this bangladesh. me, it's going to be here in a couple of minutes. we're more on all the stories, including our top story in the form is candidates. mazda of profess scan has one
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who runs presidential election. i'm robust and stay with us. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a but it was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important point and bushy poll, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out. is there anybody abalone fatal? might some others as you know, the initial cost of the of a is that includes the noise coming to me. so noise, that means the noise that's in the noise means the noise ex, you know, speed of in
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a crate is lowered. i mean, i know those beauty some movie soon, but these 30 phenomenon in for i don't know the spectral, latest you got out from you can those load, i mean they move headed your medic, by eating who the got the you said that mine, let me see and ok, and they said that he thought he had nice event that during the spit that now my, your medical here in the money, maybe one name on nothing that you just gave me that is to submit the dose escape plan. i've sent this and that'll get getting and then and nicely sitting 30th sooner. the
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hidden in communities across india is a deadly type, especially the world's largest import india uses, especially in need of this product from roosting to call leaving work is with a dangerous one. i want to investigate, especially in just sign in on out here. the runs reform is candid and best suited possession can winds the presidential run off to fixing his conservative rival by meeting 3000000 volts. the bulk of this val just their life and also coming up always ready of tax across the gaza strip with efforts once again to reach us through. so i'll do it between as well. i'm us.


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