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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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are now the diverse range of stories from across the gland. from the perspective of on networks generation on al jazeera, the decision day in france, millions costs the ballots, and the final stage of parliamentary elections fall right may major games in the 1st round. the i'm sam, is a them, this is i'll just say we're alive from the hall. so coming up, a rising desk told in central garza, todd, assuming homes come on, the more is right of the fire and then the side of the refugee camp. least 27
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people are killed across the strips and stolen and the campaign on the fresh of the lives in philadelphia where president joe biden is looking to a show vote disease fits for a 2nd to the west. african block at co us meets in a boot, you see units, he's being tested off to 3 nations recently withdrew from the organization, the restarting funds, where millions of citizens have been voting in the 2nd round of snap parliamentary elections. and we're getting closer to finding out if the far right national riley will have a firm grip on power left wing and sent a policies of united its account to the rise of the fall right. now, just here a step boston begins coverage from paris. the funds is holding its breath with millions of photos, flock into the ballad box and what is seen as
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a pivotal moment for the country. the 2nd round of the snap election is taking place of to attend some pain with tens of thousands of police on got a really, really concern because they have a child. and i'm very worried about what's happening and what's when come for the next future. one of and then as on phone for the i vote for the future of our kids for our future, for our pension, for our religion, for everything in the 1st round to fall, right? national riley, with its main force marine defend, got the most votes with 33.2 percent. the parties, presidents and prime ministerial candidates, 28 year old jordan butler. now in for an absolute majority and fall elements of at least $208.00 to $9.00 seats. to prevent this, the left and center have formed a social trip popular confront. as a result, more than 200 candidates have withdrawn from the race to give an opponent a better chance to beat, to national rally strategy that the support in the past. the man who put the
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country in this situation has stayed away from the spotlight since his sentence blog came in. so in the 1st round president a monro, my call called this election only 4 weeks ago after the fall. rise makes huge gains and you're repeating elections, both of the pen and by that i'm not floating today because their constituencies will decide in the 1st round. leave with alls in this election are expected later on sunday, busy voting stations and fonts which will likely see different political landscape by the end of the day. this election the same as a huge gamble by president mccall and whether it's based off or not, it is already causing a great division within the country. steadfast with the alcera virus surely will get the license from the tasha bottle at who's at the headquarters of the fall, right? national riley policy in paris. first bennet smith of the left wing coalition headquarters in the french capital. but it turned out looks higher so far within the 1st round.
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right? so many turn out is not only high, it's significantly high the highest. it's been so fond since 1991. so we have a 69 percent turn out so far. 21 percent up on the same time back in 2022. and yes hi. then last sunday as well, i missed a turn out on a trend where in the last sort of 3048 to announce have been going down. this election is booking about trend an indication of how the friend should know that this is a very consequential election on historical election, consequential, either for those who want to see the far right national, riley, and power for the 1st time and consequential for those who do not want to see the national riley and power poles of clothes in some parts of friends already in the last few minutes. but in the big conversations in the major cities that are open
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for another couple of hours, then explain to us why people are being so motivated to come out. what's at stake here? i want to say is the potential if they got an absolute majority of the national riley, the fluoride getting into the power for the 1st time in the history of the french republic, i'm what you have as this policy, the new popular front. let one of these major components as they fall right from some fall left from some about we will have that riley behind me off the elections here. they are trying to stop not happening. a lot of candidates withdrew from constituencies last week. those candidates in 3rd place to create 2 horse races across from the far right is a sort of fractures, combination, although, sorry, excuse me, but less to fall left coalition is this practice combination of normally warring policies, who have little in common, who miraculously,
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as soon as the staff election was cold, managed to come together to form this coalition. the impression was to create a republican funds that would help them see all of the national raleigh. you will get a much clearer indication of bonds with the 1st exit poll, but certainly here, that'd be hoping that having uh they'll be having a celebration, riley after 8 o'clock local time. and they'll be hoping to see themselves involved in the next couple months of friends. all right, thanks so much savanna smith. keith is going ahead with an attachment butler. she's at the far right national ronnie's election headquarters in paris. so we're getting any temperature from the national riley there as to how that feeling about the news of a higher turnout. well, i think it is no doubt so that the not so rarely a hoping that that how to turn it out is going to favor them. they are hoping that
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in a couple of hours, when the results come out to make gap, i kim reading depend tools and bought the supporters. they all have the things that this is going to be the election that propels the fall right. policies that national rally into power in from, for the 1st time. well, they've been saying in recent weeks, so is, is, if they do not have a majority that they will not form a couple of the, let's see, let's see what the numbers on. let's see how they react, but nevertheless, what we know is since present michael powell marine, the pen has made it very clear to. she believes that my call has been to locks on things that she says, all destroying thought immigration is long, e u, marine, the pen is consent for this election suitcase the far right to say when, if they have a sick treat. if they have big numbers in column, it will petune cease to change shape problems according to the vision, are fast from for saving. to see what about mentioning my combat? how's it going?
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reaction needs. he might even address the nation tonight. what's on his mind of the most main and extraordinary month in politics for the french presidency manual, michael and the only holding vis. suffice not to mention that nobody really. so coming it seems, i need very few of his ministers were even consulting such a gamble, such a risk for ben emanuel, my call since the 1st round last week hasn't been heard or we'll see really in public. we notice that these are these things that some of this minister is pretty simply not common sage on this election, which has seen the structure of defining a crucial moment for phones. could it be that his policies are based off interest party is a slightly in that 1st round? could it be that the miscalculate as in, for the perhaps is faulty, would do so much back to the french folks as would back in the last one. people with this small collection, it is on clear what is also unclear,
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is how his policy will fax in the 2nd round. so you can imagine that perhaps he's waiting. he's standing by just kept to silence for weeks in order to see what the result saw. whether or not we are going to hear from him later. we don't know. it might be that he decides to speak in the coming days. it all depends on what the numbers all it all depends on those results. right, and that's then tasha bunch left from paris for us of the gods as deputy labor ministers among 27 people killed by his very forces since dawn on sunday and other attack is here. the residential building in the, in the side of the refugee camp in central garza killing 3 people. this comes off doing this, right. the strike killed 16 people and in just 50 on saturday. the taxes are you and run school sheltering, displaced people in the site on and then cause
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a city another school was hit on sunday. kidding. at least 4 people that is rouse was now killed at least 38153 palestinians. a goes, a handheld of a who's and david about in central garza. so the area of feeling the pressure that how the medical facilities like the one behind you, dealing with all of the casualties was, i mean it's very overwhelmed and tied to a pallet sending injuries. we just received the women from our calories sending that was at targeting in the middle area. and they'll say that the woman is in severe critical condition. but we're talking about the of a hospital without any medical supplies, without any medicines, and the flooding of endless injuries every single day. yesterday the hospital received at least 50 palestinians after these are the forces targeted, the new west school in north light off talking to doctors here they're all drain.
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they're exhausted, working for more than 9 months now on, on daily basis. 247 and trying with the very minimum restaurants and that to has and save the lives of those policy means also the hospital is working only with ones and rates are they were running very low on fuel. they needs at least 4000 liters of you every single day. and the department just says, gives me that y'all. this is thing 2 pages that surgeries the ice use are in danger and risk if the hospital does not receive 4000 liters of you every single day. this is one of the hospitals that is facilitating still operating in the middle area and they're receiving patients from all of the central area. and that may also remind you that this hospital is serving at least 1800000 palestinians that were
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displays from different parts of the causal strip and squeeze into the middle area . if we walk inside the hospital right now, so i mean, you'll barely be able to move and walk because at people are laying on the floor. there is no bed, and the hospital is tops and overruns with injuries. all right, we'll leave it that thing so much in the whole body to us president joe biden is campaigning in the swing states of pennsylvania as calls them to drop out of the election race intensive. fine. see me. a house democrats will be meeting later on sunday to discuss bivens candidacy, at least 5 of already public. they called for him to step down a prime time interview on friday. failed to dispel doubts about his capacity to run for a 2nd time. for the fine president by them then says he will not quit the race highly . jo castro joins us now from philadelphia. so today in philadelphia,
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all about showing he's still got it. that was his goal. sammy and the president did deliver very brief remarks here behind the pulpit of mount airy church behind me. he spoke for fewer than 10 minutes. his voice sounded strong. he reference the notes that were before him several times. but there were no major stumble in a house that he was standing most of the sermon next to the church's 91 year old bishop who introduced the president by calling him a young whippersnapper. so certainly this sort of a bite and in his comfort in his element and uh, it is exactly what his campaign is hoping to showcase to voters after that disastrous debate performance. 10 days ago that a spice, a reality of polls showing that biden is now trailing his challenge or former president donald trump, by 9 points among registered voters. that was
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a poll taken by the new york times after the debate. and so certainly fight and has said that he vows to stay in this race to spite. now 5 democratic lawmakers saying that he should step aside for another democrat to lead the ticket. he has refused to take a cognitive test of which adam shift of a leading democrats from california was asked now and a b. c. news this morning, whether biden should reconsider they both should uh, be willing to take a test. i think frankly of tests would show donald trump has a serious illness of one kind or another but, but ultimately the decision is going to come down to what joe biden thinks is best and, and as to his decision is to run then run hard and beat that are so big and a business agent as to pass the torch. then the present shall do everything in his power to make that other candidate succeed. of course,
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trump is not much younger than biden himself, but the president has vowed again that he will stay in this race. he has not committed to taking a cognitive test despite poll showing now that 67 percent of americans believe he is too old for another term. and he's speaking as an african american church, that was a crucial voting blog for him in his previous when i was at lining up this time. absolutely black voters are the largest and most loyal voting block for the democratic party. but their support for abide and has been eroding since 2020 and now in 2024. and that is a major problem for this campaign. even setting aside the bigger questions now about biden's age. and so this was a very astute lead chosen campaign location at the black church here in philadelphia. this is also close to where biden was born. so this is where he would
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be the most comfortable and knowing how critical this weekend of campaigning and this battle ground state of pennsylvania is to the president's campaign. that's why this was chosen by it and is now expected to leave the church. in the moments i'm in front of me. he'll be then heading to harrisburg, another city in pennsylvania for ice cream, social all of this again in an attempt to show the president that he is lively, that he can be off the cuff and that he can avoid the senior moments. sammy, all right, we'll come back to life heidi. see, just how lively a get slicer on how to jo, castro or the, the new prime minister of the u. k. test alma is touring all 4 nations in the country. just a is also being elected. the 1st off is scotland and they back went from one m p to 37. thomas says he wants an immediate reset with the devolve governments in scotland, wales and northern ireland is new. foreign minister david lamb is also on the road
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. he's heading to germany, poland and sweden z focuses on recessing relations with europe. still, i had all now just sarah, remembering that full and friends a memorial concept and can you, if a protest is killed and anti government protests the low, there's 2 problems fights in india. i wanted to let you know about 1st in southern india, karnataka state, the other in ne india or not tro project state. both of the states under weather alerts for copious amounts of rain. any way you look at it, it's going to be a washout. we know in ne india there's been some flooding through to nepal as well . hundreds of millimeters of rain has fallen cheer. there's also been funding in west. you have
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a providence still more burst of rain to go here on monday. so this could impact jakarta. now north of this flood advisory is up and down the philippines with some soggy conditions on top for monday. it's been stormy though, for northern china, along the yellow river valley and she had this is a capital shunt on providence car is buried in water here. also had some tornadoes in this province as well. all has to do with our summer rains, pretty much stretching from the western yankee river valley through to the yellow river valley. this will drop down and impact shanghai over the next few days. that's going to knock out the heat and humidity. so big changes midway through the week. $33.00, feeling about $42.00. this energy also running into the korean peninsula. and we've got some rain for japan's honshu island, but not where we needed tokyo, 37 degrees, heat stroke alerts in play, but your temperatures will come down. how for the next little bit. the african stories from african perspectives. 3 short documentary,
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by african filmmakers from stanley own democratic republic of con, self and kate bird islands. life is actually music of the way people talk. the way we walk is just everything is trusting timing. go tell them on the mountain. friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on. i'll just be around the the or go back. you're watching out just the time to recap, ha headlines. millions of citizens have been voting in the 2nd round. the snap
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parliamentary elections in france getting closer to finding out if the far right national riley will have a firm grip on power. exit polls the set to be released and less than 2 hours. us president joe 5 and this campaigning and the swing states of pennsylvania is calls for him to drop out of the election. rice intensive, fine. senior house democrats will be meeting laser on sunday discussed by these candidacy. the president says he won't step aside. is ready for us is killed at least 27 people across scouts us in store on sunday. one of the licensed attacks targeted a school sheltering displaced people west of gauze. the city, at least full palestinians were killed, gauze as economy is in taxes, 9 months into israel's war, unemployment and reliance on a is that rank code levels. factories and businesses have been reduced to rubble. the u. n. estimates the territories g d p trunk by nearly 25 percent last year.
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called a couple assume reports from that and by and central garza israel's and goes or has witnessed on, on slopes in more than just people. anything that grows food manufacturers, goats, or creates jobs appeased to be a target. there's also something else that's been strangling district for decades. that mean the fact uh and feeding the recovery of the president economy is that is right with your patients. that's your number on what's on the chip passing of causes chamber of commerce uses at least 85 percent of businesses have been destroy to his own last farm in the north, employing more than 200 people wasn't sped. what's ironic is that the only news i got from my fund is from the soldier who was eating my fruit to
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which i think that which is rather fluid was the thing it inside the tank. and you think the orange is taking pictures with my puppies. cat and olive trees this on top unit used to own a company importing frozen meats, fish and visited both from as well and approved all over the best of luck that i lost as exceed $2000000.00. because when our facilities with targeted, our freezes, with philip goods, we salvage whatever we could and had to dispose of the rest of the height of ocean my looks at his factory used to stand. he has suffered an estimate to $800000.00 in damages. the father of good things here are only 3 or 4 facilities specializing in school finish chain garza officer. he was one of them. we had up to 25 employees depending on the season twisted metal and trussel some with the business sciences to not all of that remains will not be an issue, but i had
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a 130 employees working for me. now they're homeless like me, the damage is significant and his estimated $7000000.00. without compensation, i'll be living on the streets after the war. not only big business, a suffering shut down, but holding round the pump a shot before the miller said, the mattress, there's no equipment. there's nothing to sterilize the machines. there's no water. even the basic necessities from i tried to missing garza's economy is in ruins as well. house targeted and destroyed industries that employed tens of thousands of people. they couldn't, we will take years to recover, bought the foster, as well as the bumps to funding the foster. the rebuilding comes taught tare cup as the algebra. barry, by how the story has the law has launched and now the barrels of rockets from 11 and into northern israel is arouse on me, says via tax stunted fires in the city of ty, various lease one man is being injured. is there any strikes on sides?
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they hit the town of model, the tire in southern lebanon. no casualties were reported. active as in can, you have held that memorial concept for demonstrates, is killed during loss funds. and to government protests they prompted white crosses with the names of at least 39 people who died in confrontations with police. the protests broke out over the proposed tax hikes, which president william retail ultimately scratch was always facing mounting pressure and pools for resignation. following the unrest, canyons of mocking the 30 full sound of us or a waltz. no. the sub a sub a day. that's when people stays nationwide, protests demanding free and fair elections. it was a pivotal moment that ended single policy rule in kenya like this. so drawing power allows between the events of 1990 and recent demonstrations which left the $39.00
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people that in a filing police crank down same bus. for all the reports from nairobi visited on the go meetings, bullets and tear gas attacks and arbitrary arrest reverend timothy. enjoy you have seen it all before and still bears the scars from fighting for constitutional reform in kenya, in the 19 ninety's succession. got to do it is the final risk, which is not the original. what do i bring? and if i continue with it, of what we did that tend to pretty solve the gates us over the course here. so this, this is my gratitude example that might have thoughts on while the reverend was taking rubber bullets to the head of president william utah was working as a youth leader in the rift valley. for then president daniel, a rock boy, the violent tactics we've seen used on kenya streets in recent weeks to deal with
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the civil unrest are strikingly similar to the disproportionate and heavy handed tactics that people normally associate with president moines. some of the scenes bordering on the absurd protesters passing up flowers, police responding with tear gas, some seems more sinister activists say these images show subs higher to infiltrate peaceful demonstrations and instigating rest. police of also been accused of ignoring instances of looting all to a road public support for the protests. president rudo denies any wrong doing, saying it was all to preserve the rules of law. if you see the ruler, know, then you must also be the who no, no. and so extra. judicial feelings cannot continue to happen. abductions cannot continue to happen in the country. that is governed by the law face of the own will
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represent that some of the 185 people, including children, forced to appear in court this week. many to with the stand and showing signs of abuse by police refused to release them. despite the court throwing out their cases, this was all before a wanton refusal of the on both sides to obey the laws by which police are bound. rebecca, his personal museum, reverend enjoy says there is reason for optimism and things aren't as bad as they used to be. struggle is part of the democratic process. and what is happening in kenya, he says, is the same as everywhere else. the oppressed people fighting for freedom is the inverse for avi. oh, does 0 nairobi and these molly, i'm looking at 5. so of mock the exit from the west african blog. echo loss of the, assigning a new treaty, the setup of confederation. 3, june to lead countries of cabinetry and diplomatic ties with regional allies in western powers. the announcement comes as leaders from west african states meeting
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nigeria, 100 races at the summit. this report from a boot you. it's been a to montes here for west africa's regional block, of course. and, and this is why the number of codes subset of civil crisis leading to the construct mentors. and there's somebody near me on saturday, the ministry leaders of working a fossil, molly images who have already renounced the membership of echoes. so the new alliance of the health states was born out of necessity. sad about said, don't. the alliance of the health states is the only grouping, especially a regional one site is effective in the fight against terrorism, coalescence, conspicuous by its lack of involvement in this fight. while working in the process of media took a swipe of what he called colored years. we blame so africa's problems, and that's what it, so point to not just social for africa is a continent that has suffered and continues to suffer due to imperialist. these
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imperialists have one police and they had that africa as an empire of slaves. that's how they view africa for them. africans belong to them. a land belongs to them. a subsidy well belongs to them. they've never been able to change the ways until now. during the cool and unrest in this year last year, echoes threatened to send troops. any po sense that they have let the military let mission to join molly and booking a parcel was quoted as an early abreast of echoes calls to return to constitution of democracy. i was able to say the timing of the alliance of the health states was deliberate. it's to show a course that, but again, a fossil molly image you can do without the original book. but some i normally say molly end is in particular could praise difficulties. if only remember, countries of course decide to isolate the tool unlocked countries, of course need is meeting in a board you on sunday. what do you do with the latest, all which is meant to the gentle need as they will also review security on the
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economy of the region? economic slowdown as a result in high cost of living, leading to violent protest in some industry, is nigella, which holds the echoes. cham i ship, says much has been achieved in the past year. the handling of the front dryly solutions in these countries have even though perhaps not ideally what's we would want bought. it has helped to de escalate taishan because at the point tension was really high and of things could help going south. i know they say they use the headlines will still need the support of echoes and its members. if they decide to proceed on that one, i might need to know the for the costco increase or the countries that we didn't need to help, this groups will continue to exploit that is gumps that would be created. and then of course continue to impact of.


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