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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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and it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. a ron's new president has promised to bring changes at home and engage leaders abroad. but with the supreme leader wielding the ultimate power with less fluid, as this can be able to fulfill his promises. and how will he deal with the many challenges facing his country? this is inside stores the hello and welcome to the program. i'm getting you navigate them. iran has elected a new president's musser would possess can, has been described by many as
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a model with candidates who has been promising social reforms as engagement with the west. but in the radiance system, it's the supreme leader, not the president who has the final say. so will present scans election, bring any shifting policy on how will he deal with the many economic and political challenges facing iran will go to our panel in just a few moments. but 1st, this report from santa monica and most who possess skin is arrives. new president, the former health minister was the only candidate from the less conservative and overruns political spectrum. he posted a message on ex cooling for national unity, saying the election is over and this is just the beginning of our partnership. the difficult part, the head will not be paved except with your companionship, empathy and trust, as in some ways possessed can as an unlikely president. this election took place early due to the death of his predecessor everywhere you see in
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a helicopter crash and may, on the campaign trail, possess getting promise to re negotiate the 2015 nuclear deal with the west in order to get her on out of sanctions. and revive its economy. now to see our foreign policy is the art of fix ability. i believe in negotiations to remove sanctions, sanctions of the main of school in front of el people. he also plays should promote gender equality and social justice. a possible attempt to address the widespread discontent that led to protests and recent years the home it's been faulty use since we've tried to fix the issue of a huge job. and we want to see how we fixed it and why we made it with the dye. but his power to effect change has limits about the supreme leader, ayatollah. how he, how many holes, ultimate power and uranium system. no major policy shifts can happen without his consent. is ask you and was also invested, allowed to run for office, for many others were not assigned perhaps these know expected to stray too far. since mountain l to 0 for inside story.
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okay, we cannot bring in our guest or any restaurant to sign his doctor for our does id, who's the head of the american studies department at the university of to ron. and he's also a specialist and us iran related issues. joining us from london, his works on for a month for my on a lecture in modern release politics at the university of cambridge and the specialist in middle east security. and joining us from to buy is dr. my herancha barava who's a professor of government at georgetown university and cuts our thank you so much for your time with us on inside story dr. as id. i'll start with you 1st and to her on. so the president's previously ran for the presidency in 2013 and again in 2021, but he failed to make significant progress both times. what was different this time around to you know, see the, that's the position here and it was endorsed by you guys have been contacting me. he was in minnesota for contacting the health minister. the link is 10 years and he
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was endorsed by does it for this account officially. and he's a former candidates ed, but you're reporting everybody is in this program. a forgot to mention that ended a pharmacist and you don't have an agenda. they have a policy differences on foreign policy and domestic policy. economic policy contract purposes is d is in the far west. a very different people, then you compare them to the practice of this. or the conservatives, as the office of presidency is very important in your uh how. ready can you assess of facts, check what they just said? look at the last fall and policy viewed and got my the major look at the guys find policy doing the honey. those 2 people that are quite different as people are right
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. pause as far as it was, but that's an important point. so he's not and that's going to be the basis. so for discussion, doctor eyes are the about the, the hours of the presidency. but just 1st, just 1st on what's happened in the past 24 hours, i just want to ask you about the turnouts, because turnouts in the 2nd round was at 50 percent of the 1st round, as we know, as we know. so 40 percent, why do you think that more people turned out for the 2nd round and what does it tell you? i think one reason was the close of the country that turned off. it was low. the north in and out. it brings an excuse, you know, you don't have a lot of enemies less than media outlets. a that they have been asking us not to show up to the pulse. we have a 100 as far as the a speaking channels that have been asking, get on. yes, the by click the elections and this is a serious defeat for these people. he runs election as a free of for you, and they want to demonize the wrong. they want to demonize the lines elections. and you see, you know, the saying that there is this,
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the constitution of council that disqualifies all the form is candidates. the not the only approved the form is candidates, the form has come to the presidency. right? so if i'm telling you guys my to address, send me the outlet that they, they have a nice friend companies on campus. i hope they do more on mute on and present it on as it is not as well. that's what we're going to be looking into in this program. the problem, let me bring you in. so the president, when he won, the election extended his hand to oli radians. but how does he re gain the interest of those who didn't vote for him or those who simply are this heartened what the election is whole? after 2021, we see the running and political system suffer from a serious legitimacy crisis. 2021 featured the lowest bull to turn up in the history of this tonic public. and this time we saw in the 2nd wrong people attorney got approximately 50 percent of the ronnie as incidentally in the 1st row,
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we have an even lower volunteer turn out in the 1st round of this election. and so that we didn't receive crisis has continued. what we see is the level of trust, and quite frankly, a level of fear of the toilet barn ization of the wrong under the potential jazz, the presidency. and so what we see is an effort on the part of the electorate to ensure that the wrong doesn't slide further to the right level of trust. the someone like do i need to reform is actually do some damage controls and be part of the economy. the reverse, some of the horrendous social restrictions that the race you presidency brought the wrong as if possible improves the people's economic loss. okay. how much, how much power then let me ask you this, my ron a mr. or his id touched upon just
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a moment ago, i'll put the question to you. how much power does the president actually high? because we know that any ron, the supreme leader is the main decision maker in terms of decisions when it comes to foreign policy. it including, for example, nuclear negotiations relations with the us as well as military and security issues based fall under the remote of a supreme leader. do they not? they do as the president is constitutionally the 2nd most powerful individual in the country. and what we see is that the president, if the president is able to create a consensus, some of the different institutions and factions of the state in the same way, for example, that role need it. but the revolutionary guards, the parliament, the tech, to crack the core of the bureaucracy, then they can convince the supreme leader that, for example, negotiations with the west or european union or in the rollins interest. at least
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the discussion of removing sanctions is in a raj interest. and the supreme leader can be extremely pragmatic if he wants to be so i, i don't think the president is powerless. i can't really influence the tenor of your on in politics under certain circumstances. okay. let's bring and roxanne, do you agree with that sentiment and is it fair to say rocks on that the office of the president has a significant role in setting domestic policy specifically and especially economic matters. yes, i do agree with this because i think we seen every president placed his mark upon the roll and upon the uh, the direction of the ron under his period in office. and so i think that although of course, the ultimate decision is with the supreme leader in his office, the president can change the just scores can in it, introduce
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a number of new approaches, both foreign policy wise and domestic. and i see that the current newly elected president has put forth several options in this way. he is not over extended, he has not made a wild promises. what he has done is shown that he has an approach that's perhaps somewhat different and he is put forward a plan that i think could very much be accepted by the supreme leader once the different categories of the government have been brought together just for clarity which plan are you referring to here? roxan? so the economic and the social he's actually made is quite a clear statement that he's not planning on affecting the political mechanics. but what he's hoping to do, i think, is to improve the economy through negotiations and less isolation with the west.
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and he's also appealing to several groups within the population itself, in terms of, for example, reducing the restrictions on internet use and the restrictions on head job use, all of which apply to a very wide swab of the population. on the other hand, it is certainly true that he will be facing a very hard line, conservative parliament. and his 1st test probably will be trying to get minister ministerial appointments through the parliament that may not be a very open to some of his suggestions. okay, let's bring into a view from to her on friday as i the so domestically. how big a challenge do you think is going to be for the president to, to bring about these changes that he's spoken on as in your opinion, which issues to expect him to take on 1st. you know, he was supposed to have the post office said today the best conference was cancelled. we don't know why. maybe it's because the end of the election just just
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finished last night. he's going to have to deal with the promises that he has made . and he is going to try to have all his menaces, the people that the ones that to get the approval from the problem out there. this is how you guys constitution works generally the parliament, even if the majority of the members i belong to another party, they generally believe that the president should be able to work with the people that he was there. and this is what mr. physician is doing as we speak. i think he is making a list of his ministers. he's talking to the parliament. the leaders in parliament need us to make sure that these people gets enough flows. and he has promised a lot during the campaign and he doesn't have to worry about it and, and the com transition of power. and this is and it is important. think of what the,
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the elections that the, the task of power is peaceful. i teach american a city is that the university of to have it on me to remember what's happened in the united states in 2020 we, we haven't had that problem down for line is. so i think my supposition is going to, i want to make sure that within the few months of his presidency is actually some of the promises that he has made, that he has been able to do that a member on and on these promises the president has said that he vowed to ease, longstanding internet restrictions for one as well as to oppose somewhat, the police patrols which of course enforce the mandatory headscarf for women. definitely job. how do you think that he's going to approach the issue of dealing with iran, security chiefs and clerical rulers, and trying to, to, to deliver on what he said that he wanted to do jersey. he's going to approach them
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gingerly and with deliberate care. uh, one thing that was interesting about pacific youngstown paint was managing expectations. he was very careful not to over extend himself. he always said, look, i am fully aware and to the electorate knows that the president is not all powerful and i'm 5 channel and will not make promises of overnight changes. so i think i want to. the other thing that was important about this is john was see emphasized the importance of dialogue and reaching across the aisle to people who didn't necessarily share his views. and his or the said to is the supporters of these opponents, that he is going to engage in dialogue and that he's a president for all iranians. incidentally, all the ronnie ends was the slogan of his campaign. and so i think he's going to be
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very deliberate, he's going to be very measure. and uh, i think he knows that he does not necessarily have an easy road ahead of him. but as we heard earlier, i think he's going to max on marginal social changes, and that's what matters to people's daily lives. the enforcement of mandatory his job, the speed of the internet, the way they're treated on a daily basis by the city police. all of these things are going to make a difference almost immediately in the way people perceive the political system. what made a difference as well? mister eyes are the or, or what people said was the biggest issue for them in this election was of course the economy. so was that mr or possess scans, sort of, quote unquote, softer position than mr. is that any that appeal to people this time around and they're hoping that's the best selection and this presidency will translate into an easing of sanctions, which is also promised to look at uninsured,
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better economic times for them. and i think the by the administration has a window of opportunity until january of 2025. to do something serious about the sanctions. if my cert position fails to deliver on his promises of a renew, think, sanctions or eliminating sanctions, then the new generation of you're on the as i'm going to be as anti american as the old generation of you audience. and please remember that about 14000000 is low tech for mr. jenny. yes, said the, so there is a huge potential to increase the number of people who oppose us foreign policy. do you need to? and it's a lot of those people who voted for massage every the, the younger people that so this is an opportunity for the, by the administration that is by then realizes this opportunity or not that he is capable of using that. unfortunately,
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we don't know. but what we do know is that if mr. physician can fans in his file, obviously promises. he is not going to get the elective in 4 years. i understand what you're saying about the by the ministration. and we'll talk about the us election in a moment. but i just got to ask you once again mister as easy, i mean from what you've seen your, it's a honda has, has the president put forward any concrete plans on how to deal with the stand off with the west with the united states? you know, he's planning to bring people back to that those that he is on the start out off. she and how those who negotiated the nuclear agreement that is that he was the next to him doing his campaign events. i think he is in a, he's a hot surgeon, he's not the following purposes specialist. but during the campaign he said that he would rely on such people to basically use is off some of these issues. and the given the track record that both that says that he found that she actually managed
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to finish the new to agreement and have an agreement with other side. the expectation that is this guy has, is that they can repeats based video. so 2015, but you know, this is a 2 way street. you need to have a par note on the other side. and given what's going on with the genocide and kind of sign given what's going on in the region, i'm not sure if that by the most ation is capable of using this opportunity even if they want to. okay, rocks on, i guess that is the elephant in the room. i mean, what happens with the us selection and that may impact relations going forward with a ron a by the administration versus a trump administration. but do you think that the, the revival of the g a j c. p, a way the nuclear agreement is a priority for the new president. and he, is he going to try to sort of open up a new chapter with the international atomic energy agency? well, i think he certainly made a point in his campaign to say it was one of the most important things to reduce
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sanctions as a means of improving the economy. and economy has really become a huge factor for the population, any run and impoverishment, a lack of opportunity. these are really cutting into social welfare as well as the opportunities for the young people who have been very disillusioned by this whole political process. and the idea logical emphasis, i think on the way the economy has been run. and i would like to say a couple of things. one, he has a possession kion has already shown that he can cross the aisle, in a sense, he was able to garner quite a few of the conservative votes, who had been on the more practical end of the conservative party and had supported got a box who is the tournament speaker, and i think he gained several 1000000 votes from that side by
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conservatives who realized that the economy really has got to improve if iran is to go forward. right. so i think he's a, uh, an ally, probably already in the guy the boss camp. and that he has already shown that he can garner conservative votes for some of his programs. what about allies in other countries? roxan, will he continue or discontinue the eastward looking for and policy of the late president. but he, me that you see how his relations be with russia and china as well. i don't think ferry road there is much down side and continuing those relationships. and so i expect that that was, uh, will be viewed as one of the successes of the racy term. and i think that that will continue as went all the membership of the brooks and the shanghai cooperation organization. and several of these other groups looking that way, but i don't see that that will cut down the opportunities for
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a position beyond to find some common ground, perhaps in new negotiations in vienna. but of course, that will depend on who gets elected in the united states, because the republican candidate, donald trump, is the one that was drew from the last deal. and so that would create a completely new set of item to go shading points for both parties going forward. okay, ma'am wrong. i mean, you speak to us from to, by how do you think the president is going to deal with a sort of gulf relations, a neighbors in the region. and also what about what's known as the access of resistance? i suppose i know mr. is that the from to her on will say he definitely expects continue it see when it comes to the sports support of groups like how much has been done? yeah. man and the resistance in iraq. what do you think you and i also think so because the so called access of resistance is part of the runs. the terrance capability against is
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a is really to read to you wrong is not going the way and the security policy of a wrong is heavily influenced by the revolutionary guards, as well as the foreign ministry and the presidency. so i think the, you know, the dynamics aren't going to change the, the international threat environment within which you wrong perceives it's itself is not going to change. and so i don't think he runs relations with the access of resistance are going to change. interestingly, princess job has already come out and said that there's absolutely no reason for his administration to change. the rocco small with saudi arabia is all about john and vis earphones other neighbors. and so i think the good neighborly relations that re see a formalized, in addition to the so called look is policy will continue as will be
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a close relationship by coordination with groups like come also, or the miller showing the rack or the other groups has the lines up and on and others. okay, mr. his id, would you like to weigh in on this and then roxan. i'll come over to you for the final word that you are interested in improving relations of it to all of its neighbors. this is the policy of these on generally the problems come from the other side and i think country is like so i really would have realized that eliminating it on or the well there's to bring this all mixed up out because nothing to happen the sooner this some countries realize that the fact that i think it's going to include that relations of it, you know that there is this substantial popular support for the government. the 14000000 people voted for the most extreme is candidate based on analysis of us and media outlets. and there are, there's people who participated in eviction, and that's resulted into this guys when also support
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a lot of these foreign policy goals because this is what positions said during campaign. so realizing that, you know, his government has a legitimate interest in this part of the world and realizing that the government has it very serious, popular backing will have the policy makers in this part of the world and outside this region to a basically use the potential of that you don't have and have a situation where both sides can finish it. just a final thought, bring them a story that was on the, on the issue of corruption, which we didn't mention. i mean how, how can he make a difference on this issue? do you think, you know he's, he's very clean. he was asked on a television show, what do you own? he's a hot surgeon so he, he can manage to, to have a comfortable life. but he says he has a house into it on he has in the house and diabetes and he has a small garden as of people, one of these and he got the next. it was because of him being
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a living modestly. and this is, and it's slowly so complex and having a need is of it. the mazda slices side is one of the teachings of us. okay. roxan final words to you and, and also do you see a sort of comparison between this presidency of mr possession and the one of how senra honie, who was also considered a, a reformist candidate. well, of course there is some similarity because their own from the same of grouping and the same political outlook. but i think it's worth saying that position is not the the expert expert that real honey was and the nuclear area. but he's also not quite as much of a fire brand as a real honey was he's really in many ways a compromise candidate. he's someone who is able to negotiate and to play the longer game it strikes me. i think he represents his in his own background,
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different ethnic groups, any ron ends, a professional groups. and i think what we see is a real opportunity here of someone who's going to move quietly and slowly that has the confidence of the government. but it is going to be approaching the political and economic and foreign policy dimensions in a way that has not been represented by the hardliners as much is going to be a fresher way of going about it. and i think he's going to try to be inclusive if that's all of the different points that we've seen in this campaign and how the government itself has approach this. and i think it's, it's important for the west, which tends to think of iran is a very monolithic type of very authoritarian place to realize that this has been quite a competitive campaign. and that he was in many ways the dark horse and that this kind of politics is possible any wrong. and this is an opportunity that he run now
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represents for a somewhat softer and more constructive approach. okay, on that note, we'll leave it there. thank you. so much for joining us for our bodies. thank your works on for my for my on and my run. come rabo to thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out as a result. com. for further discussion. you can go to our facebook page at facebook dot com, forward slash ha, inside story to in the conversation on x or handle is a inside story for myself and whole team here in delphi. thanks for watching. bye. for now, the israel's war on god's that'd be coming in forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of
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us politics, the bottom line, the latest news, the renewed bombardment and intense pointing show that in north goes like it was what and the strip this will this fall from over with detailed coverage, given the lack of international up for it would be up to a residence, a 5 been to defend their very existence in their land from the hoss of the story were not passion for through this something that helped her serve by the daily life . it's a distraction and from what she has witnessed, the,
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i don't know, the number for me is the most for me is augusta from when the scene detained us, the indian, is that going to see me in so the by law that bitterness bit that and that unless it is only the kids and the 5th on my the the, the, the the, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the no, i'm elizabeth problem and this is the news. our life from doctor hawk coming off in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces attack and now that you, one slight shop strong displace palestinians kenning, at least 15 pm central gaza, the yvonne's president to let must be possess kion vows to serve order vanya. and since his victory speech,


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