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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the, the safe, the mean, big summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now, the israeli forces attack another you inside sheltering, displace palestinians getting at least 16 people in the central goes on the on somebody the miller, this is all to 0 live from dell also coming up here on the president the legs most suited because this kion balls to serve only radians in his victory speech off to the fee to use conservative rival and fridays election
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and will return on in london. whether you guys, the prime minister is held is 1st cabinet meeting and news conference. keep watching to find out what keeps on the sides. plus the lines of sustained submitted to need is, 1st of the summit since seizing power and a series of crews. and we see just the we're, we're getting garza, we serve a large scale is where the attacks of killed at least 56 palestinians across the strip. most of the strikes were carried out in central gauze is where the forces have formed a human school housing. hundreds of displaced people in the se, right? can. 16 palestinians were killed in the attack. out dozens of we injured and take them to a lock. so hospitably daryl bella. the desk tolls been climbing rapidly in the past few hours to another you investigate the also came under attack in the hours of
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saturday. this time a warehouse, at least 6 people were killed in the strike in the country has more from their obama and central garza. we receive a lot of those policy needs to work, killed and injured from. i'm the dogs from a drone e school, which is a u. n. school policy, new shelter from the beginning of the war. most of these kind of sinews came from another parts of the country. and others came from the south like dropbox. and can eunice, as that, is there any force evacuated, those kind of sinews to evacuate to the middle area. we're talking about at least $1.00, part of the news that are squeezed into the middle area. thinking that this area is safe, policy news evacuated to you and shelters because they love being and those un soldiers are going to keep them safe. but after talking to palestinians, they're telling us they don't know where to go. you entered there's have been targeted public schools have been targeted. hospitals have been also been targeted
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at school streets. the policy needs do not know where to go and believe they believe that every single place is a targets. and not only that, there was a u. n. owner, well, a warehouse that was targeted yesterday and to honor well, a workers have been killed in the past 24 hours at least 5 during his were also killed. so piloting and still they're all being a target and no place is safe across the district. to infectious diseases, a squinting at an unprecedented rate. some garza 9 months of israel's was decimated, medical facilities and sanitation systems across the strip lack of clean water coupled with this case the deals, basic goods like soap is worsening on hygiene and conditions. honeywell mode has this report from daryl bella, and central garza destroying piles of garbage and
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rivers of roll sewage. these conditions are breeding ground for diseases throughout the densely populated gaza strip. after 9 months of war, many government services have collapse. clean water essential to life is hard to come by. dr. hand in sleep is the head of pediatrics of deluxe the hospital. he says, the consequences of living in such conditions are clear, come and pick up and a lot of diseases such as escaping measles and chicken pox. so spreading at high rates. diseases we didn't see at such levels before the will. the difficulty in accessing treatments, the skin diseases exacerbates the spread of infection is rose blockade has also let the shortage of many basic good. unfortunately there is no shampoo read this sign outside of shopping there and by the on the why live, i'm looking for shampoo or any other cleaning supplies. so we can be,
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but we can't find any, and if we do find them, they are sold out of exorbitant prices. items, why a hormone someone's therapy, no supplies for the past 8 months. everything you see here is from the stock. we had all the borders are closed. if they were open we'd have larger quantities of cleaning supplies. to you, an agency is called the sanitation of crisis across garza asylum threats. the palestinians are the goodness. oh my yeah. we get one tank of water every 3 or 4 days, but soap is very expensive. the price of a bar of soap can reach up to $8.00. and the sewage runs in the streets and children walk around in it barefoot and add to this hot weather. we're in a state of complete destruction. the most palestinians are living in overcrowded. 10 counts or make shift shelters with no clean water and sanitation, which means these is free to quickly. a list facilities are restored. hundreds of 1000 more people are a terrific of contracting,
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painful and dangerous infections. honey, much more varied by from central gaza palestine. doctor james smith is an emergency physician from the u. k. who's worked in gauze those hospitals. he says the catastrophic states of healthcare and gaza was created deliberately as we're setting these things very, very high levels of, of, of preventable morbidity and mortality. but for many patients with complex medical problems with severe infections secondary to initially when mine a problems many of them unfortunately will, you know, now have infections that are so complicated and so complex that they may not survive. but for many people, this is not a new redeemable situation. as i've said, this isn't entirely manufactured situation. this is not an issue of kind of mechanics of logistics. if israel, what to allow and to permit the entry off to monetary an a medical aid into gaza.
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as it is legally obliged to do as the occupying power, and then the situation could be very quickly and very easily reversed. now, of course, that needs to be combined. as we, as health care workers, humanitarian workers have been saying from, from day one. and indeed, prior to october of 2023, and that needs to be combined with an end to the violence. and in this case, it's a sustained an immediate cease fire. and of course, an end to the last thing, occupation unblock aid of gaza. combine that with a sustain, humanitarian and health assistance, and this situation can be prevented from getting any wes, thousands of protesters a running across as well. they're calling on the government to do more to secure the release of is really captives held in gaza. we're looking at live pictures from television where they've been confrontations between demonstrators and police.
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these are the governments banjo to 0 from a forcing and as well. so i'm just all rejoices life. i'm a mom and they bring jordan. well, the honda, as these protests seem to be getting a little tens, tell us about the more about them and negotiations for a ceasefire as well. these demonstrations are just the latest in the weekly demos. we see again, stays, roles, government, and against benjamin netanyahu and violence against protesters is actually a reoccurring fee amount. a lot of these demonstrations, you have police who say that demonstrators are blocking roads and are gathering in some instances illegally. so there is a lot of violence against them. we've been reporting extensively at these protests and about these protests when there were water cannons used against demonstrators excessive use of force by police. but the main message, the demonstrators are trying to send here is that nothing yahoo is government
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should take every opportunity to secure a deal to bring back the remaining captives. and in fact, they say that it's their job to put the pressure on netanyahu's government to secure the deal for the some 120 remaining captive still held in gaza. they say that these demonstrations are only going to get larger. they're only going to get angry year and as are the demands of the demonstrators, they're not just calling for a deal, but they're calling for new leadership as they have assets in young to step down. they want to see him removed and they want elections to be held immediately. no, i'm the why of those negotiations taking so long as they are laying the blame at the feet of the prime minister netanyahu a well look, let me reference some new polling that's just been released by israel's channel. 12 nearly 70 percent of respondents have said that
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a deal to secure the release of the remaining captive is more important than the conclusion of the war. and then you have 54 percent of people who said that the war has drugs on this long because of ness and y'all whose own political considerations . and this is something we've seen repeatedly from protesters from is really media when they pull these demonstrators. that is really, voters, they say, but nothing yahoo himself is the obstacle for these negotiations. words, these really government has repeatedly blamed time us. but we do know that nothing y'all is going to be dispatching a team of negotiators to meet with mediators in del ha to try and bridge the gaps as to what is remaining in this deal. and in his statement from his office, it said that those gaps are still quite significant, and anonymous has really officials have said that they are cautiously optimistic, but that these negotiations will still take some time at home. the thanks very much, i'm this, i'll do they in the neighboring amman,
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just to remind you that all the 0 has been bad from reporting from is well the, the to a wrong. now we're or formless. the must switch positions con, has vowed to. so avoided radians often we need the presidential, one of possessed can support is hope, his tom will be a new opening fully wrong. but as was we'll send a report from to, from the president, and they have to have a time meeting their expectations to be it's to run for the presidency. the, the 20172021 were not approved by your ons guardian console. when it started, it was approved last month was not given a high chance of success. but after weeks of campaigning, the form is politician. mister position has been inactive design. your supporters will creek to celebrate his election victory as president elect to promise to be
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a president for all on the 7th of the people of iran. the great notion of iran like come to serve all of you. i extend my hands to old writings, previously, health minister under your arms 1st reform is president and how much side to me into early 2, thousands. this. this can, has stood as a parliamentarian from the region of territories since 2008. the frequency emphasizes loyalty to this lobby for lucian, doing his presidential debate. money. i assume to get a i'm a conservative him on law style, but a reformist, in policies. and from day one, i have repeatedly said, i follow the policies to sit by the lead out of use a lot of revolution. gus, many considered a visitor paper statements as an attempt to avoid the risk with powerful officials . but you also promised this more liberty's social justice, and it goes of rights kind of high angle governments cannot dictate culture were against coalition. and the violation of women's rights and it's running laws will
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not change people's behavior. as no one can forcibly remove, he jobs from writing women. no, i can also impose the hit you up on the is it still says he was further into ties with non western companies, but the insist to run muscles to reconnect with west to remove the international sanctions. because the scale support, there's hope she's pregnancy wouldn't be a new beginning for the wrong, but the president elect, we'd have a hard time meeting that expectations to deliver on his promises. he would have to convince the west to pick one is ready for tools while ensuring the 4th degree. it is here that these policies will not disrupt the system because he said that was the 0. the wrong you guys knew 5 minutes the coast, almost all these 1st cabinet meeting a news conference since taking office is government face has a long list of challenges which they'll need to tackle as well. we challenge reports from london, very relaxing weekend at home for the u. k. 's new governments. the day after labor
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one, a huge majority and ended 14 years of conservative rule prime minister, key a stomach cab of his team for that 1st cabinet meeting. i welcome you to it. we have a huge amount of work to do. so now we get on with our that to do list is going to, particularly for rachel reeves, the you case 1st female chancellor or finance minister. she's got to find funds for the things that keeps tom is government wants to do without breaking the promise not to significantly raise taxes. the health secretary was stretching past the rescue. a passive national health service and home secretary of at cooper, ditching a conservative policy to send on documented migrants to rewind. we'll need to bring new thinking to immigration yesterday the what all change because we're change labor policy. and yesterday we started the work of changing the country gift. almost historic victory is seated with contradictions result, it was supercharged,
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not by labor love, but by wide spread tactical voting to get the unpopular conservatives out. the latest vote share was less than 2 percent up on its catastrophic 2019 election defeats conservative ex ministers. and now wondering what next you're going to be the next 3 talk, no announcements. we're just gonna take our time, figure out what this insurance event will be quite difficult just in a really bad result, this minute or 2 ways about it. here's thomas passed full day and all face was about showing he's hit the ground running and the change is here. but he's long for his criticism for being think on the vibes. but if they say for an actual policy, and we're still waiting to see what the change is promising, actually looks like in detail for each other. and how does era london the still ahead of knowledge? is there a with the fall, right? to keep things major results in the 1st round of votes and informs will look at why many migraines. so worried about their future in the country.
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the hello. there is a familiar weather pattern and setting up the cross here with let's type in get to those details. right now i'm going to see it by the way, so it's looking like a wet picture through scandinavia. that rain is curling around. eastern baltic state, spell the ruse, and the eastern side of poland. some of these could be severe thunderstorms. this activity also dropping into the alpine region, so some down pores around the tell you nodes. and this was selves where there has been some flooding as of late. still hot through the balkans for romania as well. bucharest, up to 36 degrees. and it's also hot enough in southern turkey on talia 39 bit breezy though, through the boss for a system bold 29 degrees for you. it's also windy up and down the coast of portugal, so little cooler than it should be at this time, the year just $22.00 degrees and lisben on sunday. now compare that to what's going
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on in algeria specifically central algeria, a heat wave conditions installed at $47.00 degrees, but around the coast ultras at $29.00. and then that's the winter storm is coming in to south africa puller air here. and we'll see there's wind slip up to about a 100 kilometers per hour. could see some snow for the table, mountains around cape town, and check out what they're going to wake up to on monday morning. just one degree in a painting, but this storm system is going to impact all of the k provinces, the as the world wait to see if the international criminal court will issue arrest warrants for the lead as it is right. and how much people in power puts the r c c 's truck code on trial. this code was created to hold those responsible accountable, prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c, c fit for purpose?
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people in power on out the door watching all to 0 reminder about top stories this hour has been move is really strikes across calls like killing at least 56 palestinians, including 5 john, unless it's really forced, has informed you when school housing displaced, people in the se, webcam training 16 palestinians anywhere are full must must, who possess keion, spouses of radiance, often winning the presidential, one position to see 53.7 percent of the vote reaching is conservative rival,
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so it's really you case, new prime minister says hill scrap the conservative government is controversial plan to send and documented microns to one pointing it's a gimmick cast on his naval policy slip to victory on thursday ending 14 years of conservative who thousands of protesters of most across central engine quoting for a ceasefire and gaza protest to say they expect the newly elected prime minister to uphold his campaign pledge in recognizing palestinian statehood and a visit visit an event reports from the march in london. the it's a media chanc had in london for months, but now aimed at a new government. this is marching here, one bush is incoming prime minister to know they will tend to do move to help and the war in gaza. so what we want to see from care stomach is pretty much the
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opposite of what he put in his manifesto. we want him to call and demand an immediate cease fire. we want him to stand up to israel. we want him to hold on sales to his rarely medium. which among the crowd this skepticism. i have very little, hey, we've got an international human rights lawyer who has sent me twice to prevent a c, 58 in government, which i find terrific. i don't really find, you know, being here today some here labels to send to power. makes little difference. well, many attending here today say that they have always to the back the on with the new prime minister to thomas dawn on johnson because they say that he's quantities of products isn't all the difference to the previous conservative governments approach
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. they also have a problem with the fact that why do they have a committed to recognizing the palestinian states. they have not said when they would do this. and that approach has costly the full see in some of its traditional hotlines with even a shadow cabinet administer removed by an independent candidates supporting palestine. the gaza was not all these challenges contained on i ran on a combination of foreign policy piece of justice and no to genocide, no to um, sales res, rails at all. so the deprivation, you know, community, i'm trying to investigate an opportunity for all children the new british government will have its work cut out on the economy and the high cost of living. people marching here want to make sure that with all the pressing issues, the warrant garza is not for question. and i'm assuming which out to 0 london. and
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in france, voters will be heading to the polls on sunday in one of the parliamentary elections . tensions of the highest was the 1st round of voting last month in which the fall rights made huge gains, left wing and centrist groups of trying to prevent marina pens. national riley party from winning an absolute majority. the policies, carlita, jordan, but the aims to become the next prime minister. but as smith reports from the french capital, after coming out the largest of policy in the 1st round of funds is parliamentary elections. less from date, followed on national raleigh is hoping to build on the men's and on when an absolute majority in the 2nd round on ups on sundays. that would be unprecedented. first in french history that a policy of the fall rights has the leave adjust. house standing in the way is a lot to fall, a coalition and centrist policies. now those 2 groups of withdrawal, more than 200 candidates from constituencies across france,
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an asset to come to make those into, to how horse race is a way of trying to see off if you like, the national riley candidates, $30000.00 police extra police on duty cross front, an indication of the concerns going into the election, the concerns that depending on how this vote comes out, that could be some trouble, very sensitive times in friends at the moment. going into this 2nd round, the french assembly elections punishment alger 0 power, many migraines and refugees living in front. so worried about their future. if the fluoride winds the votes, the natural riley's focuses campaign on immigration courting. it's a switch to french culture and values. if to say i'm looking for the reports from, i say in 7 fonts, and there's some rusty left in the assembly. this is a refuge for homeless migrants in refugees. in my say,
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8 live in this cramped space. many were teenagers when they risk the dangerous mediterranean crossing to europe in search of a better future. but after business, we spent days at sea bank god rescue f. kim. it was because we why last this save this, are you with support from the major? this charity helps migrants and refugees find housing and to enroll in schools under french law. unaccompanied miners are entitled to free shelter and education no matter where they're from. but with the rising and seeing migration sentiment in france, charities worry places like this could soon shut down couple months. and even if it's in foster care, it becomes harder and harder, more and more shelters of being evacuated, enclosed, they'll always young people sleeping in the train station or just on the streets. the of france, host few or migrants in refugees than germany or spain,
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but immigration is one of the most debated issues here. proposals to shut the borders, prevent undocumented migrants from getting legal status and increase the port stations are becoming more popular is on budget. so let me get us on bullet. they base all the problems of migrants, but it's not the case. well, the construction work that is done here is done by foreigners. the hard work is done by phone and the security deed comes up. one survey suggests 65 percent of french citizens think the country has welcomed many people from abroad and shouldn't take in any more. while another finds more than 60 percent believe immigrants contribute positively to cultural diversity. you know, mean i'm, i say the, there are a lot of migraines in most se, so i think people were pushed to focus on this. but after role, who isn't migrant? and from this week, the south winners, the biggest support is club for the popular football team. or not been through my se, said that waves of immigration has made the city the cost of all it's in place. it is today now an opportunity or
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a problem. the outcome of sunday's vote will indicate which vision voters and breaks if to some good food. alda 0 must say to the military leaders of molly, but cannot follow. so when you have held the 1st meeting under a newly formed lions, comes a head of the logical was summit on sunday. the alliance of the health states as a new economic and security of the crate as by the military governments of the 3 countries. it was set up last year with agreement to help each other in cases of on, for 1000000000 or external aggression. molly, but you know, for us so, and you should have all had some of that you cruise in recent years. the original block equis suspended the nations in response to their cause and impose sanctions on egypt. and molly, but in january olsby, countries announced that withdrawal from it was they also cut ties with friends and the, with an attempt to rush off with security support. um address has moved from above to this is a pretty easy to say. they want to forge of close on strong relations in the area
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of defense and security to take cold the goods up that i've been talking communities on all sides of the board is of the same countries and also to strengthen economic and trade relations as well as cultural and other activities, some of the 3 countries, however, that also people who say the timing of the summit, which is just a day before the original group that caused me in a blue. yeah. is not, is deliberate and it's not like say they are trying to avoid it. however, many people believe that the meeting image wants to count or whatever is coming to that course and also outline their position that they are not returning to the academy community, off of west africa, state steps take this over and over again. but the course is still hopeful that it will be able to bring them back into its full, it has sent the newly elected president of sending go to go around the states,
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his visit to some of these countries and met with the leaders. however, they took care whether or not he's got a positive response from these countries. so that's the situation at the moment. basically to sort of strengthen relations between the 3 countries. you as president joe biden says he has no intention of stepping down as a candidate to the upcoming election. he's been facing rising pressure since a shaky debate performance against donald trump. in an interview with abc news, and george stephanopoulos biden looked to calm democratic logic concerns as a section was shown terrible. matter of fact, the documents they ask, they did a cobra test to try to figure out what's wrong. to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus. i didn't just had a really bad cold. if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, where you stand with offensive and with the lord americans on sounds
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like hannah has moved from washington at the stage. positions on both sides appear to be set to those. so it says that the president bite and continuous campaign continued to do so. those who are opposed and calling for president biden to step down off. continuing to do so. in the course of the day, another member of congress, the democratic member of congress, as his voice to the calls will fight in 2 steps down the springs to funding the number of members of congress that have called for his removal from the campaign. at the same time, though, they are a member of the, of the democratic members of the congress who have insisted that they will support him. that he must continue the campaign that he is the only individual democratic individual who will be able to defeat donald trump. donald trump, himself as maintain its trading silent several recent days, allowing the investigation and the criticism of by them to full the news back to
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you. but donald trump has units used as well by the buyer and campaign of having performed practically during that debate. while fighting campaign members said that the man the very badly indeed they also point to the numerous full swords that donald trump made during the course of that debate, untruths, and lies which fight and campaign officials insist has not been the focus of mainstream media, which has instead focused on the methods and the bad debating technique of president biden, my kind of elders, era, washington. it was officials a warning that stone barrel code will gain strength and hit texas as a category to hurricane. farrell was downgraded to a tropical storm off the hitting mix. it goes, you can turn peninsula, it's not moving back over the waters of the gulf of mexico, where it's full cost to regrade. we gain strength. it's made land full in the of the mexican island of course.


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