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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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and, and communities across india is a definitely fiber, especially the world's largest import india uses, especially in this product, from roosting to call leaving work is with a dangerous one. i want to investigate, especially in just sign in on out is there the rooms reform? this candidate must do it because they scan wins. the presidential brothers also to fixing his conservative rival by meeting 3000000 votes. the bulk of this val, just their life and also coming up boys radio tax across the gaza strip with efforts once they get to reach us. so i'll do it between as well. i'm us
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us president joe biden and says he's moving capable of taking on donald trump november's election and i'm trying to get trouble. i'll bring you the latest update on the floods situation in the bangladesh has not this region. the life of joining as it runs. reform is candidate masood possess can as one the president for bundles he made, his conservative rival saw utility. and friday's vote. let's take a closer look at the results. possess can one the 53.7 percent of the folks in the 3000000 the head of geneva, you receive 44.3 percent rounds. interior ministry says turned out for the 49.8 percent. must do possess can, will succeed. the late president abraham, right. you see, you was killed in the hell of a call to crash in may is that you can, will see only reform is candidates allow us to run my rooms. guardian, council, what radians would be speaking about their expectations of the new president?
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and we are very happy that missed the position one. we really needed a little bit president to solve the economic problems of the people. i don't have any feelings. one does not know whether the situation is going to get better or worse. i didn't vote, and i don't have any feelings whether mister possession or anyone else one. but i am very happy that at least a better candidate was chosen. i think he is more suitable. okay, well let's take a closer look at my suit position. he's a cardiac surgeon from west as a body john province. he served his health minister under president obama. tommy in early 2000. is critical of many governments policies, including the mandatory job. little as i scan was the only reform is kind of it's approve to run. he enjoys the support of high profile politicians. i for president assad, whiny,
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and mohammed could find me. this was his 3rd bid for the presidency. the guardian council did not approve his candidacy in the 20132021 elections. the have a more is really strikes and gaza kidding. of these $27.00 palestinians including 5 jen. this 6 people were killed in strikes on the home and on the warehouse north of them, the gauzy refugee camp and central garza hospital officials say 2 children and 2 u. n. workers there among the dead and other tact killed women and 3 children in the berries, refugee camp, and 2 other postings have been killed in a separate strike in the bottom. so these are the government is sending negotiators to castle and next week to resume goal as a ceasefire towards the head of these right. the intelligence service has been in doha to discuss the details minister benjamin netanyahu. his office says gaps remain between the policies of the senior us. officials say that had been
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a breakthrough and negotiations with a mass mass has released a statement saying we reject any plans or proposals that seem to exceed the palestinian will regarding the future of the gaza. strip, we will serve objects any plans for foreign forces to enter the strip under any name or jurisdiction. the administration of the cause, the strip is a posting and method to be agreed upon by our posting and people who are heading our moods joins as life from darrow, by the, in central gaza and honey. as we were just saying that another wave of deadly attacks home and an on the warehouse among the targets getting civilians including children of the yes, this is what has been going on for the past. the 24 hours. we're seeing a version be a tops across the gauze for the just within the past couple hours more round. the ways of refresher talks in the northern part on
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a 3 dots of the southern part of gauze. the city, a very densely populated area where when one would thought that the bosses or to people were displaced from that area. but they are kept for data from one place to another. people are desperate for shelters desperate for a safer place to keep running it from one area to another. little do you knew that the word chief by surveillance of drones, that as soon as the gods in our group do were attacked by at least one missiles fired by these attack controls in the sky. this is, in addition to the task series of attacks in the central area as more reason being requested, where a group of lo and law enforcement personnel were killed. 6 of them were killed. the were part of the mission of, of protecting residential homes in which there were pushed into further internal displacement is not the 1st time we're seeing this happening again. law enforcement attack was securing a calm voice through the northern parts as well. have
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a fear in the central part of the doctor and the southern parts of distributed dropbox and find new. and it's also deliver it attacks and journalists, whether in the northern part in golf and city work here in the central part of the start, mainly in the refugee camp where it's a 2 journal. this happens to be from one family, in fact, their brother and a sister put a journalist who were killed in addition to the 3 were built in uh, golf law, a city the situations keep evolving in a very dangerous way. and it's not a coincidence that this is happening. well, there are talks and says it's on a progress being made. and here's the reducing, digging in ways in don't. how for a c is fire deal and you can't imagine the number of people have 14 got them asking us about what's going on, what are the impacts, what are the outcomes of these thoughts? one of the same time they are in, during this, these attacks across the doctor and some of them have family members inside this hospital on a separate a tox
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d. a in hong yu and it's eastern part of ton unit where there's really minutes where you can 10 people a from parts of eastern drop, a 100100 from non area or transferred to not that of how some of them are really in health facility already suffering from the tripling situations right now where the decisions have to be made inside the hospital to redirect supply of power into major much needed department. the hosp including the i c u, the operating theatre and the dialysis area. for those who suffer from kid, the machine, there is a shortage of the fuel the going on you to the fact that for the top, 50 plus pay the land, the crossings have been closed and know the deal. what so ever a lifeline for these hospitals has not been allowed for the past month and a half. right. how many, many sites that had been made in deborah by the in central gas, so that the
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case, new prime minister to this tom i was holding his 1st cabinet of meeting his leave of policy. one of the lands find victory on thursday, and the 14 he is a consecutive rule. stop is new cabinets includes a record number of 11 women. rachel reeves is questions. first. female chancellor all can be the 2nd most powerful position in government. if at cooper this time secretary and david law me has been named for him. secretary it was the all the privilege of my life to be invited to part of the king as much as the the seat yesterday to form a government as a full, the labor government of 2024. and that we hold off last couple of me thing. so i welcome you to it. we have a huge amount of work to do. so now we get on with our name. this cairo is chief executive for the sense of economics and business research. that's along the base thing tag. she thinks healthy economic challenges that you,
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you take government is facing of the sort of government and the u. k has changed to but it's challenges to have remained the same as they were last week. and the day before the, the election, i think on the economic side to particular challenges come to mind so wonderful were holding challenge that fits above a lot of the issue is how to fund some of the, the efforts that labor has identified in their manifesto. we've already heard from the chancellor that there isn't a lot of money there, which is by no means of surprise. we've already known bad. so it will be very interesting to come the autumn to see what they're going to do with their new fiscal event in terms of how they're planning on balancing the bus books physically and funding any of the any of the efforts they've left. and then i think after those immediate challenges and then after there is a little bit more of an equal nomic agenda and framework and play is something that
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the u. k. will have to address. it's really, really poor productivity, both in the public and private sector. and i think if this government can sort of crack the codes to, to that or at least you had started it, it will massively increase their chances of economics of success. they've sort of being unclear that there are certain. d cases that they won't raise, but i mean it's very possible that at some point taxes will have to go up, especially if the other side of the equation, if the spending side can go down. no, that won't be easy and it wouldn't have been easy for any government. it has not only to do with sort of keeping people that have just voted for you on site, but also with the fact that the u. k. is at the moment looking at the historically high tax burden as in so you can to infinitely keep raising taxes at some point you need to consider other options. and something that has to be in, you know, mentioned over years probably for more than not than a decade is that sort of a public sector efficiency and elements. and i think at some point,
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a more serious look will have to be look at that cost. you can even simply keep rising raising taxes as us present. joe biden says, last week's debates against donald trump was in his best performance. he made the comments of the riley in the bustle, ground state, wisconsin, who will say, promise to still be trumpet november's election. john henry reports from the city of madison, the answering calls for him to in his presidential campaign job. i didn't was emphatic and unequivocal. he's not going anywhere, but guess what? they're trying to push me out of the race. well, let me say, as soon as i can, i've stated a race to
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learn more. when you get not down, you get back. i think he's rambling performance. in the 1st presidential debate biting his face, sinking support imposing rolling calls for him to see the democratic party's nomination to a younger candidate. in an exclusive interview with abc journalist george stephanopoulos bygone said he performed poorly due to illness. a section was found terrible. matter of fact, the docs quickly i asked, they did a cobra test to try and figure out what's wrong. to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus. i didn't just had a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump, where you stand with offensive, lord almighty comes on several house democrats who publicly urged by them to exit the rich virginia's mark warner is reportedly assembling his fellow democratic
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senators to do this thing was done most of the people we talked you here in the democratic leading town of madison, wisconsin said they support the president and they want him to write. it was wonderful. i thought he is spot on. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that man . fantastic. better than i could have ever expected, and you want them to stay. absolutely. but even here among those who attended biden's address, there were doubters. thanks to a 100 percent. you know, he did pretty wellness speech. but you know, he has, he has moments where you just sit and wonder what he's saying with po showing. most americans agree with that sentiment. bygone might be determined to run with some other democrats or waiting their options. john henry l. g 0 madison wisconsin for on spoke to this will be heading to the polls on sunday and run off of parliamentary elections. many migrants in refugees living in france that were worried about the future. if the far right wins. the vote,
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the national riley has focused, is coming, paying on immigration, quoting, and a threat to french culture and values. have some gwen food as the support from us say in southern front. there's some rusty left here and they have some this is a refuge for homeless migrants and refugees in my say, 8 live in this cramped space. many were teenagers when they risk the dangerous mediterranean crossing to europe in search of a better future. but after business, we spent the day that fee, they got rescue f. kim. it was because we why last this save the leasing, it was support from the mayor. this charity helps migrants and refugees find housing and to enroll in schools under french law. unaccompanied miners are entitled to free shelter and education, no matter where they're from. but with the rising and t mcglatian sentiment in france, charities worry places like this could soon shut down top of most i'd even if it's
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in firstcare, it becomes harder and harder. more and more shelters are being evacuated, enclosed, they'll always young people sleeping in the train station or just on the streets. the in france, host fewer migrants and refugees than germany or spain. but immigration is one of the most debated issues here. proposals to shut the borders, prevent undocumented migraines from getting legal status and increase the port stations are becoming more popular is on by just what i need goes on political because they base all the problems of migrants, but it's not the case. well, the construction work that is done here is done by foreigners. the hard work is done by following up with can security deed comes up. one survey suggests 65 percent of french citizens think the country has welcomed many people from abroad and shouldn't taken any more. while another finds more than 60 percent belief emigrants contribute positively to cultural diversity. you know, may not say the, there are a lot of migrants and must say, so i think people were pushed to focus on this. but after role, who isn't
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a migrant and from trying to come this week, the south winters, the biggest supporters club for the popular football team or not been domestic, said that waves of immigration has made the city the customer, call it in place. it is today. now an opportunity or a problem, the outcome of sunday's vote will indicate which vision voters and breaks if to some good food. alda 0 must say, still a head allowed to 0. find out why the hungarian prime ministers visit to russia has caused and among your repeatedly does the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or a weapon ization of the adjuster system. frank assessments that this stage both
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ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se i thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for each inside story. on al jazeera, the, the . ringback the challenges here with the
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be watching, i'll just say what his reminder about top. so is this our rooms for, for most candidates, my supervisors can, has one of the presidential run these in conservative side. julie is this can 153.7 percent of the vote was 93000000. the head of committee go 44.3 percent. at least $27.00 palestinians have been killed and the latest is ready strikes on the cost of including $5.00 gentleness to you and workers have died in the bombing of and from the warehouse close to that. my goal is the refugee camp in central causes. relief efforts are underway for millions of people who have been cut off by
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flooding in northeastern bangladesh, authority use of war and of dangerous flood levels, and several districts are those who is 10 of your challenges. has this update update from us, so that's the widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas of not distant bung with dash, tens of thousands of still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. a legal sign, a poultry farmer has 5 family members to support. he sighs, he has not received any help from the authorities yet. stealing shock is not sure how he will co that i yeah, the flood has badly damaged. most of my home, many of items were washed away by the boat, and we are bad. he making ends meet. i have not seen floods like this in my lifetime in for some just finding a green passenger from the live stock has become a major challenge. the 1st jersey, well versed as we are,
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facing much hardship due to this flood and a viewing. i have to look for gus all day for the few life stuff that i have left. it was bad. weather is also impacted bangladesh, a southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a camp where heavy rains and the land slides have been causing loss of life. and where to beg them last, a 21 year old son and the land slide. my son got stuck on to the mountain the lawn slide, my tutor in the night and tried to rescue him in the darkness. but it was too late . india is not distant state of mega ly, enough, some bothering bung with dash. i've also experienced heavy rains and flooding and whizzing weeks the philip rage and i've enough is bangladesh already devastated by last month's daily is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon, rain and upstream water from india worsening the situation. so i'm environmental
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experts believe that they retrograde fall is linked to climate change river bed. so taishan, river encroachment and the recently constructed 8 major moines highway in the flat plane region may have also worse and the effects of the floods you telling me. you don't want to know the new highway is a barrier for water flows of the water that comes from india is by rock river. 35 percent flows through the sooner river and the rest through the cushy river, which is directly connected to the mits, mani floodplain. once the floods received for the river and farmers, we have lost everything. it will take months if not years to rebuild their homes. they need all that system they can get, but for many help is the up to come 10, which of the, i'll just there are still that, not this bangladesh. nobody's hung gary in the prime minister. victor, all buttoned isn't most coveted spoken to president vladimir putin about the war
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and ukraine. european leaders have criticized the trip. x was on the bench triples as a visit billed as peace mission, just days into taking going to rotating presidency of the council of the european union on gary and prime minister victor oregon has been discussing the conflict in ukraine with the russian president vladimir putin hobbled level many steps are needed to bring us closer to ending the war, but we managed to take the 1st important step to restore the dialogue with the right to show above. european leaders are unhappy about orleans visit to moscow city. president of the european commission, or cilla funder lane, expressed her disapproval and ex, formerly twitter, stating appeasement, will not stop put in all the unity and determination will pay of the path to a comprehensive just and the lasting piece. and ukraine. critics have accused hungry of prioritizing its own interest above the use of 80 percent of hungry use.
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natural gas and 65 percent of its soil come from russia. organ has been a vocal critic of western support for ukraine. since rush just invasion more than 2 years ago or been has repeatedly blocked and delete you efforts to support ukraine and sanction moscow reform or scope or by and visited keith. there, he suggested the quick ceasefire could be used to speed up peace negotiations, which grew strong opposition from your officials, who reaffirmed their support for ukraine. president followed the means the landscape did not comment publicly. last month within said russia with and its special military operation. if you crane agree to drop its needle emissions with throw its troops from a russian occupied territory, demands the landscape dismissed as attempt to mount to surrender acts of i'm reaching out to 0 to the jump to leaders in multi book, you know,
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fast. so in these yeah, we'll hold the 1st ever joint summit. they say this will be used as trends in cooperation between the, the lines of so whole states is a new economic and security blog created by the military governments. on the 3 countries. it was set up last year with the 3 nations agreeing to help each other in cases of verbally and or external aggression. molly became a fi, so in these yeah, we'll have ministry cruise in recent years. the laundry regional book echo was suspended the nations in response to the crews and post functions on these. yeah, and molly, in january the 3 countries announced that withdrawal from echo as they also kept ties in front of the united states and of ton to russia instead for security support have addressed has moved from a bu jump. this is if the leaders are trying to follow a unified position in the face of a confrontation with economic community to of west african states. although it seem as a consultation, those kinds of equities disappearing over time,
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especially in the last few months. now we've been talking about trying to bring back these 3 countries into the field, of course, but these countries know that no matter what type raymond was reached by equis going back into the organization will not be as good as before. so basically, there will be some limitations, soto diplomatic, anita, probably even stopping them. and if indeed issue from attending a course, somebody's like the one coming up tomorrow in a boot, you know, basically these countries, i've tried to form a unified position to deal with the issues. most especially countries like working, if possible and money or seem but, you know, possibly no not shopping spree, poor military hardware and force conscription into the army. to tackle this a going to telling this money on the other hand, had support from dr. nasa, you mentioned it would go from russia, which has been doing which has been supporting. it's been trying to deal with a political switch to a security situation in the country especially. but what the country that is most
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isolated and having to do with the major problem is me, generate public, a pop from the borders with money and fossil wow, i'm groups and it also has problems, intellect, our region in the democratic republic of congo, government forces, and the m 23 of them group up again begun like 2 weeks humanitarian troops and able to allow access of females 7 a to the eastern regions of the country. i my county reports from the temple the government itself. i performed the u. s. government initiative for the 2 weeks you might have total control, so which was the gun despite the nights local time. and we unfortunately rely 19 departed to the call for somebody to jump into the government. sort of just, we silenced, we for the we lost the sounds of distress people. and why do you want to go down the street to the opposite? the solution. if you decide the variables want any of this month, i don't think it was before. but one of the off,
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the government supplemented himself, so you'll want to see 14 plus the total we do of what did they of calling want them to? so when did the arsic territory this friday you'll see the size of the call one week for 5th, against the, for me to decide what is going on with the office already told me, the process will stop by the police and the some of the process of the way i was this after the depth of 25, you started reading from the in and by the mandatory caught up with him on wednesday and not a lot of just open a little bit or yes, i do against 25 other sort of this the clothing, civic buffington for the same 6 years, so hopefully doing the fighting. we do most of the last 20 years on different lines across the country. one of the, in the pool vsoft record is not cable. what would be the 1st thing the most up to the video, the medical dental and the video from that form you've gone to and then you need to do. we don't know for me this on a political in the country for political believe that's the only may be try out and
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it's a deep reform all in lake county. i was just 0. what campbell, the democrats, republicans cool. okay, that's it for me and the bulk of start with this, the inside story is the expect. so the the color, the amount you front, the plum rays have been put the live the recently across northern parts of china. i look at this one here, just over towards here, i see 178 millimeters. so frame 4 and 24 hours that plot systems that went to whether that's making his way across the green financial. and we'll continue to drive its way up to those northern parts of the japan so, so the heavy down polls come back in behind. you can see where the, the flood risk will remain for the south eighty's. how this human into central
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southern parts of china, shanghai at around $37.00 celsius, that a i see, feet in the field, a lot hotter than that's and it's pretty sticky as well as the case to into a good parts of japan. of $36.00, the full took, you know, on area sitting some whatsoever, grandparents, mustangs, and what the web at it gives way to still be heavy down pulls of rolling across. so just around the, the board of that. and we are going to see that heavy rain stretching back through the yellow sea. run that rain all the way back into west south asia. will heavy down pulls into a bung with that small, heavy down post to it, and move them in the order progressing. $228.00 millimeters in just 24 hours. the biggest down post ridgewood is an orange one is in falls, remained up to was the foothills of memory. last of the latin america is a region of wonder. i'm joy tragedy and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where
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you are, you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like. and it's my job defense life on how and why the projected by the electorate. the conservative policy stuff is this was defeating decades in the u. k . general election label is taking kind of promising change. but is it a watershed moment and you pay politics and how will it shape the way the country is government? this is inside store, the hello. welcome to the program on the fuck you.


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