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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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industry described them as a solid model of successes and determination. put the high chips in person some like so. do you have time to see the will continue working to see how to use and list is written by. i think the and the 16 people are killed in an, as randy as try calling you and run school in central ga. so with a space palestinian families with shelter, the bulk of this is just a life. and so how's that coming up? the testers take to the streets instead of beef demanding is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu finalize this. he's fine. i'm captive at least deal with a mass or steps down your arms present to legs and my suit possess can purposes to
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bring the nations together and several arrangements in his 1st speech winning the election. plus, i'm saying plus robbie kenyans are marking, stop a sub central to the civil rights in the backdrop of recent debt to revive the thanks for joining us. we begin with the war and gaza, where he's ready strikes across the strip of killed, at least 56 palestinians and engine many bull. one of the bump struck you and rum school and i'll know so that refugee camp in central gaza with thousands of displaced people, was seeking refuge. palestinian officials say 16 people were killed, at least 50 others were injured. the number of patients is overwhelming, causes largest remaining health system to see the all acts the hospital because the health ministry has described strike as an odious masika is where the forces say
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they targeted fights is operating the of the school. including me, begins coverage from the allies, the hospital in the bottom panic after and is really, is tre kits in 2000 people rush to look for survivors of to bond. it's an a new list. cool. and then it's laid out for the residential area has become unrecognizable. buildings lyons is demolished by another, is really a talk just hours before the with this was home to us. you can find many, not only for them, other families had sought refuge here after being displaced by is really bump things. i swear, including women and children, have got these raiders continued to slow throughout people. 15 members of my family were killed and one lot, 20 members of another is a crime of law. because of course we recovered some of the bodies,
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the wrist still buried under the debris. speech of us, the destruction stretches for kilometers. this is the aftermath of that. is there any attack in the fight in the south? a police car meant as a group property became a target getting 6 palestinians. their bodies are taken to the nearby along the hospital. the inside the hospital bodies are collected for a funeral. these palestinians were killed when bon shrieked down on an new roll warehouse in the central. most ozzy come, the dog has many. another warning you functioning hospitals across the street are in the bring a lot. they say a lifeline to keep generators up and running is predicted. oh. and the chronic shortage is hovering efforts to save lives in the hospital. meanwhile in northern gaza, israel is military offensive in georgia,
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you as continued for the 10th day, is a neighborhood in gauze and city. the cosign brigades, the ongoing of a mass, as described, fighting with his ready forces as fees as well as army says, his soldiers have found long range rockets in the area and demolition tunnel shaft . when people sheltering and they should, you know, your neighborhood, say the violence has ripped families upon policy and jealous. abraham of kelly spoke to families that and this is the 10th day of the ongoing ground invasion and neighborhoods. the situation remains by are many people that are trapped in the area with ongoing air strikes when the neighborhood leaves the suffering of civilians each day. we witness the growing explanation of families is trying to survive off of these women. this assault just handle the destruction is immense. suites are filled with a diverse bombed out buildings and the sounds of explosions and on fire are
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instance reminder of death violence that surrounds us by the dire conditions. some people have managers in their traps, situations up for beans. for several days. there are stories and survival after such archie and are both part of brake and aspiring to ship. i was the, i was trying to the cutoff. there was no way i could get in touch with my family a tool. it was the 7th day, i think when one of on a does not and said these way. these had 2 dogs when we came out how to run for our lives. because these way the stuff it's showing up, it was a miracle we survived because of the time we reached the street corner, there were cold cups of chasing. while some have managed to escape. many other families, we mean trapped. there's no way to reach safety. communication lines are down, so we have very little information about the full extent of the casualties. ramos indicated that many have been killed. an ambulance is a medical teams are still on able to reach those who will need urgent treatment
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for those as well. and gals that was destroyed over universities. the students have been out of classroom. so need the 9 months now. it'd be occupied westbank because they've universities offering some students the option to study online, free of charge. the order has the support from ramallah. it's nadia studies hard for an exam trying to block out the seemingly endless war all around her. after being displaced 4 times the nursing student and her family returned to their damage told me to have a son east of con eunice, seeking some semblance of normalcy. now that is continuing her education, thanks to an initiative by beauty that university in the occupied westbank. she and more than 3000 others are studying for free as visiting online students. it's an endeavor that requires determination. w,
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i must find an internet connection and hope that last for the duration of the lecture or test. so the professor i met an estimate in dozens of business that could then mix and administrators volunteer their time to students from gaza. he says, this is an act of defiance and commodity, and it's the least they can do. it's a formidable task. in the past 9 months, israel has damaged or completely destroyed. all universities in gaza. 88000 students have lost their path to the future. our role is actually to give the chance for the people to actually imagine in different future or other than that and be decided to sort of by the coordinated power for dahlia studying is
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about resisting the normalization of war and inspiring others to look to the future . as tuition fees and everything studying gives me hope that tells me it allows me and my family to look past the death and destruction to hold on to hold in gaza is to defy the odds. shortly after our conversation, dalia and her family were forced to flee again. in the dead of night, under is really the environment. now in attempting the scorching heat to velocity is june's value holds onto her notes, the only remaining promise of a different destiny. with all the address either. now my la occupied with bank palestine and israel police of use walter cannon against antique government
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protested as pressure mile and some prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down, demonstrate as a calling for new elections. and the immediate release of captives held and gaza minded to of use these where the government has been involved 0 broadcasting. this has happened to south who to send the support from neighboring jordan. it's been nearly 9 months since israel's war ongoing. so it began and demonstrators say they're fed up with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government anti government protests took over the country on saturday night in cities like west jerusalem haifa until of eve. and you call it to me con mad, but i am cooling and even begging from the stage the prime minister and cabinet members. you must not miss the opportunity to bring back david on the other 119 hostages. mister prime minister, give the negotiation team bringing to maneuver and return with a deal and bring everybody back home. anderson mill,
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you're seen protesters blocking roads and met with violence from police and deployment of water cannons to clear the area, the government that represents the and now we watch a lot of this week's protests come on the backdrop of restarting negotiations. first a supplier deal on friday, the chief of israel's intelligence agency most sod returned from a meeting in del huh. and that's in yahoos office confirmed and negotiating team would be dispatched this week for continued talks. but stress that there are still gaps between israel and how much is position 9 months into israel's war on gaza. nathaniel, whose government is under immense pressure to secure a ceasefire deal, and it's really official say they're cautiously optimistic about the latest round of negotiations to sell who was a 0. i'm
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a the around the president. the light must do possess can, as of it helped us of all iranians. it was his 1st speech since beating his concept of arrival in the presidential election run off. but as russell said, of a pull, some tower on the present, the legs will have a hard time meeting expectations to be. it's to run for repairs and see the 20172021. we're not approved by your ons guardian console. when it started, it was approved last month. she was not given a high chance of success. but after weeks of campaigning, the form is politician. mister position has been inactive. run your supporters will creek to celebrate his election victory as president elect to promise to be a president for the on the 7th of the people of iran. the great notion of iran
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like come to serve all of you. i extend my hands to old writings previously, health minister under your arms 1st reform is president and how much side to me in the early 2 thousands is this can, has stood as a part of interior from the region of terry's. since 2008, the frequency emphasizes loyalty to these lovely for lucian, doing his presidential debates. money to get a i'm a conservative him on lifestyle, but a reformist, in policies and from day one i have repeatedly said i follow the policies to sit by the lead out of use a lot of revolution. gus, many considered a visitor paper statements as an attempt to avoid the reef with powerful officials . but you also promised this more liberty's social justice and it goes of rights kind of high angle governments cannot dictate culture, were against coalition and the violation of women's rights. and is running laws will not change people's behavior. as no one can forcibly remove few jobs from
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writing women. no, i can also impose the hit you up on the is it still says he was further into ties with non russell companies, but to insist to run muscles to reconnect with west to remove the international sanctions. because the scale support, there's hope she's presidency, would be a new beginning for the wrong. but the president elect, we'd have a hard time meeting that expectations to deliver on his promises. he would have to convince the west to pick one is ready for tools while ensuring the 4th degree. it is here that his policies will not disrupt the system. because he said that was the 0 the wrong. so that when use french voters in the overseas territory of new caledonia have cost that balance and the route of parliamentary elections. it comes just weeks of the deadly riots and the capital, new mass of oppose reforms opposed by the indigenous kind of population authorities of band gatherings in the territory over the election weekend and in the mainland
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france pensions of being high since the 1st round of voting took place last month in which the far right makes huge games. but if we can, central scripts are trying to prevent the national riley apology for winning an absolute majority and sundays elections. the policies leader jordan bond galleries even to become the next prime minister. and a smith, how's that? some power coming out the launch is the policy in the 1st round of friends is parliamentary elections less sunday fall or on national riley's hoping to build on the men's and on when an absolute majority in the 2nd round on ups on sundays, that would be unprecedented. first in french history that a policy of the fall rights has the leave or just how standing in the way is a lot to fall, a coalition and centrist policies. now those 2 groups of withdrawal, more than 200 candidates from constituencies across france. an effort to come to make those into, to how horse race is a way of trying to see off if you like,
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the national riley candidates, $30000.00 police extra police on duty across from an indication of the concerns going into the election. the concerns that depending on how this vote comes out, that could be some trouble, very sensitive times in friends at the moment. going into this 2nd round, the french assembly elections punishment alger 0 powers still head on algebra. thousands of people launch in the streets of london. calling for c side in regards to the in 1995 more than 8000 the mostly men and boys were mounted by both need and set forces in forever in itself. this year, the un voted to create an annual day commemoration. so the victim join us the live
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coverage of the 1st day of remember it's for this rep or any such an aside july, the 11th on tuesday, around and counting the cost by boom versus trump who confess, what manage the us economy will heavy, i realize radical reforms fix argentina's economic crisis, plus the chinese mega pool that could help to improve the life of americans. how to trade with asia, counting the cost on how to 0 as the world weights to see if the international criminal court will issue arrest warrants for the lead as it is right. and how much people in power puts the r c c 's track record on trial. this court was created to hold those responsible, accountable, prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c. c fit for purpose? people in power on al jazeera,
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the plug it back, you won't be what you know just there. as a reminder about top stories this hour, at least 16 people have been killed and 50 others injured in this way. the bombing of the out in the threat refugee camp and central gaza, palestinian also as he say, many of the victims of children because of health ministry has described the strike as an odious mexican. is there any police abuse? was canon against anti government protest as in tel aviv thousands of beam protesting each week across israel, demanding a new new elections and the immediate release of captives held in gaza around new president select my suited possess can,
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has filed to serve radiance of to winning the rental vote is support his hope as time will mock, and you begin for the country. thousands of protests in the united kingdom of mazda across central london quoting for sci fi in gaza, which say they expect the newly elected prime minister keeps tom to uphold his campaign. pledge and recognizing palestine as a state, belated selina which reports from the march in london. the it's a media chanc had in london for months, but now aimed at a new government. it is marching here, one buttons, incoming prime minister to know they will tend to do move to help and the war in gaza. so what we want to see from care stomach is pretty much the opposite of what he put in his manifesto. we want him to call and demand an immediate cease fire. we want him to stand up to israel. we want him to hold on sales,
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to is rarely mediately among the crowd. the skepticism. i have very little. hey, we've got an international human rights lawyer who has asked me twice to prevent a c, 58 in government, which i find terrific. i don't really find, you know, being here today some here labels to send to paola makes little difference. well, many attending here today say that they have always to the back the on with the new prime minister to thomas dawn on. does that because they say that his qualities approach isn't all the difference to the previous conservative government's approach. and they also have a problem with the fact that why do they have a committed to recognizing the palestinian states. they have not said when they would do this. and that approach has costly the full see in some of its traditional
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hotlines with even a shadow cabinet administer removed by an independent candidates supporting palestine. the gaza was not all these challenges contained on i ran on a combination of foreign policy piece of justice and no to genocide, no to um, sales raise rail at all. so the deprivation, you know, community investment and an opportunity for our children, the new british government will have its work cut out on the economy and the high cost of living people marching here, want to make sure that with all the pressing issues, the warrant garza is not for auction, meaning of assuming which out to 0 london canyons a mocking the 34th anniversary of stop a stop of the day when people staged nationwide protests demanding free and fair elections. it was a pivotal moment that ended single policy ruling. can you i vis
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a drawing power, allows between the events of 1990 to recent demonstrations against now of bonds and tax rises. we've left the 39 people, dad and the violent police crank them. zane bas robbie report, some nairobi, visited on the go. meetings, bullets and tear gas attacks and arbitrary arrest reverend timothy, enjoy you has seen it all before and still bears the scars from fighting for constitutional reform. and can you in the 1990s succession continue. it is the final risk which is not the original. what do i bring and if i continue with it, or what we did, the i tried to put a solve the gates over the course here. sure. this did then please my gratitude into them for them. my thoughts while the reverend was taking rubber bullets to the head, president william root who was working as a youth leader in the rift valley for then president daniel
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a rough morning to the violent tactics we seemed used on 10 year streets and recent weeks to deal with the civil unrest are strikingly similar to the disproportionate and heavy handed tactics that people normally associate with president moines. some of the scenes bordering on the absurd protesters passing out, flowers, police responding with tear gas. some seems more sinister. back to say these images, show thugs, hired by the government to infiltrate peaceful demonstrations and instigate unrest . police of also been accused of ignoring instances of looting all to a road public support for the protests. president rudo has denied police and security agencies did anything wrong. continuing to defend his government's response and saying it was old to preserve the rule of law. if you see the rule of
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law, then you must also be the who no, no. and so extrajudicial killings cannot continue to happen. abductions cannot continue to happen in the country that is governed by the law. face of the well represented some of the 185 people, including children, forced to appear in court this week, many to week to stand and showing signs of abuse. police refuse to release them despite the court throwing out their cases. a wanton refusal of the on both sides to obey the laws by which police are bound back at his personal museum. reverend enjoy says there is reason for optimism and things aren't as bad as they used to be . struggle is part of the democratic process and what is happening in kenya, he says, is the same as everywhere else, oppressed people, fighting for freedom, same bus route, the older 0, nairobi. it's me, i'm ma, the ruling military junko is facing fees. resistance from um groups determined to
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topple the regime. fighting has been especially fees and the strategically important town to touch him in western sion state both sides of taking prisoners of war. tammy chiang has more now and he's a pool contains some disturbing images. resistance pulse is pushed back against government troops on the outskirts of to the west. and man fighting has been fixed and the town battles ranging from house to house slowly that pushing him in the trio into deem township alone. there are at least one or 2 groups of resistance scientists. we're confident we control at least 70 percent of to dim township from the city itself. we think we now control about 40 percent of it is the military withdrawals, homes and businesses a 2nd line here and both sides take prisoners of all. and most military is notoriously brutal with the resistance probably cuz it catches in february. so just
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post the videos on social media, the fight has been beaten and bound in chains, then they will button to live it to them. however, soldiers taken captive by resistance forces a given access to basic medical aid. and in some instances released in the absence of any formal judicial system. they have little choice, but memo shadow government says it needs international support to rebuild civil society. we capture the people to prove and criminal why when, but without the good of presence. and without the good judges, how can we do that that does that so and that those are the small but very important stuff. the internship, i mean it's going to help the soldiers. it's the end of the line. but if nothing else, the secure and well fed. most bits of civil war that can be counted as
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a when tony chang elders are in india at least 65 people have been killed in floods and land slides in northeastern fm stays in recent days. state officials say around 2 and a half 1000000 people have been affected by torrential rains. officials in the us state of texas, the village residents to brace for storm barrow. they said the tropical storm, could we gain strength and hit the states as a hurricane on monday, beryl has already swept across the caribbean, leaving at least 11 people dead. and in mexico, a clean up operation is underway, and the time pendants live in the wake of barrel, they may land full on friday as a category 3 hurricane, leaving some areas without power. the sea and human has more from ply the common in mexico. it's hard to believe that less than 48 hours ago hurricane barrel. at the time, a category 3 storm came onto this beach, broke power lines down trees. centaurs frantically into their hotels and to lock
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down. now you can see people are back on the beach. the sun is out, and what was a hurricane, a deadly hurricane that left at least 11 people did in the caribbean, on its path to your to mexico is now a tropical storm. overnight it hits many that a city on the other side of the time peninsula. now it is going into the gulf of mexico still as a tropical storm for the moment it's not doing any damage with the big question is will of gather strength in the warm waters of the gulf. and then head towards either come, i will leap us in mexico and then on to texas. that's where we're seeing right now . it's going towards what this, christy, texas, it may or may not. wizard or become stronger. it could even become a category 3 or higher. hurricane, this has been a very, very good storm throughout the time that it's been in this area. and so we really can predict what's going to happen. you see in human algebra 0 play a,
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they've got them in mexico. okay. you're up to date those of me any pocket and figured out a website, i'll just 0 don't come much more all about top. so a stay with us, probably because the news continues to announce a 0, and that soft to come to the coast. thanks so much the the hello right off the bat. here's an update on storm barrow. it is gaining strength once again as it's passing through those warm waters of the gulf of mexico outs for in central america. we are blanketed in rain for the pacific coast of duras and coast rico for example. let's go back to bureau right now. there's a forecast on sunday is a creeps closer the entire coast of texas under warnings for storm search here. and we are looking to see another line followed by barrel on monday,
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around the corpus kristie area. if this system stalls out here, it's going to produce hundreds of millimeters of rain over the next little bit. still a story of that heat wave through california. this could turn hit storage through central california, just how long it's been going on in sacramento at 41 degrees and that seat traveling further north. so look at portland, 38 for you. settled across western canada. we'd start to run into some trouble around that. it's over the upper midwest, midwest, few showers around the great lakes and small to south america. we go huge spots of dry air through brazil, dry conditions. but what weather in the mix for for an awful is it's still cool. i know it's winter, but this is colder than it should be for patagonia, but yeah. blanca on his to so really from the argentine pompous to patagonia and you'll bounce back to just 7 degrees on sunday afternoon. the nature of 9 made catastrophes and the rate was quite severe. weather events are
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resulting. in other words, think devastation. the variety of human factors means the intensity and impact. is it purely natural and the politics behind normalizing climate change? as was to fact, if i was supposed to be seen as normal, but you said something that shouldn't be happening to anyone. is it really a natural disaster? oh, hell, the permits on al jazeera, the hello, i'm adrian. instead of going on, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll wish to look at the world of business. they cannot makes this reef. by being processed trumps the race to the white house may come down to the economic records of the 2 leading presidential candidates. so who's fed better?
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argentina as president gets his landmark economic reforms approved by parliament. that's a big win for him. but what about argentinians.


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